
AdGuard для Windows – Nightly – Версии AdGuard

AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 9 (4963)
Дата релиза: 19 февраля 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.5.63 #5335


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.63

[Fixed] _matter._tcp.default.service.arpa Logs #230
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 8 (4962)
Дата релиза: 18 февраля 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.17.88 #5337
[Other] Notification always shows that some filters were updated if there is custom filter list added #5325


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.17.91

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 7 (4955)
Дата релиза: 14 февраля 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 6 (4953)
Дата релиза: 13 февраля 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.17.84 #5333
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 5 (4951)
Дата релиза: 12 февраля 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 4 (4950)
Дата релиза: 11 февраля 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 3 (4949)
Дата релиза: 7 февраля 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.17.77 #5327


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.17.77

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 2 (4945)
Дата релиза: 6 февраля 2025 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.17.68

[Fixed] `$network,app=` rules with a large number of apps don't work #1951
AdGuard для Windows 7.21.0 nightly 1 (4944)
Дата релиза: 5 февраля 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 17 (4940)
Дата релиза: 4 февраля 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.17.66 #5323
[Other] Some Userscript content is not loading #5315


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.17.66

[Fixed] "Proceed anyway" button doesn't work when website is blocked by rule with `$all`/`$domain` modifier #1952


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v2.0.1

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 16 (4937)
Дата релиза: 29 января 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.17.63 #5320
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 15 (4935)
Дата релиза: 27 января 2025 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.16.60 #5318
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.17.63 #5320
[Fixed] Successfull import of settings via invalid link #5316


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.17.63

[Enhancement] Consider removing trust in GlobalTrust certificates #1883
[Enhancement] Enable Post-Quantum cryptography when it's used by the filtered app #1916
[Enhancement] New blocking pages: additional request blocking information #1859
[Enhancement] Provide the ability to add userscripts without specifying a resource #1889
[Enhancement] “##+js(rmnt, #text, [...])” rule with non-ASCII UTF-8 characters is not converted #1946
[Fixed] Content script is not injected on www.huya.com #1897
[Fixed] High CPU consumption in v4.6 due to [1] a TCP/IP stack implementation bug, [2] Statistics algorithm #5505
[Fixed] Media playback broken on certain non-youtube websites #1944
[Fixed] Network Service Does Not Start Correctly, Login Item Removed #1462
[Other] Add safe search for so.com into Parental Control #1942
[Other] Allow HTTPS filtering with trusted self-signed certs #1890
[Other] Upload speed is slow #1943
[Other] reddit.com - URL parameters with `%24` are not removed #1922


Upgraded Scriptlets to v2.1.4

[Enhancement] Improve 'trusted-click-element' — check for 'containsText' of all matched selectors #468
[Fixed] Fix 'trusted-click-element' — element was removed and added again before it was clicked #391

Upgraded Scriptlets to v2.0.1

[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'prevent-canvas' #451
[Enhancement] Improve 'href-sanitizer' — add ability to modify the value #460
[Enhancement] Improve 'href-sanitizer' — add base64 support #455
[Enhancement] Improve 'prevent-fetch' — set response.ok to false if response.type is opaque #441
[Enhancement] Improve 'prevent-xhr' — add missed events #414
[Enhancement] Improve 'prevent-xhr' — modify response #415
[Enhancement] Improve 'remove-node-text' — add an ability to remove text node of specified element #397
[Enhancement] Improve 'set-cookie' and 'set-local-storage-item' — add values 'forbidden' and 'forever' #458
[Enhancement] Improve 'trusted-replace-node-text' — add 'trustedTypes.createPolicy' #457

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.12.1

[Fixed] Fix 'trusted-create-element' — do not add element on every DOM changes #450
[Fixed] Fix 'trusted-set-cookie' — cannot set cookie if name has '__Secure-' prefix #448
[Fixed] Tests failing for `trusted-set-cookie` #453


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.25

[Fixed] Access to function "GM_getValue" is not allowed #1905
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 14 (4927)
Дата релиза: 22 января 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 13 (4925)
Дата релиза: 21 января 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 12 (4919)
Дата релиза: 17 января 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 11 (4917)
Дата релиза: 16 января 2025 г.
[Fixed] Language don't change in Ad blocking and DNS filter editor's sections #5311
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 10 (4912)
Дата релиза: 13 января 2025 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 9 (4906)
Дата релиза: 1 января 2025 г.
[Other] Splash screen in latest beta of Adguard for Windows (7.20.0 Beta 1) #5302
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 8 (4903)
Дата релиза: 27 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 7 (4900)
Дата релиза: 26 декабря 2024 г.
[Fixed] Filters are reset on update from 7.20 nightly 3 to nightly 4 #5296
[Fixed] The main window remains open when windows starts #5294
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 6 (4898)
Дата релиза: 25 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 5 (4897)
Дата релиза: 24 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 4 (4895)
Дата релиза: 20 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 3 (4893)
Дата релиза: 18 декабря 2024 г.
[Fixed] Exclude Wi-Fi SSID from the DNS filtering not work #5252


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.51

[Other] Block RFC9462 (_dns.resolver.arpa) queries #228
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 2 (4888)
Дата релиза: 17 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.20.0 nightly 1 (4886)
Дата релиза: 10 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 20 (4880)
Дата релиза: 5 декабря 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 19 (4875)
Дата релиза: 27 ноября 2024 г.
[Fixed] Exclude Wi-Fi SSID from the DNS filtering not work #5252
[Fixed] Update filters window is out of boundery #5249
[Other] When importing settings by shared URL, DNS servers add to Recommended list, instead of Custom #5277
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 18 (4868)
Дата релиза: 12 ноября 2024 г.
[Other] Issue when setting 'Custom IP' as Blocking mode for hosts rules mode Advanced settings #5257
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 17 (4866)
Дата релиза: 6 ноября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 16 (4862)
Дата релиза: 29 октября 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.5.51 #5264


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.51

[Other] Block RFC9462 (_dns.resolver.arpa) queries #228
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 15 (4859)
Дата релиза: 24 октября 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Support Zen Browser #5256
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 14 (4850)
Дата релиза: 17 октября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 13 (4847)
Дата релиза: 10 октября 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.16.48 #5246


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.16.48

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 12 (4846)
Дата релиза: 8 октября 2024 г.
[Fixed] 7.19.0 Nightly 3 Main window always shows on start #5227
[Fixed] `$permission rule` is in Filtering log when blocking HTML element #5231
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 11 (4845)
Дата релиза: 2 октября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 10 (4844)
Дата релиза: 1 октября 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.16.44 #5242


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.16.44

[Enhancement] Enable Post-Quantum cryptography when it's used by the filtered app #1916
[Fixed] AdGuard content script is blocked by CSP on uber.com #1903
[Other] GM_xmlhttpRequest unsupport the referer header? #1899
[Other] ua-reduction #1910
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 9 (4842)
Дата релиза: 27 сентября 2024 г.
[Fixed] Images of the day are blocked by Disable Windows OS ads #5190
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 8 (4837)
Дата релиза: 25 сентября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 7 (4831)
Дата релиза: 20 сентября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 6 (4821)
Дата релиза: 17 сентября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 5 (4819)
Дата релиза: 10 сентября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 4 (4817)
Дата релиза: 4 сентября 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 3 (4814)
Дата релиза: 2 сентября 2024 г.
[Fixed] HTML requests are not displayed in the filtering log if there is a rule with`$generichide` modifier #5213
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 2 (4803)
Дата релиза: 26 августа 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.19.0 nightly 1 (4800)
Дата релиза: 19 августа 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Incorrect translation of Fanboy's Annoyance List description #5205
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.16.19 #5220


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.16.19

[Enhancement] Support redirection to the destination, without tracking services as middleman #1557
[Fixed] Memory leakage and CPU overkill #5173
[Fixed] sony.de - login is broken in Firefox #1867
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 13 (4795)
Дата релиза: 13 августа 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 12 (4793)
Дата релиза: 5 августа 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.16.8 #5200
[Fixed] AG DNS filter doesn't work after reactivating the DNS module #5146
[Fixed] Disable ads in Start menu feature appears in Windows 10 #5193
[Fixed] Double click doesn't work in Blocklist and Allowlist #5175


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.16.8

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 11 (4784)
Дата релиза: 30 июля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 10 (4782)
Дата релиза: 18 июля 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Add support for Floorp browser (Firefox Fork) #5164
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.15.57 #5176
[Fixed] Dark theme missing in search bars for context menu #5157


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.15.57

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 9 (4780)
Дата релиза: 10 июля 2024 г.
[Fixed] Description for advanced setting is missing after the update #5160
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 8 (4779)
Дата релиза: 5 июля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 7 (4776)
Дата релиза: 1 июля 2024 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard DNS filter returns after AdGuard update #4491
[Other] Some minor UI issues for editors #5143
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 6 (4771)
Дата релиза: 27 июня 2024 г.
[Fixed] Previous version of app duplicates in "Programs and Features" and can't be uninstalled #5132
[Fixed] Some custom filters can't be installed via URL #4801
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 5 (4768)
Дата релиза: 21 июня 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.15.34 #5126
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.15.41 #5134
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.5.33 #5128
[Fixed] Identical comments are removed in the Filter editor after checking for updates #5118
[Fixed] Minor dark theme UI issue on scrollbars background in `Filter Editor` #4679


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.15.47

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.15.38

[Enhancement] Add $urltransform (trusted) modifier support #1364
[Enhancement] Add $xmlprune modifier support #473
[Enhancement] Add mobile browsers to the list of user agents, which support `:has()` natively #1870
[Enhancement] Allow ECDSA ciphers on local side #360
[Enhancement] Handle Sec-Fetch-Dest: fencedframe #1853
[Fixed] AdGuard's filtering stops working after enabling VPN #1189
[Fixed] Adblock syntax rules with FQDN does not work #210
[Fixed] Adguard and FTP connections #1864
[Fixed] Userscript XHR errors #1876
[Fixed] `$all` modifier does not work with non-domain-like URL part #1860
[Fixed] `AdguardSvc.exe` is using 4.5GB of RAM #5016
[Other] Support uBO's /regex/(cosmetic rule) format #1844
[Other] The $generichide modifier prevents URL blocking rules from working correctly #1857


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.24

[Fixed] `vk-metabot.user.js` does not work via AdGuard #1871


Upgraded ContentScript to v2.0.6

[Fixed] tv.rambler.ru - element hiding rules `##`, `#$#` do not apply to the site #1865


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.33

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.18.0 nightly 4 (4754)
Дата релиза: 11 июня 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Add an option to block Windows 11 Start menu ads to Tracking protection #5103
[Fixed] The adguard.exe process icon is distorted in Task Manager #5110
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 32 (4728)
Дата релиза: 22 мая 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 31 (4726)
Дата релиза: 17 мая 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.14.55 #5108
[Fixed] Lag after switching on the "Stealth Mode" #5104


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.25

[Fixed] AdGuard systematically crashes and freezes #1880
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 30 (4723)
Дата релиза: 2 мая 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.14.53 #5092
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.5.20 #5102
[Fixed] Issues with dark theme on onboarding screen #4996
[Fixed] Outdated filters are not removed from the list of available filters #5083
[Fixed] Scroll bar is visible even if all content fit in the window of Annoyances filters alerts #5054


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.20

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.53

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 29 (4712)
Дата релиза: 18 апреля 2024 г.
[Fixed] Quotation marks in "Exclude app from filtering" option prevent AG's functioning after update #5087
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 28 (4710)
Дата релиза: 18 апреля 2024 г.
[Fixed] Release update channel is automatically set after installing Nightly #5077
[Fixed] Window manage icons are moved down #5043
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 27 (4708)
Дата релиза: 17 апреля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 26 (4707)
Дата релиза: 16 апреля 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.14.51 #5071
[Fixed] "Open main window at system start-up" option doesn't work #5074
[Fixed] Move the option Block Flash to Advanced Settings #4705
[Fixed] Tray menu theme isn't synced with the application #5012
[Fixed] `AdguardSvc.exe` is using 4.5GB of RAM #5016


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.52

[Fixed] `AdguardSvc.exe` is using 4.5GB of RAM #5016

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.51

Minor fixes


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.10.25

[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'href-sanitizer' #327
[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'json-prune-fetch-response' #361
[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'json-prune-xhr-response' #360
[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'trusted-suppress-native-method' #383
[Enhancement] Improve 'set-cookie' — increase a possible numeric value #388
[Enhancement] Improve 'trusted-click-element' — add support for finding selectors in shadowRoot #323
[Enhancement] Use some redirects resources as scriptlets as well #300
[Fixed] Fix 'set-constant' — setProxyTrap() #403
[Fixed] Fix 'set-cookie' — do not encode a cookie name #408
[Fixed] Fix 'set-local-storage-item' conversion — '$remove$' param #404
[Other] Add new scriptlet — 'no-protected-audience' #395
[Other] Add possibility to allowlist scriptlets #377
[Other] Improve 'prevent-fetch' — add 'cors' responseType #394
[Other] Improve 'set-cookie' — add 'domain' parameter #389
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 25 (4692)
Дата релиза: 4 апреля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 24 (4684)
Дата релиза: 3 апреля 2024 г.
[Fixed] (DNS) Filter Editor: Clicking anywhere in the horizontal scrollbar does not scroll #4715
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 23 (4679)
Дата релиза: 29 марта 2024 г.
[Fixed] Error while selecting WFP network driver #5055
[Fixed] Filter editor sometimes works incorrectly when rule is edited #5058
[Fixed] Unable to Start Protection After Updating to 7.17 Beta 3 (4657) #5060
[Fixed] `Launch at start up` checkbox isn't being clicked first time #4965


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.46

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 22 (4660)
Дата релиза: 19 марта 2024 г.
[Fixed] Adding quotes to a domain in HTTPS exclusion list does not work #5044
[Fixed] DNS server changes aren't applied after editing #5015
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 21 (4647)
Дата релиза: 13 марта 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Add parsing for the `# `symbol #4666
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.14.38 #5052
[Fixed] Settings custom DNS server not always possible, fallback fails #5029
[Fixed] Unable to use paths to folders in advanced settings to exclude applications from filtering #5045


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.38

[Fixed] Cannot parse QUIC ClientHello split into two packets #1861
[Fixed] VOT "Voice over translation" script does not work in Google chrome #1665
[Other] Add GM.xmlhttpRequest as alias of GM_xmlhttpRequest #1785
[Other] Request with Authorization header is not redirected #1851
[Other] Support anti-DPI feature for Korea Telecom #1789


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.23

[Other] Add GM.xmlhttpRequest as alias of GM_xmlhttpRequest #1785

Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.22

[Fixed] VOT "Voice over translation" script does not work in Google chrome #1665
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 20 (4637)
Дата релиза: 7 марта 2024 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.25

[Fixed] Apply `$permissions` only to `document` #1856
[Other] Add an option to use `|` as a separator in `$permissions` #1850


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.10.1

[Enhancement] Add compatibility with uBO's set-cookie scriptlet #332
[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'call-nothrow.js' #333
[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'spoof-css' #317
[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'trusted-create-element' #278
[Enhancement] Improve set-cookie — add more supported values #379
[Other] Add new scriptlet — 'trusted-set-attr' #281
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 19 (4634)
Дата релиза: 6 марта 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.5.4 #5047


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.4

[Enhancement] Allow specifying tcp-only and udp-only DNS upstreams #208
[Enhancement] Support passing hostname to outbound proxy instead of bootstrapping #197
[Fixed] Cannot use DoH DNS server that use HTTP/1.1 since updating to version 4.3 #216
[Other] Improve handling of HTTPS rrtype #215
[Other] Use Happy Eyeballs for IPv4/IPv6 in DoH #217
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 18 (4633)
Дата релиза: 5 марта 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 17 (4627)
Дата релиза: 29 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 16 (4626)
Дата релиза: 28 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 15 (4625)
Дата релиза: 27 февраля 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Arc for Windows Not Supported #5027
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 14 (4624)
Дата релиза: 22 февраля 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.14.16 #5032
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 13 (4620)
Дата релиза: 21 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 12 (4618)
Дата релиза: 20 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 11 (4617)
Дата релиза: 15 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 10 (4608)
Дата релиза: 14 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 9 (4607)
Дата релиза: 13 февраля 2024 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.14.16 #5032


