中文 (繁體)

AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 – Release – AdGuard 版本

AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 5.0.138
通過這次更新,我們離完美的瀏覽器擴充功能又近了一步。 我們修復了多個錯誤,使廣告封鎖功能更加強大。



如果安裝 MV3 擴充功能,Edge 中無法使用 MV3 專用過濾器 #2985
修飾符規則有時不適用或錯用 #2984
某些網站上的 Trusted Types 阻止 JS 規則 #2980
MV3 擴充功能無法對 about:blank 的 iframe 套用規則 #2975
小腳本記錄不起作用 #2977
不帶任何修飾符的 $permissions 規則適用於其他類型的請求 #2954

AdGuard Logger(在 AdGuard 擴充功能中記錄日誌的工具)

Logger 更新為 v1.1.0

TSUrlFilter(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

TSUrlFilter 更新為 v3.1.0-alpha.6

TSWebExtension(瀏覽器 API 和 TSUrlFilter 的封裝程式庫)

TSWebExtension 更新為 v2.4.0-alpha.3
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 5.0.128
提示 *border
此外,MV2 擴充功能中的「Polish GDPR-Cookies Filters」過濾器現在也可以在 MV3 擴充功能中運作。


Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.12.1

TSUrlFilter(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

TSUrlFilter 更新為 v3.1.0-alpha.5

TSWebExtension(瀏覽器 API 和 TSUrlFilter 的封裝程式庫)

TSWebExtension 更新為 v2.3.0-alpha.1
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 5.0.113



「隱藏您的搜索記錄」導致網頁載入錯誤 #2969
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.4.30
最近,我們將擴充功能轉移到了 Chrome 瀏覽器的新 API。現在,從網路商店下載 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能時,使用者將安裝新的 MV3 版本。但如果有使用者想繼續使用 MV2 擴充功能怎麼辦?不用擔心,只要 Google 繼續支援舊版的 API,MV2 擴充功能就能繼續工作。在哪裡找到它?我們已經把 MV2 擴充功能轉移到以前提供 Beta 測試版的地方。



排除 $domain=~ 過濾規則無法正常工作 #2912
帶參數規則的 Scriptlets 排除匹配無法正常工作 #2947

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.12.1

TSUrlFilter(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

TSUrlFilter 更新為 v3.0.5

TSWebExtension(瀏覽器 API 和 TSUrlFilter 的封裝程式庫)

TSWebExtension 更新為 v2.0.3


AGTree 更新為 v2.1.2

AdGuard Logger(在 AdGuard 擴充功能中記錄日誌的工具)

Logger 更新為 v1.0.2
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 5.0.104
我們的瀏覽器擴充功能剛剛轉移到 Manifest V3,但是我們已准備好發佈新版本。在更新中,我們改進了擴充功能的設計。我們進行了一些調整,優化了使用者介面以提升使用者使用體驗。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 5.0.97



擴充功能因動態規則 ID 交叉而無法工作 #2953
即使禁用自訂的過濾器,自訂的過濾器清單也會傳遞給 ReportsWebApp #2951
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 5.0.91
大更新來了!我們值得信賴的廣告封鎖擴充功能現在可以與 MV3 相容了。讓我們來看看新版本包括哪些改進。
如果您已安裝 Chrome 瀏覽器擴充功能,擴充功能將自動被替換為 MV3 擴充功能。新使用者可以從 Chrome Web Store 上安裝新版本。


統計數據。統計頁面與 AdGuard DNS 中的查詢记录相似,包括按公司和類型排序的 URL 分類視圖。所有數據均在装置上處理,確保100%的隱私安全。我們只顯示哪個請求發送到哪個類別,包括 廣告、追踪器、社群媒體、CDN 和其他等類別。
網路規則和限制。有了 MV3,網路規則主要由瀏覽器套用。這將帶來一些限制。不過,修飾符規則仍由我們的引擎管理,運行良好。有關限制的更多詳情,請參閱 GitHub
快速修復。AdGuard 廣告封鎖器 MV3 引入了「快速修復的 AdGuard 過濾器」。新過濾器的作用是什麼?
有了 Manifest V3,我們就不能動態更新過濾規則了,因為這些規則是內置在擴充功能中處理的,只能通過擴充功能本身進行更新,增加了一些麻煩。
考慮後,我們找到了解決這一問題的方法。新的過濾器使用動態規則,提供最可靠的過濾器運作流程。「快速修復的 AdGuard 過濾器」使用動態規則進行實時調整,不會明顯影響使用者的動態規則限制,而且快速、高效,非常適合在“嚴苛”的 MV3 環境中進行無縫過濾。
助力我們。「幫助 AdGuard 過濾器之開發」的選項又回來了。使用者可以匿名分享過濾器使用數據,做點貢獻,幫助我們改進廣告封鎖功能。


現在,加載過程中會出現帶有 AdGuard 徽標的閃屏。


解決了 $popup$badfilter 修飾符的問題
TSUrlfilter 和 Scriptlets 已煥然一新
如果有使用者發現任何錯誤或有任何建議,請隨時通過 GitHub 聯繫我們。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.4.22
更新到 v4.4 後,有些使用者注意到有一部分網頁無法正常運作。原因是,$redirect 修飾符不能正確處理廣告,導致錯誤,讓使用者重新整理網頁。這次熱修復解決該問題。此外,我們還修復了一些其他小錯誤。



‘$redirect’ 規則導致 CSP(內容安全策略)錯誤,而不是重定嚮 #2913
包含 $to 修飾符的例外網域無法按預期運行 #2910

TSUrlFilter(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

將 TSUrlFilter 更新為 v3.0.1

TSWebExtension (AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的包裝庫)

將 TSWebExtension 更新為 v2.0.1

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

將 Scriptlets 更新為 v1.11.16
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.4.18
請迎接 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.4.18!雖然乍一看不會發現明顯的變化,但請放心,我們一直在幕後努力工作。由於改進的 AGTree 與 TSUrlFilter 庫的集成,本次更新的重點是增強規則和過濾器的管理方式。
AGTree 是一款功能強大的工具,可簡化廣告封鎖過濾清單的處理方式。現在,它是 TSUrlFilter 庫的一部分。我們已將其集成到各種產品(包括瀏覽器擴充功能)中。我們在不同平台上成功實施了 AGTree。我們的目標是採用一種更加統一的方法,這樣我們就可以使用一個庫來完成封鎖規則的轉換、解析和驗證等任務。現在,在新版本中,我們改進了內容封鎖,加快了過濾引擎啟動速度,簡化了規則分析和轉換。
上述改進對使用者來說有什麼額外的好處呢?轉用 AGTree 可以最大限度地降低過濾錯誤的風險,從而增強使用者的安全性。這意味著您在瀏覽時將享受更准確的廣告和追蹤器封鎖體驗。此外,隨著轉移到 AGTree,此版本還包括 Scriptlets 的重大更新,大大提升擴充功能的整體性能。



匯出設定檔案的名稱格式更方便 #2607


排除 $cookie 破壞 Firefox 中的網站 #2552
prevent-xhr 腳本程式出現問題 #2063
$redirect 修飾符無法偽造 Response.prototype.url #2278
瀏覽 Yandex Maps 時刷新過濾記錄 #2519
過濾記錄被 history.replaceState 打破 #2598
$generichide 修飾符使 URL 阻止規則無法正常工作 #2690
在同一標籤開啟時,被封鎖的廣告計數會在網站之間泄露 #2080
在 download.ros.org 上加載檔案時出現故障 #2194
自動過濾更新在手機瀏覽器中不起作用 #2423
在 Firefox 中開啟以 "view-source" 開頭的 URL 出現錯誤 #2549
如果頁面上選擇某些文本,無法開啟過濾器組 #2662
使用 'Self-destruction of first-party cookies' 選項時控制台出現錯誤 #2683
自動更新時未更新 lastCheckTime #2726
某些使用嚴格 CSP 規則的網站會阻止 Firefox 中的 AdGuard 腳本 #1733
樣式過濾器已套用,但 Firefox 中的腳本過濾器未應用 #2782
在 Firefox Nightly 中無法開啟 AdGuard 選單 #2817
有關啟用的自訂的過濾器的資訊不會傳遞給報告工具 #2793
某些過濾器啟用後無法更新 #2818

