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How to block YouTube ads


Cet article parle de AdGuard pour iOS, un bloqueur de contenus multifonctionnel qui protège votre appareil au niveau du système. To see how it works, download the AdGuard app

How to block ads in the YouTube app

  1. Open the YouTube app.
  2. Choose a video and tap Share.
  3. Tap More, then select Block YouTube Ads (by AdGuard).

AdGuard will open its ad-free video player.

How to block ads on YouTube in Safari


Make sure you've given AdGuard access to all websites. You can check it in Safari → Extensions → AdGuard. Then open AdGuard and enable Advanced protection.

  1. Open in Safari.
  2. Choose a video and tap Share.
  3. Tap Block YouTube Ads (by AdGuard).

AdGuard will open its ad-free video player.