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.16

[Enhancement] Indicate that outbound proxy is used in the request processed event #1385
[Enhancement] Support for passing host to outbound proxy #1386
[Fixed] Connection error when visiting `smartstore.naver.com` in Firefox #4960
[Fixed] Cookie rules with `[` and `]` in the name considered as invalid #1843
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules are not applied in some cases when AdGuard works alongside AdGuard VPN browser extension #1791
[Fixed] One of the subdomains is not filtered due to different site certificates #1839
[Fixed] `$all` modifier does not work correctly #1842
[Fixed] mall.sk - content script is not injected #1834
[Other] Add Firefox 121.0+ to the list of user agents, which support `:has()` natively #1840
[Other] Blocking regex rule that has escaped slash in a character class does not work #1831
[Other] Content script is not injected if there is a tag (with embed attribute) before doctype declaration #1825
[Other] Get ECH parameters from intercepted DNS HTTPS queries #1794
[Other] Improve HTML filtering performance #1855
[Other] On-the-fly filtering of DoH connections #198
[Other] `$path` modifier does not work with query params #1817
[Other] `$removeparam` on url with port redirects to url without port #1818
[Other] android-hilfe.de - broken website #1800
[Other] cannot connect to wiki.cemu.info securely #1821


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.105

[Enhancement] Improve google-analytics — ga.q #355
[Enhancement] Improve google-ima3 — OmidVerificationVendor #353
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 8 (4602)
Дата релиза: 8 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 7 (4599)
Дата релиза: 7 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 6 (4598)
Дата релиза: 6 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 5 (4594)
Дата релиза: 2 февраля 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 4 (4591)
Дата релиза: 31 января 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 3 (4590)
Дата релиза: 30 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] At the time of the update, the original installation path was changed #4975
[Fixed] Remove the AdGuard directory from `Program Files (x86)` when upgrading to 7.16 x64 release version #4972
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 2 (4585)
Дата релиза: 25 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] Unable to Start Protection After Updating to 7.17.0 Nightly 1 (4583) #5017
AdGuard для Windows 7.17.0 nightly 1 (4583)
Дата релиза: 25 января 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 23 (4558)
Дата релиза: 24 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] Search by type is not working in the filtering log #4980
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 22 (4556)
Дата релиза: 23 января 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 21 (4554)
Дата релиза: 22 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] Time counter for filters updates not works #4974
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 20 (4551)
Дата релиза: 18 января 2024 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 19 (4550)
Дата релиза: 16 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] AdguardSvc.exe is branching out into multiple threads #4874
[Fixed] Turning DNS Protection on breaks the local Windows domain connection #4906
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 18 (4547)
Дата релиза: 11 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] Double showing `Certificate Info` #4964
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 17 (4546)
Дата релиза: 2 января 2024 г.
[Fixed] Filtered DNS requests don't show up in Filtering log after switching network off/on #4941
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 16 (4544)
Дата релиза: 28 декабря 2023 г.
[Fixed] Old directories are not deleted from AppData directory #581
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 15 (4543)
Дата релиза: 27 декабря 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 14 (4541)
Дата релиза: 23 декабря 2023 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard disables protection ("Connection error") once updated to 7.16 #4967
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 13 (4538)
Дата релиза: 20 декабря 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.13.108 #4962
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.34 #4961
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.35 #4963
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 12 (4534)
Дата релиза: 20 декабря 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 11 (4528)
Дата релиза: 18 декабря 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.28 #4952
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.32 #4955
[Fixed] AdGuard keeps modifying locally saved filter file randomly even though there's no changes made in Filter Editor #4905
[Fixed] Old directories are not deleted from AppData directory #4939
[Fixed] Unable to update to v7.16 Nightly 9 #4956
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 8 (4511)
Дата релиза: 13 декабря 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 7 (4510)
Дата релиза: 12 декабря 2023 г.
[Fixed] Activate license doesn't fit in the window in Turkish #4860
[Fixed] Can't add custom DNS if address contains port number #4945
[Fixed] DNS filters and license type related parameters aren't transferred when web reporting #4931
[Fixed] Recent beta for Windows 11 left x32 in Startup, that needs to be removed in registry #4940
[Fixed] The counter may not recognize the added rule #4922
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 6 (4497)
Дата релиза: 7 декабря 2023 г.
[Fixed] DNS filters and license type related parameters aren't transferred when web reporting #4931
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 5 (4495)
Дата релиза: 6 декабря 2023 г.
[Fixed] Advanced filter editor shouldn't delete empty strings and duplicate comments #4919


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.13.98

[Other] unicode.org is not loading with AdGuard for Windows #1830


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.101

[Enhancement] Improve prevent-fetch — set response.status to 0 if responseType is set to opaque #364
[Fixed] Fix googletagservices-gpt — setPrivacySettings() #344
[Other] Show versions of used libs on About page #2237
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 4 (4491)
Дата релиза: 1 декабря 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Add support for Macedonian (mk) in AdGuard for Windows #4901
[Fixed] Main window opens at a system startup despite checkbox is unchecked 2 #4917
[Fixed] iInline modification is not preserved when switching to the advanced editor #4772
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 3 (4487)
Дата релиза: 29 ноября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.13.88 #4923
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.17 #4924


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.4.17

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.13.89

Minor fixes


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.96

[Enhancement] Improve storage item scriptlets — add regexp support for items removing #256
[Fixed] 'set-constant' scriptlet breaks vimeo.com #380

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.91

[Enhancement] Add new trusted scriptlet — trusted-prune-inbound-object #372
[Enhancement] Improve set-cookie — add more supported values #375
[Enhancement] Improve set-local-storage-item, set-session-storage-item — support "on" and "off" #366
[Fixed] 'set-constant' scriptlet breaks vimeo.com #380
[Fixed] Fix set-constant scriptlet — Maximum call stack size exceeded #373
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 2 (4482)
Дата релиза: 29 ноября 2023 г.
[Fixed] Lost selection of multiple rules when editing filters #4918
AdGuard для Windows 7.16.0 nightly 1 (4480)
Дата релиза: 28 ноября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.16 #4915
[Fixed] A rule that has been cut cannot be inserted back into the field from which it was cut from #4859
[Fixed] Filter editor - do not change rule state during editing/typing #4910
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 33 (4474)
Дата релиза: 23 ноября 2023 г.
[Fixed] Incorrect behavior of the first rule in User Rules filter. #4885
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 32 (4470)
Дата релиза: 23 ноября 2023 г.
[Fixed] Long start if some domains/ports are blocked #4894
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 31 (4467)
Дата релиза: 22 ноября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Unnecessary dot in the pattern when creating a DNS rule from "Unblock" #4872
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 30 (4462)
Дата релиза: 21 ноября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 29 (4461)
Дата релиза: 15 ноября 2023 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.4.0

[Enhancement] Basic auth for DoH endpoints #189
[Fixed] Possible DoS attack against the local DNS proxy when it's using a plain DNS upstream #202
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 28 (4460)
Дата релиза: 10 ноября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Improve the buttons text color in installer for `Active` state #4887
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.13.68 #4871
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.4.0 #4893
[Enhancement] Update the Finnish translations on the updater screen #4761
[Fixed] 'Enable all' option in the Filter Editor can crash the app #4857
[Fixed] After changing update channel, the icons are incorrect and the update button does not appear on the home page of the application #4876
[Fixed] Since v7.15, the service cannot start normally if it fails to connect to via UDP #4868
[Fixed] There're missing strings from the Filtering log in Crowdin #4825


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.4.0

[Enhancement] Basic auth for DoH endpoints #189
[Fixed] Possible DoS attack against the local DNS proxy when it's using a plain DNS upstream #202


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.13.68

[Enhancement] Add `!#else` pre-processor directive support #1806
[Enhancement] Add `$extension` modifier disabling specific userscript #1706
[Enhancement] Adopt new rule priority scheme #1768
[Enhancement] Change sec-ch-ua headers to match user-agent when Stealth Mode is active #1764
[Enhancement] Improve HTML filtering performance #1772
[Enhancement] Improve HTML filtering rules `$$` -- allow CSS-like selectors #94
[Enhancement] Support for cap_html_filtering condition #1758
[Fixed] $denyallow does not allow blocking documents #1809
[Fixed] $stealth exceptions do not work on the TCP stack level where we block STUN/TURN #1737
[Fixed] AdGuard's DNS redirects traffic through the ISP when working with Cloudflare Zero Trust #4729
[Fixed] Close active QUIC/H3 connections on protection start-up on Windows #1815
[Fixed] HSTS / SSL errors in Firefox #4865
[Fixed] Images are not displayed in Edge Bing Chat #1744
[Fixed] The `网盘直链下载助手` user script not working with AdGuard #1780
[Fixed] WARP gets an error "unable to connect" if AdGuard is already running #1234
[Fixed] Websites using SXG have no cosmetic filtering when opening from Google search #1812
[Fixed] WiFi authorization popup doesn't show up while AdGuard is on #892
[Fixed] socks5 proxy not working with Adguard 4.0 #4812
[Other] Content script is not injected into elements loaded in <object> tag #1769
[Other] Detect website locale based on HTML "lang" attribute and language request HTTP headers #1736
[Other] Increase limit for '$replace' rules #1802
[Other] Moving certificate is not an option anymore #277
[Other] Properly use ECH retry_configs #1793
[Other] Support anti-DPI feature for Korea Telecom #1789
[Other] The filtering on the site doesn't work. #1810
[Other] UDP timeout is too small in TcpIpStack #1796


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.83

[Other] Fix set-constant — no value override #330
[Other] Fix trusted-replace-xhr-response — breakage on music.youtube.com #359
[Other] Improve m3u-prune — content is not pruned if contains carriage return #354
[Other] Improve trusted-replace-fetch-response — do not replace content if URL is set by Object.defineProperty #367

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.72

Minor fixes

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.70

[Enhancement] Handle uBO's syntax '$redirect' priorities #59
[Enhancement] Improve 'xml-prune' — support xpath for text content matching #325
[Other] Improve 'json-prune' — stack #348

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.62

[Other] Improve 'prevent-xhr' — multiple requests #347

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.61

[Enhancement] Add API method to convert redirects based on their name #346
[Other] Escape commas in the params during conversion to ubo rules #343


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.21

[Fixed] The `网盘直链下载助手` user script not working with AdGuard #1780
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 27 (4448)
Дата релиза: 2 ноября 2023 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard startup is blocked due to an invalid signature. #4864
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 26 (4434)
Дата релиза: 25 октября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 25 (4433)
Дата релиза: 20 октября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Packed backup files has '.bak' extension #540
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.83 #4866


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.87

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 24 (4430)
Дата релиза: 18 октября 2023 г.
[Fixed] Incorrect action after exiting inline editing mode #4850
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 23 (4429)
Дата релиза: 17 октября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Add `User rules` option to the filtering log #4560
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.3.4 #4852


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.3.4

[Fixed] ` local` is incorrectly interpreted as being for all .local address, breaking mDNS #207
[Other] Allow sharp comment in exact domain name rules #196
[Other] DoH tries to use stale connection too much time #200
[Other] Properly filter type=HTTPS requests #199
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 22 (4426)
Дата релиза: 12 октября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Indicate the HTTPS filtering state and the original certificate in the Filtering log #4812
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 21 (4423)
Дата релиза: 11 октября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 20 (4422)
Дата релиза: 10 октября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Onboarding screen isn't adapted to dark theme #4583
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 19 (4419)
Дата релиза: 4 октября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] In Start Menu, don't add app shortcut to folder #4834
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 18 (4409)
Дата релиза: 28 сентября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 17 (4408)
Дата релиза: 26 сентября 2023 г.
[Fixed] App doesn't start automatically after clean install and reboot on Windows 7 #4760
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 16 (4404)
Дата релиза: 21 сентября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Remove second mention of the build number in the About section #4836
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 15 (4401)
Дата релиза: 19 сентября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 14 (4399)
Дата релиза: 15 сентября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.77 #4837
[Fixed] DNS exclusions are not working if Fallback servers mode isn't system default #4822
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 13 (4396)
Дата релиза: 14 сентября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 12 (4394)
Дата релиза: 13 сентября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Enhancement uninstallation process #4428
[Fixed] Blocklist and allowlist not working properly in Parental control #4189
[Fixed] There're missing strings from the Filtering log in Crowdin #4825
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 11 (4391)
Дата релиза: 12 сентября 2023 г.
[Fixed] Browser Assistant keeps working in the app excluded by full path #4723
[Fixed] Cannot add a new rule in a specific case in the Filter Editor #4684
[Fixed] Many separators after crash #327
[Fixed] There are still Chinese Traditional words in the Chinese Simplified for Web of Trust description #4739
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 10 (4383)
Дата релиза: 7 сентября 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 9 (4381)
Дата релиза: 6 сентября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Adapt app's context menus to dark theme #4587
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.75 #4832


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.75

[Fixed] WARP gets an error "unable to connect" if AdGuard is already running #1234
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 8 (4373)
Дата релиза: 1 сентября 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.72 #4827
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.24 #4826


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.72

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.24

[Other] DoH tries to use stale connection too much time #200
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 7 (4365)
Дата релиза: 31 августа 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Adapt app's context menus to dark theme #4587
[Enhancement] Extend the alerting users about the need to reboot in cases when installer requires the reboot #4817
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.69 #4815
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.23 #4816
[Fixed] AdGuard's service isn't ended after uninstall #4811


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.23

[Fixed] CoreDNS DoQ server cannot be used by DnsLibs #204
[Other] sdns:// cert pinning is incorrect #205


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.69

Minor fixes


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.62

[Enhancement] Add API method to convert redirects based on their name #346
[Other] Escape commas in the params during conversion to ubo rules #343
[Other] Improve 'prevent-xhr' — multiple requests #347
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 6 (4353)
Дата релиза: 24 августа 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 5 (4352)
Дата релиза: 23 августа 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 4 (4350)
Дата релиза: 22 августа 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Add the ability to operate the dialog boxes using the Space bar #4677
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Set the focus adequately after certain actions, like deleting a rule (for use of the up/down arrow keys) #4362
[Enhancement] The app is installed with one non-recommended annoyances filter instead of 5 recommended #4764
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.51 #4777
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.13 #4749
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.17 #4786
[Enhancement] When AdGuard is "closed to tray" for the first time, it should notify the user about it #4787
[Fixed] Scroll left/right doesn't work in filtering log for preview via touchpad #4638
[Fixed] Minor dark theme UI issue on the `Remove filter` dialog in `Filter Editor` #4664
[Fixed] No element is selected when double-clicking the radio buttons in the Filtering log #4672
[Fixed] Unnecessary Filter localhost notification when connecting to AdGuard VPN #4687
[Fixed] Wrong location of the text cursor in some cases in the Filter Editor #4702
[Other] Enhance settings icon in the Filtering log, when filtering criteria are set #4656
[Other] Filtering log's context menu theme does not change when switching the application theme #4628


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.67

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.51

[Enhancement] Add $method modifier for basic rules #1713
[Enhancement] Add more information on the TLS properties to the filtering log #1171
[Enhancement] Add support for HTTP/3 (IETF QUIC) ("h3" protocol) #487
[Enhancement] Allow `$stealth` rules with empty pattern #1762
[Enhancement] Consider adding $to modifier #1714
[Enhancement] Consider using Referrer Policy #135
[Enhancement] Improve stripping User-Agent on Android #1345
[Enhancement] Support for uBO media queries #1707
[Fixed] $jsonprune, $replace, $hls does not work with non-GET-POST HTTP methods #1743
[Fixed] A few seconds delay when visiting ipTIME home routers #1756
[Fixed] AdGuard desktop version with ECH setting blocks access to domains if VPN extension is enabled #1751
[Fixed] AdGuard slows down WebPage loading time #1522
[Fixed] CPU is high when using AdGuard VPN in Selective mode and Ad Blocker with system DNS enabled #4750
[Fixed] Exception rules interfere with each other #1749
[Fixed] Hide referer with "Hide your search queries" option enabled if request made by click #1766
[Fixed] Make `$app` modifier case insensitive for AdGuard for Windows #1755
[Fixed] System DNS is a loopback when running Cloudflare WARP #4692
[Fixed] `$path` modifier does not work on path `market.yandex.ru/?` #1726
[Other] $jsonprune modifier should be able to handle quotes for `jsonp` #1734
[Other] $network rules does are broken on macos w/ kext #1773
[Other] Consider `:has()`, `:not()`, `:is()` as a standard pseudo-class if ExtendedCss usage is not forced by `#?#` rule marker #1683
[Other] Cosmetic rules don't work at `mypikpak.com` #1767
[Other] Enable ECH GREASE when ECH is enabled #1781
[Other] New error of scripts processing #1750
[Other] Prepare for XPC #1675
[Other] Sometimes DNS fallbacks helper returns instead of provider's servers #1687
[Other] TCP/IP: Add new reject mode - ICMP administratively prohibited #1774
[Other] User script doesn't work #1729
[Other] `SaveFrom` gives error when loading video with Odnoklassniki #1776


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.57

Minor fixes

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.56

[Enhancement] Improve 'trusted-replace-fetch-response'/'trusted-replace-xhr-response' — add ability to replace all matched content #303
[Fixed] Fix 'log-addEventListener' — a lot of errors are printed to console #335
[Fixed] Fix 'prevent-fetch', 'prevent-xhr' — error on blocked request #334
[Other] Fix 'set-cookie' — add 'Accept' and 'Reject' values #336
[Other] Fix 'set-cookie' — case-insensitive values #342
[Other] Improve 'google-ima3' — avoid conflict with the DAI SDK #331
[Other] Improve storage item scriptlets — add ability to remove item by key #338

