
AdGuard Home – Release – Versioni di AdGuard

AdGuard Home 0.107.58
Data di rilascio: 24 marzo 2025
Ecco una riflessione filosofica: se una release contiene più correzioni di bug del solito, è una buona cosa o una cosa cattiva? 🤔
Per fortuna siamo sviluppatori e non filosofi, quindi cerchiamo di esporre alcuni fatti e lasciamo gli esperimenti di pensiero a chi è più saggio di noi. I fatti sono che in questo aggiornamento abbiamo risolto una serie di bug, ma abbiamo anche aggiunto una piccola funzione che vorremmo approfondire.

Uno strumento migliorato per verificare richieste DNS

Se sei seriamente intenzionato a proteggere la tua privacy e ad affrontare gli annunci pubblicitari, è probabile che tu abbia un sacco di regole, sia come elenchi di filtri che come parti di un set di regole personalizzato. Ora, ogni volta che si modifica il proprio arsenale di filtri, c'è un modo semplice per verificare se una richiesta DNS specifica sarà bloccata. Abbiamo sviluppato lo strumento già esistente e aggiunto opzioni per indicare il tipo di record DNS e il client specifico, sia per indirizzo IP che per ClientID. Basta inserire le informazioni e vedere tutte le regole che corrispondono alla vostra richiesta. Funzione bonus: puoi sbloccare qualsiasi dominio immediatamente. Buon lavoro di blocco!
AdGuard Home 0.107.57
Data di rilascio: 21 febbraio 2025
L’anno 2025 sta per iniziare, ma alcuni di noi hanno già bisogno di un timeout 🕙 A proposito di timeout, nella nuova versione abbiamo aggiunto la possibilità di specificare il timeout di upstream nell’interfaccia Web, oltre ad alcune correzioni di bug e aggiornamenti di sicurezza.
AdGuard Home 0.107.56
Data di rilascio: 24 gennaio 2025
Nel nuovo anno stiamo aumentando costantemente il ritmo, a partire da questo piccolo aggiornamento. 🏃 All’interno troverai alcune correzioni di bug, una nuova API e una versione aggiornata di Go per risolvere alcune vulnerabilità.
AdGuard Home 0.107.55
Data di rilascio: 12 dicembre 2024
È tempo di un’altra release! Invitiamo tutti gli utenti di Windows a prestare la massima attenzione, poiché si tratta di un bug che ha colpito alcune installazioni di Windows. Per gli altri appassionati di AdGuard Home, abbiamo aggiornato la versione Go per risolvere alcune vulnerabilità e abbiamo risolto qualche fughe 🚰
AdGuard Home 0.107.54
Data di rilascio: 6 novembre 2024
Questo aggiornamento di AdGuard Home sarà particolarmente interessante per gli utenti di Windows. Abbiamo apportato i necessari miglioramenti di sicurezza per Windows che non abbiamo avuto il tempo di implementare nella versione precedente. Ma c'è sempre qualcosa per tutti negli aggiornamenti di AdGuard Home, non solo per gli appassionati di Windows: i filtri funzionano meglio ora e, naturalmente, abbiamo fatto la nostra parte di correzione di bug.
AdGuard Home 0.107.53
Data di rilascio: 3 ottobre 2024
È passato un po' di tempo da quando abbiamo rimandato di qualche mese il prossimo aggiornamento di AdGuard Home. Ma naturalmente avevamo un buon motivo per farlo: con l'aiuto dei membri della comunità (vi siamo molto grati! 🙏), abbiamo scoperto due vulnerabilità e abbiamo lavorato per correggerle. Il test delle soluzioni ha richiesto un po' più di tempo del previsto, ma alla fine crediamo che la qualità prevalga sulla velocità.
Fortunatamente, non si tratta solo di correggere vulnerabilità e bug; abbiamo anche apportato alcuni perfezionamenti. Ad esempio, abbiamo aggiunto il supporto per l'architettura RISC-V a 64 bit e il motore di ricerca Ecosia alla Ricerca sicura. Il changelog completo è riportato di seguito.
AdGuard Home 0.107.52
Data di rilascio: 4 luglio 2024
In questa versione abbiamo risolto una serie di bug, migrato il nostro front-end verso TypeScript e abbiamo anche aggiornato le nostre librerie front-end per migliorare la qualità dello sviluppo e l’esperienza dell’utente.
AdGuard Home 0.107.51
Data di rilascio: 6 giugno 2024
Una piccola correzione di bug e una release di sicurezza. Stiamo lavorando a nuove funzionalità per le prossime versioni.
AdGuard Home 0.107.50
Data di rilascio: 24 maggio 2024
Si dice: se non è rotto, non aggiustarlo. Purtroppo, questo non è il caso dell'ultimo aggiornamento di AdGuard Home 😓 Una piccola parte di utenti non è stata in grado di avviare AdGuard Home, per cui stiamo distribuendo questo hotfix.
AdGuard Home 0.107.49
Data di rilascio: 21 maggio 2024
L’estate che si avvicina velocemente promette a tutti il suo calore, e tutti i tipi di bug emergono dal code dell’app, come gli insetti strisciano da sotto le rocce e i ramoscelli per godersi il sole. Ecco una patch per assicurarsi che non si trovino nelle vicinanze di AdGuard Home.
AdGuard Home 0.107.48
Data di rilascio: 5 aprile 2024
Dopo l’ultimo aggiornamento è diventato possibile per gli utenti vietati effettuare query DNS su protocolli criptati. Questo comportamento, ovviamente, non era previsto e viene corretto da questo hotfix.
Ci scusiamo per questa svista e faremo del nostro meglio per evitare di ripetere tali errori in futuro.
AdGuard Home 0.107.47
Data di rilascio: 4 aprile 2024
Ecco un update di sistema della sicurezza ed anche alcuni bug corretti, tra cui una correzione del problema di scelta del fuso orario
AdGuard Home 0.107.46
Data di rilascio: 20 marzo 2024
Come promesso nelle note della precedente versione, questo aggiornamento apporta alcuni miglioramenti alla qualità della vita e alcune correzioni di bug 🔧.
AdGuard Home 0.107.45
Data di rilascio: 7 marzo 2024
Questo piccolo release contiene un aggiornamento della sicurezza, alcuni correzioni ed una funzionalità minuta. Altre novità in arrivo!
AdGuard Home 0.107.44
Data di rilascio: 6 febbraio 2024
Si dice che quando si fa bene il proprio lavoro, nessuno se ne accorge. Ci piace credere che sia così, perché l’aggiornamento di oggi non ti lascerà a bocca aperta con nuove funzioni importanti o cose del genere. Invece, “olieremo gli ingranaggi” con modifiche puntuali e correzioni di bug.
AdGuard Home 0.107.43
Data di rilascio: 11 dicembre 2023
Everybody needs something to keep themselves warm during the cold winter days ❄️. Many people opt for hot coffee ☕ or hot chocolate, but we at AdGuard prefer hotfixes 🔥.
AdGuard Home 0.107.42
Data di rilascio: 7 dicembre 2023
As the winter holidays approach, many of us begin to think about what gifts we will give and receive 🎁. With AdGuard, the holidays come early: we decided not to wait too long and present you with this new version of AdGuard Home today!
Among the long-awaited features in this release are the option to enable caching for persistent clients with custom DNS upstream configuration and the option to disable plain DNS for better security.
AdGuard Home 0.107.41
Data di rilascio: 13 novembre 2023
Gli bug sono qualcosa di perpetuale come lo cambiamento degli stagioni 📆. In questa versione abbiamo corretto alcuni bug e abbiamo aggiunto funzionalità per una configurazione più semplice di AdGuard Home e per protettarlo degli attachi DDoS !
AdGuard Home 0.107.40
Data di rilascio: 18 ottobre 2023
Cosa c’è di più spaventoso dei bug che impediscono alle persone di utilizzare le loro reti? Fortunatamente, siamo qui per risolverli con questo hotfix!
AdGuard Home 0.107.39
Data di rilascio: 11 ottobre 2023
La stagione dei mostri potrebbe presto essere alle porte 🎃, ma non abbiamo paura di inviare una nuova release con alcune nuove funzionalità e correzione di bug!
AdGuard Home 0.107.38
Data di rilascio: 11 settembre 2023
Le release sono come la frutta: più gustosa è la mela, più è probabile che ci sia un bug da qualche parte. È emerso che la nostra precedente release era piuttosto deliziosa! Questo hotfix ha lo scopo di risolvere tutti i bug rimanenti.
AdGuard Home 0.107.37
Data di rilascio: 9 settembre 2023
The summer has come and gone, leaving behind a decent harvest of long-awaited features and improvements, with a side order of bug fixes!

