
Can you delete an email you sent?

Picture this: you’re at your desk, a million things on your mind, and you just hit "send" on an email that you quickly composed. Almost immediately, a sinking feeling hits you. Did I really mean to say that? Did I just send that to the wrong person? This scenario isn’t just a nightmare—it’s a common frustration that many of us have experienced. The immediacy of digital communication can lead to hasty decisions, often resulting in regret.

So, can you delete an email you sent? The short answer is: it depends. The ability to retract an email varies based on the email platform you’re using and the timing of your request.

Email platforms matter

Some email services, like Gmail, offer a brief window of opportunity to “undo” an email. After sending, you may see a notification allowing you to cancel the sending action within a few seconds. This feature provides a safety net for those momentary lapses in judgment. However, once that window closes, the email is on its way, and the chances of retrieval diminish significantly.

Other platforms, such as Microsoft Outlook, offer a recall feature, but it comes with its own limitations. For example, both the sender and the recipient must be using the same email service within the same organization for the recall to work effectively. If the email has already been read, your chances of success plummet.

Why would you want to delete a sent email?

Here are the most common reasons you might want to delete a sent email:

  1. Typing errors or incomplete information
    You’ve crafted a message, but in your haste, it’s riddled with typos, broken sentences, or missing key details. Perhaps you meant to add a meeting agenda or clarify an action item but hit “send” too soon. A poorly written or incomplete email can lead to misunderstandings, creating more work to fix the confusion later.

  2. Sending it to the unintended recipient
    Few things are more panic-inducing than realizing you’ve sent an email to the wrong person. This can be as simple as accidentally sending a message intended for one colleague to another, or as serious as sending confidential information outside your organization. These missteps can lead to embarrassing explanations and even compromise confidentiality.

  3. Accidental disclosure of sensitive information
    Sending emails containing sensitive data—such as confidential customer information or personal data—to the wrong people can lead to serious data breaches. Whether it's an internal file shared with the wrong contact or sensitive data accidentally attached to the email, these types of mistakes can create legal risks and damage your reputation.

Methods to recall or delete sent emails across platforms

Email mistakes are common, but your ability to recall or delete a sent message depends on the platform you use. Some services offer features to retract emails, while others leave little room for correction. Here’s a breakdown of how the most popular platforms handle this—and what you can do to prevent errors.


Gmail offers a lifesaving "Undo Send" feature, but it’s limited by a short time window.

How to use it

  • Open Gmail, click the gear icon in the top-right corner, and select Settings.

  • Under the general tab, find undo send and select a cancellation period (5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds).

  • Click save changes at the bottom of the page.

After hitting Send, you’ll see a pop-up notification with an "Undo" option. Clicking it cancels the email before it leaves your outbox.


  • You can only cancel the email within the pre-selected time window.

  • This feature only works on Gmail’s web and mobile apps.

Microsoft Outlook

Outlook offers a recall feature, but it comes with strict requirements and is only available in certain scenarios.

Requirements for recalling an email

  • Both the sender and recipient must be using Microsoft Outlook on the same Microsoft Exchange server.

  • The email must remain unread for the recall to succeed.

How to recall a message

  • Open the Sent Items folder.

  • Double-click the email you want to recall to open it.

  • Click File → Info → Message resend and recall → Recall this message.

  • Choose whether to delete the unread copies or replace them with a corrected version.

Apple Mail

Apple Mail offers an "Undo Send" feature similar to the one in Gmail.

How it works

  • On Mac: After sending an email, you’ll see an "Undo Send" option at the bottom of the Mail window for up to 10 seconds, but you can change it for 20 or 30 seconds.

  • On iPhone/iPad: After sending, you’ll briefly see an "Undo Send" button at the bottom of the screen.

How to configure it

  • Open Settings on your iPhone or Preferences on Mac.

  • In the Mail section, find Undo Send Delay and select a cancellation period: 10, 20, or 30 seconds.

After you hit Send, a notification will appear with an Undo option. Clicking this allows you to cancel the email before it leaves your outbox.


  • This feature only works within the configured time limit.

Yahoo Mail

Yahoo Mail does not offer an "undo" or recall function, meaning once you hit "send", the email is out of your control. However, you can minimize the risk of mistakes by taking advantage of certain workarounds.
Can you delete an email you sent through Yahoo? Unfortunately, no. Yahoo offers a feature to schedule emails, letting you delay the send time. This gives you a chance to review or cancel the email before it’s delivered.

How to use it

  • Compose your email and click the three dots at the bottom of the compose window.

  • Select Schedule send and choose the preferred delivery time.