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.37

[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'evaldata-prune' #322
[Enhancement] Fix message for logging scriptlets #313
[Enhancement] New way returning supported values of `set-constant` scriptlet #316
[Enhancement] Specify the version from which scriptlet or redirect support is declared #273
[Fixed] 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader()' issue in scriptlet and redirect #295
[Fixed] Fix 'm3u-prune' and 'xml-prune' — XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send() #315
[Fixed] Fix 'prevent-element-src-loading' — 'onerror', 'onload', 'link' #276
[Fixed] Fix 'trusted-set-cookie-reload' — website is not reloaded if '$now$' value is used #291
[Fixed] Fix cookie setting scriptlets — do not encode name and value #311
[Fixed] Instance properties of 'Response' issue in scriptlet and redirect #297
[Fixed] Value encoding problem with 'trusted-set-cookie' and 'trusted-set-cookie-reload' scriptlets #320
[Other] Add new scriptlet — 'remove-node-text' #318
[Other] Add new scriptlet — 'trusted-replace-node-text' #319
[Other] Fix 'googletagservices-gpt' — updateTargetingFromMap() #293
[Other] Scriptlets should handle escaped quotes correctly #286


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.20

[Other] User script doesn't work #1729


Upgraded ExtendedCSS to v2.0.52

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.17

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 3 (4343)
Дата релиза: 17 августа 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.66 #4806
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.17 #4786


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.66

[Fixed] AdGuard's DNS redirects traffic through the ISP when working with Cloudflare Zero Trust #4729

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.63

[Fixed] socks5 proxy not working with Adguard 4.0 #4812
[Other] UDP timeout is too small in TcpIpStack #1796


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.58

[Other] Escape commas in the params during conversion to ubo rules #343


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.17

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 2 (4340)
Дата релиза: 15 августа 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.65 #4803
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.17 #4786


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.65

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.17

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.15.0 nightly 1 (4335)
Дата релиза: 14 августа 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Add the ability to operate the dialog boxes using the Space bar #4677
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Set the focus adequately after certain actions, like deleting a rule (for use of the up/down arrow keys) #4362
[Enhancement] The app is installed with one non-recommended annoyances filter instead of 5 recommended #4764
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.51 #4777
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.12.63 #4796
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.13 #4749
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.17 #4786
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.2.18 #4795
[Fixed] Scroll left/right doesn't work in filtering log for preview via touchpad #4638
[Fixed] Button is not selected when double-clicking the radio buttons in the Filtering log #4672
[Fixed] Minor dark theme UI issue on the "Remove filter" dialog in "Filter Editor" #4664
[Fixed] Unnecessary Filter localhost notification when connecting to AdGuard VPN #4687
[Fixed] Wrong location of the text cursor in some cases in the Filter Editor #4702
[Other] Enhance settings icon in the Filtering log, when filtering criteria are set #4656
[Other] Filtering log's context menu theme does not change when switching the application theme #4628


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.63

[Fixed] socks5 proxy not working with Adguard 4.0 #4812
[Other] UDP timeout is too small in TcpIpStack #1796


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.58

[Other] Escape commas in the params during conversion to ubo rules #343

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.12.51

[Enhancement] Add $method modifier for basic rules #1713
[Enhancement] Add more information on the TLS properties to the filtering log #1171
[Enhancement] Add support for HTTP/3 (IETF QUIC) ("h3" protocol) #487
[Enhancement] Allow "$stealth" rules with empty pattern #1762
[Enhancement] Consider adding $to modifier #1714
[Enhancement] Consider using Referrer Policy #135
[Enhancement] Improve stripping User-Agent on Android #1345
[Enhancement] Support for uBO media queries #1707
[Fixed] $jsonprune, $replace, $hls does not work with non-GET-POST HTTP methods #1743
[Fixed] A few seconds delay when visiting ipTIME home routers #1756
[Fixed] AdGuard desktop version with ECH setting blocks access to domains if VPN extension is enabled #1751
[Fixed] AdGuard slows down WebPage loading time #1522
[Fixed] CPU is high when using AdGuard VPN in Selective mode and Ad Blocker with system DNS enabled #4750
[Fixed] Exception rules interfere with each other #1749
[Fixed] Hide referer with "Hide your search queries" option enabled if request made by click #1766
[Fixed] Make "$app" modifier case insensitive for AdGuard for Windows #1755
[Fixed] System DNS is a loopback when running Cloudflare WARP #4692
[Fixed] "$path" modifier does not work on path "market.yandex.ru/?" #1726
[Other] $jsonprune modifier should be able to handle quotes for "jsonp" #1734
[Other] $network rules does are broken on macos w/ kext #1773
[Other] Consider ":has()", ":not()", ":is()" as a standard pseudo-class if ExtendedCss usage is not forced by "#?#" rule marker #1683
[Other] Enable ECH GREASE when ECH is enabled #1781
[Other] Prepare for XPC #1675
[Other] Sometimes DNS fallbacks helper returns instead of provider's servers #1687
[Other] TCP/IP: Add new reject mode - ICMP administratively prohibited #1774
[Other] User script doesn't work #1729
[Other] "SaveFrom" gives error when loading video with Odnoklassniki #1776
[Other] mypikpak.com #1767
[Other] New error of scripts processing. #1750


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.57

Minor fixes

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.56

[Enhancement] Improve 'trusted-replace-fetch-response'/'trusted-replace-xhr-response' — add ability to replace all matched content #303
[Fixed] Fix 'log-addEventListener' — a lot of errors are printed to console #335
[Fixed] Fix 'prevent-fetch', 'prevent-xhr' — error on blocked request #334
[Other] Fix 'set-cookie' — add 'Accept' and 'Reject' values #336
[Other] Fix 'set-cookie' — case-insensitive values #342
[Other] Improve 'google-ima3' — avoid conflict with the DAI SDK #331
[Other] Improve storage item scriptlets — add ability to remove item by key #338

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.37

[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'evaldata-prune' #322
[Enhancement] Fix message for logging scriptlets #313
[Enhancement] New way returning supported values of "set-constant" scriptlet #316
[Enhancement] Specify the version from which scriptlet or redirect support is declared #273
[Fixed] 'XMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader()' issue in scriptlet and redirect #295
[Fixed] Fix 'm3u-prune' and 'xml-prune' — XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send() #315
[Fixed] Fix 'prevent-element-src-loading' — 'onerror', 'onload', 'link' #276
[Fixed] Fix 'trusted-set-cookie-reload' — website is not reloaded if '$now$' value is used #291
[Fixed] Fix cookie setting scriptlets — do not encode name and value #311
[Fixed] Instance properties of 'Response' issue in scriptlet and redirect #297
[Fixed] Value encoding problem with 'trusted-set-cookie' and 'trusted-set-cookie-reload' scriptlets #320
[Other] Add new scriptlet — 'remove-node-text' #318
[Other] Add new scriptlet — 'trusted-replace-node-text' #319
[Other] Fix 'googletagservices-gpt' — updateTargetingFromMap() #293
[Other] Scriptlets should handle escaped quotes correctly #286


Upgraded UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.20

[Other] User script doesn't work #1729


Upgraded ExtendedCSS to v2.0.52

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.18

Minor fixes

Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.2.17

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14.0 nighty 10 (4334)
Дата релиза: 11 августа 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows nightly 1 ()
Дата релиза: 11 августа 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 9 августа 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 27 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 25 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 21 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 17 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 13 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 13 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 10 июля 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.14 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 6 июля 2023 г.
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Set the focus adequately after certain actions, like deleting a rule (for use of the up/down arrow keys) [#4362]
[Fixed] Invalid rule suggested when you try to unblock Stealth Mode for a request [#4675]
[Fixed] Unnecessary Filter localhost notification when connecting to AdGuard VPN [#4687]
[Fixed] When creating a rule in the editor, pressing Esc acts as Enter [#4748](
[Fixed] Wrong filtering app detection using Browser Assistant [#4680]
[Fixed] РЎomplete the translation for the advanced settings in Russian [#4704]
[Other] Enhance settings icon in the Filtering log, when filtering criteria are set [#4656]
[Other] Filtering log's context menu theme does not change when switching the application theme [#4628]
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 4 июля 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.117 #4755
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 30 июня 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.116 #4752
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 28 июня 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 23 июня 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 14 июня 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.114 #4734
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 6 июня 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 31 мая 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.110 #4716
[Fixed] System DNS is a loopback when running Cloudflare WARP #4692
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 25 мая 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.107 #4708
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.1.44 #4710
[Fixed] Nord VPN interferes with AdGuard if DNS module is enabled #4673
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 19 мая 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 11 мая 2023 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard Browser Assistant doesn't work in Chrome 113 (AdGuard for Windows nightly) #4693
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 4 мая 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 26 апреля 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.1.35 #4683
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.1.37 #4686
[Fixed] Nord VPN interferes with AdGuard if DNS module is enabled #4673
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 18 апреля 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.86 #4678


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.82

[Fixed] `path` modifier does not work on `yandex.ru/images/` #1738
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 4 апреля 2023 г.
[Fixed] After exiting AdGuard, Assistant says AdGuard is not installed or configured incorrectly #4663
[Fixed] Traffic filtering isn't being turned off #4657


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.79

[Enhancement] $jsonprune modifier should be able to handle `jsonp` #1717
[Fixed] Internet fails to work when network is changing from wifi to mobile data on some networks #4265
[Other] Filtering does not work on websites with dot at the end #1741
[Other] Sometimes no filtering on Google related sites (e.g. youtube.com) #4480
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 29 марта 2023 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 27 марта 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Enable DNS filtering and select System DNS by default for all users #4609
[Fixed] Incorrect translation in the updater window #4640
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 21 марта 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.69 #4655
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.1.27 #4639


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.69

[Other] HTTPS filtration breaks trading.finam.ru #1724
[Other] elearning.ual.pt does not open with "Protect from DPI" #4451


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.9.1

[Enhancement] Add new scriptlet — 'm3u-prune' #277
[Enhancement] Improve 'set-attr' scriptlet — add more possible values #283
[Fixed] Fix 'prevent-element-src-loading' — thrown error if 'thisArg' is undefined #270
[Fixed] Fix 'xml-prune' — logging, new Request() #289
[Other] Add UBO alias 'noop.css' for 'noopcss' redirect #299
[Other] Improve 'adjust-setTimeout' / 'adjust-setInterval' — decrease the minimal value of 'boost' #262
[Other] Improve 'json-prune' — logging null #282


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.1.27

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 10 марта 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Implement the newest TLD-to-locale mappings from the AdGuard Browser Extension repo #4620
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.59 #4630
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.1.26 #4629
[Enhancement] `Filtering Log`”. Use another icon (or highlight it) when filtering criteria are set #4406


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.1.26

[Other] Add tplinkextender.net to fallback domains #183
[Other] Crash in IPv6-only networks on Android #182


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.59

[Other] netbiosd (process) starts using a lot of CPU when pausing AdGuard #937


Upgraded ExtendedCSS to v2.0.51

[Other] Change 'IAffectedElement' — make 'content' optional #163
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 2 марта 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Allow disable "Filter localhost" advanced option even if AdGuard VPN is enabled too #4586
[Enhancement] Problems with dark theme of installer #4584
[Enhancement] Register SafeVisit program #4618
[Fixed] AdGuard Service hangs after sleep #4565
[Fixed] AdGuard does not automatically import CA for Firefox #4595
[Fixed] AdGuard's certificate is not deleted from the system certificate store after removing the app #4610
[Fixed] After starting the system the message "The app can't reach AdGuard servers" shows up #4590
[Fixed] WCF communication is broken after sleep #4551
[Other] Filter editor is reopen instead of focused once clicking the button more than once #4619


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.50

Minor fixes


Upgraded ExtendedCSS to v2.0.49

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 14 февраля 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Disabling DNS filtering on selected Wi-Fi networks #4578


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.11.34

[Enhancement] Improve "Filtered Apps" section #1286
[Fixed] Strange behavior when reading the system certificate store on MacOS 13 #1151


Upgraded ExtendedCSS to v2.0.44

[Other] Extended CSS rules do not work in mobile view set to 'iPad Air/Mini' #161
AdGuard для Windows 7.13 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 10 февраля 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Add "jsonprune", "badfilter", "removeheader" and "hls" applied rules to the filtering log #4536
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Allow "Ctrl+E" to edit a filter (i.e. open the "advanced filter editor") #4330
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Exiting the "advanced filter editor" requires pressing the "ESC" key 2x the first time #4329
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Set the focus adequately after certain actions, like deleting a rule (for use of the up/down arrow keys) #4362
[Enhancement] DNS Filter Editor: Set the focus to "User rules" by default (for use of the up/down arrow keys) #4333
[Enhancement] Remove: Strip URLs of tracking parameters (option for "stealth-mode") #3813
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.11.34 #4582
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter Craving explore browser #4544
[Fixed] Adding DNS or Filter from a site does not work if Parental Controls and Password are enabled #4272
[Fixed] Cannot add new rule #4519
[Fixed] Editing filter is not auto-detected in filter editor after click on "edit" button #4438
[Fixed] Error occur after create a custom filter with already used custom filter name #4437
[Fixed] Google search does not work when Bitdefender and AdGuard are running at the same time #4412
[Fixed] If disable filtering for application, browser assistant continues to work like the filtering is not disabled (step 1) #4379
[Fixed] If you exit AdGuard and open settings from Assistant while the service is running, AdGuard won't open #4556
[Fixed] Incorrect behavior of "Disable protection for 30s" after on/off the protection #4535
[Fixed] Something went wrong on Windows 11 #4341
[Fixed] The app doesn't update automatically in the background on Windows 7 #4494
[Other] Back up the UI settings #4404
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 23 января 2023 г.
[Other] Error when updating/reinstalling AdGuard Popup Blocker #4574
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 19 января 2023 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard won't start with System DNS and no Internet connection #4569
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 17 января 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.185 #4559


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.75

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 13 января 2023 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.185 #4559
[Other] Main window opens at a system startup despite checkbox is unchecked #4546
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.71 #4561


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.75

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.189

[Fixed] Filtering and userscripts do not work with Norton 360 installed #1712
[Fixed] Internet fails to work when network is changing from wifi to mobile data on some networks #4265
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 30 декабря 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.182 #4549
[Fixed] The app doesn't update automatically in the background on Windows 7 #4494
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.68 #4555


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.182

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.68

[Other] Add PIX-LINK router/repeater domains to fallback domains #170
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 22 декабря 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Enable DNS filtering and select System DNS by default for new users #4539
[Enhancement] Enable DNS filtering module with the selected system DNS by default #4534
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.177 #4537
[Fixed] Add the option to filter at AdGuard service start-up #4454
[Fixed] If "Blocked" is selected in filtering log, it shows all requests #4525
[Fixed] The app doesn't update automatically in the background on Windows 7 #4494


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.177

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 16 декабря 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.166 #4523
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.175 #4530
[Fixed] Please bring back silent start of AG when OS boots #4454
[Fixed] Unable to install extension that include '@' in the link #4397
[Fixed] [DNS Filter] Imported rules not updating #4475


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.175

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.169

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.139

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.166

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 12 декабря 2022 г.
[Fixed] The app doesn't update automatically in the background on Windows 7 #4494
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 7 декабря 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Catsxp Browser does not support #4326
[Fixed] Service hangs after the filter update #4456
AdGuard для Windows 7.12 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 2 декабря 2022 г.
[Enhancement] AdGuard Assistant support for Vivaldi #4459
[Enhancement] Improve parental control sensitivity level logic #4062
[Enhancement] Kindly Add Thorium Browser to list of filtered apps #4443
[Enhancement] Option in Advanced Settings to hide "Adguard VPN" section #4424
[Enhancement] Rework items in gear menu of filter editor #4224
[Fixed] AdGuard's folder with files is left in "Program data" if we cancel installing application #3891
[Fixed] Extensions update themselves with check interval disabled #4004
[Fixed] Slow rule adding on "+" in Filter Editor #4439
[Other] Error on import settings #4473


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.139


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.58


[Fixed] After updating the build, deletion is not possible [AG-16786]
[Fixed] Change the name of a resource with translations for pt-BR language [AG-16931]
[Fixed] Don't override axes [AG-17626]
[Fixed] Investigate whether nf_deleteRules better than nt_free/nf_init (in terms of performance) [AG-6912]
[Fixed] NullReferenceException in UpdateConfigurationService.CheckForUpdate [AG-17167]
[Fixed] Reorder advanced settings [AG-16910]
[Fixed] Too frequent host reconnect once stoppting the app [AG-14751]
[Fixed] Untrackable sleep on some machines [AG-17098]
[Other] Add all the settings to debug report [AG-17054]
[Other] Add to startup "Run" hive according to the registry redirect [AG-15916]
[Other] Enhance FilteringLogRuleGenerator [AG-15762]
[Other] Start using SetTcpEntry6 [AG-17140]
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 29
Дата релиза: 24 ноября 2022 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard 7.11.3 doesn't start after the reboot #4502
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 28
Дата релиза: 21 ноября 2022 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.139