Service blocking pause schedule

Users can now easily set pauses for the service blocking filter. For example, you can block social networks throughout the day, but allow yourself 30 minutes after work.
While this feature has been in internal development for several months, in this release we are glad to finally present it in the web UI.

Fallback servers

Another long-awaited feature is the fallback servers, which are used when the main upstream DNS servers cannot be reached.
The syntax there is the same as for the main upstream input, so you can set different fallback servers for different domains.

Upstream statistics

Another feature related to DNS upstreams is the new upstream statistics shown on the dashboard.
These allow users to see which upstreams are faster than others, as well as which upstreams are being used the most.


A special thanks to our open-source contributor, @ssrahul96, as well as to everyone who filed and inspected issues, added translations, and helped us test this release!
AdGuard Home 0.107.36
Data di rilascio: 2 agosto 2023
Una piccola correzione di bug e una release di sicurezza. Stiamo lavorando a nuove funzionalità per le prossime versioni.
AdGuard Home 0.107.35
Data di rilascio: 26 luglio 2023
Nella versione precedente, abbiamo ottimizzato gli aggiornamenti degli elenchi di regole di filtraggio, ottenendo in alcuni casi una velocità fino a tre volte superiore. Tuttavia, il nuovo algoritmo si è rivelato troppo rigido, quindi in questa versione abbiamo allentato le sue convalide, mantenendo l’ottimizzazione per gli elenchi di regole di filtraggio più tipici 🏎️
Come sempre, questa versione contiene anche altre correzioni di bug minori.
AdGuard Home 0.107.34
Data di rilascio: 12 luglio 2023
Questa versione aumenta la sicurezza di AdGuard Home e risolve alcuni problemi maggiori.

Sicurezza di navigazione e picchi di CPU

A giugno abbiamo rilasciato un aggiornamento di sicurezza per AdGuard Home con la correzione di alcuni bug. Ironia della sorte, questo aggiornamento ha portato un altro bug. Da allora, la Sicurezza di navigazione e il Controllo parentale non funzionavano più correttamente, il che in alcuni casi ha comportato una riduzione delle prestazioni, crash casuali ed enormi picchi di CPU.
Ci è voluto un mese intero per risolvere il problema e sicuramente ci sarebbe voluto ancora più tempo se non fosse stato per i fantastici membri della comunità: @bigwookie, @TheCableGuy99 e altri. Si è scoperto che il "Grande Bug" era, in realtà, tre bug più piccoli nascosti. E sono stati tutti trattati senza pietà in questo aggiornamento.


Gli utenti di Docker dovrebbero notare che il meccanismo HEALTHCHECK di Docker è stato rimosso, poiché causava molti problemi, specialmente se usato con Podman e altri strumenti Docker popolari.


Un ringraziamento speciale al nostro collaboratore open-source, @Jiraiya8, così come a tutti coloro che hanno presentato e controllato i problemi, aggiunto traduzioni e aiutato a testare questa release!
AdGuard Home 0.107.33
Data di rilascio: 3 luglio 2023
I bug devono essere corretti ed è proprio quello che abbiamo fatto in questa versione 🔧. Inoltre, abbiamo lavorato a miglioramenti interni che renderanno più facile l'aggiunta di nuove funzionalità nelle versioni future.
AdGuard Home 0.107.32
Data di rilascio: 13 giugno 2023
Un rilascio hotfix per risolvere un problema importante nella versione precedente.
AdGuard Home 0.107.31
Data di rilascio: 8 giugno 2023
Rilascio di una hotfix per risolvere due problemi importanti della versione precedente.
AdGuard Home 0.107.30
Data di rilascio: 7 giugno 2023
Una piccola correzione di bug e una release di sicurezza. Stiamo lavorando a nuove funzionalità per le prossime versioni.
AdGuard Home 0.107.29
Data di rilascio: 18 aprile 2023
Our previous release took place on the International Day of Human Space Flight, but it seems like our rocket was not able to take off smoothly. In this release, we’re fixing a few annoying bugs as well as putting a shine on the client ignoring feature.
AdGuard Home 0.107.28
Data di rilascio: 12 aprile 2023
Finalmente è stato rilasciato un grande aggiornamento con tante nuove funzionalità! Tra queste, vogliamo evidenziare un paio di cambiamenti notevoli che stavate aspettando.

Sospensione della protezione globale

In primo luogo, è ora possibile sospendere la protezione per un periodo di tempo determinato, da 30 secondi a un giorno intero. Questo è utile quando si ha bisogno di visitare un sito che è stato bloccato per errore o quando si vuole disabilitare temporaneamente AdGuard Home senza disattivarlo completamente. Screenshot from 2023-04-12 14-06-17 Una volta scaduta la pausa, AdGuard Home riattiverà la protezione.

