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AdGuard iOS版 – Release – AdGuard 版本

AdGuard iOS版 4.5.5
Apple 修复了 iOS 17 上限制 Safari 内容拦截规则数量的错误。该问题与 Apple 的 Safari 内容屏蔽 API 文档相矛盾。现在我们可以删除针对该错误的临时解决方案。这意味着用户终于可以启用大量过滤器了。软件也不会再崩溃,因为 90 万条规则( 六个 AdGuard 内容拦截器)都可以正常工作。此外,我们还更新了 Scriptlets,提高应用程序性能。
请注意,要使该修复程序在 iOS 17 上正常工作,请更新到最新 iOS。 如果您使用 iOS 16 及以下版本,此错误不会造成影响。



启用大量过滤器时,有些过滤规则无法应用 #2346

Scriptlets(过滤规则的 JavaScript 改进)

Scriptlets 更新为 v1.11.1
AdGuard iOS版 4.5.4
在这次更新中我们修复了错误,让 APP 运行更稳定。
AdGuard iOS版 4.5.3
在这次更新中,我们改进了 DNS 保护功能。我们还更新了 DNSLibs,所以现在更换网络时不会再出现 DNS 泄露和连接不稳定的情况。我们还更新了两个对应用程序性能至关重要的数据库: TSUrlFilter 和 Scriptlets。
从这个版本开始,iOS 版 AdGuard 仅支持 iOS 13 或更高版本。


Scriptlets(过滤规则的 JavaScript 改进)更新为 v1.10.25

TSUrlFilter(进阶保护过滤引擎)更新为 v2.2.18

将 DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎)更新为 v2.5.17 #2314



允许指定 tcp-only 和 udp-only DNS 上游 #208


更新到 4.3 版后,无法使用用 HTTP/1.1 的 DoH DNS 服务器 #216
ag::dns::DohUpstream::Http3Connection::on_expiry_update() 中接收互斥时,adguard_dns 出现分段错误 #212
最新版本升级后无法转到韩国网站 #5120
带有 FQDN 的 Adblock 语法规则不起作用 #210


改进 HTTPS rrtype 的处理 #215
使用 DoH 中 IPv4/IPv6 的 Happy Eyeballs #217
禁止 URL 主机名中的地址不是域名或 IP 地址的上游服务器 #213
AdGuard iOS版 4.5.2
在此版本中,我们添加了 DNS-over-HTTPS 的 HTTP 基本身份验证。如果有用户有自己的 DNS 服务器,又不想让别人使用,新功能非常有用。但请注意:目前支持此功能的 DNS 服务器并不多。AdGuard Home 和 AdGuard DNS 很快就要支持新功能,敬请期待!



如果规则开头包含 www.,高级规则不起作用 #1897
通过 AdGuard 打开 YouTube 上的视频直播时,出现错误 #2254

DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎)

DnsLibs 更新为 v2.4.18

Scriptlets(过滤规则的 JavaScript 改进)

Scriptlets 更新为 v1.9.101
AdGuard iOS版 4.5.1
这次更新不大,但还是很重要,尤其是我们在准备这个版本时发现了一个 iOS 17 本身的错误。

Safari!说好的 15 万内容拦截规则上限在哪儿呢?

这次我们的主要任务是修复 iOS 17 上的一个问题,即过滤器会不断进行更新,而实际上不更新!不过,令人惊讶的是,问题原来出在 iOS 方面:在 iOS 17 上,使用带有 15 万个过滤规则的标准 Safari 内容拦截器会突然导致崩溃。我们发现,该问题的原因是 Safari 不再接受超过一定大小的文件,即使是具有 40-60 万个规则的内容拦截器(比上限低 3 倍)有时也会崩溃(取决于所包含的规则)。
作为一个临时解决方案,我们限制了 JSON 文件的大小,并优化了主要过滤器,使其能够满足新的大小要求。如果一个内容拦截器对于 Safari 来说仍然有点过大(最终大小取决于用户启用多少过滤器和哪些过滤器),我们会自动减小其大小,以便至少应用部分符合大小要求的规则。
由于这是一个明显的 iOS 17 错误,我们已经在 Apple 论坛上报告了它
请阅读我们的关于 v4.5.1 的博客文章中对此的更详细说明。


此外,我们还更新了 SafariConverterLib、Scriptlets 和 TSUrlFilter。简单地说,更新这三个组件有助于保持较高的过滤质量,即拦截规则的高效和最新性能。SafariConverterLib 可将 AdGuard 过滤规则转换为 Safari 内容拦截规则,ScriptletsTSUrlFilter 可帮助实现 AdGuard iOS 版中的高级拦截功能。
还有两个更新: DnsLibs v2.3 更新提高了 AdGuard 的 DNS-over-HTTP/3 性能和稳定性,我们还修复了 AdGuard 在 iOS 13.x 上无法打开的问题。



更新了 TSUrlFilter、Scriptlets 和 SafariConverterLib #2228


允许指定最终 CB JSON 文件大小限制,以便 Safari 接受 AdGuard 的内容拦截程序 #56
iOS 17 上的过滤器不断更新 #2188
无法在 iOS 13.x 上打开 AdGuard v4.5.0 iOS 版 #2194

DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎) 更新为 v2.3

改进 DNS-over-HTTP/3 的稳定性和性能
允许在域名规则中使用锐评 #196
修复了 DoH 尝试使用陈旧连接时间过长的问题 #200
正确过滤 type=HTTPS 请求 #199
AdGuard iOS版 4.5.0
我们很高兴宣布 iOS 版 AdGuard v4.5 的发布。这次更新中,我们改进了应用程序并添加了新功能。


