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AdGuard Mac版 – Release – AdGuard 版本

AdGuard Mac版 2.16.4
AdGuard Mac版 2.16.3
过滤引擎一直受到“敌方”错误的攻击,但 AdGuard 更强大。有了这个修复程序,更新后的数据库将为用户带来更干净、更安全的网络。
AdGuard Mac版 2.16.2
“亲爱的开发人员,可以修复一个错误吗?” 当然可以!随着更新发布,我们还推出带有已解决问题和微调操作的修复程序。
AdGuard Mac版 2.16.1
AdGuard Mac版 2.16
AdGuard v2.16 Mac 版推出两个重要更新。第一个是,差异化更新。第二个是,用户样式的支持。让我们一起看看每一个更新的细节,查看新功能对用户起什么作用。


过滤器列表是广告拦截程序的关键。以前,即使对列表做了很小的改动,应用程序也要重新下载整个规则列表,又慢又低效。现在,AdGuard Mac 版使用差异化更新。这意味着,软件只下载上次更新后所做的更改。这样我们减少了服务器负载,加快了更新过程。有了更频繁的更新,用户将始终拥有最有效的广告拦截功能。


我们的新功能将为用户的浏览体验增添更多色彩。用户样式通过应用自定义 CSS,可以在不更改内容的情况下修改网站外观。它们的工作原理与用户脚本类似,但侧重于样式设计。用户可以在应用程序中上传或创建自己的用户样式,个性化浏览体验。
要添加用户样式,请进入「设置」→「扩展」 →「添加」→「从文件或 URL 导入」。用户可以在网上找到现成的用户样式,也可以点击「添加」→「创建用户样式」来创建自己的。
我们还更新了过滤引擎(DnsLibs 和 CoreLibs),改进 JavaScript 的过滤规则(Scriplets),并修复了一些错误。现在就将您的应用程序更新到最新版本,亲身体验所有改进。



添加了用户样式 #1451
实施过滤器列表的差异化更新 #1330
添加了 Floorp 浏览器(Firefox 分支)的支持 #1446


macOS Sequoia 上不正确的 Network Extension 权限路径 #1434
无法在 macOS Catalina 上完成 AdGuard v2.15 的安装 #1503
启用 iCloud 私人中继后,macOS Sequoia 上的 Safari 无法阻止广告 #1467

DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎)

将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.5.51 #1502
Block RFC9462 (_dns.resolver.arpa) 查询 #228
$dnsrewrite=IPv4 规则无法阻止 IPv6 解析 #224
DnsRequestProcessedEvent 报告的错误中使用 pretty_str() #223


将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.16.45 #1487


支持重定向至目的地,无需使用跟踪服务作为中介 #1557
GM_xmlhttpRequest 现在支持 Referer 标头 #1899


sony.de —— 在 Firefox 浏览器中登录失败 #1867
AdGuard「内容脚本」在 uber.com 上被 CSP 屏蔽 #1903
删除 "K" 字符串 #1910

Scriptlets(过滤规则的 JavaScript 改进)

将 Scriptlets 更新为 v1.11.27 1472


set-local-storage-item —— 添加了 alloweddenied#445
abort-on-stack-trace —— inlineScriptinjectedScript 的支持行号 #439
set cookie —— 添加了 checkedunchecked#444
trusted-click-element —— 添加了 reload 选项 #301


log-on-stack-trace —— deltabit.co 上的播放器不起作用 #384
AdGuard Mac版 2.15.2
“亲爱的开发人员,可以修复一个错误吗?” 当然可以!随着更新发布,我们还推出带有已解决问题和微调操作的修复程序。
AdGuard Mac版 2.15
我们还更新了 CoreLibs 过滤引擎,崩溃次数将减少,修饰符数量将增加,包括 $xmlprune$urltransform 修饰符。现在,用户可以屏蔽更多干扰页面的元素。



在 macOS 上应用通过 URL 导入配置的功能 #1428


macOS Big Sur 上的 Safari 助手缺少「打开设置」按钮文本 #1366


将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.15.64 #1456


添加了 $urltransform (可信任的)修饰符 #1364
添加了 $xmlprune 修饰符 #473
在本地支持 ':has()' 的用户代理列表中添加了移动浏览器 #1870
本地 sid 上允许 ECDSA 密码 #360
设置 Sec-Fetch-Dest: fencedframe #1853
添加 uBO 的 /regex/ 格式(修饰规则)的支持 #1844


启用 VPN 后,AdGuard 过滤停止工作 #1189
带有 FQDN 的 Adblock 语法规则不起作用 #210
AdGuard 和 FTP 连接错误 #1864
用户脚本 XHR 错误 #1876
$all 修饰符不适用于非域名 URL 的部分 #1860
URL 阻止规则在使用 $generichide 修饰符时无法正常工作 #1857


将 UserscriptsWrapper 更新为 v1.2.24


vk-metabot.user.js 无法与 AdGuard 一起使用 #1871


将 ContentScript 更新为 v2.0.6


元素隐藏规则 ###$# 不适用于 tv.ramler.ru #1865

DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎)

将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.5.34 #1436
AdGuard Mac版 2.14.2
AdGuard Mac版 2.14.1
有些用户遇到 AdGuard 导致 CPU 占用率过高的问题。我们在此补丁中修复了这一问题,并更新了 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs。



CPU 占用率过高 #1407

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.14.57 #1423

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.5.25 #1421
AdGuard Mac版 2.14
AdGuard v2.14 Mac 版修复了常见错误,提高了性能,但不仅如此!这次的主角是 CoreLibs 更新。本次更新对应用程序整体进行了大升级,尤其是在两方面上。 第一个方面是,我们对 Encrypted ClientHello 支持进行了微调。虽然这一功能仍处于试验阶段,但我们已经发现了几个阻碍默认启用模式下无缝激活 ECH 的问题。通过这次发布,我们已经解决了这些问题,为提高总体性能铺平了道路。 此外,更新后的 CoreLibs 现在还能即时过滤 DNS-over-HTTPS 请求。这意味着 AdGuard 默认不会将 DoH 查询重定向到另一个 DNS 服务器,而是将查询发送到浏览器中选择的服务器上。可以通过关闭高级设置中的 network.dns.filter.secure.request.transparently.enabled 来恢复旧的设定。 本次更新还包括其他小改进和错误修复。如果您想了解更多,请阅读我们的更新日志。



「代理配置」上的按钮在某些情况下没有响应 #1327

CoreLibs (过滤引擎)更新为 v1.14.51


在请求已处理事件中指示是否使用出站代理 #1385
添加将主机传递给出站代理的支持 #1386
改进了用户规则编辑器 #1402


仅对 document 应用 $permissions #1856
无法将 QUIC ClientHello 解析分成两个数据包 #1861
名称中包含 [ and ] 的 Cookie 规则被视为无效 #1843
同时运行 AdGuard 和 AdGuard VPN 浏览器扩展时,在某些情况下无法应用修饰符规则 #1791
VOT(嗓音起始时间)脚本无法在 Google 浏览器中运行 #1665
$all 修饰符工作不正确 #1842
未注入 mall.sk 内容脚本 #1834


在本機支援 :has() 的使用者代理清單中新增 Firefox 121.0+ #1840
$permissions 中添加了使用 | 作为分隔符的选项 #1850
在字符类中屏蔽带有转义斜线的 regex 规则不起作用 #1831
如果在 doctype 声明之前有标记(带 embed 属性),则无法注入内容脚本 #1825
添加了截获 DNS HTTPS 查询中的 ECH 参数 #1794
改进 HTML 过滤性能 #1855
DoH 连接的 on-the-fly 过滤支持 #198
支持韩国电信的反 DPI 功能 #1789
$path 修饰符对查询参数不起作用 #1817
有端口的 URL 上的 $removeparam 重定向到无端口的 URL #1818
AdGuard 破解 android-hilfe.de 网站 #1800
无法安全连接到 wiki.cemu.info #1821

DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎)更新为 v2.5.18


允许指定仅 tcp 和仅 udp DNS 上游 #208
支持向出站代理传递主机名,而不是引导 #197


改进对 HTTPS rrtype 的处理 #215
使用 DoH 中 IPv4/IPv6 的 Happy Eyeballs #217

UserscriptsWrapper 更新为 v1.2.23


添加 GM.xmlhttpRequest 作为 GM_xmlhttpRequest 的别名 #1785

将 Scriptlets(过滤规则的 JavaScript 改进)更新为 v1.10.25


添加与 uBO 的 set-cookie 脚本程序的兼容性 #332
添加新脚本程序 call-nothrow.js #333
添加新的脚本程序 spoof-css #317
添加新脚本 trusted-create-element #278
添加更多支持值改进了 set-cookie #379
添加 ga.q 属性改进了 Google 分析功能 #355
添加 OmidVerificationVendor 属性改进了 google-ima3 #353
添加新脚本 href-sanitizer #327
添加新脚本 json-prune-fetch-response #361
添加新脚本 json-prune-xhr-response #360
添加新脚本 trusted-suppress-native-method #383
set-cookie,增加一个可能的数值 #388
trusted-click-element,添加在 shadowRoot 中查找选择器的支持 #323
将一些重定向资源也用作小脚本 #300
新脚本 trusted-set-attr #281
新脚本 no-protected-audience #395
增加了白名单脚本的选择 #377
改进的 prevent-fetch,添加 cors 响应类型 #394
改进的 set-cookie,添加「域名」参数 #389


set-constant — setProxyTrap() #403
set-cookie — 不进行 Cookie 名称编码 #408
set-local-storage-item 转换 — '$remove$' 参数 #404
AdGuard Mac版 2.13
我们非常高兴地宣布 Mac 版 AdGuard v2.13 的新版本。该版本包含多项底层改进和错误修复,可大大增强用户的浏览体验。此外,我们还在 AdGuard 引入了一些新的实用功能,提高了广告拦截的效率。让我们仔细看看主要的改进。

提高 HTTPS 过滤的透明度

为了提高 HTTPS 过滤的透明度,AdGuard 提供通过「过滤日志」检查原始证书的选项。现在,用户可以查看任何网络请求的详细信息,检查 AdGuard 使用的加密,并检查原始证书。
查看证书 *mobile
此功能源于 HTTPS 过滤的一个主要问题。AdGuard 能有效地验证证书,但在某些情况下,用户可能希望自己检查原始证书。您可以在我们的知识库中阅读有关此问题的更多信息。