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

將 Scriptlets 更新為 v1.11.6

TSWebExtension(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

將 TSWebExtension 更新為 v2.0.0

TSUrlFilter(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

將 TSUrlFilter 更新為 v3.0.0
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.3.64
AdGuard 選單無法在 Firefox 瀏覽器中開啟。在等 Mozilla 修復錯誤的時候,我們找到了一個解決方案。我們發佈的熱修復要解決上述的問題。



AdGuard 選單無法在 Firefox Nightly 瀏覽器中開啟 #2817
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.3.53
新版本,新挑戰。在這次更新中,我們改進了 Firefox 瀏覽器中 AdGuard 腳本的可靠性。現在 AdGuard 腳本可以承受網站上最嚴格的 CSP 規則,這意味著更多廣告將被封鎖。此外,我們還修復了一些錯誤,即控制台中將不再顯示與第一方 Cookie 自毀選項。



使用第一方 Cookie 自毀選項時控制台出現錯誤 #2683
具有嚴格 CSP 的網站可能會封鎖 Firefox 中的 AdGuard 腳本 #1733

TSWebExtension(AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能過濾引擎)

TSWebExtension 更新為 v1.0.24
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.3.46
這是該版本的(最後)一個修補程式。我們修復了一個重大問題。因為無法訪問我們伺服器上包含可用過濾清單的文檔,因此有一部分使用者就無法正常安裝擴充功能。這次,我們解決了與 $all$popup 修飾符有關的問題。


新增了加載後過濾器的校驗和檢查功能 #2681


如果無法訪問 filters.js,擴充功能安裝過程將停止 #2761
$all 修飾符在當前開啟的分頁中不起作用 #2620
開啟過濾器組時,安裝過時的過濾器 #2714
如果在上次更新過程中發生致命錯誤,在完成同步前開始差異更新 #2717
助理 iframe 樣式受網站特定修飾規則的影響 #1848
$popup 禁用基礎的封鎖規則 #2728
$all 修飾符無法阻止頁面加載資源 #2753

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.10.25
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.3.35
這是一個小更新,讓我們離大大更新更近一點。這次我們修復了擴充功能 Beta 測試版更新通知中的連結,以及匯入設定時過濾器退回到預裝過濾器的錯誤。



擴充功能 Beta 測試版更新通知中的連結轉到不正確的更新記錄 [#2682] (https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/issues/2682)
匯入設定時,過濾器返回到預安裝的過濾器 [#2735] (https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/issues/2735)
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.3.31
瀏覽器擴充功能應該增強瀏覽器的功能,而不是消耗大量記憶體!上一版本就有這樣一個程式錯誤。我們在新版本中修復了該錯誤。除了修復不少錯誤,我們還更新了 Scriptlets。盡情享受新版本。



設定第一次開啟的时候就无法開啟 #2712
安装后,所有过滤器都将禁用 #2713
自訂的过滤器订阅使用者介面在 Android 上看起来不正确 #2715 #2697
Block trackers 未作为参数通过报告工具傳送 #2721

Scriptlets(過濾器规则的 JavaScript 改进)

Scriptlets 更新为 v1.10.1
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.3.13


Chrome: 已發佈(分階段推出,目前 100%)
AMO: 已發佈
Opera: 已發佈
我們希望每個人上網都安全感滿滿,因此即使是小錯誤我們也不會放過,致力於將我們軟體的功能覆蓋到方方面面。請迎接 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的新版本。
廣告封鎖程式的核心是什麼?當然是過濾器清單。啟用 AdGuard 後,過濾器清單中的規則負責過濾,讓網頁看起來漂亮整潔。因此,保持過濾器清單緊跟潮流至關重要。但是,每當過濾器清單中發生任何變化,接踵而來的就是一些新問題。廣告封鎖程式需要重新下載整個清單。這聽起來好麻煩…
因此,在此版本中,我們新增了差異更新功能。現在,我們的擴充功能將不再載入整個過濾器清單,而是只下載上次更新後清單中的變化。這也有助於我們通過更低流量消耗、更短回應時間和更低伺服器負載來實現更高效、更友好的使用者體驗。簡單地說,現在 AdGuard 可以更便捷地下載過濾器清單更新,因此使用者將享受到最高效的廣告封鎖體驗。
我們還修復了一些小問題,並提高了性能和穩定性。希望使用者會喜歡 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.3。



新增了差異過濾器更新功能 #192


啟用隱匿模式後無法開啟 iCloud 郵件 #2660
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能無法在 Firefox 91 (ESR) 中運行 #2661
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能無法在 360 瀏覽器 13.0 中運行 #2626
無法通過自訂的規則解除對 referrer 的阻止 #2648
帶萬用字元的(wildcard)修飾符規則在某些網域上不起作用 #2650
不是所有自訂的過濾器都顯示在清單中 #2693

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改善)​

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.9.105
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.241
我們希望通過瀏覽器擴充功能的新版本新增一些聖誕節樂趣。 更新瀏覽器擴充功能,敲響聖誕鐘聲。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.240
我們發佈了另一個更新,以修復在上一版本中發現的錯誤。在這次更新中,我們修復了與 Firefox 瀏覽器有關的問題。使用舊版本瀏覽器的 Firefox 使用者無法使用 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能。我們在新版本中解決了這個問題。
此外,我們還做了一些小調整,以提高 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的整體性能,更新了 Scriptlets,並改進了「關於」頁面。



document.referrer 中移除了 referrer #1844
在「關於」頁面上顯示所用程式庫的版本 #2237


'this [#api] is undefined' 錯誤 #2636
如果禁用過濾記錄,瀏覽器控制台腳本小程式記錄將被禁用 #2584
修改過的 Cookie 請求未顯示在修改過的日誌記錄事件中 #2512
在規則編輯器中加載 TSUrlFilter 庫 #2412
「更新的過濾器」彈出式窗口中的字體不一致 #2309
在某些網站上 $$ 規則會破壞編碼 #2249

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.9.101
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.228
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.226
這次更新修復 4.2 版遺留的錯誤。我們解決了標記頁長時間開啟時的一些內存泄漏問題,縮短了在網頁上應用規則的時間,以及修復了其他錯誤。此外,AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能現在還支援馬其頓語版本,感謝我們的貢獻者!



新增了馬其頓語版本 #2574


在首次瀏覽網站時 remove-node-text scriptlet 不起作用 #2505
過濾記錄在關閉時也會收集日誌記錄 #2544
首次瀏覽 'pikabu.ru' 時無法刪除廣告 #2571
無法使用 .php 網址新增自訂的過濾器清單 #1723
「AdGuard 設定...」選項位於擴充功能設定頁面的右鍵選單中,點擊跳轉到同一頁面 #2258
zh-CN 用於 zh-TW 使用者介面 #2504
「報告問題」表單錯誤地識別瀏覽器 #2250
在嘗試為 removeparam 例外創建阻止規則時,過濾記錄會崩潰 #2534
無法在 Firefox Mobile 瀏覽器中開啟過濾記錄 #2536
擴充功能標誌顯示錯誤 #2536

Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.9.91

TSWebExtension (AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的過濾引擎)

將 TSWebExtension 更新為 v0.4.6
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.209
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.208
希望這次更新讓使用者瀏覽體驗更愉快,尤其是如果您是 YouTube 或 Android 使用者的話。

解決了 YouTube 禁止封鎖器的問題

有些使用者留下了回饋,除非他們關閉擴充功能,否則 YouTube 不會讓他們觀看影視。為了解決這個問題,我們更新了小腳本。

在 Android 上適配 Firefox 瀏覽器

為了繼續在 Android 上正常運行,我們的 Firefox 版的擴充功能改用了 Event pages。但使用者很可能不會體驗到這種變化。



刪除選單項之間不可點擊的空格 #2198
報告錯誤封鎖時,自動填寫作業系統名稱和版本 #2535


在規則向導中無法點擊單選按鈕和復選框的標簽 #2204

Scriptlets(用於過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)

