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Cryptojacking surges in popularity growing by 31% over the past month

More than a month has passed since our last research on this topic. We decided to check what has changed; understand the current state of in-browser crypto-mining, and its growth rate and trends.

We have collected new statistics about cryptocurrency mining on websites. This time we did not limit our search to the most popular 100K websites and tried to cover more.

The state of cryptojacking

We found cryptojacking scripts on over 33,000 sites with a total traffic of 1 Billion monthly visits. The number of sites from Alexa's top 100K list which run in-browser mining grew by 31% over the past month. The overwhelming majority of sites don't bother to warn users or get their consent to mining.

Almost 95% of the websites we found run the CoinHive script, the most popular cryptojacking solution. Half a dozen other mining networks emerged in October and November, some of them simple clones of CoinHive. We estimate the joint profit at over US $150,000 per month. In case of CoinHive, 70% of this sum goes to the website owner, and 30% to the mining network.

In-browser mining is still far from becoming a legal and ethical alternative to advertising as a revenue source for websites. CoinHive now offers a tool named AuthedMine. It starts mining only if a user gives his or her explicit consent. However, we found only 413 sites using it in our sample: a mere 1.25% of the entire mining pool.

Mining tempted to join the dark side

CoinHive’s competitors offered no solutions for “legal” mining on the condition of a user’s consent. Technically, this might not be that important — JSECoin’s script, for example, abuses a CPU only as bad as a single animated banner does. But from the ethical and reputational points of view, stealth and opt-out in-browser mining is considered a malicious behavior.

Moreover, the unambiguously malicious approaches are on the rise. Mobile apps, websites and browser extensions get hacked and repurposed as mining malware, or they are produced as such from the beginning. People’s computers get attacked and infected by stealth miners. Mobile devices have much more limited resources than PCs or laptops (besides weaker CPUs, users are concerned about their battery life and paid web traffic), so illegal mining is a real problem here.

So the future of in-browser mining looks dismal for us at the moment. Cryptojacking done right could have made a good alternative for ads as a website monetization tool. What prevents it from being done correctly?

When it is done unethically, it promises higher profit.

Ads to move and win?

You can install a mining script on your own site, or you can hack several dozens of sites. Or you can make use of an app with hundreds and thousands of downloads. You can inform, warn and persuade your users to help you earn, or you can just use their devices silently. What promises more revenue with lower expenses?

Malicious usage of a tool spoils its reputation. Website owners get biased against in-browser mining, and users get prejudiced and start avoiding websites that utilize it.

We think that CoinHive, as a leader, should make a serious effort to exonerate in-browser crypto mining as a legal and ethical monetization tool. In our opinion, two things need to be done:

  • Forbid and disable mining without users’ consent. Or maybe (at least) lower their commission for AuthedMine’s users leaving them more than 70% of the revenue.
  • Find a few partners among big web properties that are ready to test an opt-in version of their script. The main purpose here is to create a use case of a legal and successful application of the technology and to show its potential to replace ads and paywalls.
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AdGuard for Windows

Windows 版 AdGuard 不只是廣告封鎖程式,它是集成所有讓您享受最佳網路體驗的主要功能的多用途工具。其可封鎖廣告和危險網站,加速網頁載入速度,並且保護兒童的線上安全。
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AdGuard for Mac

Mac 版 AdGuard 是一款獨一無二的專為 MacOS 設計的廣告封鎖程式。除了保護使用者免受瀏覽器和應用程式裡惱人廣告的侵擾外,應用程式還能保護使用者免受追蹤、網路釣魚和詐騙。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard for Android

Android 版的 AdGuard 是一個用於安卓裝置的完美解決方案。與其他大多數廣告封鎖器不同,AdGuard 不需要 Root 權限,提供廣泛的應用程式管理選項。
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AdGuard for iOS

用於 iPhone 和 iPad 的最佳 iOS 廣告封鎖程式。AdGuard 可以清除 Safari 中的各種廣告,保護個人隱私,並加快頁面載入速度。iOS 版 AdGuard 廣告封鎖技術確保最高質量的過濾,並讓使用者同時使用多個過濾器。
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AdGuard 內容阻擋器

AdGuard 內容阻擋器將消除在支援內容阻擋器技術之行動瀏覽器中的各種各類廣告 — 即 Samsung 網際網路和 Yandex.Browser。雖然比 AdGuard for Android 更受限制,但它是免費的,易於安裝並仍提供高廣告封鎖品質。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能

AdGuard 是有效地封鎖於全部網頁上的所有類型廣告之最快的和最輕量的廣告封鎖擴充功能!為您使用的瀏覽器選擇 AdGuard,然後取得無廣告的、快速的和安全的瀏覽。
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AdGuard 助理

AdGuard 桌面應用程式的配套瀏覽器擴充功能。它為瀏覽器提供了自訂的元件阻止的功能,將網站列入允許清單或傳送報告等功能。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS 是一種不需要安裝任何的應用程式而封鎖網際網路廣告之極簡單的方式。它易於使用,完全地免費,被輕易地於任何的裝置上設置,並向您提供封鎖廣告、計數器、惡意網站和成人內容之最少必要的功能。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home 是一款用於封鎖廣告 & 追蹤之全網路範圍的軟體。在您設置它之後,它將涵蓋所有您的家用裝置,且為那您不需要任何的用戶端軟體。由於物聯網和連網裝置的興起,能夠控制您的整個網路變得越來越重要。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard Pro iOS 版

除了在 Safari 中之優秀的 iOS 廣告封鎖對普通版的用戶為已知的外,AdGuard Pro 提供很多功能。透過提供對自訂的 DNS 設定之存取,該應用程式允許您封鎖廣告、保護您的孩子免於線上成人內容並保護您個人的資料免於盜竊。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard for Safari

自 Apple 開始強迫每位人使用該新的軟體開發套件(SDK)以來,用於 Safari 的廣告封鎖延伸功能處境艱難。AdGuard 延伸功能可以將高優質的廣告封鎖帶回 Safari。
19,183 19183 使用者評論

AdGuard Temp Mail

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AdGuard Android TV 版

Android TV 版 AdGuard 是唯一一款能封鎖廣告、保護隱私並充當智慧電視防火墻的應用程式。取得網路威脅警告,使用安全 DNS,並受益於加密流量。有了安全性和零廣告的使用體驗,使用者就可以盡情享受最喜愛的節目了!
已開始下載 AdGuard 點擊箭頭所指示的檔案開始安裝 AdGuard。 選擇"開啟"並點擊"確定",然後等待該檔案被下載。在被打開的視窗中,拖曳 AdGuard 圖像到"應用程式"檔案夾中。感謝您選擇 AdGuard! 選擇"開啟"並點擊"確定",然後等待該檔案被下載。在被打開的視窗中,點擊"安裝"。感謝您選擇 AdGuard!
在行動裝置上安裝 AdGuard