现在,iOS 版 AdGuard v4.5 包含系统范围的跟踪保护功能,允许用户阻止应用程序中偷偷收集个人数据的跟踪器。这次我们很高兴向大家介绍这一功能。
如用户安装 iOS 版 AdGuard 或者将其设置重置为默认值,AdGuard DNS 过滤器自动被启动。现在,在启动「DNS 保护」后,AdGuard 将在所有应用程序中自动开始拦截广告和跟踪器,不仅在 Safari 中。用户使用哪一个服务器并不重要,DNS 流量都会被过滤。

DNS-over-HTTP/3 的支持

在 iOS 版 AdGuard v4.5 中,由于 DnsLibs 的更新我们还添加了 DNS-over-HTTP/3 的支持。DNS-over-HTTP/3 是 DNS-over-HTTPS 协议的新版本。AdGuard、Google 和 Cloudflare 是首个支持新版本的服务。



「内容拦截器」屏幕上没有规则 #2012


将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.2.8 #2171
AdGuard iOS版 4.4.6
春天是万象更新的季节,趁着这个时候,我们也更新了 AdGuard。
我们更新了应用程序中使用的所有程序库,并调整了用户界面,因此 iOS版 AdGuard 运行更流畅,使用起来也更方便。


「高级保护」功能是一个让我们骄傲的功能,让我们能在其他适用于 iOS 的广告拦截程序之间脱颖而出。使用该模块,AdGuard iOS版能够应用进阶过滤规则,补充标准的 Safari 内容拦截规则,帮助有效过滤复杂和加密的广告。
不过,由于 iOS 的特性,与适用于其他操作系统的 AdGuard 相比,iOS 版的「高级保护」功能的操作总受到限制。例如,一些规则的应用速度明显晚于页面加载速。有时这会导致广告"闪烁",因为广告仅仅在页面加载后才被过滤。在一些情况下,该问题甚至不让拦截一些广告。
在建立 AdGuard iOS 版的新版本后,我们投入了大量的精力来加快高级拦截规则的实施,这就改善了整个应用程序的运行效果。我们希望用户能感受到使用体验的提升。

:has() 伪类的本地支持

有了 Safari v16.4,内容拦截器获得了一个使用 :has() 伪类选择元素进行隐藏的能力。听起来可能有点儿复杂和混乱,但本功能对我们来说至关重要,允许我们根据广告的内容进行过滤。
在 iOS 版 AdGuard 4.4.6 之前,对 :has() 伪类的支持是「高级保护」模块的一部分,只在付费版本可用。现在,所有 AdGuard iOS 版的用户都可以使用这一功能了!



在「关于」页面点选应用程序版本后显示 SafariConverterLib 版本 #2050
在「关于」页面显示 Scriptlets 和 ExtendedCss 的版本 #2121
改进了 Safari Web 扩展的启动速度


西班牙语界面中对备用服务器的描述不正确 #2078


将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.0.75 #2111
ExtendedCss 更新为 v2.0.51
Safari Converter Lib 更新为 v2.0.39
Scriptlets 更新为 v1.9.1
更新了 DNSCrypt 的 DNS stamps
AdGuard iOS版 4.4.5
这次更新我们改进了 DnsLibs(DNS 过滤库),使其消耗更少资源,运行速度更快。
除此之外,现在 DNS-over-QUIC 协议支持 RFC 9250(标准),因此我们在应用程序中删除了 DoQ 处的实验性标记。
最后,我们还更新了 Safari 过滤器引擎,并修复了一些错误。



将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.0.58
AdGuard iOS版 4.4.4
本次更新我们改进了过滤器库,并修复了 iOS 16 的 YouTube 播放器的问题。 现在,用户可以通过 AdGuard 应用程序看无广告的视频。请您在 YouTube 应用程序里点击「分享」>「更多」,并选择「拦截 YouTube 上的广告(用 AdGuard)」
AdGuard iOS版 4.4.3
请注意,如您最后使用的版本是 v4.4.0,您可能需要在 Safari 设置中重新启用 AdGuard 内容拦截程序,并检查应用程序裡的过滤器更新。
AdGuard iOS版 4.4.1
This is the first update AdGuard for iOS gets since changing the developer account. Please note that you may need to re-enable AdGuard content blockers in Safari settings and check for filter updates in the app.
AdGuard iOS版 4.4.0
大家一起来迎接适用于 iOS 的 AdGuard v4.4.0!这次更新我们只修复了一个,但是比较烦恼的问题,即通过 AdGuard DNS 过滤模块网络更改。现在,应用程序运行会比以往更流畅。希望亲爱的用户们都会喜欢新版本!