Scriptlets 更新為 v1.9.83


新增了對 !#else 指令的支援 #20
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.189
我們繼續修復 4.2 版的錯誤。在這次更新中,我們主要解決了一些與過濾有關的問題,讓過濾器運行更流暢。



對於二級網域以上的域,「無論如何繼續」按鈕不起作用 #2497
使用 <AGPolicy> 的腳本無法在帶有 Trusted Types 的網站上正常運行 #2068
在 welt.de 網站上,擴充功能無法在 Firefox 中對腳本進行框架設定 #2190
無法對一些 <iframe> HTML 元件套用規則 #2328
無法在 <iframe> 內套用 CSS 規則 #2420
在過濾記錄中,分頁選擇器沒有根據分頁標題更新 #2428
從 Microsoft Edge 安裝擴充功能時,瀏覽器會提供俄語翻譯成英語 #2430
無法啟動過濾器 #2431
$removeparam` 已修改的請求不顯示在過濾記錄中 #2442
匯入使用者規則時會保留一些重復內容 #2446
嘗試為 CSP 規則創建例外時,過濾記錄崩潰 #2448
直接導航到 URL 時,$popup 修飾符規則阻止標記的加載 #2449
過濾記錄不顯示應用的隱形模式選項 #2455
過濾記錄提示過濾規則無效 #2456
$removeparam 規則會觸發過濾記錄的清除 #2457
當 AdGuard 的狀態發生變化時,網頁不會重新載入 #2471
過濾記錄開啟時,套用 scriplet 的記錄功能失效 #2481
如果之前在過濾記錄中選擇了不同的選項卡,則無法從擴充功能彈出窗口開啟當前選項卡的過濾記錄 #2482
修改的 Cookie 請求無法被隱形模式規則標記為修改的請求 #2487
沒有記錄 $csp$removeparam 允許清單規則
解除 scriptlet 規則時過濾記錄崩潰
更新後,AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.2.168 在 Android 版 Firefox 瀏覽器中出現故障 #2501


改進了最佳化過濾器的描述 [#2468](https://github.com/AdguardTeam/AdguardBrowserExtension/issue
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.168



首次開啟新分頁時無法套用特定規則 #2459
重新導向不包括在擴充功能徽章上的分頁被阻止請求計數中 #2443
在將允許清單中的網域傳遞到正則表達式規則之前沒有正確轉義 #2461
自訂的過濾器名稱未顯示在過濾日誌記錄中 #2454


Scriplets 更新為 v1.9.72
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.162
Chrome 版 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.2 推出到 5% 的使用者群後,我們發現並修復了幾個重要錯誤。這些錯誤影響了擴充功能的功能。



改進了 $redirect 語法與 uBO 的相容 #59


不要在全局範圍內公開 JS 規則#2440
如果將瀏覽器標簽頁置於背景,然後再切換回該標簽頁,擴充功能彈出式窗口不會顯示開關和已阻止的廣告數量 #2433


Scriplets 更新為 v1.9.70
tswebextension 更新為 v0.3.12
tsurlfilter 更新為 v2.1.10
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.2.151
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的新版本有重大變化,不少使用者應該立即就會發現。我們在 TypeScript 中重寫了整個過濾代碼,並將其轉移到一個新的、獨立的庫中,以做到無縫過渡至 MV3。


前一段時間,我們將擴充功能的 URL 過濾引擎移動到一個名為 tsurlfilter 的單獨庫中。該庫的主要目的是在我們的產品(Chrome 和 Firefox 的瀏覽器擴充功能,Safari 的規則轉換器,linter 等)中重用過濾邏輯。
一個過濾引擎,可根據加載的規則匹配 URL
專門針對 Chrome 瀏覽器和 Firefox 瀏覽器的編程接口,負責套用所發現的規則
有了 MV3,我們不僅要為不同的瀏覽器維護過濾代碼,還要為不同的清單版本維護過濾代碼,同時還要在瀏覽器移除舊的 API 後,實現從 MV2 到 MV3 的無縫過渡。由於 MV3 的 API 非常有限,我們並不急於立即遷移到 MV3。
tsurlfilter 中新增新的邏輯來解決本問題會使庫變得過於復雜,因此我們決定設計一個新的軟體平台,將不同瀏覽器和清單的特定邏輯隱藏在一個單一而簡單的應用程式接口之後。新庫被命名為 tswebextension


使用 tswebextension,我們將更容易維護和更新我們的產品。
在 Chrome 瀏覽器和 Firefox 瀏覽器擴充功能的新版本中,我們使用 tswebextension 重新設計了背景服務。這將使我們能夠在 Chrome 瀏覽器未來的主要版本中無縫遷移到 MV3。
除此之外,我們更新了 AdGuard API,現在它也使用 tswebextension



點擊項目的任何部分會開啟一個下拉式選單 #2347
新增了新的 $method 修飾符,可按 HTTP 方法匹配請求


過濾記錄的請求詳情欄中不顯示腳本小程式 #2341
修飾規則不適用於被 Chrome Memory Saver 停用的分頁 #2342
錯誤報告中插入了不正確的查詢參數 #2352
自訂的過濾器未更新 #2356
過濾記錄不顯示事件類型 #2366
規則編輯器不能作為主瀏覽器窗口的分頁開啟 #2379
過濾記錄中沒有背景選項卡 #2381
Edge 和 Opera 的預編譯提示和過濾器清單源不正確 #2380
瀏覽安全快取未清除 #2388
如果禁用 AdGuard 保護,則會應用隱匿模式和瀏覽安全功能 #2389
在過濾記錄中可以看到修飾規則,即使這些規則未被套用 #2387
修復了外部 Service Worker (如 Chrome Omnibox)的文檔請求處理問題


Scriplets 更新為 v1.9.62
tswebextension 更新為 v0.3.6
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.57
我們發現,AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的「感謝」頁面在某些國家無法使用,因此我們在這次小更新中修復了該問題。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.56
在這個更新中,我們修復了一些程式錯誤,並且更新了 Scriptlets 和 ExtendedCss。請繼續關注即將推出的更多改進!



AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.55
在春風中享受 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的新使用體驗。我們改進了 ExtendedCss 和 Scriptlets,正在準備發佈更大的更新。



AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.53
這次更新,我們將 Scriptlets 更新為 v1.7.13,提高了擴充功能的穩定性並修復了一些錯誤。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.52
這次更新我們改進了「助理」模組、 ExtendedCss,以及 Scriptlets(小腳本),讓擴充功能更有效地封鎖廣告。除此之外,我們在擴充功能新增了擴展功能的可信腳本 (trusted scriptlets)



助理 to v4.3.68
ExtendedCss 更新為 v2.0.26
Scriptlets 更新為 v1.7.10
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.46


[優化] 將 ExtendedCss 更新為 v2.0.10
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.39
這次 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的更新很小,但依然很重要。現在,我們的瀏覽器擴充功能運行更流暢。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.37
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.36
本次更新是 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能的路線圖上的另一點。這次改進不太多,即使用者介面設計的改善,過濾器和翻譯的更新、CoreLibs 升級,以及一些錯誤的修復。但不積跬步無以成江海。


[優化] 改善了自訂的過濾器編輯器的使用者介面設計 #2125
[優化] 懸停在按鈕和標簽上時降低了背光強度 #2137
[優化] 改善了側邊欄按鈕和標誌設計 #2150
[修復] $object 修飾符出錯 #61
[修復] 在 tatacliq.com 上出現無法讀取屬性的錯誤 #2187
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.22
我們發佈了 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.1.19 後,發現了一個程式錯誤。過濾清單更新後,過濾規則的數量顯示不正確。因此,我們發佈更新。這次更新我們修復了過濾規則的數量顯示不正確,以及其他小錯誤。


[優化] 關閉請求詳情後,過濾記錄中的選定行沒有突出顯示
[修復] 統計數據中的數字對淺色主題來說反差太大 #2171
[修復] 下載/更新過濾清單時,過濾規則的數量顯示不正確 #2175
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.19
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.1.19 上線了。安裝更新。這次更新包括幾個改進和程式錯誤修復。