HTML 过滤规则选择器的支持

该版本的最大变化是改进了 HTML 过滤功能。AdGuard 在 HTML 过滤规则中添加了对选择器的支持,这有助于更有效地拦截广告。

新 DnsLibs 和基本 HTTP 验证

通过此次 DnsLibs 更新,AdGuard Mac 版的用户可以使用一项新功能,即「基本 HTTP 身份验证」。这意味着什么?
假设用户有一个自定义 DNS 服务器,并希望限制对它的访问权限。用户可以通过 IP 地址来限制访问权限(例如,只允许家庭 IP 连接到 DNS 服务器),但如果移动设备经常更换网络怎么办?
好消息,DNS-over-HTTPS 协议可以让我们享受 HTTP 协议的各种优势,其中之一就是身份验证选项。现在,在 AdGuard Mac 版中添加支持 HTTP 身份验证的自定义 DNS 服务器时,可以包含用于连接到该服务器的身份验证信息。
很快,AdGuard Home 和 AdGuard DNS 将提供「基本 HTTP 身份验证」,敬请期待!
我们还修复了一些小错误,并提高了 AdGuard 的性能和稳定性。希望您会喜欢 AdGuard v2.13 Mac 版。



为 AdGuard 助手添加了 Vivaldi 支持 #998
在过滤日志中显示 HTTPS 过滤状态和原始证书 #1284


停止/启动 DNS 服务失败 #1311
在 AdGuard 运行的情况下,WARP 收到「无法连接」错误信息 #1234
打开 AdGuard 时,Wi-Fi 授权弹出窗口不显示 #892
DNS 过滤破坏 Tunnelblick VPN #1310


CoreLibs 更新为 v1.13.115
删除了移动证书的选项 #277
为韩国电信添加了反 DPI 功能支持 #1789


已添加 !#else 预处理器指令支持 #1806
采用新的规则优先权方案 #1768
更改了 sec-ch-ua 标头,以在启用隐身模式时匹配用户代理 #1764
改进 HTML 过滤性能 #1772
改进了 ECH retry_configs 的用法 #1793


在 Edge Bing Chat 中不显示图片 #1744
使用 SXG 的网站从 Google 搜索打开时没有修饰过滤功能 #1812
macperformanceguide.com 网站上的过滤功能不起作用 #1810
TCP/IP 协议栈中的 UDP 超时太短 #1796
由于网站证书不同,其中一个子域未被过滤 #1839

DnsLibs(DNS 过滤引擎)​

DnsLibs 更新为 v2.4.36
​#### 改进
为 DoH 端点添加了基本验证功能 #189
允许在精确域名规则中使用 # 注释 #196


本地 DNS 代理在使用普通 DNS 上游时可能受到 DoS 攻击 #202
DoH 试图用陈旧的连接,时间太长了 #200
正确过滤 type=HTTPS 请求 #199


添加了 $extension 修饰符 disabling specific userscript #1706
改进了 HTML 过滤规则 $$,允许 CSS 的选择器 #94
添加了 cap_html_filtering 状态的支持 #1758
$denyallow 不允许屏蔽文件 #1809
$stealth 排除项在 TCP 栈层不起作用,我们在此阻止 STUN/TURN #1737
未将内容脚本注入 object 标记中加载的元素 #1769
根据 HTML "lang" 属性和语言请求 HTTP 头信息检测网站的地域 #1736
$replace, $hls$jsonprune 的回复大小限制提高到 10MB #326

Scriptlets(过滤规则的 JavaScript 改善)

​* 将 Scriptlets 更新为 v1.9.101


改进 prevent-fetch #364
改进了存储项目脚本,为删除项目添加 regexp 支持 #256
添加了新的受信任脚本 trusted-prune-inbound-object #372
set-cookie 添加了更多支持值 #375
改进了 set-local-storage-itemset-session-storage-item,增加了对「开」和「关」的支持 #366
处理 uBO 的语法 $redirect 优先级 #59
改进了 xml-prune,支持 xpath 文本内容匹配 #325
添加了根据名称转换重定向的 API 方法 #346
改进了 json-prunestack 工作 #348
改进的 prevent-xhr #347


googletagservices-gpt 缺少 setPrivacySettings 方法 #344
set-constant 脚本小程序突破 vimeo.com #380
修正了超出最大调用堆栈大小时的 set-constant 脚本程序 #373
修正了 set-constant 值的问题 #330
修复了 music.youtube.com 上的 trusted-replace-xhr-response 错误 #359
改进了 m3u-prune,如果存在 \r 则不会裁剪内容 #354
改进了 trusted-replace-fetch-response,如果 URL 由 Object.defineProperty 设置,则不替换内容 #367
在将参数转换为 uBO 规则时,参数中的逗号被删除 #343


将 UserscriptsWrapper 更新为 v1.2.21
网盘直链下载助手 用户脚本无法与 AdGuard 运行 #1780
AdGuard Mac版 2.12.2
我们发布了 Mac 版的更新!在 AdGuard v2.12.2 Mac 版中,我们解决了影响 Firefox 用户的一个严重问题。启用 AdGuard 后,某些网站无法加载,并会显示与安全证书有关的错误。



Firefox 中的 HSTS/SSL 错误 #1326


将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.12.83 #1324
AdGuard Mac版 2.12.1
在以前的 AdGuard Mac 版本中,有些用户遇到了一个问题,即每次系统重启后都会出现「AdGuard 要进行更改」的提示。在 AdGuard v2.12.1 Mac 版中,我们修复了这个错误,并更新了 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs。



AdGuard 重启后不断要求输入管理员密码 #1307
在 'have-result' 状态下,连接超时 #1180
使用 local 规则时,AdGuard 会阻止对 .local 域名的所有请求 #207


将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.12.78 #1308


将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.2.36 #1314
AdGuard Mac版 2.12
我们很高兴地宣布 Mac 版 AdGuard v2.12 已经更新了!这次我们大大改进了用户体验和隐私保护水平。请注意,此版本不再支持 macOS High Sierra 10.13 和 Mojave 10.14。如果有用户目前在使用旧版本的 Mac,请下载 AdGuard 的旧版本
Mac 版 AdGuard v2.12 推出重大改进。之前,软件只能过滤 HTTP/1 和 HTTP/2 流量。在 v2.12 中,我们更新了 CoreLibs,让用户可以启用 HTTP/3 过滤。HTTP/3(HTTP-over-QUIC)是HTTP 协议的最新版本,使用 QUIC 代替 TCP 。与 TCP 传输层协议相比,QUIC 网络协议有很多优点。它能提高隐私性和安全性,提供更稳定、更快速的互联网连接等优点。启用 HTTP/3 过滤后,用户不仅可以使用 QUIC 协议的所有优点,还可以阻止广告和跟踪器!现在,我们的用户可以不受任何干扰地享受快速的互联网连接。
目前,HTTP/3 过滤是一项实验性功能。此外,由于浏览器特定错误,该功能在 Chrome 浏览器中已经失效。不过,在 Safari 和 Firefox 中应该可以正常使用。要使用 HTTP/3 过滤,请转到「高级」→ 「高级设置」→「network.https.filter.http3.enabled」。
HTTP/3 支持 *mobile border
我们还修复了与 WARP 的兼容性问题,更新了 Scriptlets、CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs。



实验性 HTTP/3 过滤的支持 #1253


AdGuard 默认无法阻止 macOS Sonoma 上 "Web Apps" 中的广告 #1292
将鼠标悬停在更新按钮上时,指针不会改变 #1244
应用程序只安装了一个非推荐的恼人元素过滤器,而不是 5 个推荐过滤器 #1263



为基本规则添加了 $method 修饰符 #1713
允许使用空模式的 $stealth 规则 #1762


$jsonprune$replace$hls不适用于 non-GET-POST HTTP 方法 #1743
$path修饰符在路径market.yandex.ru/?` 上不起作用 #1726
$jsonprune 修饰符应能处理 jsonp 的引号 #1734
$network` 规则在带有 kext 的 macOS 上不起作用 #1773
如果 ExtendedCss 的使用不受限于 #?# 规则标记,可将 :has():not():is() 视为标准伪类 #1683


将 Scriptlets 更新为 v1.9.62


添加了根据名称转换重定向的 API 方法 #346
改进了 trusted-replace-fetch-response/trusted-replace-xhr-response,增加了替换所有匹配内容的功能 #303
添加了新 evaldata-prune scriptlet #322
添加了新 remove-node-text scriptlets #318
添加了新 trusted-replace-node-text scriptlet #319


添加了返回 set-constant scriptlet 支持值的新方法 #316
删除记录 scriptlets 的 cannot apply rule 信息 #313
在将规则转换为 uBO 规则时,AdGuard 将逗号考虑在内 #343
改进了 prevent-xhr scriptlet #347
修正了 log-addEventListener 操作中的错误 #335
如果请求/网域被 DNS 过滤阻止,prevent-fetchprevent-xhr scriptlet 无法提供帮助 #334
set-cookie 添加了 AcceptReject#336
set-cookie 设置了不区分大小写的值 #342
修改了 google-ima3 以避免与 DAI SDK 冲突 #331
修改了存储项目 scriptlet,增加了按键删除项目的功能 #338
prevent-xhrtrusted-replace-xhr-response 模拟 getResponseHeader()getAllResponseHeaders() 方法 #295
在调用 m3u-prunexml-prune scriptlet 中的 send() 方法之前使用 addEventListener 时出现的收缩问题 #315
prevent-element-src-loading scriptlet 添加了防止内联 onerror 和匹配 link 标记的功能 #276
trusted-set-cookie-reload,如果使用 $now$ 值,网站不会重新加载 #291
Cookie 设置 scriptlet,名称和值编码问题 #311
scriptlet 和重定向中的 Response 实例属性问题 #297
trusted-set-cookietrusted-set-cookie-reload scriptlet 的值编码问题 #320
修复 googletagservices-gpt — updateTargetingFromMap() #293
Scriptlet 应正确处理转义引号 #286
应用程序显示支持 scriptlet 或重定向 #273


将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.12.75 #1294
将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.2.27 #1299



添加了 HTTP/3(IETF QUIC)的支持("h3" 协议) #487
迁移到新的 XPC 进程间通信系统 #1675
添加了 $to 修饰符 #1714
添加了 $referrerpolicy 修饰符 #135