[新增] DnsLibs 升级为 v1.7.28 #1982
[修复] 网络变化时,VPN隧道不能重新启动 #1892
AdGuard iOS版 4.3.3
这次更新虽然很小,但依旧值得与大家分享。“不起眼”的小改进也使 AdGuard 变得越来越好。本此我们改善了 DNS 过滤以让应用在网络连接较弱的情况下依旧稳定运行。我们也修复了一个阻止过滤器在 iOS 15.4 Beta 版更新的程序错误以及其他后台崩溃。此外,我们还添加了其他小改进以使 AdGuard 使用体验更便捷。


[新增] DnsLibs 升级为 v1.7.11 #1951
[修复] 由于 EasyList Cookie 列表里的过滤规则无效而导致的崩溃#1941
[修复] AdGuard v4.3.2 测试版的常见崩溃#1925 *[修复] NetworkUtils.init 在 iOS 12.5 上崩溃#1938
[修复] 手动刷新 iOS 15.4 beta 图标的问题 #1926
[修复] 如您添加一个空行的自定义过滤器列表,应用程序崩溃#1918
[修复] 由于超过内存 DNS 保护模块停止工作#1935
[修复] 重置设置后 VPN 配置文件无法连接#1952
AdGuard iOS版 4.3.2
虽然我们的更新不是每一个都那么“惹人注目”,但是不积跬步,无以至千里,正是这些“小修小补”使 AdGuard 变得更好。这次更新我们注重于应用性能优化及小错误的修复。现在,用户可能最直观能感受到的是 AdGuard 启用速度更快了。我们希望大家会享受 iOS 版 AdGuard 的新版本。
[修复] 使用移动连接时无网络连接 (DNS64 网络) #1901
以前,DNS 保护与一些 IPv6-only 网络的移动连接(比如,T-Mobile US)无法一起运作。不过,加点儿 AdGuard 的魔法一切就能顺利工作了。
[修复] 打开包含一份很长 DNS 拦截列表的应用程序崩溃 #1883
现在,当用户积极使用 DNS 保护及自定义规则时,不会再遇到任何问题。


[优化] 将 DnsLibs 更新成 v1.7.3 #1916
[优化] 添加了通过将视频「分享」给 AdGuard 应用程序拦截 Youtube 广告的功能
[修复] 重新启动后白名单和黑名单的丢失 #1907
[修复] 在规则的空格 getRulesCountForFilter 崩溃 #1918
[修复] 过滤器列表更新/开关导致耗电明显 #1891
[修复] AdGuard v4.3.2 beta 版的常见崩溃 #1925
[修复] 用波斯语启动应用程序时崩溃 #1922
[修复] VPN 隧道在网络更改时不重启 #1892
[修复] 当 AdGuard 正常运行时,iOS 小组件显示「无法加载」通知(在大部分情况下错误已经被修复了) #1849
[其他] Safari Web 扩展保护开关在 iPadOS 上无法使用 #1878
AdGuard iOS版 4.3.1
In this update we make an emphasis on fixing the bugs that we let through in the v4.3. Besides that, despite the very little amount of time that had passed since the previous update, we managed to make some changes that tangibly improve the overall quality of the app.
AdGuard iOS版 4.3.0
It's time for the long-awaited release of AdGuard v4.3 for iOS. We've implemented support for AdGuard’s Safari Web Extension for iOS 15 and added Advanced protection. Never before has AdGuard for iOS blocked ads so effectively!
[Enhancement] Safari Web Extension for iOS 15
The AdGuard Web Extension for Safari serves to enhance the capabilities of the AdGuard for iOS app. With this extension, AdGuard can apply Advanced protection to better block ads in Safari, including YouTube ads, thanks to an improved filtering mechanism.
We’ve also performed a complete code refactoring and added an option to choose the filter update check interval in Low-level settings. And, of course, we fixed a few minor bugs in the process.
We hope you will enjoy AdGuard v4.3 for iOS!


[Enhancement] "Dns filters" adding logic
[Enhancement] Descriptions are moved under headers in all sections
[Enhancement] DNS filter dialog box
[Enhancement] License screen has been reworked
[Enhancement] Design of the update icon
[Enhancement] Safari Web Extension for applying advanced rules (extended CSS, scriptlets, etc) #1794
[Enhancement] Onboarding screen text has been changed
[Enhancement] Purchase screen has been reworked
[Enhancement] iOS 15: the text in the system settings is now different #1822
[Enhancement] Handle adguard:add_dns_server URLs
[Enhancement] Video tutorial about how to block ads has been updated
[Enhancement] Leave a feedback and Report a bug options are now merged
[Enhancement] "The rule was added/removed/changed" dialog has been improved for extension
[Enhancement] AdGuard DNS filter has been added as a default one
[Enhancement] Status bar notifications are enabled by default
[Enhancement] Content blockers screen has been reworked
[Enhancement] Guide text for iOS 15 has been changed
[Fixed] The app crashes when adding a custom DNS server from an unreachable network #1730
[Fixed] DNS filter lists are updated on the disk without reloading DNS filtering which causes random filtering issues #1732
[Fixed] Fix a bug in the "Edit the DNS server" dialog
[Fixed] Migration of DoQ upstream does not work with v4.2 #1766
[Fixed] SIGPIPE crashes #94
[Fixed] Autoupdate is not working in background #1828
[Fixed] Filters update status switches from "not found" to "No filters updated" #1729
[Fixed] AdGuard can't start in portrait mode with Korean locale #1785
[Fixed] AdGuard restarting twice while playing game #1806
[Fixed] App restarting every 3 minutes #1810
[Fixed] Security filters get disabled after AdGuard reload #1811
[Other] Remove the link to AdGuard VPN app if the region of App Store is Chinese #1830
[Other] DnsLibs updated to version 1.6.71 #1853
[Other] "Reset statistic" button is hidden for free users
AdGuard iOS版 4.2.2
A minor update. We changed one line to be consistent with iOS 15. Our current focus is v4.3; it has a cool innovative feature that augments ad blocking quality. We intend to release it in the next few weeks. Stay tuned!
AdGuard iOS版 4.2.1
This is a rather small update. We stopped a nasty bug in its track: DNSLibs used to return an error after an attempt to add a DNS-over-QUIC server. Now it’s fixed, so you can live in peace and use the app that has become even more bug-free. Plus, a bunch of crashes are dealt with.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.20 #1802
AdGuard iOS版 4.2.0
In this version we focused on improving filtering in Safari. In parallel, we solved the problem with YouTube ads that AdGuard users had been encountering. We’ve developed two ways to block them: a shortcut, the instructions for which can be found on our blog, and a Safari extension.
[Enhancement] Added a new action extension for blocking YouTube ads in Safari #1763
The new extension is designed specifically to block ads on YouTube in Safari and runs only there. Unlike the shortcut, the extension is built into the app, so you don’t need to install it manually. To block ads on YouTube, tap the “Share” button and select “Block ads on YouTube (by AdGuard).” After that, the “with AdGuard” caption will appear next to the YouTube logo. If it’s not there, you’ve probably reloaded the page and need to activate the extension again.


