
AdGuard for Windows update. Version 6.0.224

Good news, everyone!

During the last couple of months that had passed since the 6.0 release we were able to track quite a lot of bugs and defects, which were crucial to fix, so we concentrated on them for a while. Finally, everything seems to be fixed and we are ready to turn on the autoupdate for all our users who still use Adguard 5.10. We were looking forward to this moment!

Even if you were already using Adguard 6 and you are not as excited by these news, you should be. This release means we can finally put all our efforts into implementing cool new features you might have or have not seen in our roadmap.

Below you can read about all the fixes and additions introduced in the new version. Most important of them, as usual, are described in detail.

UI changes

We couldn’t select any one of these changes, as they are all small enough improvements, but make a noticeable ‘quality-of-life’ difference once put together.

[Changed] Adguard uses native-style tray menu now #1006
[Changed] Adguard window is now opened with a single click on tray menu #1030
[Fixed] ‘About’ window content is not flickering anymore #954
[Fixed] Empty strings are now removed when importing user filter #973
[Fixed] Error previously encountered while installing a userstyle #934
[Improved] Proxy name validator now recognizes domain names and not only IP addresses #931

Ad Blocker

[Improved] Added $stealth modifier that disables Stealth Mode for the specified website #339

As we already mentioned in our blog, separate whitelist for Stealth Mode is on our roadmap. It is a much needed feature for anyone who actively uses Stealth Mode. We are not quite there yet, but we made a big step in the right direction by implementing $stealth modifier. It works similar to all other modifiers, just add it to any exception rule and it will disable Stealth Mode for that website specifically, even if the module itself is enabled.
For example: @@||^$stealth
You can find more information about rules formatting on our website:

[Changed] Facebook windows app added to default filtered apps list #974
[Changed] $replace rules should now have higher priority than other basic rules #1023
[Fixed] Adguard does not try to filter data: URLs any more #1007
[Fixed] $domain modifier now does work for blocking WebSocket connections #998
[Fixed] Adguard now doesn’t ignore tag href attribute while constructing absolute URL #978
[Fixed] Bug when parser builds wrong absolute URL #1021
[Fixed] Error previously encountered while parsing a style tag with embedded svg #977
[Fixed] Language-specific filters are now detected properly from users keyboard layouts #401
[Improved] Adguard now can process websites names in punycode when adding them to HTTPS exclusions #962

Languages and Translations

[Added] Support for complex language codes #808
We have completely reworked applications localization system. This allowed us to significantly increase number of languages we can potentially support (this mostly concerns various dialects, alternative alphabets etc.).

[Added] Croatian language


[Improved] HTML content detection #855
Content type detection was significantly improved. This effectively means that Adguard will not interfere with those types of traffic which do not require filtering, decreasing the number of potential conflicts.

[Fixed] Web interface of TP-Link router is broken #844
Some of our users encountered problems with accessing TP-Link routers’ interface with enabled Adguard. Upon investigating this issue we discovered a serious issue with WFP driver which resulted in problems with displaying some websites. As a result, we have improved communication with some specific web-servers.

[Added] Support for HTTP method REPORT #1020
[Fixed] Adguard can now detect HTML if there is an xml declaration at the document start #011
[Fixed] ESET compatibility issue when Chrome browser would randomly hang #899
[Fixed] Data is now read to end after blocking a POST request #916
[Fixed] Issue with unexpected connection reset with TDI driver #1025


Again, nothing to put emphasis on, but we put much effort to ensure the update to v.6 will go smoothly.

[Fixed] Blank dialog while updating from 5.10 to 6.0 #924
[Fixed] CMD window is no more shown on Adguard update #935
[Fixed] An issue when update errors were shown as valid updates in tray notification #993
[Fixed] Adguard now detects Chrome in ‘Filtered apps’ on Windows 10 insider build #972


#914, #927, #948, #946, #945, #944, #1014, #1029

We hope you like our new features, and if you were unlucky to encounter any problems before, we hope they are gone with this new version!

UPDATE: as it often happens, there turned out to be a couple of unnoticed bugs in the last version. So we released a hotfix v.6.0.226. It contains just a couple of fixes, most noticeable is

#1042: a bugfix for indefinite loading of some routers’ pages

[Fixed] Rare problem when Adguard crashes after clicking on tray menu icon #1045
[Fixed] Adguard will not crash any more if you switch tabs while have active search on ‘Settings’ screen #1043
[Fixed] Adguard now detects HTML correctly for all websites if there is an xml declaration at the document start #1011

Vam je bila objava všeč?
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Windows

AdGuard za Windows ni le še en zaviralec oglasov, je večnamensko orodje, ki združuje vse potrebne funkcije za najboljšo spletno izkušnjo. Onemogoča oglase in nevarne spletne strani, pospeši nalaganje strani in ščiti vaše otroke, ko so na spletu.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za macOS