不支持 uBO 媒体查询 #1707
如果 AdGuard 已在运行,WARP 会收到「无法连接 」的错误 #1234
访问 ipTIME 家庭路由器时出现几秒钟的延迟 #1756
如果启用了 VPN 扩展,带有 ECH 设置的 AdGuard 桌面版会阻止对域名的访问 #1751
AdGuard 会减慢网页加载速度 #1522
排除项规则相互干扰 #1749
「隐藏您的搜索记录」选项运行不正确 #1766
mypikpak.com 无法使用修饰规则 #1767
启用 network.https.ech.enabled 設定后,不支援 ECH 的网站将启用 ECH GREASE #1781
处理脚本 text decryption key not found 时出错 #1750
有时后备 DNS 助手返回,而不是提供商的服务器 #1687
TCP/IP: 添加了新的拒绝模式,因为行政禁止 ICMP #1774
TcpIpStack 中的 UDP 超时太短 #1796
用户脚本 SaveFrom helperok.ru 网站下载视频时出错 #1776



将 "lb._dns-sd._udp.*.in-addr.arpa" 添加到默认排除列表中 #194


DoH 经常试图使用过时的连接方式 #200
sdns://证书固定不正确 #205
不要将 指向出站代理 #195


将 UserscriptsWrapper 更新为 v1.2.20


imdb.com 的用户脚本不起作用 #1729
AdGuard Mac版 2.11
在这次更新中,我们改进了「高级设置」的界面,把设置按字母顺序排序,它们的名称可以复制,列宽可以调整。现在还有一个转到知识库文章的链接。此外,我们修复了一些错误并更新了 Dnslibs。



添加了越南语的支持 #1224


浏览器助手图标在v2.10.1中随机变成灰色 #1247
在 Safari 浏览器中,无法选择要屏蔽的 baidu.com 项目 #1246
使用出站代理时无法导出设置 #1249
捷克语「关于」部分有错别字 #1225


将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.2.5 #1243
AdGuard Mac版 2.10.1
在这个补丁中,我们修复了一个错误,该错误导致一些在主用户脚本名称中使用 unicode 的用户脚本无法起作用。我们还改进了实验性 Encrypted ClientHello(ECH)的功能,以确保它可以在 Kext 和自动代理过滤模式下工作。最后,像往常一样,我们更新了 CoreLibs 和 DNSLibs。



在 Kext 和 PAC 过滤模式下无法使用 ECH 功能 #1226
在 yandex.ru/images 无法使用 path 修饰符 #1738
自定义用户脚本在更新到v2.10后无法工作 #1229


$permissions 现在使用 Structured Field Values 语法而不是 CSP 语法 #1748


将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.11.98 #1237
将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.1.38 #1236
AdGuard Mac版 2.10
适用于 Mac 的 AdGuard v2.10 版本带来了许多新功能和各种改进。

默认启用 DNS 过滤

DNS 保护默认启用。现在所有的,而不仅是付费版的用户,都可用 DNS 保护。如有用户不使用 DNS 服务器,软件将自动选择具有 AdGuard DNS 过滤的系统 DNS 服务器。本改进非常重要,因为有它我们才可以引入另一个功能,即 Encrypted ClientHello (ECH) 的支持。

实验性 Encrypted ClientHello 的支持

什么是 Encrypted ClientHello?

目前,几乎每一个 HTTPS 连接是加密的,没有人可以查看其信息。然而,连接的第一个数据包,即 ClientHello,包含用户所连接的服务器名称。假设用户想打开 www.google.com,ISP 无法检测用户发送和接收的信息,但 ISP 知道用户在与什么网站进行通信。Encrypted ClientHello (ECH) 就解决该问题,对最后一点未加密的信息进行加密,完全加密 HTTPS 连接。这意味着,第三方,比如互联网服务提供商,无法检测连接的信息或用户所访问的网站。
AdGuard 并不是唯一支持 ECH 的软件。 Chrome 和 Firefox 浏览器也在试图实施对 ECH 的支持。但是,AdGuard 有一个显著的优势。
假设 Chrome 已经增加了对 ECH 的支持,这意味着,本功能只能在 Chrome 内起作用,不能扩展到其他应用程序和浏览器。相比之下,AdGuard 的 ECH 支持在 AdGuard 过滤的所有应用程序和浏览器中自动运作。因此,用户不必等待操作系统或应用程序应用这一功能,因为有了 AdGuard,用户就可以使用 ECH 的支持。

如何启用 ECH 支持

要启用 ECH 支持,请遵循以下步骤:
确保「DNS 保护」处于开启状态。ECH 依赖于通过 DNS 获取的数据,因此为了让 AdGuard 接收到这些数据,并为用户在全系统范围内启用 ECH,需要进行 DNS 过滤。
请查看dns.proxy.block.encrypted.client.hello.response.parameters 处于关闭状态。本功能会干扰 ECH 支持的正常运行。
前往「高级设置」并启动 network.https.ech.enabled
如何启用 ECH 支持
为了确保 ECH 工作正常,请使用以下方法:
前往 https://crypto.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace/ ,应该被显示 sni=encrypted.
如何检查 ECH 是否正常工作
前往 https://defo.ie/ech-check.php,应该被显示 SSL_ECH_STATUS: success.
如何检查 ECH 是否开启


ECH 是一项新技术,所以用户在使用时可能会遇到一些问题。
ECH 支持可能会减慢网页加载速度。不过,我们正在努力解决这个问题!
请注意:ECH 支持必须在双方实现。只有 AdGuard 支持本功能是不够的,服务器也必须支持它。ECH 是一项新技术,因此,目前支持它的服务器数量还是比较少。然而,支持 ECH 的服务器数量预计将会增长。


反 DPI 影响的选项允许对过滤请求进行低级别的修改,以保护用户流量不受深度包检测(DPI)的影响
Keepalive 选项让用户配置与 Keepalive 连接有关的设置
DNS 相关选项帮助用户微调 DNS 设置 network.https.ech.enabled
我们升级了 CoreLibs、DnsLibs、Scriptlets 和 ExtendedCSS。此外,增加了乌克兰语过滤器。



「DNS 过滤」和「系统 DNS」默认为所有用户被启用#1217
添加了 Tor 浏览器的支持 #1045
添加了 Arc 浏览器的支持 #1188
通过 Safari 报告错误时,默认打开一个新的标签,而不是一个窗口 #1100


当导出项目名称包含文件系统的无效字符时,导出失败 #1198
如果应用程序在禁用「过滤器更新检查间隔」的情况下启动,网络服务无法连接 #1190
主屏幕上与许可屏幕上的许可期剩余天数不一致 #1177
在 MacOS 13 上读取系统证书存储时,过滤服务崩溃 #1151



将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.11.79 #1221
Encrypted ClientHello 的支持 #1565
添加了 HTTPS 排除项的精确匹配语法 #1691
对普通 HTTP 实施「保护免受 DPI 影响」 #1629
改进了因「无网络连接」而启动网络扩展时的故障检测 #1679
「保护免受 DPI 影响」允许配置 HTTPS #1649
添加了签名证书时间戳 (SCT) 的支持 #1529
暂停 AdGuard 时,Netbiosd 进程开始使用大量的 CPU #937
修复了丢失的 TCP/HTTP 连接 #1658
Brook 无法拦截广告 #1641
如果安装了 NEAppProxyFlow.networkInterface,则使用 NEAppProxyFlow.networkInterface,而不是 RouteResolver #1677
修复了用户脚本的 @match 字段的不正确工作 #1650
HTTPS 过滤打破 trading.finam.ru #1724
elearning.ual.pt 在启用「保护免受 DPI 影响」的情况下无法打开 #4451
在结尾有点的网站上无法进行过滤 #1741
path 修饰符在 yandex.ru/images/ 不起作用#1738


将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.1.27 #1211
在备份域名添加了 tplinkdeco.net #175
在备份域名添加了 tplinkextender.net #183
在安卓的 IPv6-only 网络崩溃 #182
DNS 上游超时导致许多请求待定 #40


将 Scriptlets 更新为 v1.9.1
添加了新 m3u-prune 小脚本 #277
set-attr 小脚本中增加了更多可用的值 #283
改善了 'adjust-setTimeoutadjust-setInterval` 小脚本 #262
改善了 json-prune 小脚本 #282
修复了对 noopcss 重定向的兼容性 #299
修复了 google-ima 重定向的兼容性问题 #272
修复了 prevent-addEventListener 和用户脚本之间的兼容性问题 #271
修复了与 prevent-element-src-loading 有关的问题#270
修复了与 xml-prune有关的错误 #289


​* 将 ExtendedCss 更新为 v2.0.51
IAffectedElementstyle' 中的content' 属性现在是可选的 #163


添加 $permissions 修饰符 #419
添加 $domain 修饰符的 regexp 支持 #1550
添加 $url 修饰符 #1551
改进了 $redirect 语法与 uBO 的兼容性 #1605
改进了 $jsonprune #1710
$jsonprune 修饰符应该成功处理 jsonp #1717
在应用转换后的 uBO-syntax HTML 规则 ##^script:has-text() 时,将原始规则发送到过滤日志记录#1709
解决了将 HTML 过滤转换为 uBO 的问题 #1708
$generichide + $generichide,badfilter导致保护不能被启用/禁用 #1681
有时 $important 修饰符无法运作 #1695
$removeparam 排除项无法运作 #1704
正确的规则被标记为无效 #1625
如果规则中包含~domain,元素隐藏排除项就不起作用 #1673
AdGuard Mac版 2.9.2
从这个版本开始,对于刚刚安装该应用程序的用户,将默认启用 DNS 保护。作为默认,AdGuard 使用用户 ISP 提供的 DNS 服务器,但您可以从列表中选择另一个 DNS 服务器,或是添加您自己的。要做到这一点,前往设置DNS,用户还可以设置 DNS 过滤或关闭 DNS 保护。
此外,我们还更新了波兰语翻译,修复了一些小错误,并升级了我们的核心过滤引擎,及 CoreLibs 和 DNSLibs。



将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.10.182 #1175
将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.0.75 #1179


PIX-LINK 路由器/中继器域转为后备域名 #170
Safari 浏览器助手中缺少波兰语翻译 #1174
AdGuard Mac版 2.9.1
这次更新我们修了一些恼人的错误。除此之外,我们更新了 CoreLibs、DnsLibs,以及 DNSCrypt 的 DNS stamps。