[Enhancement] Dark/light theme switch
[Enhancement] Searching for filters in Safari protection
[Enhancement] Redesigned the Support section
[Enhancement] Marked the low-level settings that won't work in Native Implementation #1726
[Fixed] There are no notifications when activating a new device in Setapp with the maximum number of devices
[Fixed] AdGuard DNS protocols block the Internet access for third-party VPNs #1707
[Other] Added a notification for the new Safari extension
[Other] Removed “Logout“ from the About screen

Updated DnsLibs to v1.5.44 #1771

[Enhancement] Always use the local DNS resolver announced by DHCP for all queries ending with the primary DNS suffix #100

SafariConverterLib update v1.1.28

[Enhancement] Added $denyallow modifier support #5
[Enhancement] Allowed *## cosmetic rules #11
[Enhancement] Added generic CSS exclusions #15
[Fixed] Added $specifichide modifier support #6
[Fixed] Issue with long multi-domain element hiding rules #8
[Fixed] Element hiding rule with few selectors converted to an incorrect rule #21
[Fixed] Use if-domain and unless-domain together #12
[Fixed] The rule with $ping blocks the whole page #14
AdGuard iOS版 4.1.1
This is a minor release that contains bug fixes, UI improvements, and more.
[Enhancement] Statistics is displayed as integer numbers
[Fixed] DNS filter lists are updated without reloading DNS filtering which causes random filtering issues #1732
[Fixed] The app crashed when removing a DNS blocklist #1731
[Fixed] When changing from AdGuard implementation to Native, VPN remains enabled
[Fixed] A bug when searching by tags
[Fixed] Internet connection is broken after filters update
[Fixed] Main page icons don't work correctly
[Fixed] VPN icon is not shown in Full-Tunnel mode
[Other] VPN tunnel reconnects every time the app is restarted or opened from the app switcher 4.1.1 (660) #1734
AdGuard iOS版 4.1.0
Long time ago scientists discovered an interesting phenomenon. While we typically think that what we most want is to actually get what we want, the most intense source of pleasure is in looking forward to getting what we want. That's the dopamine system, also known as the wanting system.
It's been months since Apple added native DNS encryption support to iOS and you might've thought that we at AdGuard just have been lazy not adding support too? Not at all! We've just been trying to follow science and provide you with as much pleasure as possible. Finally, the intensification period ends and catharsis begins!
Native support for encrypted DNS #1589
So in 2020 Apple platforms started natively supporting encrypted DNS. Namely, two protocols were supported — DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoT and DoH). Earlier you could set up and manage DNS profiles in AdGuard. Yet, the solution wasn’t so snorky. Now we've made things simple: there is no need to download and install DNS profiles, just enable Native implementation in AdGuard for iOS settings:
The new method of setting up DNS isn't really superior to the one you're already familiar with, but it has one slight advantage: the DNS is handled by the system and not the app. This means that AdGuard doesn't have to create a local VPN. Sadly, this will not help you circumvent system restrictions and use AdGuard alongside other VPN-based applications — if any VPN is enabled, native DNS is ignored. Consequently, you won't be able to filter traffic locally or to use our brand new DNS-over-QUIC protocol (DoQ).
Social login 📲 #1507
Now the Google login widget is present in the app (AdGuard > Settings > License > Login). A single click on a Google Sign-in button, and you're there!
For a successful login, you should have an AdGuard account registered to your Google email address. Otherwise, there will be an error.
Don't have an AdGuard account? Create one at my.adguard.com first, then you'll be able to bind it to your Google account.
Low-level stuff. ☢ For geeks only!! 🤓
Blocking mode, Block IPv6, Blocked response TTL, Bootstrap and Fallback servers — all settings on this screen are new, except for the Tunnel mode.

Bootstrap and Fallback

Fallback is simply a backup DNS server. If you chose a DNS server and something happened to it (whatever the reason), a fallback is needed to set the backup DNS server until the main server responds.
With Bootstrap, it’s a little more complicated. For AdGuard for iOS to use a custom secure DNS server, our app needs to get its IP address first. For this purpose, the system DNS is used by default, but sometimes this is not possible for various reasons. In such cases, Bootstrap could be used to get the IP address of the selected secure DNS server. Here are two examples to illustrate when a custom Bootstrap server might help:
When a system default DNS server does not return the IP address of a secure DNS server and it is not possible to use a secure one.
When our app and third-party VPN are used simultaneously and it is not possible to use System DNS as a Bootstrap.

