AdGuard for Android 4.8
我們將繼續統一軟體的代碼庫,Android 版 AdGuard 也不例外。此次更新不僅提升了穩定性,還讓新功能的新增更加高效。此外,新版本還大幅加快了統計資料的加載速度。我們還更新了 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs,為使用者帶來更流暢的使用體驗。
從這個版本開始,Android 版 AdGuard 只支援 Android 9 或更高版本。
將 CoreLibs 更新為 v1.17.88 #5620
將 DnsLibs 更新為 v2.5.63 #5607
將 UserscriptsWrapper 更新為 v2.0.1
Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)
將 Scriptlets 更新為 v2.1.4
—— 元件在被點選前已被移除並再次新增 #391
AdGuard for Android 4.7.1
AdGuard for Android 4.7
AdGuard v4.7 是最後一個支援 Android 7 和 8 的版本。從下一個版本開始,我們將僅支援 Android 9 或更高版本。
在瀏覽網頁時保護隱私,已經成為許多使用者日常生活中不可或缺的一部分。我們推出全新 AdGuard 私密瀏覽器,為使用者的日常網路體驗添加額外的隱私保護。
Fanboy's Annoyance List 描述翻譯有誤 #5423
在 Android 9 的系統設定中啟用相應開關後,「允許應用程式使用權限」彈出式視窗不消失 #4906
幾乎所有應用程式都不再被記錄為過濾程式 #5426
在暗色主題中,搜尋欄上的遊標幾乎不可見 #5397
啟用/禁用「受信任的過濾器」的開關後無法重啟保護 #5202
在「報告錯誤 」上使用無效電子郵件發送報告時,錯誤資訊不正確 #5160
如果暫停保護,AdGuard 通知的洋紅色 #5449
當為無問題應用程式啟用選項時,將啟用有問題的應用程式的路由選擇 #4918
外發套接字的 TCP 保活連線畫面不滾動 #5415
使用者規則位於編輯器的中間位置 #5422
惱人元件阻止通知缺少翻譯 #5388
Android WebView 卸載時應用程式會當機 #5521
不起作用 #5284
AdGuard for Android 4.6.5
AdGuard for Android 4.6.4
在 4.6.4 版本中我們修復了不少錯誤 。讓我們一起看看所有的更新:
DNS 錯誤
在此版本中,我們解決了一個令人頭疼的錯誤。該錯誤導致 DNS 以及網際網路在切換網路連線時出現隨機故障。由於這個問題難以預測,(只有少數的使用者遇到過該錯誤)因此我們經過一段時間的偵查工作才能發現它。
上述問題主要影響到使用特定版本的 Android 使用者。如果有使用者使用的是 AdGuard Nightly 版本或 Beta 測試版本並遇到了類似問題,我們建議您更新到最新的正式版本。
升級 CoreLibs 版本後,我們修復了許多相關錯誤並進行了一些改進,同時大大提高了過濾質量。請以下的更新記錄中檢視所有詳情。
將 CoreLibs 更新為 v1.16.44
在被過濾的應用程式使用後量子密碼學(英語:post-quantum cryptography)時隨時啟用它 #1916
新增了腳本的允許名單 #1862
支援重新導向到目的地,無需追蹤服務作為中間環節 #1557
Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)
將 Scriptlets 更新為 v1.11.27
新腳本 #426set-cookie
— 新增了更多選項 #433set-local-storage-item
— 新增了更多選項 #429改進了腳本程式的日誌記錄 #411
在過濾日誌中顯示修飾符規則 #180
新腳本 #382新增了
新腳本 #410新增了驗證重新導向是否與 AdGuard 相容的功能,無需完整的規則文本 #420
— 新增了 ShadowRoot(closed)的支援 #423trusted-click-element
— 新增了點選包含給定文本的元件的功能 #409修復
AdGuard for Android 4.6.3
AdGuard for Android 4.6.2
AdGuard for Android 4.6.1
過濾引擎一直受到“敵方”錯誤的攻擊,但 AdGuard 更強大。有了這個修復程式,更新後的資料庫將為使用者帶來更乾淨、更安全的網路。
AdGuard for Android 4.6
失敗乃成功之母。我們從每一個舊版本中都吸取教師來提升未來版本的性能。今天我們很高興發佈 Android 版 AdGuard 的更新。更快、更強、更有效!讓我們一起來看看主要改進有什麼吧。
通過更新 CoreLibs 過濾引擎,我們實現了許多新功能。這些功能可以改善使用者的過濾體驗。首先,我們提高了 HTTPS 過濾速度。其次,我們給過濾器開發人員和高級使用者帶來一些方便的增強功能。我們增加了
和 xmlprune
我們的開發人員並沒有滿足於現狀,他們還更新了 DnsLibs、UserscriptsWrapper 並修復了許多錯誤,使應用程式更加穩定。
AdGuard YouTube 播放軟體無法開啟 YouTube 連結或播放清單 #5348
退出 AdGuard 後,點選保護通知時應用程式崩潰 #5366
翻譯與字段不符 #5324
將設定重置為預設後,「不被路由通過 AdGuard」的警告文本不消失 #5340
將 CoreLibs 更新為 v1.15.59
(信任的)修飾符的支援 #1364新增了
修飾符的支援 #473在本機支援
的使用者代理清單中新增了行動瀏覽器 #1870本機端允許使用的 ECDSA 密碼 #360
Sec-Fetch-Dest header: fencedframe
#1853支援 uBO 的
修飾規則格式 #1844修復
包含 FQDN 的 Adblock 語法規則不起作用 #210
AdGuard 和 FTP 連線錯誤 #1864
XHR 使用者腳本錯誤 #1876
修飾符不適用於非類域名 URL 部分 #1860URL 阻止規則在使用
修飾符時無法正常工作 #1857DnsLibs(DNS 過濾引擎)
將 DnsLibs 更新為 v2.5.33
將 UserscriptsWrapper 更新為 v1.2.24
通過 AdGuard 無法運行 #1871ContentScript
將 ContentScript 更新為 v2.0.6
AdGuard for Android 4.5
本次更新將 YouTube 播放軟體的可用性提升到了一個全新的水平:我們增加了背景播放、推薦視訊、質量設定等功能。廣告在我們面前是不是變得一擊就潰?此外,該版本還對應用程式的整體性能(包括 Android TV 版本)進行了一些深度的修復。
對 AdGuard 的 YouTube 播放軟體進行了深度改進



雙擊畫面右側或左側,可相應地向前或向後跳過 10 秒鐘
快速提醒:要啟動 AdGuard 播放軟體,請在 YouTube 應用程式中選擇任何視訊,點選「共享」,然後選擇 AdGuard 播放軟體(很可能需要先向右滾動並點選「更多」)。
請注意:AdGuard 播放軟體基於一個開啟 YouTube 的內部網頁瀏覽器,內置廣告封鎖功能。因此,其功能的運行和可用性取決於 YouTube 的網頁版本。
開啟 Android TV 版 AdGuard 的左側選單並關閉後,焦點將保持在同一位置 #5271
AdGuard for Android 4.4.1
AdGuard for Android 4.4
改進的「防火墻」功能和即時 DoH 過濾是 Android 版 AdGuard v4.4 的亮點。經過長時間的測試,我們推出新版本。
有使用者不想再收到有關 Chrome 瀏覽器連線的通知?開啟下拉式快捷列,點選有關 Chrome 瀏覽器的通知,然後單機「靜音」即可。此應用程式的所有「防火墻」通知都將被禁用。
或者,您還可以進入「保護」 →「防火墻」→「通知」,關閉相應應用程式的通知。
On-the-fly DoH 請求
更新 CoreLibs 過濾引擎後,我們可以實現即時 DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) 連線過濾。我們的桌面應用程式已經採用了這一方法,而且運行良好。這項功能有什麼用呢?
以前,如果使用者在瀏覽器中啟用 DoH,但沒有在 AdGuard 中啟用,我們就不得不直接在瀏覽器中過濾請求,並將其傳送到未加密的系統 DNS,從而降低了安全性。現在,有了即時 DoH 連線過濾功能,我們可以在瀏覽器中過濾 DNS 請求,而無需將其傳送到未加密的伺服器。
要啟動新功能請進入「設定」→「一般」→「進階的」→「底層設定」→「過濾安全 DNS」。
我們還修復了一些小錯誤,更新了 UserscriptsWrapper 和 DnsLibs。
在 Chromite 瀏覽器上免費啟用 HTTPS 過濾功能 #4997
改進的開發人員工具部分 #5173
在使用者規則清單為空的情況下嘗試匯出規則時,新增「沒有什麼要匯出」通知 #5176
在預設 HTTPS 過濾例外中新增了 com.klook 應用程式 #5143
預設將 com.nekki.shadowfightarena 加入 QUIC 旁路包 #5158
授權金鑰未隱藏 #4496
語言版本的翻譯 #5180重啟 Chromecast 和 Sony TV 後,自動運行程式不起作用 #5156
電池消耗量大 #4960
快取大小快速增長 #5125
更改並返回使用者腳本狀態時應用程式崩潰 #5131
選擇印尼語時應用程式崩潰 #5236
重置 DNS 過濾器選項卡中的設定後,DNS 伺服器設定被重置 #5142
安裝成功後,有關憑證安裝失敗的對話框不會消失 #5194
下載應用程式更新需要消耗超過 400 mAh 的電池容量 #5259
可使用大小寫差異將重復內容新增到網站允許清單中 #5037
匯出設定時出錯 #5069
在 com.opera.browser 上封鎖背景圖像 #5096
Meross 裝置配對錯誤(com.meross.meross) #4989
不顯示所選公司最近的活動(如果有兩個組成部分) #5067
刪除所有 DNS 條目的 (.) 字符 #4824
「瀏覽安全」頁面上的滾動區域有問題 #5195
最近活動中滾動條拇指位於底部選單後面 #4901
通知因盡量減少應用而關閉 #5018
有些自訂的過濾器屬性無法正常更新 #5171
主畫面上的統計卡不滿畫面寬度 #5118
彈出視窗以系統語言顯示,而整個應用程式用英語 #5168
未為 Bootstrap 上遊選項導入單選按鈕狀態 #5239
更新加載器無法正常工作 #5028
通過下拉式快捷列禁用後,重新開啟應用時會自動啟用 #5146
啟用 AdGuard 保護後,應用程式會報告沒有網際網路連線 #5209
Santander 和 Sainsburys Bank 的應用程式在開啟 HTTPS 過濾後出現故障 #5058
更新進度條的顏色不正確 #5308
將 CoreLibs(過濾引擎)更新為 v1.14.59 #5316
DoH 連線的 on-the-fly 過濾支援 #198
在請求已處理事件中指示是否使用往外的代理 #1385
新增將主機傳遞給往外代理的支援 #1386
的使用者代理清單中新增 Firefox 121.0+ #1840新增截獲 DNS HTTPS 查詢中的 ECH 參數 #1794
改進 HTML 過濾性能 #1855
無法將 QUIC ClientHello 解析分成兩個數據包 #1861
VOT(嗓音起始時間)腳本無法在 Google 瀏覽器中運行 #1665
未重定嚮帶有授權標頭的請求 #1851
支援韓國電信的反 DPI 功能 #1789
同時運行 AdGuard 和 AdGuard VPN 瀏覽器擴充功能時,在某些情況下無法套用修飾符規則 #1791
由於網站憑證不同,其中一個子域名未被過濾 #1839
修飾符工作不正確 #1842未註入
內容腳本 #1834在字符類中封鎖帶有轉義斜線的 regex 規則不起作用 #1831
如果在 doctype 宣告之前有標記(帶 embed 屬性),則無法註入內容腳 #1825
修飾符對查詢參數不起作用 #1817有端口的 URL 上的
$removeparam` 重新導向無端口的 URL
破壞網站 #1800無法安全連線到
#1821將 Scriptlets(過濾規則的 JavaScript 改進)更新為 v1.10.25
屬性改進了 Google 分析功能 #355新增
屬性改進了 google-ima3 #353新增與 uBO 的
腳本程式的相容性 #332新增新腳本
,增加一個可能的數值 #388trusted-click-element
,添加在 shadowRoot 中查找選擇器的支援 #323將一些重新導向資源也用作小腳本 #300
增加了允許清單腳本的選擇 #377
— setProxyTrap() #403修復
— 不進行 Cookie 名稱編碼 #408修復
轉換 — '$remove$' 參數 #404將 UserscriptsWrapper 更新為 v1.2.23
將 DnsLibs(DNS 過濾引擎)更新為 v2.5.25 #5306
允許指定僅 tcp 和僅 udp DNS 上遊 #208
支援嚮往外的代理傳遞主機名,而不是 Bootstrap #197
改進對 HTTPS RRType 的處理 #215
主機正常化僅限於 DoH #219
AdGuard for Android 4.3.1
我們最近高調地發佈全新版本,但如果出現了令人討厭的錯誤,該怎麼辦呢?不如發佈下一個版本吧。在這次更新中,我們修復了一個錯誤,如果瀏覽器使用 HTTPS 代理,AdGuard 應用程式停止運作。我們還修復了
修改器,並更新了 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs。更新應用程式查看所有的改進! 更新記錄
DnsLibs(DNS 過濾引擎)
將 DnsLibs 更新為 v2.4.37 #5123
AdGuard for Android 4.3
我們發佈了 Android 版 AdGuard v4.3。新版本,“老配方”,而且大大增強,現已推出對 Android TV 的支援!此外,在新版本中我們進行了重要更新和新增了開發人員工具部分,讓使用者體驗更加便捷。
Android TV 的支援

為了全面支援 Android TV,我們開發了包含最基本功能的 Android 版 AdGuard,可增強使用者在電視上的瀏覽體驗和內容過濾。新設計完全適用於 Android TV:
DNS 保護
DNS 保護是適用於 Android TV 的 AdGuard 一項重要功能。通過加密保護 DNS 流量為使用者的瀏覽體驗增加了一層額外的安全和隱私保護。通過此次更新,使用者可以在大畫面上享受這一安全保護。預設選擇 DNS-over-HTTPS,但如果需要不同的協定,也可以新增自己的伺服器。
請握緊遙控器,即將體驗的是一款全新的應用程式!使用者可以在我們的部落格中找到如何安裝 Android TV 版 AdGuard 的詳細說明。
請注意:使用者有授權時才能使用 Android TV 版 AdGuard。但使用者還可以使用 7 天免費試用版本。

CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs 更新
最近的 CoreLibs v1.13 更新包含改進的 HTML 過濾功能,讓使用者瀏覽體驗更便捷。我們還將 DnsLibs 更新為 v2.4,引入支援 HTTP 基本身份驗證讓您的連線更加安全。
將 Fulguris 新增到瀏覽器清單中 #4969
新增要排除的俄羅斯 VoWiFi IP 清單 #4992
新增對 Android 電視作業系統的支援 #3597
新增重置 DNS 保護設定的按鈕 #4735
新增了馬其頓語(mk)的支援 #5086
的 HTTPS 過濾功能 #4706增加了返回箭頭按鈕的點選區域 #4789
改進了使用者規則的排序順序 #4779
從過濾器清單訂閱中解析 'Title' 元數據 #4760
作業系統名稱 + 版本發送至 ReportsWebApp #5025
啟用偵錯級別後,「工作緩慢」通知會消失 #5017
產品類型和 AdGuard 版本在「報告不正確的封鎖」錶單中被錯誤檢測到 #4895
重置底層設定後,Bootstrap 上遊設定無法重置 #4907
從封鎖清單中刪除網站的功能無法正常工作 #4902
在免費版本中,檢查更新時,「禁用瀏覽安全」狀態顯示為「已更新」 #4844
僅輸入英文可在搜尋中找到過濾器 #5026
當防火墻被禁用且沒有應用程式使用權限時,防火墻仍能正常工作 #5012
Google Play:
應用程式無法運行 #4845Google Play:
錯誤阻止 #3734匯入其他語言的設定無法正常工作 #5007
在 "Orange Téléphone" 應用程式中無法開啟和聽到語音資訊 #4777
按下開關時,跟蹤保護功鍵閃爍 #4879
長按圖示重定嚮到保護部分時,會突出顯示不正確的選項卡 #4860
點選網站允許清單/封鎖清單中的提示後,無限加載程式 #4843
可以通過剪貼闆制定雙行規則 #5009
鍵盤延遲,摺疊熒幕頂部後無法在搜尋方塊中輸入文本 #4979
授權到期日期顯示錯誤 #4856
記錄上載更改的代理伺服器登入名和密碼 #4884
創建規則對話框中不適合使用長選項名稱 #4764
非相關結果也會顯示在「特定語言廣告封鎖」頁面上 #4891
助理的重定嚮會突出顯示欄中不正確的選項卡 #5001
通過使用者腳本鏈接重定嚮到 AdGuard 時,「新增使用者腳本」彈出式視窗不會出現 #4913
螢幕頂部摺疊後,搜尋方塊中的遊標位置會重新設定 #4892
裝載機顯示在「最近活動」螢幕的搜尋方塊中 #5035
同一圖示用於不相關的目的 #4737
選中「發送應用程式記錄...」復選框時無法傳送錯誤報告 #4894
使用檔案從繫統中新增 DNS 過濾器時,輸入字段顯示為灰色 #4882
新增自訂的 DNS 過濾器或使用者腳本時,「瀏覽」按鈕顯示為灰色 #4850
更改禁用選項的設定時,將重新啟動保護功能 #4762
匯入包含空行的 DNS 使用者規則時,將新增這些行 #4888
在防火墻規則中快速切換開關時,規則清單行會出現故障 #4885
小米手機的 Wi-Fi 通話問題:在路由排除中新增
#5029清除統計數據不會清除應用程式和公司部分,只會將其計數器重置為零 #4748
本機 DNS 代理在使用普通 DNS 上遊時可能受到 DoS 攻擊 #202
將 DnsLibs 更新為 v2.3.4 local
被錯誤地解釋為所有 .local 地址,從而破壞 mDNS #207允許在域名規則中使用 C# 註釋 #196
DoH 試圖利用陳舊的連線,時間太長了 #200
正確過濾 type=HTTPS 請求 #199
將 CoreLibs 更新為 v1.13.98
預處理器指令支援 #1806新增
修飾符,禁用特定使用者腳本 #1706採用新的規則優先方案 #1768
啟用隱匿模式時,更改 sec-ch-ua 標頭以匹配使用者代理 #1764
提高 HTML 過濾性能 #1772
改進 HTML 過濾規則
,允許使用類似 CSS 的選擇器 #94支援 cap_html_filtering 條件 #1758
$denyallow 不允許封鎖檔案 #1809
例外在 TCP 棧層不起作用,我們在此阻止 STUN/TURN #1737在 Edge Bing Chat 中不顯示圖片 #1744
使用者腳本無法與 AdGuard 一起使用 #1780使用 SXG 的網站從 Google 搜尋開啟時沒有修飾過濾功能 #1812
socks5 代理無法與 AdGuard v4.0 一起使用 #4812
標記中加載的元素 #1769根據 HTML "lang" 屬性和語言請求 HTTP 頭資訊檢測網站的地域 #1736
規則的限制 #1802行動憑證不再是一種選擇 #277
正確使用 ECH retry_configs #1793
支援韓國電信的反 DPI 功能 #1789
TcpIpStack 中的 UDP 超時太短 #1796
AdGuard for Android 4.2
動態 AdGuard
Android 版 AdGuard 正式上線,為使用者帶來全新功能!現在,我們的應用程式不僅有動態圖示,還有動態主題。
要在設定中選擇「系統動態」,AdGuard 應用程式介面的顏色將與手機介面相同。Android 版 AdGuard 圖示也會根據主題動態變化。
請注意:該功能僅適用於Android 12 或更高版本的裝置上。
HTTP/3 過濾支援 #487
現在 AdGuard 不僅能過濾 HTTP/1.1 和 HTTP/2 流量。在此版本中,我們增加了對 HTTP/3 過濾的實驗支援。HTTP/3 協定基於 QUIC,可提供更好的隱私和安全性,以及更穩定、更快速的網際網路連線。啟用 HTTP/3 過濾功能,使用者可以利用 QUIC 協定的優勢,並有效封鎖廣告和追蹤器。
要啟用 HTTP/3 過濾,請轉到「設定」→「一般的」→「進階」→ 「進階設定」 →「過濾 HTTP/3」,然後向右切換開關。
兩個 HTTPS 憑證的支援
實施兩個 HTTPS 憑證後,我們解決了在 Chrome 100 及以上版本的 Root 權限裝置上進行 HTTPS 過濾的問題。系統儲存中的憑證將在大多數應用程式中進行過濾,而使用者儲存中的憑證將允許 AdGuard 在基於 Chromium 的瀏覽器中過濾 HTTPS 流量。
要安裝第二個憑證,請進入「設定」→「過濾」→「網路」→「HTTPS 過濾」→「安全憑證」,並按說明操作。
在 Opera 瀏覽器中預設啟用 HTTPS 過濾功能 #4972
預設情況下將 INETCOM.TV 排除在路由之外 #4723
由於 HTTPS 憑證過期,AdGuard 無法啟動保護功能 #4896
無法自動更新自訂的過濾器 #4961
AdGuard 登出使用者帳戶 #4959
AdGuard 通知會導致睡眠模式下的鎖定畫面開啟 #4778
如果憑證已移至系統儲存空間,則重新啟動 AdGuard 後會禁用應用程式的 HTTPS 過濾功能 #5008
在 Android 8 上,主開關周圍的陰影不見了 #4858
TalkBack 無法正確宣布某些元件 #4809
開關有時消失 10-30 秒,保護長時間重啟 #4862
在畫面較小的裝置上,「如何封鎖 YouTube 上的廣告」畫面底部的空間不見了 #4866
如果應用程式設定為繁體中文,則更新後過濾器將以簡體中文顯示 #4949
在防火墻選項卡之間切換會導致 AdGuard 崩潰 #4999
匯入不同語言的設定不會立即更改語言 #4984
匯入設定時未匯入授權 #4985
「開啟設定」按鈕不起作用 #5002
在「為什麼要過濾 HTTPS 流量?」頁面,再次按「下一步」取消上一步操作 #4993
在特定語言廣告封鎖畫面上,交叉按鈕不會刪除搜尋方塊中的文字 #4978
匯入/匯出設定的文本無法在對話框中顯示 #4981
將 CoreLibs(過濾引擎)更新為 v1.12.80 #4966
連線在 have-result 狀態下終止 #1180
連線 ipTIME 家庭路由器時出現幾秒鐘的延遲 #1756
AdGuard 會減慢網頁加載時間 #1522
「隱藏的搜尋記錄」選項運行不正確 #1766
SOCKS5 代理不能與 AdGuard 4.0 一起運作 #4812
設定後,不支援 ECH 的網站將啟用 ECH GREASE
text decryption key not found
時出錯 #1750XPC 的準備工作 #1675
有時備援 DNS 助理返回,而不是供應商的伺服器 #1687
AdGuard for Android 4.1
With this release, we have made a number of improvements to the UI and internal workings of our app. For example, we've reworked the YouTube player to support all video formats, including Live Streams and Shorts. Actually, it's based on the internal web browser that opens YouTube and has ad-blocking functionality built in. Take a look at the Protection section for a detailed description of this feature. We also made it easier for you to access App management. It's now just one tap away via the button we've added to the tab bar menu at the bottom.
and related domains to exclusions
#3480Added support for com.quark.browser and com.qihoo.contents
Easier access to App management
AdGuard player does not play a YouTube video when tapping the Share button in a browser #3932
Improved the behavior of bug report and feature request screens to prevent duplicates
Reset to default in General settings doesn't work properly #4719
to exclusions #3676AdGuard v4.0 for Android frequently restarts protection #4707
When trying to go back after submitting a bug report, an infinite loader is displayed
After updating the filters, the updated filters are displayed in a row
Chrome Remote Desktop does not work unless filtering for the app is turned off
to filtering exclusions #3646Incorrect transition from the Use license key tab when entering a blocked key #4562
Switching to another tab via snack does not work #4502
On a small display, the buttons overlap the text on the Userscript screen
The com.rapido.passenger app is not working #3976
When checking for updates, the Browsing Security Database should report "Up to date" if no update has been installed #4725
to filtering exclusions #3979Design
Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.113
Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.14
to the default list of exclusions #194$denyallow
rules are not validated until additional modifiers are added #191Fallback upstream is not enabled for invalid plain DNS upstream #4820
For IP-based DoT/DoQ connections, IP address is set for SNI #186
Overall timeout is bigger when multiple upstreams are added #105
Added XPC support #174
Added the
dnsproxy_settings::request_timeout setting
instead of the upstream-specific ones #163DNS-over-QUIC upstream does not respect resolved_ip #185
Traffic is routed from DNS to an outbound proxy server #195
Added SPKI fingerprint verification feature #172
AdGuard for Android 4.0
最後壓軸登場的是最新的 4.0 版本!讓我們仔細看看 Android 版 AdGuard v4.0 的過人之處,再談談自3.6版以來的改進有什麼!

我們重新設計了應用程式,使應用介面更精致,並將核心功能都搬到了主畫面。現在,要開啟「廣告封鎖」、「追蹤保護」、「煩擾封鎖」或「DNS 防護」,包括過濾器在內,使用者只需點擊開關上方的相應圖示即可。

我們還增加了單獨「保護」部分。點擊畫面底部的盾牌圖示即可進入。在這裡使用者可以進一步管理保護設定。除了上述的“核心”功能外,該部分允許使用者管理「防火墻」、「瀏覽安全」,甚至「AdGuard VPN」本身。在「保護」畫面上,可以根據自己的需求開啟或關閉這些模塊,並查看相應的設定。

我們從 Android 版 AdGuard 的深處發現了一個令人興奮的功能,即「防火墻」,並把它做成了一個完整、獨立的設定。有了「防火墻」,使用者就是一個域名的主人,可以決定哪些應用程式能在畫面關閉時繼續使用行動數據或 Wi-Fi。功能的設計是通過實時通知應用程式的活動,讓使用者了解情況,所以沒有什麼能再逃過您的法眼。

與 AdGuard VPN 相容
正如我們上面所提到的,我們早在 AdGuard v3.5 的安卓版中引入了 AdGuard VPN 相容模式。在那之前,使用者要經歷好多“坎坷”,才能讓廣告封鎖程式和 VPN 同時工作。原因是,在安卓系統上一般兩個不同的網路過濾應用程式無法並肩工作。

隨著 Android 版 AdGuard v4.0 發佈,「相容模式」變得更加穩定。此前,每次更新或重新安裝 AdGuard 或 AdGuard VPN 時,都必須重新配置「相容模式」。現在,使用者只需配置一次,就能正常更新和重新安裝,相容模式不會受任何影響。此外,AdGuard 廣告封鎖程式和 AdGuard VPN 之間更頻繁的資料交流,增強「相容模式」的穩定性,而不影響性能。
「相容模式」中的變化在 Android 版 AdGuard 4.0 和 Android 版 AdGuard VPN 2.3 之間是同步的。請務必將兩個應用程式都更新到最新版本,以享受其穩定和流暢的同步運行。

在 Android 版 AdGuard v4.0 發佈之前,使用者可以將所有的網路流量通過指定的代理伺服器路由。有了「通過代理運行的應用」功能,使用者可以選擇哪些應用程式將通過代理運行,前往「設定」→「過濾」→「網路」→「代理」。
Root 權的優勢
技術愛好者來都很了解 "Root" 詞。Root 本質上是解鎖裝置,取得更多的控制特權。如果您的安卓裝置已被 Root,Android 版 AdGuard v4.0 將能提供前所未有的功能。
一般,AdGuard 會建立一個本機 VPN 將網路流量路由到其 CoreLibs 過濾引擎。但現在,使用 Root 權限,使用者可以將 AdGuard 切換到「自動代理」模式。只要前往「設定」→「過濾」→「網路」→「路由模式」,並切換到「自動代理」。這樣使用者可以將本機 VPN 排除在外,而是配置 iptables 來完成同樣的目標。此外,進行這些設定還有額外的優點。
首先,這樣 AdGuard 能夠對 IPv6 請求套用 DNS 過濾,這在以前是不可能的。其次,我們已經解決了一些問題,這些問題阻礙了 AdGuard 準確地將網路請求與各自的應用程式聯繫起來。這種微調將提高「防火墻」、「過濾記錄」等的性能。對於那些有 Root 裝置的人來說,這個 AdGuard 更新將使您的流量控制達到一個全新的水平!

至於設定,我們已經增加了新的設定,刪除了舊的,並會繼續改進這套先進的工具。在我們的知識庫中,有一份關於底層設定的全面指南)。準備好利用 AdGuard 的進階設定潛入應用程式定制的深淵吧!
AdGuard for Android 3.6.11
您一定在期待 AdGuard Android 版更新。讓您久等了,我們已經帶著軟體的新版本沖進 2023 年。2023 年開門紅!
用於 Android 的 AdGuard 3.6.11 版本的主要改進包括,主要過濾機制 CoreLibs 和 DNSLibs 的升級:我們將在下面更詳細地討論它們。此外,我們致力於提升內容過濾的質量,並進行了大量旨在提高應用程式性能的改進。
將 DnsLibs 更新為 2.0.75 #4324
性能被大大提升的 DNS 過濾庫版本消耗更少的資源並運行得更快。 DNS-over-QUIC 協定現在支援 RFC 9250,DoQ 支援特性終於擺脫了實驗性的狀態。
向加密的 ClientHello 的支援邁出了第一步 DL#161
首先,讓我們弄清楚,什麼叫加密的 ClientHello。現在幾乎每個網際網路連線都是加密的,沒有人可以查看傳輸的數據。但是,有一個小問題:連線的第一個數據包包含使用者要連線的伺服器的名稱。假設您訪問
:您的 ISP 無法確切地檢測您從 傳送和接收的內容,但它確實知道您在與哪個網站通話。 ECH(加密的 ClientHello)是一項新技術,應該可以解決本問題,並對最後一點未加密的資訊進行加密。那麼,AdGuard 支援新技術的第一步應該是什麼?竟然,第一步就是壓制!這可以通過在進階設定中啟用
和 pref.https.redirect.doh
標誌來完成。別擔心,我們的目標是在全球範圍內支援 ECH,以便所有您的應用程式都能從 ECH 中受益,而不僅僅是您的瀏覽器。為此,AdGuard 將使您的應用程式與 AdGuard 建立正常的 HTTPS 連線,然後在該連線的基礎上建立支援 ECH 的連線。我們計劃在下一次更新中實施此實驗性功能,敬請期待!
將 CoreLibs 更新為 v1.10.186
DNS-over-HTTPS 過濾
增加了將安全的 DNS 請求重定向到本機 DNS 代理的選項 #1563
在一些情況下,Chrome 和 Firefox DNS 查詢可以通過使用 DNS-over-HTTPS 伺服器繞過 DNS 過濾。現在 AdGuard 也可以自動過濾 DNS-over-HTTPS。
基本規則的修飾符。該修飾符允許對 JSON 反應進行進階過濾 #1447增加新的
基本規則的修飾符. 該修飾符為修改 HTTP 直播檔案提供進階過濾功能,這將有助於封鎖影視廣告。 #1434擴展了
修飾符的功能。過濾器建立者現在可以為一個 URL 指定哪些隱匿模式功能應該被禁用。在該更新之前,唯一的選擇是完全禁用隱匿模式。#1224增加了對非基本規則的空
修飾符的支援。 #1591$removeparam
現在可以套用於 POST 請求。 #1573修復
偽類的修飾規則被拒絕 #1609包含`$third-party'修飾符的規則阻止來自網站自己的子域的資源 #1637
修飾符的規則不阻止訪問的網站 #1590其他改進
預設情況下,為 Soul 瀏覽器啟用 HTTPS 過濾功能 #4202
AdGuard for Android 3.6.10
AdGuard for Android 3.6.9
AdGuard for Android 3.6.8
本次測試版我們新增了新功能,即'保護免於深層封包檢查(DPI)'的功能。簡而言之,當使用者啟用該功能後,它會修改使用者的流量以避免 ISP 的深層封包檢查系統檢測到使用者訪問的網站。請前往隱匿模式,選擇'自訂的',往下滑動勾選該功能。
除此之外,我們解決了一個對具有 root 裝置使用者很重要的問題。由於 Google Chrome 瀏覽器的憑證透明度功能,我們使用用於閱讀 HTTPS 流量的系統憑證,沒有被 root 裝置搜尋到。為了解決本問題,CoreLibs 團隊開發了用於 Magisk Manager 的特殊模組。現在,使用者可以複製 HTTPS 憑證,並不面臨任何與 Google Chrome 瀏覽有關的問題。
此外,我們修復了擴充功能設定,且在 Naver Whale 瀏覽器預設啟用 HTTPS 過濾。最後,我們還更新了 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs。
AdGuard for Android 3.6.7
📲 Lately some of our users experienced discomfort — they couldn’t make voice calls in WhatsApp when AdGuard v3.6.6 for Android is enabled. The CoreLibs team managed to combat this problem.
📚 Besides, we’ve made several fixes to the scriptlets library. To recap, scriptlets are powerful blocking tools. In particular, they carry out a noble mission: to neutralize anti ad blockers. The previous version of AdGuard for Android had a scriptlet library that contained an incorrect fix for rules like
#%#/scriptlet(“abort-current-inline-script”, ...)
, which could break some web pages; now the problem is solved.
Having dealt with all the issues, we’re ready to present a new version. Please meet v3.6.7, we’ve done our best for it to function smoothly. Changelog
AdGuard for Android 3.6.6
After the last update of AdGuard for Android, some users may have encountered the problem of the app crashing when using earlier versions of the Firefox browser. Well, we decided to close all debts this year and release the patch today. We also did something that no release can do without: we updated CoreLibs.
AdGuard for Android 3.6.5
It's time to release AdGuard v3.6.5 for Android. The biggest thing about this version is the enhanced Browsing Security module which now blocks requests to malicious and phishing sites better and faster! No less important point is that we’ve updated CoreLibs and DNSLibs to make the app perform more reliably, and fixed various minor bugs. Hope you will enjoy AdGuard v3.6.5 for Android!
[Enhancement] Enhanced Browsing Security module
With the implementation of new Safe Browsing API v2, Browsing Security module responsible for blocking requests to malicious and phishing sites, has become more effective. The upgraded version of this module makes browsing the Internet safer than ever and leaves no chance for the malicious code to be executed.
AdGuard for Android 3.6.4
This quick update fixes a bug that could have happened to our long-term users. If you have been using AdGuard for a few years and your security certificate expired, it could have lead to an HTTPS filtering failure. After this update, you will see a notification on the app’s main screen. Tap on it and follow on-screen instructions to reinstall the certificate and resume HTTPS filtering.
AdGuard for Android 3.6.3
In this version we focused on updating CoreLibs. Namely, we dealt with the priority of existing modifiers and added several new ones:
, $redirect-rule
, $removeheader
, and $specifichide
. It might be of interest to users who’d like to create their own ad filters. Besides, we’ve made userscript exclusions work properly and fixed all issues found.
We know you are waiting for v4.0, so are we. Trust us, it’s worth it.Changelog
[Fixed] Proxy gets disabled after each AdGuard VPN update #3680
[Fixed] Stealth mode settings configured in the setup wizard are not applied #3747
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't let users of the MEGA app log in #3837
[Fixed] "NetworkCallback was not registered" error when stopping protection #3870
[Fixed] Instagram doesn't work in Local HTTP Proxy mode (root access) #3879
[Fixed] NektoMe doesn't work when AdGuard is enabled #374
[Fixed] If a phone has access to an IPv6 connection, AdGuard for Android fails to connect to DNS-over-QUIC servers that are only accessible over IPv4 #3927
[Fixed] The issue with changing the language in the DNS section #3731
[Fixed] Root + Local HTTP proxy slowdown on Android 7 #3844
[Fixed] Check proxy connection status error #3848
[Fixed] TikTok doesn't work when AdGuard is enabled #3866
[Fixed] Wrong exclusions suggested for
rules in the filtering log #3873[Fixed] Don't pass DNS64 settings to DNSLibs if IPv4 network interface is present #3886
[Fixed] Connection issues on Fujitsu devices
[Fixed] Issue with an expired security certificate
[Fixed] Extend public networks list to force IPv4 default route
connection issues on several devices[Fixed] Stealth mode screen can't be scrolled
[Enhancement] Updated DnsLibs to v1.6.29 #3952
[Enhancement] DNS-over-QUIC (Removed "experimental" label) #3842
[Enhancement] Turkey - Turkcell VoWifi new IP address #3864
[Enhancement] Fanboy's Annoyance List's Subscription URL is broken #3865
[Enhancement] Enable HTTPS filtering by default for Edge Dev, Edge Beta, and Styx Browser #3897
[Enhancement] Do not hardcode excluding AdGuard VPN package from filtering #3923
[Enhancement] Added Yandex Browser to the list of browsers #3951
CoreLibs updated to v1.8.163 #3945
[Fixed] Rule with
modifier should have higher priority than the rule with $all
modifier #1440[Fixed] Userscript exclusions do not work as they should #1425
[Enhancement] Add
modifier #1304[Enhancement] Add
modifier #1303[Enhancement] Add
modifier #1427[Enhancement] Add
modifier #1166[Enhancement] Add an option to send Global Privacy Control's Do NotSell signal to Stealth Mode #1451
[Enhancement] Improve the way negation works for
rules #1388[Other] Rules with
modifier unblock blocked requests #1350
AdGuard for Android 3.6.2
Well, well, 3.6.2 release arrived. One beta and two RCs have proved successful, we said, “Hooray,” and released the final version right away.
So, what’s inside it? We could write about updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs, improved data collection for reports and minor issues like parsing SDNS links for DoQ servers, but honestly, not many people would understand what the hell it means. Trust us, the app has only gotten better!
P.S. v4.0 is coming. Hopefully, v3.6.2 will be the last way station before the new era.

