AdGuard för Windows
AdGuard för Mac
AdGuard för Android
AdGuard för iOS
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard Assistent
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard för Safari
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard Temp Mail
AdGuard Mail β
AdGuard för Windows
AdGuard för Mac
AdGuard för Android
AdGuard för iOS
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard Assistent
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard för Safari
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard Temp Mail
AdGuard Mail
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard Assistent
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard för Safari
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard Temp Mail
AdGuard Mail
Andra produkter
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard Assistent
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard för Safari
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard Temp Mail
AdGuard Mail
AdGuard för Windows
AdGuard för Windows är mer än en reklamblockerare. Det är ett mångsidigt verktyg som blockerar annonser, kontrollerar åtkomsten till farliga webbplatser, snabbar upp laddningen av sidor och skyddar barn från olämpligt innehåll.
AnnonsblockeringAdGuard blockerar alla typer av annonser – popup-fönster, videoannonser, banners och irritationsmoment. Tack vare smygande bakgrundsfiltrering och kosmetisk bearbetning ser du rena sidor med det innehåll du vill ha
Säker webbAdGuard skyddar dig från nätfiske och attacker med skadlig kod. Den kontrollerar varje webbplats du besöker för skadligt innehåll mot en ständigt uppdaterad databas och blockerar förfrågningar från farliga sidor
IntegritetsskyddAdGuard bekämpar alla spårare och analyssystem som spionerar på dig. Den blockerar cookies från tredje part, döljer din IP-adress och erbjuder en kraftfull uppsättning verktyg för att skydda din integritet
FöräldrakontrollAdGuard håller dina barn säkra online. Den blockerar skadligt innehåll, döljer olämpliga webbplatser från sökresultat och låter dig kontrollera dina barns onlineaktiviteter med anpassade blockeringslistor

Besök vår Kunskapsbas för att lära dig hur du installerar AdGuard för PC.
De flesta annonsblockerare är webbläsartillägg och har inte den tekniska möjligheten att ta bort alla typer av annonser. AdGuard blockerar annonser i alla webbläsare och till och med i appar. Dessutom ger AdGuard dig massor av extra verktyg.
För att lära dig mer om de viktigaste funktionerna i AdGuard för Windows och hur du blir av med annonser på din dator, läs vår artikel i kunskapsbasen.
Om du har några frågor kan du kontakta oss 24/7 på Det är en bra idé att kontrollera vår FAQ först: den innehåller svar på 90% av användarfrågorna.
AdGuard för Windows
AdGuard för Mac
AdGuard för Android
AdGuard för iOS
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard Assistent
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard för Safari
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard Temp Mail
AdGuard Mail β
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Mail
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard Assistent
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard för Safari
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard Temp Mail
AdGuard Mail
Andra produkter
AdGuard VPN
AdGuard DNS
AdGuard Mail
AdGuard för Windows
AdGuard för Windows är mer än en reklamblockerare. Det är ett mångsidigt verktyg som blockerar annonser, kontrollerar åtkomsten till farliga webbplatser, snabbar upp laddningen av sidor och skyddar barn från olämpligt innehåll.
AdGuard för Mac
Till skillnad från andra annonsblockerare är AdGuard utvecklad med macOS-specifikationerna i åtanke. Det ger inte bara skydd mot annonser i Safari och andra webbläsare utan skyddar också från spårning, phishing och bedrägeri.
AdGuard för Android
AdGuard för Android är en idealisk lösning för Androids mobila enheter. I motsats till andra annonsblockerare behöver AdGuard inte rootåtkomst vilket ger ett brett spektrum av funktioner,, som filtrering i appar, programhantering och mycket mer.
AdGuard för iOS
Den bästa iOS-annonsblockeraren för iPhone och iPad. AdGuard eliminerar alla typer av annonser i Safari, skyddar din integritet och snabbar upp sidladdningen. AdGuard för iOS-teknik för annonsblockering säkerställer filtrering av högsta kvalitet och låter dig använda flera filter samtidigt
AdGuard VPN
74 platser globalt
Tillgång till allt innehåll
Stark kryptering
Ingen loggnings-policy
Snabbaste anslutningen
24/7 support
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare
AdGuard Innehållsblockerare kommer att eliminera alla typer av annonser i mobilwebbläsare som stöder innehållblockeringsteknik — nämligen Samsung Internet och Yandex Browser. Även om det är mer begränsat än AdGuard för Android, är det gratis, lätt att installera och ger fortfarande hög annonsblockeringskvalitet.