Block IPv6 🔒 #1289

For any DNS query sent to get an IPv6 address, our app returns an empty response (as if this IPv6 address does not exist). Now there is an option not to return IPv6 addresses.

Does anybody actually read these? ┬──┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)

[Fixed] AdGuard shows DNS requests although disabled #1667
[Fixed] VPN restarts when entering the app #1709
[Enhancement] Intercept abp:subscribe and subscribe.adblockplus.org URLs #27
[Other] Updated DnsLibs to 1.4.33
AdGuard iOS版 4.0.4
This release is mainly focused on bug fixes and minor improvements. Yet, it has a feature that one can’t ignore — DNS-over-QUIC support! ​ [Other] DNS-over-QUIC support (AdGuard DNS)
The first thing you should know about DNS-over-QUIC (DoQ) is that it's a new encryption protocol. Not as new as a concept, but very new in terms of practical application. In fact, AdGuard introduced the very first public DNS servers that support DoQ! The feature is still experimental — AdGuard for iOS is one of the first open-source implementations of DNS-over-QUIC — but it's perfectly functioning and we encourage you to try it.
The most common DNS encryption protocols are DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS (DoH and DoT correspondingly). What makes DoQ special? A bunch of things: out-of-the-box encryption, reduced connection times, and better performance in cases of lost data packets. ​


[Enhancement] Shown the link in the details of custom filters #1529
[Enhancement] Added "Acknowledgments" link to the "About" screen
[Enhancement] Added our discuss page URL to the "About" screen
[Enhancement] Improved the way DNS queries are logged to the Tunnel log
[Fixed] Access to the DNS Allowlist crashes AdGuard Pro #1655
[Fixed] AdGuard does not automatically select a DNS server when deleting the custom DNS server in use #1657
[Fixed] Disabling "Advanced mode" in settings disables "Auto-Update over Wi-Fi only" too #1662
[Fixed] Attempt to open "License" section causes the app crash #1664
[Fixed] Reset settings leads to broken DNS servers settings
[Other] Updated DnsLibs to 1.3.24 #1638
[Other] Incorrect record color in the Activity log
[Other] Missing image in front of "Security" filters
[Other] Circles loader updates infinitely
AdGuard iOS版 4.0.3
This is mostly a bugfix release, yet it has a new handy feature — namely, custom URL scheme support. This allows you to easily add custom filters from the browser and add custom DNS servers using stamps. ​


[Added] Custom URL scheme support
[Changed] Move "About" menu item to the bottom of the list
[Changed] Remove unnecessary scrolling in Settings
[Fixed] Obsolete filters were not deleted after update in some cases
[Fixed] Estonian filter icon uses flag of Ethiopia #1636
[Fixed] Localization issues #1626
[Fixed] Lost network connection when automatically switching networks (with IPv6) #1592
[Fixed] The "Remove VPN profile" button doesn't work #1625
AdGuard iOS版 4.0.2
AdGuard v4.0.2 for iOS is more focused on bug fixes, yet it has some important changes. We’ve made UI improvements, redesigned the menu logic and added one more DNS server to Cloudflare. A small, but much-needed release – the first one after the long-awaited AdGuard Pro update.


[Enhancement] Implement Cloudflare for Families #1536
[Enhancement] Return color highlight for domains being resolved by DNS server #1579
[Enhancement] Change the way Activity screen refreshes
[Enhancement] User interface improvements and redesigned menu logic
[Fixed] Fixed localizations bugs #1578 #1596
[Fixed] DNS deactivation issue #1614
[Fixed] Lost network connection when automatically switching networks (with IPv6) #1592
[Fixed] DNS over HTTPS and TLS are broken on iOS 14 Beta #1601
[Fixed] Handle removed obsolete filters
[Fixed] OpenDNS doesn't support DoT #1753
[Fixed] Access to DNS AllowList crashes AG Pro #1613
AdGuard iOS版 4.0.1
This is the first update after the release of v4.0. As usual in such cases, the accent is on bugfixes, and this time there were surprisingly few bugs to fix. We also took this opportunity to update localizations.
[Enhancement] NextDNS-specific characters are now allowed in DNS server addresses #1551
[Fixed] URL blocking rules with $document,popup do nothing in Safari #74
[Fixed] AdGuard lets you select an unsupported protocol for DNS servers #1557
[Fixed] WLAN Connection gets lost when opening AdGuard #1550
[Other] App crashes when sent to background #1544
[Other] Localizations have been updated
AdGuard iOS版 4.0.0
After a long struggle and countless iterations we're finally ready to present AdGuard v4.0 for iOS! It's a huge update with many, many new features, design changes, bugfixes and whatnot. Let's not forget about DNS protection: a way to have full control over DNS traffic on your device. Let's check it out:
Major design changes
Traditionally, a major version increase heralds a lot of changes regarding the UI. This time is not an exception. And we really mean a lot!
General design changes: new icon styles, new menu logic, revamped main screen
Advanced mode: additional settings for advanced users. Use at your own risk!
Activity feed: DNS requests log, exhaustive request details.
Most active companies: not only you now can see to which company this or that DNS request belongs, you can view the "leaderboard" on the 'Most active compoanies' screen, accessible from the activity feed.
It might take a bit to get used to for the veterans, but at the same time we hope it will come very natural to new users.
Enhanced DNS protection #1107
In addition to familiar DNS functionality you now can add mobile network or certain Wi-Fi networks to exclusions. For example, you can use it if you have AdGuard Home set up for your home Wi-Fi.
Also, by enabling 'Advanced mode' you get access to DNS filtering: add custom hosts files or filters like AdGuard SDN filter to have more agency over your DNS traffic.
New AdGuard widget #973
Now AdGuard for iOS gets its own widget, just like AdGuard Pro. Look at this beauty:
It does everything you want: provides quick access to DNS protection and Safari content blocking switches, displays current DNS server and statistics. You barely need to open the app itself!
General statistics #1325
Another previously AdGuard Pro-exclusive feature that all AdGuard for iOS users will now be able to enjoy. A curious toy for some, an instrument to control your traffic for others — everyone will find it amusing, if not useful. You’ll find the stats on the main screen of the app:
Switch between all-time, monthly, weekly or daily stats and between all or blocked requests.