[Enhancement] Added Microsoft Edge Canary browser to the list of supported browsers #3808
[Enhancement] Added Iceraven Browser to the list of supported browsers #3797
[Enhancement] Added QQ and UC browsers to the list of supported browsers #3707
[Enhancement] Added Privacy Browser to the list of supported browsers #3677
[Enhancement] Added Vivaldi Snapshot to the HTTPS filtering list #3741
[Enhancement] Added popular Wi-Fi calling servers to the default exclusions list #3742
[Enhancement] Added posteitaliane.posteapp.appbpol to exclusions #3756
[Fixed] Built-in iptables is missing support for “-p dport” #3782
[Fixed] Disable HTTPS filtering for #3655
[Fixed] Unable to get a trial period #3691
[Fixed] com.tomtom.amigo.huawei app incompatibility #3767
[Fixed] — VoIP/SIP issue #3810
[Fixed] Buffer was exhausted while reading /proc/net/tcp6 #3832
[Other] Added Kurdish localization #3774
[Other] Updated DnsLibs to v1.5.26 #3829
[Other] Added “UniFi Network” to the apps exclusions list
Updated CoreLibs to v1.7.211
AdGuard for Android 3.6.1
Another round of software release life cycle complete! This version of AdGuard for Android has made its way from an unsure of itself alpha to a confident release. We have routinely updated CoreLibs, fixed a couple of bugs and compatibility issues. This time, there are no shocking features like watching YouTube without ads but this release is no less important than the previous one. After all, we are getting better with every update!
[Enhancement] CoreLibs updated to v1.7.189 #3749
[Fixed] Filtering doesn't work with 4G and IPv6 #3527
[Fixed] An error when trying to get a trial period via the app #3691
[Fixed] - HTTPS filtering issue #1406
[Fixed] is broken #1411
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Other] Several popular Wi-Fi calling servers added to the default exclusions list #3742
[Other] HTTPS filtering for Vivaldi Snapshot browser is enabled by default now #3741
AdGuard for Android 3.6
AdGuard for Android v3.6 is headlined by two pretty big changes, new features even. It's watching YouTube ad-free inside the app and DNS-over-QUIC protocol support. The first one is easy to grasp, the second one will take some explaining.
[Enhancement] An option to watch Youtube ad-free #2994
Blocking ads in YouTube on Android has been exclusive to browsers for a long time, thanks to the restrictions Android OS imposes on filtering other apps' traffic. However, we found a way for you to avoid ads in YouTube app. Follow these easy steps:

Open the YouTube app and start the video you want to watch.
Tap on the Share button and select AdGuard for Android from the list of apps.
A new window will pop up where you'll be able to watch the video without being interrupted by ads!
[Enhancement] DNS-over-QUIC support
DNS-over-QUIC, or simply DoQ, is a DNS encryption protocol. You might have heard about DNS encryption protocols before, the most common ones are DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS (DoH and DoT correspondingly). So what makes DoQ so special? A bunch of things, really: out-of-the-box encryption, reduced connection times, and better performance in cases of lost data packets.

The feature is still experimental — AdGuard for Android is one of the first open-source implementations of DNS-over-QUIC — but it's perfectly functioning and we encourage you to try it. You'll find it under DNS Filtering. Select AdGuard DNS and choose DoQ from among the available encryption protocols.
AdGuard for Android 3.5.2
Today we are launching a small but still very important hotfix. Namely, the compatibility with the new Chrome 87 was improved and the CoreLibs was updated.
[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
This week Chrome 87 was released, which has a compatibility problem with AdGuard when using the HTTP/2 filtering protocol - some sites may experience regular hangs and download errors. In this update we have improved HTTP/2 filtering compatibility with Chrome 87, it is recommended to upgrade to the new stable version as soon as possible. :)
Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.150
[Enhancement] Improve socket connect with hostname provided (for Proxy mode) #123
[Enhancement] Indicate libraries versions #1150
rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331[Other] $generichide rule causes that assistant is showing that AdGuard is disabled #7
[Other] Connection error after waking computer from sleep mode #3412
AdGuard for Android 3.5.1
Meet the release version 3.5.1 of AdGuard for Android. We’ve been working on improving its integration with AdGuard VPN, and now it seems we’ve maintained their seamless cooperation. Besides, we’ve updated CoreLibs and Dnslibs.
[Enhancement] Add Fennec F-Droid to the list of browsers #3587
[Enhancement] Add com.huawei.browser to the list of browsers #3495
[Enhancement] Enable forcibly HTTPs filtering for the Firefox Fenix browser #3617
[Fixed] Make the AdGuard application update work on Android 11 #3564
[Fixed] Thai Ads Filters always enabled if the Language Filters group is enabled #3520
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.109 #3586
[Other] Update DnsLibs to the 1.3.24 version #3578
[Other] – app is not working #3573
Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114
[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't work with Youtube in Safari macOS Big Sur (infinity circle loader) #727
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Redundant errors when accessed from non-HTTPS-filtered processes #1056
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match URL #1311
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] `$badfilter` rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] certificate is not re-issued when it expires #1348
AdGuard for Android 3.5
It's time to release AdGuard v3.5 for Android. We took our time with this one: tested two betas and expanded the changelog. What's in there? Introduced compatibility mode with AdGuard VPN for Android, updated CoreLibs and a load-truck of fixed bugs.
[Enhancement] Compatibility Mode with AdGuard VPN for Android app #3441
Since AdGuard VPN for Android was first introduced, there was already a way to make it work along with AdGuard ad blocker. But to make the two apps coexist in peace, you were required to jump through some hoops. Anyone who went ahead and did the thing 100% has been waiting for a proper integration ever since — and we oblige.
The best kind of compatibility is when you install two apps and they just start working together. We did exactly that. Presuming you already have AdGuard ad blocker installed, just download AdGuard VPN from Google Play Store (you can get there right from the ad blocker app, there's a new item in General Settings menu).

Both apps will detect each other and do everything that's needed for smooth joint work. All that will be left for you is to enjoy both ad-free Internet and all the benefits of a VPN. By the way, it works the other way around just as well: install AdGuard ad blocker on top of an already-running AdGuard VPN and you're good.

If you'd like to disable Compatibility Mode for any reason, it's very simple to do so from AdGuard ad blocker settings, just toggle the switch. Additionally, you can add AdGuard ad blocker and AdGuard VPN tiles to your device's notification bar and toggle them in one tap at your own will — thanks to Compatibility Mode the configuration will change immediately and silently.