[优化] 将 CoreLibs 更新为 v1.10.135 #1161
[优化] 将 DnsLibs 更新为 v2.0.56 #1162
[修复] macOS 13 公测版上安装时出错#1116
[修复] 有一些 regexp 规则无法运作 #1688
AdGuard Mac版 2.9.0
我们现在为大家隆重介绍 Mac 版 AdGuard v2.9.0!这次版本包含的更新都是经过了各种关卡测试,层层选拔的通关者。
在正题开始前,我们要强调:当前 AdGuard Mac 版不支持 macOS 10.12(Sierra)。AdGuard v2.9.0 支持的最低操作系统是,macOS 10.13(High Sierra)。下次更新后,支持的最低操作系统就会变成 MacOS 10.15(Catalina)了。
[优化]实现了通过过滤日志添加规则的功能 #925
我们实现了 AdGuard Mac 版用户一直以来都很期待的功能,即通过“过滤日志”一键添加规则的功能。用户只要打开过滤日志,选择查询排行,双击它,并点击「拦截」或「取消拦截」。用户规则添加就完成了!
[优化] 代理设置移至网络标签 #734
我们把代理设置从普通用户很少查看的高级设置迁移至应用程序设置中的“网络”标签。现在,用户很简单就可以设置 AdGuard 连接出站代理服务器。此外,用户也可以在我们的博客中找到如何在设备上配置自己的代理并且与 AdGuard 一起运行的说明
[优化] 高级设置中添加了一个新的日志记录部分logging_item_zh-cn
主要 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs 更新
这次更新包含主要 CoreLibs 和 DnsLibs 更新。现在,在 CoreLibs v1.10.113 可以过滤 DNS-over-HTTPS,并且使用 $jsonprune 修饰符。包含 $stealth 修饰符的规则可以禁用一些隐形模式的选项,包括「保护免受 DPI 影响」。我们还更新了小脚本库。
大幅更新的 DNS 过滤库 DnsLibs v2.0.30 版本现在消耗的资源更少,而且运行的速度更快。DNS-over-QUIC 协议的实现现在可以支持 RFC 9250 标准,并且从 DoQ 协议的支持中移除实验性状态。
当然,除了解决以上一些比较大的问题外,我们还解决了不少小错误,让 AdGuard 运行更流畅。我们希望用户们都会喜欢 Mac 版 AdGuard 2.9.0 的使用体验!


[优化] 在 DNS 标签中为「常规」DNS 服务器描述添加了「未加密」图标 #1034
[优化] 如果禁用 AdGuard 保护,则不再显示应用程序退出确认 #1079
[优化] 删除 AdGuard 稳定(发布)版本编号中的 发布 一词。#1099
[修复] 将新网站添加到白名单时,之前添加的网站会被删除#1056
[修复] 关于关闭 AdGuard 的确认信息没有出现在其他应用程序的顶部 #1058
[修复] 当网络关闭时,通过网络扩展进行过滤初始化时出现错误 #1124
[修复] 启用 AdGuard 时出现内存泄漏 #1092
[修复] AdGuard 在睡眠模式下不过滤广告请求 #994


[优化] 过滤器元数据解析被移至 CoreLibs
[优化] 实现了通过过滤日志添加规则的功能 #925
[优化] 增加了对使用 $jsonprune 规则编辑 JSON 响应的支持 #1447
[优化] 增加了一个新的修改器,用于处理 HLS(m3u8)文件 #1434
[优化] 扩大了 $stealth 修改器的功能范围 #1224
[优化] 增加了对非基本规则的空$path修改器的支持 #1591
[优化] $removeparam 可以应用于 POST 请求#1573
[修复] 从第三方隐藏用户的 Referrer 的隐身模式选项干扰了 $third-party 的修饰语 #1640
[修复] 包含 :where() 伪类的规则被拒绝 #1609
[修复] 修复过滤器中的预处理程序指令

将 CoreLibs 更新为 1.10.113

[优化] 增加了对使用 $jsonprune 规则编辑 JSON 响应的支持 #1447
[优化] 应用了 DoH 请求的过滤
[优化] 扩大了 $stealth 修改器的功能范围 #1224
[优化] 拦截器不计入过滤器列表中 #1667
[优化] 过滤器元数据解析被移至 CoreLibs
[优化] 增加了一个新的修改器,用于处理 HLS(m3u8)文件 #1434
[优化] 增加了对非基本规则的空 $path 修改器的支持 #1591
[优化] $removeparam 可以用于 POST 请求 #1573
[修复] 包含 $third-party 修饰语的规则拦截来自网站子域的资源。 #1637
[修复] 从第三方隐藏用户的 Referrer 的隐身模式选项干扰了 $third-party 的修饰语 #1640
[修复] 在 macOS 上处理旁路连接时的内存泄漏问题 #1643
[修复] AdGuard Mac 版阻止对 wwww.mindray.com 的访问 #1648
[修复] 带有 $all 修饰语的规则不阻止访问的网站 #1590
[修复] AdGuard Mac 版阻止 Microsoft Edge Collections #1653
[修复] 包含 :where() 伪类的规则被拒绝 #1609

将 DNSLibs 更新为 2.0.30

[修复] 搜索 DNS64 出错 #1142
[其他] 在高级设置中增加了新的选项 阻止 "Encrypted ClientHello" 参数 #161
[其他] 在构建项目时,出现了关于链接到 dylib 的警告,这对于应用扩展来说是不安全的 #136
AdGuard Mac版 2.8.1
AdGuard Mac版 2.8.1
We released the last version not long ago, but it looks like we're quite the perfectionists. In the new patch, we fixed bugs with DNS filtering and small UI imperfections. And, as usual, we updated the CoreLibs and made a few more improvements to make sure it all works perfectly.


[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.62
[Fixed] AdGuard sometimes crashes when importing DNS rules/domains
[Fixed] App crashes when DB malformed
[Fixed] DNS settings interface glitches when switching tabs
[Fixed] Search bar in Blocklist&Allowlist disappears
[Fixed] AdGuard does not detect the presence of a DNS profile
[Fixed] Scrollbar behavior in section “Filtered applications”
AdGuard Mac版 2.8.0
我們上次發佈 AdGuard Mac 版更新的時候還是聖誕節之前。現在是西方的復活節,終於迎來了2022年的首次更新。這次更新包括三個重要更新。第一個是,廣大 Mac 使用者催促已久的設定匯出/匯入功能終於來了,本功能已經在每一款 AdGuard 產品中都有了,Mac 版是最後一個“吃螃蟹的人”。現在好日子來了,Mac 版的使用者終於也可以批量匯出和匯入他們的設定了,辛苦大家久等了!
第二個功能是,現在使用者安裝 AdGuard 應用程式時會看到更多對話框。安裝時 AdGuard 需要不少訪問權限而且也確實會對使用者的系統配置執行很多改變。更重要的是,AdGuard 會創建並安裝憑證以執行 HTTPS 過濾。出於尊重使用者隱私安全和對安全隱患的理解, 我們決定要向使用者解釋 AdGuard 要求的所有權限。這一點非常重要。畢竟,大家安裝 AdGuard 原因不就是看中 AdGuard 廣告封鎖力強而且尊重使用者隱私嗎?因此,借在關於此憑證的新對話畫面上的機會,我們再次堅定聲明我們的宗旨:除了過濾廣告之外我們不會將在使用者的系統上取得的權限用於任何其他目的,永遠不會。
最重要的功能壓軸登場,我們新增了能夠改善使用者隱私保護的選項,即反 DPI。在部分情況下,本功能可以防止使用者 ISP 的數據包的深度封包檢測到使用者訪問的網站。可以說反 DPI 功能是我們對網路中立性的投入。
我們還修復了程式錯誤(解決了當應用程式屬於啟用狀態時瀏覽器延伸功能圖示不知不覺改成灰色的問題)。像往常一樣,我們改善了 CoreLibs 和 DNSLibs 以讓應用程式使用體驗更流暢。希望大家滿意!


[優化] 增加設定匯出#514
[優化] 增加一個對話框,說明 AdGuard 需要運行根基工具以配置系統#977
[優化] 啟用和禁用保護的捷徑方式#879
[修復] 瀏覽器助理圖示變灰 #1025
[修復] 如果清單中不包括最後更新,則不顯示最後更新 #1022
[修復] 向 AdguardFilters 報告問題時缺少使用者腳本#1033
[修復] 在 Safari 中啟用 AdGuard 助理時,AdGuard 有時會崩潰#1016

CoreLibs 更新為 v1.9.60

[優化] 在隱匿模式新增了反 DPI 選項#1615
[修復] Kinopoisk.ru 的授權問題#1502
[修復] 一些正確的規則無法運行#1531
[其他] 支持快速速度/Adguard 鎖定在 300mbp/s #1561
[其他] Facebook 圖片上傳不工作 #1588
[其他] DnsLibs 更新為 v1.7.22版
AdGuard Mac版 2.7.0
Using the app has become safer, easier, and overall more pleasant. Browse the web even more securely thanks to an updated Browsing security module, activate your AdGuard account via social networks, and check for filter updates as frequently as you wish.
[Enhancement] Safebrowsing v2.0 Safebrowsing, which is responsible for blocking requests to malicious and phishing sites, has been upgraded. The new version of this module makes browsing the Internet safer than ever.
[Enhancement] Social login for license activation We’ve implemented the ability to activate AdGuard license via Google, Facebook, or Apple account.
[Enhancement] Add option to choose filters update check period #146 A long-awaited feature is finally here!


[Added] The possibility to disable script interceptor in Advanced settings #992
[Fixed] Incompatibility with AirDrop on macOS Monterey #973
[Fixed] Issue with displaying the certificate chain through the browser assistant #836
[Fixed] AdGuard DNS crashes after waking MacBook Pro up from sleep mode #962
[Enhancement] Refined color scheme of filtering rules in Dark mode #863
[Enhancement] Started using FilterlistProcessor for downloading filter lists #995
[Enhancement] Added 360 Secure Browser to the list of filtered apps #999
[Enhancement] CoreLibs updated to 1.8.276 #1017
[Enhancement] DNSLibs updated to 1.6.71 #1011
AdGuard Mac版 2.6.1
We’re back with a patch less than a week. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, as the saying goes. We’re sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. This patch provides a few bug fixes and improvements. Hopefully, the new version makes things better.