[Bug] Content Blockers screen shows User Filter as loaded even when it’s off #1287
[Bug] When reporting a website via the Action extension, the URL of the reported website is not automatically inserted #1288
[Bug] Unable to change DNS type from DoH to anything else #1347
[Bug] The app crashes after adding two rules in a row via Action extension #1426
[Bug] AdGuard doesn’t respect "Autoupdate over Wi-Fi only" setting #1381
[Bug] Wrong language icon for Liste AR filter #1334
[Bug] Filter update status is not showed properly #1364
[Bug] Endless content blocker update animation #1365
[Bug] Can't add link to the whitelist #1
[Bug] Incorrect main switch state #1517
[Bug] "Tracking Protection" doesn't automatically turn off when another app turns on a VPN #1516
[Bug] Wi-Fi exception issue #1519
[Bug] Total requests count is decreasing #1495
[Bug] Menu name disappears after adding a new DNS custom filter #1472
[Bug] 'Matched filters' in the filtering log are not shown correctly #1441
[Bug] VPN suddenly turns off in background #1508
[Bug] VPN is still enabled for some trusted Wi-Fi exceptions #1475
[Bug] Wrong switches behavior on the main screen #1445
[Bug] Entries in the inverted whitelist get deleted after an app update
[Bug] The NEXT button on the login page doesn’t switch focus to the password text field #1378
[Bug] Screen title is missing #1454
[Bug] Widget doesn’t work #1506
[Enhancement] New option to edit custom filter list names #1068
[Enhancement] New option to remove the AdGuard VPN profile #1408
[Enhancement] Pull the screen down to update DNS filters #1513
[Enhancement] UI got adapted for Screen reader #1150
[Enhancement] Filter lists now update on the app update #1481
[Enhancement] Activity for loading a new custom filter #1438
[Enhancement] DNS response status is now resolved in the tunnel extension #1355
[Enhancement] App theme now matches the system default theme after the first installation #1435
[Enhancement] Added DNS upstream validation #1436
[Enhancement] New DNS proxy library #1332
[Feature] New option to enable/disable individual rules in Safari user filter and Safari whitelist #1353
[Feature] New option to exclude Wi-Fi networks from DNS filtering #1276
[Feature] An option to reset AdGuard settings to default #1089
[Feature] Progress bar for currently running tasks #1282
[Feature] An option to reset statistics #1358
[Feature] New Activity Screen #1403
[Feature] Trackers' details #1279
[Other] New button to close Action extension #1110
[Other] An intermediate dialog for adding new rules from the Filtering log - #1389
[Other] Two separate loading screens for light and dark themes #1284
[Other] An error message is now shown after an attempt to add an invalid rule to User filter #1109
[Other] Warning too large hosts files #1474
[Other] Minor UI improvements #1501
[Other] 'Rate our app' dialog got improved #1467
[Other] Video tutorial got updated #1429
[Other] Removed 'Next' button when loading new custom filter #1438
AdGuard iOS版 3.1.3
A small update aimed mostly at improving app’s stability.
[Changed] “Purchase” screen #1345
[Fixed] Several crashes #1344
[Fixed] Disabling filtering on a page via Safari action extension sometimes doesn’t work properly #1350
[Improved] Developer logs now include information about content blockers’ behavior #1346
[Improved] “Content blocker cannot be registered” case handling #1240
AdGuard iOS版 3.1.2
AdGuard v3.1.2 for iOS tidies up some of the leftover bugs from the previous release.
[Added] Support App Store Promotions #1292
[Changed] “Log in” button added back to About screen #1306
[Fixed] Too Many Separator lines in filter Menu #1290
[Fixed] Swiping to the side makes the filter lists buggy #1291
AdGuard iOS版 3.1.1
We’re fixing some bugs here that emerged after the recent v3.1 update.
[Fixed] VPN icon isn’t hidden in iOS 13 #1246
[Fixed] Rare visual glitches on iPad Pro 11" #1248
[Fixed] Mascot style doesn’t match the chosen app theme #1252
[Fixed] License expiration notification is mistakenly displayed #1267
[Fixed] Crash on the purchase screen with certain system languages #1268
[Fixed] Crash due to slow content blocking compilation #1269
AdGuard iOS版 3.1.0
Apple tries to steal our thunder with their iOS 13 release, but we stay calm, as we’re sure: AdGuard 3.1 for iOS is big news! There are many noteworthy improvements to filtering process, design and licensing system. Let’s tackle the new version one change at a time.
[Added] New content blocker — Security #1103
In v3.0 we “split up” AdGuard for iOS into five content blockers to circumvent the Safari limitation on 50k rules per ad blocker (which is a ridiculously small number). Each of the content blockers was assigned a specific role, for example, “Privacy” or “Annoyances”. But then we thought: the more content blockers, the more rules you can use at the same time, right? So why not add another one? And we didn’t have to go out of our way for that, as “Security” is a category that organically complements the rest. Previously, filters from that category were included into “Other” group.
Note that you need to enable this new content blocker in Safari settings for it to work!
[Added] “Content blockers” screen #1105
It’s surely irritating when you have to go to Safari settings to check what filter groups are enabled and what are not. We know this from personal experience. The logical solution was to add a new screen right to AdGuard settings, which we did. Go to General settings > Content blockers to see the current state. You’ll even find there what filters exactly are enabled and how many rules each content blockers has used up.
[Improved] Protection status notification on the main screen #1106
This is another change that was so easy to make that it left us wonder why we didn’t make it earlier. Before v3.1, if any one content blocker was disabled, the main screen screamed at you with a red “Protection is disabled” warning, which is of course not true. Now it will let you know in a less alarming yellow color that “some content blockers are disabled”. We care about your mental health :D
[Improved] Content blocker affinity #1104
And here’s a very important change that affects the quality of the actual ad blocking. Some filtering rules depend on each other or work better together. There’s been a problem in cases when such rules belonged to different content blockers. They weren’t always working as intended, even if both content blockers were enabled. Now that it’s fixed, the quality of ad blocking will go further up.
[Added] Lifetime subscription option #1100
As you know, AdGuard for iOS offers two ways to activate Premium features: with a license key and via App Store subscriptions. It wasn’t very fair that while license keys can be either 1-year or lifetime, there was only a 1-year subscription-based activation option. Now, if you’re enjoying AdGuard and would like to stay with us for a while, you can purchase a lifetime subscription in App Store and save some money!
[Added] Native login screen #1197
And a small treat for our users who prefer license keys to subscriptions approach. To link AdGuard for iOS to your AdGuard personal account you don’t need to jump between the app and the browser anymore. When you tap the “Log in” button, a new screen will pop up that allows you to enter the credentials right there. You can choose the “Forgot password” option or even register a new account there too, if needed.

