
Microsoft’s gold AI rush, health apps’ data-sharing spree, Mozilla vs. trackers. AdGuard’s digest

In this edition of AdGuard’s digest: Microsoft sacks AI ethics team, mental health platforms leak data, Firefox expands anti-tracking protections, while Germans oppose chat control.

No ethics — no problem? Microsoft gets rid of AI ethics team

As Microsoft continues to integrate AI into its products at lightning speed, it has laid off an entire ‘ethics and society’ team that ensured it was doing so in a responsible way, The Platformer reported.

A former team member told Platformer that while Microsoft still has an Office of Responsible AI, regular employees often have no idea how to apply its principles to reality. The role of the ethics and society team, he said, was to explain what these principles mean in practice and to create rules. In a statement to Platformer, Microsoft denied any change in its approach to AI.

It’s understandable that Microsoft wants to win the AI race, in which it is currently outpacing Google, having just made its AI-powered search engine mode, Bing Chat, available to everyone. But if the dismissal of an ethics team signals that Microsoft is going to rush ahead with AI adoption no matter what, this could pose risks to users’ privacy and security. Also worrying are reports that Microsoft, in an attempt to monetize the success of the new Bing, is planning to insert contextual ads into the chatbot’s responses. Before taking such a step, Microsoft probably could have used input from the ethics team, but alas, it has already been sacked.

Better Help NOT: Mental health app shared user data with Facebook

Popular therapy app BetterHelp will have to pay $7.8 million to consumers for disclosing their sensitive mental health information to advertisers, such as Facebook and Snapchat, without consent. BetterHelp had repeatedly promised to its users not to share their private health information except for the purposes of therapy, the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) said.

The company shared patients’ email addresses and the fact that they were attending therapy with Facebook, allowing the social media giant to “identify similar consumers and target them with advertisements,” FTC revealed. Allegations that BetterHelp was misusing user data go as far back as 2020, but the company kept denying them. In the future, BetterHelp would have to obtain explicit consent from users before sharing their personal information.

It’s disconcerting to see a platform that aims to help people through mental health crises betray their trust. This also shows that no matter what privacy claims an app makes, there is nothing technically stopping it from sharing the data it collects with third parties. To make sure you’re on the safe side, you can check a mental health app against Mozilla’s privacy guide. Spoiler: BetterHelp scored terribly in it.

3.1 million patients data leaked, the culprit — a tracking pixel

They say, when it rains it pours. Another mental health platform, Cerebral, has revealed that it was sending patient data to Facebook, Google, and TikTok from October 2019 until recently. Cerebral is a telehealth startup that specializes in the treatment of mental health problems such as depression, bipolar disorder, insomnia, and anxiety.

Facebook’s, Google’s, and TikTok’s tracking pixels were embedded in Cerebral online services which led to the personal data of more than 3.1 million people being exposed to third parties. The amount of information exposed about a person depended on what that person was doing on the platform. It could’ve ranged from name, phone number, email address, and IP address to appointment and treatment details, Cerebral admitted.

The company said it has since “disabled, reconfigured and/or removed” the pixels. Tracking pixels are tiny transparent images placed over online elements such as ads, web pages, and emails. They help marketers measure ad clicks and other metrics. The Cerebral case is yet another example of healthcare providers’ cavalier attitude to privacy. Such an attitude not only puts a healthcare provider into potential breach of patient data protection law, but could also cost its customers dearly if the data falls into the wrong hands.

One more reason to love Mozilla: Firefox steps up tracking protections

It’s not a secret that we have a soft spot for Mozilla: after all, it has just saved ad blockers from Chromacalypse. But credit is where credit is due. This time, Mozilla has done another good, having extended the protection against tracking cookies in its Firefox browser to Android.

The feature, known as Total Cookie Protection (TCP), blocks cross-site tracking by “hiding” third-party cookies from anyone except the site that planted them in the user’s browser. This means trackers cannot see each others’ cookies and show you annoying ads wherever you go. The feature became default for Firefox users on Windows, Mac, and Linux last year and has now finally arrived on mobile.

Mozilla also announced that its Firefox Relay service, which allows users to hide their real email address from trackers and spammers, is now available directly in the browser. On some sites, Firefox Relay users will automatically be prompted to sign in with a mask instead of their real email address.

Mozilla’s secure email service will be available directly in Firefox

Source: Mozilla

Mozilla has once again proved that it’s committed to privacy. Now Firefox users would be protected from tracking cookies irrespective of whether they use their computer to surf the web or their phone. What not to love about that!

Germany opposes EU Commission plan to scan messages client-side

The EU’s proposal to scan messages for child sexual abuse materials (CSAM) was met with widespread criticism at a special hearing at the German parliament. According to an official report on the meeting of the Bundestag’s Digital Committee the plan was described by particpants as technically unrealistic, “legally questionable” and an “immense threat to privacy.”