[Fixed] Mail.app account switched offline #965

Sometimes traffic of non-filtered protocols in filtered apps was corrupted due to a bug. That might break IMAP connections in the Apple Mail app. As a result, users of AdGuard for Mac could not access their email accounts, they showed “Offline” in the preferences. Luckily, we managed to fix this issue at the earliest possible time, so now AdGuard users shouldn’t have any trouble with receiving emails.


[Fixed] AdGuard DNS crashing after waking MacBook Pro up from sleep mode #962
[Enhancement] Add Sidekick to the list of default browsers #938
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.221 #971
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.58 #970
AdGuard Mac版 2.6.0
It took us 7 months from the previous minor release to prepare this one. Remarkably, the previous big release took place almost exactly a year ago, on October 12, 2020. That’s a substantial period of time, so we can’t help but hold our breath when we present the new version of AdGuard for Mac. It delivers such features as DNS filtering, native Apple silicon support, and Monterey support. The first two ones have been used by beta testing enthusiasts for a long time now, but today we’ve finally got to the release point, so the features will be available for all users.

DNS filtering support #685

We've used the same approach as in AdGuard for Windows, Android, and iOS, bringing to the app for Mac DNS servers, DNS blocklists and allowlists. One of feature requests from users was adding DNSCrypt, DoH, and DoT support. Finally, it's all there, DoT included. AdGuard DNS has become the first public DNS resolver to support the cutting-edge DNS-over-QUIC protocol. Now you needn't rely on a DNS server provided by your ISP by default, you can choose DNS servers from known DNS providers and add custom DNS servers. You can also add domains to DNS blocklist or allowlist and add complicated rules using DNS rules syntax. Besides, you can add DNS filters of your choice. You can find various filters and links to them here.

Native Apple Silicon support #801

Another great news is that we're added М1 support, now AdGuard for Mac is fully optimized to run on Apple Silicon.

macOS Monterey support #875

macOS Monterey is the latest version coming this fall. We did our best to make AdGuard v2.6 for Mac work seamlessly with macOS Monterey. All you need to do is wait for the newest macOS 12 to be released – to try AdGuard on it, among other things :)


[Fixed] AdGuard no longer filters Brave Browser on Big Sur #746
[Fixed] AdGuard cannot detect that AdGuard Browser Assistant is installed in Chrome #907
[Fixed] AdGuard stops running after the Mac is out of sleep mode #781
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes when updating filters #911
[Fixed] Change the KEXT behavior in case of switching between users #769
[Fixed] Editing an allowlist causes the app to crash #860
[Fixed] Fast user switching might corrupt the certificate database #675
[Fixed] The Vivaldi Browser traffic is not filtered #852
[Fixed] AdGuard assistant: Add the ability to install in Chrome Beta/Chrome dev browser #950
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.214 #960
AdGuard Mac版
This small update contains a CoreLibs enhancement and only one, but rather an important fix: a nasty crash that was bothering a non-zero percent of our users.


[Enhancement] CoreLibs updated to v1.7.200 #841
[Fixed] Crash in AGNEVpnRouteResolver::refreshRoutingTable() #1416
AdGuard Mac版
This is a rather uncharacteristic update for AdGuard for Mac. There's no real headliner, but instead a bunch of bugfixes, low-scale improvements, and localization updates. Important! Starting with this update, AdGuard will only work on macOS 10.12+. Unfortunately, the older macOS versions do not have capabilities to support the advanced techniques we use in our filtering engine.


[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.189 #835
[Fixed] Some text strings on the initial setup screen are clipped #785
[Fixed] Opera browser isn't filtered in Network extension mode #800
[Fixed] Switching between system profiles causes AdGuard to crash #805
[Fixed] hepsiburada.com - HTTPS filtering issue #1406
[Fixed] blockchain.com is broken #1411
[Other] Added Dutch localization
[Other] Microsoft Outlook removed from the list of applications filtered by default
[Other] Added AdGuard Browser Assistant extension support in Edge browser
AdGuard Mac版
Today we are launching a small but still very important hotfix. Namely, the compatibility with the new Chrome 87 was improved and the CoreLibs was updated.
[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
This week Chrome 87 was released, which has a compatibility problem with AdGuard when using the HTTP/2 filtering protocol - some sites may experience regular hangs and download errors. In this update we have improved HTTP/2 filtering compatibility with Chrome 87, it is recommended to upgrade to the new stable version as soon as possible. :)
[Fixed] BigSur: AdGuard can't start protection in Network Extension filtering mode because of codeSignatureInvalid error
Also in this update, the issue which many Big Sur users encountered was fixed. AdGuard network extension couldn't pass the authenticity verification of the developer's signature. Because of that, it was impossible to turn the Network Extension mode on and to enable AdGuard protection.


[Fixed] AdGuard stops working after the system is out of sleep #781
[Fixed] Change the KEXT behavior in case of a change of user #769
[Other] Protection switch is stuck after system update
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.150 #787
AdGuard Mac版 2.5.1
This patch is simple and clear: only four fixes in the main changelog and three ones in the CoreLibs section. In case you've never heard of it, CoreLibs is our filtering engine that affects filtering quality of our apps so we try to upgrade it regularly.


[Fixed] The DeepL app won't connect #763
[Fixed] No HTTPS connectivity in browser #755
[Fixed] Nord VPN breaks connection when AdGuard uses KEXT
[Fixed] AdGuard blocks Facebook images from loading

CoreLibs updated to v1.7.143

[Fixed] $badfilter rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331
[Fixed] Issues with web filtering
[Enhancement] Improved behavior in Proxy mode when server addresses are partly unavailable #123
AdGuard Mac版 2.5
The biggest thing about AdGuard v2.5 for Mac is better compatibility with Big Sur. Thanks to adoption of System Extensions, AdGuard will work better on the newest macOS iteration — read below to find out the details. Other than that, we made a lot of changes and enhancements to CoreLibs, which will result in an overall better filtering quality.
[Enhancement] System Extensions support in Big Sur #692
First of all, what are System Extensions? It all started in 2019 when Apple decided to minimize the amount of code that's executed in kernel. The old framework — Kernel Extensions — was declared as deprecated. As an alternative, Apple offered System Extensions, and specifically Network Extensions as a framework for apps that filter traffic.
In macOS 11 (Big Sur), the old Kernel Extensions will not be supported (partly or at all), so we are adding support for the new framework. If you're already on Big Sur preview, make sure your AdGuard works in Network Extensions mode: open AdGuard's menu -> Select Preferences... -> Network -> Select Mode.... "Kernel Extension" mode should be grayed out, and "Network Extension" mode should be selected.
Unfortunately, as a replacement for Kernel Extensions, Network Extensions aren't around for long yet (they first appeared in this role in macOS 10.15). They are still being actively developed by Apple, so there is a significant amount of various issues associated with them. If you're facing any, please check out our problem solving guide.

Other changes

[Fixed] AdGuard icon hidden from menu bar #265
[Fixed] The protection is automatically deactivated when the system goes into sleep mode #722
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter Brave Browser on Big Sur #746
[Fixed] Enable/disable protection in main menu is available when the app starts
[Fixed] Parameters stripped by Stealth Mode are not visible in filtering log
[Fixed] Incorrect behavior of EV-certs filtering feature
[Fixed] Switching between logging modes is not working with kext
[Fixed] Trackers counter doesn't work
[Other] Upstream Proxy added for AdGuard #731
[Other] Added "How to enable Network extension" screen
[Other] New app icons for Big Sur
[Other] Localizations updated

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.119

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Enhancement] Indicate libraries versions #1150
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return the original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match URL #1311
[Fixed] Foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] Path combining helper adds an extra slash #1338
[Fixed] The filter ID of the triggered rule for a blocked request is not defined correctly#1312
[Fixed] Issue with hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Encoding errors #79
[Other] Partial HTML processing issues #1308
[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
AdGuard Mac版 2.4
Here comes AdGuard for Mac 2.4! Two betas served as cornerstones for this new version and we are glad to present it to you five months after the previous release.
The biggest thing that has changed here is the new Assistant. CoreLibs has traditionally been updated, too, which enhanced filtering quality. In other aspects, 2.4 is more of a bugfix release. We cleaned it from the recurrent problems of the previous versions, polished it up, so it works nice and smooth.

[Enhancement] The old Assistant has been replaced with a native Assistant browser extension #669, #670

AdGuard Browser Assistant is a new browser extension that simultaneously takes over the roles of the old Assistant and of the integration mode. We definitely support the functional approach, so we thought: why distribute workload between two old tools when one new extension can handle it better? Now let us tell you what AdGuard Browser Assistant is capable of.
What can you do with the help of the Assistant? Enable/disable filtering on the current webpage, manually block any element on the page, reporting the website if something goes wrong or view the filtering log. Now you have all these features without the limitations that appeared in the integration mode or in the old Assistant.
When you install AdGuard for Mac for the first time (or update it to the new version), the Safari Assistant will be installed automatically. If you use another browser, you can download the Assistant at this link. Or, you can install the Assistant for your default browser via app settings or during the onboarding process.


