
Launch issues on macOS


本文介绍 Mac 版 AdGuard。这是一款多功能广告拦截程序,可在系统级别保护设备。 要了解其工作原理, 请下载 AdGuard 应用程序

Occasionally macOS may cause the corruption of AdGuard's Network Extension module, making it unable to use the app. In this case you should follow one of these instructions, based on your OS version.

Launch issues on macOS 11 and higher

If you have problems launching AdGuard for Mac on Big Sur and Monterey operating systems, please use this instruction:

  1. Reboot Mac and enter recovery mode.
  2. Disable SIP (Launch Terminal from the Utilities menu and type csrutil disable).
  3. Reboot Mac.
  4. Close the AdGuard app, open Terminal and type systemextensionsctl reset.
  5. Reboot Mac and enter recovery mode.
  6. Enable SIP (Launch Terminal from the Utilities menu and type csrutil enable).
  7. Launch the AdGuard app and enable protection.

Launch issues on macOS 10

If you have problems launching AdGuard for Mac on Sierra, Mojave and Catalina operating systems, please use this instruction:

  1. Open Terminal and enter command ls -@lOae /private/var/db/KernelExtensionManagement.
  2. Check that the restricted flag is not present (like on the screenshot). Command example *border
  3. Reboot your Mac in recovery mode.
  4. Open UtilitiesTerminal.
  5. Enter csrutil disable.
  6. Enter administrator password.
  7. Reboot your Mac.
  8. Open Terminal and enter the following command: sudo chflags restricted /private/var/db/KernelExtensionManagement.
  9. Reboot your Mac in recovery mode.
  10. Open UtilitiesTerminal → Enter csrutil enable → Enter administrator password → Reboot your Mac.
  11. Enable AdGuard protection.