AdGuard для Windows
AdGuard для Mac
AdGuard для Android
AdGuard для iOS
AdGuard VPN
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Блакіроўшчык кантэнту AdGuard
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AdGuard DNS
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AdGuard Pro для iOS
AdGuard для Safari
AdGuard для Android TV
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AdGuard Temp Mail
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Блакаванне рэкламыБлакіроўшчык рэкламы AdGuard выдаляе раздражняльныя банеры, усплывальныя вокны і відэарэкламу
Бяспека асабістых дадзеныхБлакіроўшчык рэкламы AdGuard абараняе вашы даныя ад вэб-аналітыкі і інтэрнэт-трэкераў
АнтыфішынгБлакіроўшчык рэкламы AdGuard абараняе ад фішынгу і шкодных сайтаў
Бацькоўскі кантрольБлакіроўшчык рэкламы AdGuard абараняе дзяцей ад недапушчальнага змесціва і кантэнту для дарослых
ChipLike2 Love the app! Works like a charm! Would it be possible to increase the amount of custom filters past 150k in a future update or have the option to separate the custom into separate stand alone filters instead of 1 big block 150k? Thanks the hard wor1
AdGuard is excellent !! It doesn't miss a single irritating, tasteless, time-consuming ad. I would have gone insane long ago without your wonderful service.
Thank you. Thank you.
Firefox user 18644702 Very useful app, block ads even better than Ublock Origin and have much more clean interface.
Не ўдалося адправіць водгук

Чаму менавіта AdGuard?
An ad blocker is a program designed to make the Web cleaner and safer and protect your privacy. AdGuard blocks pop-up ads, banners, and video ads — even on YouTube. It removes cookies and tracking requests. It knows what websites are dangerous and ensures you don’t visit any of them.
Большасць блакавальнікаў рэкламы - гэта браузерныя пашырэнні, якія не могуць выдаліць усе тыпы рэкламы. Калі вы карыстаецеся некалькімі браўзэрамі, вам давядзецца ўсталяваць пашырэнне, якое блакуе рэкламу, для кожнага з іх. А калі вы захочаце блакаваць рэкламу і ў дадатках, то проста не зможаце гэтага зрабіць.AdGuard прапануе праграмы для Android, iOS, Windows і Mac. З іх дапамогай вы зможаце блакаваць рэкламу ў браўзэрах і праграмах, перашкодзіць сайтам і кампаніям адсочваць вашыя дзеянні ў сетцы, а таксама абараніць сябе ад фішынгу і шкоднасных праграм. Акрамя таго, AdGuard паскарае загрузку старонак, дазваляе кіраваць DNS-серверамі і вэб-запытамі і атрымліваць тэхнічную падтрымку ў дадатку. Вы можаце даведацца больш з нашай параўнальнай табліцы.
У нас ёсць праграмы для ўсіх папулярных платформаў. AdGuard для Windows, Mac і Android можна спампаваць прама адсюль. AdGuard для iOS можна знайсці ў App Store. З усталяваннем не павінна паўстаць цяжкасцяў, але вы заўсёды можаце прачытаць інструкцыі ў нашай Базе ведаў.
Our full-fledged apps for Windows, Mac, and Android offer you a free trial — that’s how you can discover all the features AdGuard has to offer.Our apps for Android and iOS also have free versions. They can be helpful as well: the free version of AdGuard for Android can block ads in browsers, and the free version of AdGuard for iOS blocks ads and trackers in Safari. But their functionality is limited: to block ads in apps, control DNS requests, protect yourself from malicious domains, and more, you’ll need a full version.AdGuard also has completely free browser extensions. To learn more about the difference between the AdGuard extensions and full-fledged apps, check out our comparison table.
Sure! AdGuard supports all popular platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac. The best way to use AdGuard on multiple devices is to buy a license, download the AdGuard app for the needed platform, and log in to it with your license key or AdGuard account credentials.
You don’t necessarily have to buy a license to use AdGuard. But here are some ideas about how it can make your life better:A license gives you access to advanced features of AdGuard for Android or iOS: ad blocking in apps, DNS protection, firewall, statistics, app management, and others. It also allows you to use AdGuard for Windows and Mac.With a license, you can use AdGuard on multiple devices and thus protect your family and friends.If you like AdGuard, that’s how you can support us.
Sure! You can buy a license on a special page and enter the recipient's email — we'll send them a license with a nice gift card. Discounts are applied to gift licenses, too.
We’ve been developing privacy-oriented products since 2009 and have more than 160 million users worldwide. We never share your personal information with anyone and only collect strictly necessary data to run our websites and apps. You can read more in our Privacy policy.
If you want to know more about how exactly AdGuard products work, what filters are, how to create your own filtering rules, and more, check out our Knowledge base. For industry news, AdGuard releases, and promos, you can visit our blog. And if you’d like, you can watch our explanatory videos on AdGuard’s YouTube channel or follow us on social media.
You can share AdGuard with your friends. Whether you buy more licenses and connect your loved ones to AdGuard, buy a license as a gift, share our posts on social networks, or just advise our products to someone you care about — we’re always glad to show more people how beautiful the safe and ad-free Web is.You can rate us in app stores and on our website. That’s how we know we’re on the right track.You can also become our contributor: maybe you’re good at translating, know how to improve our filters or the Knowledge base, or want to become a beta tester? We are grateful to our contributors and reward them in return — with AdGuard licenses and gifts.
For any questions, you can always contact us at
Бясплатнае пашырэнне для вашага браўзера
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