
How not to spoil Valentine's Day

For so many of us Valentine's Day is one of the most special and exciting days of the year. It is not only a reason to spend time together with your loved one, but also a great occasion to make presents, sweet surprises and say important, sometimes even life-changing words. We put so much of ourtime, effort and emotions into preparations for this day, it can be absolutely heartbreaking if something ruins it.

Now imagine that this "something" is not some unstoppable force or an unlikely turn of events, but a regular, stupid, boring online ad. The following stories are about people just like you and me, who had what could become one of the most memorable and happy days of their lives completely spoiled by targeted advertising.

The first story: no surprises, Christmas miracle gone wrong

Oh my God, is it Xbox?

This story is about Nora Crotty, a woman who struggled to find a Christmas gift for her parents. We all know this disgusting feeling when you can't come up with a good present and have to resort to something generic as a last second substitute. On the contrary, there are very few things that can compare to making a perfectly fitting gift for someone you love. Luckily for Nora, she got an awesome idea. Knowing her parents were extremely proud of their respective alma maters, she googled and then purchased for each of them a vintage-inspired college sweater.

Imagine her disappointment when her mom used Nora's laptop to log into her Facebook and then "proceeded to tell me about ‘these neat UVM sweaters’ she kept seeing on the sides of her feed, and 'wouldn’t that be a great idea for dad?!'" The targeted ad ruined what could have become a cherished memory for the entire family.

There is no shortage on similar stories on the Internet. Sure, you can delve into Google account settings, delete search history, etcetera, etcetera, but should it really be the thing that occupies your attention when you are pumped up about making a surprise for a beloved person?

The second story: Marriage proposal over ads

If you are married, you are a lucky one: you had a chance to either propose or be proposed to. If you are not married, you are even more lucky, you just don't know it yet — because you have this magical moment ahead of you. It is hard to describe, but it is one of those rare experiences that you can only share with someone once in a lifetime, and it sticks with you forever. Well, at least it was like that for me.

Jo Piazza was at this stage in her relationship when she kind of suspected her boyfriend was going to propose, but she didn't know when and how. And she very well enjoyed that state of things, living in the mix of anticipation and pleasant ignorance. Then, as it often goes in this type of stories, her laptop started to act up, so without any second thought she grabbed the boyfriend's one to look up whatever. In her own words, "This was the most aggressive retargeting campaign I’ve ever seen. Ads just kept coming, each one more aggressive than the next, popping up on both Google and Facebook." You can guess what type of ads they were: engagement ring ads. Naturally, Jo tried to ignore this new knowledge, but ultimately it slipped through in a conversation.

Of course, the boyfriend proposed anyway, and the ring was beautiful, but it wasn't the same.

The third story: hey Google, am I pregnant?

Here I actually have two quite different stories for you. The first one is not related directly to online ads, but is very representative in terms of targeting. The huge US retailer with a very fitting name — Target — assignes every customer a Guest ID number, tied to their credit card, name, or email address. Then Target looks at the history of purchases, searching for patterns that would indicate that the customer is expecting a baby. Such customers very soon start receiving coupons for all kinds of baby items. This sometimes leads to ridiculous situations:

An angered man appeared at a Target store, asking for a manager. He was infuriated that his high school daughter got a bunch of coupons for baby clothes and cribs. The manager apologized, and even called a few days later to apologize again, only to find out that Target, in fact, got the news ahead of the soon-to-be grandfather. This could even be seen as a funny story if it wasn't that creepy, considering the very intimate nature of the matter in question.

But what does it take to escape the all-seeing eye of the big companies and hide your pregnancy? When Princeton sociology professor Janet Vertesi became pregnant, as an experiment she took all possible and impossible measures. This included using Tor browser, paying for all maternity clothes and other products in cash, and vetoing friends and family members from discussing the pregnancy on Facebook. In the end, she succeded: she didn't see a single parenting-related ad through the course of her pregnancy. Was it worth it? "Opting out makes you look like a criminal," says Vertesi. She doesn't recommend others to do what she did, describing it as both "incredibly inconvenient and difficult to do".


Does it mean that we lose and the big data companies win? Not necessarily. You can live normal life and still protect your privacy by using an ad blocker or any other way to block online trackers. Today and tomorrow you can purchase an AdGuard license for you and your significant other with a 40% discount. A great way to make sure all your future gifts will always bring joy and happiness!

By the way, do you have similar stories of your own? Did you have the misfortune of ads ruining your day one way or another? Share your pain with us by sending an email to with the subject "Ads vs Me", and we will include your story in the compilation of the most unfortunate/bizarre/scary cases when things go wrong because of ads and tracking.