[Enhancement] Adaptive icons for app shortcuts #2656
[Enhancement] Firefox Fenix browser added to the list of default browsers #2861
[Enhancement] New rules are now added to the top of User filter #2962
[Enhancement] 'Block' button now immediately switches to 'Unblock' after adding a custom rule via Filtering Log #3012
[Enhancement] Extended information written to state.txt when logs are exported #3063
[Enhancement] Enabled userscripts are now included in the query string for the web reporting tool #3288
[Enhancement] Updates screen now shown when "Check for updates" shortcut is used #3318
[Enhancement] Added automation API for proxy servers #3363
[Enhancement] Mozilla Reference browser added to the list of default browsers #3408
[Enhancement] Added an option to disable DNS fallback #3447
[Enhancement] AdGuard Simplified Domain Names filter renamed to AdGuard DNS filter #3475
[Enhancement] Rename adguard.crt to AdGuardCertificate.pem #3489
[Enhancement] Huawei browser added to the list of default browsers #3495
[Enhancement] Add the "What's new" dialog #3532
[Enhanced] Prepare AdGuard before the v3.5 release #3546
[Fixed] First letter in the sentence is not capitalized automatically on the 'Message to support' screen #3079
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't work on devices with Restricted Account #3299
[Fixed] Toast notification for "Checking for updates" shows late #3343
[Fixed] Unnecessary "Android Private DNS is enabled" notification on Android 11 #3478
[Fixed] Downloads in some apps don't work properly on Android 11 #3516
[Fixed] Wrong state of the disabled option #3538
[Fixed] Fix a bug related with a strange and small "m^" rule #3548
[Other] Updated options for default DNS resolvers #3428
[Enhancement] Added support for comments at the end of line in hosts rules #75
[Fixed] LDNS logging #73
[Other] Added upstreams sorting by RTT #39
[Enhancement] #@# without any domains specified should disable the rule completely #1296
[Enhancement] Added verification for trusted-types CSP #1320
[Fixed] Connection has timed out in state have-result #1180
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Process name detection causes warnings in Windows Security #1316
[Fixed] OCSP checks aren't passed through the selected DNS #1328
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Other] Connection speed is capped when AdGuard is enabled #702
AdGuard for Android 3.4
Meet AdGuard v3.4 for Android, it’s time for it to see the world! Having tested two betas, we feel confident to present this version to a wider audience. Spring is a time for renewal, and software is not an exception. We've fixed some old bugs, updated CoreLibs and made the app more compatible with Android TV.
[Fixed] AdGuard blocks Internet connection #2842
This bug was a hard nut to crack. For a long time it appeared randomly (at least, it seemed so) on devices of AdGuard users. Still, the symptoms matched: smartphones lost any network completely while AdGuard was turned on. Of course, it was crucial for us to solve this problem, and at last, we've managed to do it. It’s beyond words how relieved we feel afterwards, let alone the affected users!
[Fixed] Firewall's restrictions are ignored when WiFi gets enabled #3313
Another troublesome bug that deserves special attention. In the previous version 3.3, if you had specifically prohibited some apps from accessing the Internet via mobile data, the restrictions worked right up until you enabled Wi-Fi, which was not the intended behaviour.
[Enhancement] Integration with DnsLibs #3229
DnsLibs is a DNS proxy library that's required to provide DNS filtering. It supports all existing DNS protocols including DNS-over-TLS, DNS-over-HTTPS, and DNSCrypt. We developed it to replace the old DNSproxy, which had one serious flaw: it caused high battery resource consumption. DnsLibs is much better optimized and will ensure a longer lifespan for your phone's battery if you're using DNS filtering a lot.
[Enhancement] Improved functionality on Android TV #3238
AdGuard for Android is first and foremost an app for mobile phones and tablets, but it can be installed on other Android devices, such as smart TVs. We have made several improvements for this specific case, for example:
AdGuard now better works with lists
Better navigation between AG menus on smart TVs
Option to click on snackbars
Option to exit the promo screen
"Close" option for all dialogues
Now AdGuard for Android will be much easier in use if you decide to install it on your smart TV. If you still encounter any bugs or inconsistent behaviour, please report it here.
[Fixed] Application won’t start after the restart of the device #3286
[Fixed] Stealth mode preset changes after an update #3287
[Fixed] Locale change bug #3301
[Fixed] traffic isn't routed #3355
[Fixed] Filtering doesn’t work with AdGuard enabled on Android 11 #3377
[Fixed] Impossible to enable UDP through SOCKS5 proxy #3394
[Fixed] Impossible to create a hotspot without disabling DNS filtering #3187
[Fixed] "HTTPS filtering is off" Snackbar covers "Data Saved" stat on the Home screen #3292
[Fixed] The app crashes when switching from 4G to Wi-Fi in Local HTTP Proxy Mode #3431
[Fixed] 'Back' button on the Settings screen works incorrectly #3427
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't launch #3430
[Enhancement] Custom adguard: scheme is now used for adding userscripts #3000
[Enhancement] "Cancel" button added to the "Add proxy" screen #3093
[Enhancement] stealth.enabled=false is now sent in query string if Stealth Mode is turned off when sending a report #3169
[Enhancement] Block ads in all apps parameter is now sent when sending a report #3350
[Enhancement] An option to suppress HTTPS filtering error notification #3225
[Enhancement] HTTPS filtering dialog has been improved #3284
[Enhancement] Romanian and Thai localizations have been added #3341
[Other] Acknowledgements page has been updated #82
[Other] Firefox Preview Nightly for developers has been added to the list of supported browsers #3333
[Other] Certificate installation sequence on Android 11 #3354
[Other] Cobra Browser has been added to the list of supported browsers #3357
[Other] Application crashes on Android 11 upon opening filtering log details #3366
[Other] Vivaldi Snapshot and Vivaldi Sopranos have been added to the list of supported browsers #3400
[Other] Add Brave Beta has been added to the list of supported browsers #3401
[Other] AdGuard crashes in local HTTP proxy mode #3416
[Other] Yuzu Browser Plus added to the list of supported browsers #3424
[Other] Brave Nightly added to the list of supported browsers #3432
[Other] The list of HTTPS exclusions has been updated
[Other] Translations have been updated
CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.265
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules #1293
[Fixed] Rules selection algorithm works not as intended when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1291
[Fixed] Rules with restricted domains do not match requests without referer #1286
[Fixed] "Failed to initialize protocol filters" error #1282
[Fixed] Incorrect extended CSS rule causes problems with JS rules #1147
[Fixed] 'Proceed anyway' option doesn't work correctly if website is blocked by a rule with
modifier #1267DnsLibs updated to v1.2.26
[Other] 'Unblock' button is not visible in Filtering Log details #3429
AdGuard for Android 3.3.3 Release
Yet another and hopefully the last fix before the fresh beta rolls out. Several domains have been added to SSL exceptions to fix compatibility issues with certain mobile carriers.
[Changed] The list of HTTPS exclusions has been updated
AdGuard for Android 3.3.2 Release
In this small update, there’s only one but important fix and a few additions to the exclusions list.
[Fixed] Protection doesn’t restart when an excluded app is installed #3340
[Changed] The list of HTTPS exclusions has been updated
AdGuard for Android 3.3.1 Release
Recently we claimed to make the last release of the year, and it kinda was that. Ignore that this update is called a 'release', it's more of a 'hotfix'. Because you wouldn't call this tiny hotfix a release, right? Just a couple of bugfixes, that's all.
AdGuard for Android 3.3 Release
The last AdGuard for Android release of the decade! This sounds solid. Anyway, it’s more of a coincidence than anything else that such a massive update falls right on Christmas. And don’t get us wrong: it is massive. Multiple major features and over 50 lesser ones — all in all it combines to make a nice Christmas gift for y’all!
[Improved] Filtering engine
Version 3.3 brings scriptlets and
modifiers support. Scriptlets is a powerful ad-blocking tool that helps to block ads on websites that use different circumvention techniques. $redirect
modifier is another tool that allows substituting an ad with special ‘resources’ instead of blocking it. For instance, it can replace a banner with a transparent 1x1 image.[Changed] The onboarding process #2895
We sure love us some redesign! This time, we revamped the onboarding sequence (basically, what you see when you launch the app for the first time). Key changes:
An option to choose a ‘quick’ or a ‘long’ configuration: you’ll be asked to either make only key decisions or set most of the settings manually
New option to allow sending some technical and interaction information that will help us further improve AdGuard
Better graphics!
[Added] New activation flow #2901
Not a lot of Android users had a chance to see our AdGuard for iOS app, so they likely don’t know about the system that’s being used there for Premium features activation. But it recommended itself as one that’s convenient for users, so we adopted it for AdGuard for Android too.
As you can see, there are now two options: enter a license key directly, or log into AdGuard personal account. If your account has a license key that can be used to activate Premium, it will get picked up automatically after you enter credentials.
Ad blocking
[Added] Preset Stealth Mode settings configurations #2625
[Added] abp:subscribe and adguard:subscribe links interception #2918
[Added] links interception #2930
[Changed] Internet connection availability checking method #3095
[Changed] Whale browser has been added to the known browsers list #3175
[Fixed] DNS User filter import bug #2972
[Fixed] Some legit hosts lists are not recognized as valid #2982
[Fixed] Error while checking updates of resources added from the local storage #2997
[Fixed] Quick Settings does not allow to choose a different Privacy protection Level #2768
[Fixed] “Exclude from filtering” button behavior #3052
[Fixed] Google Now can’t be updated with “Always-on-VPN” enabled #3039
[Fixed] AdGuard Extra enables automatically when there’s an available update #3216
[Fixed] The application causes a crash if custom filters were enabled #3258
[Fixed] AdGuard breaks some UDP connections on Samsung S10 devices with Android 10 #3259
[Improved] AdGuard now uses on-the-fly methods of applying settings changes without restarting the protection when possible #2881
[Improved] DNS filtering to block cloaked trackers #3228
[Improved] “Block phishing and malware” option now is enabled automatically when Premium gets activated #3249
[Improved] Now AdGuard can block AAAA requests in networks without IPv6 interface #3197
[Added] An option to purchase a new license via the app #2897
[Added] Whitelisting apps option to the Assistant dialog #2853
[Added] “On/Off” switch on some screens #2877
[Added] Notifications about certificate errors #2722
[Added] Ability to copy the current version number by tapping on it #2773
[Added] Link to Version history in the About tab #2774
[Added] System default theme option #2174
[Added] Silent update action as a long-tap on the update button #2890
[Added] “Failed to move the certificate” notification for rooted devices with Magisk firmware #2941
[Added] Empty field validation when adding a new extension #2983
[Added] “Refresh license status” button #2988
[Added] Restore purchases button: a notification if there’s nothing to restore #2990
[Changed] The imported filter list’s URL now won’t be stored if a content: link was used #2813
[Changed] Chrome custom tabs now open in the same window #3019
[Changed] Premium screens now can be viewed without Premium #2843
[Changed] Update notifications behavior #2922
[Changed] DNS request type is now displayed in the Filtering log even when there's no answer #2961
[Changed] Tap on filter category titles in search will bring you to the respective category’s screen #3035
[Changed] Toast notifications parameters #3087
[Changed] Proxy screen UI #3092
[Changed] AdGuard now remembers the selected type of data to display in Apps Management #3140
[Changed] Phrasing on activation screens #3141
[Changed] “Clear DNS statistics” warning description #3194
[Changed] Improve the in-app purchase design #3252
[Fixed] Minor UI issues #2879
[Fixed] Issue with distribution graphs on the main screen #2935
[Fixed] Search on Apps Managements screen is working slow #2951
[Fixed] Unexpected connections resets #2980
[Fixed] Incorrect filter locale is displayed after language change #2971
[Fixed] Scrolling issue in the Filtering log #2974
[Fixed] Wrong filters status is shown #2987
[Fixed] Incorrect updates status when the network is not available #3020
[Fixed] “Preparing to start protection” notification #3034
[Fixed] “Edit Filter” overlay bug #3045
[Fixed] Divider stripe is still shown when there are no updates available #3047
[Fixed] Cloudflare DNS description #3062
[Fixed] Wrong Chinese date format #3068
[Fixed] Application updates icon #3098
[Fixed] Missing button shadow #3109
[Fixed] Some buttons in the first start dialog boxes can’t be seen on certain device models #3114
[Fixed] The switch for Custom filters incorrectly represents the state of the filter group #3119
[Fixed] Pressing the “Buy one more license” button closes the current screen #3136
[Fixed] Certificate installation dialog is missing #3176
[Fixed] Wrong toast notification is displayed when the license expires #3183
[Fixed] “Missed ad” option in the Feedback section leads to an error if DuckDuckGo is selected as the default browser #3128
[Improved] HTTPS filtering-related UI changes #2896
[Improved] UI elements are now focusable on Android TV #2818
[Improved] Rich formatting added to some modules’ descriptions #2878
[Improved] Phrasing on onboarding screens #3248
[Improved] Phrasing in the Apps Management details activity #3250
[Added] A prevention system for connections overflow #2989
[Added] TLS v1.3 support for custom DNS servers #3132
[Changed] DNS-over-HTTPS connections number limit has been abolished #3224
[Fixed] Some apps don't see available WiFi networks when AdGuard local VPN is up #2836
[Improved] Interaction between AdGuard DNS settings and Private DNS #2797
[Improved] AdGuard’s network safety and stability #2995
[Improved] Connection error processing #3195
[Added] Whitelist export feature #3069
[Fixed] Update window appears after a short inactivity period #3055
[Fixed] Userscripts updates are not tracked by the battery service #3073
[Fixed] AdGuard 3.2 does not launch #3076
[Fixed] “Include license data” option works incorrectly when you try to export settings #3067
[Fixed] Crash when the app runs scheduled tasks #3164
[Fixed] Crash in the Updates activity #3165
[Fixed] Crash when Android OS tries to load the icon #3166
[Fixed] Crash on some Android builds #3167
[Fixed] Crash in the main activity #3168
[Fixed] Crash when user communicates with the extensions activity #3171
[Fixed] Crash when the log is being collected #3212
[Fixed] Crash on MIUI phones with Ultra battery saver #3210
[Fixed] Max imported settings file size increased to 10 Mb #3203
[Improved] Target SDK level has been changed to 29 #3053
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.74 #3105
AdGuard for Android 3.2.150
The previous hotfix dealt with some urgent bugs, so we had to act fast and couldn't fix the rest of the less important issues. After today's update all of them should go away.
[Fixed] DNS filtering breaks regular filtering on HTC devices #3014
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't completely remove extensions #3015
[Fixed] Disabling network access globally blocks DNS requests #3025
[Fixed] Bypassing DNS requests breaks DNS filtering #3026
[Fixed] AdGuard fails to start protection after an update #3024
[Fixed] Facebook lite cannot detect that IPv6 is unreachable #3031
[Fixed] Blocked app notification works incorrectly #3032
[Improved] dnsproxy library has been updated #3016
AdGuard for Android 3.2.140
This is a small hotfix for the recent AdGuard for Android release. Mostly squashing bugs related to the new features introduced in v3.2.
AdGuard for Android 3.2.135
Two months of development are rarely enough to come up with an update that big. Despite that, AdGuard 3.2 for Android is packed with major new features, not mentioning the long list of minor changes that goes on and on.
There’s something for both experienced users (userscripts support, DNS user filter) and for absolute beginners (feature discovery) to help them make their first steps. And everyone will equally appreciate the improved stability and speed that come with CoreLibs filtering engine update.
[Added] Feature discovery #2459
We try to position AdGuard for Android as an app you can technically turn on and forget about it, but that can offer so much more if you spend some time to explore it. To help new users not get lost in many many features we added over the years, we'll now highlight the most important UI elements and give short tooltips that explain what they are all about. This will only happen when you visit this or that screen for the first time, of course, otherwise, it would become old very soon.
[Added] Userscripts support #34
Userscripts (we also call them extensions) are basically mini-programs written in Javascript that extend the functionality of one or more websites. Usually, you'd need some special userscript manager to add them, and it's traditionally more of a desktop thing. But with AdGuard everything is possible! Now you can add any userscripts by URL or load them from a file, and AdGuard will serve as a userscript manager and take care of the rest. Go to Settings > Extensions to enable some of the preinstalled extensions or to add custom userscripts. By the way, you can tap on any userscript from among the added ones to see more details and to reinstall or delete it.
This is very similar to the regular User filter for custom filtering rules, but for DNS requests. You can find it at Settings > DNS Filtering > DNS Requests blocking. DNS User filter supports two types of syntax: a limited portion of AdGuard syntax and "hosts" syntax. More about it in our Knowledge Base.
Another DNS-related feature is hosts files support. AdGuard users now can add any hosts lists as custom DNS filters. Again, this option is on the Settings > DNS Filtering > DNS Requests blocking screen.
[Fixed] IPv6 filtering doesn't work in automatic proxy mode #2579
Not a new feature, but a very important fix. Many users with rooted devices use AdGuard in automatic proxy mode, and it turned out that IPv6 filtering wasn't working in this mode. In this version, the problem is fixed.
Ad blocking
[Added] "Disable AMP" userscript #2815
[Added] Firefox preview has been added to the list of browsers #2958
[Changed] Google DOH and DOT URLs in the configuration have been updated #2844
[Fixed] A bug with license status, filters and userscripts updates #2855
[Fixed] Issues while in root+proxy mode configuration #2894
[Fixed] The value for one of Stealth Mode settings can't be set #2788
[Fixed] Filter groups' statuses aren't restored from backup #2887
[Fixed] DNS filter's metadata doesn't update #2830
[Fixed] Double tap is required to start protection #2883
[Fixed] Custom filters aren't restored from backup #2864
[Fixed] Wrong rule is suggested when blocking an HTTPS tunnel request #2865
[Improved] CoreLibs filtering engine has been updated to v1.4.91 #2928
[Added] An error toast when an error occurs during a long-running background task #2819
[Added] Add "Extension Details" activity #2807
[Added] Empty field validation when adding a new extension #2954
[Fixed] Android TV Overlayed hints can't be dismissed #3003
[Added] Response status to the DNS log entry details #2835
[Changed] Languages' names have been homogenized in the language select menu #2753
[Changed] A bullet has been added to the statistics period selection dialog #2756
[Changed] Cutout area on cutout devices is now colored #2952
[Changed] Icons order in Apps Management has been made consistent #2777
[Changed] Notification about updated userscripts and filters #2796
[Changed] Dialogs on the Stealth mode screen #2808
[Changed] "New custom filter" dialogs layout #2809
[Changed] An indicator telling that AG cannot filter itself has been added to Apps Management #2700
[Changed] AdGuard and Proxy notifications have been combined into a single notification group #2718
[Changed] Upstream DNS server's address is now shown in the Filtering log #2735
[Changed] "Get Premium" activity now closes after free trial is successfully started #2816
[Fixed] Minor UI layout issue #2934
[Fixed] Homepage link for Tracking Protection filter #2937
[Fixed] Overlayed hints can’t be dismissed #2979
[Fixed] UI resets to the classic theme after switching the update channel #2784
[Fixed] UI bug on older LG devices #2789
[Fixed] Settings activity doesn't run on some devices with rare firmware #2770
[Fixed] Search results in Filtering log do not include some matching entries #2681
[Fixed] Valid email address is highlighted as if it was invalid #2752
[Fixed] Minor UI-related issues #2870
[Fixed] An inconsistency with the UI of Stealth Mode settings #2854
[Fixed] Wrong text below the license type in the main menu #2903
[Improved] User dialogs have been greatly improved #2754
[Improved] Items in dialogs are now highlighted on tap #2716
[Improved] Search functionality in the Apps Managements is slow #2951
[Added] TCP listener to the DNS filtering proxy #2470
[Changed] "Block WebRTC" Stealth Mode option is now applied to browsers only #2757
[Fixed] IPv6 filtering doesn't work in automatic proxy mode #2579
[Fixed] AdGuard blocks internet connection #2842
[Fixed] IPv6 is not resolved within IPv6 VPNs if the main connection is IPv4-only #2325
[Fixed] Proxy settings won't renew if user disables proxy via notification #2707
[Fixed] Low-level setting pref.dns.blocking.nxdomain works inconsistently #2847
[Fixed] Search suggestions don't work in Firefox #2884
[Added] Userscripts metadata localizations #2806
[Fixed] Background filters update does not work #3006
[Changed] Localizations have been updated
[Changed] File names for exported User filter and Whitelist #2880
[Fixed] An error when you export settings #2906
[Fixed] Homepage link for Tracking Protection filter #2937
[Fixed] DNSProxy logging level does not change #2858
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes to desktop #2762
[Fixed] AdGuard freezes when the device orientation is switched to landscape mode at a certain time #2765
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes after adding a certain custom filter #2888
[Fixed] App sometimes crashes upon launch on S10+ devices #2825
[Improved] AdGuard now launches faster #2786
[Improved] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.138 #3001
AdGuard for Android 3.1.0
With releases like this one it's hard to build up excitement, but they are necessary. There are no major new features or radical design decisions. Instead, as you will see, there are a lot of minor UI changes to improve user experience and some fixes to known crashes. So the app should be more stable and user-friendly after this update.
Ad blocking
[Changed] Opera Touch has been added to the browsers list #2691
[Fixed] HTTPS Filtering is unavailable on some devices #2736
[Fixed] AG breaks captive portals authentication #2713
[Improved] DNS-related functionality has been updated #2749
[Improved] Optimised interaction with Magisk v.19.0 #2679
[Added] "Export the license information" flag when exporting settings #2622
[Added] "Modified requests" filter to filtering log #2623
[Added] A confirmation dialog when exiting AdGuard #2566
[Added] An option to download updates manually #2299
[Added] An option to run the onboarding tool for the second time #2562
[Added] Attention bar on the main screen if no filters are enabled #2609
[Added] Icons to switchbars #2610
[Changed] "Filters auto-update period" setting is now grayed out when filters auto-update is disabled #2593
[Changed] Battery usage chart draw style has been changed #2669
[Changed] Localizations have been updated #2725
[Changed] More information about events is shown now by default in filtering log #2564
[Changed] New UI for landscape orientation #2335
[Changed] The descriptions for Stealth Mode options have been updated #2660
[Fixed] An issue with screen rotation #2721
[Fixed] Inconsistency with context menu position on the Proxy settings screen #2641
[Fixed] Incorrect display of letters on the App management screen #2619
[Fixed] Last selected statistics date range does not persist #2516
[Fixed] Logs for exporting have been stripped of identifying information #2639
[Fixed] Occasionally stats for ads blocked are not shown correctly #2627
[Fixed] Splash screen is white when dark theme is enabled #2657
[Fixed] System language detection fails in some cases #2684
[Fixed] UI corrections on the main screen #2617
[Fixed] UI does not support Android TV #2611
[Fixed] Widget 1x1 is missing on some devices #2666
[Improved] First launch VPN description has been improved #2640
[Improved] Multiple Filtering log improvements #2638
[Improved] Separators have been added to statistics for better readability #2630
[Improved] UI has been made more friendly towards color-blind people #2637
[Changed] The suggested battery capacity value for Huawei devices has been changed #2587
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes when you create rules from the filtering log #2737
[Fixed] AdGuard crtashes when you import settings #2687
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't recognize the SSL certificate #2675
[Fixed] Background activity will be blocked in future Q builds #2629
[Fixed] Compatibility problems
[Fixed] Crash in the Apps Management settings #2308
[Fixed] Protection turns on after app restart #2491
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated
AdGuard for Android 3.0.297
If you’ve been around the block, you know how we have it here: up goes the release, and the next day it’s the hotfix time. No exception with AdGuard 3.0, on some devices there’ve been problems with Wi-Fi calling, and some users reported updating issues.
AdGuard for Android 3.0.291
What do you think of when you see a jump from v2.0 to v3.0? Whatever it is, you'll probably find it inside. New design, new features, better performance, and a variety of bugfixes. Without further ado:
Stealth Mode
It is telling that we’re starting our feature overview with Stealth Mode, listing it even before the redesign, or anything else. With Stealth Mode, AdGuard takes another role in addition to ad blocker and app manager: the role of a privacy protection tool, and a strong one at that. AdGuard has had a special Tracking Protection filter for a long time, but the new module presents an entire range of tools. Some of them will suit almost everyone, and others are for more hardcore users.
[Added] Stealth Mode module #2094
A much anticipated addition, all thanks to the aforementioned CoreLibs integration. For the uninitiated, Stealth Mode module is responsible for protecting your privacy. Use it in conjunction with Tracking Protection filter to ensure the best protection. Also mind that different Stealth Mode options differ in their severity, some are “free”, and some come with certain trade-offs in convenience. When in doubt, read the tooltips or even send us a message with a question.
New UI
As important as Stealth Mode is, the tone of the update is largely dominated by the visual changes, and this time there are plenty. Almost every aspect of the old design was reworked, revamped and (hopefully) improved. There’s too much to mention in one chunk of text, so let's divide them into more digestible paragraphs.
[Improved] App redesign #713
One of the most expected, and at the same time controversial changes, for sure. We were debating whether to put “Changed” or “improved” tag on this one, and decided for the latter. We wholeheartedly believe that the new variant is better than the old one. Our designers spent countless hours on it, going through many iterations, and this is where we finally arrived.
As you will notice very soon, we changed not only colors but the layout too. For seasoned AdGuard veterans, it will take some getting used to, but we are sure you’ll find the new design even better and more convenient after a while.
[Added] Dark theme #104
And before you say “But I was hoping for the dark theme!” — don’t worry, it is also available. Looks not a single bit less slick than the default one.
Hop straight to settings and switch to it if you are a night person :)
Hop straight to settings and switch to it if you are a night person :)
[Added] Statistics charts #2083
Statistics are useful, it’s always nice to know how many ads were blocked, how much traffic was saved and so on. But simply looking at bland numbers is not very informative, and also plain boring. Charts both provide more information and are much more comprehensive.
[Improved] New first launch wizard #1965
If you are reading this, likely you don’t need any suggestions and you can navigate AdGuard’s options with ease. But for new and less experienced users this will be a helpful addition. Upon the first launch, the wizard will tell you about available features and suggest turning them on.
[Improved] Widget redesign #2354
App’s icon was changed, so the widget needed to be altered as well. Not much to say here, aside from the change in looks, widgets now provide some statistics about blocked requests and so on.
CoreLibs update
In case you need a refresher, CoreLibs is the new filtering engine that AdGuard is built upon. What AdGuard can and can't do is defined by it, so no wonder it's so important. One of the biggest advantages of CoreLibs compared to the previous engine is that it's cross-platform. This means AdGuard for Android can now take the best from the other AdGuard apps, and you can already see it in action with Stealth Mode.
In this update, CoreLibs receives a further boost, granting better performance and filtering quality. About 150 improvements were made to the filtering engine. We cannot list them all here, but here is a link if you want to check them out.
Other changes
Here are some of the more niche features that will primarily appeal to more tech-savvy users.
[Improved] DNS functionality #2415
There are, in fact, several different improvements hiding under one. Instead of bundling with the dnscrypt-proxy binaries, we are now using our own DNS proxy server that supports all existing DNS protocols. But enough of this gobbledygook, what does it mean for you, the user?
AdGuard now supports DNS-over-TLS protocol, which is one of the most secure modern DNS protocols
To configure a DNS-over-HTTPS (another secure DNS protocol) server, you don’t need to know the SDNS and can use a simple string like
.Indicate any number of upstream servers for your custom DNS server setup.
[Added] More filter subscriptions #12
Self-explanatory: the more, the better! If your favorite subscription wasn’t in the default list before, check it again.
[Added] Custom filter subscriptions by URL #13
…and if it is still not there, no big deal! Just add it manually, because now doing it is extremely easy. Just tap the respective button, enter the filter list’s URL, and it will appear among the rest of the filters. New filter will be updated automatically, and of course, you can add more than one at a time.
[Added] Protection suggestions tab #2241
And again, a feature mostly aimed at newer users. AdGuard for Android accumulated quite a bit of features over the years, and it is not easy to identify from the get-go which are the most important. This new tab draws your attention right on the main screen and hints at which steps can be taken to enhance your protection.
[Added] Problematic devices detection #2458
It seems that more and more smartphone manufacturers follow the questionable trend of killing apps whenever they feel like it. Some brands and models do so more often than other. Fortunately, there are certain steps you can take to improve the situation, and these steps vary depending on your particular device.
AdGuard learnt to detect such problematic smartphone models, and when it gets killed like that for the first time, it will show you a notification that explains what just happened (accompanied by some pieces of advice how to prevent that in the future). Its not a cure-all (if only there was one), but definitely better than nothing.
AdGuard learnt to detect such problematic smartphone models, and when it gets killed like that for the first time, it will show you a notification that explains what just happened (accompanied by some pieces of advice how to prevent that in the future). Its not a cure-all (if only there was one), but definitely better than nothing.
[Fixed] Wi-Fi calling doesn’t work with AdGuard #2550
Due to the way Wi-Fi calling is implemented, you will face problems if you try to use it while having an active VPN. Up until this update AdGuard wasn’t an exception — but it will be now. Without going into technical details (they are available by the link above), let’s just say we found a way to make AdGuard and Wi-Fi calling friends.
[Improved] Added fallback DNS servers #2490
If for whatever reason your current DNS server becomes unavailable (doesn’t matter whether you use one of the servers from the list we provide or a custom one), AdGuard uses your system default DNS as a fallback server. Not an ideal solution, so now you can indicate any DNS server (or even multiple) to be used as a fallback. Go to “Advanced Settings > Low-Level Settings” to set it up.
[Added] Adaptive icon support #1548
[Added] Context menu to the license activity #1885
[Added] CoreLibs version to the About screen #2255
[Added] Background / foreground CPU time to the battery usage screen #2355
[Added] Total requests count #785
[Added] Toggle to turn on/off all user filters & whitelist for debugging #1335
[Added] Toast notifications to inform user why an item is disabled/greyed out #699
[Added] Indicator for when Stealth mode rules were applied to a request or response #2365
[Added] Error notification when exporting logs and system info with an empty file name #2462
[Changed] Filter settings have been reworked #1806
[Changed] About screen has been reworked #797
[Changed] Filtering options in Filtering log have been redesigned #2265
[Changed] License status notifications #2460
[Changed] Old notification text in HTTPS Filtering #2510
[Changed] The app UI is distorted in Arabic #2547
[Changed] “Data saved” value goes beyond the bounds #2549
[Fixed] Menu items disappear on the promo screen #2504 - [Fixed] Filter names have been specified for all filtering rules in Filtering log #2320
[Fixed] Main stat doesn’t change after resetting the statistics #2506
[Fixed] A filter group doesn’t get enabled if a filter is enabled from search #2590
[Fixed] Adding AdGuard widget doesn't work correctly #2484
[Fixed] Crash after search in Apps Management #2508
[Fixed] Battery consumption displayed wrong #2487
[Fixed] Browsing security event has wrong status in Filtering Log #2512
[Fixed] “Content Blocking" menu is missing #2599
[Fixed] Custom launchers break widget's size #2521
[Fixed] Incorrect notification is shown after checking for updates when there is no connection #2502
[Fixed] Protection is restarted when enabling a filter group with all filters disabled #2589
[Fixed] Empty Stealth mode parameters in Filtering Log #2495
[Fixed] Landscape orientation UI errors #2612
[Fixed] Filters in disabled groups receive updates #2581
[Fixed] Recurring warning notifications in Apps Management #2481
[Fixed] “I agree with Terms" button is not visible on screens with small resolution #2571
[Fixed] Incorrect animation #2597
[Fixed] Outdated filters can't update their descriptions #2486
[Fixed] Extra icon in Custom filters group section #2592
[Fixed] Protection is not restarted after enabling the Custom filters #2517
[Fixed] Side menu is always opened after restarting the app #2479
[Fixed] Social media filter gets disabled if you skip the onboarding screen after the update #2545
[Fixed] Support menu bug #2561
[Fixed] Switches randomly change their states after screen rotation #2559
[Fixed] The license page does not fit on the screen #2464
[Improved] An icon added for the recommended filters on the filter groups screen #2556
[Improved] A placeholder has been adopted for the current year #2440
[Fixed] AG connecting to a proxy which is not added yet #2543
[Fixed] Connection is lost when DoH/DoT is enabled #2475
[Fixed] DNS appears in Apps management search results #2505
[Fixed] IPv6 upstream addresses are used for default DNS providers #2477
[Fixed] No internet connection via root proxy on T-mobile #2428
[Fixed] Wrong custom DNS server name for DOH stamps #2514
[Fixed] ConnectionFinder finds wrong connection #2450
CoreLibs & Crash
[Improved] CoreLibs updated to 1.3.207 #2621
[Changed] CL version added to the state file #2509
[Fixed] Crash after settings importing #2503
[Fixed] Crash in the Apps Management settings #2308
[Fixed] When selecting a quick install, automatic crash reporting doesn't turn on #2497
[Added] AdGuard DNS-over-HTTPS servers to DNS providers #2379
[Added] Firewall events to Filtering log #1214
[Added] Stealth mode parameters included to the report link #2370
[Added] Filtering log extended search feature #1369
[Added] 1x4 widget with current statistics #576
[Changed] Localizations have been updated
[Changed] The view of VPN dialog #2636
[Changed] Comments in Filter editor can now be added and deleted individually #2228
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Fixed] Localization issues
[Fixed] Stealth Mode settings persist in Filtering Log requests after license reset #2534
[Fixed] “Disable Whitelist” doesn’t work #2218
[Fixed] Requests highlighting issue #2474
[Fixed] HTTPS Filtering settings bug #2582
[Fixed] Importing settings from a file does not transfer filter settings #2513
[Fixed] Infinite loading after download fail #2560
[Fixed] Magisk Manager unable to pass SafetyNet check with AdGuard enabled #1894
[Fixed] Settings backup does not contain app settings #2492
[Fixed] Cookies TTL can’t be 0 #2548
[Fixed] AdGuard icon is missing on some devices after 2.12.223 update #2148
[Fixed] An issue due to some providers relying on their DNS servers to provide IPv4-mapped addresses #1884
[Improved] You can now clear stats for a single app #803
[Improved] You can now sort apps on the Firewall screen #384
[Improved] Filtering rules limitations #2401
[Improved] Device's current SDK level is now sent with check update requests #2328
AdGuard for Android 2.12.250
Many of you already know, AdGuard team is working hard on developing AdGuard for Android v3.0. It has been taking a long time, but we are nearing the release. This small update serves a single purpose: prepare the current version so that the big update goes smoothly. No other changes — we saved them all for the big day :)
One thing to mention: starting with AdGuard for Android v3.0, we will drop the support for devices with Android OS version 4.x. Sadly, they are simply becoming too old.
AdGuard for Android 2.12.247
We know it’s unusual for us to push an update directly to release channel, but this time we decided to do so nontheless. What was planned to be a quick hotfix, turned out to be an update that touches on several different issues.
[Fixed] Auto-update check is not perfrormed properly #2153
error while exporting a log file #2162[Fixed] UC browser does not support HTTPS filtering #2183
[Improved] Dnscrypt-proxy has been updated to v2.0.17 #2168
[Improved] DnsCrypt servers list has been updated #2171
[Changed] Compatibility fixes
AdGuard for Android 2.12.233
Nobody likes to roll out a hotfix just a week after the release, but sometimes there's no other choice. We took this opportunity to not only fix the problem but also to update the CoreLibs filtering engine and make a handful of other useful changes.
[Fixed] AdGuard does not restart after auto-pause on older Android devices #2127
Turned out, on some older devices (Android 6 and older) AdGuard didn"t restart after the protection got paused automatically (say, on the network state change). This affected a large enough portion of AdGuard users to justify an immediate update.
AdGuard for Android 2.12.223
v2.12 is filled to the brim with new features. New filtering engine takes ad blocking quality and performance to a new level, improved notification settings and automation options will make the communication with the app easier, and freshly added DNS functionality will satisfy even the most demanding of users.
Consider this version as a bridge to the big 3.0 release which surely come soon, with even more cool stuff!
[Added] Integration with a completely new filtering engine (CoreLibs) #1869
We have been working hard on integration with CoreLibs for a long time, and we are extremely proud and happy to finally switch to it. The importance of it has been mentioned before multiple times, including a post in our Blog. We recommend reading it for more details, but if you only want a brief summary, here it is: CoreLibs is a cross-platform filtering engine that will substitute previously used platform-specific engines. Thanks to it, the performance rate will increase drastically (twofold for AG for Android, according to our tests!). The unified filtering engine also means shorter development cycles, we no more need to account for the nuances of this or that OS. And finally, many features that only existed for one OS can now be easilly transfered to AG products for other platforms. So expect things like Stealth Mode on Android! [Added] Self-hosted automatic crash reporting system to catch the app crashes #1908
New filtering engine (see above: CoreLibs) means that there may be more crashes than usual, and to address them quickly we introduce integration with automatic crash reporting system - Sentry. It will automatically send crash reports with all the information that developers need to fix the problem. For more details on what exactly is being sent, read our Privacy Policy. Just have a look at how many issues have been dealt with already thanks to it:
[Fixed] Crash when running the TCP/IP stack #1984
[Fixed] Crash caused (possibly) by a huge number of apps installed #1659
[Fixed] Crash on opening app's settings with Assistant #1833
[Fixed] Crash if protection fails to stop in 60 seconds #1927
[Fixed] Crash:
: Destination must be on external storage #1978[Fixed] Crash: The specified child already has a parent #1956
[Fixed] Crash: Unable to import null to preferences #1987
[Fixed] RuntimeException: The TCP/IP stack has finished its work unexpectedly #1970
[Fixed] Timeout crash due to slow Magisk initialization #1939
And you can help us to track down and fix even more, so please keep it enabled if you are on the beta update channel.
[Added] Notification channels #1561