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 27
Дата релиза: 16 ноября 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 26
Дата релиза: 16 ноября 2022 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.135

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 25
Дата релиза: 14 ноября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.134 #4478
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.36 #4469
[Other] Error on import settings #4473


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.134

[Other] Some regexp rules do not work #1688


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.38

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 24
Дата релиза: 3 ноября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.120 #4470
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 23
Дата релиза: 31 октября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.119 #4465
[Fixed] Experimental filter is turned on automatically after an update #4457
[Fixed] Unable to import rules using URL or update imported rules on version 7.11 #4452


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.119

[Other] Adguard DNS Protection is not working well with router advertised dns servers #1061
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 22
Дата релиза: 25 октября 2022 г.
[Fixed] Network filtering doesn't start #4455
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 24 октября 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 20 октября 2022 г.
[Other] AdGuard hangs at every attempt to update filters #4338
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 17 октября 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 12 октября 2022 г.
[Other] Update Brazilian Portuguese #4259
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 10 октября 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 6 октября 2022 г.
[Fixed] Types of request don't fit the column in the filtering log #4277
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 4 октября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Don't update the filters after updating the application #4159
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.106 #4433
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.20 #4432
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 22 сентября 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 21 сентября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.14 #4419
[Fixed] AdGuard's certificate isn't established when Kaspersky Internet Security is installed #4200


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.94

[Enhancement] Discard adblock agent properly #1667
[Fixed] AdGuard's certificate isn't established when Kaspersky Internet Security is installed #4200
[Other] Memory leak: v. beta (CL-1.10.28, DNS-1.7.29) #1092
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 16 сентября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Reload protection only for the last change #4399
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.58 #4368
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.13 #4416
[Fixed] AdGuard hangs when it's closed after reboot #4339


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.13

Minor fixes

Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.7.43

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.38

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 12 сентября 2022 г.
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.12 #4415


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.12

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 8 сентября 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Faulty box for use AdGuard as an HTTP proxy #4286
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.80 #4401
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.0 #4391
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.10 #4413
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 2.0.4 #4400
[Fixed] AdGuard's main windows opens at start-up #4398
[Fixed] Automatically activate language-specific filters setting doesn't work properly #4298
[Fixed] DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN at every first access #4385
[Fixed] Main screen's size becomes normalized when clicking on Settings in full screen mode #4335
[Fixed] Types of request don't fit the column in the filtering log #4277
[Other] Greek language is missing #4275
[Other] Missing translations for new version #4140
[Other] Update Croatian translations [hr] #4294
[Other] Use updated info for disconnecting due to absence of connected client #4311


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.7

Minor fixes

Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.4

Minor fixes

Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.0.2

[Enhancement] Move DnsLibs to libuv #132
[Fixed] DnsProxy doesn't start when link-local bootstrap is passed #160
[Other] $badfilter modifier does not work #141
[Other] Add keepalive to DoQ #159
[Other] Add oppowifi.com to the default exclusions list #153
[Other] Allow using hostnames in OutboundProxySettings #152


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.80

[Fixed] ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.NotSameOriginAfterDefaultedToSameOriginByCoep for the content script #1664
[Fixed] Error with filtering initialization through Network Extension when network is off #1124
[Other] Adguard DNS Protection is not working well with router advertised dns servers #1061
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 22 августа 2022 г.
[Enhancement] NVDA Screen Reader: better support for visually impaired users #2068
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.65 #4376
[Fixed] Browser Assistant can't load when AdGuard is closed but allowed to filter #4377


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.68

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 16 августа 2022 г.
[Fixed] Assistant's status is wrong when the app's trial period has expired #4267
[Fixed] Metadata is partially deleted after reinstalling a filter #4284
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 12 августа 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.10.58 #4368
[Fixed] Advanced filter editor does not work correctly with "+" and "-" #4301
[Fixed] Types of request don't fit the column in the filtering log #4277


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.7.43

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.58

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 2 августа 2022 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.51

[Fixed] Microsoft Edge collections are blocked #1653
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 26 июля 2022 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.38

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.35

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 20 июля 2022 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard hangs when it's closed after reboot #4339
[Fixed] No filtering after we close AdGuard but allow filtering #4344
[Other] No dark theme in request when removing filters and extensions #4273
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 15 июля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.7.41 #4331
[Fixed] Notification wrongly marked as AdGuard VPN - related #4323
[Fixed] The gear does not work in AdGuard Assistant extension. #4270
[Fixed] Yandex browser freezes when viewing a certificate #3256
[Other] No dark theme in request when removing filters and extensions #4273


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.33

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 6 июля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] "Add" and "remove" buttons signs are faulty #4177
[Enhancement] Add a title for custom filters in the filters list #4190
[Enhancement] Handle the addition of two identical rules #4210
[Enhancement] In dark mode signs are barely visible in Manage password #4178
[Enhancement] Please modify the logic of "Launch AdGuard at system start-up". #2489
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.76 #4274
[Enhancement] copy filter list source url #3790
[Fixed] AdGuard system tray icon doesn't update status when changing update channel #4158
[Fixed] Ctrl-Shift-Z is not working in Filter Editor #3756
[Fixed] DNS Filtering is incompatible with Heimdal security dark layer #4180
[Fixed] Password enter dialog doesn't react on "cross" button #4266
[Fixed] Settings and filtering log windows open in the background #4230
[Other] Filters not updating properly #4264
[Other] Internet doesnt work after laptop wakes from sleep #4293
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.69 #4256


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.3

[Enhancement] Add a new modifier for working with HLS (m3u8) files #1434
[Enhancement] Add empty path #1591
[Enhancement] Applying $removeparam to POST requests #1573
[Enhancement] DNS-over-HTTPS filtering #1563
[Fixed] Check validation of `:xpath` rules #1606
[Fixed] Rule `@@||example.org^$important,document,app=firefox.exe` doesn't display as whitelisted #1546
[Fixed] Rules with `:where()` pseudo class are rejected #1609
[Fixed] Safebrowsing/OCSP doesn't work with Parallels #1079
[Fixed] `$removeparam` doesn't work if request is blocked #1580
[Fixed] console.cloud.google.com is broken #1593
[Fixed] uBO scriptlets conversion issue #1604
[Other] Browser Assistant does not see the new site certificate #1619
[Other] Change the hardcoded local.adguard.org address #1608
[Other] Xiaomi Router Management Page #1538
[Other] `$removeparam` causes that preflight request is blocked #1632
[Other] tickets.karls-shop.de - broken website #1630
[Other] www.collierappraiser.com website not loading with enabled https filtering #1631

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.76

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.11 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 29 июня 2022 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 16 июня 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 10 июня 2022 г.
[Enhancement] In dark mode signs are barely visible in Manage password #4178
[Other] Filters not updating properly #4264
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 8 июня 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 7 июня 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 6 июня 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.76 #4274


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.76

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 2 июня 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 1 июня 2022 г.
[Fixed] DNS Filtering is incompatible with Heimdal security dark layer #4180
[Fixed] Password enter dialog doesn't react on "cross" button #4266
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 25 мая 2022 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.69 #4256
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 23 мая 2022 г.
[Enhancement] "Add" and "remove" buttons signs are faulty #4177
[Enhancement] Installer redesign #2574
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.150 #3605
[Enhancement] Update info is incorrect after manual update #3997
[Enhancement] Upgrade Corelibs to 1.7.16 #3463
[Fixed] "BlockTypeRuleDescription" wrongly used as a rule in the filtering log #2663
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver #2308
[Fixed] AdGuard system tray icon doesn't update status when changing update channel #4158
[Fixed] Adguard bypass Windows Tracking user's settings #3516
[Fixed] Automatic apps filtering is disabled after the update #3076
[Fixed] Closing Firefox closes AdGuard as well (Browser assistant) #3912
[Fixed] DNS query encryption stops working #3479
[Fixed] Failed test: Uninstallation via uninstall shortcut #2916
[Fixed] In Chinese Traditional locale, wrongly use Chinese Simplified encoding in "What's new" screen. (v7.4 nightly 8) #3221
[Fixed] It saves but does not select "Add a custom DNS server". #4042
[Fixed] OutOfMemoryException occurs while handling the native exceptions #2612
[Fixed] Reset statistics feature works incorrectly #2923
[Other] Adguard Assistant -> AdGuard Assistant #2643
[Other] Do not block Exit in context menu when service is failed #3403
[Other] Incorrect translation #2616
[Other] Settings for importing custom filters failed after updating adguard 7.10nightly7 #4257
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.31 #2775
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.32 #2777
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.127 #3073
[Other] Update Corelibs to 1.3.340 #2668
[Other] Update to Core Libs 1.5.141 #3099
[Other] Update translations #3726


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.261

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.256

[Fixed] The rule @@*$network,app=chrome.exe causes AdGuard to crash #4015

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.184

[Fixed] CL reports incorrect errors on duplicate rules #1517

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.205

[Fixed] Userscript exclusions do not work as they should #1425

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.150

[Enhancement] Improve socket connect with hostname provided (for Proxy mode) #123
[Enhancement] Indicate libraries versions #1150
[Fixed] `$badfilter` rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331
[Other] $generichide rule causes that assistant is showing that AdGuard is disabled #7
[Other] Connection error after waking computer from sleep mode #3412
[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.16

[Fixed] AGW 7.5 beta 1 - ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH at multiple corporate domains #3462
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 19 мая 2022 г.
[Enhancement] "Add" and "remove" buttons signs are faulty #4177
[Fixed] Filters and their updates failed after updating to AdGuard 7.10 nightly 6 #4255
[Other] Settings for importing custom filters failed after updating adguard 7.10nightly7 #4257
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 18 мая 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 17 мая 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Send `Protect from DPI` status to ReportsWebApp #4248
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.68 #4247
[Enhancement] Updater window isn't adapted to dark theme #4156
[Fixed] Cannot add the same rules to Adblocker and DNS filters simultaneously #4132
[Fixed] Filter name is not transmitted when subscribing via `filterlists.com` #4193
[Fixed] Overlapping text headers in the filtering log #4186
[Fixed] The label "trusted" is not visible if the filter has a long name #4126
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 13 мая 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Complete the description for WebRTC feature #4104
[Fixed] Browser Assistant is sensitive to the www prefix in HTTPS Exceptions #4240
[Fixed] Custom filters do not work when refresh webpage #4170
[Fixed] Localization for title of the updater #4154
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 28 апреля 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 27 апреля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Add "Unencrypted" icon for "Regular" DNS servers description in the DNS tab #4121
[Enhancement] Add an DPI-bypass option to AdGuard Stealth Mode #4175
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.67 #4237
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules are on filtering log when Ad Blocker is disabled #4185
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 18 апреля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.62 #4212
[Fixed] Crash on custom DNS address in Advanced Settings #4195
[Fixed] DNS filters are not updated when ad blocker is turned off #4118
[Fixed] Filter subscription is downloaded partially within the update #4165
[Fixed] There is sound notification on Windows 10 while `Enable sound notifications` is disabled #4127
AdGuard для Windows 7.10 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 12 апреля 2022 г.
[Fixed] DNS filters are not updated when ad blocker is turned off #4118
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 5 марта 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 4 марта 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.43 #4150
[Fixed] Disabling `Show quic` doesn't work until we relaunch filtering log #4133
[Fixed] Error while checking for filter updates #4143
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 25 февраля 2022 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.7.12

[Enhancement] Expose the memory limit for DNS blocklists #140
[Enhancement] Provide an option to suppress ECH #1564
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 22 февраля 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 21 февраля 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 21 февраля 2022 г.
[Fixed] Quite a big delay when going back from any tab to the main screen #4134
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 17 февраля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.34 #4131
[Fixed] Notification is absent while checking the update on the latest version #4130
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 15 февраля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.32 #4129


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.32

[Other] glastonburyrepublicans.org - ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR #1592
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 10 февраля 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.29 #4123
[Fixed] Add brackets to "Beta" #4083
[Fixed] Blocked requests by Parental control are shown as Stealth mode's ones in Filtering log #4074
[Fixed] Mouse wheel isn't working in DNS exclusions #4024
[Fixed] On the main screen, the rule counter includes comments #3994
[Fixed] `$$` rules are not visible in the filtering log #4113
[Other] Info about AdGuard is left in registry after deleting #4064


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.29

[Other] Facebook picture upload not working #1588
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 7 февраля 2022 г.
[Other] Add translation for an error while adding custom filter #4026
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 1 февраля 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 31 января 2022 г.
[Enhancement] AdGuard Assistant filtering log won't open when task icon of AdGuard is closed #3335
[Fixed] Change Homepage in User rules gear menu #4068
[Fixed] Filters' update time is incorrect after update to 7.9 nightly 6 #4105
[Other] AdGuard uses about 10% CPU on the webpage with disabled protection #4003
[Other] Pseudo-update of userscripts #4050
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 26 января 2022 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 26 января 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Add an advanced option to set custom dns bootstrap address #4080
[Fixed] Language-specific filters are automatically enabled even if the ad-blocker is turned off. #4098


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.20

[Fixed] GM_xmlhttpRequest does not work correctly #1400
[Fixed] Phishing protection issue #1578
[Other] Issue with a `$csp` exceptions #1586
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 17 января 2022 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard VPN freezes when disconnecting #175
[Fixed] Filtering log - proposed rule for blocked cookie is not correct #4045
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 12 января 2022 г.
[Enhancement] Use "Export logs" instead of "Export log" #4034
[Fixed] 7.9 nightly 2 makes sites unavailable to open #4084
[Fixed] Fix markup in the installer #4060
[Fixed] Wrong padding under filter name in the filter editor #3553


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.5

[Enhancement] Add an ability to apply cosmetic rules to specific URLs only #124
[Enhancement] Do not send Do-Not-Track header if the request is made by Safari #1536
[Enhancement] Improve content type detection using `Sec-Fetch-Dest` header #1382
[Enhancement] Replace default `Hide your IP` IP address by not blacklisted #1516
[Enhancement] TLS fingerprint with AG should be the same as without it #1503
[Fixed] AdGuard crashed while using earlier versions of FireFox browser #4068
[Fixed] HTTPS filtering original certificate caching algorithm #1402
[Fixed] Kinopoisk.ru authorisation breakage #1502
[Fixed] Some correct rules are rejected #1531
[Fixed] When applied the rule with `$all` modifier, wrong rule printed to the log #1535
[Fixed] danawa.com - corrupted encoding #1534
[Fixed] net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on www.adorama.com #1518
[Fixed] worldvision.de: Rules with $third-party modifier don't work #1523
[Other] AdGuard fails at pinning test on badssl.com #1526
[Other] Bugs in the RegEx validity check #1544
[Other] GCM notification delay, GCM connection interupted #3956
[Other] Support for fast speeds/Adguard locks at 300mbp/s #1561
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 31 декабря 2021 г.
[Fixed] 7.9 nightly 2 makes sites unavailable to open #4084


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.0

[Enhancement] Add an ability to apply cosmetic rules to specific URLs only #124
[Enhancement] Do not send Do-Not-Track header if the request is made by Safari #1536
[Enhancement] Improve content type detection using `Sec-Fetch-Dest` header #1382
[Enhancement] Replace default `Hide your IP` IP address by not blacklisted #1516
[Enhancement] TLS fingerprint with AG should be the same as without it #1503
[Fixed] AdGuard crashed while using earlier versions of FireFox browser #4068
[Fixed] HTTPS filtering original certificate caching algorithm #1402
[Fixed] Kinopoisk.ru authorisation breakage #1502
[Fixed] Some correct rules are rejected #1531
[Fixed] When applied the rule with `$all` modifier, wrong rule printed to the log #1535
[Fixed] danawa.com - corrupted encoding #1534
[Fixed] net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on www.adorama.com #1518
[Fixed] worldvision.de: Rules with $third-party modifier don't work #1523
[Other] AdGuard fails at pinning test on badssl.com #1526
[Other] Bugs in the RegEx validity check #1544
[Other] GCM notification delay, GCM connection interupted #3956
[Other] Support for fast speeds/Adguard locks at 300mbp/s #1561
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 30 декабря 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Allow to hide DNS requests and Connections in the filtering log #3830
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.0 #4081


