
Updating AdGuard Pro for iOS: What has changed

A month ago we presented AdGuard 4.0 for iOS. Today we do the same for AdGuard Pro. And it inevitably leads to a lot of questions, which is quite fair. What's the difference between these apps? Is AdGuard Pro still 'pro'? We have gathered all the frequently asked questions and answered them in this article — and, of course, reviewed all major changes.

Regular AdGuard for iOS and AdGuard Pro

Before we dive into the intricacies of the new update, we'd like to preemptively give answers to all those questions that you might have now, or that might appear later.

What are the differences?

Long time ago, AdGuard Pro was our only app that offered premium functionality, in contrast to the free AdGuard for iOS app that was only intended to block ads in Safari. But then App Store's policies had become much stricter, and we were forced to virtually freeze the development of AdGuard Pro in order to keep what features it had by that moment.

Instead, we switched focus to AdGuard for iOS and saturated it with as many features as we could under the new restrictions. Until one day, Apple decided to revert the policy back to where it was before. We were once again allowed to add more DNS-related features. But this time we had two different apps, each having its own userbase, and a need to update both. A mess, in other words.

For the entire story, check out this link to an older article that explains the whole situation in detail. What's important,

Now AdGuard Pro and AdGuard for iOS are the same in terms of functionality.

And this takes us to the next question.

I already have AdGuard for iOS/AdGuard Pro, do I need to install another app?

No, you absolutely don't. One app is enough! And it doesn't really matter which one you have, feel free to stick to it and be sure that you don't miss on anything.

Why another article then? Why not simply quote our own post from last month? True, you'll see almost the same changelog here as for AdGuard v4.0 for iOS, but the two apps arrived here differently. For users of AdGuard Pro some features will stand out and other seem familiar, and vice versa.

What has changed?

All major changes can be grouped into three categories: UI, Safari content blocking and DNS-related. Let's start with the most obvious one.

Completely new UI

  • General design

Traditionally, a major version increase heralds a lot of changes regarding the UI. This time is not an exception. And considering the app jumped from v2.1 staright to v4.0, the transformation is drastic. The style, menu logic, and icons are new – the app looks so different you might not even recognize it. One thing stays the same though: you can switch to dark mode.

Light and dark themes

  • Advanced mode

We've added additional settings for advanced users. Use them at your own risk! However, the app isn't called 'AdGuard Pro' for nothing: if you've been using it for a while, these advanced settings probably won't scare you off.

Advanced mode

By the way, now you have to enable Advanced mode to add your own DNS filter*. Let's illustrate this by an example of adding our AdGuard SDN filter.

*⠀Don't confuse it with adding a custom filter to Safari, the option we only added in this version.

Simplified domain names (SDN) filter is composed from several other filters (English filter, Social media filter, Spyware filter, Mobile ads filter, EasyList and EasyPrivacy) and simplified specifically to be better compatible with DNS-level ad blocking.

To enable it in AdGuard Pro, you need to take three steps:

  1. Open AdGuard Pro Settings —> General —> Enable Advanced mode
  2. Go to DNS protection —> DNS filtering —> DNS filters —> Add filter
  3. Paste this link to add AdGuard SDN filter (or use a link to any other filter you want to add).

That's it! You've successfully added a custom filter!

  • Activity feed

If we're being completely honest, it's a fancy name for the familiar DNS requests log, but better looking and more detailed. For example, it'll tell you the origin of most DNS requests.

Activity screen and request details

  • Most active companies

Now you can not only see which company this or that DNS request belongs to, you can view the "leaderboard" on the 'Most active companies' screen, accessible from the activity feed.

  • Requests statistic

Last but not least! Now you can switch between all-time, monthly, weekly or daily stats. You'll find it on the main screen and in widgets.