This is something that will only be available to users of Android 8 and newer. We have divided our notifications into six categories: Protection Status, License Status, Updates, Outbound Proxy, Firewall and Other. You can not only enable/disable each category separately in the system notification settings, but also manage each of them by tapping on the category name. This opens wide door for customization. Depending on what is important for you and what is not so much, you can, for example, turn some of them silent while keeping the sound for the rest.
[Added] Long press app shortcuts #1111

Taking advantage of the feature available to users of Android 7.1+, we add long tap shortcuts. As it is obvious from the name, you just need to tap and hold on the app icon to bring up a list of fast actions. Among them are toggling the protection status, fetching AdGuard Assistant or checking for updates.
> A note — you can drag any of these options to create a widget. There are also two smaller buttons for opening app’s system settings and creating an AG widget, respectively.
[Added] Automation settings (Tasker, AutomateIt, etc) #1896

[Added] Extended Tasker API: proxy settings #1972
Hopefully, you’ve already had a chance to test the new tasker API. This beta will give you something new to play with: proxy settings. Two new actions become available:
and proxy\_default
. The first one enables/disables the outbound proxy, the latter sets any of the previously configured proxies as default. More detailed description of these actions is in our KB article.A lot of users asked us about ways to automate some of AdGuard’s functions, like disabling protection when a certain app gets launched. Finally, we deliver, and the in-depth guide to automating AdGuard is already available in our Knowledgebase.
[Improved] DNS functionality #1831
There are two different improvements hiding behind one task here. First one is, we have upgraded DNSCrypt proxy to version 2. It is a general improvement, v2 is superior to v1 in speed and security. The other change is a bit more interesting: we’ve added “DNS over HTTPS" (DoH) support. This is an experimental protocol that is more secure due to increased protection against things like eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks. You can easily find more technical information about DoH on the internet, but if you don’t want to bother just trust us: it is a nice thing to have :)
[Added] More DNS providers added to the “known by default" list #1811
The more the better, right? Right! This includes such popular providers as Cloudflare Public DNS, FreeDNS and many others. Find one that suits you best!