[優化] 在通用設定新增了“報告錯誤”和“留下回饋意見”的連結
[優化] 在設定和過濾記錄改善了 cmd+f/ctrl+f 命令的功能#2161
[優化] 將小腳本更新為 v1.6.39
[修復] 當點選 Firefox 環境選單中的"檢查過濾器更新"時,網頁會自動滾動#1645
[修復] 側邊欄的設定位置太近了,AdGuard 的標誌太小了 #2150
[修復] “更新過濾器"按鈕看起來很模糊,而且比擴充功能彈出視窗的其他按鈕小。#2151
[修復] 選定的行在過濾記錄的"細節"畫面上沒有突出顯示 #2156
[修復] 在 Brave 和 Opera 瀏覽器中,隱藏元件的規則被刪除了 #2169
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.1.1
我們總是想改善我們的介面,讓過濾更有效。這就是我們發佈 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能新版本的原因。


[優化] 在擴充功能彈窗中增加了「更新過濾器」按鈕 #1455
[優化] 改進了隱匿模式功能的描述
[優化]過濾記錄的某些區域是可點擊的,現在很容易向後退一步了 #2134
[優化]現在,在過濾記錄中點擊一個請求可以開啟請求的詳細資訊 #2136
[優化]過濾記錄的元件是對稱的 #2088
[優化] :hover 元件在深色主題中變得對比度較小 #2137
[優化]提高了深色主題的可讀性 #2139
[優化] 在使用者規則編輯器中突出了 ping 類型和偽屬性。
[優化] 在使用者規則編輯器中突出了 touch-action 屬性
[優化] 更新克羅地亞語的翻譯#2113
[修復] script 修飾符不能與 popup 修飾符一起使用 #1992
[修復]帶有 TLD(頂級域名)的規則在某些情況下不起作用 #2037
[修復] $replace 規則在某些情況下會破壞影視播放器 #2038
[修復] 在 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.0.161 裡,regex 過濾器不起作用 #2042
[修復]$match-case 修飾符不能正常工作 #2049
[修復] 無法在 Android 上的 Firefox 的 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能中複製使用者規則 2065
[修復] 在首次啟用「封鎖 WebRTC」選項時,增加讀取和修改隱私設定的權限 #2074
[修復] $redirect-rule 修飾符不能正確工作 #51
[修復] 正則表達式規則不能正確應用 #52
[修復] 只為主頁新增一個空的 $path 變量 #54
[修復] 當沒有啟用過濾器時,禁用「檢查更新」按鈕 #2108
[修復]不建議刪除 Cookie 規則的查詢參數
[修復]隱藏元件的規則不適用於所有子域 #57
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.204
When you use AdGuard, good news will be forthcoming. Meet the new release of AdGuard Browser extension. This version is entirely dedicated to fixing bugs which means it will improve your user experience.
For example, previously some scriptlets were displayed in the Developer Tools console even when the Filtering log was closed. Now this problem no longer exists.
See the full list of changes and upgrade to the latest version!


[Fixed] Some scriptlets are displayed in the Developer Tools console even when the Filtering log is closed #2104
[Fixed] Align the Apple logo with the axis of symmetry #2094
[Fixed] In the Russian localization the sentences are truncated #2092
[Fixed] Increase the contrast with a light theme enabled in the Filtering log #2091
[Fixed] Align sliders in Allowlist and User rules #2089
[Fixed] Corrected the translations of the days of the week #2087
[Fixed] Make the corners of the frames equally rounded in Advanced settings #2084
[Fixed] There are no separator lines in the context menu if it's opened by clicking the icon #2079
[Fixed] The AdGuard extension icon is missing in the Firefox browser tab #2062
[Fixed] Improve window-close scriptlet — use the browser extension's API #170
[Fixed] The AdGuard extension icon is missing in the mobile version of Firefox #2032
[Fixed] Horizontal stretching in the Filtering log doesn’t work correctly #2090
[Fixed] The Filtering log is not launching #2100
[Fixed] Automatic search initiation and pop-up keyboard interfere with smooth navigation #2117
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.181


[優化] 更新了 Tsurlfilter
[修復] Firefox 瀏覽器的分頁上不顯示 AdGuard 頁面圖標 #2062
[修復] 語法高亮標記無法識別某些修飾符 #2075
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.171
在更新記錄可以看到,這次更新並非翻天覆地。這次我們只是修復了與使用者介面和使用者經驗有關的問題。不過,每一個改進都是一次積累,我們的最終目標是讓 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能無限接近完美運作狀態。


[優化] 過濾日誌窗口開啟時的大小、位置和狀態(全螢幕/非全螢幕)與之前關閉時相同。#1125
[修復] 過濾器的名稱和它的描述太接近了 #2022
[修復] "保存記錄"圖示僅在雙擊後變得不活躍。 #2052
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.163
這是 v4.0.161 的主要更新後的一次小更新。大家可能並不會看出有什麼不同,不過這次小更新是我們邁向下一次更新的一小步。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.161


[新增] color-scheme: dark;用於帖子安裝頁面和滾動 #1408
[優化] 捲軸樣式 #2010
[修復] 瀏覽器重啟時,開啟分頁的CPU負載增加
[修復] 文本不適合在按鈕中顯示 #2024
[修復] 過濾器的描述與標題和資訊太接近 #2022
[修復] 有時$replace規則不起作用,並且不顯示在過濾日誌裡 #2018
[修復] 將光標懸停在保護開關上時,保護開關周圍的圓圈會閃爍 #2015
[修復] 火狐瀏覽器Nightly版錯誤#2011
[修復] 所有網站上都顯示釣魚網站的彈出式窗口 #2009
[修復] Edge建議將設定頁面翻譯成俄語,盡管它已經是俄語的 #2005
[更新]中文翻譯 #2029
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.141
你可能已經遇到過這種問題了:你去外面玩,一切都安排好了。但是出門前你突然看到衣服上有汙漬。在這種情況下,你會做什麼呢?當然換一件衣服穿。是的,我們就注意到 v4.0.133 版本的一個小"汙點":一些使用者在更新後無法從允許清單中移除域名。我們決定立即發佈一個新版本,修復該錯誤,並順便消除了一些其他小的視覺缺陷。希望大家都會喜歡 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 v4.0.141。 ​


[修復] 暫停按鈕沒有完全放在中間位置 #1994
[修復] 如果之前被放大了,使用者規則和允許清單框在刷新頁面後,則返回到原來的大小 #1995
[修復] 帶有:where()偽類的規則不運作 #1998
[修復] 更新到 v4.0 後,不能從允許清單中刪除網域 #2002
[修復] 改變了更新彈出窗口的"了解更多"按鈕設計
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0.133
目前,尚未有使用者可以用 AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 4.0 。Chrome 商店已經批準了我們擴充功能的新版本,但現在正在進行分階段的發佈過程。該版本將通過增加對使用者的可用性比例逐步推出。其他商店(Microsoft、Opera Addons、AMO)仍在審查中。如果您不想等待新的版本在商店上正式發佈,您可以在 Github 上找到它,然後手動安裝。
热烈欢迎 AdGuard 浏览器扩展 v4.0!这次不仅是更新了,而是彻底改变了扩展。我们为扩展用户们添加了大堆新功能。


重构已成为一种意味着大规模代码重写的流行语。我们这样做的确困难重重、麻烦不小,但是从长远来看,却是非常明智之举。此外,我们增加了对 TSUrlFilter 的支持。这是我们的新过滤平台,其实施 AdGuard 内容阻止规则。
TSUrlFilter 是新过滤引擎。在 AdGuard 应用程序里,我们用的是 CoreLibs。TSUrlFilter 是一个将要用于更多不同项目(如 AdGuard DNS)的规则应用模块 。




用户规则部分的编辑器现在可以在全屏模式下打开。这使得添加、编辑和删除过滤规则的流程更加便捷。最后,在 AdGuard 浏览器扩展弹出窗口上有一个新的功能,可以一次性重置用于当前打开的网站的所有用户规则。
此外,现在 AdGuard 浏览器扩展有大家喜爱的深色主题

切换成 TypeScript 后,支持新修饰符

很多对过滤流程感兴趣的用户也许会问:"依然完全不了解为什么 TSUrlFilter 比以前过滤引擎更好"。新引擎的最重要优势也许是新修饰符,即 $removeheader, $redirect-rule, $ping, $path, $noop, and $denyallow$redirect 修饰符有了很大的改进,因此现在所有用于网站的 $redirect 规则都可以通过实施 @@||example.org^$redirect 被取消。
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.6.17
In this version we've fixed only one, but nevertheless important issue.