Vam je bila objava všeč?
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Windows

AdGuard za Windows ni le še en zaviralec oglasov, je večnamensko orodje, ki združuje vse potrebne funkcije za najboljšo spletno izkušnjo. Onemogoča oglase in nevarne spletne strani, pospeši nalaganje strani in ščiti vaše otroke, ko so na spletu.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za macOS

Za razliko od drugih zaviralcev oglasov je AdGuard zasnovan z upoštevanjem posebnosti macOS. Ne zagotavlja le obrambe pred oglasi v Safariju in drugih brskalnikih, ampak vas tudi ščiti pred sledenjem, lažnim predstavljanjem in goljufijami.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Android

AdGuard za Android je idealna rešitev za mobilne naprave Android. V nasprotju z drugimi zaviralci oglasov AdGuard ne potrebuje korenskega dostopa in ponuja širok spekter funkcij: filtriranje v aplikacijah, upravljanje aplikacij in še veliko več.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za iOS

Najboljši blokator oglasov iOS za iPhone in iPad. AdGuard odstrani vse vrste oglasov v Safariju, ščiti vašo zasebnost in pospeši nalaganje strani. Tehnologija blokiranja oglasov AdGuard za iOS zagotavlja filtriranje najvišje kakovosti in omogoča uporabo več filtrov hkrati
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard VPN

74 lokacij svetovnega spleta

Dostop do katere koli vsebine

Močno šifriranje

Politika 'Brez dnevnikov'

Najhitrejša povezava

stalna podpora

Poskusite brezplačno
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Zaviralec vsebine

AdGuard Zaviralec oglasov bo odstranil vse vrste oglasov v mobilnih brskalnikih, ki podpirajo tehnologijo zaviralcev vsebin — in sicer Samsung Internet in Yandex.Browser. Čeprav je bolj omejen kot AdGuuard za Android, je brezplačen, preprost za namestitev in še vedno zagotavlja visoko kakovost onemogočanja oglasov.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Razširitev brskalnika

AdGuard je najhitrejša in najlažja razširitev za zaviranje oglasov, ki učinkovito onemogoča vse vrste oglasov na vseh spletnih straneh! Za brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate, izberite AdGuard in hitro ter varno brskajte brez oglasov.
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Pomočnik

Spremljevalna razširitev brskalnika za AdGuard namizno aplikacijo. Ponuja dostop do takšnih funkcij v brskalniku, kot so zaviranje elementov po meri, seznam dovoljenih spletnih strani ali pošiljanje poročila.
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS je brezhiben način zaviranja internetnih oglasov, ki ne zahteva nameščanja nobenih aplikacij. Je preprost za uporabo, popolnoma brezplačen, enostavno nastavljiv na kateri koli napravi in vam zagotavlja minimalne potrebne funkcije za zaviranje oglasov, števcev, zlonamernih spletnih strani in vsebine za odrasle.
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home je omrežni program za zaviranje oglasov in sledenja. Ko ga nastavite, bo pokril VSE vaše domače naprave in za to ne potrebujete nobenih programov na strani odjemalca. Z dvigom internetnih zadev in povezanih naprav, postaja vse bolj pomembno, da lahko nadzorujete celotno omrežje.
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Pro za iOS

AdGuard Pro ima močno ponudbo odličnega onemogočanja oglasov za iOS v Safariju, ki ga uporabniki redne različice že poznajo. Z zagotavljanjem dostopa do nastavitev DNS po meri aplikacija omogoča zaviranje oglasov, zaščito vaših otrok pred vsebino za odrasle na spletu in varovanje vaših osebnih podatkov pred krajo.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Safari

Razširitve oglasov za zaviranje oglasov za Safari imajo težave, odkar je Apple začel vsiljevati vse, da uporabljajo nov SDK. Razširitev AdGuarda naj bi vrnila visoko kakovostno onemogočanje oglasov nazaj v Safari.
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Temp Mail

Brezplačen ustvarjalec začasnih elektronskih naslovov, ki vas ohranja anonimne in ščiti vašo zasebnost. Brez neželene pošte v vašem glavnem predalu!
18.310 18310 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Android TV

AdGuard za Android TV je edina aplikacija, ki zavira oglase, varuje vašo zasebnost in deluje kot požarni zid za vaš Smart TV. Prejmite opozorila o spletnih grožnjah, uporabite varen DNS in izkoristite šifriran promet. Sprostite se in se potopite v svoje najljubše oddaje z vrhunsko varnostjo in brez oglasov!
Prenos AdGuarda Za namestitev AdGuarda kliknite gumb, označen s puščico Izberite 'Odpri' in kliknite na 'Vredu', nato pa počakajte, da se datoteka prenese. V odprtem oknu povlecite ikono AdGuarda in jo spustite v mapo 'Aplikacije'. Hvala, ker ste izbrali AdGuard! Izberite 'Odpri' in kliknite na 'Vredu', nato pa počakajte, da se datoteka prenese. V odprtem oknu kliknite na 'Namesti'. Hvala, ker ste izbrali AdGuard!
Namestite AdGuard na svojo mobilno napravo