Controlli migliorati per la Ricerca sicura

In secondo luogo, è ora possibile regolare con precisione le impostazioni di Ricerca sicura, abilitandola o disabilitandola per servizi specifici, come Google, Bing e YouTube. Screenshot from 2023-04-12 14-10-55 È possibile fare lo stesso per ogni client. Un altro miglioramento di Ricerca sicura è il supporto migliorato per gli indirizzi IPv6.
AdGuard Home 0.107.27
Data di rilascio: 5 aprile 2023
Questo release fa attenzione alla sicurezza e alla correzione degli bug. L’unico cambiamento maggiore è l’aggiornamento della versione del linguaggio di programmazione Go. Gli cambiamenti più ampi saranno disponibile nelle versione successive.
AdGuard Home 0.107.26
Data di rilascio: 9 marzo 2023
Today’s one features further customization options for outbound queries, new option to drop requests based on their question types, and various bugfixes.
AdGuard Home 0.107.25
Data di rilascio: 21 febbraio 2023
This is a hotfix release to prevent panics when using unencrypted DNS-over-HTTP, which affected people running AdGuard Home behind an HTTP reverse proxy.
AdGuard Home 0.107.24
Data di rilascio: 16 febbraio 2023
Ignorare i colleghi chiacchieroni può essere difficile nella vita reale 🤫. Fortunatamente, nel mondo digitale ci sono più opzioni. Questa nuova versione di AdGuard Home aggiunge un modo per escludere nomi di host determinati dal registro delle richieste e dalle statistiche, che può essere utile per i dispositivi e le applicazioni che amano parlare troppo.
AdGuard Home 0.107.23
Data di rilascio: 1 febbraio 2023
Fonts! Сolors! Buttons! Everybody likes to discuss the design of a user interface, but we like to ship bug fixes and new features to our users even more 🚢. Besides the tweaks in the dark theme, this release includes support for the DNS64 standard, a couple of new blockable services, as well as a few bug fixes and internal improvements.
AdGuard Home 0.107.22
Data di rilascio: 19 gennaio 2023
One thing that nobody likes during long nights is a user interface that is way too bright to look at 🔦. In this release, AdGuard Home finally delivers one of its most commonly requested features: the dark theme!
The new dark theme is currently still experimental, and there are a few rough edges here and there. If you want to report them, please follow the instructions in issue #5375.
AdGuard Home 0.107.21
Data di rilascio: 24 dicembre 2022
Ecco è un hotfix per la stagione fredda
AdGuard Home 0.107.20
Data di rilascio: 7 dicembre 2022
Mentre i portieri della Coppa del Mondo fanno del loro meglio per tenere al sicuro la loro porta, noi facciamo del nostro meglio per tenere al sicuro i nostri utenti e assicurarci che ricevano gli ultimi aggiornamenti di sicurezza 🛡️ il prima possibile. Come bonus, abbiamo anche aggiunto un pulsante per cancellare facilmente la cache DNS.
AdGuard Home 0.107.19
Data di rilascio: 23 novembre 2022
Twitter potrebbe essere in fiamme 🔥, ma non si può sfuggire ai social media con la stessa facilità. Beh, forse ora è diventato un po' più facile, con il contributo di @sandervankasteel: AdGuard Home può ora bloccare alcune delle istanze più popolari di Mastodon. Fai una pausa dal doomscrolling, ti meriti di farlo!
Abbiamo anche aggiunto l'opzione --update da riga di comando per aggiornare AdGuard Home senza dover ricorrere all'interfaccia utente.
AdGuard Home 0.107.17
Data di rilascio: 2 novembre 2022
Despite this release appearing around Halloween, it shouldn't be spooky at all. The main novelty is that the list of services blockable with a single click is now synchronized with AdGuard DNS to make the user experience more unified across AdGuard services. We've also improved support for HTTP/3 as well as fixed a few annoying bugs.
AdGuard Home 0.107.16
Data di rilascio: 7 ottobre 2022
This is a security release. There are no new changes besides the update of the Go programming language version. More substantial changes are to come in the subsequent updates.

Full Changelog


Go version has been updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-2879, CVE-2022-2880, and CVE-2022-41715 Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.18.7.
AdGuard Home 0.107.15
Data di rilascio: 3 ottobre 2022
Sometimes, even a hotfix needs a hotfix. In the previous release, our mitigations turned out to be too restrictive, preventing some AdGuard Home features from working properly. In this release, we fix this along with a few other bugs.
We have also added experimental support for the HTTP/3 standard in the UI, DNS upstreams, and DNS clients!

Full Changelog


As an additional CSRF protection measure, AdGuard Home now ensures that requests that change its state but have no body (such as POST /control/stats_reset requests) do not have a Content-Type header set on them #4970.


Experimental HTTP/3 Support
See #3955 and the related issues for more details. These features are still experimental and may break or change in the future.
DNS-over-HTTP/3 DNS and web UI client request support. This feature must be explicitly enabled by setting the new property dns.serve_http3 in the configuration file to true.
DNS-over-HTTP upstreams can now upgrade to HTTP/3 if the new configuration file property dns.use_http3_upstreams is set to true.

Upstreams with forced DNS-over-HTTP/3 and no fallback to prior HTTP versions using the h3:// scheme.


User-specific blocked services not applying correctly #4945, #4982, #4983.
only application/json is allowed errors in various APIs #4970.
AdGuard Home 0.107.14
Data di rilascio: 29 settembre 2022
This is a security release. Users are encouraged to update AdGuard Home as soon as possible.

Full Changelog


A Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability has been discovered. The CVE number is to be assigned. We thank Daniel Elkabes from Mend for reporting this vulnerability to us.
SameSite Policy
The SameSite policy on the AdGuard Home session cookies has been upgraded to Lax. Which means that the only cross-site HTTP request for which the browser is allowed to send the session cookie is navigating to the AdGuard Home domain.
Users are strongly advised to log out, clear browser cache, and log in again after updating.
Removal Of Plain-Text APIs (BREAKING API CHANGE)
We have implemented several measures to prevent such vulnerabilities in the future, but some of these measures break backwards compatibility for the sake of better protection.
The following APIs, which previously accepted or returned text/plain data, now accept or return data as JSON. All new formats for the request and response bodies are documented in openapi/openapi.yaml and openapi/
GET /control/i18n/current_language;
POST /control/dhcp/find_active_dhcp;
POST /control/filtering/set_rules;
POST /control/i18n/change_language.
Stricter Content-Type Checks (BREAKING API CHANGE)
All JSON APIs now check if the request actually has Content-Type set to application/json.

Other Security Changes

Weaker cipher suites that use the CBC (cipher block chaining) mode of operation have been disabled #2993.


Support for plain (unencrypted) HTTP/2 #4930. This is useful for AdGuard Home installations behind a reverse proxy.


Incorrect path template in DDR responses #4927.
AdGuard Home 0.107.13
Data di rilascio: 14 settembre 2022
In this hotfix release with the “lucky” patch number we have fixed a couple of issues that prevented some DHCP clients from receiving their assigned IP addresses. We've also added the new dns.ipset_file setting, which should help users who maintain large ipsets, for example to use in firewall or VPN settings.

Full Changelog


The new optional dns.ipset_file property, which can be set in the configuration file. It allows loading the ipset list from a file, just like dns.upstream_dns_file does for upstream servers #4686.


The minimum DHCP message size is reassigned back to BOOTP's constraint of 300 bytes #4904.


Panic when adding a static lease within the disabled DHCP server #4722.
AdGuard Home 0.107.12
Data di rilascio: 7 settembre 2022
What better way is there to celebrate the coming of autumn than a patch release? In this new version, we have extended and significantly improved AdGuard Home's built-in DHCP server (fixing many bugs in the process) as well as improved our service blocking feature, thanks to many contributions from the community. As always, we have also updated our tooling to make sure that we use the latest versions without any known security issues.

Full Changelog


Go version was updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-27664 and CVE-2022-32190 Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.18.6.


New bool, dur, u8, and u16 DHCP options to provide more convenience on options control by setting values in a human-readable format #4705. See also a Wiki page.
New del DHCP option which removes the corresponding option from server's response #4337. See also a Wiki page.
NOTE: This modifier affects all the parameters in the response and not only the requested ones.
A new HTTP API, GET /control/blocked_services/services, that lists all available blocked services #4535.


The DHCP options handling is now closer to the [RFC 2131][rfc-2131] (#4705).
When the DHCP server is enabled, queries for domain names under dhcp.local_domain_name not pointing to real DHCP client hostnames are now processed by filters (#4865).
The DHCPREQUEST handling is now closer to the RFC 2131 #4863.
The internal DNS client, used to resolve hostnames of external clients and also during automatic updates, now respects the upstream mode settings for the main DNS client #4403.


Ports 784 and 8853 for DNS-over-QUIC in Docker images. Users who still serve DoQ on these ports are encouraged to move to the standard port 853. These ports will be removed from the EXPOSE section of our Dockerfile in a future release.

Go 1.18 support. Future versions will require at least Go 1.19 to build.


The length of the DHCP server's response is now at least 576 bytes as per RFC 2131 recommendation #4337.
Dynamic leases created with empty hostnames #4745.
Unnecessary logging of non-critical statistics errors #4850.
AdGuard Home 0.107.11
Data di rilascio: 19 agosto 2022
This hot summer is approaching its end, but hotfixes are still coming in! In this release, we have fixed configuration file migrations not working for people with AdGuard Home versions older than v0.107.7, as well as made a few minor improvements.

Full Changelog



Bilibili service blocking #4795.


DNS-over-QUIC connections now use keepalive.