[Fixed] Incorrect information about QUIC connections is displayed in the filtering log #532
[Fixed] Filtering in Microsoft Edge Beta doesn't turn off when removing the browser from filtered applications #663
[Fixed] AdGuard does not preserve the Whitelist #674
[Fixed] Fast user switching might corrupt certificate database #675
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn’t work in Brave Beta 1.7.64 #689
[Enhancement] Different build configurations for beta/release/nightly #615
[Enhancement] "What's new" screen now shows up after major app updates #671
[Other] New localizations: Croatian, Persian, Romanian, Thai #678

CoreLibs has been updated to 1.5.269

[Fixed] Incorrect extended CSS rule causes problems with JS rules’ work * #1147
[Fixed] Rules with :style() are converted incorrectly #1149
[Fixed] Issue with LINE extension #1280
[Fixed] Rules with restricted domains do not match requests without referer #1286
[Fixed] Stealth mode error #1290
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules #1293
[Fixed] Basic rules with wilcard in top level domains are not working #1298
[Enhancement] “Proceed anyway” option doesn’t work correctly if a website is blocked by a rule with $all modifier #1267
[Enhancement] New rule selection algorithm for the cases when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1291
AdGuard Mac版 2.3.2
After looking closer at the last beta we decided it was good enough to become a little proud release all by itself. It’s mostly focused on fixing network- and UI-related bugs, but there’s also a new Stealth Mode parameter to block Java.
[Added] “Block Java” option to Stealth Mode #476
[Added] HTTPS filtering step to the initial wizard #659
[Changed] Discord, Steam and Outlook added to the list of apps filtered by default #483
[Fixed] Several minor UI issues in Filters window #422
[Fixed] The text for onboarding tips is truncated in some localizations #616
[Fixed] Onboarding screen turns black #629
[Fixed] Menubar icon becomes semi-transparent #650
[Fixed] AdGuard is irresponsive after pressing "Ignore" button during settings reset #651
[Fixed] "Next" button unavailable during extension reinstall #652
[Improved] After adding a custom filter the focus is switched to that filter #441
[Improved] Certificate page design #451
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.163 #662
AdGuard Mac版
What makes a good ad blocker update? New features? We added custom userscripts support and activation via personal account — check. Improved ad blocking quality? There’s a CoreLibs update and support for new modifiers — check. Fixes to known bugs? It’s all here, and it’s for you to enjoy!
[Added] Custom userscripts support #11
Userscripts, or “extensions” as we also call them, are highly useful mini-programs that change the behavior of web pages. Every AdGuard for Mac user probably knows about at least some of the extensions added by default, for example, AdGuard Assistant or Popup Blocker.
Now you have an option to add any custom extensions by clicking on the plus symbol in the “Extensions” tab of AdGuard settings window. You are able to load userscripts either from a local file or by URL.
[Added] Option to activate AdGuard by logging into your personal account #588
This is something we’ve already tried with some of the other AdGuard products, and it proved to be a useful addition. Basically, instead of entering a license key directly, you can link your adguard.com personal account to the app by entering the credentials, and AdGuard will automatically get activated if there’s at least one eligible license key in your account.
[Added] Scriptlets support
Scriptlets is a powerful ad blocking instrument. You can say that scriptlet is an internal script (a mini-program) that we install with the app, and then execute that script with the help of filtering rules. Putting it simply, scriptlets allow us to modify how the code of the web page behaves. As for the practical use, this helps to block anti-ad blockers, for example, and in some other cases.
[Added] $redirect and $rewrite modifiers support
They are practically the same modifiers, and they allow to substitute resources. If you are not a custom filtering rules aficionado, don't bother with it. Just know that it is yet another instrument in the hands of filter developers that helps block ads more efficiently.
We should mention that both $redirect and $rewrite modifiers are still kind of working in test mode, but they are fully operational and you should feel free to use them.
[Added] “Trusted” flag for custom filters #521
[Changed] Edge icons have been updated #641
[Changed] Opera Beta and Opera Dev added to the list of apps filtered by default #621
[Fixed] “Untrusted CA certificate” issue #596
[Fixed] Extra copies of “AdGuard Extra” userscript #607
[Fixed] Editing user rules doesn’t work when search box is not empty #569
[Fixed] AdGuard icon is invisible #527
[Fixed] Remotix compatibility issues #592
[Fixed] Custom userscripts can’t resolve URLs with non-English symbols #640
[Improved] Installer icon updated to match the app’s icons #584
[Improved] Voiceover accessibility #634
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.130 #645
[Improved] AdGuard now can parse Last modified parameter of custom filters #409
[Improved] Localizations have been updated
AdGuard Mac版 2.1.3
Recently, many Chrome-based browsers have rolled out their respective updates. Due to some technical peculiarities behind these updates, AdGuard for Mac became unable to filter these browsers’ traffic. Obviously, we couldn’t sit on our hands till the next scheduled release and came up with an urgent hotfix.
AdGuard Mac版 2.1.2
This update will not blow you away, unless you are really, really into bugfixes and under the hood improvements. But those we have aplenty, especially when it comes to CoreLibs filtering engine. As a result, the new Mac version works faster and blocks ads better than its predecessor, but lacks bit in the wow-factor: the only new feature is, admittedly, rather tame.
[Added] Automatic filter subscriptions detection #279
Most filters have “subscribe” buttons on their homepages or in other places. From now on, AdGuard will be able to intercept click on such links and offer you to add these filters to the app. It’s not much perhaps, but it’s a nice thing to have and it certainly won’t hurt anyone 🙂
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.4
There are over 50 bugfixes and improvements in this new CoreLibs version. Some notable examples:
AdGuard doesn't unnecessarily reset cookies anymore. Previously it could lead to such problems as spontaneous sign outs, which was especially irritating for websites like Twitch or YouTube.
Protection restart doesn't require closing connections anymore. Before v2.1, protection restarts could sometimes cause the interruption of your ongoing downloads, issues with online games etc.
Several issues with upload speed have been resolved.
Overall, AdGuard for Mac is now faster and much more stable than it used to be.
[Fixed] No internet connection with custom DNS in DNSCrypt #528
[Fixed] adguard-tcpkill process constantly crashes on macOS Catalina #530
[Fixed] “Reset Settings” option hangs the app #543
[Fixed] iTunes Store access issue #552
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Improved] Algorithm for automatic language filters activation #513
[Improved] Automatic detection of certificate issues in Firefox #472
[Improved] New settings reconfiguration method does not require closing active connections #542
[Improved] The new icon implemented across the app #561
[Improved] The protocol to add filter subscriptions #559
[Improved] Localizations has been updated
AdGuard Mac版 2.0.6
WARNING: for the app to work properly you might need to restart the system.
NOTE: if you currently have AdGuard installed to any folder except for /Applications, the old version will launch after the update anyway. In such case you need to close and uninstall the old AdGuard. Users who have AdGuard installed to /Applications already can update as usual.
Its a common situation when a release is followed by a hotfix, taking care of all unnoticed bugs. The bigger the release, the more bugfixes there usually are in the hotfix. All things considered, v2.0 can be considered a success, seeing how few serious issues we had to resolve in this update.

Ad blocking

[Fixed] Status of the "Trusted" checkbox isn't saved for custom filters #519


[Fixed] Pages don't load when two system user accounts are in use #509


[Fixed] Incorrect statistics after system restart #517
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't detect some system locales #502
[Fixed] Userscripts are not translated into Traditional Chinese #503


[Fixed] AdGuard installer does not work in MacOS Catalina beta #526
[Improved] CoreLibs engine has been updated #522
AdGuard Mac版 2.0.4
WARNING: for the app to work properly you might need to restart the system.
NOTE: if you currently have AdGuard installed to any folder except for /Applications, the old version will launch after the update anyway. In such case you need to close and uninstall the old AdGuard. Users who have AdGuard installed to /Applications already can update as usual.
This is one of the biggest updates in the history of AdGuard for Mac. It introduces the long-due Stealth Mode, an updated UI (including the improved Assistant), integration with CoreLibs — the new enhanced filtering engine — and much more. Give it a try and you'll immediately notice the difference.

[Added] CoreLibs integration #232

This is the first AdGuard for Mac that introduces CoreLibs — the new filtering engine that lies at the core of the filtering process. It is not random that we put this before such huge news as Stealth Mode or new design. The effects of this change will be both big and long lasting.
CoreLibs significantly enhances both ad blocking quality and performance, in comparison to the latest stable version. And since CoreLibs is a cross-platform filtering engine, in addition to these obvious improvements it allows to implement more new features that previously were only available in other AdGuard products.
Worth mentioning that AdGuard for Mac becomes the second AdGuard product to receive the «CoreLibs treatment» after AdGuard for Android.

[Added] Stealth Mode #12

Stealth Mode is a special module which sole purpose is to protect your online privacy. It went a long way from an obscure, Windows-exclusive feature, to the centerpiece of almost any AdGuard product in the very near future. This is a logical flow of things as the value of privacy has been rising to the sky for some time now, and the need to protect it becomes apparent.
If you had a chance to use AdGuard for Windows, you will find inside all familiar options. We’ll not clog up the changelog by describing every single one, they are all explained in the tooltips next to them.

[Improved] New UI #346

Finally, we get to the new UI. You may be baffled why it was left until the very end of the changelog, the explanation is very simple: the changes are modest. Both the main screen and the settings menu look different enough, but you won’t have to re-familiarize yourself with the app. Think new, prettier icons, honed styles and so on.
One thing that stands out is the new Assistant, it is miles ahead of the old version in terms of convenience, and allows you to access the web reporter for any filter-related issues on the web pages.
Oh, and another treat, exclusively for Mojave users who prefer dark themes. AdGuard now supports the dark theme, so if you switch to it in your Mac settings, AdGuard will no longer be a black sheep among your applications, pun not intended.
New users will also be greeted with redesigned onboarding screens. They are made more informative and help make first steps and adjust AdGuard according to your needs.

[Added] AdGuard Extra extension #492

In some complicated cases the usual approach with filtering rules just doesn’t work. In particular, in some cases of ad blocker circumvention/ad reinjection. So we came up with an alternative solution — a userscript. For those unfamiliar, userscripts are basically mini programs that modify web pages and augment browsing.
AdGuard Extra does it in a way that makes it harder for websites to employ the circumvention/reinjection techniques. AdGuard for Mac is the first AdGuard product to get this addition, we are thrilled to see it in action and read your feedback on it.

[Changed] Developer ID has been changed #460

Application’s Developer ID has been changed to AdGuard Software Limited. This shouldn’t concern you much, but if you are curious why it’s because of the problem we ran into on Mojave. Basically, all new and updated apps on Mojave now have to be notarized. In the future, this will be mandatory for all applications. And part of the notarization process for us was changing the Developer ID.