AdGuard Webbläsartillägg
AdGuard är det snabbaste och mest lättviktiga annonsblockeringstillägg som effektivt kan blockera alla sorters annonser på alla webbsidor! Välj AdGuard fär webbläsaren du använder och få annonsfri, snabb och säkert nätsurf.
AdGuard Assistent
Ett kompletterande webbläsartillägg för AdGuard dator appar. Det erbjuder en åtkomst i webbläsaren till sådana funktioner som anpassad elementblockering, vitlista en webbplats eller skicka en rapport.
AdGuard DNS
AdGuards DNS är, utan krav på nån programinstallation, ett idiotsäkert sätt att blockera internetannonser. Helt kostnadsfritt och enkelt att ställa in på alla slags enheter, erbjuds skydd mot annonsblockering, spårning, räknare, skadeprogram och vuxeninnehåll.
AdGuard Home
AdGuard Home är en nätverkstäckande programvara för blockering av annonser och & spårning. Efter att du ställt in det kommer den att täcka in ALLA dina anslutna enheter och därmed behöver du inga några klientprogram för detta. Med tillkomsten av Internet-Of-Things och anslutna enheter blir kontrollen av alla enheter allt viktigare .
AdGuard Pro för iOS
AdGuard Pro har mycket att erbjuda ovanpå den utmärkta annonsblockeringen i Safari som användare av standardversionen redan känner till. Åtkomsten till egna DNS-inställningar ger möjligheten att blockera annonser, skydda dina barn från sexinnehåll på nätet och förhindra stöld av dina personliga data.
AdGuard för Safari
Att ta fram webbläsartillägg för Safari har blivit svårare sedan Apple började tvinga alla att använda det nya SDK. AdGuards webbläsartillägg förväntas återinföra effektiv annonsblockering i Safari.
AdGuard för Android TV
AdGuard for Android TV is the only app that blocks ads, guards your privacy, and acts as a firewall for your Smart TV. Get warnings about web threats, use secure DNS, and benefit from encrypted traffic. Relax and dive into your favorite shows with top-notch security and zero ads!
AdGuard Temp Mail
En gratis generator för tillfälliga e-postadresser som håller dig anonym och skyddar din integritet. Ingen skräppost i din huvudinkorg!
AdGuard Mail β
Protect your identity, avoid spam, and keep your inbox secure with our aliases and temporary email addresses. Enjoy our free email forwarding service and apps for all operating systems
How AdGuard works
Desktop apps
Desktop apps
Desktop apps
Din enhet:
World Wide Web
AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of your browsers and leads it via its own filtering engine. Chrome, Firefox or any browser you like — you don't need to install any specific extensions to block ads there. AdGuard program works EVERYWHERE. (Although, you might want to additionally install AdGuard Browser Assistant — a small extension to the program to help you manage the filtering right in the browser).
Being a full-fledged software AdGuard is not limited in technical capabilities (while most ad blocking extensions are) and can filter outside browsers as well. AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of all apps and leads it via its own filtering engine, so that you get them free of ads and trackers.
Operating system might sometimes track you and collect all kinds of telemetry (a bunch of diagnostic data). AdGuard can also prevent this.
AdGuard intercepts DNS requests and can block them if it is an address of a known advertising or tracking server that is being requested. AdGuard can also automatically encrypt your DNS traffic.
AdGuard needs to work on a network level to control all apps on your device. To do so, we use a special network driver, which activates the actual transmission and receipt of data over the network.
The encrypted connections are filtered right on your device. To do that, AdGuard generates a unique root certificate and installs it in the system. Then, each connection is decrypted and trackers and ads are removed locally. The connection is encrypted again for the "communication" with the server. No unencrypted data ever leaves your device. Learn more here.
AdGuard filters the content of web pages and removes all tracking and advertising requests from there. In browsers, it also applies additional cosmetic rules when blocking or hiding advertising elements (so that you see a nicely processed page rather than just blank spaces where ads just were).
World Wide Web
Next, websites or apps are connecting to the servers on the Internet. As all tracking and advertising requests were blocked, you don't connect to them. Thus, you get ad-free, safe, fast (as there are no extra elements to load) Web, and also save traffic.
To do the filtering, AdGuard installs a network driver. If you decide to use HTTPS filtering, AdGuard will generate and install a unique root certificate in the system. All changes in the system made by AdGuard will be reset after uninstalling the program.
AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of your browsers and leads it via its own filtering engine. Chrome, Firefox or any browser you like — you don't need to install any specific extensions to block ads there. AdGuard program works EVERYWHERE. (Although, you might want to additionally install AdGuard Browser Assistant — a small extension to the program to help you manage the filtering right in the browser).
Being a full-fledged software AdGuard is not limited in technical capabilities (while most ad blocking extensions are) and can filter outside browsers as well. AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of all apps and leads it via its own filtering engine, so that you get them free of ads and trackers.
Operating system might sometimes track you and collect all kinds of telemetry (a bunch of diagnostic data). AdGuard can also prevent this.
AdGuard intercepts DNS requests and can block them if it is an address of a known advertising or tracking server that is being requested. AdGuard can also automatically encrypt your DNS traffic.
AdGuard needs to work on a network level to control all apps on your device. To do so, we use a special network driver, which activates the actual transmission and receipt of data over the network.
The encrypted connections are filtered right on your device. To do that, AdGuard generates a unique root certificate and installs it in the system. Then, each connection is decrypted and trackers and ads are removed locally. The connection is encrypted again for the "communication" with the server. No unencrypted data ever leaves your device. Learn more here.
AdGuard filters the content of web pages and removes all tracking and advertising requests from there. In browsers, it also applies additional cosmetic rules when blocking or hiding advertising elements (so that you see a nicely processed page rather than just blank spaces where ads just were).
World Wide Web
Next, websites or apps are connecting to the servers on the Internet. As all tracking and advertising requests were blocked, you don't connect to them. Thus, you get ad-free, safe, fast (as there are no extra elements to load) Web, and also save traffic.
To do the filtering, AdGuard installs a network driver. If you decide to use HTTPS filtering, AdGuard will generate and install a unique root certificate in the system. All changes in the system made by AdGuard will be reset after uninstalling the program.
Din enhet:
Lokalt VPN
World Wide Web
AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of your browsers and leads it via its own filtering engine. Chrome, Firefox or any browser you like — you don't need to install any specific extensions to block ads there. AdGuard program works EVERYWHERE. (Although, you might want to additionally install AdGuard Browser Assistant — a small extension to the program to help you manage the filtering right in the browser).
Being a full-fledged software AdGuard is not limited in technical capabilities (while most ad blocking extensions are) and can filter outside browsers as well. AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of all apps and leads it via its own filtering engine, so that you get them free of ads and trackers.
Operating system might sometimes track you and collect all kinds of telemetry (a bunch of diagnostic data). AdGuard can also prevent this.
AdGuard intercepts DNS requests and can block them if it is an address of a known advertising or tracking server that is being requested. AdGuard can also automatically encrypt your DNS traffic.
Lokalt VPN
Network connections’ filtering is achieved by using a so called Local VPN. This approach means that a small VPN server is launched right on your device, and then it blocks tracking and advertising requests.
The encrypted connections are filtered right on your device. To do that, AdGuard generates a unique root certificate and installs it in the system. Then, each connection is decrypted and trackers and ads are removed locally. The connection is encrypted again for the "communication" with the server. No unencrypted data ever leaves your device. Learn more here.
AdGuard filters the content of web pages and removes all tracking and advertising requests from there. In browsers, it also applies additional cosmetic rules when blocking or hiding advertising elements (so that you see a nicely processed page rather than just blank spaces where ads just were).
World Wide Web
Next, websites or apps are connecting to the servers on the Internet. As all tracking and advertising requests were blocked, you don't connect to them. Thus, you get ad-free, safe, fast (as there are no extra elements to load) Web, and also save traffic.
To do the filtering, AdGuard installs a network driver. If you decide to use HTTPS filtering, AdGuard will generate and install a unique root certificate in the system. All changes in the system made by AdGuard will be reset after uninstalling the program.
AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of your browsers and leads it via its own filtering engine. Chrome, Firefox or any browser you like — you don't need to install any specific extensions to block ads there. AdGuard program works EVERYWHERE. (Although, you might want to additionally install AdGuard Browser Assistant — a small extension to the program to help you manage the filtering right in the browser).
Being a full-fledged software AdGuard is not limited in technical capabilities (while most ad blocking extensions are) and can filter outside browsers as well. AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of all apps and leads it via its own filtering engine, so that you get them free of ads and trackers.
Operating system might sometimes track you and collect all kinds of telemetry (a bunch of diagnostic data). AdGuard can also prevent this.
AdGuard intercepts DNS requests and can block them if it is an address of a known advertising or tracking server that is being requested. AdGuard can also automatically encrypt your DNS traffic.
