
AdGuard för Android TV – Release – AdGuard versioner

AdGuard för Android TV 4.8
Lanseringsdatum: 17 februari 2025
We continue to unify the code base of our products, and AdGuard for Android is no exception. Updates will now be more stable and new features will be added faster. Also, in the new version we have accelerated the loading of large amounts of data in Statistics, as well as updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs.
From this version, AdGuard for Android only supports Android 9 or higher.



Beeline Wi-Fi calls do not work #5583
The CPU background value increases drastically after a few series of quitting/starting the app #5504
Custom DNS does not work after importing settings #5618

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.17.88 #5620

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

DnsLibs updated to v2.5.63 #5607


Added to the list of default exclusions #230
Block RFC9462 ( queries #228
Use pretty_str() in errors reported in DnsRequestProcessedEvent #223


Long waiting time for response when blocking by DNS #1887
$dnsrewrite=IPv4 rule does not block IPv6 resolution #224


UserscriptsWrapper updated to v2.0.1

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules)

Scriptlets updated to v2.1.4


trusted-click-element — check for containsText of all matched selectors #468


trusted-click-element — element was removed and added again before it was clicked #391
AdGuard för Android TV 4.7.1
Lanseringsdatum: 11 december 2024
In this update we've improved the stability of the app and fixed some minor bugs.
AdGuard för Android TV 4.7
Lanseringsdatum: 3 december 2024
Today’s version is exactly what we love: it introduces a fresh feature we couldn’t wait to see on the app. And it’s no small release – we’re introducing an in-app privacy browser to the app! Let’s take a closer look at what’s new.
AdGuard v4.7 is the last version that supports Android 7 and 8. Starting with the next release, we will only offer support for Android 9 or higher.

A private browser, because there’s no such thing as too much privacy

Keeping privacy in mind while browsing has become an essential part of many users’ everyday life. We want our app to be part of that routine, and that’s why we’re rolling out the AdGuard private browser, bringing an extra layer of privacy to your daily web experience.
So, what’s so cool about this browser?
Ad and tracker blocking (of course!)
Easy history deletion with a visible, accessible button. Also, your browser history is automatically cleared when you close the browser
To explore this new feature, tap Try our private browser on the app's home screen. You can also access the browser through the Protection tab, where you can set a default search engine and even create a browser widget.

Just a heads-up: our private browser is still in the early stages of development and has a few limitations, like the inability to handle multiple sessions at once. In the future, we’ll offer a more comprehensive browsing experience, but for now, we suggest using it as a supplement to your usual browser’s Incognito Mode, rather than a replacement. Sounds good?



Incorrect translation of Fanboy's Annoyance List description #5423


“Allow app usage access” popup does not disappear after enabling the corresponding switch in the system settings on Android 9 #4906
Almost all apps are no longer logged as filtered #5426
Cursor barely visible at search bars in the Dark theme #5397
Enabling/disabling the switch “Trusted filter” doesn’t make protection restart #5202
Incorrect error message when trying to send a report with an invalid email on the Report a bug screen #5160
Magenta color of AdGuard notification if protection is paused #5449
Routing for problem apps in groups is enabled when you turn on this option for problem-free apps #4918
TCP keepalive for outgoing sockets screen doesn't scroll #5415
The user rules are positioned in the middle of the editor #5422
Translations are missing for Annoyances blocking notice #5388
The app crashes when Android WebView is unloaded #5521


it.labfabrici.hub does not work when protection is working #5284
AdGuard för Android TV 4.6.5
Lanseringsdatum: 12 november 2024
Minor improvements to the statistics module.
AdGuard för Android TV 4.6.4
Lanseringsdatum: 4 november 2024
If this release were a UFC fighter, it would go by the name “The Bugfixer” because it is all about squashing bugs. Let’s break down what we’ve accomplished here.

DNS bug

We’ve tackled a particularly eye-twitching bug that caused DNS — and, as a result, the Internet — to randomly fail when switching networks. It took some detective work on our part since the issue was unpredictable and only impacted a small number of users. But hey, no one should be left without DNS protection!

Battery drain bug

Another irritating bug we discovered during beta testing: incorrect statistics calculations were leading to excessive battery drain. The system code was unable to calculate the date necessary for accurate statistics below a certain value. Thankfully, we’ve managed to work around this odd behavior in the system code, and now the stats are calculated correctly. They also now load faster and take up less RAM.
This issue seemed to affect users on specific versions of Android. If you were using the nightly or beta version of AdGuard and ran into this problem, we recommend updating to the stable release.

Other fixes

A number of bug fixes and improvements come with the latest version of the CoreLibs, along with improved filtering quality — you can see the details in the changelog below.