Ad blocking

[Added] An indicator for modified cookies in the Filtering Log #386
[Changed] Filtering rules limitations #393
[Changed] Handling of multiple $replace rules #338
[Fixed] "Proceed anyway" button does not work #369
[Fixed] "Rule" is missing from the Filtering Log item details #404
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes after editing the User filter #436
[Fixed] Compatibility problems
[Fixed] Microsoft Edge browser is not filtered #487
[Fixed] Receiving "Filter activated automatically" notification for already activated filters #366
[Fixed] Records with empty URL in the filtering log #342
[Fixed] Some filters become enabled after every app update #437
[Fixed] Vivaldi browser is not filtered #475
[Fixed] Whitelist shows comments from User Filter after update #452


[Added] Stealth Mode parameters to the web reporter link #388
[Fixed] Stealth Mode actions aren't showed in the Filtering Log #355


[Added] A description in the Filtering Log for some types of Stealth Mode events #421
[Added] Indicate that filter is trusted or recommended #445
[Added] New AdGuard for Mac icon #450
[Fixed] Blocked 'WebRTC, location API, push API' doesn't show in modified request in filtering log #449
[Fixed] Two notifications appear after using the manual ad blocking tool #419


[Added] «Application» column to the Filtering Log #341
[Added] «Export logs and system info...» option #395
[Changed] Exception rules created via Assistant now have $document,~extension modifiers #333
[Changed] Localizations has been updated
[Changed] The list of apps filtered by default has been updated
[Changed] Users with an active subscription will not be notified anymore that their license key is soon to expire #329
[Fixed] adguard-tcpkilldoes not work with the new Chrome version #427
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn’t start automatically on the system startup #480
[Fixed] Changes to the filtered apps and extensions are not applied until the protection is restarted manually #354
[Fixed] Description for “Strip tracking parameters” option #398
[Fixed] Filtering Log issues #430
[Fixed] Forwarder applied properly to all links in the app #389
[Fixed] High CPU usage due to a sync XHR request made by the Assistant #315
[Fixed] Kext status check does not work properly on macOS 10.14 #337
[Fixed] Statistics is not counted properly #334
[Fixed] The app hanged on exit #462
[Fixed] The list of filtered apps gets reset after an update #473
[Fixed] Website report is now sent properly via the Assistant #361
[Improved] Enhanced app accessibility #406
[Improved] New onboarding screens #385, #407
[Improved] Refactoring «Launch at Login» #415
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.14
In the anticipation of the AdGuard for Mac v2.0 big update (which is coming at the beginning of the 2019 and will have loads of new features), we really want to acquaint as many people with it as possible. And the biggest driving factor here is, of course, the ability to use the product in your native language. It was nothing but unfair that we deprived our French, Danish and Norwegian-speaking users of that opportunity. We apologize and add respective localizations to AdGuard for Mac for you to enjoy. See you next year with AG for Mac v2.0!
[Changed] Localizations has been added #322
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.12
A small update for v1.5. We have temporarily disabled support for the dark theme on Mojave OS for version 1.5 since we were focused on the technical part of the development for the new version 2.0. In the upcoming major v2.0 update big changes are expected, but as for now:
[Changed] Disable dark mode on Mojave OS #379
[Changed] Localizations has been updated
[Fixed] No default filters on clean install #360
[Fixed] Welcoming UI and app menu are broken in dark mode on Mojave #359
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.10
A small but important update that resolves to issues:
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter new Chrome 72 builds #349
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter Brave Browser 0.55 unless you add it manually to the list of filtered apps #351
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.8
No new stunning features this time, the release is mostly about bugfixes. But they are important ones, you'll appreciate them if you were unlucky enough to come across one of the fixed issues. Oh, and we have added Japanese localization — we know there are quite a few Japanese users out there!


[Fixed] Browser connections are blocked in certain circumstances #306
[Fixed] TCP FastOpen incompatibility #309
[Fixed] Compatibility with Boxcryptor #310
[Fixed] High CPU usage due to a sync XHR request made by Assistant#315


[Changed] Localization fixes for the Japanese translation #308
[Changed] Start using adguard.com/forward for the website links #313
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.6
It’s been a while since the last AdGuard for Mac release, so we owed one to our Mac users. This release is small but impactful — or at least we hope so. Some important bugfixes and key improvements have been done, all aimed at achieving better stability and filtering quality.
[Fixed] Sometimes connections can randomly slip past AdGuard #285
The title pretty much explains it. We’ve received several complaints from users about some websites not being filtered (even big ones like youtube.com). Without diving into technical details, we managed to fix it.
[Fixed] Crash in tcpClosed handler while the laptop is sleeping #295
Another bug that doesn’t really require any further explanation, but is serious enough to justify mentioning. In case you encountered this frustrating behavior — rejoice! The bug is fixed in this version.
[Improved] ExtendedCss has been updated to version 1.10 #293
This effectively means more extended cosmetic rules are supported now. Which, in its turn, ensures “cleaner” look of the post-processed pages (no ad leftovers, empty spaces etc.).

Ad blocking

[Fixed] CSP issue at github.com #292
[Fixed] HTTPS filtering + Firefox master password issue #284


[Fixed] Certain traffics gets corrupted #172
[Fixed] Dropping TCP connections leads to kernel panics after nfext unloading #276
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter traffic when TunnelBear extension is enabled #286


[Fixed] Protection status UI bug #304
[Improved] AdGuard UI files have been altered to use modern approach in localization #273


[Fixed] Userscripts are injected despite being disabled #296
[Improved] Better support for language codes #290
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.3
We are on the verge of the year 2018, and what is a better time to release a new AdGuard for Mac version? :)
As you will see with this update, a lot of major changes here relate to UI convenience and better user experience — in particular, filter subscription by URL deserves a separate mention. Ad blocking quality has been increased too, several bugs have been eliminated.

Ad blocking

[Added] Filter subscription by URL #1
It’s become much more convenient now to add new filter subscriptions since you have a choice between uploading a local file or entering a URL.
[Improved] Close active connections when network filtering starts #263
Translating to a more common language, this means that no connections will slip by AdGuard’s protection when you turn it on. A real life example: many Safari users used to have problems with unblocked ads on YouTube. This change fixes it. - [Added] $~websocket modifier support #245
[Added] "Brave" browser to the filtered apps list #246
[Added] Mozilla Developer Edition to the filtered apps list #241
[Fixed] Can't log in to icloud.com #242
[Fixed] AdGuard blocks notifications on Yandex mail in a browser tab #256
[Fixed] "Reinstall certificate" does not work in FF #257
[Fixed] Some websites open slowly with AdGuard #247
[Fixed] Some websites are not accessible with the HTTPS filtering enabled #249


[Added] "Undo/Redo" buttons to the user filter editor #227
Self-explanatory. Working with filter editor has become so much more convenient — trust us, we do it a lot, and we can tell the difference! [Improved] Filter editor now indicates that the filter contains disabled rules #258
Another quality of life improvement. You won’t now find yourself in situations when something is not working because you’ve disabled a couple of rules, but can’t remember in what filter. - [Added] Inform the user about closed connection to a website with EV certificate #228
[Fixed] Applied settings are not displayed correctly when the language filters are activated automatically #233
[Fixed] No first run wizard when installing on High Sierra #244
[Fixed] Title of the window appears on wizard style windows on MacOS 10.13 #255


[Fixed] "Shadowsocks-R" and AdGuard compatibility problem #240
[Improved] "ExtendedCss" module has been upgraded to v1.0.9 #262
[Fixed] Localization issues #261
AdGuard Mac版 1.5.0
It has been a very long time since the last AdGuard for Mac release. We definitely don't want such hiatus to become a routine – expect the next one much sooner.
And in this one we've made some positive changes to the UI and improved the filtering quality by a lot. Read the full changelog below.

Ad blocking

[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter apps from the WebCatalog app #165
Previously, AdGuard wasn’t able to filter apps installed with WebCatalog, and they couldn’t even be added to the list of filtered apps manually. This issue gets fixed in this version. - [Added] $network basic rules modifier #171
[Changed] The ~third-party modifier behavior #177
[Fixed] Content filtering exception rules #176
[Fixed] Error while parsing a wide filtering rule #175
[Fixed] Replace rules aren't applied to .m3u8 files content #178
[Fixed] Regular expressions with $ aren't processed properly #167
[Fixed] Content rules are applied even when there is a $document exception #234
[Fixed[ The script is being removed/cut if there is an $empty modifier in the rule #209
[Fixed] Cosmetic filters are being applied to pages whitelisted by a $document exception #189
[Improved] The range of $$ rules has been increased #196
[Improved] "ExtendedCss" module has been upgraded to v1.0.8 #216
[Improved] The trimming limit for request URLs has been increased #214
[Improved] The $network modifier has been extended, it can now be an exception as well #190


[Added] An option to exclude websites with EV certificates from filtering #170
An option already familiar to Windows users. Some websites feature Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates, which require a very strict verification process and offer a stronger guarantee that the website is plausible and trusted. Usually, they are bank websites, payment systems etc., and they normally do not have many ads anyway, if any.
We have also improved the security aspect of AdGuard by addressing some security-related issues (#186, #194).
[Fixed] Wrong cyphers order #224
[Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue #194
[Fixed] AdGuard cannot handle huge chunks properly #218
[Fixed] Connection is allowed when DH1024 is in use #186
[Fixed] "strict-dynamic" CSP is not handled properly #203
[Fixed] AdGuard Crashes when receives new metadata from backend #220
[Fixed] There is an empty response from local.adguard.com in some cases when HTTPS is used #206
[Fixed] Several network errors and compatibility issues


[Improved] Filter editor has been reworked #56
Now it has become possible to enter the 'advanced editing mode'. Basically, it means that the User filter turns into a single text area which you can work with as in any text editor: copy/paste several lines at once and apply all changes at once and not line by line. The search tool will help you to find or replace anything you need. All in all, it should be a welcome change for all the aspiring filter developers.
[Added] Add "Reset settings..." option #180
[Changed] "System Extension Blocked" issue on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) #217
[Changed] Filters' names have been adjusted #187
[Changed] AdGuard to AdGuard #231
[Fixed] Wrong date of establishment in "About AdGuard" section #205
[Fixed] Several localization fixes and updates
[Fixed] The 'expiring trial' warning translation #169
[Fixed] The number of remaining subscription days is not displayed in AdGuard toolbar #191
[Fixed] UF is always turned on after restarting the app #237
[Fixed] Interface bug with filters list #236
[Fixed] Misplaced title in Support window #235


[Improved] AdGuard can now be launched from an external drive #210
A niche but useful improvement. In case you prefer to store your data on an external drive and switch between different desktops a lot. No need to update your user filter and other settings separately on every Mac separately anymore, just have AdGuard installed on an external drive.
[Changed] The SSL exceptions list has been updated
[Fixed] Yandex mail compatibility issue #160
AdGuard Mac版 1.4.1 (377)
IMPORTANT UPDATE: compatibility with Chrome 59 and newer. The changes are few, but crucial.
[Fixed] local.adguard.com certificate is considered invalid by Chrome v59 #183
It may not seem like much, but without this change, AdGuard would be partially incompatible with the newest Chrome versions. Needless to say, Chrome is one of the most popular browsers among Mac users, so it is hard to overstate the importance of this fix.
[Changed] Bundle ID for Waterfox app #164
AdGuard Mac版 1.4.0 (375)
A small hotfix containing a couple of changes.
[Fixed] AdGuard maintains network connections even if the computer is in idle mode #163
[Improved] Cosmetic exception rules compilation speed #173
AdGuard Mac版 1.4.0
The Christmas came early this year for AdGuard for Mac users - a new version comes out today :) It significantly improves ad blocking, namely introducing Extended CSS support and several new modifiers. Networking and UI have undergone some fixing and tweaking too, so AdGuard will become more stable and easy in use.