Migrations from releases older than v0.107.7 failing #4846.
AdGuard Home 0.107.10
Data di rilascio: 17 agosto 2022
In this new release, we add support for the new Discovery of Designated Resolvers DDR feature, which allows clients using plain DNS to automatically switch to secure protocols. As well as an Arabic localization and fixes for a couple of rather annoying bugs.

Full Changelog


Arabic localization.

Support for Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR) according to the RFC draft #4463.


Our snap package now uses the core22 image as its base #4843.


DHCP not working on most OSs #4836.
invalid argument errors during update checks on older Linux kernels #4670.
Data races and concurrent map access in statistics module #4358, #4342.
AdGuard Home 0.107.9
Data di rilascio: 3 agosto 2022
Although not a lot of time has passed since the last release, this new one contains a security update, a new feature, a new platform, and some minor fixes :wrench:. It's always nice to have those!

Full Changelog


Go version was updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-32189 Go vulnerability fixed in Go 1.18.5. Go 1.17 support has also been removed, as it has reached end of life and will not receive security updates.


Domain-specific upstream servers test. If such test fails, a warning message is shown #4517.

windows/arm64 support #3057.


UI and update links have been changed to make them more resistant to DNS blocking.


Several UI issues #4775, #4776, #4782.


Go 1.17 support, as it has reached end of life.
AdGuard Home 0.107.8
Data di rilascio: 19 luglio 2022
Just like a sudden burst of rain during an otherwise hot and sunny summer day, mistakes happen. But unlike rain, we can fix them! Which is exactly what we did in this bugfix release.

Full Changelog


Go version was updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-1705, CVE-2022-32148, CVE-2022-30631, and other Go vulnerabilities fixed in Go 1.17.12.


DHCP lease validation incorrectly letting users assign the IP address of the gateway as the address of the lease #4698.
Updater no longer expects a hardcoded name for AdGuardHome executable #4219.
Inconsistent names of runtime clients from hosts files #4683.
PTR requests for addresses leased by DHCP will now be resolved into hostnames under dhcp.local_domain_name #4699.
Broken service installation on OpenWrt #4677.
AdGuard Home 0.107.7
Data di rilascio: 19 luglio 2022
L'estate è finalmente arrivata e con essa anche una nuova versione di AdGuard Home!

DNS-over-QUIC: RFC 9250

Il tanto atteso protocollo DNS-over-QUIC è finalmente passato da una bozza a un vero e proprio standard, RFC 9250. In questa versione, aggiungiamo il supporto per la versione finale dello standard in modo compatibile con le versioni precedenti.

Maggiore controllo sugli upstream

È ora possibile specificare un upstream per tutti i sottodomini di un dominio, escludendo il dominio stesso. Ad esempio, se si desidera che le query per siano risolte dal server DNS, ma si lascia che sia risolto dal proprio upstream predefinito (in questo esempio,, utilizzare:
A proposito di upstream. Ora non è più necessario ricordare gli indirizzi IP precisi degli upstream DNS semplici. Finché i server di bootstrap sono in grado di risolverli, si può usare il nuovo schema di indirizzi upstream udp:// per risolvere automaticamente gli indirizzi degli upstream:
udp:// # Same as

Altre modifiche notevoli

Gli utenti hanno un maggiore controllo sul modo in cui vengono raccolte le informazioni sul client in fase di esecuzione, compresa la possibilità di disabilitare completamente questa funzione.
Le informazioni sulla sottorete del client EDNS provenienti dalle richieste dei client sono ora mostrate nella pagina Registro delle richieste.
Di solito, ci sforziamo di mantenere aggiornati i nostri strumenti per assicurarci che i nostri utenti non cadano preda di vulnerabilità.
Ci sono molte altre piccole modifiche e correzioni; date un'occhiata al changelog completo qui sotto!


Un ringraziamento speciale al nostro collaboratore open-source, @Lanius-collaris, così come a tutti coloro che hanno presentato e controllato problemi, aggiunto traduzioni e aiutato a testare questa release!

Changelog completo


La versione è stata aggiornata per prevenire la possibilità di sfruttare il problema delle vulnerabilità CVE-2022-29526, CVE-2022-30634, CVE-2022-30629, CVE-2022-30580, e CVE-2022-29804.
Criteri di forza delle password applicati #3503.


Supporto per lo standard finale DNS-over-QUIC, (RFC 9250) #4592.
Supporto di upstream solo per i sottodomini di un dominio #4503.
Possibilità di controllare separatamente ogni sorgente di client di runtime tramite l'oggetto di configurazione clients.runtime_sources #3020.
La possibilità di personalizzare l'insieme delle reti considerate private attraverso la nuova proprietà dns.private_networks nel file di configurazione #3142.
Informazioni sul client-subnet EDNS nella sezione dei dettagli della richiesta di un record di registro delle richieste #3978.
Supporto per i nomi di host per i server UDP semplici in upstream che utilizzano lo schema udp:// #4166.
I registri vengono ora raccolti per impostazione predefinita su FreeBSD e OpenBSD quando AdGuard Home è installato come servizio. #4213.


Su OpenBSD, lo script del daemon ora utilizza la shell raccomandata /bin/ksh invece di /bin/sh #4533. Per applicare questa modifica, eseguire un backup dei dati ed eseguire AdGuardHome -s uninstall && AdGuardHome -s install.
Il numero di porta predefinito di DNS-over-QUIC è ora 853 invece di 754, in conformità a (RFC 9250) #4276.
Il DNS inverso ha ora una priorità maggiore come fonte di informazioni di runtime client rispetto al vicinato ARP.
Rilevamento migliorato dei client runtime grazie a un'elaborazione ARP più resiliente #3597.
Il TTL delle risposte servite dalla cache ottimistica è ora ridotto a 10 secondi.
I server DNS inversi privati a monte specifici per dominio sono ora convalidati per consentire solo i domini * e * che puntano a reti servite localmente. #3381. Nota: Se nella configurazione sono già presenti elementi non validi, si consideri la possibilità di rimuoverli manualmente, poiché essenzialmente non hanno avuto alcun effetto.
Il filtraggio delle risposte viene ora eseguito utilizzando i tipi di record della sezione delle risposte dei messaggi, anziché il tipo di domanda #4238.
Invece di aggiungere le informazioni sull'ora di compilazione, gli script di compilazione ora usano la variabile d'ambiente standardizzata [SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH][repr] per aggiungere la data del commit da cui è stato costruito il binario #4221. Questo dovrebbe semplificare le compilazioni riproducibili per i manutentori dei pacchetti e per coloro che compilano la propria AdGuard Home.
La proprietà nome_dominio_locale è ora nell'oggetto dhcp del file di configurazione per evitare confusione #3367.
La proprietà dns.bogus_nxdomain nel file di configurazione ora supporta la notazione CIDR insieme agli indirizzi IP #1730.

Modifiche di configurazione

In questa versione, la versione dello schema è passata da 12 a 14.
L'oggetto clients, che nelle versioni 13 e precedenti dello schema era un array di client persistenti effettivi, è ora costituito dalle proprietà persistent e runtime_sources:
- name: client-name
  # …

    - name: client-name
      # …
    whois: true
    arp: true
    rdns: true
    dhcp: true
    hosts: true
Il valore del campo clients.runtime_sources.rdns è preso dalla proprietà dns.resolve_clients. Per annullare questa modifica, rimuovere la proprietà runtime_sources, spostare il contenuto di persistent nella stessa clients, il valore di clients.runtime_sources.rdns in dns.resolve_clients e modificare schema_version a 13.
La proprietà local_domain_name, che nelle versioni 12 e precedenti dello schema faceva parte dell'oggetto dns, ora fa parte dell'oggetto dhcp:
  # …
  'local_domain_name': 'lan'

  # …
  'local_domain_name': 'lan'
Per annullare questa modifica, spostare di nuovo la proprietà nell'oggetto dns e cambiare la schema_version in 12.