[Fixed] Do not accept CSS rules with "image-set" #1920
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.6.16
We considered the latest update to be the last before the big 4.0 release. Well, we were wrong. Here is the last one (hopefully): some minor changes and scriptlets updates. Soon you all will become witness to something really epic!
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.6.14
This is the last update before the big 4.0 release coming this November. Wait a bit more and you’ll see how many changes it brings.


[Enhancement] Scriptlets updated
[Enhancement] Minor fixes
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.6.12
Psst, here is a BTS promo in the latest version of the AdGuard Browser Extension. Get yours updated! Don’t get overexcited though, BTS here stands for “back to school” and not what you thought, but it’s still cool, right?
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.6.6
This release is a hotfix for an issue that came up with the previous release.


[Fixed] $removeparam modifier must not remove search params from POST requests #1812
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.6.5
AdGuard Browser Extension v3.6.5 is released.
We’ve added support for the $removeparam modifier which allowed us to get rid of the old Remove tracking parameters setting and add a new one that enables AdGuard URL Tracking filter. This will make deleting tracking parameters more flexible, so that everybody can create $removeparam user rules for their needs.
Moreover, in addition to “Do-Not-Track”, another signal appeared in the Stealth Mode settings — “Global Privacy Control”. These signals are sent to the websites you are visiting not to track you and to hide your search queries. Finally, we’ve added the birthday promo to the extension — AdGuard turns 12 on June 1!


[Added] $removeparam modifier support
[Added] Global Privacy Control signal in Stealth Mode
[Added] AdGuard URL Tracking filter
[Enhancement] Generic CSS exclusions disable matching CSS/elemhide rules on all domains #1801
[Enhancement] CSP reports to third parties and csp-reports containing moz://extension are blocked #1792
[Enhancement] Updated Scriptlets and redirects from v1.3.15 to v1.3.18
[Enhancement] Updated ExtendedCss from v1.3.10 to v1.3.11
[Enhancement] Portuguese and Portuguese Brazilian localizations are updated following the Portuguese Language Orthographic Agreement of 1990
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.5.34
Note: In progress on Chrome Store review.
Another small but important… Oh please, spare me this. The extension looks a bit brighter now that we have an Easter promo. And of course, the new version includes a basic starter pack of each release, big or small: we’ve updated filters, extended CSS to v1.3.10, scriptlets — to v1.3.15, and AdGuard Assistant — to v4.3.45. These are small preparatory steps for the coming update. Trust us, it’s going to be epic.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.5.31
A small but important release. We’ve added a new pseudo-class :is() and upgraded extended CSS to v1.3.8. :is() is a CSS pseudo-class function that comes in handy for writing large selector lists more compactly. Now AdGuard AdBlocker extension supports this functionality.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.5.25
Another brick in the wall: building our perfect browser extension. It seems that the few latest updates passed without notice – it’s no wonder ’cause we didn’t show to users any visible change. Yet, don’t let yourself be disappointed with the same old mantra: Scriptlets, Extended-CSS, and filters. They matter. So, we’ve updated Scriptlets to v1.3.13 and Extended-CSS to v1.3.6. AdGuard Assistant has been updated to v4.3.37. Plus, we’ve added new translations and filters to this version.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.5.23
When you're on a journey to the perfect ad blocker, every step matters. Even if it's on the smaller size like today: in this update, we only touched on scriptlets and extended CSS optimization.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.5.20
The new version of AdGuard AdBlocker extension has been released. We’ve updated the scriptlets, locales, and extended CSS — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. This beta harbours many secrets: many changes remained under the hood, but rest assured, they will improve the app’s performance.


[Enhancement] Scriptlets have been updated to v1.3.6
[Other] Localization issue #1678
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.5.12
The release of AdGuard AdBlocker extension v3.5.12 was preceded by four betas the version numbers of which look like Fibonacci sequence: 3.5.3, 3.5.5, 3.5.8 (and 3.5.12 falling out of line)… Seems like we’re getting close to the golden ratio! We hope that you’ll find the changes we made to the extension beautiful and well calibrated.