[Added] com.alseda.ideabank app - add to the HTTPS filtering exceptions #2082
[Changed] Protection startup timeout is not used anymore when the VpnService requires preparation #1934
is now checked for all Android versions 7+ #1918[Changed] If configured, outbound proxy must be used even if ad blocking is disabled for an app #1959
[Fixed] Fix DnsCrypt parse scripts #2072
[Fixed] AdGuard does not pause itself properly when a third-party VPN is started #1954
[Fixed] AdGuard is disabled after network change event #1846
[Fixed] AdGuard is not capturing the mobile data usage correctly #1856
[Fixed] AdGuard misbehaves when it's set as always-on and it receives a connectivity change event #1844
[Fixed] AdGuard protection is not restored after being revoked by another VPN #1944
[Fixed] Unable to access internet with DNSCrypt enabled #1924
[Fixed] AdGuard does not use the fallback DNS server when the primary server times out #2042
[Fixed] Protection doesn't restart when changing mode of HTTPS filtering #2011
[Added] Bulk change option for “HTTPS filtering" preference #2010
[Added] A checkbox that disables Assistant and Filtering Log #1808
[Added] "Terms of Use" step when the app is started for the first time #1890
[Added] Marketing consent checkbox to the "Request trial" dialog" #1886
[Added] Bulk edit option for ad blocking preference #1974
[Added] Information about non-filtered connections to the filtering log #1730
[Added] A custom file picker #1935
[Added] Add "Enable all" and "Disable all" to User Filter selection options #1925
[Added] A warning about moving the certificate to the system store #1824
[Added] A permanent notification when HAR, pcap or "record everything" logging level is enabled #1450
[Changed] User is now asked for confirmation before importing the settings file #1901
[Changed] HTTPS filtering warning is not showed anymore on Android 7+ when the certificate is in the system store #1855
[Changed] “Update available" notification made permanent #1921
[Changed] Hide export option when User filter is empty #1995
[Fixed] "I agree with Terms" button is not visible if scale is enlarged in Android settings #2036
[Fixed] The toggle button icon missing from the notification drawer on Huawei P10 Premium #1996
[Fixed] Send feedback doesn't save screen state after rotating #2080
[Fixed] Bug in the AppsManagement screen #2101
[Fixed] App UI is distorted in Arabic #1945
[Fixed] AdGuard Notification Separator/Dot Size Issue on Samsung #1826
[Fixed] User login/password is missing from the HTTP proxy settings #1872
[Fixed] Wi-Fi icon disappearing when AdGuard is restarted #1861
[Added] Add Joey for reddit to browser list #2067
[Added] An option to reset HTTPS filtering's whitelist or blacklist to default #1707
[Added] Hindi [hi-IN] localization #1998
[Added] An option to renice the AG process priority #1812
[Added] A new parameter for web reporting tool integration #1948
[Changed] Remove comments from HTTPS white/black list for CL configuration #2044
[Changed] Start using ProcessHealthStats instead of scanning proc-stat for calculating AdGuard's own battery usage #1967
is now used for the website links #1875[Changed] Amazon AppStore build got rid of #1893
[Changed] The way conflicting apps are being detected has been changed #1823
[Changed] Translations moved from Spanish [es-ES] to Spanish [es] locale #1900
[Changed] Users with an active subscription will not be notified anymore about the upcoming license key expiration #2105
[Fixed] Certificate moved to the system store is not accepted on Android 8.1 #2108
[Fixed] A few CoreLibs bugs
[Fixed] Samsung Pay in South Korea won't work when any VPN is running #1209
[Fixed] The app hangs when press cancel button in bulk change setting of apps management #2056
[Fixed] HTTPS whitelist entries can't be deleted if there is a request in search box #2041
[Fixed] HTTPS whitelist entries not saving #2026
[Fixed] Importing a backup from the stable version breaks DNS settings #2034
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Fixed] AdGuard can't detect when certificate was removed using Android settings #1830
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes when launching Assistant on Android 4.2.2 #1842
[Fixed] Can't export User Filter on Android 8.1.0 #1865
[Fixed] Some rules in the User filter keep working after being disabled #1881
[Fixed] Error while importing settings #1955
[Fixed] Slow initialization of Magisk upon the device boot on Samsung S9 #1852
[Fixed] Moving the certificate does not work with Magisk #1928
[Fixed] Moving the certificate to the system store does not work on some devices #1827
[Fixed] NullPointer exception in the
method #1938[Fixed] T-Mobile counts traffic as Tethering when VPN is active #1741
[Fixed] The AdGuard app is filtered in the manual proxy mode #1958
[Fixed] AdGuard process kills itself unexpectedly #1887
[Improved] Battery stats are counted properly now #1915
AdGuard for Android 2.11.81
This update is on a larger side, just judging by the number of entries in the changelog. Two ‘whales’ of this release are both integrations with an external app: AdGuard Assistant and web reporting tool. Assistant will help you manage filtering in apps and browsers from the notification shade, and reporting tool is what it’s called — a convenient way to report any missed ads, false positives and such.
[Added] Extended AdGuard notification — an "Assistant" button #1614
There are now two action buttons in the AdGuard notification. One is “Pause”, which pauses the protection upon tapping (tap again on the notification to resume it), but the more interesting one is “Assistant”. When you tap it, a list of recently used apps and websites will show up. Tap on any of them for more options, like opening filtering log, denying the app network access (or whitelisting/blacklisting in case of a website), or proceeding to the app/website-specific settings screen in Apps Management.
We believe this will save you quite a bit of time, especially if you are an active user and often find yourself in a need to pause protection, whitelist a website etc. In fact, we tested it ourselves and found it extremely convenient! :)
[Added] Integration with reporting web tool #1615
This feature is already familiar to AdGuard for Windows, AdGuard for iOS and AdGuard browser extension users. Basically, this is a way to report any filtering-related issue on a page: missed ad, false positive etc. To do so, go to app’s side menu and select “Report an issue”. Instead of an immediate “Send a message to support” screen, you will get a dialog to select the type of issue. Choosing one of the filtering-related issues will open a web page and a wizard will take you step by step through the process of filling in the required information. Don’t worry, most of the fields will be pre-filled by the AdGuard app!
This way of reporting missed ads and such is beneficial to both filters developers and users — the former will get all the information they need to fix the problem, and latter will be sure that the issue will be resolved in the shortest amount of time possible.
Ad blocking
[Added] YousList to the list of available filters #1803
[Changed] ExtendedCss has been updated to v1.10 #1787
[Fixed] Added support for
exceptions rules #1636Networking
[Changed] "ExtendedCss" module has been upgraded to v1.0.9 #1633
[Changed] Auto-proxy is reconfigured now on network state change #1630
[Changed] OpenNIC server address has been updated #1632
[Fixed] AdGuard is not capturing the mobile data usage correctly #1665
[Fixed] App traffic is blocked on Android 4.x even when it should not be filtered at all #1715
[Fixed] Manual VPN connections crash when AG is enabled #1022
[Fixed] Error on VPN reconfiguration: failed to bind TUN pcb #1634
[Fixed] IPv6 filtering does not work on Oreo 8.1 + Magisk #1679
[Fixed] Firewall temporary allowance notification is not displayed #966
[Fixed] AdGuard exposes an open port #1640
[Fixed] DNS proxy server is now restarted on network change regardless of whether VPN reconfiguration is enabled or not #1780
[Fixed] VPN reconfiguration has been disabled by default on Samsung + Oreo #1774
[Fixed] Due to IPv6 filtering in proxy mode Facebook believes that IPv6 is accessible #1738
[Fixed] IPv6 connectivity is not enabled on protection stop if 'pref.proxy.block.ipv6' is enabled #1457
[Fixed] Error building the VPN tunnel on the network change on Huawei Mate 10 #1594
[Fixed] Ipv6 address lookup error #1786
[Fixed] Using DNSCrypt in AdGuard blocks internet connection #1562
[Changed] Notification action text color #1784
[Changed] HTTPS filtering lists have been divided into pre-defined and user-defined #1748
[Changed] 2017 to 2018 #1682
[Changed] "Blocked ads" and "blocked trackers" have been separated in the app stats #1590
[Changed] "Ad blocking" is now grayed out setting in per-apps settings if "Block ads in apps" is disabled #1484
[Fixed] Certificate state styles in HTTPS filtering settings #1551
[Fixed] Filtering log search issues #1610
[Fixed] Current language is displayed as the default language, instead of the system language #1588
[Fixed] Visual glitch with Amazon version activation #1603
[Fixed] Filtering log fails to refresh after being cleared #1728
[Fixed] Pause/Assistant buttons' look on Xiaomi #1739
[Improved] IconCache now handles non-bitmap icons #1789
[Added] New localizations — Spanish (Latin), Danish, Arabic #1583
, #1662- [Changed] AdGuard DNS over IPv6 has been added to the list of regular DNS servers #1799
[Changed] Level3 has been removed from the list of available DNS servers #1800
[Fixed] Beta build doesn’t have "beta" update channel by default #1377
[Fixed] While app is in Russian, preview opens an EN version of Knowledge base article instead of RU #1624
[Fixed] FAQ articles are not accessible when AdGuard is switched to Japanese #1622
[Fixed] First line of imported user filter rules is always interpreted as an actual rule #1717
[Fixed] Disabling net access for Android OS does not work #1498
[Fixed] Invalid file types can be imported into the UF #1301
[Fixed] AdGuard does not restart automatically after OpenVPN is disabled #1628
[Fixed] "Remove certificate" works incorrectly without root #1759
[Fixed] AdGuard won't start on boot on some Oreo devices #1727
[Fixed] Autopause does not work when there's no internet connection #1749
[Fixed] "Move certificate to system store" doesn’t work #1763
[Fixed] Crash while exporting the log file #1779
[Fixed] Google Backup does not work on Wi-Fi in VPN mode #1587
[Fixed] It takes too long to stop a local server in manual proxy mode #1746
[Fixed] No HTTPS filtering status flag in reports #1740
[Fixed] Wi-Fi calling doesn't work with T-Mobile #1570
[Fixed] AdGuard stops working when its language is set to Arabic #1765
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
AdGuard for Android 2.10.176
A somewhat "unexpected" AdGuard for Android update — much smaller than a usual one. It contains a couple of hotfixes, which were basically the reason to release this version, alongside several quality of life improvements like separate WiFi/Mobile statistics in "Apps Management".
[Added] Separate Wi-Fi/Mobile stats #1542
Here we introduce one 'visual' change: separate Wi-Fi/Mobile stats on the 'Apps Management' screen. There's now a drop-down menu on the statistics screen that allows you to choose between displaying stats for Wi-Fi, Mobile or all traffic.
[Fixed] Wakelock (caused by GCM_RECONNECT) prevents devices from sleeping #1547
A self-explanatory one. There was an annoying bug with "Wakelock" that prevented the device from entering sleeping mode.
AdGuard for Android 2.10.164
We usually try to avoid having “inbetween” major updates, but this time is different. There were not as many big changes to justify labeling this version 2.11, but some of them are still very important so we couldn’t just keep shelving them.
A couple of serious bugs have been fixed: misbehaving “Protection” button on Android 7, certificate detection issue and “broken” whitelist. You’ll find a lot of minor fixes too, plus updated translations.
[Fixed] "Protection" button misbehaves
The AOT (ahead-of-time) compilation method on Android 7.x could remove whole chunks of AdGuard code on its optimization step. This led to various problems, including the persistence of VPN connection despite the disabled protection.
[Fixed] Certificate detection issue
We have changed the algorithm of user certificate detection and it now works more correctly.
Ad blocking
[Fixed] Whitelist is not working
[Fixed] Unexpected exception in the onUdpConnectRequest handler
[Fixed] Automatic proxy (with root) is starting very slowly
[Fixed] Disabling net access for Android OS does not work
[Fixed] Moscow subway Wi-Fi cannot work with DNS filtering enabled
[Fixed] Disabling internet access for Android OS does not work
[Fixed] Internet is not working after switching from Local HTTP proxy(root) to VPN
[Fixed] Minor UI issue in traffic stats screen
[Fixed] The application is not fully translated after changing the language
[Fixed] Proxy port more than 32767 is converted to 0
[Fixed] Incorrect calculation result of "App Details "screen
[Fixed] Protection restarts when exporting settings
[Fixed] Import of previously exported settings is buggy
[Fixed] The visual glitch with 2 active DNS servers is back
[Changed] Japanese translation
[Changed] Traditional Chinese translation
[Changed] Several compatibility fixes
[Fixed] The header is not written after the HAR file rollover
[Fixed] AG should request write_external_storage permission in runtime when it's required
[Fixed] Proxy mode with Magisk 14.2 takes 2+ minutes to enable
[Fixed], are not accessible with the HTTPS filtering enabled
[Fixed] Alisa is broken in Yandex.Browser alpha
AdGuard for Android 2.10.108
Hi everyone! AdGuard for Android has always been one of the most rapidly evolving AdGuard products, and it stays that way. Today, we introduce to you the new version, featuring some of the biggest and potentially the most important changes in a while: significant increase of the filtering speed, outgoing proxy and TOR support, DNS filtering, DNS encryption and everything cool that goes alongside it. More details ahead!
[Added] Improved outbound proxy support
There is now a separate section for outbound proxy configuring in the main section of "Settings" menu, just above the "Advanced". You can now add, configure and use multiple proxies through AdGuard. Please note that only filtered apps' traffic is routed through AdGuard (which means it will only work for browsers in the free version). Also, DNS requests are not routed through proxies.
One related thing worthy of a separate mention: now it is very easy to set up Tor proxy via Orbot. Once you install Orbot, there will be a configured Tor proxy at the ready in the AdGuard proxy settings. Just enable Orbot in the notification bar, and you are good to go!
[Added] Improved DNS settings
We have also allocated a separate screen for DNS settings, you can find it in the side menu. You can add a custom DNS server, or select any public DNS provider from our list, including AdGuard DNS servers. No matter what server you choose, you can enable DNS filtering there.
Another great feature is DNSCrypt support. It is a special protocol that makes your DNS traffic secure, and we recommend to choose a DNS provider that supports DNSCrypt (by the way, AdGuard DNS does!).
[Added] Integration with the new network stack
[Added] Integrate common URL filtering library
These words may appear a tad too techy, so let us explain. Behind the ad blocking process of every AdGuard app on every platform lies the same algorithm. This algorithm - network stack - has been significantly improved recently, its performance has been increased up to 3 times compared to old numbers. In this version we integrate the Android app with it and also with our new filtering library.
[Added] Logs and system info export
This is a new addition to the 'Advanced settings'. Basically, after you tap it, the app grabs all current logs, packs it into an archive and asks you where to export it. It will be useful mostly for the forum and GitHub frequenters - for example when you report a bug and the support team member asks you to collect some logs. But it also can be helpful in certain tech support cases.
[Added] Battery usage stats screen
Historically, questions about AdGuard battery usage are among the most frequently asked ones. Sadly, Android distorts the battery consumption breakdown, attributing other apps' traffic and battery consumption to AdGuard. We've even written a detailed knowledgebase article that explains this issue. To mitigate the misconception, we added a new screen called 'Battery usage'. You can access it by tapping on the battery icon in the top right corner of the main screen. Inside you will find a chart that shows the AdGuard battery resource consumption within the last 24 hours, with an option to get more detailed hour-to-hour data by tapping on the dots on the chart. Besides that, there's also a numeric breakdown of the relevant data and a short technical explanation.
[Added] Add support for browsers cloned by the "App Cloner
[Added] Add EasyList Lithuanian filter
and ::shadow
selectors support
[Changed] Upgrade "ExtendedCss" module to v1.0.8
[Changed] Optimize DNS filtering statistics write
[Changed] Allow multiple filters to be enabled as language-specific at once
[Fixed] Unknown rule options
[Fixed] Native stack is not properly closed sometimes when AdGuard is auto-restarted
[Fixed] AdGuard does not resume protection occasionally Networking
[Changed] The iptables rules have been reworked
[Changed] Add new filtered ports
[Changed] AdGuard now can handle compressed responses when downloading filters
[Fixed] Iptables redirect doesn't work for IPv6
[Fixed] Reinitialize VpnService when newly installed app should not be filtered
[Fixed] Captured HAR is invalid
[Fixed] Adguard cannot handle huge chunks properly
[Fixed] Cryptography-code error
[Fixed] No internet connection when DNScrypt and "record everything" logging level are enabled
[Fixed] NPE in DnsUpstreamServer
[Fixed] Alpha build segfaults when accessing some websites
[Fixed] Old certificates are not purged properly
[Fixed] The Onion ( does not work with AdGuard enabled
[Fixed] Error while generating a domain certificate
[Fixed] If IP address is blocked by ISP, it is impossible to connect to the site even via proxy
[Fixed] No internet connection after disabling DNS settings
[Fixed] Auto Proxy mode causes Wi-Fi Calling to fail for Verizon Wireless
[Fixed] When switching from VPN to Auto Proxy, Protection "restarts" but mode doesn't change
[Fixed] Iptables redirect doesn't work for ipv6 P2
[Fixed] Opera browser now targets SDK level 25 and does not trust user certificates
[Added] "Add new rule" button is missing in user filter
[Added] Open links in a webview
[Added] Open AdGuard by long-pressing on the tile icon
[Added] Add an option to search in the filtering log
[Added] Round icons support for Android 7.1
[Added] Add a checkbox "Overwrite existing rules" to the import user filter dialogue
[Added] Show filters which blocked an element in the Filtering log
[Added] Export logs and system info
[Added] Trim string when user enters new domain or rule into Whitelist/User filter
[Added] Export/import of all profile's settings
[Added] An annotation to "Google Play services" app details
[Added] Custom DNS ports support
[Changed] Rework the HTTPS filtering settings section
[Changed] Dialog windows should have min width
[Changed] Change "Filtering log" status label text
[Changed] Change AdGuard notification text 6.0+
[Changed] Contents of state.txt file (the one attached to support messages)
[Changed] French translation has been updated
[Changed] 'Adguard' to 'AdGuard' in all translations
[Changed] AdGuard notification text on Andoird 6.0+
[Changed] Some wording has been updated across the app
[Changed] Minor UI changes
[Fixed] Firewall UI inconsistency
[Fixed] Deleting a single rule from a search result removes all rules from the User Filter
[Fixed] First string is imported as a rule even if it is a comment.
[Fixed] Subscription status description is misleading
[Fixed] Few issues with the new DNS sub-menu section
[Fixed] Wrong padding in the DNS section
[Fixed] Spelling issue in DNSCrypt
[Fixed] Displaced titles in the 'Statistics' tab of the 'DNS' screen
[Fixed] The search request is reset after keyboard is closed
[Fixed] Make the log stop scrolling when reading it
[Fixed] Incorrect DNS is displayed when you set up a custom DNS
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't memorize the selected DNS server
[Fixed] Proxy warning in apps management can be seen when changing tabs
[Fixed] Scrolling on the DNS screen works incorrectly
[Fixed] FAQ is displayed in the wrong language on Android N
[Fixed] Side menu "Settings" button doesn't work as intended
[Fixed] DNS requests blocking is not enabled by default when you toggle on the main DNS switch
[Fixed] Main switch in HTTPS settings is not being toggled by tapping on the label
[Fixed] Toast messages are shown in system language, not in app language
[Fixed] Scrollbar is missing at both DNS server lists (regular and DNScrypt)
[Fixed] Headers are not translated after switching the language
[Fixed] Apps are missed from apps management statistics in proxy-mode
[Fixed] "Block ads in all apps" is not checked after you activate the license key
[Added] "Request trial" should require an email
[Added] Add an annotation to "Google Play services" app details
[Added] AdGuard has been added to Google's apps backup
[Changed] Increase the trimming limit we use for request URLs
[Changed] Beta build should have "beta" update channel by default
[Changed] .apk file has been removed from the app cache after the update
[Changed] Add AdGuard version to both settings and logs export files
[Fixed] Don't ask for root access when crashed
[Fixed] Missed separator in filtering log between
and domain name
[Fixed] Apps management section is not loaded in the background
[Fixed] Сrashes on Android 6.0.1
[Fixed] Unnecessary exception in the log file
[Fixed] App freezes and can't be restarted
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes if you open ws://
or wss://
request in the Filtering log
[Fixed] EV certificate filtering checkbox rarely works
[Fixed] Advanced settings aren't applied on protection restart
[FIxed] Crash on Android v4.x
[Fixed] Update crash on KitKat and Lollipop
[Fixed] Individual apps settings aren't exported
[Fixed] Crash while trying to clear Firewall stats with AG disabled
[Fixed] AdGuard is not listed in Google's apps backup
[Fixed] Apps Management's "All time" tab is very slow after clearing stats
[Fixed] Wi-Fi calling Verizon issue
[Fixed] Custom DNS might not work in some circumstances
AdGuard for Android 2.9.136
Some users started to encounter a network error while using applications (YouTube, Google Plus, Facebook Messenger and some others). This update is a hotfix for that issue: #1334
AdGuard for Android 2.9.135
The new version is not excessively rich with new additions and other changes - more will come in v2.10 and, eventually, in AdGuard v3.0. However, there is still one big highlight - we have vastly reworked and improved the User filter. Read below to find out the details.
[Improved] The user filter has been reworked #1279
Any experience of interacting with the previous incarnation of User filter could not be described with any other word but 'miserable'. It used to be clunky, unresponsive and slow. A lot has changed in this version.
First, the new design. It has become much cleaner.
As you will see, we have combined all of the control elements - add a new rule, clear the filter, edit the filter, import and export - under one toolbar menu.
Second, you now have an option to enter the so-called "edit mode" that brings up the multiline text edit area. It is very handy if you need to copy/paste/delete multiple lines of text at once, or just edit several rules in a row without clicking on each and every one of them.
Finally, the general way it looks. Rules are color-differentiated depending on their type, comments are distinctively visible and every rule can be disabled and enabled back without having to delete and re-create it.
If you have any interest in creating and maintaining a list of your own rules, you are going to, without any doubt, welcome these changes. We, personally, are very excited! :)
Ad blocking
[Added] Juvander's Adblock List #1225
[Changed] Minor memory optimizations #1181
[Changed] The range of the $$ rules was increased #1185
[Changed] The way we handle rules with
modifier #1274[Fixed] Rules constructor ignores referer #1221
modifier doesn't work #1268[Fixed] Firefox nightly 64-bit is not recognized as a browser #1257
[Fixed] CPU overuse issue caused by repeating requests to a tracking server #1179
[Changed] The HTTPS exclusions list has been updated
[Changed] HTTPS is not filtered any more for Nougat targeted apps without
#1286[Fixed] Nougat auto-pause issue #1202
[Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue #1178
[Fixed] App preview does not work #973
[Fixed] Android O compatibility issues #1227
[Fixed] VPN + IPv6 issue on Android 4.4.2 #1267
[Fixed] IPv4 mapped addresses bypass VPN #1026
[Fixed] The first packet of a connection processing delay #1192
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter HTTPS connection with TLS 1.0 servers #1195
[Fixed] Reconfiguring iptables on package add/replace leads to no internet #1245
[Improved] Session resumption was implemented using session IDs #1238
[Changed] Subscription status description wording #1191
[Fixed] Filtering Log toolbar layout #1180
[Fixed] Crash on network type changes #1272
[Fixed] User filter import doesn't work on Nexus 9 #1300
[Improved] Localizations has been updated #1290
AdGuard for Android 2.9.70
This is arguably the biggest we've changed our app since v2.5 or even since the introduction of the new design back in AdGuard v2.0. Some of these changes were meant to be introduced only in the 3.0 version, but we couldn't wait any longer :) Significant changes to UI, the long hoped-for filtering log feature, other new options - all this and much more awaits you in this update.
[Improved] New app navigation system #969
Alright, we realize that when it comes to changing the design, there's going to be a controversy. There will always be those who find it better than the old one, and there will always be those who don't. Our hope the majority of users will find the new navigation system more convenient.
What exactly has changed? There is now a side menu, which will help to navigate through the app more easily. Besides that, we can finally utilize the context menu in the top-right corner, you can find an example of this in 'Apps Management' section. By the way, 'Apps management' will now include all Firewall settings as well. Having these two sections together at the same time felt excessive and confusing.
[Added] Filtering Log #11
Oh, boy. Anyone who has ever tried to check what's being filtered/blocked knows the struggle of inspecting AdGuard's log file. It was the only way, and I doubt there is a single user who found it convenient. No surprise, as it was initially meant to be used by filters developers only. We were thinking: 'Why would anyone want to see on such deep level what do their apps do?'. We had been completely ignoring tech savvy people who do care about it and do want to have a complete control of what is going on on their device.
We'd like to apologize for this. We should have implemented filtering log functionality a long time ago. Well, better late than never. The filtering log has arrived, come and see for yourself. We don't expect to hit the nail on the head on the first try, so your feedback on what's lacking and what you can live without is invaluable.
Ad Blocking
[Added] $network basic rules modifier #1032
[Added] Support for exception rules #815
[Changed] The behavior of the third-party modifier #891
[Changed] Websites cache is now suppressed after filters change #946
[Fixed] $replace rules aren't applied to .m3u8 files content #1060
[Fixed] Regular expressions with $ symbol aren't processed properly #1027
[Added] An option to not filter HTTPS on websites with 'Extended Validation' certificate #934
AdGuard for Windows users are familiar with this option already. Extended Validation SSL certificates grant that the owner of the certificate has gone through a very strict process of verification. The trust for such certificate owners is much higher - those are usually banks, other financial organizations etc. Often times there are zero or close to zero ads on their websites, and filtering them is excessive anyway - it only increases the chance to break something useful.
[Changed] VPN autopause is now disabled by default for new Android devices (Pixel, Nexus with Nougat) #1000
From the beginning, the VPN autopause functionality was not 'a feature'. It is a workaround for some known Android issues and bugs. For example, tethering could not work along with a VPN, or AdGuard's network access could be denied in power saving mode.
It seems that all these issues are sorted out in the newest Android devices, so we have disabled autopause functionality for them. You can turn it back ON in AdGuard's low-level settings if needed.
[Fixed] HTTPS filtering in Nougat-targeted apps #979
[Fixed] Amazon license check hangs while doing the background check #1121
[Improved] Active proxy connections closing time was reduced #990
[Imporved] AG styles are protected from disabling now #947
[Added] Bulk change functionality for the Apps Management section #1063
Available from the context menu that we have already mentioned above, it grants a fast and easy access to the most common settings that can be applied to all apps at once.
[Added] A new advanced preference: a list of networks which LAN should be filtered for #1154
Initially, there was just a bug that prevented AdGuard from filtering ads in Moscow subway Wi-Fi network. Turned out that is located inside of a LAN, which we exclude by default. Rather than making an exception for this particular network, we decided to choose a more broad approach and create a new preference.
[Changed] Aggregate all removed apps stats in one item #806
[Changed] 'Blocked' pages markup was updated #1029
[Changed] Translations were updated #1138
[Changed] 'Notification without icon' mode is made default for 'Notification icon' setting #988
[Changed] Locale-specific number format is used now on the main screen #1117
[Changed] 'Removed apps' package icons now appear inactive in the apps list #1105
[Fixed] Data stats are shown for AdGuard app in Apps Management #889
[Fixed] 'Learn more' button link resolves to an undefined page #1113
[Fixed] FAQ UI is broken on Android 5.1.1 when you highlight the text #1097
[Fixed] The quick settings tile doesn't highlight/shade when you toggle the protection #1100
[Improved] 'App details' activity is sped up considerably #1099
[Improved] pref.filtered.ports setting now can understand port ranges #830
[Added] 'Watchdog period' advanced setting #1067
Depending on the firmware, Android might be very aggressive to background services, killing them really frequently. In AdGuard case this aggressive behavior may be truly destructive. This feature starts a special 'watchdog' service, which keeps AdGuard's main process alive. However, it is disabled by default as most of the Android devices do not suffer from the 'random process killing' issue.
[Added] ABVPN filter #1015
[Added] Hungarian filter #1011
[Added] AdGuard French filter #1127
[Changed] Default HTTPS exclusions list was updated #1116
[Changed] 'Update only over WiFi' option is grayed out when automatic filters update is disabled #953
[Fixed] Crash while updating AdGuard #1086
[Fixed] 'Filters autoupdate period' graying out bug #956
[Fixed] Premium license expiration notification is shown after the first installation #1062
[Fixed] Cannot send MMS when AdGuard is in Proxy+Auto filtering mode #1058
[Fixed] VpnService.prepare crashes due to XPosed module #1084
[Fixed] An attempt to get a license from within the app makes AdGuard crash when there's no browser installed #1112
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Improved] UDP connections handling was reworked #906
AdGuard for Android 2.8.76
It hasn't been long since we have released an urgent hotfix for AdGuard v2.8, and today there is going to be another one. It is not normal when such things happen, we realize it, and want to apologize to all of you. We'll do our best to avoid such situations in future.
The most major fixed problem concerns one of the low-level settings - pref.vpn.ipv4.bypass, which, as the name suggests, allows to disable filtering for all ipv4 traffic. It was simply missing in the latest release version.
Along with the problem mentioned above, a couple of other issues were addressed.