The experts said that the proposed law, which would require Meta, Apple, and other big tech companies to analyze the contents of people’s messages on their devices, would fail to stop the spread of CSAM material, but would only create “a massive surveillance infrastructure.” The proposed law makes tech companies responsible for finding and stopping not only known CSAM, which they could check against a database of prohibited content, but also new material and “grooming” in text messages. The experts also pointed out that with such a large-scale effort, even a one percent error rate could result in billions of false positives, meaning that innocent people may be accused.

We have raised similar concerns. The law, if passed, has the potential to erode EU privacy protections and undermine end-to-end encryption. As a major power with a voice in the Council of Europe, we hope that Berlin will raise these concerns at the EU level and try to prevent the law from being passed in its current form.

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AdGuard pentru Windows

Mai mult decât un blocant de reclame, AdGuard pentru Windows este un instrument multifuncțional care blochează reclamele, controlează accesul la site-uri web periculoase, accelerează încărcarea paginilor și protejează copiii de conținutul inadecvat.
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AdGuard pentru Mac

AdGuard pentru Mac este un blocant de reclame unic, conceput special pentru macOS. Pe lângă protecția împotriva reclamelor enervante din browsere și aplicații, protejează și împotriva urmăririi, phishing-ului și fraudelor.
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AdGuard pentru Android

AdGuard pentru Android este o soluție perfectă pentru dispozitivele Android. Spre deosebire de majoritatea celorlalte blocante de reclame, AdGuard nu necesită acces root și oferă o gamă largă de opțiuni de gestionare a aplicațiilor.
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AdGuard pentru iOS

Cel mai bun blocant de reclame iOS pentru iPhone și iPad. AdGuard elimină toate tipurile de reclame din Safari, vă protejează confidențialitatea și accelerează încărcarea paginilor. Tehnologia de blocare a reclamelor AdGuard pentru iOS asigură o filtrare de cea mai bună calitate și vă permite să folosiți mai multe filtre în același timp
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AdGuard VPN

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Blocant de conținut AdGuard

AdGuard Content Blocker va elimina toate tipurile de reclame din browserele mobile care acceptă tehnologia de blocare a conținutului - și anume Samsung Internet și Yandex.Browser. Deși este mai limitat decât AdGuard pentru Android, este gratuit, ușor de instalat și oferă totuși o calitate ridicată a blocării reclamelor.
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Extensia de browser AdGuard

AdGuard este cea mai rapidă și mai ușoară extensie de blocare a reclamelor care blochează eficient toate tipurile de reclame pe toate paginile web! Alegeți AdGuard pentru browserul pe care îl utilizați și obțineți o navigare rapidă și sigură fără reclame.
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Asistentul AdGuard

O extensie însoțitor de browser de AdGuard aplicație desktop. Oferă acces din browser la blocare personalizată de elemente, listare în alb de site-uri sau trimiterea unui raport.
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AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS este un metodă infailibilă de a bloca reclame pe Internet care nu necesită instalarea niciunei aplicații. Este ușor de utilizat, absolut gratuită, ușor de configurat pe orice dispozitiv și vă oferă funcții minime necesare pentru a bloca reclame, contoare, site-uri web dăunătoare și conținut pentru adulți.
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AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home este un software la nivel de rețea pentru blocarea reclamelor și a urmăririi. După ce l-ați configurat, acesta va acoperi TOATE dispozitivele de acasă, și nu aveți nevoie de niciun software de partea clientului pentru asta. Odată cu creșterea Internetului Obiectelor (IoT) și dispozitivelor conectate, devine din ce în ce mai important să poți controla întreaga rețea.
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AdGuard Pro pentru iOS

AdGuard Pro are multe de oferit pe lângă blocarea excelentă a reclamelor iOS în Safari deja cunoscut de utilizatorii versiunii obișnuite. Prin oferirea accesului la setările DNS personalizate, aplicația vă permite să blocați reclamele, să vă protejați copiii de conținutul online pentru adulți și să vă protejați datele personale de furt.
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AdGuard pentru Safari

Extensiile de blocare a reclamelor pentru Safari au o viață grea de când Apple a început să oblige pe toți să folosească noul SDK. Extensia AdGuard ar trebui să readucă blocarea reclamelor de înaltă calitate în Safari.
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AdGuard Temp Mail

Un generator de adresă e-mail temporară gratuit care te menține anonim și îți protejează intimitatea. Fără spam în inboxul principal!
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AdGuard pentru Android TV

AdGuard for Android TV is the only app that blocks ads, guards your privacy, and acts as a firewall for your Smart TV. Get warnings about web threats, use secure DNS, and benefit from encrypted traffic. Relax and dive into your favorite shows with top-notch security and zero ads!
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