
Everything about HTTPS filtering in AdGuard

This post is intended for more technically advanced users and meant to provide a detailed description on the HTTPS filtering and why it is essential in Adguard. The thing is, HTTPS is a very serious and sensitive subject, and we want to be as open here as possible.

What is HTTPS?

HTTPS (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure) is an extension of the HTTP protocol that supports encryption to increase security. This protocol is used to securely transmit valuable information like personal data, credit card details, etc.

Using HTTPS is strictly advantageous, since encrypted traffic is protected from ‘eavesdropping’ by third parties, and we can only welcome this. HTTPS spread has been on the rise in the recent years, mostly because it is being encouraged by Google, and also due to the emergence of a free certification center Let’s Encrypt.

The diagram below describes the difference between plain HTTP protocol and secure HTTPS protocol.

What is HTTPS

What is a security certificate?

Simply put, HTTPS means data encryption. But there’s still a problem: how can you be sure you’ve established an encrypted connection with exactly the website you intended to? That’s where security certificates come into play. The certificate is proof that the website is actually what it tells you it is. If a website doesn’t have such certificate, or the certificate contains incorrect information, the browser won’t let you establish a secure connection. It is important that the certificate a website uses was issued by a certification authority (CA) trusted by your browser. Such CA guarantees that the SSL certificate is, indeed, issued to the website’s owner.

Why does Adguard need to be able to filter HTTPS?

The thing is, more and more websites, blogs, social media, etc. switch to HTTPS every day. And besides blogs and websites, more ad networks switch to HTTPS too, because it becomes necessary to display ads on the HTTPS-based website. Here are few examples of popular websites, where you can’t remove ads without filtering the HTTPS: youtube.com, facebook.com, twitter.com.

Adguard versions for Windows and Mac have HTTPS filtering enabled by default. In case of Android you'll need to enable it manually.

How does HTTPS filtering work?

If it were easy, HTTPS wouldn’t be that secure. Upon browser’s attempt to connect to a server, Adguard establishes two secure connections: one with the browser (or another app), and the other with the server. It is crucial that browser trusts Adguard and the connections created by it. For this purpose, Adguard generates a special (and unique) root certificate and installs it into the system and, when it is required, into some browsers too (e.g. Firefox). Thus, Adguard can see what is happening inside of the secure connection and do its job - block ads and tracking.

For better understanding we depicted this process:

How does HTTPS filtering work

Does my traffic remain encrypted and secure?

Of course! Your connection with a remote server remains encrypted and secure. Adguard, just as your browser, checks the server’s certificate before deciding whether to filter it or not.

Nevertheless, HTTPS filtering has its drawbacks. The most important of them is the fact that it hides from the browser the real certificate that the website uses. Instead, the browser sees the certificate issued by Adguard.

Because of this, we undertake several additional measures to improve the connection’s security.

Financial websites and websites with sensitive personal data

By default, Adguard doesn’t filter any information for the bank websites, websites of the payment systems and websites with valuable personal data. We maintain a list of more than 1300 such exclusions.

If you believe some website should be added to this list, please let us know.

Extended Validation (EV) certificates

Adguard provides an ability to exclude from filtering all websites that use extended validation certificates.

EV certificate means a higher security level and provides more guarantees than a regular certificate, proving that the website is not fraudulent or fake. When you visit a website protected by such certificate, the address bar becomes green, and the organization’s name appears in the browser’s interface.

EV certificate

Problems related to HTTPS filtering

The recent research shows that 5 to 10% of HTTPS connections are established by HTTPS filtering applications. It is usually done by various kinds of antivirus software. The bad news is that 24 of 26 tested antiviruses were in one way or another reducing the connection security level and two-thirds were creating vulnerable to hacking connections.

The researchers’ conclusion was simple - Internet security community has to pay close attention to applications that filter secure connections. And the developers of such programs have to attend to the quality of filtering implementation most seriously.

I want to note that Adguard has not been tested by the researchers. According to our estimates, and judging by the set of tests, at the time of testing we would get the maximum score - A*. Nevertheless, that score is not perfect. There are some problems that have been identified by researchers but were not taken into account in the final evaluation.

Here in Adguard, we completely agree with those conclusions. Moreover, we would like to be as open with users as possible and talk about the problems we are having at the moment, and what steps we are taking to improve the quality and security of filtering mechanism. The list of these problems is sorted by their priority.

The majority of the problems discovered in the research above are connected with certificate validation mechanisms. This is what we want to focus on firstly. We are working on a separate certificate validation library. Moreover, we want to make it open source. A separate article lists all known issues of HTTPS filtering in Adguard and estimates when we will fix them.

How to manually check HTTPS quality?

There are several websites created specifically for the purpose of checking HTTPS connections quality. These websites check if your browser (or, in our case, browser + Adguard) is susceptible to common vulnerabilities. If you plan to use any program that filters HTTPS (not necessarily Adguard, it may be an antivirus, etc.), we advise checking the connection quality on these websites.