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.9.0

[Enhancement] Add an ability to apply cosmetic rules to specific URLs only #124
[Enhancement] Do not send Do-Not-Track header if the request is made by Safari #1536
[Enhancement] Improve content type detection using `Sec-Fetch-Dest` header #1382
[Enhancement] Replace default `Hide your IP` IP address by not blacklisted #1516
[Enhancement] TLS fingerprint with AG should be the same as without it #1503
[Fixed] AdGuard crashed while using earlier versions of FireFox browser #4068
[Fixed] HTTPS filtering original certificate caching algorithm #1402
[Fixed] Kinopoisk.ru authorisation breakage #1502
[Fixed] Some correct rules are rejected #1531
[Fixed] When applied the rule with `$all` modifier, wrong rule printed to the log #1535
[Fixed] danawa.com - corrupted encoding #1534
[Fixed] net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on www.adorama.com #1518
[Fixed] worldvision.de: Rules with $third-party modifier don't work #1523
[Other] AdGuard fails at pinning test on badssl.com #1526
[Other] Bugs in the RegEx validity check #1544
[Other] GCM notification delay, GCM connection interupted #3956
[Other] Support for fast speeds/Adguard locks at 300mbp/s #1561
AdGuard для Windows 7.9 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 28 декабря 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.8 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 16 декабря 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.8 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 14 декабря 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.274 #4053
[Fixed] The filter is not displayed in the filtering log when its rule is applied #3992
[Other] Bandizip for Windows not filtered #3334
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.71 #4049


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.71

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.8 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 9 декабря 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Add 360 browser to the list of filtered apps #4018
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.261 #4043
[Fixed] It describes the "Ungoogled Chromium" browser as the "Sidekick" browser. #4008
[Fixed] It saves but does not select "Add a custom DNS server". #4042
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.70 #4038


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.261

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.70

[Other] Deadlock in tcp_stream #129
AdGuard для Windows 7.8 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 2 декабря 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.8 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 30 ноября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.253 #4016
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.256 #4019
[Enhancement] Update info is incorrect after manual update #3997
[Fixed] Browser assistant is still available after the license expires #4020
[Fixed] Right click on the tray menu icon opens the main window #3908


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.256

[Fixed] The rule @@*$network,app=chrome.exe causes AdGuard to crash #4015

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.253

[Fixed] Improve the QUIC SNI decoder logic #1554
[Other] Failed to install a custom filter list with `#include` directive #1553

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.199

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.8 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 19 ноября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.245 #4002
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.66 #4001


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.245

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.199

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 30
Дата релиза: 11 ноября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.240 #3996


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.240

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 29
Дата релиза: 4 ноября 2021 г.
[Fixed] Driver installation failed on v7.7.1 #3986
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 28
Дата релиза: 1 ноября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.227 #3971
[Fixed] "Open main window at a system start-up" doesn't work correctly #3968
[Fixed] Right click on the tray menu icon opens the main window #3908
[Other] AdGuard 7.7 Service Repeatedly Crashes #3954


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.227

[Fixed] В«Adguard ServiceВ» causes ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH on some sites in Chrome #1537
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 27
Дата релиза: 22 октября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.222 #3965
[Fixed] Cannot run AdGuard UI from the desktop icon #3956
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.58 #3964


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.222

[Fixed] Adguard can't filter sites with "Let's encrypt" certs anymore on Android < 7.1.1 #1525
[Fixed] Apple Mail iCloud account switched offline #965
[Fixed] Downloads slowdown if the server uses HTTP/2 #1533


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.58

[Fixed] AdGuard DNS crashing after waking MacBook Pro up from sleep mode #962
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 26
Дата релиза: 13 октября 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 25
Дата релиза: 7 октября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.199 #3941


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.199

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 24
Дата релиза: 4 октября 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 23
Дата релиза: 1 октября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.195 #3936
[Fixed] If stealth mode is enabled then in some cases filtering log shows wrong filter list #3935
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.50 #3937
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.52 #3938


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.52

Minor fixes

Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.50

[Fixed] "ttp" rule would block access to many domains #118
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 22
Дата релиза: 27 сентября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.46 #3932
[Fixed] AdGuard DNS Non-filtering server isn't selected while deleting via edit button in DNS module #3927


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.46

[Enhancement] Route the DNS traffic directly when the outbound proxy is dead #117
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 21 сентября 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 20 сентября 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 17 сентября 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 15 сентября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.184 #3923
[Fixed] AdGuard's folder with files is left in "Program data" if we cancel installing application #3891
[Fixed] Closing Firefox closes AdGuard as well (Browser assistant) #3912


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.184

[Fixed] CL discards valid rules like /adsgoogle #1517
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 13 сентября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Change tooltips in filters editor to multiline #3870
[Enhancement] Compatibility with the Cent Browser #3342
[Enhancement] Make items in tray menu inactive when we don't have activated AdGuard's license #3817
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.175 #3915
[Fixed] Filters don't update if we set "Default" update interval #3825
[Fixed] Notification issues #3438
[Fixed] Opening extra window with a Chinese language proposition while selecting Czech language #3877


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.181

[Enhancement] Add SNI scanning option for QUIC #1467
[Enhancement] Figure out why some rules haven't been parsed successfully #1472
[Other] joongang.co.kr #1509
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 2 сентября 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.27 #3899


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.172

[Fixed] Some :xpath rules do not work #1479


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.27

[Fixed] While on IPv6 connections, AdGuard for Android fail to connect to DNS-over-QUIC servers that are only accessible over IPv4 #3927
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 26 августа 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.167 #3903
[Fixed] Export logs can be opened many times #3889
[Fixed] Parental control can be bypassed by simply right clicking on any web page and clicking pause adguard protection #3815
[Other] Browser assistant async #3824
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 23 августа 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Finnish translations are missing yet they've been 100% completed for a long time #3898
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 18 августа 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 12 августа 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.153 #3888
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.22 #3876
[Other] Unable to activate the app if the old license is outdated #3811


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.158

[Fixed] Allow to apply $removeparam rules to all resources #1492


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.25

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 6 августа 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update VPN client to 0.8.82 #124
[Fixed] Filtering completely stops working #3880
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 2 августа 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.141 #3874
[Other] "Report the website" option no longer working. #3866
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.19 #3875
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 22 июля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.8.138 #898
[Fixed] All rules from the user filter(s) disappear after update to the 7.7 Nightly 8 #3864


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.138

[Other] Version 7.7 nightly 8 is no longer filtering ads #3863
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 21 июля 2021 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.8.128

[Enhancement] Add $denyallow modifier #1304
[Enhancement] Add $redirect-rule modifier #1303
[Enhancement] Add $removeheader modifier support #1427
[Enhancement] Add '$specifichide' modifier to disable specific element hiding and CSS rules #1166
[Enhancement] Add a "noop" modifier `_` #1387
[Enhancement] Add an option to send GlobalPrivacyControl's Do-Not-Sell signal to Stealth Mode #1451
[Enhancement] Add full regex support for $network rules #1394
[Enhancement] Allow `*##` cosmetic rules #1437
[Enhancement] Filter lists downloader module #1279
[Enhancement] Improve the way negation works for $redirect rules #1388
[Enhancement] Rules with "$" in path don't work #161
[Enhancement] Split proxy session module into processing filters chain #103
[Enhancement] Update $removeparam syntax, add $queryprune as an alias #1384
[Enhancement] Use $domain modifier for target domains only in non-domain rules #1354
[Fixed] CSS rules with url shouldn't be allowed #1431
[Fixed] Conflict with Sophos Endpoint Security and Control #3791
[Fixed] Crash in AGNEVpnRouteResolver::refreshRoutingTable() #1416
[Fixed] FTP pages are broken #1351
[Fixed] Nightly 16 crashes constantly #3687
[Fixed] Rule with $important modifier should has higher priority than rule with $all modifier #1440
[Fixed] Unable to view original certificate for IP site #1422
[Fixed] Userscript exclusions do not work as they should #1425
[Fixed] Valid rules do not pass validation checks #1419
[Fixed] Whitelist in parental control doesn't work #3635
[Fixed] [min-length] is not working in HTML filtering rules #1383
[Fixed] blockchain.com is broken #1411
[Fixed] dsp-wiki.com is broken #1420
[Fixed] hepsiburada.com - HTTPS filtering issue #1406
[Fixed] hydrogenaud.io is broken in Firefox #1361
[Fixed] scarlet.be - page cannot be loaded completely #1424
[Fixed] superonline.net is broken #1413
[Other] "obtainCertificate failed" when key doesn't match CA #1415
[Other] AdGuard fails to launch itself on the system startup #864
[Other] Add filter localhost option on Mac #1454
[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
[Other] Improve invalid CA cert or key detection #1455
[Other] Local proxies are not filtered on macOS 11.3 #862
[Other] Rules with $extension modifier unblock blocked requests #1350
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 16 июля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 8 июля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.6.9 #3843
[Fixed] When commented the rule in filters, original rule is not replaced after update #3766
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 1 июля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Add filter update date/time to state file #3727
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.233 #3838
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.5.35 #3798


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.234

Minor fixes


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.6.4

[Enhancement] Truncate reply to size expected by client #103
[Enhancement] Upgrade to QUIC version 1 #111
[Fixed] Increase DNS timeout for DnsProxy.testUpstream #112
[Fixed] SERVFAIL/timeout issue on iOS #108
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 21 июня 2021 г.
[Fixed] Blurry tray icon on 7.7 nightly 3 #3826
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 18 июня 2021 г.
[Fixed] "Enable/disable rule" buttons are active after turning on/off #3807
[Fixed] Ctrl-Shift-Z is not working in Filter Editor #3756
[Fixed] DNS requests don't reach client server after update #3757
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 4 июня 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.7 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 28 мая 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.227 #3797
[Fixed] Launch Adguard at system startup wrong behavior #7


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.227

[Fixed] Conflict with Sophos Endpoint Security and Control #3791
[Other] "obtainCertificate failed" when key doesn't match CA #1415
[Other] Local proxies are not filtered on macOS 11.3 #862
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 41
Дата релиза: 30 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 40
Дата релиза: 24 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 39
Дата релиза: 23 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 38
Дата релиза: 23 апреля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.220 #3764
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.221 #3765
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 37
Дата релиза: 22 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 36
Дата релиза: 21 апреля 2021 г.
[Fixed] Filters won't update if update interval is disabled #3755
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 35
Дата релиза: 20 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 34
Дата релиза: 15 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 33
Дата релиза: 9 апреля 2021 г.
Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.218

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 32
Дата релиза: 9 апреля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.211 #3744
[Fixed] Improve validation process (DNS filters editor) #3742
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 31
Дата релиза: 7 апреля 2021 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes after reboot (drivers switch) #3743
[Fixed] Improve validation process (DNS filters editor) #3742
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 30
Дата релиза: 6 апреля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Add Block/Unblock buttons to the Filtering Log for DNS queries #3721
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 29
Дата релиза: 2 апреля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Add Block/Unblock buttons to the Filtering Log for DNS queries #3721
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 28
Дата релиза: 29 марта 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.205 #3732


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.205

[Fixed] Userscript exclusions do not work as they should #1425
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 27
Дата релиза: 26 марта 2021 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 26
Дата релиза: 24 марта 2021 г.
[Fixed] DNS query encryption stops working #3479
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 25
Дата релиза: 23 марта 2021 г.
[Other] Update translations #3726
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 24
Дата релиза: 19 марта 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Handle TDI driver upgrade - request reboot #3706
[Fixed] AdGuard fails to handle the situation when network traffic is completely dropped #3717
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 23
Дата релиза: 16 марта 2021 г.
[Other] Update Brazilian Portuguese and European Portuguese translations #3597
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 22
Дата релиза: 5 марта 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.201 #3712
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.202 #3714
[Fixed] System theme error #3686


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.202

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.201

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 4 марта 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.199 #3709


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.199

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 1 марта 2021 г.
[Fixed] System theme error #3686


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.192

[Fixed] Crash in AGNEVpnRouteResolver::refreshRoutingTable() #1416
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 19 февраля 2021 г.
[Other] Change registry modification of Windows Telemetry and WAP Push Service #3655
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 16 февраля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Allow selecting the aim (DNS or filtering) for the added subscriptions #3644
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.189 #3693
[Enhancement] Update DnsLibs to 1.4.33 #3694
[Fixed] System theme error #3686
[Other] Update CoreLibs 1.7.188 #3743


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.4.33

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.189

[Fixed] hepsiburada.com - HTTPS filtering issue #1406

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.188

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 11 февраля 2021 г.
[Fixed] Nightly 16 crashes constantly #3687
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 10 февраля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Section "Filters were updated" need to be corrected #3513
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.180 #3684
[Fixed] Cannot add a script\filter by its link if the UI is closed #3602


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.185

[Fixed] blockchain.com is broken #1411

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.180

[Enhancement] Filter lists downloader module #1279
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 4 февраля 2021 г.
[Fixed] [UI] Theme setting is displayed incorrectly #3651
[Other] Number of enabled filters #3658
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 1 февраля 2021 г.
[Enhancement] Section "Filters were updated" need to be corrected #3513
[Fixed] "Export Settings" does not export used language #3607
[Fixed] If we change time the license becomes lifetime (trial period) #3659
[Other] Change registry modification of Windows Telemetry and WAP Push Service #3655
[Other] Do not block Exit in context menu when service is failed #3403
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 19 января 2021 г.
[Fixed] Disable buttons interaction (backspace) in Filter Editor #3652
[Fixed] Import log feature breaks filtering log operation #3645
[Fixed] The AdGuard Browser Assistant extension is being shown as incompatible in AdGuard for Windows. #3606
[Fixed] UI has crashed for no reason (logs are attached) #3500
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.119 #3624


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 13 января 2021 г.
[Fixed] IPv6 failure with DNS filtering enabled #3490
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 29 декабря 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 28 декабря 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 26 декабря 2020 г.
[Fixed] Incorrect web reference working (Error message: Too many automatic redirections were attempted.) #3642
[Other] Add DNS filter subscriptions support #3641
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 24 декабря 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update Dnslibs to 1.4.22 #3640
[Other] Add DNS filter subscriptions support #3641
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 18 декабря 2020 г.
[Fixed] All extensions disappear after clicking "Reinstall" button #3624
[Fixed] DNS query encryption stops working #3479
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.119 #3624


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 14 декабря 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade DnsLibs to 1.4.20 #3634
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 4 декабря 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.153 #3618
[Other] System theme auto switching not real-time [7.5~b1] #3464
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.119 #3624


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.153

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 20 ноября 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.150 #3605


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.150

[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 19 ноября 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.148 #3604


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.148

[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 12 ноября 2020 г.
[Fixed] AdGuard won't start after restart #3380
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.119 #3624


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
AdGuard для Windows 7.6 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 31 октября 2020 г.
[Enhancement] AdGuard Assistant filtering log won't open when task icon of AdGuard is closed #3335
[Enhancement] Filter update check period 'Disabled' option #3366
[Fixed] IPv6 failure with DNS filtering enabled #3490
[Fixed] AdGuard blocks connection of RAGE Multiplayer app #3329
[Fixed] Cannot scroll imported filter subscription's meta data within the dialog #3528
[Fixed] IPv6 failure with DNS filtering enabled #3490
[Fixed] The rule is created incorrectly #3518
[Fixed] UI representation of selected theme isn't changed after search on the page #3433
[Other] Parameters from URL are removed even if stealth mode is disabled #3572
[Other] System theme auto switching not real-time [7.5~b1] #3464
[Other] Tabs switch behavior in the filtering log #3548


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.140

[Enhancement] Improve socket connect with hostname provided (for Proxy mode) #123 AG-618
[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
[Other] $generichide rule causes that assistant is showing that AdGuard is disabled #7 AG-2078
[Other] Connection error after waking computer from sleep mode #3412 AG-3144


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.4.11

[Enhancement] Optimistic DNS #83 AG-4444
[Fixed] Compatibility issue between AdGuard and Windscribe VPN #1342 AG-4153
[Other] Add DoQ support in DNS stamps #84 AG-4563
[Other] Add ability to pass custom filtering rules without file #30 AG-634
[Other] Add an option to specify IP_BOUND_IF/SO_BINDTODEVICE for outgoing connections #78 AG-3730
[Other] Check if we should block SVCB (type 65, service binding?) records #80 AG-4294
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79 AG-4113
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 33
Дата релиза: 5 октября 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 32
Дата релиза: 1 октября 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update Dns libs to 1.3.27 #3569
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 31
Дата релиза: 29 сентября 2020 г.
[Fixed] Adguard bypass Windows Tracking user's settings #3516
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 30
Дата релиза: 24 сентября 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.114 #3563


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114

[Other] local.adguard.org certificate is not re-issued when it expire #1348
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 29
Дата релиза: 21 сентября 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.109 #3555


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.111

Minor fixes

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.109

[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 28
Дата релиза: 18 сентября 2020 г.
[Fixed] DNS function is blocking internet connection #3526
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.108 #3554