Content blocking

Speaking of changes that should really impress the old-timers. Safari content blocking went a long way since the last AdGuard Pro update. In v4.0 it has improved manyfold compared to v2.1, check it out:

  • Max rules count raised to 300k

Safari is notoriously known for its harsh 50k max limit for filtering rules in content blockers. This number is laughably low, and for ages we were struggling with it. Now we've implemented a workaround: split AdGuard Pro into six content blockers. Each of them has the same 50k restriction but in total they add up to a much more reasonable 300k rules cap. You don't have to seek weird compromises anymore and can enable all your favorite filters at once!

Content blockers — the avengers of Safari ad blocking

  • 'Content blockers' screen

Continuing on this topic, it would be rather annoying to go to Safari settings each time you want to check which content blockers and filters are enabled. We know this from personal experience. The logical solution was to add a new screen right to AdGuard Pro settings, which we did. Go to General settings > Content blockers to see the current state. You’ll even find there which content blockers exactly are enabled and how many rules each of them has used up.

  • Content blocker affinity

Some filtering rules depend on each other or work better together. There’s a problem in cases when such rules belong to different content blockers. Normally they wouldn't always work as intended, even if both content blockers were enabled. But we put in extra work to achieve cross-content blocker compatibility, so the quality of ad blocking went further up.

  • Adding custom filters

This option will be very useful for those who support their own filters, or just have a favorite filter that wasn't included by default. Add it by URL and it will be kept updated just as any other filter!

Adding a custom filter

DNS protection

Actually, despite it's been so long, DNS-related functionality in the old AdGuard Pro versions wasn't that much behind. However, we found some ways to improve it (aside from the obvious bugfixing).

New Network Settings screen

Firstly, we made it so it's possible now to enable and disable DNS protection for Wi-Fi or mobile data separately, a feature that should be useful for many AdGuard Pro users.

Besides that, in addition to familiar DNS functionality you now can add mobile network or certain Wi-Fi networks to exclusions. For example, you can use it if you have AdGuard Home set up for your home Wi-Fi.

There are several lesser changes related to DNS functionality that are too technical or too minor to include here, but together they make the DNS protection suite quite a lot better compared to the previous version.

Pricing policy

Unlike AdGuard for iOS (that's subscription-based), AdGuard Pro has always been a one-time purchase app. Its price has stayed the same (and relatively low) for a long time for apparent reasons.

Now, when AdGuard Pro and AdGuard for iOS wield the same arsenal, it wouldn't be fair to have different prices. In the near future we're going to increase the price of AdGuard Pro to be in line with the lifetime subscription of AdGuard for iOS. You still have time to purchase it for the old price, though!

Summing it up

AdGuard Pro caught up with AdGuard for iOS and the two apps are now functionally equivalent and can completely replace one another. If you already have AdGuard Pro, you don't need the regular AdGuard version, and it works the other way around too.

If you have neither, hurry up and visit the App Store to take advantage of the low price, it won't stay that way for long!

We hope you'll enjoy using AdGuard Pro – it will be a completely new experience compared to v2.1. Traditionally, all the changes and bugfixes are available on GitHub. Share your feedback of using the app with us – right here in the comments, in the App Store or in social media!

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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard voor Windows

AdGuard voor Windows is meer dan een advertentieblokkeerder. Het is een multifunctioneel hulpmiddel dat advertenties blokkeert, de toegang tot gevaarlijke sites regelt, het laden van pagina's versnelt en kinderen beschermt tegen ongepaste inhoud.
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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard voor Mac

AdGuard voor Mac is een unieke advertentieblokkeerder die is ontworpen met macOS in gedachten. Het beschermt je niet alleen tegen vervelende advertenties in browsers en apps, maar beschermt je ook tegen volgen, phishing en fraude.
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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard voor Android

AdGuard voor Android is een perfecte oplossing voor Android-apparaten. In tegenstelling tot de meeste andere advertentieblokkeerders, vereist AdGuard geen root-toegang en biedt het een breed scala aan app-beheeropties.
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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard voor iOS

