Promo kod ${promoCode} je istekao rok trajanja ili ne postoji. Pretplatite se na naše vesti da bude obavešten o budućoj prodaji!
18.546 18546 recenzija
Dostupne platforme:
Zaštita uređaja na nivou sistema pomoću AdGuard za Windows
Blokiranje iskačućih oglasa, video oglasa i banera bilo gde na uređaju pomoću AdGuard za Mac
Nabavite vrhunski alat za blokiranje oglasa i praćenja i upravljanje saobraćajem svih aplikacija pomoću AdGuard-a za Android
Uživajte u internetu bez oglasa i tragača uz AdGuard za iOS
Watch your favorite movies and TV shows ad-free with AdGuard for Android TV

Kupi Zaštitite sve Vaše uređaje i surfujte web-om sigurno!

Ukupna ocena aplikacije 4.7/5
Više od 18000 recenzija aplikacije! Volimo naše korisnike i oni nam uzvraćaju ljubav.
18.546 18546 recenzija

ANONYMOUS USER Daleko najbolji blokator svi reklama i ostalog nepotrebnog smeca na bilo kojoj stranici

Валерий Пока лучше ничего не нашел!

Владимир На 21.06.2022г. лучше не нашел.

Bignick Доначу 3-й год, не жалко)


Hacker Vasya Без него уже не могу...

Često postavljana pitanja

  • Možete da izaberete koliko uređaja želite da zaštitite:
    Lični licenca pokriva 3 uređaji
    Porodica licenca pokriva 9 uređaja
    Takođe možete birati između 1 godine i doživotnog licenciranja.
    AdGuard licence su univerzalne i rade na bilo kom uređaju (Vindovs, macOS, Android ili iOS).
  • We’ve emailed you your license info and further instructions.
    The next step is to activate AdGuard on your device. Check out our Knowledge base for detailed instructions.
  • To use your license on a new device, first remove it for the current device in the License section of your app or in your AdGuard account. Then activate your license on the new device. Check out our Knowledge base for detailed instructions.
  • If you need to protect more than 3 devices, you can upgrade to the Family license.
    Log in to your AdGuard account and click Increase device limit.
    Or go directly to our Renew or upgrade page and enter your license key manually. Then select the license parameters and follow the on-screen instructions.
    Alternatively, you can simply purchase another Personal license.
  • You can always see your license keys in your AdGuard account linked to the email address you used for the purchase.
  • Subscriptions purchased from the AdGuard website are renewed automatically.
    However, if you’d like to manually renew your license, or if you purchased an AdGuard license from a reseller, try one of the following options:
    In your AdGuard app, find the License tab and click Renew.
    In your AdGuard account, go to Licenses. Find the license that’s about to expire and click Extend.
    On our website, go to the Renew or upgrade page, enter your license key, and click Renew.
  • There are several ways to get premium features in AdGuard for iOS:
    1. Buy a subscription from the App Store. In the app, tap Try for free and follow the on-screen instructions. You don’t have to pay right away — try Premium for free for 7 days before purchasing a subscription.
    2. Use an existing AdGuard license. In AdGuard for iOS, go to SettingsLicense and click Log in. Enter your AdGuard account credentials. Alternatively, you can enter your license key directly in the email field.
    3. Get AdGuard Pro. This is our paid iOS app that comes with premium features already enabled.
  • Most ad blockers are browser extensions that are not technically capable of removing all types of ads. AdGuard can block ads in all browsers and even apps. In addition to ad blocking, AdGuard gives you a lot of extra tools.
  • You can cancel your subscription in your AdGuard account:
    Go to your AdGuard account.
    Go to the Licenses tab.
    Click Cancel subscription for the subscription you no longer need.
    The canceled subscription will be valid until its expiry date.
    For information on managing AdGuard subscriptions, please visit our Knowledge base.
  • We have a 60-day money-back guarantee. If you don’t like AdGuard and request a refund within 60 days of purchase, you can get your money back. To request a refund, contact us at
  • This is the official AdGuard website, which uses a secure HTTPS connection between you and our servers. You can check the security of your connection in your browser.
    All transactions are processed through Paddle and PayPro Global. You can review their privacy policies for information on data and transaction security.
    We also have a money-back guarantee. If you don’t like AdGuard, you can request a refund within 60 days of purchase.
  • To purchase a license for more than 9 devices, please contact us at
  • Follow our blog for the latest news and announcements. We regularly run promotions with discounts.
  • Naravno. Naša prijateljska podrška će vam rado pomoći 24 časa dnevno. Slobodno nas kontaktirajte na
  • Sure! You can buy a gift license on a special page on our website. Just enter the recipient’s email address and we’ll send them the license along with a nice gift card. You can also apply discounts to gift licenses.
Porodična licenca Lična licenca
Nastavkom prihvatate naš EULA, Politika privatnosti i Odredbe i uslovi
Način plaćanja
Licence kupljene kriptovalutama se ne obnavljaju automatski. Preporučujemo da odaberete duži rok licenciranja kako ne biste morali prečesto da ga produžavate
Vaša licenca
Porez se obračunava na osnovu otkrivenog regiona. Region možete promeniti u sledećem koraku
Za obradu plaćanja može biti potrebno do 1 sat. Dobićete potvrdu e-pošte kada uplata bude proknjižena na vaš nalog.
Biće vam nnaplaćeno u dolarima
Preuzimanje AdGuard Da biste instalirali AdGuard, kliknite na datoteku označenu strelicom Izaberite „Otvori“ i kliknite na „U redu“, a zatim sačekajte da se datoteka preuzme. U otvorenom prozoru prevucite ikonu AdGuard u fasciklu „Aplikacije“. Hvala vam što ste izabrali AdGuard! Izaberite „Otvori“ i kliknite na „U redu“, a zatim sačekajte da se datoteka preuzme. U otvorenom prozoru kliknite na „Instaliraj“. Hvala vam što ste izabrali AdGuard!
Instalirajte AdGuard na svoj mobilni uređaj