
Extend or upgrade


  • Enter your activation code on the Extend or upgrade page, select the 1 year tab, and choose the renewal option.
  • The additional year will begin after your current license expires.
    For example, if you renew 3 months before the expiration date, your next renewal will be in 1 year and 3 months.
  • You can find your activation codes in your AdGuard account. Activation codes are linked to the email address you used to buy AdGuard.
  • To buy a license, visit our purchase page and choose the option that suits you best.
  • How do I add more devices to my license?
  • To purchase a license for more than 9 devices, please contact us at sales@adguard.com. Вы таксама можаце звязацца з нашымі партнёрамі ў Allsoft.
  • You can cancel your subscription in your AdGuard account:
    Go to your AdGuard account and select the Licenses tab.
    Click Cancel subscription for the unwanted subscription.
    The canceled subscription will be valid until its expiry date.
  • Enter your activation code on the Extend or upgrade page, select the Lifetime tab, and choose the upgrade option.
  • We regularly run promotions with discounts — to be notified of future sales.
  • We have a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you request a refund within 60 days of purchasing a license, you can get your money back. To request a refund, contact us at support@adguard.com.
  • Sure! You can buy a gift license on a special page of our website. Just enter the recipient’s email address and we’ll send them the license along with a nice gift card. You can also apply discounts to gift licenses.
Спампоўка AdGuard Каб усталяваць AdGuard, пстрыкніце файл, пазначаны стрэлкай Выберыце «Адкрыць» і націсніце «ОК», затым дачакайцеся спампоўкі файла. У акне, якое адкрылася, перацягніце значок AdGuard у папку «Праграмы». Дзякуй, што выбралі AdGuard! Выберыце «Адкрыць» і націсніце «ОК», затым дачакайцеся спампоўкі файла. У акне, якое адкрылася, націсніце «Усталяваць». Дзякуй, што выбралі AdGuard!
Усталюйце AdGuard на мабільную прыладу