AdGuard for Android 2.8.71
An important hotfix for the recent release of AdGuard v2.8. It contains only one, but crucial fix:
[Fixed] Routes exclusion string bug #939
This bug affected AdGuard's work in WiFi networks and could lead to several problems, such as: no filtering fore some websites, local network FTP-server disability, incorrect functioning of WiFi calling feature.
AdGuard for Android 2.8.67
Finally, it's time for AdGuard for Android 2.8 to come to light! It brings the ad blocking quality to the next level with several big novelties such as Simplified domain names filter or extended CSS support. Many new low-level settings will allow advanced users to customize app to their liking, and for all the rest we bring quite a few quality of life improvements and bugfixes. We hope everyone finds something useful in the new AdGuard for Android version.
Ad Blocking
[Added] Support for Extended CSS and Extended Selectors #810
Extended CSS support is a very important addition in terms of future (and present) possibilities that it opens for ad blocking. Extended CSS is a module for applying CSS styles with extended selection properties. Basically, it means that we will be able to select and, therefore, block some elements that we would not be able to block otherwise. Currently we support following pseudo-classes: -ext-has ( :has ), -ext-contains ( :contains ), -ext-matches-css ( :matches-css ).
'Extended selector' is a technical term, but what hides behind it? With extended selectors support, we can much more easily create some rules that were very, very hard to create earlier. Notably, this concerns rules required to block such things as 'Sponsored posts' on Facebook.
[Added] Simplified domain names filter #876
Fresh addition to the AdGuard filters family. Simplified domain names filter is composed of several filters (English filter, Social media filter, Spyware filter, Mobile ads filter, EasyList and EasyPrivacy), modified for better DNS filtering. It blocks ads and trackers wherever it is possible to indicate own DNS addresses. Note that it will block the whole domains and not the specific URLs. You can learn more about DNS blocking by visiting our website
[Changed] "Filter DNS requests" feature is now available for non-premium users #875
With AdGuard DNS introduced and being free, there is no point in keeping this AdGuard for Android feature paid. Now it will be equally accessible for all users alike. There is still plenty of good stuff in the Premium version of the app :)
[Added] low-level flag #907
This option will allow rooted users to automate removing Youtube app data, which appears to be crucial for blocking ads in it. By the way, in one of the recent articles in our blog you can find a detailed guide to blocking ads in YouTube app.
[Added] 'pref.filtered.ports' added to low level settings - advanced users can now add new ports to filter #796
[Added] $websocket content type modifier - it will enable to use rules written exclusively for WebSocket connections #801
[Added] $important rule modifier #833
[Added] Latvian filter list #730
[Added] List-KR filter list #756
[Added] A new low-level setting: "pref.boot.startup.delay" #776
[Changed] Multiple browsers added to the list of browsers filtered by default #757, #808, #862, #922
[Fixed] $replace rules can now be applied along with other filtering rules #844
[Fixed] $app modifier is ignored when HTML content is being filtered #921
[Fixed] HTML filtering rules with wildcard attribute can not be parsed #917
[Improved] Users are now allowed to select filters update check period #746
[Improved] Increased content filtering rules maximum length limit #590
[Improved] HAR file writer, which is used for debugging purposes #784
[Improved] QUIC-connections blocking for the Chrome browser #766
[Added] pref.vpn.ipv4.bypass low-level setting #909
If this option is enabled, AdGuard will ignore all IPv4 connections. This might appear wierd and unnecessary, but in reality it allows to use AdGuard as a 'DNS-level' ad blocker. You only need to enable the following options: pref.vpn.ipv4.bypass, pref.vpn.ipv6.bypass, DNS requests filtering and AdGuard DNS filter (the latter is not crucial, but will help immensely with blocking ads in browsers). AdGuard will cease filtering other apps' traffic, and will only block ad domains on the DNS requests level. As a result, ad blocking quality will drop and Firewall functionality will not be available, but also there will be close to zero performance penalty.
[Added] VPN restart feature #733
[Changed] Protection is now paused automatically when Bluetooth tethering is detected #791
[Changed] IPv4 connections now have priority over IPv6 connections #802
[Changed] New server is now used for filters #863
[Changed] The way AdGuard blocks IPv6 #853
[Fixed] Wi-Fi calling for AT&T #817
[Fixed] Crash due to "Too many open files" error #834
[Fixed] ENOBUFS error while writing to the TUN #724
[Fixed] SOCKS 5 proxy blocks internet traffic #660
[Fixed] Error processing HTTP/2 requests #850
[Fixed] HTTPS connections with some upstream HTTP proxy #839
[Fixed] "Operation not permitted" error while processing UDP connection #840
[Fixed] Issue with traffic slipping through firewall #765
[Improved] HTTPS is now used for safebrowsing service requests #912
[Improved] AdGuard styles are now protected from removal #913
[Improved] AdGuard automatically detects when AdGuard's certificate is moved to system certificate storage (Helps with https filtering in Android N+) #755
[Added] 'Installation date' to the app details screen #794
[Added] A Quick Settings tile for Android N and up #767
[Added] A low level switch to enforce "protection paused" notification to be visible even when notification icon mode is set to 'None' #838
[Changed] Some localizations were updated #919
[Changed] Filtering methods explanations were updated #136
[Changed] IME (typing) mode for adding/importing custom rules dialogs #835
[Changed] System packages list is added to the "Tech info" section of "Android OS" details screen #857
[Changed] Apps Management screen is automatically updated when new app is installed - no need to restart AdGuard anymore #747
[Changed] 'Apps and Statistics' section renamed to 'Apps Management' and brought to the main menu #823
[Fixed] Time format on main screen now follows system settings #819
[Fixed] Unnecessary exception is logged #854
[Improved] Filter editor now recognizes lines starting with "!" as commentaries in user-imported filters #759
Minor and compatibility issues
Lots of other minor issues and compatibility fixes. The full list can be found in our GitHub repository inside the descriptions of previous beta versions.
AdGuard for Android 2.7.220
Hi! We can't wait to tell you about new AdGuard for Android version!
It has a little bit for everyone. If you like to have everything under control and customize filtering for every app, check out new settings section - 'Apps & Statistics'. It is much easier now to make your apps behave exactly as you want them to.
For custom filter rules enthusiasts we have a new modifier: $app. Create rules that affect only one specific app, or all other apps except for it.
Those who use Android N devices will save a lot of nerves now - new version of AdGuard automatically detects if an app is created specifically for Android N, which allows to avoid many problems (this affects some other potentially problematic apps too).
And everybody will notice a general increase in quality. Many bugs were fixed, many useful changes were made. All details are in the changelog below.
[Added] ‘Apps & Statistics’ settings section #633
We decided to seriously redesign our Firewall section. There will be no more ‘Apps & Settings’ sub-section inside ‘Firewall’. Instead, we introduce a whole new first-level section named ‘Apps & Statistics’. It very much resembles the now gone ‘Apps & Settings’ but has some differences. For example, we got rid of ‘global’ switches - these buttons were too misleading.
Also, you can now disable network access when the screen is off, and you can configure it for each app separately. Not only new connections are not allowed when this option is enabled, but also all existing connections are terminated when the screen goes off.
Another big change is disposal of exclusions lists. Now you can simply add an app to exceptions through the ‘Apps and Statistics’ screen. There are other changes too, and we will not list them all here. We believe the new layout is more intuitive and you will have no troubles navigating through it.
Important note: this is not yet a big redesign we plan to do in AdGuard 3.0. Only the tip of the iceberg :)
[Added] An option to browse for a file to import user filter #120
[Added] A notification to inform user of expiring license #606
[Changed] Disabled vibration and sound for AdGuard notifications #205
[Changed] Instead of stopping protection on settings change, a toast message is showed #667
[Changed] When user changes default firewall settings, ask him if he wants to reset per-app settings #675
[Changed] Show notification when VPN is revoked #672
[Changed] AdGuard now counts DNS traffic towards a special “virtual” package named “DNS” #668
[Fixed] AdGuard closes if you swipe it with ‘No icon’ notification setting #662
[Fixed] An issue with Samsung’s buggy firmware (messed notification sounds) #716
[Improved] Premium features description #669
[Improved] UI accessibility for a visually impaired users #519
Ad Blocking
[Added] $app modifier #544
This modifier will be useful for advanced users who create their own custom rules. It allows both blocking ads in a specific app and blocking ads everywhere except for that app. For example, Facebook uses same domains for both ads and useful stuff. This modifier allows to block facebook ads in other apps without breaking the Facebook app itself.
[Fixed] Detect if app targets Android N #653
Due to Android N security policy, HTTPs filtering is impossible for apps developed specifically for Android N, or other apps where user-installed certificates are not trusted. Previously that could lead to errors and app crashes. Now AdGuard detects if app targets Android N and does not filter HTTPS for such apps.
[Added] RoList filter to the list of supported filters #523
[Fixed] Disabling filtering for “Android OS” now fully excludes OS packages from the VPN #732
[Improved] Added support for the :style pseudo class syntax #701
[Improved] Modified $empty modificator behavior to improve filtering #677
[Improved] Increased content filtering rules maximum length limit #590
[Changed] Allowed DNS requests for root user #535
[Fixed] SSL whitelist no more can be applied to random domains #738
[Fixed] Resolved shadowing of our Apache commons classes by old versions shipped in Android #709
[Improved] All our requests are now more secure with SSL/TLS #611
From now on it will be much easier for users to add any app to exclusions. No need to go to low-level settings anymore, just open the apps screen in ‘Apps and Statistics’ and add it to exclusions from there.
Following compatibility issues were fixed:
Ad blocking interferes with videos in news app #711
Upload doesn’t work for Yandex Disk #736
HTC battery optimization #536
Sync for Reddit app #645
Cortana voice app #661
Lazada app #680
Smart appointments in Google Calendar #658
Following apps were added to exclusions due to problems caused by filtering:
Idealo, Mountainview, Itau, Yik Yak, Box, Jet, MeetMe, MoovIt, Waze, Prisma, Grindr, Romeo Uncut, SwiftKey, S Voice, Goes,,, Coursera, Astana Bank, Google Now, Yandex Navigator, Heetch, TomTom Go Mobile, Amazon apps, some banking apps
AdGuard for Android 2.6.108
Hello everyone!
It feels like we were releasing version 2.5 just yesterday, and yet we are ready to present to you a new one: Adguard for Android v.2.6!
You will find quite a lot of improvements and new features there. Last version introduced HTTPs filtering, and in this one we made it faster by A LOT :) Now it is so much faster and more stable.
Also, our users get the ability to configure which DNS servers to use with DNS filtering, compatibility with other apps is improved, UI undergoes some tweaks, new filters are added to make filtering more comfortable... and much more!
Also, our users get the ability to configure which DNS servers to use with DNS filtering, compatibility with other apps is improved, UI undergoes some tweaks, new filters are added to make filtering more comfortable... and much more!
Ad Blocking
[Added] Annoyances filter: #594
We have decided to create a new separate filter for irritating elements that disturb users or interfere with web surfing.
As you may know, we already have a Social media filter that removes numerous social media widgets and different buttons – “Like”, “Share”, “Tweet” etc. (we are sure you have noticed how many of them are on certain websites). Our new filter will go further in making your surfing even more comfortable. You can learn more about it in our blog.
[Added] Custom DNS servers: #139. With Adguard you can now override system DNS settings and use any DNS servers you like. Just as with proxy settings, Android does not allow you to do it when you are on mobile data, so Adguard is your only option. To do it: go to Settings - Advanced - Low-level settings - tap pref.vpn.dns and enter preferred DNS servers addresses (one per line).
[Added] Upstream proxy settings: #51.
One of the most asked questions about Adguard is “can I use it with another VPN?”. The usual answer was “no, you can’t have two VPN running together (unless you have root and use AG in proxy mode)”. We are very excited to announce that we have brought a new solution suitable for non-rooted devices. Does this allow you to use two VPNs at the same time? No, unfortunately this is still impossible. However, most popular VPN providers allow you to use proxy instead and that’s what you can do now with Adguard. For instance, if you are a PIA VPN user, you now can setup Adguard to use their SOCKS5 proxy. Learn more about it here (scroll down until you see “SOCKS5 proxy” link). You may want to use TOR along with Adguard and it is also possible now! Here is a short instruction on how to setup Adguard to work with Orbot: Proxy with Tor.
Run Orbot.
Open Adguard.
Go to Settings - Advanced, open Proxy settings.
Select SOCKS4 proxy type, set host to and port to 9050.
That’s it, run Adguard protection and all your traffic is now going through TOR.
One more thing worth noticing is that Adguard is currently the only way to use proxy when you are on mobile data. Otherwise Android just does not provide such possibility.
[Added] New low-level setting allowing to block IPv6 traffic in Proxy+Auto filtering mode: #601
It appears that in Proxy+Auto mode Adguard cannot filter IPv6 traffic. As a temporary solution we’ve introduced new low-level setting “pref.proxy.block.ipv6” allowing to block IPv6 traffic to public networks. It is disabled by default, so if you have IPv6 offered by your ISP, you may want to enable it.
[Added] Low level switch for AG to dump HTTP/HTTPs content to a file: #502
This switch will be very useful to filters developers and enthusiasts. Adguard saves HTTP(s) requests in a HAR (http archive) v1.2 format which can be easily analyzed with a Fiddler app: #502
[Improved] HTTPs filtering performance: #501
Another popular question was about download speed drop over HTTPs. HTTPs filtering is a heavy operation, so that was expected. What was unexpected to us is that some services like Google Play may download apps over HTTPs. So, we have greatly optimized the filtering speed. On our test device it has showed an increase in 5-10 times!
Other changes
[Changed] Updated default https exclusions list (almost 1k domains there now): #579
[Fixed] Do not start VPN when another VPN is in use: #527
[Fixed] Wi-Fi calling in UK EE network does not function if Adguard is active: #582
[Fixed] No HTTPs filtering of Google domains in Chrome browser: #365
[Fixed] Empty ad placeholders are visible in some apps with HTTPS filtering enabled: #402
[Fixed] Adguard does not block connections when an app switches to SSL 3.0: #562
[Fixed] Some apps repeat ad requests every second (Play music issue): #511
[Fixed] HTTPs filtering does not work for Google domains (Android N): #486
[Fixed] Error generating certificate for certificates w/o alternative name: #548
[Fixed] Added workaround for update procedure on Android N #634
[Fixed] Not starting VPN service on quick network change #636
[Added] Default language is now “System” (just uses the system language even if you change it): #131
[Added] Added Adguard shortcut for fast enabling or disabling Adguard: #481
[Added] Show warning when user tries to set notification icon to “None”: #497
[Changed] 1-place widget appearance: 481
[Fixed] An issue with Adguard shortcut opening app UI: 610
[Fixed] Tethering “conflict” notification is shown every time: #503
[Fixed] Statistics detalization for low-res devices: #525
[Fixed] Dialog windows width: #557
[Fixed] Accessibility problem for visually impaired users: #519
[Fixed] Aliexpress: #615
[Fixed] Yandex Navi and Maps: #447
[Fixed] Wire: #517
[Fixed] Sberbank and manual proxy mode: #545
[Fixed] Adwords app: #327
[Fixed] Outlook mobile app: #560
[Fixed] Openbank: #504
[Fixed] Samsung Theme Store: #571
[Fixed] SimpleNote sync: #540
[Fixed] Wawa: #543
[Fixed] Yelp (cannot complete a transaction): #603
[Fixed] PrivatBank: #567
[Fixed] Angry Birds Friends: #546
[Fixed] HERE Maps: #530
[Fixed] FarPost Кино: #529
AdGuard for Android 2.5.196
Not so long ago we announced a soon-to-come release of new AdGuard for Android version, and we keep our promise by pushing out AdGuard 2.5 today. Lots of new features and bugfixes are awaiting you, and some of them are HUGE. If you keep track of our blog, or forum, you already know that the killer news of this release is adding the HTTPS filtering. And yes, that means no more ads in YouTube, Facebook or Twitter - you name it. But there are other reasons to get excited besides it. Read on to find out what are they.
HTTPS filtering
Previously, ads which are loaded using HTTPS were ignored. Now AdGuard can filter HTTPS protocol, which means that all such ads will be blocked. And these ads appear at many websites and apps - we already mentioned some of them above. To enable HTTPS filtering, simply go to AdGuard settings -> HTTPS filtering. Put checkmark besides 'Install certificate' checbox to install certificate, then enable 'Filter HTTPS connections' - all is ready now.
The upside of this is obviously huge, but there are a couple of drawbacks as well:
1. You will need to set a password or a lockscreen pattern. This is a system requirement with no workarounds.
2. You will get a 'Network may be monitored' notification after enabling HTTPS filtering and after each device reboot. This notification, however, can be swiped away.
HTTPS filtering works in two modes. By default, AdGuard will filter all HTTPS connections to all domains, except for domains from the whitelist. The other mode allows you to filter HTTPS connections to the domains from the blacklist only. We recommend blacklist mode for those with older smartphones and tablets, as filtering all HTTPS connections can possibly cause performance drop.
Privacy and security
From the beginning, the main goal of HTTPS was to secure your data that you transfer via network. We take privacy and security issues very seriously, and that's why we spent a lot of time to make sure you will not lose HTTPS advantages while filtering HTTPS protocol.
1. Your network traffic remains encrypted (because all the filtering happens inside your device).
2. AdGuard checks server certificates by itself, and with any hint of danger filtering of this connection will be ceased.
3. AdGuard is not affected by any SSL vulnerabilities which year 2015 was so rich of (it can be verified on SSL labs).
4. By default AdGuard doesn't filter connections with known bank domains and other websites with personal info. Since this beta we fixed a lot of bugs concerning HTTPS filtering.
For those who want full control and maximum security, blacklist filtering mode will probably suit more than default whitelist mode.
UI changes
[Added] New material icon #203
[Improved] Statistics detalization #48
[Changed] "Rate App" button was returned to "About" view in Amazon build #232
[Fixed] Changed selected text background in the Low level settings to differ from text color #260
Ad Blocking
[Changed] In Android 6.0 AdGuard now automatically pauses protection in the battery saver mode (unless battery optimization is disabled for AdGuard app) #247
We feel this is an important change. When Android is switched to power saving mode, all apps are cut off from internet. But AdGuard VPN was still alive and receiving all the packets from these apps. Now we simply disable protection for the duration of power saving mode. When battery saver mode is off, we automatically enable protection back.
[Added] $replace modifier for basic rules #239
[Changed] $popup rules are applied to "redirect" responses now #281
[Changed] Optimized filtering speed #470
[Fixed] AdGuard filters "application/xhtml" pages now #477
[Fixed] Issue with parser building wrong absolute URL #442
Added various language-specific and other filters:
[Added] "Anti-Adblock Killer | Reek" filter #420
[Added] Polish cookies filter #354
[Added] Persian/Farsi list #296
[Added] Finnish filter #293
[Added] Greek AdBlock filter #282
[Added] Bulgarian filter #259
[Added] Estonian filter #468
[Fixed] Telegram app #294
[Fixed] Yandex.Navigator #278
[Fixed] Sleipnir Mobile added to the browsers list #316
[Fixed] VIA browser added to the browsers list #381
[Fixed] Fixed Nimbus Note app sync issue #364
[Fixed] Zoiper and CSipSimple apps #422
[Fixed] IP Cam Viewer Pro #321
[Fixed] LiveJournal app #144
[Fixed] SK Telecom's SMS and MMS apps #412
[Fixed] Nekto Me app #374
[Fixed] GoPro app compatibility with VPN #495
[Fixed] Disa app #499
Languages and translations
Added localizations to various languages:
[Added] Finnish language #293
[Added] Hungarian language #309
[Added] Chinese Traditional language #277
[Added] Bulgarian language #444
[Added] Croatian language #494
[Added] Vietnamese language #493
[Added] Dutch language #500
[Added] An option to disable splash screen on AdGuard launch #490
[Added] Warning for smartphone users about battery stats #366
[Added] Apus Browser support #449
[Added] Support for HTTP method REPORT #431
[Changed] Use Origin as Referer for websocket connections #429
[Changed] Make HTTPS whitelist, blacklist and apps exceptions available in "Low level settings" so you can easily reset it to default #457
[Changed] Added RelayForReddit Pro to the list of browsers (you don't need premium to block ads in this app) #301
[Changed] Improved HTML content detection #348
[Fixed] Website can be broken because of invalid HTML inside a "noscript" tag #400
[Fixed] AdGuard ignores tag href attribute while constructing an absolute URL #401
[Fixed] AdGuard cannot detect HTML if there is an xml declaration at the document start #428
[Fixed] Glitch with swiping AdGuard from the recent apps #292
[Fixed] Error while opening #441
[Fixed] HTML parser should not filter "data:" URLs #417
[Fixed] AG code is injected into "noscript" tag #330
[Fixed] Error while parsing a style tag with embedded svg ( issue) #373
[Fixed] Issue with wrong stats calculated for apps listed in "" #252
[Fixed] Wrong Firewall traffic stats #338
[Fixed] Fixed a bug with filtering of the apps from exceptions list #252
[Fixed] An issue with blocking POST requests and "keep-alive" HTTP connections #332
AdGuard for Android 2.1.359
Ad blocking
[Added] Added popular filter subscriptions: #0
List of added filter subscriptions:
* ABPindo
* EasyList China
* EasyList Czech and Slovak
* EasyList Hebrew
* EasyList Italy
* Liste AR
* Liste FR
* ABP Japanese Filters
* Adblock polskie reguły
* ABPindo
* EasyList China
* EasyList Czech and Slovak
* EasyList Hebrew
* EasyList Italy
* Liste AR
* Liste FR
* ABP Japanese Filters
* Adblock polskie reguły
[Added] $generichide modifier support: #4
[Added] $genericblock modifier support: #3
[Changed] Use keyboard settings to detect default language-specific filters: #0
[Changed] Improved $popup rules: #7
[Fixed] A bug with HTML filtering rules - void elements never removed: #4
[Fixed] An issue with "base url": #2
[Fixed] Rules with $elemhide modifier now applied to "Documents" only: #1
[Added] $genericblock modifier support: #3
[Changed] Use keyboard settings to detect default language-specific filters: #0
[Changed] Improved $popup rules: #7
[Fixed] A bug with HTML filtering rules - void elements never removed: #4
[Fixed] An issue with "base url": #2
[Fixed] Rules with $elemhide modifier now applied to "Documents" only: #1
UI changes
[Added] New "Notification Icon" setting option: "Notification without icon": #2
So now we now have 4 options:
Default icon. Icon and notification are always visible.
Colored icon (only in Android 4.X). Icon and notification are always visible.
Notification without icon. Icon is not visible. Permanent notification is visible, but it has low priority, so it is semi-transparent and placed below all other notifications.
4 None. No icon, no notification.
4 None. No icon, no notification.
[Changed] Make "Protection paused" a permanent notification: #1
This change should help with #3. When AdGuard pauses protection, sometimes Android may kill it's process and then do not bring it back.
[Changed] Add a description text for each filter: #9
[Changed] Change Mb to MB in firewall data statistics: #0
[Changed] "Protection paused" notification should not have high priority in Android 4.X: #5
[Changed] Change Mb to MB in firewall data statistics: #0
[Changed] "Protection paused" notification should not have high priority in Android 4.X: #5
Browsing Security
[Changed] Changed the way AdGuard checks domain: #2
[Changed] AdGuard now checks if IP address is reachable before redirecting connection to a proxy: #7
[Fixed] Crash when system call is interrupted: #0
[Fixed] "Filter DNS requests" feature does not work with mobile connection: #1
[Fixed] Crash when system call is interrupted: #0
[Fixed] "Filter DNS requests" feature does not work with mobile connection: #1
We have improved "Filter DNS requests" feature, now it is much more reliable and works for both Wi-Fi and Mobile connection. This feature may drastically improve the battery usage, so I recommend trying it.
Languages and translations
Compatibility issues
[Changed] Add Link Bubble Browser to the browsers list: #7
[Fixed] Tethering/hotspot is falsely detected (MIUI, Zenfone2): #8
[Fixed] Fixed an issue with filtering Boat Browser and Dolphin Browser with add-ons installed: #7
[Fixed] Viber app compatiblity issues: #0
[Fixed] Added Firefox Nightly to the browsers list: #6
[Fixed] Added RT Software Studio's Download Manager to the browsers list: #9
[Fixed] Added Yandex Browser Alpha to the browsers list: #8
[Fixed] Periscope app incompatibility: #5
[Fixed] Add sberbank app to net exclusions: #9
[Fixed] Tethering/hotspot is falsely detected (MIUI, Zenfone2): #8
[Fixed] Fixed an issue with filtering Boat Browser and Dolphin Browser with add-ons installed: #7
[Fixed] Viber app compatiblity issues: #0
[Fixed] Added Firefox Nightly to the browsers list: #6
[Fixed] Added RT Software Studio's Download Manager to the browsers list: #9
[Fixed] Added Yandex Browser Alpha to the browsers list: #8
[Fixed] Periscope app incompatibility: #5
[Fixed] Add sberbank app to net exclusions: #9
Minor issues
[Changed] Compress request body when sending request to support: #6
[Changed] Improve release notes layout: #0
[Fixed] Add sberbank app to net exclusions: #9
[Fixed] AdGuard breaks WebSocket protocol: #8
[Fixed] AdGuard requests to a backend server has wrong User-Agent field: #1
[Fixed] Always return status=500 for blocked requests: #6
[Fixed] BOOT_COMPLETED Intent is not received at “Restart” or “Reboot”: #3
[Fixed] Critical Error: Deadlock caused by slow write operations #8
[Fixed] Download or upload of large files may be broken: #4
[Fixed] Foreground check does not work in Android 5.1.1+: #4
[Fixed] Random timeout error while downloading large files: #5
[Fixed] T-Mobile Wi-Fi calling issue: #3
[Fixed] UDP connection may be closed before it is actually established: #5
[Fixed] Wi-Fi direct does not work with AdGuard on Samsung devices: #7
[Fixed] Wildcard's "*" character does not match a new line: #3
[Changed] Improve release notes layout: #0
[Fixed] Add sberbank app to net exclusions: #9
[Fixed] AdGuard breaks WebSocket protocol: #8
[Fixed] AdGuard requests to a backend server has wrong User-Agent field: #1
[Fixed] Always return status=500 for blocked requests: #6
[Fixed] BOOT_COMPLETED Intent is not received at “Restart” or “Reboot”: #3
[Fixed] Critical Error: Deadlock caused by slow write operations #8
[Fixed] Download or upload of large files may be broken: #4
[Fixed] Foreground check does not work in Android 5.1.1+: #4
[Fixed] Random timeout error while downloading large files: #5
[Fixed] T-Mobile Wi-Fi calling issue: #3
[Fixed] UDP connection may be closed before it is actually established: #5
[Fixed] Wi-Fi direct does not work with AdGuard on Samsung devices: #7
[Fixed] Wildcard's "*" character does not match a new line: #3
AdGuard for Android 2.1.267
Patch for AdGuard 2.1. This patch fixes a few major bugs discovered in the previous release.
[Added] New low-level setting "". Allows to change the list of apps for which network filtering is disabled.
[Fixed] Problem with filtering stuck at detecting filtered app.
[Fixed] Cannot download file larger than 2Gb.
[Fixed] [Critical] Wakelock when there are semi-closed connections.
[Fixed] Compatibility issue with My JDownloader.
[Fixed] App crash while checking if app is in foreground.
[Fixed] Disabled update check for Amazon build.
AdGuard for Android 2.1.240
Multiple TCP stack improvements:
Previously there were problems with downloading large files, especially from Google Play. It is not the case anymore, you don't have to disable Adguard just to update your favorite app or download a new game.
Overall performance improvement:
With recent changes Adguard has become faster, more stable and less resourse consuming. It was possible due to optimization of several 'bottleneck' situations.
Other changes:
- Moved firewall icons-cache to Cache folder to be able to clear it from app settings
- Fixed unnecessary restart of protection in Proxy mode
- Proxy mode: DNS cache is now flushed on network reconnect
- Multiple GUI improvement in Low-Level Settings
- A new preference "pref.vpn.capture" added to low-level settings. If this setting is enabled, Adguard will create the special file named «tun.pcap». It contains all network packets transferred through the VPN. This file is located in the app cache directory, and can be analyzed with the Wireshark program.
- Optimized Pcap functionality in Low-Level Settings
- Update channel options are hidden for Amazon builds
- Fixed handling of HTTP CONNECT requests without Host header
- Small UI fix on Send Feedback screen
- Added new localizations: Czech, French, Turkish, Serbian, Spanish
AdGuard for Android 2.1.177
- 'Firewall' section added to settings, with an ability to disable it comletely.
- Firewall: Added an ability to temporary pause blocking for foreground application
- Added low-level settings that can help with the work in non-standard networks and custom firmware
- An option has been added to low-level configuration, which prohibits VPN pause when changing the network or disconnecting from it
- Reworked the DNS-filtering - now it should work even where external DNS are blocked
- Reworked the application life cycle: now the protection can be turned off/on without any issues
- Fixed application restart after deep sleep
- Fixed critical error that led to Adguard restart
- Fixed a mechanism for identifying modem and access point mode and showing a warning
- Fixed authorization problem in the Moscow Subway
- Fixed problem sending SMS/MMS in the AT&T network
- Fixed an issue with collecting traffic statistics
- Fixed rare problem with automatic filter updates
- Fixed an issue with firewall interface on small screens
- Added support for new browsers: Dolphin Zero, Ghostery, CM Private Browsing, Jbak Browser and more
- Exceptions added: Handcent Next SMS, Chomp SMS, FarmVille 2
- Updated German and Polish localizations
- Fixed several issues in the interface
AdGuard for Android 2.0.62
Added the long-awaited firewall feature. Now it is possible to fully control the internet access of apps in different networks. The apps won’t be able to go online and send any data without you knowing. In addition, by using our firewall, you can allow some apps to go to the network only via mobile Internet, while others (for example, ones that require a lot of traffic) – only through Wi-Fi.

