
AdGuard za Windows – Beta – AdGuard verzije

AdGuard za Windows 7.20 beta 3
Datum izdavanja: 13. februar 2025.
In addition to the traditional CoreLibs update, this beta also introduces revamped blocking pages — you can now do more than just look at them, you can interact with them.
Previously, if you tried to visit a website that was on our list of phishing domains, or if you accessed adult content with Parental Control enabled, you’d see a screen saying that access was blocked. That’s it.
Now you have more options. For example, If AdGuard blocks a website due to phishing suspicion, but you’re sure it’s safe, you can report a false positive directly from the blocked page. You can also access our security check tool to get more details about the website.
Dangerous website *border
A website blocked by a filtering rule? Just click “Add this website to the allowlist” and an unblocking rule will be generated automatically and added it to User rules.



The message “Settings were successfully imported” appears even though the import link was invalid and the settings were not imported #5316
Previously added user rules disappear after updating to the latest nightly version #5334

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.17.77 #5327
AdGuard za Windows 7.20 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 20. januar 2025.
Our devs were too busy enjoying TikTok again, so for now you only have a beta version of AdGuard for Windows. It has some bug fixes and stability improvements.



Types of filters and some of their names are not translated #5311
The splash screen of the AdGuard app appears after the PC is restarted #5302
AdGuard za Windows 7.20 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 27. decembar 2024.
This beta version comes with a feature that has already been introduced in other products and has now made its way into AdGuard for Windows.

Differential filter updates

Previously, whenever there was a minor change to a filter list, the entire list had to be downloaded again. This approach was inefficient and resulted in excessive bandwidth usage, increased latency, and unnecessary server load.
Now we apply differential updates. Instead of downloading the entire filter list each time, AdGuard only downloads the changes made to the lists — automatically every hour. More filter updates = more effective ad blocking.
As we would do with any new release, we have equipped this beta with updated WFP and TDI drivers and updated filtering engines — CoreLibs and DnsLibs. What else is there to ask? If there is — your input is welcome in our repository



Added support for Zen Browser #5256


Excluding Wi-Fi SSID from the DNS filtering does not work #5252
HTML requests are not displayed in the filtering log if there is a rule with the $generichide modifier #5213
“Image of the day” is blocked by Disable Windows OS ads #5190
When updating filters, the screen does not fit properly #5249
Can’t save a custom IP in Blocking mode for hosts rules #5257
After importing settings by shared URL, DNS server is added to the Recommended servers list instead of Custom #5277
The main window opens at start-up even when Open main window at system start-up is not enabled #5227
Filters are reset when updating from 7.20 nightly 3 to nightly 4 #5296
The main window stays open when Windows starts #5294
When blocking an HTML element, the $permission rule is displayed in the Filtering log #5231

CoreLibs (filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.16.48 #5246

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

DnsLibs updated to v2.5.51 #5264
AdGuard za Windows 7.19 RC
Datum izdavanja: 10. oktobar 2024.
In this release candidate, we have fixed some bugs and updated the CoreLibs. Oh, and we’ve also added a new login option. What’s that about?
Well, we took our cue from The Matrix. Remember the scene where Neo plugs into a training program and after a few keystrokes he’s taken into a virtual reality where he becomes super cool?
With our new option, when you select Log in with email, you’ll be taken to a browser to sign in. This can save you a few keystrokes in the future, since you won’t have to enter your login information into the app and worry about remembering your password. Plus, every AdGuard user is already super cool, so there’s that.
Login screen *border



Main window always opens at system start-up #5227
Filtering log shows $permission rule instead of an appropriate filter name when blocking an HTML element #5231

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.16.44 #5242


Enable post-quantum cryptography when it’s used by the filtered app #1916


AdGuard content script is blocked by CSP on #1903
GM_xmlhttpRequest doesn’t support the Referer header #1899
AdGuard za Windows 7.19 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 12. septembar 2024.
We have good news and good news — in this beta we have fixed an extremely annoying bug and added some style to make your browsing experience smoother.

Blue screen no more

Enough users have encountered BSOD for it to be a coincidence. We spent an unhealthy amount of time under the hood and almost broke our brains, but here comes the solution. We updated our network drivers WFP and TDI, and we encourage you to update to this version if you have experienced this problem.

Ad blocker with style

With the version of CoreLibs comes a handy feature — support for userstyles. What’s the deal here?
Userstyles are like userscripts that allow you to change how web pages look in your browser without modifying their content. They work by adding CSS styles to the website’s existing styles. For example, if you want a dark theme on a website that doesn’t offer one, you can use a userstyle to do it.
To add a userstyle, go to Settings → Extensions → Add → Import from file or URL. Or you can create your own: click Add → Create userstyle. You can find ready userstyles online. After installing a userstyle, open your browser and there it is, all styled up.
Adding extension
What’s more: We’ve improved the Scriptlets, made the CoreLibs more robust, and cut down on bugs. That’s our beta for you!



Added userstyles support #5179


AdGuard causes a BSOD related to the Microsoft driver netio.sys #5169

CoreLibs (Filtering engine) updated to v1.16.29

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules) updated to v1.11.27


Added allowed and denied values to set-local-storage-item #445
Added line number support for inlineScript and injectedScript to abort-on-stack-trace #439
Added checked and unchecked values to set cookie #444
Added reload option to trusted-click-element #301


log-on-stack-trace — player did not work on #384
AdGuard za Windows 7.19 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 21. avgust 2024.
We believe that sharing is caring, so we’ve introduced a new feature that lets you share your settings via a link. If you’ve got everything set up perfectly, just scan the QR code to transfer your settings to another device. Or feel free to share the link with anyone!
In this beta, we’ve also updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs for improved filtering, as well as the network drivers.