[Enhancement] Integration mode has been removed
[Enhancement] Filters metadata has been updated
[Enhancement] Scriptlets have been updated to v1.3
[Enhancement] Improved google-analytics and googlesyndication-adsbygoogle support #67, #91
[Enhancement] Added :upward support #102
[Enhancement] Added :remove() support #108
[Enhancement] Changed restrictions for CSS injection rules with \ character #1614
[Enhancement] All requests initiated by the browser extension have been sanitized #1647
[Enhancement] Changed the way Safebrowsing lookup API works #1648
[Fixed] Error with set-constant caused by non-existent chain property
[Fixed] adguard.configure callback does not apply rules #1607
[Fixed] Some requests blocking rules don't work correctly #1620
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules #1624
[Fixed] Triggered scriptlet rules without domain restrictions are not displayed in filtering log #1637
[Fixed] Infinite pending request status on some web pages #1644
[Fixed] AdGuard v3.5 is not working on Firefox v54 and below #1674
[Other] Thai localization has been added #1590
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.4.19 Hotfix
In this small hotfix we update scriptlets and related metadata.
[Changed] Scriptlets have been updated to v1.1.13
[Changed] Scriptlets’ metadata has been updated
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.4.11 Release
This is a small update that fixes a few ad blocking- and networking-related bugs, as well as introduces some other minor improvements in UI and other areas.
Ad Blocking
[Added] $ping modifier support #1584
[Fixed] Rules are not applied to websites with dot at the end of their domain name #1586
[Fixed] $3p,domain= rule works as CSP rule #1585
[Fixed] $badfilter modifier doesn't work correctly together with $all modifier #1573
[Fixed] max-length set to 256KB for ##^ rules #1556
[Fixed] Element hiding gets broken by an invalid element hiding rule #1554
[Improved] $domain modifier semantics #1534
[Improved] More modifiers’ aliases have been added #1592
[Fixed] “User rules” highlighting issue #1581
[Improved] Enabled filters have been moved to the top of the list #1259
[Fixed] Manual element blocker doesn’t work on a website #1540
[Fixed] Enabling “Send ad filters usage stats” breaks webpages on Edge Chromium #1561
[Added] Handling of the adguard:subscribe protocol for installing new filter subscriptions #1447
[Changed] “About” tab and the Settings footer have been updated #1579
[Changed] Update scriptlets to v1.1.9
[Fixed] Exporting/importing the whitelist creates duplicate entries #1531
[Fixed] Rules added via Filtering log are not visible in the already opened Filter editor #1410
[Fixed] Scriptlets are not validated before execution #1593
[Improved] Accessibility for visually impaired users #1456
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.3.8
Fixed an issue with AdGuard add-on running upgrade script even when the add-on was not actually updated.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.3.6
A small update to enter the new year with a little bit less bugs :)
[Added] Default filters update period #1549
[Changed] Update localizations #1550
[Changed] “Get AdGuard for your mobile" has been hidden from the browser action on MS Edge #1543
[Fixed] Exception rules with $popup modifier don't work #1542
[Fixed] Stealth Mode accepts empty field as a valid value for cookies’ self-destruction time #1544
[Improved] Scriptlets library has been updated to v1.1 #1548
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.3.4
Today’s update is something in-between a hotfix and a regular release. It lacks in numbers of changes compared to some other versions, but isn’t a hotfix either as we don’t patch any specific bug. All in all, consider it a quality of life update.
[Added] Estonian and Hindi localizations #1497
[Changed] “AdGuard” to “AdGuard” in devtools browser tab #1509
[Changed] An $important modifier is now added when creating an exclusion for a rule with $important #1516
[Fixed] Sometimes rules with $popup modifier don’t close popup windows #1519
[Fixed] Extra empty lines are added when pasting rules into the Filter editor #1517
[Fixed] Safebrowsing alert page is displayed in wrong language #1510
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.2.1
Your average grocery list is probably longer than this update’s changelog, but don’t let it fool you. We introduce two powerful new tools that are going to serve well to filtering rules creators and will noticeably improve the ad blocking quality.
[Added] Scriptlets support #1366
Scriptlets is a powerful ad blocking instrument. You can say that scriptlet is an internal script (a mini-program) that we install in the extension, and then execute that script with the help of filtering rules. Putting it simply, scriptlets allow us to modify how the code of the web page behaves. As for the practical use, this helps to block anti-ad blockers, for example.
[Added] $redirect and $rewrite modifiers support #1367
They are practically the same modifiers, and they allow to substitute resources. If you are not a custom filtering rules aficionado, don't bother with it. Just know that it is yet another instrument in the hands of filter developers that helps efficiently block ads.
We should mention that both $redirect and $rewrite modifiers are still kind of working in test mode, but they are fully operational and you should feel free to use them.
[Changed] The browser action UI on internal browser pages #1433
[Changed] Manifest file has been updated #1419
[Fixed] CSS rules exceptions don't work #1412
[Fixed] "Allow search ads and websites' self-promotion" checkbox doesn't correlate properly with "Self-promotion" filter #1287
[Improved] uBlock Origin syntax recognition #1383, #1428
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.0.13
After a series of hasty hotfixes we are happy to finally do a full-scale release. It may be not the biggest AdGuard browser extension release of all times, but it’s something. Inside you will find some small-ish changes and of course more bug fixes! This time, they were not so urgent, though.
Changed] "Mobile ads filter" is enabled by default on the Firefox for Android #1307
[Changed] $badfilter collection passed to ReplaceFilter #1340
[Changed] Chinese date format is now used for filters' update time in Chinese interface #1322
[Changed] Manifest file now properly indicates the latest supported Chrome version #1134
[Fixed] "Add custom filter" button is shown in English after adding a custom filter #1356
[Fixed] "Remove X-Client-Data header" has been made specific to Google Chrome only #1362
[Fixed] “Thank you” page in Edge #1369
[Fixed] $stealth modifier does not work in some cases #1342
[Fixed] BODY tag is ignored in the rules constructor in developer tools #1301
[Fixed] Comment symbol ! is applied as a URL blocking rule #1361
[Fixed] Enabled filters in turned off filter groups should be updated after the group is turned back on #1334
[Fixed] Incorrect automatic activation of the language-specific filters #1354
[Fixed] Language-specific filters are automatically activated even if the Language-specific filter group is disabled #1308
[Fixed] Last custom filters update check time is not saved #1347
[Fixed] Settings page in the extension doesn't wait until the extension is initialized before requesting information #1329
[Fixed] Standalone server breaks the extension's popup #1343
[Fixed] Strings alignment on the Settings screen #1360
[Fixed] The extension doesn't subscribe to the abp:subscribe - type links in the iframe #1357
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.0.11
Sorry for another hotfix. It appeared, that filter lists updates were broken since v3.0 first release for those who restart their browser too often. This update fixes #1346and #1331.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.0.10
Turned out, we overlooked a couple of minor bugs and inconsistencies in the previous hotfix. Here's a quick fix to set things right.
[Fixed] Statistics flushed after browser restart (randomly) #1341
[Fixed] ExtCss DOM observer fails in Edge due to a "Syntax error" #1330
[Fixed] Extension doesn't search for other rules if first found rule matched with badfilter rule #1328
[Fixed] User filter editor is often stuck in "Saving" state #1316
[Fixed] AdGuard extension does not properly show on Chrome 56 (winXP) #1315
[Fixed] AdGuard extension doesn't work in UC browser #1318
[Fixed] ExtendedCss recursively calls MutationObserver #1317
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.0.8
As they say, you can't have a good release without a hotfix. Or maybe they don't say that, but we sure need one.
In this update, we fix a particularly nasty bug that causes high CPU load because of some filtering rules.
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 3.0.7
New AdGuard Browser Extension follows the trends. As if ads were not bad enough, the web today is teeming with trackers. Big companies want to know everything about you, and AdGuard is here to stop it. The new Stealth Mode is designed specifically to protect your online privacy — an entire new module dedicated just for that. But that’s even not the first thing you will notice. Of course, the new design will steal the show. Let’s have a closer look.

[Improved] Renewed design

Fresh icon and menu designs that make interface more natural and user-friendly, with a big ‘On/Off‘ switch. Brand-new ’Statistics" tab creates charts based on your blocked ads statistics, with the ability to show different types of data: total, filter-specific etc.
Also worth mentioning is the User filter. It has undergone a few changes too. The new luminous element highlighting and auto-save function, as well as a unified text field for filtering rules should make editing more convenient. The text box can also be resized to your liking.

[Added] Stealth Mode #283

We took online privacy protection in our extension to the next level by adding the Privacy module, which until this day existed only in the standalone AdGuard for Windows app. Although it doesn’t have the full capabilities of its desktop parent yet, it still makes the extension all the more effective for protecting privacy against trackers and analytical systems. It already gives you a wide range of privacy-related options (each explained in the tooltip), but we will surely add more in the future updates.

[Added] Filter categories #1068

We changed the way in which the filters are presented to users. Instead of listing them all together, we combined the filters into semantic groups. Each group includes filters that serve some particular goal. For example, filters that block ads are grouped together, filters that block trackers and serve privacy purposes will be united into a different group, etc. It is possible to enable and disable all filters in a group at once.

[Added] ‘Filters update period‘ setting #596

Before, filters were automatically updated every 48 hours (default period), now you can adjust the frequency of automatic updates (by choosing from options: every 1/6/12/24/48 hours) or disable them completely, in case you prefer to update them manually.

[Added] An option to disable integration mode while keeping the extension up #1012

If you already have the AdGuard app, our browser extension may become a very useful additional tool, which can completely replace the browser-based ’AdGuard Assistant" module (learn more). It’s called Integration mode and now you can turn it on or off in the ‘Other settings’ tab.


