
Doprinesite AdGuardu

Pridružite se našoj zajednici i učinite razliku za milijune korisnika. Pomozite nam prevođenjem, dodavanjem informacija u našu bazu znanja, beta testiranjem ili stvaranjem filtara. Dobijte podršku od naše fantastične zajednice suradnika i budite nagrađeni licencama i priznanjima na našem blogu
Prevedite AdGuard
Pomozite da AdGuard bude pristupačniji tako da ga prevedete na svoj jezik. Pridružite se našoj zajednici na Crowdinu i budite nagrađeni licencama
Kako prevesti
Pridružite nam se u poboljšanju naše baze znanja
Pomozite korisnicima da razumiju složene teme dodavanjem informacija ili prevođenjem članaka. U znak naše zahvalnosti, nagraditi ćemo vas licencama
Kako ažurirati bazu znanja
Pomozite u održavanju naših filtera
Doprinesite AdGuardovom projektu otvorenog koda na GitHubu pisanjem pravila filtriranja. Učinite razliku, bilo iskusni ili novi u razvoju
Kako doprinijeti filtrima
Testirajte AdGuard proizvode
Pridružite se našoj zajednici za testiranje kako biste nam pomogli učiniti AdGuard još boljim. Podijelite svoje povratne informacije prijavom grešaka na GitHubu i zauzvrat primite nagradu.
Kako postati beta tester
Pišite o AdGuardu
Pomozite svojim pratiteljima da otkriju pregledavanje bez oglasa i nagradite se licencom
Kako bi članak trebao izgledati
Zatražite licencu za programere
Dobijte licencu kao zahvalu za svoj doprinos zajednici. Također nudimo licence programerima softvera koji žele testirati svoje proizvode s AdGuardom
Tko može zatražiti licencu
Što ljudi kažu

Er Forb Translator Cooperating with AdGuard to get their applications and services into my own language has been a great pleasure. It feels good to have the chance to do something useful for AdGuard's Norwegian users. The translation team is an open and welcoming, and a warm and enjoyable environment to work in. This is the right place for those who enjoy translating and helping their own people!

Erik Lennartsson Translator I came across AdGuard when looking for an ad filtering application, loadable with the OS and with that removing the need for browser add-ons. AdGuard filled that need. Localization might perhaps not being considered vital in countries where English is spoken freely, as in my country. However I do not agree as knowledge in Technical English is mastered only by the few, thus the need for translated interfaces. Translating the AdGuard interface and the web pages shows a company with both dedication and openness. Collaboration with AdGuard representatives is professional, swift and very friendly. I see it as an honour being a part of the translation team.

Alex Silva Translator Collaboration is said to take place when two individuals or a group of people work together towards achieving a common goal by sharing their ideas and skills. These are the reasons for me to collaborate. I identified myself with the idea of creating an open source software to help others see how the internet should be (clean and safe) and this is main reason I collaborate and recommend it to others. Anyway, it is a great honor for me to collaborate with AdGuard community to make your mission a reality.

Vasily Beta tester I have a natural interest for technology and like to get down to the nitty-gritty of things. Almost every app I use, I look for opportunities to go one step further, and AdGuard offers exactly that. Happy to be on Nightly and provide feedback for AdGuard, its a win-win situation for both parties.

Ethan Roy Filters maintainer I had the pleasure of working with AdGuard on the development of filters for their ad-blocking software. As a developer, I was impressed by their commitment to producing high-quality software and ensuring that their filters were accurate and effective. The team was always available to answer my questions and provide guidance when needed. I would highly recommend AdGuard to anyone looking for a reliable partner in the software development industry.

Sophie Leclerc Beta tester As a beta tester for AdGuard, I had a great experience working with the team. They were always responsive to my feedback and worked diligently to ensure that their software was user-friendly and effective. The beta testing process was well-organized and easy to follow, and the team was always available to answer my questions and address any concerns.

Započelo je preuzimanje AdGuard-a Da biste instalirali AdGuard, kliknite datoteku označenu strelicom Odaberite "Otvori" i pritisnite "U redu", te zatim pričekajte da se datoteka preuzme. U otvorenom prozoru povucite ikonu AdGuarda u mapu "Aplikacije". Hvala što ste odabrali AdGuard! Odaberite "Otvori" i pritisnite "U redu", potom pričekajte da se datoteka preuzme. U otvorenom prozoru pritisnite "Instaliraj". Hvala vam što ste izabrali AdGuard!
Također instalirajte AdGuard za mobilne uređaje