L'opzione --no-etc-hosts. La sua funzionalità è ora controllata dalla proprietà di configurazione clients.runtime_sources.hosts. La versione 0.109.0 rimuoverà completamente il flag.


Il log delle query entra occasionalmente in un ciclo infinito #4591.
Avvio del servizio all'avvio sui sistemi che utilizzano SysV-init #4480.
Rilevamento dello stato di arresto del servizio su macOS e Linux #4273.
ClientID sensibile alle maiuscole #4542.
Le richieste di aggiornamento della versione sono lente e rendono le altre API HTTP poco reattive #4499.
Il processo di aggiornamento delle tabelle ARP causa un eccesso di richieste PTR #3157.
AdGuard Home 0.107.6
Data di rilascio: 14 aprile 2022
This is a small security-oriented update. This AdGuard Home version requires Go v1.17 and later to build, because older Go versions receive no further support, including security patches.
Aside from that, we've slightly updated $dnsrewrite modifier to support the user-defined Discovery of Designated Resolvers (DDR). We are planning on continuing to make more improvements to it in the future updates, see #4463.
The rest are minor changes and ever-present bugfixes.

Full Changelog


User-Agent HTTP header removed from outgoing DNS-over-HTTPS requests.

Go version was updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-24675, CVE-2022-27536, and CVE-2022-28327 vulnerabilities.


Support for SVCB/HTTPS parameter dohpath in filtering rules with the dnsrewrite modifier according to the RFC draft #4463.


Filtering rules with the dnsrewrite modifier that create SVCB or HTTPS responses should use ech instead of echconfig to conform with the latest drafts.


SVCB/HTTPS parameter name echconfig in filtering rules with the dnsrewrite modifier. Use ech instead. v0.109.0 will remove support for the outdated name echconfig.

Obsolete --no-mem-optimization option #4437. v0.109.0 will remove the flag completely.


I/O timeout errors when checking for the presence of another DHCP server.
Network interfaces being incorrectly labeled as down during installation.

Rules for blocking the QQ service #3717.


Go 1.16 support, since that branch of the Go compiler has reached end of life and doesn't receive security updates anymore.
AdGuard Home 0.107.5
Data di rilascio: 14 aprile 2022
This is a security release. There are no new changes besides the update of the Go programming language version.
More substantial changes are to come in the subsequent updates.

Full Changelog


Go version was updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-24921 vulnerability. As the CVE page is still showing “reserved” at the time of publishing, see also golang/go#51112.
AdGuard Home 0.107.4
Data di rilascio: 14 aprile 2022
A small update to fix a couple bugs and shore up some Go vulnerabilities.
More substantial changes are to come in the subsequent updates.

Full Changelog


Go version was updated to prevent the possibility of exploiting the CVE-2022-23806, CVE-2022-23772, and CVE-2022-23773 vulnerabilities.


Minor UI improvements.


Optimistic cache now responds with expired items even if those can't be resolved again #4254.
Unnecessarily complex hosts-related logic leading to infinite recursion in some cases #4216.
AdGuard Home 0.107.3
Data di rilascio: 3 febbraio 2022
This version contains bug fixes and cleanups 🧹. Also, there is a new minor feature: now you can rewrite responses for domains using the response code NOERROR. Similar rules will allow to get a successful response without records, e.g.:

Full Changelog


Support for a $dnsrewrite modifier with an empty NOERROR response #4133.


Wrong set of ports checked for duplicates during the initial setup #4095.
Incorrectly invalidated service domains #4120.
Poor testing of domain-specific upstream servers #4074.
Omitted aliases of hosts specified by another line within the OS's hosts file #4079.
AdGuard Home 0.107.2
Data di rilascio: 12 gennaio 2022
You know, it is very hard to break your bad habits. We're still struggling with one, the overwhelming need to roll out hotfixes to AdGuard Home releases 😢
Now this one is a hotfix release for a really critical CPU overconsumption bug in v0.107.1.
Please update asap and with this, we wish you happy holidays!🎄

Full Changelog


Infinite loops when TCP connections time out (#4042).
AdGuard Home 0.107.1
Data di rilascio: 12 gennaio 2022
In a not-futile-at-all-we-swear 😅 attempt to fix all bugs before the New Year we're rolling out a hotfix to the recent v0.107.0. Hopefully, this time we got it all right. And if not, there are still a couple of sheets left on the calendar 📆 and the mug is still half-full with lukewarm coffee ☕


A special thanks to our open-source contributors: @Aikatsui and @mdawsonuk, as well as to everyone who filed and inspected issues, added translations, and helped us test this release!

Full Changelog


The validation error message for duplicated allow- and blocklists in DNS settings now shows the duplicated elements (#3975).


ipset initialization bugs (#4027).
Legacy DNS rewrites from a wildcard pattern to a subdomain (#4016).
Service not being stopped before running the uninstall service action (#3868).
Broken reload service action on FreeBSD.
Legacy DNS rewrites responding from upstream when a request other than A or AAAA is received (#4008).
Panic on port availability check during installation (#3987).
Incorrect application of rules from the OS's hosts files (#3998).
AdGuard Home 0.107.0
Data di rilascio: 12 gennaio 2022
We've had some big AdGuard Home updates in the past, but this one is to top them all. It's been brewing for almost eight months! 🙀 So no wonder there's heaps upon heaps of new features, improvements, bugfixes, and other changes. We'd better start listing them ASAP, or else we'll be risking missing the New Year's fireworks 🎆 🥂

Native Apple Silicon support

There's no shortage of killer features in this changelog, but this one takes the cake as the biggest of them all, without any doubt. You won't have to resort to Rosetta or any such solutions anymore if you want to configure AdGuard Home on a Mac with a Silicon chip.

RFC 9000 support In DNS-over-QUIC

It's not quite over nine thousand, but it'll do. The IETF has formalized QUIC this year with RFC 9000, and DNS-over-QUIC protocol finally supports it. If you haven't tried DoQ yet, consider this a sign.

$dnsrewrite rules and other DNS rewrites will now be applied even when protection is disabled (#1558)

Another popular demand. This change only makes sense, as DNS rewrites often carry a different purpose than simply blocking ads or trackers. You still can disable them by opening the admin panel, going to Settings → General settings, and removing the check mark from the Block domains using filters and hosts files box.
Note: rules contained in system hosts files (e.g. /etc/hosts) now have higher priority. This may result in more rewrites appearing in your Query log. If some of these rewrites are invalid, remove the corresponding lines from your hosts files or comment them out.

DNS-over-HTTPS queries now use the real IP address of the client instead of the address of the proxy (#2799)

Note that this change concerns only those proxies that you've added to the list of "Trusted proxies", otherwise it would be a major security risk. We wouldn't want anything of that sort to happen to you! 🙅‍♀️ Right now trusted_proxies can only be configured in AdGuardHome.yaml, but that might change in the future.

Optimistic DNS cache (#2145)

To reduce latency you may make AdGuard Home respond from the cache even when the stored entry is expired, while trying to refresh them at the same time🔄 This checkbox is located in Settings → DNS settings → DNS cache configuration and it's not ticked by default. Responses made from DNS cache are marked with a special label in the Query log.

Query log search now supports internationalized domains (#3012)

Internationalized domain names (IDNAs) are domain names that contain symbols in non-Latin script/alphabet, such as яндекс.рф or ουτοπία.δπθ.gr, for example. Previously, they were being converted to Unicode in AG Home Query log (xn--d1abqjx3f.xn--p1ai and in our examples), which is a detriment in most cases. Now IDNAs are displayed as is, and you can search for them without resorting to Unicode.