  • Since there’s no native recall feature, reviewing your email thoroughly is essential before hitting "send".


ProtonMail, a privacy-focused email service, doesn’t offer a traditional recall function. However, it provides some flexibility when sending encrypted emails to non-ProtonMail users.

If you send an encrypted message to a non-ProtonMail user, you can revoke access as long as the recipient hasn’t opened it.

How to do it

  • Open your Sent folder and find the encrypted message.

  • Click Revoke message to block access for the recipient.

  • If the recipient attempts to open the message after revocation, they will receive an error.


  • Revocation only works for encrypted messages sent to non-ProtonMail users.

  • Emails between ProtonMail users cannot be recalled once sent.


ProtonMail allows users to schedule emails, giving them time to edit or cancel before delivery.

How to do it

  • Compose your message and click the Send later icon (clock symbol).

  • Choose a delivery time and confirm.

Workarounds if an email can’t be recalled

Unfortunately, many email platforms offer limited or no recall features, leaving users scrambling to minimize the damage. If you can’t retract a sent message, don’t worry—there are several practical workarounds to help you correct errors, reduce the impact, and prevent future mistakes.

Send a follow-up email

If an email can’t be recalled, the simplest solution is to send a polite follow-up message. This approach works well when the original email contains minor errors, missing information, or unclear instructions.

How to write a follow-up email

  1. Briefly mention what went wrong without over-explaining.

  2. Include the correct details, file, or clarification.

  3. A polite tone prevents the situation from escalating.


Subject: Correction: Updated File for Meeting

Dear [Recipient],

Apologies for the confusion in my previous email. Please find the correct file attached. Thank you for your understanding!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

A follow-up message not only fixes the issue but also demonstrates professionalism and accountability.

Request deletion from the recipient

If you accidentally sent sensitive information or the wrong message to the wrong person, a more direct approach may be necessary. In such cases, you can politely ask the recipient to delete the email. This tactic is especially useful when the recipient is someone you trust, like a colleague or business partner.

How to ask for deletion

  1. Explain the situation clearly and honestly.

  2. Let the recipient know why deleting the email is important.

  3. Use a courteous tone to maintain a positive relationship.


Subject: Urgent: Please Delete Previous Email

Hi [Recipient],

I accidentally sent an email that wasn’t intended for you. It contains some sensitive information, and I would greatly appreciate it if you could delete it. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you,
[Your Name]

While this method relies on the recipient’s cooperation, a respectful request often yields positive results.

Delay email sending to reduce mistakes

Scheduling emails can be a valuable tool to prevent hasty errors. By setting a delay, you create a buffer period where you can review, edit, or cancel the message before it’s sent.

When to use scheduled sending

  • If you’re prone to sending emails without double-checking.

  • When working on complex communications with multiple attachments.

  • During late-night or high-pressure work hours, when mistakes are more likely.

Set up a delay rule in Outlook or Gmail

If you want more control over outgoing emails, setting up a delay rule can prevent messages from being sent immediately. Here’s how to enable delayed sending in Gmail and Outlook:

Outlook: create a delay rule

  1. Open Outlook and click FileManage rules & alerts.

  2. Select New rule and click Apply rule on messages I send.

  3. Choose Next, and in the conditions window, leave all options unchecked to apply the rule to all outgoing emails.

  4. Select Defer delivery by a number of minutes and choose a delay time (e.g., 1 to 10 minutes).

  5. Click Finish and OK to save the rule.

Gmail: enable undo send

  1. Go to Gmail and click the Settings icon.

  2. Under General, find Undo send and set the cancellation period (5, 10, 20, or 30 seconds).

  3. Click Save changes.

Gmail: scheduled send option

  1. While composing an email, click the "arrow" next to the Send button.

  2. Select Schedule send and choose the date and time for delivery.

How to prevent future mistakes

  • Review. Before hitting send, take a moment to review the content of your email, ensuring the message is clear, free of spelling or grammar issues, and written with the appropriate tone. Tools like spell checkers can assist in this process, providing an extra layer of oversight.

  • Drafts. Using email drafts is another effective way to avoid rushed communication. If an email isn’t ready to be sent, save it as a draft instead of sending it impulsively. This allows time to revisit the message with a fresh perspective, ensuring that the content aligns with your intentions.

  • Undo send. Configuring an "Undo Send" or delayed sending option in your email settings adds an important safety buffer. With tools like Gmail’s undo feature or Outlook’s delay rules, you’ll have a few extra seconds or minutes to reconsider your email message before it reaches the recipient.

This comprehensive approach ensures not only fewer mistakes but also improved communication efficiency, leading to better professional relationships and outcomes.

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