[Added] An option to resize User filter and Whitelist text areas #1263
[Added] ‘About‘ screen #1135
[Added] ’Submit a complaint‘ item to the right-click menu #1072
[Added] $cookie modifier support #961
[Added] A notification with changelog after an update #1025
[Added] Notifications for various actions, e. g. filter updates #1167
[Added] Search among all filter categories #1192
[Added] Show notify when checking for filters update using context menu #1073
[Added] Update filter after enabling it #1181
[Changed] Information about permissions added to the extension description #1223
[Changed] The settings button has been hidden in the integration mode #1282
[Changed] A forwarder is now used for all links #1109
[Changed] Context menu #1150
[Changed] Intercept abp: subscribe links on all websites #1210
[Changed] Localizations have been updated
[Changed] Localizations have been updated #1174
[Changed] Update translations #1084
[Changed] Padding added to dropdown options #1238
[Changed] Wording for manual blocking tool options #1169
[Fixed] ‘Block WebRTC’ description inconsistency #1274
[Fixed] Extension uses the default value for the filters update check interval instead of the user-selected value #1295
[Fixed] An empty string is shown when importing a User filter #1296
[Fixed] Web reporter misrepresents the enabled/disabled state for filters #1293
[Fixed] ’Activate the most appropriate filters automatically‘ option works despite the protection is on pause #1291
[Fixed] Stealth Mode works despite the protection is on pause #1290
[Fixed] Enabled filters in disabled filter groups receive updates #1270
[Fixed] Mobile filter gets enabled on desktop browsers when ’Ad blocking" filter group gets enabled #1226
[Fixed] An empty string is created when adding the first rule via Chrome dev tools #1243
[Fixed] Closed tabs remain monitored in the Filtering log #1268
[Fixed] Self-destructing third-party cookies lead to logout from the Google account #1245
[Fixed] Statistics chart only works for the current day #1280
[Fixed] In integration mode, if the filtering disabled via assistant, extension can’t detect it #1294
[Fixed] ’Filters update interval’ parameter doesn’t save in settings file after exporting #1255
[Fixed] ’Filters update interval’ parameter duplicates after importing the settings #1254
[Fixed] ‘Third-party’ icon size in Filtering Log #1069
[Fixed] ‘Filter‘ column is empty in the Filtering log for cookie-type requests #1219
[Fixed] $badfilter modifier is not working with stealth exclusions #1236
[Fixed] $extension modifier prevents first-party URL blocking #1122
[Fixed] $stealth modifier issues #1225
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn’t hide referer properly #1217
[Fixed] Assistant advanced settings button doesn’t respond #1091
[Fixed] Custom filter is not saved when exporting settings #1224
[Fixed] Custom filter subscription popup doesn’t close if you move forward and backward #1206
[Fixed] Dropdown menu is empty when there is no statistics yet #1256
[Fixed] Enabled filters in disabled filter group are working #1249
[Fixed] Fix the issue with empty filters after update to v3.0 #1227
[Fixed] Import doesn’t work after deleting custom filters #1233
[Fixed] Import settings doesn’t import filter group settings #1232
[Fixed] Incorrect file types are accepted when you try to import a User filter #1039
[Fixed] Invalid exclusions are created using Filtering Log #1131
[Fixed] Self-destructing third-party cookies are not listed in the Filtering log #1262
[Fixed] Self-destructing third-party cookies lead to a logout from Google account #1245
[Fixed] Some hidden elements are not shown in the Filtering Log #1123
[Fixed] Some requests are not visible in the Filtering Log #1138
[Fixed] strip_tracking_params is applied to sub-requests #1230
[Fixed] The custom filter is always updated #1240
[Fixed] While in integration mode, new rules are not imported to the desktop AG User filter #10
[Fixed] Hotfix for a nasty bug with custom filters in the previous beta version: #1272
[Fixed] Applied element hiding rules are not visible in filtering log in some cases #1200
[Improvement] Users can now specify titles for their custom filters #1209
[Improved] ’abp: subscribe’ links are now intercepted properly #1149
[Improved] $csp rules are now disabled if there’s a document-level exception applied to the website #1093
[Improved] A validity check has been added for rules with a domain modifier #1242
[Improved] Extension is now more friendly towards visually impaired users #953
[Improved] Network requests excluded by a rule in a custom filter can now be blocked #1044
[Improved] Notifications for version 3.0 #1167


[Improved] New permissions are made optional #1220


[Fixed] Get rid of Safari and Firefox Legacy builds #1035
[Changed] Third-party libraries sources have been updated #1253
[Fixed] AdGuard extension doesn’t open the settings correctly in Firefox for Android #1264
[Fixed] AdGuard settings are not fully visible when accessing them from the overflow menu #970
[Improved] Multiple $replace rules can be applied to a single web request now #1092


[Changed] The default footer for MS Edge extension #1239
[Changed] AdGuard 2.10.8 extension for Edge blocks Spotify web player song play #1090
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 2.10.11
Among important changes is a fix to the Assistant "block" button issue and a new "Save filtering log" feature that will come handy for filter developers and in some cases of troubleshooting via support.
[Added] An option to save Filtering Log when reloading the page #1074
[Fixed] AdGuard 2.10.8 extension for Edge blocks Spotify web player playback #1090
[Fixed] Assistant preview doesn't close #1083
[Fixed] The Norwegian translation implementation is broken #1085
[Fixed] When using Edge dev console, JS error occurs in extended-css.js #1086
[Fixed] Сosmetic filters stop working after refresh of a page cached by a ServiceWorker #1087
[Fixed] AdGuard "send statistics" crashes google sheets when option turned on #1096
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 2.10.8
This update adds several minor-ish (although filter enthusiasts will argue) features to the Filtering Log and improves ad blocking quality. You'll find an array of bug fixes, as usual.
[Added] Element hiding rules highlighting #1053
Applied element hiding rules are now highlighted with yellow color in the Filtering Log. This will greatly help parse log entries. We don't need to prove it to you if you are actively using it :)
[Added] Wildcard character support in rules with domain modifier #571
Again, another treat for filtering rules creators. Previously you had to list domains old-fashioned way: example.com,example.eu etc, and now you can simply use example.* syntax.
[Improved] Scripts are injected faster #1029
To efficiently block ads on the page we need a way to reliably inject our scripts before the in-page scripts are executed. A set of measures has been taken to ensure this. While there is still no 100% guarantee, the success chance has increased considerably — along with ad blocking quality.


[Added] "Public suffix list" automatic update #1010
[Added] Display applied element hiding and CSS rules in Filtering log #830
[Added] "Filter" column to the Filtering log #863
[Added] Pre-processor directives for filters #917
[Fixed] Error in event handler for webRequest.onBeforeRequest #1015
[Fixed] Unnecessary "Cannot create rule from filter" error entries in the browser console while in integration mode #1016
[Fixed] Whitelist is not applied for requests sent from within a service worker #1032
[Fixed] Wrong filters sort order #1028
[Fixed] Text box is not editable in the "Block element" window #331
[Fixed] Incorrect layout for filter name #1050
[Fixed] High CPU usage because of searching hidden elements #1067
[Fixed] Underscore character is not displayed on Linux #393
[Fixed] Some Extended CSS rules are not working because of regex issues in content attribute #1079
[Fixed] Rules containing content substring are not working correctly while Filtering log window is open #1080
[Improved] Browser extension build process has been optimized #991
[Improved] Filters-downloader module has been upgraded to v1.0.5 #1051


[Fixed] ext-CSS does not always get applied #1009


[Fixed] Some sites are broken by $$ rules in Firefox Quantum #1001
[Fixed] Element hiding rules don't work in frames by playbuzz #1046
[Fixed] JS rules don't work on xda-developers.com #1004
[Fixed] Ineffective browser.storage issue #1006
[Fixed] $replace rule does not get applied #1038
[Fixed] FF for Android: If you click on "AdGuard settings" nothing happens #1034


[Fixed] WebSocket requests are not visible #1014


[Fixed] "Activate the most appropriate filters automatically" doesn't work #997
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 2.9.2
Ho Ho Ho! Just kidding, it is not Christmas, but it might have very well been — isn’t every AdGuard Browser Extension release a special day for you? For us, it certainly is 🙂 This time we prepared a couple or two of quite important changes and improvements, to come along with a long list of more routine-ish fixes. Read on to find out the details.
[Added] Integration with the new Assistant #956
For a while now we develop AdGuard Assistant more or less independently, to later use it wherever we need — Windows and Mac apps use regular Assistant, Android and iOS apps use mobile version. Browser extension users encounter Assistant when they click "Block ads on this website" button. We will not go into the details here, those who interested can find the exhaustive changelog inside the Assistant repo.
[Improved] InsertCSS to use instead of the content scripts #847
There was a certain change in Chrome browser recently, that prompted us to respond by reconsidering the way we inject scripts and styles. The good thing is, thanks to this change we now have less bugs, more possibilities and were even able to make the extension more lightweight by reducing the amount of code.
[Improved] ExtendedCss has been updated to v1.10 #980
This change is on the technical side, but from the end user perspective it converts into better performance and better quality ad blocking, thanks to more tools being available to the extension now.