Lokalt VPN
Network connections’ filtering is achieved by using a so called Local VPN. This approach means that a small VPN server is launched right on your device, and then it blocks tracking and advertising requests.
The encrypted connections are filtered right on your device. To do that, AdGuard generates a unique root certificate and installs it in the system. Then, each connection is decrypted and trackers and ads are removed locally. The connection is encrypted again for the "communication" with the server. No unencrypted data ever leaves your device. Learn more here.
AdGuard filters the content of web pages and removes all tracking and advertising requests from there. In browsers, it also applies additional cosmetic rules when blocking or hiding advertising elements (so that you see a nicely processed page rather than just blank spaces where ads just were).
World Wide Web
Next, websites or apps are connecting to the servers on the Internet. As all tracking and advertising requests were blocked, you don't connect to them. Thus, you get ad-free, safe, fast (as there are no extra elements to load) Web, and also save traffic.
To do the filtering, AdGuard installs a network driver. If you decide to use HTTPS filtering, AdGuard will generate and install a unique root certificate in the system. All changes in the system made by AdGuard will be reset after uninstalling the program.
Din enhet:
Lokalt VPN
World Wide Web
AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of your browsers and leads it via its own filtering engine. Chrome, Firefox or any browser you like — you don't need to install any specific extensions to block ads there. AdGuard program works EVERYWHERE. (Although, you might want to additionally install AdGuard Browser Assistant — a small extension to the program to help you manage the filtering right in the browser).
Being a full-fledged software AdGuard is not limited in technical capabilities (while most ad blocking extensions are) and can filter outside browsers as well. AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of all apps and leads it via its own filtering engine, so that you get them free of ads and trackers.
Operating system might sometimes track you and collect all kinds of telemetry (a bunch of diagnostic data). AdGuard can also prevent this.
AdGuard filters the content of web pages and removes all tracking and advertising requests from there. Thanks to its advanced technology, AdGuard is able to use 300k filtering rules (which is a lot, compared to only 50k rules that other ad blockers exploit).
Lokalt VPN
Network connections’ filtering is achieved by using a so called Local VPN. This approach means that a small VPN server is launched right on your device, and then it blocks tracking and advertising requests.
AdGuard intercepts DNS requests and can block them if it is an address of a known advertising or tracking server that is being requested. AdGuard can also automatically encrypt your DNS traffic.
World Wide Web
Next, websites or apps are connecting to the servers on the Internet. As all tracking and advertising requests were blocked, you don't connect to them. Thus, you get ad-free, safe, fast (as there are no extra elements to load) Web, and also save traffic.
To do the filtering, AdGuard installs a network driver. If you decide to use HTTPS filtering, AdGuard will generate and install a unique root certificate in the system. All changes in the system made by AdGuard will be reset after uninstalling the program.
AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of your browsers and leads it via its own filtering engine. Chrome, Firefox or any browser you like — you don't need to install any specific extensions to block ads there. AdGuard program works EVERYWHERE. (Although, you might want to additionally install AdGuard Browser Assistant — a small extension to the program to help you manage the filtering right in the browser).
Being a full-fledged software AdGuard is not limited in technical capabilities (while most ad blocking extensions are) and can filter outside browsers as well. AdGuard "intercepts" the traffic of all apps and leads it via its own filtering engine, so that you get them free of ads and trackers.
Operating system might sometimes track you and collect all kinds of telemetry (a bunch of diagnostic data). AdGuard can also prevent this.
AdGuard filters the content of web pages and removes all tracking and advertising requests from there. Thanks to its advanced technology, AdGuard is able to use 300k filtering rules (which is a lot, compared to only 50k rules that other ad blockers exploit).
Lokalt VPN
Network connections’ filtering is achieved by using a so called Local VPN. This approach means that a small VPN server is launched right on your device, and then it blocks tracking and advertising requests.
AdGuard intercepts DNS requests and can block them if it is an address of a known advertising or tracking server that is being requested. AdGuard can also automatically encrypt your DNS traffic.
World Wide Web
Next, websites or apps are connecting to the servers on the Internet. As all tracking and advertising requests were blocked, you don't connect to them. Thus, you get ad-free, safe, fast (as there are no extra elements to load) Web, and also save traffic.
To do the filtering, AdGuard installs a network driver. If you decide to use HTTPS filtering, AdGuard will generate and install a unique root certificate in the system. All changes in the system made by AdGuard will be reset after uninstalling the program.