AdGuard fails to export logs and settings due to statistics size #5458
AdGuard crashes when Recent activity log is opened in split screen #5481
AdGuard consumes too much battery since v4.6 #5460

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.16.44


Enable post-quantum cryptography when it’s used by the filtered app #1916
Support strict-first-party and strict-third-party modifier of uBO #1874
Added possibility to allowlist scriptlets #1862
Support redirection to the destination without tracking services as middleman #1557


AdGuard content script is blocked by CSP on #1903
Login is broken in Firefox on #1867
GM_xmlhttpRequest doesn’t support the Referer header #1899 *AdGuard overrides User-Agent changes made by the browser, which reduces privacy #1910

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules)

Scriptlets updated to v1.11.27


set-local-storage-item — added values allowed and denied #445
abort-on-stack-trace — support line number for inlineScript and injectedScript #439
set cookie — added values checked and unchecked #444
trusted-click-element — added reload option #301
Added new scriptlet trusted-set-session-storage-item #426
set-cookie — added essential and nonessential to supported values #436
trusted-set-cookie and trusted-set-cookie-reload — added $currentISODate$ #435
set-cookie — added more supported values #433
set-local-storage-item — added more supported values #429
Improve logging in scriptlets #411
Show cosmetic rules in the filtering log #180
Added new scriptlet trusted-dispatch-event #382
Added new scriptlet trusted-replace-outbound-text #410
Added ability to validate redirects for AdGuard compatibility without the full rule text #420
trusted-click-element — added support for closed ShadowRoot #423
trusted-click-element — added an ability to click an element containing a given text #409


log-on-stack-trace — player is broken on #384
trusted-create-element — when using the cleanupDelayMs parameter, a removed element is re-added and removed several times #434
AdGuard för Android TV 4.6.3
Lanseringsdatum: 9 september 2024
Here’s an additional technical update following the previous one. In it, we’ve fixed bugs and kept working on the app stability.
AdGuard för Android TV 4.6.2
Lanseringsdatum: 21 augusti 2024
Have you ever noticed how the app crashes even when you have a freshly updated version? Well, notice no more! This hotfix solves that problem. From now on, just pure ad blocking all the way.
AdGuard för Android TV 4.6.1
Lanseringsdatum: 26 juli 2024
Filtering engines have been hit by enemy bugs, but AdGuard is stronger than that. With this hotfix, updated libraries bring you a cleaner and safer web.
AdGuard för Android TV 4.6
Lanseringsdatum: 24 juli 2024
This is the Android TV version of the AdGuard app. The main changes have been made to the mobile version and are listed below.



AdGuard YouTube player cannot open YouTube links or play the playlist #5348
App crashes when tapping the protection notification after quitting AdGuard #5366
Translations do not fit in the field #5324
The warning text “Not routed through AdGuard” does not disappear after resetting settings to default #5340

CoreLibs (filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.15.59


Added $urltransform (trusted) modifier support #1364
Added $xmlprune modifier support #473
Added mobile browsers to the list of user agents that support :has() natively #1870
Allowed ECDSA ciphers on the local side #360
Set up Sec-Fetch-Dest header: fencedframe #1853
Support uBO's /regex/ cosmetic rule format #1844


Adblock syntax rules with FQDN do not work #210
AdGuard and FTP connection error #1864
Userscript XHR error #1876
$all modifier does not work with non-domain-like URL part #1860
URL blocking rules do not work correctly with the $generichide modifier #1857

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

DnsLibs updated to v2.5.33


UserscriptsWrapper updated to v1.2.24


vk-metabot.user.js does not work via AdGuard #1871


ContentScript updated to v2.0.6


Element hiding rules ## and #$# do not apply to the #1865
AdGuard för Android TV 4.5
Lanseringsdatum: 5 juni 2024
We present you the new version of AdGuard v4.5 for Android TV. In this update, the main changes have been made to the mobile version.



Focus now stays in the same place after opening the left-side menu of AdGuard for Android TV and closing it back #5271


DNS protection settings fail to reset to default #5322
"Show DevTools on the main screen" toggle starts blinking after interacting with other toggles on the same screen #5332
Language-specific filter “Other, Other” #5232
Failed to reset to default the “Show DevTools on the main screen” option in Low-level settings #5331
AdGuard for Android TV crashes when you try to add a custom DNS server using a link with "adguard:add_dns_server?address=" prefix #5264
AdGuard för Android TV 4.4.1
Lanseringsdatum: 23 maj 2024
This is a technical update aimed to increase the app stability and fix minor bugs.
AdGuard för Android TV 4.4
Lanseringsdatum: 17 maj 2024
We present you the new version of AdGuard v4.4 for Android TV. In this update, the main changes have been made to the mobile version. We also fixed some minor bugs and updated UserscriptsWrapper, CoreLibs, and DnsLibs.