Ad Blocking

[Changed] The algorithm of adding a whitelist rule via the Safari action extension #1218
[Fixed] Some URL blocking rules aren’t working #1139


[Added] “Filter details” screen #1122
[Added] Global search to the filters settings screen #1126
[Added] Description to the “Restart when network changes” option #1040
[Added] “Export logs” option to the “Send feedback” menu #1102
[Changed] AdGuard now asks for permission to push notifications #1053
[Fixed] Notification after successful login with license key is missing #1180


[Changed] AdGuard now makes several attempts to register a content blocker if the first one failed #1205
[Fixed] Unexpexted logout at background fetch #1183
[Fixed] Can’t add a custom rule when too many filter lists are enabled #1159


[Fixed] Crash after opening “Custom filters” #1185
[Fixed] Crash when adding multiple custom filters #1035
[Fixed] Crash when tapping on “Add rule” in User filter #1137
[Fixed] DNS privacy status is displayed incorrectly #1178
[Fixed] User filter doesn't work correctly #1189
[Improved] License status is now checked on the first app startup #1198
[Improved] User filter / Whitelist rules validation process #1174
AdGuard iOS版 3.0.1
This update fixes a lot of small-ish bugs, this is a hotfix of sorts if you will. We started addressing iOS 13-related issues, as its gaining more and more popularity among users despite still being in beta.
[Added] Two-Factor Authentication (if enabled in Account) #985
In v3.0 we added an option to log into your adguard.com personal Account via the app to activate Premium features of AdGuard for iOS. We completely forgot to take into account that some users have had two-factor authentication configured. Now we fix this unfortunate mistake, from now on you’ll be prompted to confirm your identity with an authenticator app in such case.

Ad blocking

[Fixed] Issues with User filter #1081


[Changed] Dark mode is now available without Premium #884
[Changed] A confirmation dialog is now shown when a rule was added via Safari app extension #1034
[Fixed] Wrong notification is shown on the first launch #1051
[Fixed] Assistant window #1057
[Fixed] The login form is not hidden after you log in #1078


[Added] License key validation #1065
[Added] A link to the Privacy Policy in the VPN dialog #1082
[Changed] Date format for time&date of filter updates changed to Chinese in Chinese interface #913
[Changed] “Malware domains" filter list has been removed from available filters #1112
[Fixed] Domains can’t be added to Whitelist #1062
[Fixed] Tutorials crash the app on iPad OS beta #1090
[Fixed] User filter crashes when an invalid rule is added #1094
[Fixed] Manual element blocking tool doesn’t work on iOS 13 #1096
[Fixed] Sometimes authorization freezes the app #1108
[Improved] Sharing the AdGuard app link leads to bad formatting #1075
[Improved] Google DoH and DoT URLs have been updated in the configuration #1092
[Improved] Localizations has been updated
AdGuard iOS版 3.0.0
This is huge! AdGuard 3.0 for iOS has lots of new things that should get you excited! DNS Privacy module, custom filters and max limit count raised to 250k ー we have enough topics to talk about!

[Improved] Safari content blocker max rule count raised to 250k #819

Safari is notoriously known for its harsh 50k max limit for filtering rules in content blockers. This number is laughably low, and for ages we were struggling with it. Now we've implemented a workaround: split AdGuard into five content blockers. Each of them has the same 50k restriction but in total they add up to a reasonable 250k rules max. You don't have to seek weird compromises anymore and can enable all your favorite filters!

