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What is email spoofing

Email spoofing is a technique used by cybercriminals to forge the sender's email address so that an email appears to come from a legitimate or trusted source when in fact it has a different, often malicious, origin. The goal of email spoofing is typically to trick the recipient into taking harmful actions, such as clicking on a malicious link, downloading an infected attachment, or providing sensitive information such as passwords or financial details.

This technique is commonly used in phishing schemes, where the attacker pretends to be a legitimate entity, such as a bank, company, or colleague, in order to trick the recipient. Because the email appears to come from a trusted source, the recipient is more likely to lower their guard and interact with the content of the message.

How email spoofing works

Email spoofing takes advantage of the trust people place in familiar email addresses. Attackers do this by altering the "From" address in the email header that recipients see when they receive an email. While the "From" field may display the name and email address of a known contact, the actual source of the email may be completely different.

Here’s a basic breakdown of how email spoofing works:

  1. Creating a spoofed email: The attacker creates an email that looks legitimate by using a spoofed sender address. They may choose an address that closely resembles the domain of a trusted organization or person. For example, instead of @company.com, they might use @cornpany.com, which looks almost identical at first glance.

  2. Manipulating the email header: Email headers contain routing information about the email. Attackers modify these headers, particularly the "From" field, to make the email appear to come from a different source. They may also modify other headers to evade spam filters or avoid detection.

  3. Sending the spoofed email: The spoofed email is sent to the intended target(s). Since email protocols do not require verification of the "From" field, the recipient's email client displays the spoofed sender information as if it were genuine.

  4. Engaging the recipient: The recipient, believing the email was sent from a legitimate source, may open it, click on malicious links, download infected attachments, or reply with sensitive information. These actions can have significant consequences, including identity theft, financial loss, or security breaches.

The effectiveness of email spoofing depends on the attacker's ability to convincingly disguise their emails. Without careful scrutiny, recipients may not recognize the spoofing attempt until it's too late. For this reason, email spoofing is a preferred technique in phishing attacks, where attackers seek to gather personal information or install malware on the victim's device.

Spoofing vs. phishing — what’s the difference?

Many people confuse spoofing and phishing, often using the terms interchangeably or incorrectly. Let's clarify the difference.

Phishing is a broad term that refers to the act of tricking someone into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords, credit card details, or other personal information. The primary goal of phishing is usually to steal information, gain unauthorized access, or commit financial fraud. Phishing attacks use a variety of means, including fraudulent emails, spoofed websites, or misleading text messages.

Spoofing is one of the techniques used to accomplish phishing goals. Spoofing involves disguising the source of communication to make it appear as if it's coming from a trusted or legitimate entity. This can include email spoofing, where the attacker manipulates the "From" field to make the message appear to come from a trusted sender, or caller ID spoofing, where the attacker falsifies the phone number displayed on the recipient's phone.

In summary, while phishing is the broader concept focused on tricking victims to steal their information, spoofing is a more narrow term for one of the methods used to carry out phishing attacks by deceiving the recipient about the origin of the communication.

Types of email spoofing

Email spoofing can take several forms, each designed to deceive the recipient in different ways. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Display name spoofing

Display name spoofing occurs when the attacker changes the display name in the email header to mimic someone the recipient trusts, such as a colleague, friend, or legitimate company.


You receive an email from "Amazon Support" asking you to update your payment information. The display name says "Amazon Support," but the actual email itself is different from the real Amazon one. The email appears to come from "Amazon Support," but the actual sender's email address is slightly different from the official Amazon domain, indicating that it's likely a spoofed email trying to trick the recipient into revealing personal information.

  1. Domain spoofing

Domain spoofing involves forging the domain name of an email address to make it appear to come from a legitimate source. Attackers often use domains that are visually similar to the real thing, such as substituting letters or using subdomains. This type of spoofing is particularly dangerous because it exploits the trust that users place in familiar domains.


An email appears to be from "admin@paypal.com," but the actual sender is "admin@paypa1.com," with the letter "l" replaced by the number "1." At a quick glance, the difference is easy to miss, making it more likely that the recipient will fall for the scam.

  1. Reply-To spoofing

In Reply-To spoofing, the attacker modifies the Reply-To field in the email header to redirect all responses to an address they control, rather than the one that appears in the From field. This type of spoofing is often used in phishing scams where the attacker wants to maintain control of the communication and extract sensitive information from the recipient.


You receive an email that seems to come from your bank asking you to verify your account information. The "From" field shows a legitimate bank email, but when you click "Reply", the address automatically changes to "support@fraudulentdomain.com". If you reply, your information goes directly to the attacker.

