
AdGuards Promo-Aktivitäten

Entdecken Sie interaktive Quizze, um Ihre Kreativität zu wecken, testen Sie Ihre Intuition und Ihr Wissen über AdGuard, und lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Daten vor Online-Gefahren schützen können. Abonnieren Sie unseren Blog, um über unsere Sonderangebote informiert zu werden
  • How would you fit in AdGuard?
    15 years ago, AdGuard was just three guys working out of a small apartment. And look at us now! Forbes calls us an ad-blocking giant. Our team has grown to over 100 people, including developers, designers, QA engineers, content writers, and support gurus. What team would you be on if you worked at AdGuard? Take our quiz to find out!
  • Find your perfect match
    Why are our mascots on a dating app? Because they want to find someone special to protect. Click to flip the card and see what they have to offer!
  • Ad blocker, VPN, and robots
    Halloween's spooky aura often blurs the line between reality and scary tales. AdGuard is here to spice up the season with a game of Fact or Fiction, featuring eight eerie stories.
    Don't expect ghosts and zombies, though. Instead, in the limelight are the monsters of the modern age. They don't crave your flesh, but they will feast on your data. Traverse these stories and challenge your wits… if you dare!
  • Back to School Quiz
    If your school offered subjects like AdGuardology and Internet safety basics, chances are you'd think twice before skipping class. Why neglect knowledge that would shield your sensitive information from scammers and contribute to a cleaner and safer Internet experience?
    Imagine you have your first test today. Don't worry, there are no grades involved! It's all about fun — and extra discounts for those who get to the end of the quiz.
  • What does AI say?
    AIs have become really good at understanding humans, but how good do we understand them? In this game, we asked Midjourney to generate two images for each question. One is based on a prompt related to ad blocking and privacy protection, and the other is about a movie or a TV series. Get into the robot's head and try to figure out which is which!
  • Create your own monster!
    Aren't you tired of seeing the same old monsters again and again? Are zombies and werewolves really that scary? The time is high to come up with your own creation that will properly reflect the dangers of the modern world! Try it... if you're not afraid!
  • Back to School Quiz
    How often do you apply school knowledge in your everyday life? More often than you realize, we bet! Test your memory in these extremely real life-like scenarios.
  • AdGuard’s Anniversary Quiz
    June 1 is AdGuard's birthday. In the 13 years of its existence, our company has been through a lot. We've recalled some fun facts and curious details and gathered them into a little quiz. See how well you know AdGuard. But be warned, it isn’t going to be easy!
  • Web survival game
    Will you rely on knowledge or trust your gut? Anything goes when you come up against various online threats in these real-life situations.
    Go ahead and test yourself!
  • Halloween-Spiel
    Es ist Halloween, und das stürmische Wetter passt gut zur Stimmung. Blitze durchschneiden die Dunkelheit, und in der ganzen Stadt herrscht eine unheimliche Atmosphäre.
    Sie freuen sich, dass Sie die Nacht zu Hause verbringen und friedlich im Internet surfen können. Aber plötzlich sehen Sie sich einer Bedrohung gegenüber, die nichts mit gruseligen Geistern zu tun hat...
AdGuard herunterladen Klicken Sie auf die Datei hinter dem Pfeil, um AdGuard zu installieren Wählen Sie "Öffnen", klicken Sie dann auf "OK" und warten Sie, bis die Datei heruntergeladen ist. Ziehen Sie im geöffneten Fenster das AdGuard-Symbol in den Ordner "Programme". Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für AdGuard entschieden haben! Wählen Sie "Öffnen", klicken Sie dann auf "OK" und warten Sie, bis die Datei heruntergeladen ist. Klicken Sie im geöffneten Fenster auf "Installieren". Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für AdGuard entschieden haben!
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