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.108

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] Exclusion with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] Sometimes path combining helper puts extra slash #1338
[Fixed] The filter ID of the triggered rule for a blocked request is not defined correctly. #1312
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] hkclubs.samsung.com #1340
[Other] Fix errors encoding under Windows #79
[Other] Partial HTML processing issues #1308
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 27
Дата релиза: 11 сентября 2020 г.
[Fixed] Adguard bypass Windows Tracking user's settings #3516
[Other] Update DnsLibs to 1.3.24 #3540
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 26
Дата релиза: 10 сентября 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.95 #3536


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.95

[Enhancement] #@# without any domains specified should disable the rule completely #1296
[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't work with Youtube in Safari macOS Big Sur (infinity circle loader) #727
[Fixed] AdGuard won't start after restart #3380
[Fixed] Connection has timed out in state have-result #1180
[Fixed] Invalid HTTP request headers: -2 #1056
[Fixed] OCSP checks aren't passed through the selected DNS #1328
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Sometimes path combining helper puts extra slash #1338
[Fixed] `$badfilter` rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331
[Other] AdGuard for Mac doesn't start protection without internet connection #1323
[Other] Speed cap at 400-500 Mbps #702
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 25
Дата релиза: 7 сентября 2020 г.
[Fixed] Adguard bypass Windows Tracking user's settings #3516
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 24
Дата релиза: 26 августа 2020 г.
[Fixed] Parental Control exit issue #3511
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 23
Дата релиза: 25 августа 2020 г.
[Fixed] Parental Control exit issue #3511
[Fixed] Update from 7.4.2 to 7.5 - HTTPS exclusions are doubled in the list #3508
[Other] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.64 #3514


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.64

[Enhancement] Add $ping content type #1258
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 22
Дата релиза: 20 августа 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 18 августа 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.54 #3503
[Fixed] Translated texts don't fit to UI items #3502


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.54

[Enhancement] #@# without any domains specified should disable the rule completely #1296
[Fixed] Connection has timed out in state have-result #1180
[Fixed] OCSP checks aren't passed through the selected DNS #1328
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 14 августа 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.50 #3494


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.50

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 13 августа 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.7.44 #3487
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.46 #3489
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.49 #3492
[Enhancement] Upgrade DnsLibs to 1.3.19 #3491


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.49

[Other] Speed cap at 400-500 Mbps #702

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.46

[Fixed] AdGuard won't start after restart #3380

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.44

[Enhancement] Check that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AdGuard won't start after restart #3380
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 10 августа 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.40 #3486
[Other] Grammarly Self-Diagnostic Tests are failing on macOS Big Sur 11.0 Public Beta (20A5343j) #721


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.41

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 6 августа 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to v1.7.37 #3483
[Enhancement] Upgrade DnsLibs to 1.3.16 #3481


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.37

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 4 августа 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to v1.7.30 #3478
[Enhancement] Upgrade Corelibs to 1.7.28 #3467
[Fixed] Assistant issue: AdGuard not installed or installed incorrectly #3469
[Other] Change the priority of languages for the situation without zh-TW translations. #3442
[Other] UI crashes duirng localization process for ZH-cn locale #3470
[Other] Wrongly use zh-CN encoding in zh-TW interface everywhere. (v7.5 beta 1) #3443


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.30


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.28

[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Process name detection causes scary warnings in Windows Security #1316
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 30 июля 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 29 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade Corelibs to 1.7.16 #3463


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.16

[Fixed] AGW 7.5 beta 1 - ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH at multiple corporate domains #3462
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 28 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade Corelibs to 1.7.12 #3458
[Fixed] List of built-in DNS servers is doubled on UI #3456
[Fixed] Selecting Simplified Chinese leads to problems with subscriptions #3457
[Other] "Not Found" icon carries over to other Settings sections #3413


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.12

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 23 июля 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 22 июля 2020 г.
[Other] Do not block Exit in context menu when service is failed #3403
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 20 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.2 #3431
[Enhancement] Upgrade DnsLibs to 1.3.10 #3429
[Fixed] Custom DNS server's updates aren't applied #3430


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.2

[Fixed] Adguard FW 7.5 nightly randomly crashing after adding Spotify UWP exe to filtering apps #1317
[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] Unhandled C++ Exception in finishWithResult() #939


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.3.10

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 17 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.6.145 #3424
[Fixed] Filtering log shows wrong type of applied stealth-mode option #3423
[Fixed] Slow UI performance in the main window #3322


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.6.145

Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 14 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Allow select several content types for the shown records in the filtering log #3392
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.6.142 #3419
[Enhancement] Upgrade DnsLibs to 1.3.9 #3418
[Other] Get rid of passing SDNS filter to the DNS #3379


Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.3.9

Minor fixes


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.6.139

[Fixed] The foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 10 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.6.135 #3408


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.6.135

[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match url #1311
[Fixed] The filter ID of the triggered rule for a blocked request is not defined correctly. #1312
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 10 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.6.130 #3402
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 9 июля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Allow select several content types for the shown records in the filtering log #3392
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.6.130 #3402
[Other] Exit from "License" tab via clicking "Esc" #3385
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 25 июня 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.6.114 #3389


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.6.114

[Enhancement] Allow to configure whether outbound proxy is used or not #1305
[Other] Partial HTML processing issues #1308
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 23 июня 2020 г.
[Fixed] InvalidOperationException while starting the DnsProxyServer #3382
[Other] AdGuard is crashing when user trying to block DNS request in the filtering log #3374
[Other] Feature Request - Separate Region Specific List in another Category in Settings #1583
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 19 июня 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.6.109 #3378


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.6.109

[Other] AdGuard 7.5 nightly 1 crashes unpredictably #3376
AdGuard для Windows 7.5 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 18 июня 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Implement Dns filtering in AdGuard for Windows
[Enhancement] Block Windows 10 tracking out of the box #82
[Enhancement] Add "Disable for 30 seconds" item to the tray icon menu #3355
[Enhancement] Add pause button to the filtering log #1997
[Enhancement] Add some restrictions on parental control password #805
[Enhancement] Add the most common useful hotkeys #3253
[Enhancement] Add validation for input fields #2818
[Enhancement] Checkbox blinks when the driver type is switched #2966
[Enhancement] Forbid to paste more than 100 rules to user filter in grid mode #3071
[Enhancement] Make error messages, occurred while installing userscripts, readable #3314
[Enhancement] Save the last entered email in Support contact form #129
[Enhancement] Show the tooltip with precision statistic on hover #3037
[Enhancement] The count of filters #2764
[Enhancement] When closing, save checkboxes status in the filtering log and filters displaying status in the editor #2355
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes when changing date/time format from Gregorian to Hebrew #3208
[Fixed] Add new Edge browser support #3217
[Fixed] Browser restart is required after AdGuard update #3250
[Fixed] Correct links #3153
[Fixed] Disabling extension leads to gears disabling in AdBloker section #3214
[Fixed] Do not reenable disabled userscripts after an update #3258
[Fixed] HTTP proxy mode's description is disabled #3227
[Fixed] Honor White Modern UI theme notify #2932
[Fixed] Screen is twitching after disabling the extensions #3229
[Fixed] Show the true value of trial period #3324
[Fixed] Some requests name in filtering log are cut #3249
[Fixed] The last symbol is not visible in the filter editor #3260
[Fixed] UI doesn't started after update #3313
[Fixed] Unable to send a message to support #3337
[Fixed] Using extension w/app allows user to bypass Parental Control #3219
[Fixed] Wrong since date on statistic #3015
[Other] Forbid to paste too long filter rules list to a user filter in a user filter rules editor #3269
[Other] Pale buttons' text while starting the AdGuard #3236


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.6.108

[Enhancement] "Proceed anyway" option doesn't work correctly if website is blocked by rule with $all modifier #1267
[Enhancement] $domain modifier semantics #1202
[Enhancement] Add "portals" support to the HTML filtering engine #895
[Enhancement] Add support for "$app" in cosmetic rules #1276
[Enhancement] Add support for more modifiers aliases #1270
[Enhancement] Better OCSP revoked status handling #1179
[Enhancement] Double syntax options allowed #957
[Enhancement] Enable C++17 #1263
[Enhancement] Implement filter rules for removing tracking parameters #958
[Enhancement] Move the https filtering configuration out of the main filtering configuration #1004
[Enhancement] Optimize memory consumption of filtering rules #1264
[Enhancement] Print triggered $badfilter rules to the filtering log #1129
[Enhancement] Switch to BoringSSL #1223
[Enhancement] Use Fetch metadata headers to detect content types properly #1245
[Fixed] AdGuard Browsing Security module causes that AdGuard`s JS is not injected to the page #1067
[Fixed] Basic rules with wilcard in TLD are not working #1298
[Fixed] Browsing security breaks 'Show comments' button on telegraph.co.uk #1132
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules #1293
[Fixed] Failed to initialize protocol filters #1282
[Fixed] HTML parser issues #1222
[Fixed] Incorrect extended CSS rule causes that JS rules don't work #1147
[Fixed] InvalidEnumArgumentException in InvokeCertCommand #3173
[Fixed] Issue with LINE extension #1280
[Fixed] Rules selection algorithm when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1291
[Fixed] Rules with :style() are wrongly converted #1149
[Fixed] Rules with restricted domains do not match requests without ref #1286
[Fixed] Some HTML filtering rules don't work #1299
[Fixed] Unable to parse URL with IPv6 address #1287
[Fixed] Unhandled C++ Exception in finishWithResult() #939
[Fixed] adguard urlfilter urlfilter: match_referrer(): Couldn't parse referer 'file://' and extract_domains(): Duplicate domain #1168
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 36
Дата релиза: 4 июня 2020 г.


[Bug] Date format view is invalid with some system language settings: #3136

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.5.262

[Bug] Basic rules with wilcard in TLD are not working: #1298
[Bug] Rules with :style() are wrongly converted: #1149
[Bug] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules: #1293
[Other] Disabling Adguard Assistant will remove HTTPS certificate in Firefox when Adguard is Closed into background: #3352


[Bug] The latest windows nightly version cannot automatically update local rules: #3347
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 35
Дата релиза: 3 июня 2020 г.
[Bug] Firefox policies page: #3336
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 34
Дата релиза: 1 июня 2020 г.
[Bug] Slow Filter Update which leads to UI hang: #3348
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 33
Дата релиза: 28 мая 2020 г.


[Bug] The trial window localization issue: #3333
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 32
Дата релиза: 26 мая 2020 г.


[Other] Win32Exception in PostMessage : #3320


AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 31
Дата релиза: 19 мая 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.269: #3318
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 30
Дата релиза: 15 мая 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 29
Дата релиза: 14 мая 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 28
Дата релиза: 12 мая 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.265: #3312
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 27
Дата релиза: 8 мая 2020 г.
[Other] UI won't start after an update: #3299
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 26
Дата релиза: 8 мая 2020 г.


[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.262: #3298

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.5.262

[Bug] Basic rules with wilcard in TLD are not working: #1298
[Bug] Rules with :style() are wrongly converted: #1149
[Bug] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules: #1293
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 25
Дата релиза: 30 апреля 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.256: #3292
[Bug] Adguard installation windows after PC reboot: #3278
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 24
Дата релиза: 28 апреля 2020 г.
[Bug] Adguard installation windows after PC reboot: #3278
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 23
Дата релиза: 27 апреля 2020 г.
[Other] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.254: #3288
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 22
Дата релиза: 27 апреля 2020 г.
Minor fixes
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 22 апреля 2020 г.
[Bug] AdGuard 7.4 nightly 18 No longer starts minimizing in the systray but full open.: #3276
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 22 апреля 2020 г.
[Bug] Adguard installation windows after PC reboot: #3278


[Bug] AdGuard 7.4 nightly 18 No longer starts minimizing in the systray but full open.: #3276
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 20 апреля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.249: #3277
[Bug] AdGuard 7.4 nightly 18 No longer starts minimizing in the systray but full open.: #3276
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 17 апреля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Request to add Waterfox and Cliqz browsers to supported for Browser Assistant: #3264
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.247: #3268
[Other] Browser Assistant Extension: AdGuard is not installed or configured incorrectly: #3241
[Bug] Do not reenable disabled userscripts after an update: #3258
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 15 апреля 2020 г.
[Other] Constant connection errors after updating to 7.4n9: #3237


[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.241: #3265
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 10 апреля 2020 г.
[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.240: #3261