[Fixed] HTML filtering rule does not work on example.org #948
[Fixed] The issues with content filtering rules in Firefox #959


[Fixed] Assistant crashes in Safari #974
[Fixed] Wrong URL blocking rule behavior on iOS #957
[Fixed] Styles are applied twice in the Safari extension #979
[Fixed] Safari content blocker converter fails if we pass it an invalid rule #945
[Improved] SafariContentBlockerConverter memory usage #955


[Fixed] Wrong filter names language #889


[Fixed] Some regex rules don't work #978
[Fixed] Can't build the extension with Maven 3.5.2 #946
[Fixed] Assistant menu doesn't save its position on pages #973
[Fixed] Assistant does't block in 'Preview' mode #975
[Fixed] Element hiding exclusion can't be applied to iframe #934
[Fixed] Filters are not getting updated after the clean install #981
[Fixed] Assistant dialog default position is different from where it should be #976
[Fixed] AdGuard extension for Yandex Browser prevents downloading of .pdf files on vk.com #897
[Fixed] Rules proposed by AdGuard for "content-security-policy-check" are incorrect #941
[Fixed] Warning Page Appears Twice #995
[Fixed] Extension can't detect it when you disable filtering in AdGuard for Win via Assistant #989
[Improved] Old links have been replaced with new ones #952
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 2.8.4
Ad blocking has been enhanced in this version by adding support for several modifiers. We've also integrated the extension with our web reporting tool, details below. As usual, all spotted bugs have been fixed too, this mostly concerns Firefox version.


[Added] Integration with reports.adguard.com #894
A new convenient way to report any issues with websites, be it missed ads, false positives, unblocked social widgets etc. Just head to the problematic website, bring up the context menu and select "Submit a complaint" option. You will be transferred to reports.adguard.com and a wizard will take you through the required steps to report the issue — and most of the fields will be even filled out automatically. Try it!
[Added] $badfilter modifier support #866
[Fixed] onet.pl shows anti adblock notice #860
[Fixed] Errors in the browser console #865
[Fixed] Blog link in the footer #908
[Fixed] Double scroll bar in filtering log #907
[Improved] AdGuard now filters "New tab" windows #881
[Improved] Styles protection has been enhanced #829
[Improved] "ExtendedCss" module has been upgraded to v1.0.9 #906


[Fixed] Browsing security fails in Chrome incognito mode #905


[Added] $important modifier support #877


[Added] $replace and $$ rules partial support #864
[Fixed] Huge amount of writes by storage.js.temp #892
[Fixed] Search option misbehaves on news.yandex.ru #872
[Fixed] Recaptcha is hidden by AdGuard on vk.com #880
[Fixed] Content filtering rules aren't visible in the filtering log #910
[Fixed] group.aliexpress.com #924
[Fixed] "Thank you" page switches don't change the extension settings #929
[Fixed] AdGuard for Firefox hides iframe with text area on insanelymac.com #922
[Fixed] Beta 2.8.2 Doesn't save whitelist settings after reboot (Beta 2.8.1 works) #933
AdGuard 瀏覽器擴充功能 2.6.5
A long time has passed since the last release. But we weren't sitting on our hands. We fixed a whole lot of various bugs, so most users will find something positive in this update. This version also contains some sweet additions that will be interesting mostly for rule creators.
[Improved] $important modifier was added to the rule constructor: #626
This one is a rather obvious: when you use the manual blocking tool to create a rule, you can now give this rule a higher priority by ticking the checkbox. The $important modifier was available before, but you had to manually add it via the user filter.
[Added] $csp modifier support: #685
This is strictly for the rule creators, as it requires the basic understanding of the Content Security Policy security layer.
This modifier completely changes the rule behaviour. If it is applied to a rule, it will not block the matching request. The response headers are going to be modified instead.
You can find the syntax and examples for csp inside the issue.


We had been waiting for this for a long time, it took a lot of time but now the code is much more simple and convenient to work with.
[Improved] Global variables were got rid of: #451
[Improved] Tabs API: #374

Build process

The builds themselves are now available directly on GitHub, all the updates will be stored here. The build names are now more clear and understandable.
[Changed] The build process for v2.6: #600
[Changed] The build process was changed so that all AdGuard's code is encapsulated into a reusable API: #454 All additions, improvements and issues fixed in this release:


[Added] $empty modifier: #280
[Added] AdGuard French filter: #612
[Added] “Select all/none” buttons to rules constructor: #703
[Changed] '2016' to '2017': #519
[Changed] filterlists.com were added to possible filters sources: #544
[Changed] Filtering log performance: #403
[Fixed] Rule constructor can't create a rule with
[onclick] attribute which contains a big script: #469
[Fixed] Rule constructor works incorrectly with TD tag: #483
[Fixed] Regular expressions with $ aren't processed properly: #517
[Fixed] Error while parsing rules with $replace modifier: #559
[Fixed] Error while parsing wide filtering rules: #556
[Fixed] Basic URL rule, which contains domain name, blocks WS: #528
[Fixed] Blocked blob: URLs #525
[Fixed] Errors while parsing CSS rules: #617
[Fixed] Sustainability to the LastPass vulnerability: #625
[Fixed] Huge user filter slows down the 'options' page loading: #641
[Fixed] Browsing security doesn't work: #580
[Fixed] Error parsing pseudo class: #576
[Improved] WebRTC circumvention: #588
[Improved] Separate loading of the cosmetic filters and JS filters: #512
[Changed] German translation was updated: #680
[Changed] A link for "Protected by AdGuard for Windows" menu item was added to the description page: #672
[Fixed] AdGuard settings window is not shown in private mode: #658
[Fixed] WebRTC circumvention: #588
[Fixed] AdGuard 2.6.1 Beta does not block WebSocket connection: #652
[Fixed] Auto-activation of filters still work in integration mode: #666
[Fixed] $webrtc does not work on rapidvideo.com: #669
[Fixed] Filtering log errors: #687
[Fixed] A bug with element hiding rule with domains containing www: #665
[Fixed] A rule with a single $content modifier now will be ignored. A rule with multiple modifiers which includes $content continue to work: #719
[Fixed] CSP and WebRTC rules are now processing the proper way: #725
[Fixed] unutulmazfilmler.co - blocked iframe is not collapsed: #733
[Fixed] $content modifier works as URL exclusion: #719
[Fixed] Difference of blocked ads before AG turn off and after turn on: #748


There are few notable changes in this release that take place in Firefox version. First of all, FF have finally released the WebExtensions technology which allowed us to completely revamp the extension code. It now greatly resembles the code for Chrome extension, which makes it much easier for further development among other advantages. A lot of other improvements have been done, too.
[Improved] FF extension migrated to WebExtensions: #523
[Improved] "Require" calls were got rid of: #367
[Improved] SDK is not being used anymore: #151
[Improved] -moz-binding approach was got rid of: #463
[Fixed] Errors in FF browser console: #673
[Fixed] Cleaning Firefox data breaks AdGuard extension: #681
[Fixed] Filtering log: new tab stays in the background when opened: #697
[Fixed] Scrollbar is missing in the filtering log: #732

Firefox - other

[Fixed] Integration mode: #607
[Fixed] Possible error with generichide implementation: #574


[Fixed] chrome.webRequest.onBeforeRequest now intercepts WebSocket: #572
[Improved] Text in the rules constructor is too dark with built-in dark theme for dev tools: #739
[Fixed] Separators in rules constructor are collapsed in some cases: #741


[Fixed] Edge Storage size limit issue: #566
[Fixed] Russian localization: #538
[Fixed] Error on start/adding/removing filter subscription: #627
[Fixed] Browsing security - "Proceed anyway" issue: #628
[Improved] CSP fix is now applied for newer Edge versions (Insider Preview): #602
[Improved] Edge extension now downloads own platform filters: #721
[Fixed] Edge browser.windows.getAll issue in the Insider Fast ring build: #569
[Fixed] AdGuard dropdown menu glitch - Edge browser: #675
[Fixed] Advanced settings menu does not expand: #708
[Fixed] "Block ads on this website" tool misbehaves: #691
[Fixed] Google Docs document glitch: #720


[Changed] "Activate the most appropriate filters automatically" setting is now disabled by default: #715
[Fixed] $websocket modifier works incorrectly in Safari: #597
[Fixed] Possible websockets blocking issue: #586
[Fixed] $elemhide exceptions also affect basic rules: #642
[Fixed] User filter rules are being imported from .txt together with comments: #584
[Fixed] Browsing security error: #583
[Fixed] Safari tab / Ergonomics issue: #505
[Fixed] "Block ads on this website" tool does not work in Safari 9.1.3: #704
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