Za razliko od drugih zaviralcev oglasov je AdGuard zasnovan z upoštevanjem posebnosti macOS. Ne zagotavlja le obrambe pred oglasi v Safariju in drugih brskalnikih, ampak vas tudi ščiti pred sledenjem, lažnim predstavljanjem in goljufijami.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Android

AdGuard za Android je idealna rešitev za mobilne naprave Android. V nasprotju z drugimi zaviralci oglasov AdGuard ne potrebuje korenskega dostopa in ponuja širok spekter funkcij: filtriranje v aplikacijah, upravljanje aplikacij in še veliko več.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za iOS

Najboljši blokator oglasov iOS za iPhone in iPad. AdGuard odstrani vse vrste oglasov v Safariju, ščiti vašo zasebnost in pospeši nalaganje strani. Tehnologija blokiranja oglasov AdGuard za iOS zagotavlja filtriranje najvišje kakovosti in omogoča uporabo več filtrov hkrati
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard VPN

74 lokacij svetovnega spleta

Dostop do katere koli vsebine

Močno šifriranje

Politika 'Brez dnevnikov'

Najhitrejša povezava

stalna podpora

Poskusite brezplačno
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Zaviralec vsebine

AdGuard Zaviralec oglasov bo odstranil vse vrste oglasov v mobilnih brskalnikih, ki podpirajo tehnologijo zaviralcev vsebin — in sicer Samsung Internet in Yandex.Browser. Čeprav je bolj omejen kot AdGuuard za Android, je brezplačen, preprost za namestitev in še vedno zagotavlja visoko kakovost onemogočanja oglasov.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Razširitev brskalnika

AdGuard je najhitrejša in najlažja razširitev za zaviranje oglasov, ki učinkovito onemogoča vse vrste oglasov na vseh spletnih straneh! Za brskalnik, ki ga uporabljate, izberite AdGuard in hitro ter varno brskajte brez oglasov.
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Pomočnik

Spremljevalna razširitev brskalnika za AdGuard namizno aplikacijo. Ponuja dostop do takšnih funkcij v brskalniku, kot so zaviranje elementov po meri, seznam dovoljenih spletnih strani ali pošiljanje poročila.
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard DNS

AdGuard DNS je brezhiben način zaviranja internetnih oglasov, ki ne zahteva nameščanja nobenih aplikacij. Je preprost za uporabo, popolnoma brezplačen, enostavno nastavljiv na kateri koli napravi in vam zagotavlja minimalne potrebne funkcije za zaviranje oglasov, števcev, zlonamernih spletnih strani in vsebine za odrasle.
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Home

AdGuard Home je omrežni program za zaviranje oglasov in sledenja. Ko ga nastavite, bo pokril VSE vaše domače naprave in za to ne potrebujete nobenih programov na strani odjemalca. Z dvigom internetnih zadev in povezanih naprav, postaja vse bolj pomembno, da lahko nadzorujete celotno omrežje.
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Pro za iOS

AdGuard Pro ima močno ponudbo odličnega onemogočanja oglasov za iOS v Safariju, ki ga uporabniki redne različice že poznajo. Z zagotavljanjem dostopa do nastavitev DNS po meri aplikacija omogoča zaviranje oglasov, zaščito vaših otrok pred vsebino za odrasle na spletu in varovanje vaših osebnih podatkov pred krajo.
S prenosom programa sprejemate pogoje Licenčne pogodbe
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18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Safari

Razširitve oglasov za zaviranje oglasov za Safari imajo težave, odkar je Apple začel vsiljevati vse, da uporabljajo nov SDK. Razširitev AdGuarda naj bi vrnila visoko kakovostno onemogočanje oglasov nazaj v Safari.
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard Temp Mail

Brezplačen ustvarjalec začasnih elektronskih naslovov, ki vas ohranja anonimne in ščiti vašo zasebnost. Brez neželene pošte v vašem glavnem predalu!
18.307 18307 ocen uporabnikov

AdGuard za Android TV

AdGuard za Android TV je edina aplikacija, ki zavira oglase, varuje vašo zasebnost in deluje kot požarni zid za vaš Smart TV. Prejmite opozorila o spletnih grožnjah, uporabite varen DNS in izkoristite šifriran promet. Sprostite se in se potopite v svoje najljubše oddaje z vrhunsko varnostjo in brez oglasov!
Prenos AdGuarda Za namestitev AdGuarda kliknite gumb, označen s puščico Izberite 'Odpri' in kliknite na 'Vredu', nato pa počakajte, da se datoteka prenese. V odprtem oknu povlecite ikono AdGuarda in jo spustite v mapo 'Aplikacije'. Hvala, ker ste izbrali AdGuard! Izberite 'Odpri' in kliknite na 'Vredu', nato pa počakajte, da se datoteka prenese. V odprtem oknu kliknite na 'Namesti'. Hvala, ker ste izbrali AdGuard!
Namestite AdGuard na svojo mobilno napravo