Ad blocking

[Added] Extended CSS support #109, #120
This is a very important addition in terms of future (and present) possibilities that it opens for ad blocking. Extended CSS is a module for applying CSS styles with extended selection properties. Basically, it means that we will be able to select and, therefore, block some elements that we would not be able to block otherwise. Notably, this concerns such things as 'Sponsored posts' on Facebook.
[Added] $important modifier #132
This new addition is an significant one, but mostly relevant for creators of custom filter rules. With it's help you can give certain rules higher priority.
[Added] $websocket modifier #131
[Changed] Updated default HTTPS exclusions list #124
[Fixed] $empty modifier behaviour #108, #143
[Fixed] Latin extended symbol in a filter rule interferes with filtering #134
[Fixed] $replace rule can't be applied along with the other rules #133


[Changed] HTTPS is now used for safebrowsing requests #148
[Changed] WoSign and StartCom certificates are now distrusted #141
[Changed] New separate server is used now for filter updates #139
[Fixed] $replace rules break content charset #147
[Fixed] AdGuard compatibility with Opera built-in VPN #123, #130
[Fixed] Kernel panic issue #106
[Fixed] AdGuard blocks the page from loading if /etc/hosts has incorrect records #111
[Fixed] Inability to apply inline style #142
[Fixed] Excessive CPU load #135
[Fixed] Safebrowsing check algorithm #148
[Fixed] Unknown pseudo class error #154
[Improved] Content injection algorithm #119
[Improved] AdGuard styles are now protected from removal #149


[Added] Hotkeys for filters management #9, #128
[Changed] CMD+Backspace key combination can now be used to delete filters from the filter list #9
[Changed] "Check filter updates" action moved to settings menu #116
[Fixed] Incorrect filter is displayed in "Filtering Log" #129
[Fixed] $replace rules are displayed correctly in the filtering log #150
[Improved] Allowed pasting mulitple rules at once in filter area #126
AdGuard Mac版 1.3.0
Hello! Last AdGuard for Mac version was released in February, so we felt a bit guilty and decided to release a new one :) There is quite a bit of various fixes and changes here, as you can see in the changelog below, but the most important, or rather the most impactful ones, are those that affect performance - specifically, we mean #88 and #91 (you can find more detailed description for these changes below). Overall, AdGuard will become faster now, and thanks to the better performance, AdGuard will now consume significantly less battery resourse. But not only that, for example, we drastically improved browsing of some of the most problematic websites when IPv6 is enabled (#93).

Ad blocking

[Improved] Basic filtering rules processing speed was optimized #91
Optimizing basic filtering rules processing is very important since basic rules are the most resourse-consuming among all. This change will result in AdGuard working faster and spending less resourses.
[Changed] $replace rules now have higher priority than other basic rules #49
[Changed] Origin is used as Referer for requests Referer isn't defined for #84
[Fixed] AdGuard crash because of huge data: URLs #81
[Fixed] AdGuard does not ignore "base" tag "href " attribute while constructing absolute URL any more #80
[Fixed] Websites can't be broken any more because of invalid HTML inside a "noscript" tag #79
[Fixed] Error previously occuring when parsing a style tag with embedded svg #76
[Fixed] AdGuard can now detect HTML if there is an xml declaration at the document start #83
[Fixed] Wrong HTML content detection #71
[Fixed] twitch.tv filtering issue #105
[Improved] Increase content filtering rules maximum length limit #101


[Changed] Connections are not kept alive for too long now if 'HTTP keep alive' timeout is specified #88
Previously the 'keep-alive' time for connections was higher, and AdGuard consumed more battery resourse than it should. Now, when we lowered the connections 'keep-alive' time, the resourse consumption during the 'idle time' will be significantly lower as well.
[Changed] Webdav methods are supported now (specifically REPORT) #85
[Changed] Rewritten mechanism of checking the websites availability #93
[Fixed] After blocking a POST request, next request is read only when data was read to end #68
[Fixed] AdGuard prevents UDP traffic on 443 port #90
[Fixed] AdGuard fails to detect HTML on some websites #100

UI changes

[Added] A notification that is shown if user unchecks the "Filter https protocol" box #65

Languages and Translations

[Added] Finnish language #63

Minor issues

[Added] Support for complex language codes #78
[Changed] Increase idle connection timeout to 10 minutes #102
[Fixed] Problem with AdGuard start after motherboard replacement #77
[Fixed] Wrong information in AdGuard's filtering log #75
[Fixed] Added description of the status code in filtered HTTP response #74
[Fixed] Spelling issue #73
[Fixed] Occasional app crash when user attempts to view AdGuard Program Log #66
[Fixed] Apps crash #67
[Fixed] AdGuards code is no more injected into noscript tag #64
[Fixed] Major battery resourse consumption on Mac #52
AdGuard Mac版 1.2.0
This new version brings a lot of very important changes to AdGuard for Mac. Most viable changes are: $replace modifier and security improvements.

UI changes

[Added] New localizations: Serbian (Latin), German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese Traditional, Armenian, Turkish, Korean, Indonesian, Hungarian. #50
[Added] User warnings in case HTTP proxy mode fails to start. #22
[Changed] Assistant requests are now excluded from 'Filtering log'. #4
[Changed] Now clicking on AdGuard icon in status bar brings opened AdGuard windows to front and makes them active. #33
[Fixed] Error previously led to inability to change HTTP proxy port with HTTP proxy mode enabled. #42
[Fixed] Lack of explanation text in the 'Enter email address' text field. #44

Ad blocking

[Added] $genericblock rule modifier. #16
[Added] $generichide rule modifier. #15
[Added] $replace modifier for basic rules #38
[Changed] Now $popup rules modifier is also applied to server redirect responses. #49
[Changed] Now status 500 is always returned for blocked requests. #35
[Changed] User filter is now loaded last, after all other filters are loaded. #41
[Fixed] Error in css-inject rules. #7
[Fixed] Error in finding the elements path on a page for HTML filtering rules. #17
[Fixed] Error in HTML filtering rules – previously empty elements were never removed. #29
[Fixed] Improved processing of rules with $popup modifier. #25
[Fixed] Modifiers for the whitelist rules now work while filtering content. #57
[Fixed] Now $elemhide rule modifier is applied only to HTML pages. #14
[Fixed] Problem with basic rules being treated as rules with $popup modifier. #34
[Fixed] Template modifier * in rules now takes into account line break symbols. #40
[Fixed] Third-party requests filtering error. #6


[Changed] AdGuard automatically stops filtering of the websites with client certificate authorization. #2
[Changed] Browser cache is now suppressed for a short period of time after filtering startup. #53
[Changed] For all modern browsers SHA1 certificates were deprecated. #46
[Changed] Port AdGuard accepts connections on. #5
[Changed] Updated default list of SSL exceptions. #3
[Fixed] Problem when AdGuard caused browser to freeze. #37

Browsing Security

[Changed] A method of domain check with Browsing Security module. Requests privacy was improved. #8

Compatibility issues

[Improved] Compatibility with sites that use the Content-Security-Policy mechanism. #58
[Fixed] Blocking of Google Chrome Rapportive extension for Gmail. #30
[Fixed] Problem when AdGuard extension for Google Chrome couldn't see triggered $genericblock rules. Integration mode works correctly now. #39
[Fixed] Safari inability to connect to some websites with IPv6 network configuration. #10
AdGuard Mac版 1.1.0
Added function to send a report in case of an unexpected AdGuard shutdown.
Added tutorial screen at AdGuard first launch.
Added OCSP Stapling support.
Added localizations: Chinese (Simplified), Polish, Portuguese (Brazil), Slovak, Korean.
Changed SSL connections encrypting mode to a more modern one.
Improved root certificate and private key generation for SSL connections.
Fixed Logjam vulnerability (now AdGuard doesn't filter connections with weak keys).
Improved mechanism of SSL connections processing.
Significantly extended list of browsers filtered by default.
Now, in case of its absence, AdGuard automatically suggests to install root certificate into Firefox to filter HTTPS-websites.
Improved way of root certificate installation into Mozilla-based browsers.
Improved security of installing AdGuard Assistant to web pages.
Improved AdGuard API extensions security.
Confined access to userscripts API functions.
Reworked installation process, now AdGuard will work correctly after restoring Mac from Time Machine.
Improved filtering rules correctness verification.
Now AdGuard system components are stored in the folder shared for all users.
Now upon switching Mac to sleep mode, AdGuard closes current network connections.
Fixed situation when AdGuard won't respond to users actions while watching a video on YouTube.
Fixed error previously led to AdGuard crash while surfing a website with incorrect HTML.
Fixed an error previously led to rules with specific symbols being excluded from filtering process.
Fixed an error previously led to shutdown when exiting AdGuard.
AdGuard Mac版 1.0.63
Added TLSv1.2 support.
Added certificate verification in HTTPS connections.
Added Ukrainian localization.
Chromium added to default application filtering list.
Now automatic check for updates is enabled by default.
Improved speed optimization.
Removed splashscreen upon starting AdGuard.
Fixed AdGuard's work with several users on the same computer.
Fixed errors leading to incorrect filtering.
Fixed the error when AdGuard operated incorrectly upon exiting sleep mode.
Improved security upon filtering encrypted traffic.
Fixed FREAK vulnerability.
Fixed memory leaks.
Improved program stability on old versions of OS X.
Fixed several errors that could previously lead to app crash.
AdGuard Mac版 1.0.53
World’s first standalone ad blocker for Mac OS X. New AdGuard has all the features to ensure more efficient and comfortable use of the Internet:
Ad filtering in any browser. Our ad blocker is the first to solve the problem of removing notorious video ads in Safari that other adblock solutions fail to block.
Built-in Browsing security module provides protection from malicious and suspicious websites.
Privacy protection function is responsible for the safety of personal data.
Other advantages
Filtering Log demonstrates all the processes occurring in the program.
AdGuard Assistant is an extension that allows you to manage the program directly from the browser.
Technical information
AdGuard is supported in all versions of OS X from 10.7 and later.
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