AdGuard v4.3 for Android beta brings you something not only special, but unprecedented. It’s the same AdGuard you know and love, but now with a TV-sized twist – and we mean that quite literally: we’re glad to introduce the support for Android TV! Important updates and a new Developer tools section are also here to enhance your user experience with our app.
To provide full support for Android TV, we’ve developed a simplified version of AdGuard for Android featuring the most essential features to enhance your browsing experience and content filtering on your TV. The new design, fully adapted for Android TV, includes:
We invite our advanced users and filter developers who interact very actively with the app to explore our new Developer tools, a specialized section designed for quick navigation and switching between features. There you can quickly enable or disable custom filters, access logs, enable recording of different logs, and more. This feature can be enabled in Low-level settings.
The recent CoreLibs v1.13 update boosts your browsing experience with improved HTML filtering, while the update of DnsLibs to v2.4 makes your connection more secure with support for HTTP basic authentication.
Fulguris browser added to the list of browsers
#4969 A list of Russian VoWiFi IPs to exclude
#4992 Android TV OS support added
#3597 Add a button to reset DNS Protection setting
#4735 Add support for Macedonian (mk) to AdGuard for Android
#5086 HTTPS filtering for com.kantarworldpanel.shoppix disabled by default
#4706 Click area for back arrow buttons increased
#4789 Sorting order for User rules improved
#4779 Parse 'Title' metadata from filter list subscriptions
#4760 Operating System name + version sent to ReportsWebApp
#5025 "Slow work" notification disappears when enabling debug logging level
#5017 Product type and AdGuard version are incorrectly detected in the "Report incorrect blocking" form
#4895 Bootstrap upstreams setting doesn't reset after resetting low-level settings
#4907 Deleting website from blocklist doesn't work properly
#4902 In the free version, the status “Disabled Browsing security” appears as “Updated” when checking for updates
#4844 Filters can be found in the search only using English
#5026 Firewall works when it's disabled and there is no app usage access
#5012 Google Play:
app doesn't work
#4845 Google Play: de.dkb.portalapp incorrect blocking
#3734 Importing settings with another language doesn't work correctly
#5007 Impossible so open and hear vocal messages in "Orange Téléphone" app
#4777 In the snack that appears in all settings, "Undo" is not translated into other languages
#4880 In tracking protection blinking at functions when pressing the switch
#4879 Incorrect tab is highlighted when redirected to the protection section by long tapping the icon
#4860 Infinite loader after tap on a snack from the Website allowlist/blocklist
*It is possible to make a two-line rule via the clipboard
#5009 Keyboard lags and text cannot be entered in the search field after collapsing the top of the screen
#4979 License expiry date displayed incorrectly
#4856 Logs upload changes login and password for Proxy server
#4884 Long option names do not fit in the rule creation dialog
#4764 Non-relevant results are also displayed on the "Language-specific ad blocking" screen
#4891 Redirect from the assistant highlights the incorrect tab in the bar
#5001 The "Add userscript" popup does not appear when redirected to AdGuard by the userscript link
#4913 The cursor position in the search field resets after collapsing the top of the screen
#4892 The loader is displayed on the search field on the Recent activity screen
#5035 The same icon is used for unrelated purposes
#4737 Unable to send a bug report when the checkbox "Send app logs.." is marked
#4894 When adding a DNS filter from the system using a file, the input field is grayed out
#4882 When adding custom DNS filters or Userscripts, the "Browse" button is grayed out
#4850 When changing the setting of the disabled option the protection is restarted
#4762 When importing DNS user rules containing empty lines, these lines are added
#4888 When quickly switching switches in Firewall rules, the rule list lines glitch
#4885 Wi-Fi calling issue on Xiaomi: add com.qualcomm.qti.cne to routing exclusions
#5029 Clearing the statistics doesn't clear apps and companies sections only resets their counters to zero
#4748 Impossible to log in to the ONECTA-Daikin app with AdGuard enabled
#4775 On-the-fly filtering of DoH connections
DnsLibs updated to v2.4.0
Basic auth for DoH endpoints
#189 Possible DoS attack against the local DNS proxy when it’s using a plain DNS upstream
DnsLibs updated to v2.3.4 local
is incorrectly interpreted as being for all .local address, breaking mDNS
#207 Allow C# comments in domain name rules
#196 DoH tries to use stale connection too much time
#200 Properly filter type=HTTPS requests
CoreLibs (Filtering engine)
CoreLibs updated to v1.13.98
pre-processor directive support
#1806 Add
modifier disabling specific userscript
#1706 Adopt new rule priority scheme
#1768 Change sec-ch-ua headers to match user-agent when Stealth Mode is active
#1764 Improve HTML filtering performance
#1772 Improve HTML filtering rules
-- allow CSS-like selectors
#94 Support for cap_html_filtering condition
#1758 $denyallow does not allow blocking documents
#1809 $stealth exceptions do not work on the TCP stack level where we block STUN/TURN
#1737 Images are not displayed in Edge Bing Chat
#1744 The
user script not working with AdGuard
#1780 Websites using SXG have no cosmetic filtering when opening from Google search
#1812 socks5 proxy not working with AdGuard v4.0
#4812 Content script is not injected into elements loaded in
#1769 Detect website locale based on HTML "lang" attribute and language request HTTP headers
#1736 Increase limit for
#1802 Moving certificate is not an option anymore
#277 Properly use ECH retry_configs
#1793 Support anti-DPI feature for Korea Telecom
#1789 The filtering on the website doesn’t work
#1810 UDP timeout is too small in TcpIpStack