Rare release of AdGuard Content Blocker! Fixed a bug with filtering in Samsung browser. Now ads are blocked once you install the app and enable content blocking in the browser.
[Fixed] Browsers are not notified when we auto-update filters #69
Previously, there was a bug that filter updates that happens at background were not applied to browsers. This update fixes it.
[Changed] Make "Safari filter" enabled by default in the Content Blocker #65
Due to difference adblocking methods we use in different platforms, we provide different filters for each platforms. Until now, there was no special filter for AdGuard Content Blocker. The ad blocking extensions provided by Samsung browser and Yandex browser is close to that of Safari, so we decided to enable Safari filter by default. Filter categorization is on the way of change, so the name of the filter which is a bit unfit for content blocker will be changed.