A special thanks to our open-source contributors: @Aikatsui, @anbraten, @bruvv, @DandelionSprout, @fvdm, @hnefatl, @markhicken, @p27877, and @systemcrash, as well as to everyone who filed and inspected issues, added translations, and helped us test this release! 🙏

Full Changelog


Upstream server information for responses from cache (#3772). Note that old log entries concerning cached responses won't include that information.
Finnish and Ukrainian translations.
Setting the timeout for IP address pinging in the "Fastest IP address" mode through the new fastest_timeout field in the configuration file (#1992).
Static IP address detection on FreeBSD (#3289).
Optimistic cache (#2145).
New possible value of 6h for querylog_interval setting (#2504).
Blocking access using client IDs (#2624, #3162).
source directives support in /etc/network/interfaces on Linux (#3257).
RFC 9000 support in DNS-over-QUIC.
Completely disabling statistics by setting the statistics interval to zero (#2141).
The ability to completely purge DHCP leases (#1691).
Settable timeouts for querying the upstream servers (#2280).
Configuration file parameters to change group and user ID on startup on Unix (#2763).
Experimental OpenBSD support for AMD64 and 64-bit ARM CPUs (#2439, #3225, #3226).
Support for custom port in DNS-over-HTTPS profiles for Apple's devices (#3172).
darwin/arm64 support (#2443).
freebsd/arm64 support (#2441).
Output of the default addresses of the upstreams used for resolving PTRs for private addresses (#3136).
Detection and handling of recurrent PTR requests for locally-served addresses (#3185).
The ability to completely disable reverse DNS resolving of IPs from locally-served networks (#3184).
New flag --local-frontend to serve dynamically changeable frontend files from disk as opposed to the ones that were compiled into the binary.


Port bindings are now checked for uniqueness (#3835).
The DNSSEC check now simply checks against the AD flag in the response (#3904).
Client objects in the configuration file are now sorted (#3933).
Responses from cache are now labeled (#3772).
Better error message for ED25519 private keys, which are not widely supported (#3737).
Cache now follows RFC more closely for negative answers (#3707).
$dnsrewrite rules and other DNS rewrites will now be applied even when the protection is disabled (#1558).
DHCP gateway address, subnet mask, IP address range, and leases validations (#3529).
The systemd service script will now create the /var/log directory when it doesn't exist (#3579).
Items in allowed clients, disallowed clients, and blocked hosts lists are now required to be unique (#3419).
The TLS private key previously saved as a string isn't shown in API responses anymore (#1898).
Better OpenWrt detection (#3435).
DNS-over-HTTPS queries that come from HTTP proxies in the trusted_proxies list now use the real IP address of the client instead of the address of the proxy (#2799).
Clients who are blocked by access settings now receive a REFUSED response when a protocol other than DNS-over-UDP and DNSCrypt is used.
querylog_interval setting is now formatted in hours.
Query log search now supports internationalized domains (#3012).
Internationalized domains are now shown decoded in the query log with the original encoded version shown in request details (#3013).
When /etc/hosts-type rules have several IPs for one host, all IPs are now returned instead of only the first one (#1381).
The setting rlimit_nofile is now in the os block of the configuration file, together with the new group and user settings (#2763).
Permissions on filter files are now 0o644 instead of 0o600 (#3198).

Configuration Changes

In this release, the schema version has changed from 10 to 12.
Parameter dns.querylog_interval, which in schema versions 11 and earlier used to be an integer number of days, is now a string with a human-readable duration:
  # …
  'querylog_interval': 90

  # …
  'querylog_interval': '2160h'
To rollback this change, convert the parameter back into days and change the schema_version back to 11.
Parameter rlimit_nofile, which in schema versions 10 and earlier used to be on the top level, is now moved to the new os object:
'rlimit_nofile': 42

  'group': ''
  'rlimit_nofile': 42
  'user': ''
To rollback this change, move the parameter on the top level and change the schema_version back to 10.


Go 1.16 support. v0.108.0 will require at least Go 1.17 to build.


EDNS0 TCP keepalive option handling (#3778).
Rules with the $denyallow modifier applying to IP addresses when they shouldn't (#3175).
The length of the EDNS0 client subnet option appearing too long for some upstream servers (#3887).
Invalid redirection to the HTTPS web interface after saving enabled encryption settings (#3558).
Incomplete propagation of the client's IP anonymization setting to the statistics (#3890).
Incorrect $dnsrewrite results for entries from the operating system's hosts file (#3815).
Matching against rules with | at the end of the domain name (#3371).
Incorrect assignment of explicitly configured DHCP options (#3744).
Occasional panic during shutdown (#3655).
Addition of IPs into only one as opposed to all matching ipsets on Linux (#3638).
Removal of temporary filter files (#3567).
Panic when an upstream server responds with an empty question section (#3551).
9GAG blocking (#3564).
DHCP now follows RFCs more closely when it comes to response sending and option selection (#3443, #3538).
Occasional panics when reading old statistics databases (#3506).
reload service action on macOS and FreeBSD (#3457).
Inaccurate using of service actions in the installation script (#3450).
Client ID checking (#3437).
Discovering other DHCP servers on darwin and freebsd (#3417).
Switching listening address to unspecified one when bound to a single specified IPv4 address on Darwin (macOS) (#2807).
Incomplete HTTP response for static IP address.
DNSCrypt queries weren't appearing in query log (#3372).
Wrong IP address for proxied DNS-over-HTTPS queries (#2799).
Domain name letter case mismatches in DNS rewrites (#3351).
Conflicts between IPv4 and IPv6 DNS rewrites (#3343).
Letter case mismatches in CNAME filtering (#3335).
Occasional breakages on network errors with DNS-over-HTTP upstreams (#3217).
Errors when setting static IP on Linux (#3257).
Treatment of domain names and FQDNs in custom rules with $dnsrewrite that use the PTR type (#3256).
Redundant hostname generating while loading static leases with empty hostname (#3166).
Domain name case in responses (#3194).
Custom upstreams selection for clients with client IDs in DNS-over-TLS and DNS-over-HTTP (#3186).
Incorrect client-based filtering applying logic (#2875).


Go 1.15 support.
AdGuard Home 0.106.3
Data di rilascio: 19 maggio 2021
More! More bugfixes! 🧟‍♀️
But this time, for a change, there's a couple of new minor features to go with them. Hope you don't mind 🤷‍♂️
A special thanks to our open-source contributor, @ashishwt, as well as to everyone who filed and inspected issues, added translations, and helped us to test this release!


Support for reinstall (-r) and uninstall (-u) flags in the installation script #2462.
Support for DHCP DECLINE and RELEASE message types #3053.


Add microseconds to log output.


Intermittent "Warning: ID mismatch" errors #3087.
Error when using installation script on some ARMv7 devices #2542.
DHCP leases validation #3107, #3127.
Local PTR request recursion in Docker containers #3064.
Ignoring client-specific filtering settings when filtering is disabled in general settings #2875.
Disallowed domains are now case-insensitive #3115.
Other minor fixes and improvements.
AdGuard Home 0.106.2
Data di rilascio: 19 maggio 2021
It's not Friday? Not a problem! We defy the tradition of Friday hotfixes by rushing another one out a day earlier 🙌
A special thanks to our open-source contributor, @jankais3r, as well as to everyone who filed issues, added translations, and helped us to test this release!