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.5.240

AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 9 апреля 2020 г.
[Bug] Some processes are active after AdGuard update: #3126
[Other] Constant connection errors after updating to 7.4n9: #3237
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 6 апреля 2020 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 2 апреля 2020 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 30 марта 2020 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.238 : #3246
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 27 марта 2020 г.
[Feature] Update to CL 1.5.237: #3242
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 19 марта 2020 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 16 марта 2020 г.
[Fix] In Chinese Traditional locale, wrongly use Chinese Simplified encoding in "What's new" screen. (v7.4 nightly 8): #3221
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 12 марта 2020 г.
[Feature(regression)] Add an option to hide blocked QIUC records in the filtering log: #2912
[Feature] Add "What's new" screen after the major app update: #3169
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.224: #3218
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.229: #3220
[Fix] The locale is always set to English after install: #3210
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 26 февраля 2020 г.
[Feature] Add an option to hide blocked QIUC records in the filtering log: #2912
[Fix] Adguard crash when opening "Browser Assistant" settings tab: #3207
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 21 февраля 2020 г.
[Fix] Why is there unnecessary line break in the description even if the space is enough?: #3190
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 19 февраля 2020 г.
[Feature] Implement "Browsers" tab: #3118
[Feature] Implement new onboarding according to the native browser assistant: #3119
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.211: #3204
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 14 февраля 2020 г.
[Feature] Enable "Experimental filter" for beta and nightly testers: #3027
[Feature] Get rid of the legacy code (upgrade from v5, etc.): #2429
[Feature] Make handling the well-known errors during installation more user-friendly: #3163
[Feature] Native browser assistant: #2985
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.195: #3197
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.198: #3199
[Feature] Update to CL 1.5.192: #3191
[Fix] Cannot report a website from Assistant when UI is not running: #2138
[Fix] InvalidOperationException in FilterSubscriptionsDialogViewModel: #3194
[Fix] NullReferenceException in SetCommonFilteringConfiguration: #3189
[Fix] Some windows are not centered: #3127
[Fix] Text is not aligned to the string: #3196
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 5 февраля 2020 г.
[Feature] Add CCleaner Browser support: #2987
[Feature] Send Console and Host logs to the Sentry among with the Service logs: #3172
[Fix] Crash filtering log grid on row selection: #3074
[Fix] NullReferenceException in ParentalControlSettingsBlockView: #3185
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 31 января 2020 г.
[Feature(regression)] Adguard GUI unnecessarily raising Windows platform timer resolution: #2734
[Feature] Get rid of double negative in "filter EV" section: #3133
[Feature] Reformulate the description about opening AG main window at system start-up: #3016
[Feature] Using the current browser for the webpage opening: #2099
[Fix] InvalidOperationException in WindowsUtils: #3161
[Fix] NetworkInformationException in IsPortFree(): #3179
[Fix] Some processes are active after AdGuard update: #3126
AdGuard для Windows 7.4 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 29 января 2020 г.
[Fix] Adguard crashes on startup after Nigtly 26 update: #3184
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 26
Дата релиза: 28 января 2020 г.
[Feature] Tray menu: rename "Check updates" to "Check for Filter Updates", add "Check for Updates": #3103
[Fix] InvalidOperationException in setting ListCollectionView's Filter: #3140
[Fix] NullReferenceException in Logger: #3171
[Fix] Scroll issue with touchpad in language combobox: #3129
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 25
Дата релиза: 17 января 2020 г.
[Feature] Make it easier to enable HTTPS filtering for a portable FF: #2735
[Fix] Add wizard's provided filters to the pre-downloaded defaults: #3162
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 24
Дата релиза: 16 января 2020 г.
[Feature] Change 2019 to 2020 everywhere: #3160
[Feature] Mark crash reports due to the OutOfMemoryException: #3142
[Feature] Update CL to 1.5.170: #3166
[Fix(regression)] AdGuard not responding after resuming from sleep mode on laptop: #2861
[Fix] No longer able to add filters that do not have a .txt extension: #3165
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 23
Дата релиза: 27 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature] License dialog design issues: #3145
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.165: #3146
[Fix] Can't add apps from Blitz's subdirectory : #3141
[Fix] NullReferenceException in GeneralSettingsFilterUpdatesUI: #3150
[Fix] Report loses the user-agent: #3149
[Fix] Wrong Chinese characters/symbols encoding in zh-TW locale. (v7.3 Release): #3143
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 22
Дата релиза: 25 декабря 2019 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 21
Дата релиза: 24 декабря 2019 г.
[Fix(regression)] Date format view is invalid with some system language settings: #3136
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 20
Дата релиза: 23 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] Add HTTPS filtering step to the initial wizard: #3125
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.163: #3139
[Fix(regression)] Wrong request type in the filtering log: #3059
[Fix] Date format view is invalid with some system language settings: #3136
[Fix] Info buttons on the Main screen are overlapped: #3135
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 19
Дата релиза: 19 декабря 2019 г.
[Fix(regression)] [Service] Adguard cannot start after Windows upgrade (7 to 10): #73
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 18
Дата релиза: 19 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature] Add HTTPS filtering step to the initial wizard: #3125
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 17
Дата релиза: 13 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] It seems that it lacks spaces in the front & back of "from" in filters editor while UI is Traditional Chinese (zh-TW).: #2853
[Feature] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.5.155: #3124
[Fix(regression)] Cookie TTL resets to zero: #3115
[Fix] Weird effect on latest nightly: #3121
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 16
Дата релиза: 11 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.5.151: #3120
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 15
Дата релиза: 10 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature] Adapt the date with the date of your Windows machine: #2945
[Feature] Diagonal resizing almost impossible, when drag over bottom corners: #2943
[Feature] Filter update time: #2982
[Feature] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.5.144: #3110
[Fix] Adguard.Core.Tools crashes on the program uninstall: #3097
[Fix] Cookie TTL resets to zero: #3115
[Fix] Enabling "filter Https" works incorrectly: #3111
[Fix] Filter editor: make checkbox disabled when adding new rules: #2893
[Fix] Filters metadata is not updated while filters update: #3036
[Fix] Firefox Private Network issue: #2981
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 14
Дата релиза: 5 декабря 2019 г.
[Feature] Incorrect placement of proxy configuration warning: #3065
[Feature] Problems with centering icons in Settings: #2727
[Feature] Trial period should be started explicitly: #2980
[Fix] App crashed after the locale change: #3108
[Fix] Problems with system tray menu: #2996
[Fix] UI performance is low: #3090
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 13
Дата релиза: 29 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] Test the release build of the new Microsoft Edge: #3061
[Feature] "Too many filters" warning is sometimes illogical: #3056
[Feature] Choose new languages, ready for adding to the UI: #2935
[Feature] Update to Core Libs 1.5.141: #3099
[Feature] Upgrade CoreLIbs to 1.5.139: #3096
[Fix] Atom package installer doesn't work when protection enabled.: #2988
[Fix] Logs rotation does not work occasionally: #2874
[Fix] Reset settings do not set window mode to its default state: #2924
[Fix] Reset statistics feature works incorrectly: #2923
[Fix] Unable to add several apps with the same name to the list of filtering apps: #3092
[Fix] Unable to remove Spotify, which is stopped being the default application, from the filtering list: #3091
[Fix] Unknown error in logs: #2877
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 12
Дата релиза: 22 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature] Remove flags from the languages selector: #2905
[Feature] Test the release build of the new Microsoft Edge: #3061
[Fix] We should check the internet availability before sending a support request: #2925
[Fix] Wrong request type in the filtering log: #3059
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 11
Дата релиза: 20 ноября 2019 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 10
Дата релиза: 19 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.130: #3077
[Fix] Automatic apps filtering is disabled after the update: #3076
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 9
Дата релиза: 18 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature] Allow combine filtering modes instead of a mutual exclusion: #3055
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.127: #3073
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 8
Дата релиза: 15 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.122: #3068
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 7
Дата релиза: 13 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature] Filter installer's crash report names: #2971
[Feature] Get rid of obsolete /f command from tools: #2920
[Feature] Improve the Advanced Settings logic: #2915
[Feature] Strip identifying information from the logs when doing export: #3022
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 6
Дата релиза: 7 ноября 2019 г.
[Feature] Allow using proxy mode alongside automatic traffic filtering: #2696
[Feature] Pass the empty parameter's value in the query string while reporting when either filter or userscript module is disabled: #3038
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.109: #3062
[Feature] Use custom adguard: scheme for adding userscripts : #2838
[Fix] AdGuard Personal CA keeps coming back: #1306
[Fix] Import-export advanced settings: #2964
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 5
Дата релиза: 30 октября 2019 г.
[Feature] Enable the HARs writing as an advanced option: #2402
[Feature] Improve the license check window: #2939
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.99: #3054
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 4
Дата релиза: 23 октября 2019 г.
[Feature] Update to CL 1.5.94: #3045
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 3
Дата релиза: 22 октября 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.93: #3043
[Fix] [Installer] Cannot find the file specified : #2969
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 2
Дата релиза: 17 октября 2019 г.
[Feature] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.5.84: #3034
[Fix] Dark theme inner window issue: #3033
[Fix] Error occurred while reloading protection, doesn't change the filtering status: #2965
AdGuard для Windows 7.3 nightly 1
Дата релиза: 14 октября 2019 г.
[Feature] Activating AdGuard with the personal account login/password: #2931
[Feature] New versioning system: #2896
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.80: #3031
[Fix] Cannot add executable from %Appdata% to the filtering: #3023
[Fix] Drag & Drop issue: #2961
[Fix] Filtering log doesn't show applied rules: #2998
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2946.0
Дата релиза: 4 октября 2019 г.
[Feature] Restore using port 0 for auto-selecting listen ports: #2989
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.74: #3006
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.5.75: #3008
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2943.0
Дата релиза: 30 сентября 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] Adguard GUI unnecessarily raising Windows platform timer resolution: #2734
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.5.60 (Beta): #2990
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2937.0
Дата релиза: 19 сентября 2019 г.
[Feature] Restrict sent logs' length in the installer crash reporter: #2968
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.165: #2975
[Fix] Couldn't enable the proxy mode: #2974
[Fix] The port field is always highlighted: #2976
[Fix] WFP driver incompatibility with Emsisoft software: #2957
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2931.0
Дата релиза: 17 сентября 2019 г.
[Feature] Additionally inform user about reboot required: #2946
[Feature] Spellcheck improvements: #2962
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.161: #2959
[Feature] Window buttons tooltip localization: #2953
[Fix] Support dialog - e-mail typing issue: #2951
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2921.0
Дата релиза: 12 сентября 2019 г.
[Feature] Update Assistant and Wot to 4.3.18 and 1.1.16 respectively: #2942
[Fix(regression)] Notification does not disappear on Windows 7: #2873
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2917.0
Дата релиза: 9 сентября 2019 г.
[Fix(regression)] Minor interface issues.: #2761
[Fix(regression)] Notification does not disappear on Windows 7: #2873
[Fix] Invalid path is passed in the excluding apps section (advanced settings): #2933
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2910.0
Дата релиза: 30 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] AdGuard does not filter Iridium browser: #2918
[Feature] Incompatibility with Epic Browser: #2927
[Feature] UI elements should be aligned: #2922
[Feature] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.4.157: #2928
[Fix(regression)] Failed test: Uninstallation via uninstall shortcut: #2916
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2903.0
Дата релиза: 26 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.55: #2919
[Fix] Failed test: Uninstallation via uninstall shortcut: #2916
AdGuard для Windows 7.2.2901.0
Дата релиза: 22 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] 7.1.2885.0 unnecessary errors in the log file: #2897
[Feature] Advanced settings: rename "use localhost for injections" into "Intercept TCP connect requests": #2859
[Feature] Installer redesign: #2574
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2898.0
Дата релиза: 16 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] Allow access to the "settings", "about" and "support" sections even if failed to enable protection : #2892
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.152: #2906
[Fix] 7.1.2894.0 breaks Windows 7: #2904
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2894.0
Дата релиза: 15 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CL to 1.4.150: #2902
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.136: #2894
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.145 : #2899
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2885.0
Дата релиза: 9 августа 2019 г.
[Fix] AdGuard does not handle alphanumeric versions properly: #2876
[Fix] AdGuard never finishes updating and hangs: #2856
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2883.0
Дата релиза: 7 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] Update WFP/TDI drivers to the new version (6.3.32): #2889
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2880.38
Дата релиза: 6 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] Start using the crash reporting within the installer: #2566
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.131: #2881
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.133: #2885
[Fix(regression)] Add "Filter localhost" checkbox to the advanced settings: #2830
[Fix] Notification does not disappear on Windows 7: #2873
[Fix] Packages cache (msi files) are not removed after the update: #2886
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2874.0
Дата релиза: 1 августа 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.127: #2871
[Fix] Severe cases of service connection errors on Windows 10: #2843
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2872.0
Дата релиза: 25 июля 2019 г.
[Feature] Move translations from OneSky to Crowdin: #2852
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.120: #2863
[Fix] Https filtering is disabled by default for the newly added applications: #2846
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2868.0
Дата релиза: 22 июля 2019 г.
[Feature] Add "Filter localhost" checkbox to the advanced settings: #2830
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2866.0
Дата релиза: 17 июля 2019 г.
[Feature] Implement filter subscription detection message's handler: #2517
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.96: #2850
[Fix] Broken layout of the "import filter" dialog: #2842
[Fix] Chinese date is over the frame of pop-up message in v7.1.2861ƞ.: #2849
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2861.0
Дата релиза: 16 июля 2019 г.
[Feature] Change Settings Selector Color in Dark Mode: #2749
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.91: #2848
[Feature] Use custom adguard: scheme for adding userscripts : #2838
[Fix] Connections are closed when configuration is reloaded: #2841
[Fix] Error after updating to the latest nightly: attempt to connect to not available service: #2802
[Fix] Minor UI issue on the About screen: #2790
[Fix] Minor interface issues.: #2761
[Fix] Stealth mode settings are reset after v6.4->v7.1 upgrade: #2839
[Fix] The "IsUpdateAvailable" isn't refreshed after the channel update changing: #2806
[Fix] Wrong feature description: #2794
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2848.0
Дата релиза: 5 июля 2019 г.
[Feature] Add atom to the browser list: #2688
[Feature] Adguard GUI unnecessarily raising Windows platform timer resolution: #2734
[Feature] Change the size of the place: #2698
[Feature] Do not use same window for support dialogue: #2619
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.78: #2816
[Fix(regression)] Accessibility issues: #2682
[Fix] Mark blocked stun/turn request in the filtering log: #2638
[Fix] Text is not visible on dark theme: #2767
[Fix] The application is not started after update: #2798
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2838.0
Дата релиза: 2 июля 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] Change the filters auto-detect algorithm: #2692
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.67: #2801
[Fix] Post Installation Sequence: #2750
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2836.0
Дата релиза: 1 июля 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] Change the filters auto-detect algorithm: #2692
[Feature] Change the FF cert issues auto-detect: #2782
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.65: #2796
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.4.56: #2789
[Fix] Accessibility issues: #2682
[Fix] Post Installation Sequence: #2750
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2818.0
Дата релиза: 20 июня 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.31: #2775
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.32: #2777
AdGuard для Windows 7.1.2815.0
Дата релиза: 19 июня 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.31: #2775
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.4.27: #2774
[Fix(regression)] AG certificate is not removed on the app uninstall or reinstall: #2772
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2812.0
Дата релиза: 18 июня 2019 г.
[Feature] Show only significant version parts in the UI (trim trailing zeroes): #2763
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.4.25: #2771
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.4.27: #2774
[Fix] CA certificate is installed into the wrong store in some cases: #2756
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2807.0
Дата релиза: 13 июня 2019 г.
[Feature] Show the domain name in the filtering log in case of non-decoded connection if it possible: #2691
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.4.18: #2758
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.4.20: #2762
[Fix] "Hide IP" section doesn't invoke an error, when the custom IP value is invalid: #2713
[Fix] AdGuard settings work very slow when Parental Control is enabled: #2687
[Fix] Error while creating languages combobox: #2685
[Fix] The Hide User-Agent field is not automatically flagged in the problem report form: #2732
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2708.6691
Дата релиза: 5 июня 2019 г.
[Feature] Change the filters auto-detect algorithm: #2692
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.4.13: #2712
[Fix] AdGuard label is missed on the release version: #2695
[Fix] Compatibility issues with Sophos AV: #2710
[Fix] InvalidOperationException in AdblockerFilterEditorViewModel: #2708
[Fix] Userscript's update channel mismatch: #2694
[Fix] [Rules constructor] Add $important to the rules, created for whitelisted requests only: #2677
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2695.6665
Дата релиза: 30 мая 2019 г.
[Fix] InvalidOperationException in ShowMainWindow(): #2686
[Fix] Wrong tooltip in Settings: #2689
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2690.6655
Дата релиза: 29 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.351: #2684
[Feature] Update to Corelibs 1.3.350: #2681
[Fix] An error while update/reinstall userscript from the local file: #2679
[Fix] Minor changes in UI: #2678
[Fix] Wrongly used Simplified Chinese character encoding in about (Traditional Chinese interface)?: #2680
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2653.6581
Дата релиза: 27 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Add filter button in UI: #2674
[Feature] Update to Corelibs 1.3.348: #2669
[Fix] ArgumentException in UserscriptInstallDialogViewModel: #2673
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2640.6555
Дата релиза: 23 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Adguard Assistant -> AdGuard Assistant: #2643
[Feature] Trial & license screen UI changes: #2657
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.335: #2661
[Feature] Update Corelibs to 1.3.340: #2668
[Fix] "BlockTypeRuleDescription" wrongly used as a rule in the filtering log: #2663
[Fix] Notification's text is out of its bounds : #2662
[Fix] ObjectDisposedExceptionAdguard in Logger.Error(): #2667
[Fix] The English language is set by default: #2664
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2626.6527
Дата релиза: 20 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Extend filtering log search syntax: #2651
[Feature] Update to CoreLibs 1.3.333: #2660
[Fix] Adguard hangs after the wake up: #2649
[Fix] Error while doing the update check: #2654
[Fix] NullReferenceException in IsWindowsShellLoaded: #2655
[Fix] NullReferenceException in NetworkFilteringService: #2656
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2617.6509
Дата релиза: 17 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Add "AdGuard Extra" extension: #2648
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.325: #2645
[Fix] Rule Editor suggest wrong exclusion for $$ rules: #2630