Svidio vam se ovaj post?
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard za Windows

AdGuard za Windows više je od blokatora oglasa. To je višenamjenski alat koji blokira oglase, kontrolira pristup opasnim stranicama, ubrzava učitavanje stranica i štiti djecu od neprimjerenog sadržaja.
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate odredbe licencnog ugovora
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AdGuard za Mac

Za razliku od drugih blokera oglasa, AdGuard je dizajniran s mišlju na specifičnosti macOS-a. Ne samo da pruža zaštitu od oglasa u Safariju i drugim preglednicima, već vas štiti i od praćenja, krađe identiteta i prijevara.
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AdGuard za Android

AdGuard za Android je idealno rješenje za Android mobilne uređaje. Za razliku od drugih blokera oglasa, AdGuard ne zahtijeva root pristup i pruža širok spektar značajki: filtriranje u aplikacijama, upravljanje aplikacijama i još mnogo toga.
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate odredbe licencnog ugovora
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AdGuard za iOS

Najbolji iOS bloker oglasa za iPhone i iPad. AdGuard eliminira sve vrste oglasa u Safariju, štiti vašu privatnost i ubrzava učitavanje stranica. AdGuard za iOS tehnologija blokiranja oglasa osigurava najvišu kvalitetu filtriranja i omogućuje vam upotrebu više filtara istovremeno
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18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard VPN

74 lokacije u cijelom svijetu

Sigurno strujanje

Snažno šifriranje

Ne sakupljamo zapise

Najbrža veza

24/7 podrška

Isprobajte besplatno
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate odredbe licencnog ugovora
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18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard Bloker sadržaja

AdGuard Bloker sadržaja eliminirat će sve vrste oglasa u mobilnim preglednicima koji podržavaju tehnologiju blokiranja sadržaja - Samsung Internet i Yandex.Browser. Iako je više ograničen od AdGuarda za Android, besplatan je, jednostavan za instaliranje i još uvijek pruža visoku kvalitetu blokiranja oglasa.
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate odredbe licencnog ugovora
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18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard Proširenje preglednika

AdGuard je najbrže i najlakše proširenje za blokiranje oglasa koje učinkovito blokira sve vrste oglasa na svim web stranicama! Odaberite AdGuard za preglednik koji koristite i imajte brzo i sigurno pretraživanje Interneta bez oglasa.
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard Pomoćnik

Popratno proširenje preglednika za AdGuard desktop aplikacije. Omogućuje pristup putem preglednika značajkama kao što su blokiranje prilagođenih elemenata, dodavanje web stranica na popis dopuštenih ili slanje izvješća.
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS je siguran način blokiranja internetskih oglasa za koji nije potrebna instalacija aplikacije. Jednostavan je za upotrebu, potpuno besplatan, lako se postavlja na bilo koji uređaj i pruža vam minimum potrebnih funkcija za blokiranje oglasa, brojača, zlonamjernih web stranica i sadržaja za odrasle.
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home je program za blokiranje oglasa i praćenja na razini cijele mreže. Nakon što ga postavite, on će pokriti SVE vaše kućne uređaje i za to vam ne treba nikakav klijentski program. S porastom popularnosti Internet-Of-Things i povezanih uređaja, postaje sve važnije moći kontrolirati cijelu mrežu.
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard Pro za iOS

AdGuard Pro ima mnogo toga za ponuditi, uz izvrsno blokiranje oglasa za iOS na Safariju s kojim su već poznati korisnici redovite verzije. Omogućujući pristup prilagođenim DNS postavkama, aplikacija vam omogućuje blokiranje oglasa, zaštitu djece od sadržaja za odrasle na mreži i zaštitu vaših osobnih podataka od krađe.
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate odredbe licencnog ugovora
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18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard za Safari

Proširenja za blokiranje oglasa za Safari imaju poteškoće od kada je Apple nametnuo da svi koriste novi SDK. AdGuard proširenje će vratiti visokokvalitetno blokiranje oglasa na Safari.
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard Temp Mail

Besplatni generator privremene adrese e-pošte koji vas čuva anonimnim i štiti vašu privatnost. Nema spama u vašem glavnom sandučiću!
18.331 18331 recenzija

AdGuard za Android TV

AdGuard for Android TV is the only app that blocks ads, guards your privacy, and acts as a firewall for your Smart TV. Get warnings about web threats, use secure DNS, and benefit from encrypted traffic. Relax and dive into your favorite shows with top-notch security and zero ads!
Započelo je preuzimanje AdGuard-a Da biste instalirali AdGuard, kliknite datoteku označenu strelicom Odaberite "Otvori" i pritisnite "U redu", te zatim pričekajte da se datoteka preuzme. U otvorenom prozoru povucite ikonu AdGuarda u mapu "Aplikacije". Hvala što ste odabrali AdGuard! Odaberite "Otvori" i pritisnite "U redu", potom pričekajte da se datoteka preuzme. U otvorenom prozoru pritisnite "Instaliraj". Hvala vam što ste izabrali AdGuard!
Također instalirajte AdGuard za mobilne uređaje