Uniqueness validation for dynamic DHCP leases #3056.
Various other issues #3075, #3077.
AdGuard Home 0.106.1
Data di rilascio: 19 maggio 2021
We had a release a couple days ago. You all knew it would come to this. 🦸
It's Friday.
It's hotfix time! 🔥
Nothing serious though, we didn't even break anything. Just cleaning up some minor bugs. 🧹


Local domain name handling when the DHCP server is disabled #3028.
Normalization of perviously-saved invalid static DHCP leases #3027.
Validation of IPv6 addresses with zones in system resolvers #3022.
AdGuard Home 0.106.0
Data di rilascio: 19 maggio 2021
Quite a lot of changes this time around, even if there aren't as many standouts as in some of the previous updates. We're sure that you'll be able to find a line or two in the changelog that speaks to you!
And one of the reasons for that is the constant support from the community. 👥👥 Special thanks to our open-source contributors: @jvoisin and @Paraphraser, as well as to everyone who filed issues, added translations, and helped us to test this release! 🙇

The ability to set up custom upstreams to resolve PTR queries for local addresses and to disable the automatic resolving of clients' addresses #2704

This option will improve your DNS privacy when it comes to addressing local resources. Give it a go unless you want to share your private data with googles of the world.

Search by clients' names in the query log #1273

There's not much that can be said about this feature, it's quite self-explanatory: now you can search up queries by specific clients. 🤷‍♀️
However, we wanted to highlight it anyway since so many of you have asked for it for quite a while. Hopefully, we delivered! 😅


The ability to block user for login after configurable number of unsuccessful attempts for configurable time #2826.
$denyallow modifier for filters #2923.
Hostname uniqueness validation in the DHCP server #2952.
Hostname generating for DHCP clients which don't provide their own #2723.
New flag --no-etc-hosts to disable client domain name lookups in the operating system's /etc/hosts files #1947.
Logging of the client's IP address after failed login attempts #2824.
Verbose version output with -v --version #2416.
The ability to set a custom TLD or domain name for known hosts in the local network #2393, #2961.
The ability to serve DNS queries on multiple hosts and interfaces #1401.
ips and text DHCP server options #2385.
SRV records support in $dnsrewrite filters #2533.


Our DoQ implementation is now updated to conform to the latest standard draft #2843.
Quality of logging #2954.
Normalization of hostnames sent by DHCP clients #2945, #2952.
The access to the private hosts is now forbidden for users from external networks #2889.
The reverse lookup for local addresses is now performed via local resolvers #2704.
Stricter validation of the IP addresses of static leases in the DHCP server with regards to the netmask #2838.
Stricter validation of $dnsrewrite filter modifier parameters #2498.
New, more correct versioning scheme #2412.


Go 1.15 support. v0.107.0 will require at least Go 1.16 to build.


Multiple answers for $dnsrewrite rule matching requests with repeating patterns in it #2981.
Root server resolving when custom upstreams for hosts are specified #2994.
Inconsistent resolving of DHCP clients when the DHCP server is disabled #2934.
Comment handling in clients' custom upstreams #2947.
Overwriting of DHCPv4 options when using the HTTP API #2927.
Assumption that MAC addresses always have the length of 6 octets #2828.
Support for more than one /24 subnet in DHCP #2541.
Invalid filenames in the mobileconfig API responses #2835.


Go 1.14 support.
AdGuard Home 0.105.2
Data di rilascio: 15 marzo 2021
There are big flashy updates, and there are seemingly unassuming ones, which constitute, however, the backbone of any successful project. This is the latter, as you may have guessed. You'll find here a heap of bugfixes and a security update for CVE-2021-27935.


Session token doesn't contain user's information anymore (#2470).


Incomplete hostnames with trailing zero-bytes handling (#2582).
Wrong DNS-over-TLS ALPN configuration (#2681).
Inconsistent responses for messages with EDNS0 and AD when DNS caching is enabled (#2600).
Incomplete OpenWrt detection (#2757).
DHCP lease's expired field incorrect time format (#2692).
Incomplete DNS upstreams validation (#2674).
Wrong parsing of DHCP options of the ip type (#2688).
AdGuard Home v0.105.1
Data di rilascio: 16 febbraio 2021
Have you ever thought about why traditions are so important?🧙‍♂️ Traditions help us remember that we are part of a history that defines our past, shapes who we are today, and who we are likely to become. This is why we at AdGuard respect our traditions, and the most important one is pushing the inevitable hotfix right after every major update.🔥🔧
Jokes aside, here's the list of things fixed and improved in this hotfix.


Increased HTTP API timeouts (#2671, #2682).
"Permission denied" errors when checking if the machine has a static IP no longer prevent the DHCP server from starting (#2667).
The server name sent by clients of TLS APIs is not only checked when strict_sni_check is enabled (#2664).
HTTP API request body size limit for the POST /control/access/set and POST /control/filtering/set_rules HTTP APIs is increased (#2666, #2675).


Error when enabling the DHCP server when AdGuard Home couldn't determine if the machine has a static IP.
Optical issue on custom rules (#2641).
Occasional crashes during startup.
The field "range_start" in the GET /control/dhcp/status HTTP API response is now correctly named again (#2678).
DHCPv6 server's ra_slaac_only and ra_allow_slaac settings aren't reset to false on update any more (#2653).
The Vary header is now added along with Access-Control-Allow-Origin to prevent cache-related and other issues in browsers (#2658).
The request body size limit is now set for HTTPS requests as well.
Incorrect version tag in the Docker release (#2663).
DNSCrypt queries weren't marked as such in logs (#2662).
AdGuard Home 0.105.0
Data di rilascio: 12 febbraio 2021
We took our sweet time with this update, but you'll most certainly find it to be worth the wait. The changelog contains three absolute 💥bangers and a laundry list of lesser changes.

🕵️‍♂️ Client ID support for DNS-over-HTTPS, DNS-over-QUIC, and DNS-over-TLS #1387

This feature would be really useful to those of you who run an encrypted DNS resolver on a public server. In short, you can now identify your devices not just by their IP address (which is, frankly, not too useful in a public server scenario 🤷‍♀️), but by using a special "Client ID".
Here's how it works:
First, you add a client and specify an arbitrary string as its "Identifier", for instance, my-iphone.
On the client device you can now configure:
DNS-over-TLS: tls:// (requires a Wildcard certificate)
DNS-over-QUIC: quic:// (requires a Wildcard certificate)
Queries and stats are now properly attributed to your device.

🔐 AdGuard as a DNSCrypt-resolver #1361

DNSCrypt was the very first DNS encryption protocol that got some traction. It may not be as popular as DoH/DoT/DoQ now, but it is still viable. Moreover, performance-wise DNSCrypt is better than any of them. And now that v0.105.0 is out, AdGuard Home can be configured to work as a DNSCrypt resolver!
However, here goes the tricky part. We haven't yet exposed these settings to the Web admin panel so if you want to have DNSCrypt, you'll need to follow this instruction and do it via editing the configuration file (AdGuardHome.yaml). Not that it would scare you off, would it? 🤓
Regarding DNSCrypt clients - AdGuard for Android, Windows and iOS support it, Mac will get its support pretty soon. Besides that, here is a long list of client software that supports it as well.

🆎 $dnsrewrite and $dnstype modifiers #2102 #2337

AdGuard Home now supports two more powerful rule modifiers that will help blocklists' maintainers.
$dnstype lets you narrow down the rule scope and apply it only to queries of a specific type(s). For instance, Apple devices now support HTTPS DNS query type. While being generally a good thing, this new type may sometimes be harmful😲. By using $dnstype you can block it completely using a simple rule like this: $dnstype=HTTPS
$dnsrewrite is another powerful modifier that allows you to modify DNS responses. Note that this modifier is much more powerful compared to something like a hosts file.
Here are some examples:
||^$dnsrewrite=SERVFAIL;; - return SERVFAIL for and all it's subdomains
|^$dnsrewrite=NOERROR;TXT;hello_world - add a TXT record for
|^$ - redirect to
|^$dnsrewrite= - redirect to
You can find more examples in the documentation.