Added app traffic monitoring system. You can monitor the consumption of app traffic in real time.

Adguard will show you which apps consume resources at the moment, and demonstrate the used traffic for day, month or all-time.
Added module for blocking advertising domains by DNS (can be found in advanced settings). DNS filtering consists in Adguard intercepting requests to the DNS server, which let the program know where the particular domain is, at what IP address. If requests to the domain should be blocked, then Adguard returns the special blocking response with a lifetime of 1 hour. During this hour, the program will no longer send requests to the DNS server, so the load will be reduced accordingly.
Added Material Design. We have switched to the Material design. Now Adguard is consistent and even more handsome :)

Added IPv6 filtering support. This protocol may not even be supported by your provider yet, and we have already added its support in VPN mode. Just keep using Adguard as if nothing has changed.
Implemented blocking of QUIC protocol in Google Chrome. Google servers are working based on it, and also with its help Google Chrome loads banners and text ads. At the moment, the use of this protocol gives no significant advantage to the user, therefore we decided to block this protocol.
Added simplified filtering mode without cosmetic rules. It is useful for low-end devices limited by memory and CPU resources. Banners are also wonderfully blocked, but once they are blocked, there will be “holes” that are usually hidden by some cosmetic rules that are present in other modes of filtering.
Added the import function for user rules lists from a file.
Added widget for your desktop, allowing one-click control for the ad-protection.
Added options for update channel - Beta/Release. If you plan on using latest beta updates, don't forget to check the checkbox in advanced settings.
Fixed problem with TCP-stack when downloading large files (in Google Play, etc.).
Remarkably redesigned UDP and TCP connections handling, which led to the load reduction and increase of concurrent connections number.
Use of system Intents to manage the service from other programs (Tasker, etc.) is now allowed.
Improved restarting protection after reconnecting to the network.
Fixed problem with sending MMS through the Verizon operator.
Fixed sending SMS for T-Mobile users.
Added support for NoChromo, Chrome Dev, Amazon Silk.
Added an exception for new Opera Max, you can now use it with Adguard in proxy mode.
Added new icons for different application states. Our notifications became more vivid and informative with new icons of pause, available update, or when a conflicting app is found on the device.
No more status bar colored icon option in Lollipop. In new Android version Google has released a new design requirements, and when we assembled Adguard for the new system while using new technologies, a color icon was “damaged” by assembly tools. Therefore, we had to abandon the colored icon in the Android Lollipop notification (5.0+).
Redesigned interface of user lists.
Added new languages and updated existing localization.
Many small but important fixes.
AdGuard for Android 1.1.888
Fixed some bugs with HTTPS traffic filtering (known issue: conflict with Heroes Charge game)
Fixed an issue with Android killing app process in case of swiping it from recent apps
AdGuard for Android 1.1.887
- Improved HTTPS filtering, now we can block ads in Skype
- Optimized programs performance
- If the protection is disabled, Adguard service now turns off correctly after processing the network events
- Improved filtering speed of heavy HTML pages
- Fixed an issue with Android 4 killing Adguard after swiping task from recent
- Fixed a bug with service autostart in case of wrong events order (if we receive network event first, then boot event)
- We now use better way to exclude some apps from VPN on Lollipop
- Fixed an issue with Adguards performance on Android 4.3 SGS3
- Optimized memory consumption upon loading heavy files
- Fixed some minor compatibility issues
You can discuss the latest version in our blog: here.
AdGuard for Android 1.1.835
Added support of Habit browser and Yandex browser beta.
Google Messenger app added to exclusions list.
Fixed a bug with local network exclusion. Now local network is properly excluded on all devices. This should fix some compatibility issues: working with local FTP servers, Sonos, Amazon Fire TV, etc.
Fixed filtering issue with websites which use Content-Security-Policy.
Fixed an issue with proxy+automatic filtering mode on devices with kernel version 3.10.
Fixed Adguard filtering in case of using proxy server with port 80.
Fixed UI issue when bandwidth saved value is more than 1GB.
Fixed Google Play Music compatibility issue.
Fixed an issue with waiting for ROOT access on device boot.
AdGuard for Android 1.1.808
Fixed major bug with filtering of some HTTP connections
AdGuard for Android 1.1.805
Added in version 1.1.805:
Added limited support of HTTPS requests filtering
Added Ukrainian and German languages
Tested and optimized for Android 5.0 Lollipop
Added support for Naked Browser
Added notification icon setting
Added new types of filtering rules (regexp-rules)
Fixed in this version:
Resolved compatibility issues with some apps including Telegram, Handcent SMS, Dropsync, Dropbox, Bleep, PAC Console
Fixed bug with processing UDP traffic in VPN mode (Bleep messenger)
Fixed some app crashes
Fixed slow protection startup in proxy mode
Improved CPU and battery usage
Fixed processing of certain HTTPS requests
Fixed problem with landscape mode on devices with low resolution screen
Fixed possible conflicts when using the same port number with another proxy server
Fixed an issue with processing requests to some domains with multiple A DNS-records
AdGuard for Android 1.0.671
After a month of open beta testing, we finally announce the first official release of Adguard for Android. Many thanks to all who helped us in testing the app. Thanks to you, we have fixed more than 100 bugs for the last month!
We are not going to stop on that and will continue the further development of Adguard. Please write us about shortcomings or send your suggestions. We are always here to help you.
AdGuard for Android 1.0.655
Splash screen
Fixed an issue with HTTP/1.0 connections
Fixed Google Chrome filtering if "Reduce data usage" is enabled and proxy mode is on
Fixed bug with update available notification error
Minor UI fixes
AdGuard for Android 1.0.631
Added tutorial on app first run
Added unsupported browsers detection
Fixed slow page load on some devices
Fixed service restart issues
Fixed lots of minor bugs
AdGuard for Android 1.0.589
Adguard in proxy mode now can be used along with Opera Max and DrWeb
Added new questions to FAQ
Fixed handling of the situation when VPN is not supported
Fixed app crash in proxy mode
Fixed an issue with app autostart
Minor UI fixes: added new dialog on first VPN startup
AdGuard for Android 1.0.564
Memory usage has been significantly reduced
Improved filtering speed and protection initialization speed
Fixed bug with unexpected protection shutdown (in proxy mode mostly)
Fixed compatibility issues with Viber, Okko and Mobilism apps
Fixed compatibility issues with Youtube and Play apps and manual proxy mode
Improved update process in standalone app version (apk)
Fixed lots of minor bugs
AdGuard for Android 1.0.532
Fixed crash caused by downloading huge files in VPN mode
Fixed filtering of Opera Classic
Minor UI fixes
AdGuard for Android 1.0.493
Fixed vpn autorestart issue
Fixed app update
Fixed HTTP keep-alive issue with POST requests
AdGuard for Android 1.0.481
Added trial period
Added "Errors only" logging level
Fixed bug with Adguard start even if protection was not enabled
Fixed major bug with HTTP keep-alive connections
Fixed lots of minor bugs
AdGuard for Android 1.0.417
Open beta-version of Adguard for Android