
AdGuard za obrazovanje

Jeste li obrazovna ustanova? Ostvarite poseban popust tako što ćete nam poslati upit. Pridružite nam se u našem uvjerenju da škole, fakulteti i sveučilišta nisu mjesto za oglase!
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prof.Samir Burzić Since I use AdGuard pages are loaded faster, there are no annoying ads, and browsing security is at an enviable level. AdGuard is very much needed in schools because it allows use parental control. That software blocks websites that are not suitable for schoolchildren.The AdGuard for Windows has the capability to block unwanted websites based on our preferences, also malware infections are reduced to a minimum.

Alexander Severinov We have installed the application, «trained» it across multiple sites, enabled parental control, restricted access to settings with a password, and that's all... Now to the next machine, and then again it's all simple: export settings - import settings. Amazing. Huge thanks to the developer of the AdGuard software!

Xander Novak At our university, AdGuard is pure magic. I installed it, configured parental controls, and voilà! Now studying happens without distracting ads, and students can focus on the material. And a big thanks for the ability to import settings – it saved us a ton of time.

Elara Sinclair We have installed the application, «trained» it across multiple sites, enabled parental control, restricted access to settings with a password, and that's all... Now to the next machine, and then again it's all simple: export settings - import settings. Amazing. Huge thanks to the developer of the AdGuard software!

Seraphina Nikos AdGuard is a real gem for our school. Now pages load faster, and no ad can distract our students. Thanks to the parental control, we can be confident that internet searches for our children are secure. AdGuard has become an indispensable part of our educational process, and we can’t praise it enough.

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AdGuard za Windows

AdGuard za Windows više je od blokatora oglasa. To je višenamjenski alat koji blokira oglase, kontrolira pristup opasnim stranicama, ubrzava učitavanje stranica i štiti djecu od neprimjerenog sadržaja.
Preuzimanjem programa prihvaćate odredbe licencnog ugovora
Pročitajte više
AdGuard za Windows v5.6, 14-dnevni probni period