Added more services to the "Blocked services" list #2224, #2401
ipset subdomain matching, just like dnsmasq does #2179
The host checking API and the query logs API can now return multiple matched rules #2102
Detecting of network interface configured to have static IP address via /etc/network/interfaces #2302
A 5 second wait period until a DHCP server's network interface gets an IP address #2304
HTTP API request body size limit #2305


Access-Control-Allow-Origin is now only set to the same origin as the domain, but with an HTTP scheme as opposed to * #2484
workDir now supports symlinks.
Stopped mounting together the directories /opt/adguardhome/conf and /opt/adguardhome/work in our Docker images #2589
When dns.bogus_nxdomain option is used, the server will now transform responses if there is at least one bogus address instead of all of them #2394. The new behavior is the same as in dnsmasq.
Post-updating relaunch possibility is now determined OS-dependently #2231, #2391
Made the mobileconfig HTTP API more robust and predictable, add parameters and improve error response #2358
Improved HTTP requests handling and timeouts #2343
Our snap package now uses the core20 image as its base #2306
New build system and various internal improvements #2271, #2276, #2297, #2509, #2552, #2639, #2646


Go 1.14 support. v0.106.0 will require at least Go 1.15 to build.
The darwin/386 port. It will be removed in v0.106.0.
The "rule" and "filter_id" fields in GET /filtering/check_host and GET /querylog responses. They will be removed in v0.106.0 #2102


Autoupdate bug in the Darwin (macOS) version #2630
Unnecessary conversions from string to net.IP, and vice versa #2508
Inability to set DNS cache TTL limits #2459
Possible freezes on slower machines #2225
A mitigation against records being shown in the wrong order on the query log page #2293
A JSON parsing error in query log #2345
Incorrect detection of the IPv6 address of an interface as well as another infinite loop in the /dhcp/find_active_dhcp HTTP API #2355


The undocumented ability to use hostnames as any of bind_host values in the configuration. Documentation requires them to be valid IP addresses, and now the implementation makes sure that that is the case #2508
Dockerfile #2276. Replaced with the script scripts/make/ which uses scripts/make/Dockerfile.
Support for pre-v0.99.3 format of query logs #2102
AdGuard Home 0.104.3
Data di rilascio: 12 febbraio 2021
Bugfixes... 😌 There's something about them that we just can't resist. We always want more! 🧟
When there's nothing more to fix, we just roll out a new major update, introduce some fresh bugs and start all over. It's a circle of life ☯️
Luckily, there are still some to prey upon in v0.104. Have a look at what we've fixed this time:


Don't expose the profiler HTTP API #2336
Load query logs from files after loading the ones buffered in memory #2325
Don't show Unnecessary errors in logs when switching between query log files #2324
Don't show 404 Not Found errors on the DHCP settings page on Windows. Show that DHCP is not currently available on that OS instead #2295
Fix an infinite loop in the /dhcp/find_active_dhcp HTTP API method #2301
Various internal improvements
AdGuard Home 0.104.1
Data di rilascio: 12 febbraio 2021
Those who pay close attention to AdGuard Home releases know that we keep hotfixes close to our hearts 🔥♥️ This time we held for as long as we could, but ultimately gave in to the urge 😔
Here's a patch to v0.104 with some fixes and minor improvements.


Solve the permission denied error when launching a DHCP server on Linux using Snap #2228. Users experiencing this issue should refresh their snap and call:
snap connect adguard-home:network-control
This won't be required in the future versions.
Use matching fonts in the Custom Filters textarea #2254
Show the correct query type for DNS-over-QUIC queries in query log #2241
Increase the default number of simultaneous requests to improve performance #2257
Always set a secondary DNS in DHCP #1708
Improve stability on DNS proxy restart #2242
Improve logging on DNS proxy restart #2252
Don't show a “Loading” message and don't rerequest logs once we've reached the end of logs on the query log page #2229
Various internal improvements.
AdGuard Home 0.104.0
Data di rilascio: 12 febbraio 2021
We have something special for y'all today. Not just an implementation of a new feature but the first ever implementation of a new feature! 😮 This is about DNS-over-QUIC, a new DNS encryption protocol — read on to learn more.
Ah, yes, there's also a bunch of other good stuff, too: DHCP-related changes, a .mobileconfig generator for iOS and macOS, and a handful of other enhancements and bugfixes.

DNS-over-QUIC support #2049

AdGuard Home now natively supports a new DNS encryption protocol called DNS-over-QUIC. DoQ standard is currently in the draft state, and AdGuard Home (and dnsproxy) is it's first open-source implementation.🥇
So what's good about it? 🤔 Unlike DoH and DoT, it uses QUIC as a transport protocol and finally brings DNS back to its roots — working over UDP. It brings all the good things that QUIC has to offer — out-of-the-box encryption, reduced connection times, better performance when data packets are lost. Also, QUIC is supposed to be a transport-level protocol and there are no risks of metadata leaks that could happen with DoH. 🔒
At this moment, the only major public DNS resolver that provides DNS-over-QUIC is AdGuard DNS. 😎 Use quic:// in the upstreams settings to start using AdGuard DNS "Non-Filtering".

DHCP rework: DHCP6 support, custom DHCP options

We did a huge rework of our DHCP server implementation. Thanks to it, AdGuard Home now supports DHCP6 and allows setting custom DHCP options.
Please note that in order to set DHCP options, you'll need to edit the configuration file.
Add support for DHCPv6: #779
DHCPv6 RA+SLAAC: #2076
DHCP: automatic hostnames: #1956
Add DHCP Options: #1585

iOS and MacOS .mobileconfig generator: #2110

iOS 14 and macOS Big Sur natively support DNS-over-HTTPS and DNS-over-TLS. However, it's not that simple to configure them — you need to install a special "configuration profile" for that. 🤯 In order to make things easier, AdGuard Home can generate these configuration profiles for you. Just head to "Setup Guide" -> "DNS Privacy" and scroll to iOS.

Binary transparency

AdGuard Home binaries are now signed with our GPG key and you can now easily verify that they really come from us:

Other improvements

Allow entering comments to the Upstreams box: #2083
Load upstreams list from a file: #1680
Add ARMv8 to future releases, potentially append a v8 binary to the most recent non-beta release: #2125
Redesign query logs block/unblock buttons: #2050
Treat entries starting with "/" as "://" under specific circumstances: #1950
Use "Null IP" instead of NXDOMAIN by default: #1914
Bootstrap with TCP upstreams: #1843
Add block and unblock buttons to 'check the filtering' result: #1734
ipset feature support: #1191
Add Belarusian and Chinese Traditional HK languages: #2106
Add new language: en-silk: #1796
Use DOH or DOT as bootstrap: #960


Reverse lookups return empty answers for hosts from /etc/hosts: #2085
Static lease hostnames are overridden by client-identifier: #2040
Query log doesn't display name for blocked services: #2038
Custom filter editor works with delay: #1657
Incorrect link address: #2209
Smartphone compatible design for user interface: #2152
Misleading information during service installation: #2128
Remove the limit on cache-min-ttl, 3600: #2094
Cannot change minimum TTL override in UI: #2091
Optical Issue on mobile phone: #2090
Setting a large DNS Cache Size in the Web GUI will exceed the unit32 range.: #2056
Clients requests aren't counted properly: #2037
Publish privacy policy on front page ( #1960
Sorting various IP Address Columns in the UI (eg in dhcp static leases) does not sort correctly. They are treated as strings instead of numeric.: #1877
Requests count for clients with CIDR IP addresses: #1824
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