De beste iOS-advertentieblokkeerder voor iPhone en iPad. AdGuard elimineert alle soorten advertenties in Safari, beschermt jouw privacy en versnelt het laden van pagina's. AdGuard voor iOS advertentieblokkeringstechnologie zorgt voor filtering van de hoogste kwaliteit en stelt je in staat meerdere filters tegelijkertijd te gebruiken
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AdGuard VPN

74 locaties wereldwijd

Toegang tot alle inhoud

Sterke versleuteling

Geen logboekregistratie

Snelste verbinding

24/7 ondersteuning

Gratis proberen
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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard Content Blocker

AdGuard Content Blocker verwijdert alle soorten advertenties in mobiele browsers die de content blocker technologie ondersteunen, namelijk Samsung Internet en Yandex.Browser. Hoewel het beperkter is dan AdGuard voor Android, is het gratis, eenvoudig te installeren en biedt het nog steeds een hoge kwaliteit voor het blokkeren van advertenties.
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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard Browserextensie

AdGuard is de snelste en lichtste advertentieblokkering uitbreiding die alle soorten advertenties op alle webpagina's effectief blokkeert! Kies AdGuard voor uw browser om advertentievrij, snel en veilig te surfen.
18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard Assistant

Een bijbehorende browserextensie voor AdGuard desktop apps. Het biedt in de browser toegang tot functies zoals het blokkeren van aangepaste elementen, het op een witte lijst plaatsen van een website of het verzenden van een rapport.
18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS is een alternatieve oplossing voor advertentie-blokkade, privacybescherming en ouderlijk toezicht. Het is eenvoudig in te stellen en gratis te gebruiken, biedt een minimum aan optimale beveiliging tegen online advertenties, trackers en phishing, ongeacht welk platform en welk apparaat u gebruikt.
18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home is een netwerkbrede software voor het blokkeren van advertenties en tracking. Nadat u het hebt ingesteld, bestrijkt het alle apparaten in uw huis, en u hebt daarvoor geen client-side software nodig. Met de opkomst van Internet-Of-Things en aangesloten apparaten wordt het steeds belangrijker om uw hele netwerk te kunnen beheren.
18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard Pro voor iOS

AdGuard Pro heeft veel te bieden bovenop de ad blocking functies in Safari die al bekend zijn bij de gebruikers van de standaard versie. Door te voorzien in toegang tot standaard DNS instellingen kun je advertenties blokkeren, je kinderen beschermen tegen ongewenste websites voor volwassenen en je persoonlijke data beschermen tegen diefstal.
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18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard voor Safari

Extensies voor het blokken van advertenties hebben het moeilijk sinds apple iedereen geforceerd heeft om de nieuwe SDK te gebruiken. De AdGuard extensie heeft de intentie om de hoge kwaliteit advertenties niet te blokken en terug te brengen naar Safari.
18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard Temp Mail

Een gratis tijdelijke e-mailadresgenerator die je anoniem houdt en jouw privacy beschermt. Geen spam in je hoofdinbox!
18.494 18494 gebruikersbeoordelingen

AdGuard voor Android TV

AdGuard voor Android TV is de enige app die advertenties blokkeert, jouw privacy bewaakt en fungeert als firewall voor je Smart TV. Ontvang waarschuwingen over webbedreigingen, gebruik veilige DNS en profiteer van gecodeerd verkeer. Ontspan en duik in je favoriete programma's met eersteklas beveiliging en zonder advertenties!
Downloaden AdGuard Klik op het door de pijl aangegeven bestand om AdGuard te installeren. Selecteer "Open" en klik op "OK" - wacht even tot het bestand gedownload is. Sleep dan in het geopende venster het AdGuard icoontje naar de "Applications" map. Dank u dat u voor AdGuard gekozen heeft. Selecteer "Open" en klik op "OK" - wacht even tot het bestand gedownload is. Klik dan in het geopende venster op "Installeren". Dank u dat u voor AdGuard gekozen heeft.
AdGuard op je mobiele apparaat installeren