Enable HTTPS filtering on the Chromite browser for free #4997
Improved Developer Tools section #5173
Add the "Nothing to export" snack when trying to export rules with empty User rules list #5176
Added com.klook app to default HTTPS filtering exclusions #5143
Include com.nekki.shadowfightarena to QUIC bypass packages by default #5158


The license key is not hidden #4496
Fixed the translation on it locale #5180
Autorun doesn’t work after rebooting Chromecast and Sony TV #5156
Large battery consumption #4960
Cache size grows quickly #5125
App crashes when making changes on the Userscript state and returning back #5131
App crashes when choosing the Indonesian language #5236
DNS server settings reset after resetting the settings in DNS filters tab #5142
Dialog about the certificate installation failure does not disappear after successful installation #5194
Downloading the application update takes more than 400 mAh of battery capacity #5259
Duplicates can be added to Websites allowlist using case difference #5037
Error while exporting settings #5069
Background images are blocked on com.opera.browser #5096
Meross device pairing error (com.meross.meross) #4989
Recent activity of the selected company with two components is not displayed #5067
Remove (.) character for all DNS entries #4824
Scroll area issue on the Browsing security screen #5195
Scrollbar thumb goes behind the bottom menu in Recent activity #4901
Snacks close due to minimizing the application #5018
Some custom filter properties don’t update properly #5171
Statistic cards on main screen doesn't fill full screen width #5118
The popups are displayed in the system language, while the whole application is in English #5168
The radio button state is not imported for the Bootstrap upstreams option #5239
Update loader is not working correctly #5028
Disabling via the notification shade will auto enable itself upon re-opening the app #5146
With AdGuard protection enabled, the app reports that there is no Internet connection #5209
Santander and Sainsburys Bank apps are breaking with HTTPS filtering on #5058
Update progress bar has wrong colors #5308

CoreLibs (Filtering engine) updated to v1.14.59 #5316


Added on-the-fly filtering of DoH connections #198
Added GM.xmlhttpRequest as alias of GM_xmlhttpRequest #1785
Indicate that outbound proxy is used in the request processed event #1385
Added support for passing host to outbound proxy #1386
Added Firefox 121.0+ to the list of user agents, that natively support :has() #1840
Added ECH parameters from intercepted DNS HTTPS queries #1794
Improved HTML filtering performance #1855
Added an option to use | as a separator in $permissions #1850


Apply $permissions only to document #1856
Cannot parse QUIC ClientHello split into two packets #1861
VOT script doesn’t work in Google chrome #1665
Request with Authorization header is not redirected #1851
Support anti-DPI feature for Korea Telecom #1789
Cookie rules with [ and ] in the name are invalid #1843
Cosmetic rules are not applied in some cases when AdGuard works alongside AdGuard VPN browser extension #1791
One of the subdomains is not filtered due to different site certificates #1839
$all modifier does not work correctly #1842 content script is not injected #1834
Blocking regex rule that has escaped slash in a character class doesn’t work #1831
Content script is not injected if there is a tag (with embed attribute) before doctype declaration #1825
$path modifier doesn’t work with query params #1817
$removeparam on url with port redirects to url without port #1818 brakes website #1800
Cannot connect to securely #1821
AdGuard systematically crashes and freezes #1880

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules) updated to v1.10.25


Improved google-analytics, added ga.q property #355
Improved google-ima3, added OmidVerificationVendor property #353
Added compatibility with uBO's set-cookie scriptlet #332
Added new scriptlet href-sanitizer #327
Added new scriptlet json-prune-fetch-response #361
Added new scriptlet json-prune-xhr-response #360
Added new scriptlet trusted-suppress-native-method #383
Added new scriptlet no-protected-audience #395
Improved set-cookie, increased a possible numeric value #388
Improved trusted-click-element, added support for finding selectors in shadowRoot #323
Use some redirects resources as scriptlets as well #300
Added possibility to allowlist scriptlets #377
Improved prevent-fetch, added cors responseType #394
Improved set-cookie, added domain parameter #389
Added new scriptlet call-nothrow.js #333
Added new scriptlet spoof-css #317
Added new scriptlet trusted-create-element #278
Improved set-cookie, added more supported values #379
Added new scriptlet trusted-set-attr #281


Fixed set-constant — setProxyTrap() #403
Fixed set-cookie, do not encode a cookie name #408
Fixed set-local-storage-item conversion, $remove$ param #404

UserscriptsWrapper updated to v1.2.23

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine) updated to v2.5.25 #5306


Allowed specifying tcp-only and udp-only DNS upstreams #208
Support passing hostname to outbound proxy instead of bootstrapping #197
Improved handling of HTTPS RRType #215
Restrict host normalization to DoH only #219


Cannot use DoH DNS server that use HTTP/1.1 after updating to v4.3 #216
Use Happy Eyeballs for IPv4/IPv6 in DoH #217
Adblock syntax rules with FQDN doesn’t work #210
AdGuard för Android TV 4.3.1
Lanseringsdatum: 27 december 2023
Sometimes a release is so significant and exciting that it’s easy for a bug to slip through. The only thing left to do is to release a new version as quickly as possible. In this hotfix, we’ve fixed a major issue: the app would crash when HTTPS proxy is enabled in a browser. We also made sure that the $all modifier now works correctly, updated the CoreLibs and DnsLibs — our beloved filtering engines — and added a few improvements along the way. What else is there to say? Update and see for yourself!



AdGuard crashes when HTTPS proxy is set in a browser #5130
“Stay always protected” card re-appears on Xiaomi devices #5126

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.13.115 #5124
$all modifier does not work correctly #1842

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

DnsLibs updated to v2.4.37 #5123