  1. Business Email Compromise (BEC)

Business Email Compromise (BEC) is a sophisticated form of email spoofing in which attackers specifically target businesses, usually with the intent of committing financial fraud. BEC attacks often involve extensive research and planning, with attackers impersonating company executives, employees, or business partners to trick recipients into making unauthorized wire transfers or disclosing sensitive financial information.


A financial officer receives an urgent email from the company's CEO (or rather someone impersonating the CEO) instructing them to wire a large sum of money to a new account. The email is crafted to look legitimate, complete with the CEO's customary sign-off and email signature. The financial officer, believing the request to be authentic, proceeds with the transfer, only to discover later that the funds have been sent to a criminal.
Each of these types of email spoofing exploits different aspects of how email systems are perceived and used, making them effective tools for cybercriminals. Recognizing and understanding these tactics is critical for anyone looking to protect themselves or their organization from email-based attacks.

Email spoofing risks and consequences

In this section we will examine how email spoofing facilitates phishing attacks and malware distribution, analyze the financial losses it can cause through fraudulent transactions, and explore the detrimental effects it has on the credibility and trust of individuals and organizations alike.

  • Security risks: Email spoofing poses significant security risks, primarily through phishing attacks and malware distribution. Phishing attacks can trick recipients into revealing sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial details, by mimicking trusted sources. In addition, spoofed emails can carry malware that can lead to unauthorized access, data breaches, or even complete system compromise

  • Financial impact: The financial impact of email spoofing can be severe. Fraudulent emails can result in unauthorized transactions where attackers trick victims into transferring funds or providing payment information. Organizations and individuals alike can suffer direct financial losses, as well as costs related to rectifying the fraud and enhancing security measures to prevent future incidents

  • Reputation damage: The credibility of both individuals and organizations can be severely damaged by email spoofing. When a spoofed email is sent under the guise of a legitimate entity, any resulting malicious activity can tarnish the reputation of the spoofed party. This loss of trust can lead to damaged relationships, loss of customers, and long-term damage to a brand's reputation, making it a critical issue for businesses in particular

How to detect email spoofing

Detecting email spoofing starts with a careful examination of the email itself. Here are some key tips:

  1. Check sender details: Always verify the sender's email address. Spoofed emails may use an address that looks similar to a legitimate one, with slight changes in the domain name or user name. Hover over the sender's name to see the actual email address, and be wary if it doesn't match the expected sender.

  2. Examine the content of the email: Pay close attention to the content of the email. Look for red flags such as poor grammar, misspellings, or unusual requests for sensitive information. Spoofed emails often create a sense of urgency or use scare tactics to encourage immediate action without careful consideration.

  3. Beware of suspicious links and attachments: Hover over any links in the email without clicking to see the actual URL. If the destination of the link seems unrelated to the sender or looks suspicious, do not click it. Similarly, be wary of unexpected attachments, especially if they come from unfamiliar or unexpected sources.

  4. Look for inconsistent branding: Legitimate business emails usually follow a consistent branding style. If the logo, color scheme, or email signature is different, it could be a sign of spoofing.

Tools and software to protect against email spoofing

Several tools, software solutions, and email authentication protocols are available to protect against email spoofing:

  1. Email authentication protocols: Implementing email authentication protocols such as Sender Policy Framework (SPF), DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM), and Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) can help verify that an email comes from a legitimate source.

  2. Anti-spam and anti-phishing tools: Use advanced anti-spam and anti-phishing software that automatically filters out suspicious emails. These tools often include machine learning algorithms that detect and block spoofed emails before they reach your inbox.

  3. Email header analysis tools: Analyzing the email header can reveal whether an email has been spoofed. You can use services that provide a suite of tools for diagnosing and analyzing email-related issues and allow users to check DNS records, perform blacklists lookups, analyze mail server records and many more. Online email header analyzers can help dissect the email header and provide insight into its authenticity.

  4. Secure Email Gateways: Secure Email Gateways (SEGs) provide an additional layer of defense by filtering out potentially harmful email before it reaches the end user. They can detect and block spoofed email based on a variety of criteria, including suspicious sender domains and content patterns.


Email spoofing is a deceptive practice in which cybercriminals forge the sender address to make an email appear to come from a trusted source. To mitigate the risks, individuals and organizations should implement robust security measures such as SPF, DKIM, and DMARC protocols, and remain vigilant to the ever-changing tactics used in these attacks. By understanding the nature of email spoofing and implementing proactive defenses, it is possible to reduce its impact and keep sensitive information from falling into the wrong hands.

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