How to collect debug logs
This article is about AdGuard for Android, a multifunctional ad blocker that protects your device at the system level. Per vedere come funziona, scarica l'app di AdGuard
Data and/or files provided in logs are processed in accordance with the AdGuard Privacy Policy.
In questo articolo, ti guideremo attraverso il processo di raccolta dei registri di debug, un passaggio essenziale per la risoluzione dei problemi complessi che potrebbero potenzialmente sorgere. Debug logs provide detailed insight into the inner workings of AdGuard for Android. If the AdGuard support team asks you to provide debug logs, simply follow these instructions.
AdGuard si impegna a proteggere la tua privacy. We strictly follow our Privacy Policy and do not collect any private information about users. Prima di inviare i registri al team di supporto, esamina il file poiché potrebbe contenere informazioni aggiuntive che non desideri condividere. Se contiene tali informazioni personali, ti consigliamo di eliminarle prima.
Collecting debug log
To collect debug log and send it to us you need to perform following steps:
- Go to Settings → General → Advanced.
- Tap Logging level and set it to Debug.
- Reproduce the problem and try to remember the exact time it occurred.
- Wait a while, then return to Settings and choose the Support tab. Tap Report a bug and complete the required fields. Don't forget to check the Send app logs and system info checkbox. Finally tap Send.
If you're interested in following the resolution of your issue and engaging in a dialogue with the developers, we recommend that you take the following steps after completing the first three:
- Wait a while, then return to the Advanced screen and export logs via Export logs and system info. Then report a bug on GitHub by following these instructions.
- After creating an issue on GitHub, send the log file to Includi l'ora del bug e allega un link al tuo problema o il suo numero (appare come #numero accanto al titolo). In alternativa, puoi caricare il file di registro su Google Drive e inviarlo a Add the file link to your GitHub issue