
Congrats, we have new threats ahead. The late Christmas digest

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, folks! Better late than never. We hope that the year that has come is going to be less challenging than the previous few ones. Cheers.

But we already know that these hopes are in vain. The web is becoming more complicated and dangerous, advertising and tracking become more sophisticated, data leaks become large-scale. It's not all doom and gloom, there are a number of positive trends too — for example, cybersecurity experts say that there is no need to pay for an antivirus anymore. Software vendors generally have good built-in protection suits, and what's more important, the evil guys now do not quite need viruses to abuse you.

An advice of the year and of all the years: use complicated passwords, change them every now and then, and turn two-factor authentication on. You can stay safe for years taking no measures, but then it happens just once, and you'd be sorry for a long time (not so much because of losing money, but rather because of knowing that you could have easily avoided it by not being lazy and stu… well, mistaken). By the way, check out this article if you want to know how exactly passwords are stolen.

Manifest v3 may be delayed

Good news everyone — Google's campaign against ad blocking extensions that we'd already warned you about met strong resistance again. Well, okay, to be clear, Google are not actually fighting ad blockers but rather limiting the capabilites of browser extentions, which sounds like a reasonable move from the security point of view, but would also maim or kill oh so many existing extentions. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, well known for advocating online privacy and security, has called Google to review their plans on the notorious Manifest v3. If Google still wants not to be viewed as "evil" by the public, they will at least take some time before introducing Manifest v3.

Surprise: people do need ad blockers

And Google has got a good reason to think before depriving users of ad blockers: Multiple ad blockers topped Firefox's list of the most popular and innovative add-on browser extensions of 2021.

Another surprise: people yearn for security, or at least for a feeling of safety. Brave browser reported reaching 1% share of the browser market with 50 million active monthly users. We've already written about their new privacy-oriented search engine.

In its turn, the privacy-focused search engine DuckDuckGo reported growing by almost 47% in 2021. It now has a market share of 34.6 billion search queries and 100 million search users per day. They have recently released a browser of their own, and now they are announcing a service called Email Protection "that strips email trackers and allows you to protect your actual email address".

We are secure and scared of government

Here is a story about unexpected consequences: the encrypted messenger called Signal decided to implement anonymous cryptocurrency payments. What could be more security- and privacy-oriented? The problem is, experts say, crypto has a bad reputation, and such a feature would attract regulators' attention. You know them regulators, they spoil all the fun all the time. We do not actually know if it is good or bad that a secure messenger is afriad to attract regulators' attention. The most important thing is, people seem to be sure that end-to-end encryption is in real danger, and everybody must be careful not to "provoke" governments to forbid it.

Current and former Signal employees told me they were worried about what that combination would bring to the app. Anonymous transactions would likely attract criminals, they told me, and that in turn would attract regulatory scrutiny. Given that end-to-end encryption already faces legal challenges around the globe, they said, Signal's addition of anonymous payments was a needless provocation. And it could give more ammunition to lawmakers who want to end encryption as we know it.

A few days ago the founder and CEO of Signal stepped down and was replaced by Brian Acton, a co-founder of WhatsApp. Looks like there is now one secure messenger less.

What, again?

Mobile apps positioned as a calculator or calendar actually spy on you and gather your data, warns a respected news outlet The New York Times. Wow! Never happened before! Oh wait, it was happening all the time that mobile apps existed. Well, they say there appeared a new generation of data harvesting apps that record keystrokes, conversations, location, and all that. They actually describe themselves as "stalkerware": it's implied that you, for example, steal your parther's phone and install what looks like an innocuous calculator. But that same app is listed in Google Play store as a literal "keylogger". Yes, Google distributes keyloggers, no one cares apparently. Beware, do not lose control over your devices, pay attention to apps that you do not remember installing.

Big boss is watching you — your boss, actually

Quite a grim article on Techcrunch on how you have no privacy at all at work. The company admin can read all your direct messages in Slack, company-provided gadgets are monitored, HR protects company's interests, not yours — but all of that is not a reason to quit. And we are just reminding: there is such thing as a VPN.

Bad boys punished themselves

And to round things out, here's some security-related fun:

After infecting themselves with their own custom remote access trojan (RAT), an Indian-linked cyber-espionage group has accidentally exposed its operations to security researchers.

People are just human

Ok, just one more short one. Even if it's not strictly security-related, it's still fun. Two cops were so obsessed by chasing a rare pokemon in Pokemon Go that they ignored a robbery in progress.

Well, that's it. Stay safe.