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2591.6457
Дата релиза: 15 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Translation mistake: #2626
[Fix(regression)] Greasy Fork userscripts display Error when checking for updates: #2447
[Fix] ArgumentNullException in LicenseDialogViewModel: #2636
[Fix] Can AG not automatically detect Windows system language?: #2622
[Fix] Filter name is in the Rule column: #2634
[Fix] InvalidOperationException in ToastWindow.Show() : #2639
[Fix] License activation pop-up: #2628
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2584.6443
Дата релиза: 8 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Let users add/remove filter lists from the General settings: #2620
[Fix] Can only call DragMove when primary mouse button is down.: #2621
[Fix] [Nightly] Main window very slow: #2618
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2582.6439
Дата релиза: 7 мая 2019 г.
[Fix] "Nightly" update channel is reset to the "Release" when resetting settings to default: #2614
[Fix] Custom windows sizes are not saved after update to new version: #2608
[Fix] Incorrect translation: #2616
[Fix] OutOfMemoryException occurs while handling the native exceptions: #2612
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2561.6397
Дата релиза: 6 мая 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.313: #2613
[Fix] Cannot invoke action Show on the notification as the item not found: #2604
[Fix] Error while importing AGW 6.4 userscripts: #2606
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2552.6379
Дата релиза: 30 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] [Filtering log] Clicking on blank space in requests selector does nothing: #2607
[Fix] NullReferenceException in IsMsEdgeTcpFastOpenEnabled: #2605
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2548.6371
Дата релиза: 29 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.312: #2602
[Feature] [Nightly] Filtering log - open url: #2599
[Fix] CollectionView is not in dispatcher thread on Reload: #2603
[Fix] Remove BOM from the userscript content: #2601
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2541.6357
Дата релиза: 26 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature(regression)] Handle runtime ff-certificate issues: #2390
[Feature] Change triple click behavior in Filtering log: #2595
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.306: #2596
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.307: #2597
[Fix] Active Install button in New Filter Subscription window: #2472
[Fix] ConfigurationErrorsException while checking the user config: #2594
[Fix] [Nightly] Filter Editor - Home button issue: #2530
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2528.6331
Дата релиза: 24 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Allow to export/import system settings (UI theme Id, window's height and width, etc.) along with the app settings: #2393
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.304: #2593
[Fix] Applied cookie rule wrongly marked as "Whitelisted" in the filtering log: #2590
[Fix] Don't ignore empty lines when comparing subscriptions' content: #2589
[Fix] Error deleting Backups\fail.dat: #2582
[Fix] Filtering log - suggested rules are incorrect for $csp rules: #2485
[Fix] Subscriptions' update errors wrongly mark as an 'Up to date': #2588
[Fix] User filter edit box bug.: #2584
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2495.6265
Дата релиза: 20 апреля 2019 г.
[Fix] NullReferenceException in ToastNotification: #2587
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2492.6259
Дата релиза: 19 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] "Block third-party authorization header" further clarification on UI: #2491
[Feature] Do not print injections in the filtering log: #2469
[Fix] AG installer can't detect .NET Framework 4.5 Beta: #2440
[Fix] Cancel button doesn't work when changing logging level: #2510
[Fix] Crash in ApplicationListDialogViewModel: #2526
[Fix] Mismatch in the number of parameters: #2541
[Fix] [Nightly] Filter Editor - Home button issue: #2530
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2475.6225
Дата релиза: 16 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Enable Asyncronous OCSP check: #2581
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.281: #2583
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2463.6201
Дата релиза: 12 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.278: #2575
[Fix] Custom filters always look like they were updated: #2501
[Fix] InvalidOperationExceptionAdguard in App.Show(): #2573
[Fix] The log record wrongly marked as "cosmetic": #2570
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2454.6183
Дата релиза: 10 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Add Kinza browser support: #2506
[Feature] Filtering log issues: #2427
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.275: #2569
[Feature] Use Chinese date format for filters' update time in Chinese interface: #2496
[Fix] Do not count rules from disabled filter lists: #2497
[Fix] Empty lines in custom filter imported as rules: #2473
[Fix] Unable to enter a license key, the field is locked: #2556
[Fix] Version number in about window not selectable anymore: #2457
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2444.6163
Дата релиза: 8 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.266: #2561
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.267: #2563
[Feature] Update to CoreLibs 1.3.261: #2560
[Feature] Using a charset of http responces when getting userscripts ot filter subscriptions content: #2379
[Fix] The notification platform is unavailable: #2479
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2435.6145
Дата релиза: 3 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Update to CoreLibs 1.3.258: #2557
[Fix(regression)] AdGuard doesn't delete crashreports of service: #2468
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2430.6135
Дата релиза: 2 апреля 2019 г.
[Feature] Add Chromium-based Microsoft Edge to the filtered applications list: #2548
[Feature] Update to CoreLibs 1.3.253: #2552
[Fix(regression)] AddRuleDialogViewModel crashes with the null-length string: #2466
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2408.6091
Дата релиза: 29 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Update to CoreLibs 1.3.250: #2543
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2405.6085
Дата релиза: 27 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.246: #2538
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2388.6051
Дата релиза: 27 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Scroll Issues: #2534
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.241: #2533
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2372.6019
Дата релиза: 22 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Decrease the scroll speed in settings UI: #2514
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.232: #2527
[Fix] An issue with the userscripts updating: #2500
[Fix] Crash after the completing custom filter installation: #2467
[Fix] Greasy Fork userscripts display Error when checking for updates: #2447
[Fix] Self-destructing third-party cookies default setting is inconsistent: #2448
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2358.5991
Дата релиза: 20 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Dark theme -- the font is too bright: #2446
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.221: #2518
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.222: #2520
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.223: #2522
[Fix] KeyNotFoundException in OnHtmlElementRemoved : #2515
[Fix] NullReferenceException in ToastNotificationManager: #2494
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2333.5941
Дата релиза: 15 марта 2019 г.
[Fix] Firefox and TOR have duplicates in the filtered apps list: #2509
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2325.5925
Дата релиза: 14 марта 2019 г.
[Fix] Application update resets Assistant settings: #2505
[Fix] Exclude app from filtering by entering full path excluding all apps with the same executable name: #2453
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2300.5875
Дата релиза: 12 марта 2019 г.
[Fix] Service connection issues after hibernate/sleep: #2438
[Fix] Stealth mode: url parameters are the same after reset to defaults: #2480
[Fix] AddRuleDialogViewModel crashes with the null-length string: #2466
[Fix] outlook.office.com not refreshing inbox: #2484
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2286.5847
Дата релиза: 7 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Shadow of dark theme looks bad on darker backgrounds: #2456
[Feature] Update CoreLibs to 1.3.206: #2481
[Fix] Rules in filter editor are not refreshed after clicking on "X" button in search bar: #2451
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2281.5837
Дата релиза: 6 марта 2019 г.
[Feature] Group crash reports: #2462
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2261.5797
Дата релиза: 5 марта 2019 г.
[Fix] AdGuard crashed during 6.4 to 7.0 update: #2452
[Fix] AdguardNetReg.exe has the wrong bitness within the driver: #2441
[Fix] UI of Release Notes & Update has poor appearance: #2450
AdGuard для Windows 7.0.2243.5761
Дата релиза: 1 марта 2019 г.
Hi, today we prepared something special: the very first AdGuard for Windows nightly that features CoreLibs! In case you haven't heard about it, CoreLibs is a new filtering engine. With CL under the hood, AdGuard will provide better filtering quality and faster performance. Users of Android and Mac versions can confirm that already.
This is not the only change worth mentioning. It is impossible not to notice the completely new app design. We changed virtually everything, hopefully for the best. But in the end it is users who decide was the change successful or not, so let us know. Oh, and by the way, we added the dark theme! Finally, some rest for your eyes :) Don't worry if you are not a fan — the more traditional light theme didn't go anywhere.
If during your testing anything goes wrong, as it happens routinely with nightlies, fret not: we added an automatic crash reporter. All you need to do is restart the app and agree to send the automatically created report, it will already contain all the technical inforamation our specialists need to fix the problem.
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1840.4955
Дата релиза: 30 октября 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] Show a message after start if license has expired: #2360
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1816.4907
Дата релиза: 25 октября 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] Show a message after start if license has expired: #2360
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1810.4895
Дата релиза: 24 октября 2018 г.
[Fix] Belarusian and Slovenian languages don't appear in Assistant menu: #2369
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1807.4889
Дата релиза: 23 октября 2018 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1793.4861
Дата релиза: 19 октября 2018 г.
[Feature] If Avast is detected, use TLS 1.2 by default: #2368
[Feature] Update translations and add Czech [cs], Belarusian [be-BY] and Slovenian [sl-Sl] localizations: #2361
[Fix] Application update resets Assistant settings and restores deleted extensions: #2365
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1779.4833
Дата релиза: 17 октября 2018 г.
[Feature] Show a message after start if license has expired: #2360
[Feature] Why does it not show light green background for the whitelisted HTTPS request?: #2358
[Fix] Enable asking for the reboot, if TDI driver updated, while the manual update: #2364
[Fix] Update AG icon to high resolution version: #2341
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1741.4757
Дата релиза: 9 октября 2018 г.
[Fix] PopupBlocker version has not been updated while AG update: #2354
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1709.4693
Дата релиза: 5 октября 2018 г.
[Fix] PopupBlocker version has not been updated while AG update: #2354
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1704.4683
Дата релиза: 4 октября 2018 г.
No changelog
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1701.4677
Дата релиза: 3 октября 2018 г.
[Feature] Suppress the Alt-Svc header: #2343
[Fix] AdGuard fails to start service: #2339
[Fix] Crash when opening the filtering log: #2346
[Fix] [Beta] Firefox 64-bit handshake issues with some domains: #2347
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1675.4625
Дата релиза: 28 сентября 2018 г.
[Fix] "Service failure" tile and "trial expired" tile appear simultaneously: #2342
[Fix] AdGuard fails to start service: #2339
[Fix] Crash on multiple tray clicks right after the installation: #2340
[Fix] Update AG icon to high resolution version: #2341
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1644.4563
Дата релиза: 19 сентября 2018 г.
[Feature] Upgrade the TLS version to release: #2337
[Fix] Check that QUIC v44 is blocked properly: #2335
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1619.4513
Дата релиза: 14 сентября 2018 г.
[Fix] [Bug] Adguard is still in settings after closing: #2317
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1601.4477
Дата релиза: 10 сентября 2018 г.
[Feature] Maximize close box for AdGuard notification from 11x11 pxls to 22x22 pxls on Windows 7: #2319
[Feature] On installation we should check that the TDI driver is not registered yet : #2321
[Feature] Use a privacy-friendly protocol for the parental control web service: #2316
[Fix(regression)] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver: #2308
[Fix] Crash while closing from tray: #2252
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1571.4417
Дата релиза: 3 сентября 2018 г.
[Feature] With Traditional Chinese, but show wrong language of web of trust.: #2302
[Feature] [Filtering log] URL blocking rules, created for excluded requests, must be created with important modifier by default: #2305
[Fix] An error while parsing the userscript metadata: #2311
[Fix] Crash after auto-update on the application startup (Win7): #2290
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1543.4361
Дата релиза: 24 августа 2018 г.
[Fix] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver: #2308
AdGuard для Windows 6.4.1528.4331
Дата релиза: 17 августа 2018 г.
[Feature] Improve custom filters URLs parsing: #2280
[Fix] Duplicated "expiring" message: #2287
[Fix] Unrelated TCP connections get reset when starting Adguard Service: #2291
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1507.4289
Дата релиза: 13 августа 2018 г.
[Feature] Upgrade Popup Blocker to v2.5: #2295
[Fix] AdguardSvc process memory leak: #2114
[Fix] Crash after auto-update on the application startup (Win7): #2290
[Fix] bestbuy.com: #2282
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1446.4167
Дата релиза: 25 июля 2018 г.
[Fix] [Nightly] Twitch Desktop App is not filtered: #2289
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1435.4145
Дата релиза: 19 июля 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] We shouldn't allow to auto-switch update channel within the process of the upgrade in increase stability direction: #2269
[Fix] Extensions installation - user can click "Install" even if path is invalid: #174
[Fix] WebReport's checkbox "Hide your referer from third-parties" is disabled when custom referer is not specified: #2286
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1400.4075
Дата релиза: 9 июля 2018 г.
[Fix] Toast notifications are broken: #2278
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1381.4037
Дата релиза: 3 июля 2018 г.
[Feature] We shouldn't allow to auto-switch update channel within the process of the upgrade in increase stability direction: #2269
[Fix] User script name being corrupted while export settings: #2275
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1327.3929
Дата релиза: 28 июня 2018 г.
[Fix] MS Edge is not filtered in the Windows Insider Preview (.17704): #2270
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1304.3883
Дата релиза: 27 июня 2018 г.
[Fix] Windows notification center is unavailable after first install: #2268
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1288.3851
Дата релиза: 26 июня 2018 г.
[Fix] Do not ignore HTTP headers with an empty value: #2264
[Fix] Incorrect exception rule is created with Assistant: #2265
[Fix] https://messages.android.com - HTTPS filtering issue: #2266
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1282.3839
Дата релиза: 22 июня 2018 г.
[Feature] "Use localhost for injections" must be disabled when Sophos AV is running: #2249
[Feature] Allow using the registry for distributing license: #2256
[Fix(regression)] [Nightly] ami.com does not work when TLS 1.3 is enabled in AG: #2244
[Fix] "Temporary don't block" option of Assistant does not work on a website if there's an $important rule matching it: #2262
[Fix] AdGuard for Windows prevents file downloads within Skype #2156
[Fix] AdGuard is not injected into tweakers.net: #2260
[Fix] BSOD, Windows 10 LTSB 14393, x64, WFP: #2069
[Fix] Parental control module doesn't save sensitivity level choice: #2257
[Fix] Suppress browser cache on a GM storage state change: #2258
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1248.3771
Дата релиза: 20 июня 2018 г.
[Feature] "Use localhost for injections" must be disabled when Sophos AV is running: #2249
[Feature] Allow using the registry for distributing license: #2256
[Fix(regression)] [Nightly] ami.com does not work when TLS 1.3 is enabled in AG: #2244
[Fix] BSOD, Windows 10 LTSB 14393, x64, WFP: #2069
[Fix] Parental control module doesn't save sensitivity level choice: #2257
[Fix] Suppress browser cache on a GM storage state change: #2258
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1202.3679
Дата релиза: 15 июня 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] NVDA Screen Reader: better support for visually impaired users: #2068
[Feature] "Use localhost for injections" must be disabled when Sophos AV is running: #2249
[Feature] Add an advanced setting that lets switching between TLS 1.2 and 1.3: #2242
[Feature] Change the installer first screen: #2240
[Feature] Migrating from es-419 to es localization: #2247
[Feature] Please update Traditional Chinese translations for filters.: #2245
[Feature] Remove restriction on the non-script and non-style edited element's length: #2237
[Fix(regression)] Custom filters cannot be updated: #2230
[Fix] Crash while closing from the tray: #2252
[Fix] Trial expiring message is shown twice when AdGuard starts up: #2250
[Fix] [Nightly] ami.com does not work when TLS 1.3 is enabled in AG: #2244
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1154.3583
Дата релиза: 5 июня 2018 г.
[Fix] AG breaks encoding of a custom filter: #2232
[Fix] Cannot updating the custom filter: #2230
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1117.3509
Дата релиза: 31 мая 2018 г.
[Feature] Using the common API response format for both XHR and WS APIs: #2228
[Fix] HTML parser fails on cbc.ca: #2221
[Fix] Wrong filter's time updated after remove/install: #2220
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1080.3435
Дата релиза: 23 мая 2018 г.
[Feature] Start using adguard.com/forward for the website links: #2213
[Feature] Start using adguard.com/forward for the website links: #2213
[Feature] exclude "System.ObjectDisposedException" from default level log: #2216
[Fix] Export the userscript's requires and resources along with the userscript's content: #2212
[Fix] Filter Editor and "Check results" represent incorrect version of custom filter (imported by URL) after update.: #2206
[Fix] Improve filters update procedure's performance: #2211
[Fix] The tilde symbol looks like a dash symbol in the sensivity level's dropbox: #2219
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1052.3379
Дата релиза: 16 мая 2018 г.
[Feature] NVDA Screen Reader: better support for visually impaired users: #2068
[Fix] All the rules are invalid for this site. Why?: #2171
[Fix] Cannot export settings in nightly build: #2204
[Fix] Cannot parse CSP from a meta tag: #2207
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1036.3347
Дата релиза: 10 мая 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] Inform the user about closed connection to a website with EV certificate: #2015
[Fix] Added filtered apps gets removed after a application upgrade.: #2195
[Fix] Application upgrade clears userscripts' storage even for the same update channel: #2194
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.1028.3331
Дата релиза: 28 апреля 2018 г.
[Feature] Improving work with plural forms for the localizations: #2046
[Feature] The title of "Traditional Chinese" language file is wrong.: #2190
[Feature] Update translations and add Swedish: #2173
[Fix(regression)] The new approach to using the channel-dependent default userscripts: #2177
[Fix] Add more details to "Adguard service" description: #422
[Fix] Filter status change is not applied: #2180
[Fix] The response has a wrong format header' value: #2188
[Fix] The warning disclaimer in "About" window is hidden while updating: #2165
[Fix] We need true x64 tools instead of "Any CPU": #1809
[Fix] Windows notification center is unavailable: #2181
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.977.3229
Дата релиза: 18 апреля 2018 г.
[Fix] EV certificate exclusion notification is sent on every sub-request: #2179
[Fix] You should not be able to use Tab and arrow keys on the password protected menu: #2012
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.975.3225
Дата релиза: 17 апреля 2018 г.
[Fix] 2 popup blocker after update 6.2 --> 6.3beta: #2176
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.960.3195
Дата релиза: 12 апреля 2018 г.
[Feature] Get rid of obsolete properties in Userscript object: #1949
[Feature] Replace old links with new site links: #2102
[Feature] Symantec certificates: Chrome's intent to deprecate and remove: #1634
[Fix] Gui hangs when disabling/enabling filter lists: #2036
[Fix] [Nightly] AdGuard tries to load local filters with http://: #2162
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.948.3171
Дата релиза: 9 апреля 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] Update TDI, WFP drivers and libs: #2089
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.937.3149
Дата релиза: 5 апреля 2018 г.
[Feature(regression)] Update TDI, WFP drivers and libs: #2089
[Fix] App has crashed while closing from tray: #2019
[Fix] CSP issue at github.com: #2151
[Fix] The issue with FIPS: security error on license check: #1033
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.920.3115
Дата релиза: 30 марта 2018 г.
[Feature] Update ExtendedCss to version 1.10: #2152
[Feature] Update the TDI driver: #2089
[Fix] [Nightly] Crash on click on element in filtering log: #2148
[Fix] [Request] Resolve issue when user uninstalls Nightly and reinstalls Stable: #2141
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.871.3017
Дата релиза: 16 марта 2018 г.
[Fix] "Referer" field should be disabled unless "Hide Referer" is enabled: #2025
[Fix] Nightly: update from stable to nightly should lead to switching the update channel: #2129
AdGuard для Windows 6.3.804.2883
Дата релиза: 7 марта 2018 г.
[Feature] Files digital signature and description: #2045
[Fix] Nightly: dozens of errors in the service log: #2128
Загрузка AdGuard началась Стрелка указывает на файл: нажмите на него, и установка начнётся Выберите «Открыть», нажмите «OK» и дождитесь загрузки файла. В открывшемся окне перетащите значок AdGuard в папку «Приложения». Спасибо за выбор AdGuard! Выберите «Открыть», нажмите «OK» и дождитесь загрузки файла. В открывшемся окне нажмите «Установить». Спасибо за выбор AdGuard!
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