Contribute to AdGuard filters
Filtering rules
As you probably know, AdGuard uses filtering rules to block ads, and these rules are combined into thematic blocking filters, like AdGuard Base filter, Mobile ads filter, etc. Read more about how ad blocking works.
Websites constantly change the way they embed ads, and we add new rules to our filters to keep them effective. Filter engineers are working on creating new rules, but we always welcome the help and support of volunteers.
How to start
However, working with blocking filters requires specific skills. If you have them and know how to create rules, then head straight to our AdGuard Filters repository on GitHub. There you will find a lot of open issues, each one referencing a problem with some website problem — a missed ad, a false positive, etc. Choose any and suggest your own rules in comments. AdGuard filter engineers will review your suggestions, and if they find them appropriate, your rules will be added to AdGuard filters.
If you are not yet familiar with our filtering rule syntax, or maybe need a refresher, you'll find the basics about the syntax in our Knowledge base.
If you have suggested several filtering rules and some of them were approved, then it's time for you to get a reward. Send us a message at with your GitHub account name, and you'll get a free AdGuard license key. As for the exact number of rules you need to get approved to become eligible, there are no hard rules. This task is not easy, so anything north of 5 should be enough.