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AdGuard Windowsille

AdGuard Windowsille on enemmän kuin mainosesto. Se on monikäyttöinen työkalu, joka yhdistää kaikki tarpeelliset ominaisuudet parasta verkkokokemusta varten. Se estää mainokset ja vaaralliset verkkosivustot, nopeuttaa sivulatauksia ja suojaa lapsiasi sopimattomalta sisällöltä.
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AdGuard Macille

Muista mainosestoista poiketen, AdGuard on suunniteltu erityisesti macOS-käyttöjärjestelmälle. Sen lisäksi, että se tarjoaa suojaa mainoksilta Safarissa ja muissa selaimissa, se suojaa sinua myös seurannalta, tietojenkalastelulta ja petoksilta.
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AdGuard Androidille

AdGuard Androidille on ihanteellinen ratkaisu Android-laitteille. Muihin mainosestoihin verrattuna AdGuard ei tarvitse root-oikeuksia ja se tarjoaa laajat ominaisuudet: sovellusten suodatus, sovellusten hallinta ja paljon muuta.
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AdGuard iOS:lle

Paras iOS-mainoksen esto iPhoneen ja iPadiin. AdGuard poistaa kaikenlaiset mainokset Safarissa, suojaa yksityisyytesi ja nopeuttaa sivujen lataamista. AdGuardin iOS-mainosten esto-tekniikka varmistaa korkealaatuisimman suodatuksen ja mahdollistaa useiden suodattimien käytön samanaikaisesti
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AdGuard VPN

74 sijaintia ympäri maailman

Pääsy kaikkeen sisältöön

Vahva salaus

Ei lokitietoja

Nopein yhteys

24/7 tuki

Kokeile ilmaiseksi
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AdGuard Sisällönesto

AdGuard Sisällönesto eliminoi kaikenlaiset mainokset mobiiliselaimissa, jotka tukevat sisällönestoa — käytännössä Samsung Internet ja Yandex Browser -selaimet. Vaikka sovellus onkin täyttä AdGuard-sovellusta selvästi rajoittuneempi, on se ilmainen, helppo asentaa ja tarjoaa korkealaatuisen mainoseston.
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AdGuard Selainlaajennus

AdGuard on nopein ja kevein mainosestolaajennus, joka estää tehokkaasti kaikentyyppiset mainokset kaikilla verkkosivuiilla! Valitse AdGuard käyttämällesi selaimelle ja nauti mainosvapaasta, nopeasta ja turvallisesta surffailusta.
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AdGuard Avustaja

Kumppanilaajennus AdGuardin työpöytäohjelmistoille, joka mahdollistaa käyttäjän valitsemien elementtien eston, sivustokohtaisen sallimisen/estämisen sekä raporttien lähetyksen kaltaisten toimintojen hallinnan suoraan selaimesta.
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AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS on takuuvarma tapa Internet-mainosten estoon, eikä se vaadi edes sovellusten asennusta. Se on helppokäyttöinen, täysin ilmainen, helppo määrittää laitteisiin ja tarjoaa minimaalisen toiminnallisuuden mainosten, laskureiden, haitallisten sivustojen ja aikuisille tarkoitetun sisällönestoon.
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AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home on koko verkon kattava ohjelmisto mainosten ja seurannan suodatukseen. Kun olet ottanut sen käyttöön, se kattaa KAIKKI kotiverkkosi laitteet, etkä tarvitse sen lisäksi erillisiä asiakassovelluksia laitteisiisi. Esineiden Internetin (Internet-of-Things) ja erilaisten verkkoon liitettävien laitteiden yleistymisen johdosta on entistäkin tärkeämpää pitää kotisi verkko täysin hallinnassasi.
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AdGuard Pro iOS:lle

AdGuard Prolla on paljon tarjottavaa perusversion käyttäjille jo tunnetusti erinomaisen iOS:n Safarin mainoseston lisäksi. Mahdollistamalla omien DNS-asetusten käytön, sovelluksella voidaan estää mainokset, suojata lapsia aikuisille tarkoitetulta sisällöltä sekä suojata yksityistietoja varkaudelta.
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AdGuard Safarille

Safarin mainosestolaajennuksilla on ollut vaikeaa sen jälkeen kun Apple aloitti uuden SDK:n pakotuksen kaikkien käyttöön. AdGuard-laajennuksen tavoite on tuoda korkealaatuinen mainosesto takaisin Safariin.
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AdGuard Temp Mail

Ilmainen tilapäisten sähköpostiosoitteiden generaattori, joka pitää sinut nimettömänä ja suojaa yksityisyyttäsi. Ei roskapostia pääpostilaatikossasi!
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AdGuard Android TV:lle

AdGuard Android TV:lle on ainoa sovellus, joka estää mainoksia, suojaa yksityisyyttäsi ja toimii älytelevisiosi palomuurina. Saat varoituksia verkkouhkista, voit käyttää suojattua DNS:ää ja hyötyä tietoliikenteen salauksesta. Rentoudu ja sukella suosikkisarjoihisi huippuluokan suojauksella ja mainoksetta!
AdGuardin lataus Asenna AdGuard painamalla nuolen osoittamaa painiketta Valitse "Avaa", paina "OK" ja odota tiedoston latautumista. Avautuneessa ikkunassa, raahaa AdGuardin kuvake "Sovellukset" -kansioon. Kiitos AdGuardin valinnasta! Valitse "Avaa", paina "OK" ja odota tiedoston latautumista. Avautuneessa ikkunassa, paina "Asenna". Kiitos AdGuardin valinnasta!
Asenna AdGuard myös mobiililaitteille