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AdGuard beta/nightly testing

Il existe une application AdGuard pour pratiquement toutes les plates-formes principales, et nous publions régulièrement des mises à jour pour chacune d'entre elles. This would not be possible without beta and nightly testing and, more importantly, without our testers. Want to become one of them? Here’s how you can do it.

Beta or nightly: what is the difference?

Both beta and nightly testing are important to make AdGuard constantly better. However, they are different, and you can choose the one that suits you more.

The development process follows a progression from nightly to beta and then from beta to the final, stable version — release. It means that you are more likely to find bugs in nightly builds, but you get access to new features faster, almost on a daily basis. Betas are more stable, but you will get updates less often.

How to become a beta or nightly tester

Our requirements are easy: use AdGuard, upgrade to the beta/nightly version when it becomes available, and report any bugs you notice. You will need a GitHub account to become our tester, so you may want to get that out of the way first.

You will also need the device on which you will install the app and the link to the the beta testing page. There you will find more information on how to join our program and test AdGuard for Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

If you want to skip the description part and get straight to the action, you can apply here. Your application will be reviewed within 1–3 working days, and you'll get a reply via email.


To get the AdGuard for iOS beta or nightly build, first you have to install TestFlight on your iOS device.

Comment signaler un problème

If you spotted a bug or just want to share your suggestion, let us know: go to GitHub, find a suitable repository, create a new issue there, and describe the bug/feature request in detail.

The above method is the most preferred, but you can use others if necessary:

  • Retrouvez-nous sur des plateformes de médias sociaux diverses, comme Facebook, Reddit, etc. Toutefois, ce n'est pas le moyen le plus pratique de discuter de questions techniques.

  • Envoyez un e-mail à notre équipe d'assistance depuis l'onglet Assistance dans l'application ou écrivez directement à

How to activate a beta/nightly key in the iOS app

If you have already received a beta or nightly key and it is listed in your account, go to the app and open the license section (Get Premium). Once there, enter the credentials from your AdGuard account. After that, the premium features will become available automatically.

What else?

There is not much more to add. You don't have to go out of your way to find bugs. You can continue using AdGuard as usual. However, if you encounter a bug, please report it. Of course, we appreciate any additional effort.

Occasionally, you will receive our newsletters, keeping you informed of the latest changes in the beta/nightly (in case you missed them) and other important news. You can unsubscribe from it at any time.