[Added] "DNS Privacy" settings section #887

This section should look familiar to seasoned AdGuard Pro users. Basically, this is where you have a chance to configure DNS settings the way you like it ー and further protect your privacy along the way. The main difference to the Pro version is that there's no blacklist or whitelist here, this was impossible under the current Apple policy. However, there is a requests log that will provide you information about everything that's going on on your device.

[Added] An option to import custom filters by URL #518

This option will be very useful for those who support their own filters, or just have a favorite filter that wasn't included by default. Add it by URL and it will be kept updated just as any other filter!

Ad blocking

[Fixed] "Invert Whitelist" option doesn’t work #859
[Improved] Filters categories rework #818


[Added] "Restart tunnel on network change" setting #1039
[Fixed] DNS Privacy switch is on after VPN configuration is deleted from iOS settings #946
[Fixed] Filters update error #930
[Improved] Support for DNS64 / NAT64 networks has been added #796


[Added] An option to pause video guides #863
[Changed] Tutorial videos has been slowed down a bit #826


[Added] A forwarder for AdGuard website links #783
AdGuard iOS版 2.1.1
We are lucky to have a lot of amazing volunteers who help us translate AdGuard into various languages. Thanks to their efforts we were able to improve the existing localizations and even add a new one — AdGuard is now available in Japanese!
[Improved] Translations have been updated
AdGuard iOS版 2.0.5
Hello! This is a very small update. We updated the translations (thanks to all the volunteers by the way!) and added a "Rate me" dialog window. If you've always wanted to give us 5 stars, but just keep forgetting — this change is for you! :) Seriously though, just swipe the dialog away if you don't feel like rating the app, and it won't bother you again.
[Added] "Rate me" dialog #751
[Improved] Translations has been updated
AdGuard iOS版 2.0.4
Hello! Some iOS 9 users may have encountered certain troubles after the previous update. We fixed the related issues in this hotfix, so please update! Users of newer iOS versions can update too, there's no harm in that :)
[Fixed] AdGuard 2.0.2 crashes on old iOS versions #718
[Fixed] White text on white background#731
AdGuard iOS版 2.0.2
Usually we update both AdGuard and AdGuard Pro for iOS simultaneously, but not this time. Don't worry — the new version of AdGuard for iOS has arrived, and it features new design, web reporting tool integration and more.
[Changed] App redesign #455
This is undoubtedly the first thing you will notice when you run the app after the update. Light theme has been discontinued in favor of a dark one, and the overall style of the menu has changed.
[Added] Detect if Content Blocker is not enabled in Safari settings #437
Enabling AdGuard Content blocker in Safari settings is required to have filtering going on in Safari. If AdGuard is disabled, the red warning will appear at the top of the main screen to remind you to enable the Content Blocker. The video right below it shows how to do so.
[Added] Integration with the web reporting tool #533
You may have heard about the online reporting tool before, especially if you are an AdGuard for Windows or AdGuard extension user. Basically, it is a web form to report missed ads, false positives or any other issues caused by AdGuard filters. Now it is integrated with AdGuard for iOS, so whenever you report a problem, the app will automatically prefill all the required fields about its settings.


[Added] "Learn about other AdGuard products" item to the "RATE AND SHARE" block #641
[Improved] Tutorial videos have been updated #539
[Improved] AdGuard now uses default iOS Sharing functionality #590

Ad Blocking

[Changed] “Send Bug Report” menu item has been reworked #649
[Fixed] Error while loading filters into Safari #550


[Improved] Translations has been updated
AdGuard iOS版 1.3.3
The time has come for another version of AdGuard for iOS to be released. Renovated Assistant and the new “Invert whitelist” option are the headliners of this update.
[Changed] Assistant in the Safari extension #469
We have unified the Assistant code, so that it’s the same across the board now: AdGuard for Windows, Mac and iOS, browser extensions, you name it. While at it, we have changed the exterior a bit (hopefully, for the better). As a side effect, there’s temporarily no ‘Preview’ option, but it will be added in the next version.
[Added] Inverted whitelist #431
This is a quite narrow option, but some users will definitely find it useful. By inverting the whitelist (which you can do in the Advanced settings, by the way) you will switch AdGuard into a special mode that doesn’t block ads anywhere by default, but filters all websites that you add to this list. The inverted whitelist is independent from the regular whitelist, so you can have them both configured as you find appropriate and switch between the modes depending on your current goals.
[Improved] Added scaling support for iPhone X (18:9) #513
Upon the release of iPhone X some of AdGuard interface panels looked pretty ugly. We had to do some work to make it look smooth and natural for all those lucky owners of the newest Apple flagship device :)


[Fixed] Keyboard covers up text field in custom filters #505
[Changed] Localizations have been updated
AdGuard iOS版 1.3.1
This is a very small update aimed at fixing a couple of minor issues.
[Other] iOS Assistant is incorrectlty placed on the site #463
[Other] tieba.baidu.com - AdGuard toolbar is missing #416
AdGuard iOS版 1.3.0
This is a rather small update. A couple of important fixes like broken filter search, several minor UI changes + updated translations.
[Added] A build number to About screen #406
[Added] "Filter rules syntax" link to the User filter #375
[Fixed] Filter search doesn't work #388
[Fixed] Not able to report a missed ad in Safari #394
[Fixed] Sometimes AdGuard сrashes when you open advanced settings #451
[Fixed] Incorrect warning message on the main screen about the filters conversion error #414
[Improved] The translations have been updated #427
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