Added support for the Floorp browser (Firefox Fork) #5164
Improved translation of of Fanboy’s Annoyance List description #5205


AdGuard DNS filter doesn’t work after re-enabling the DNS module #5146
Dark theme missing in search bars for context menu #5157
Disable Windows OS ads feature appears in Windows 10 #5193
Double-click doesn’t work in Blocklist and Allowlist #5175
Minor dark theme UI issue with scrollbar background in Filter Editor #4679

CoreLibs (Filtering engine) updated to v1.16.19

Impossible to log in at in Firefox when AdGuard is enabled #1867

ContentScript updated to v2.0.6

UserscriptsWrapper updated to v1.2.24

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine) updated to v2.5.41

AdGuard za Windows 7.18 RC
Datum izdavanja: 1. jul 2024.
We're heading fast towards the release of AdGuard v7.18 for Windows. In this release candidate we update the CoreLibs filtering engine to further improve filtering quality and clean up some bugs.



Identical comments are removed in the Filter editor after checking for updates #5118
Some custom filters can't be installed via URL #4801


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.15.47 #5139


Bugs in the userscript API prevent some third-party scripts from working #1876
$all modifier does not work with non-domain-like URL part #1860
$generichide modifier prevents URL blocking rules from working correctly #1857
Element hiding rules don't apply to some websites #1865


Added $urltransform modifier support #1364
Added $xmlprune modifier support #473
ECDSA certificates can now be generated for HTTPS filtering #360
Added handling of fenced frames #1853
Added support for uBO's /regex/(cosmetic rule) format #1844

Upgraded ContentScript to v2.0.6


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.33 #5128


AdGuard suggests incorrect rules in Filtering Log #210
AdGuard za Windows 7.18 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 11. jun 2024.
Normally, hotfixes are the results of some kind of mistake the developers made in the code, but this time, we came across some unexpected issues with third-party software used to create builds. We don’t want to shift responsibility, however, as we could have foreseen these issues. All have been promptly fixed, but the nature of these problems prevents the app from being launched and updated manually. To avoid waiting for the automatic update, please manually download the new Beta or Nightly version from our official website: AdGuard v7.18 for Windows Beta 2 or AdGuard v7.18.0 for Windows Nightly 4. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused our beta and nightly testers.
We have also seized this opportunity to add a new privacy feature.



Beta version of AdGuard cannot be installed or launched #5129


Added a new option to block Windows 11 Start menu ads to Tracking protection #5103
AdGuard za Windows 7.18 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 4. jun 2024.
The development of AdGuard v7.18 for Windows is well under way, and this beta version is the best proof. We managed to achieve quite a lot!
First things first, we updated the CoreLibs filtering engine to version 1.15. This will not only greatly reduce the amount of crashes that some users have been reporting, but will also allow to introduce two new modifiers ($xmlprune and $urltransform) that will give filter developers more tools to fight ads with.
We also updated our network drivers and made an emphasis on improving the compatibility with other network-based apps. If you had any compatibility problems before, there is a good chance you will notice the difference after the update.
You can check out the changelog to learn about other changes. There’s plenty of bug fixes and other improvements — we’ll highlight the fact that the app now launches faster after a reboot.



“Open main window at system start-up” option doesn’t work #5074
Issues with dark theme on onboarding screen #4996
Lag after switching Stealth Mode on #5104
Outdated filters are not removed from the list of available filters #5083
Release update channel is set by default after installing the Nightly version #5077
Scroll bar is visible even if all content fits on the screen #5054
The adguard.exe process icon is distorted in Task Manager #5110
Window control buttons are displaced #5043


The “Block Flash” option moved to Advanced Settings #4705
Tray menu theme is now synced with the application theme #5012


Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.14.55 #5108


Upgraded DnsLibs to v2.5.25 #5107


Clicking anywhere on the horizontal scrollbar in DNS filter editor does not scroll #4715


Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.10.25


set-constant doesn’t work correctly for some values #403
Cookie name is getting encoded in set-cookie #408
set-local-storage-item conversion doesn’t work correctly #404


Added new no-protected-audience scriptlet #395
Added possibility to allowlist scriptlets #377
Added cors response type to prevent-fetch #394
Added domain parameter to set-cookie #389
Added new href-sanitizer scriptlet #327
Added new json-prune-fetch-response scriptlet #361
Added new json-prune-xhr-response scriptlet #360
Added new trusted-suppress-native-method scriptlet #383
Increased possible numeric value for set-cookie #388
Added support for finding selectors in shadowRoot in trusted-click-element #323
Some redirects resources can now be used as scriptlets as well #300
AdGuard za Windows 7.17 RC
Datum izdavanja: 4. april 2024.
We fix the code, you enjoy the result. With the new update you will no longer have any problems when trying to start the protection. We have also fixed the errors that occurred with the filter editor and the WFP network driver. The new version of AdGuard for Windows is waiting for you. Update the app and let the code magic begin!



Can’t start the protection when selecting the WFP network driver #5055
Filter editor sometimes works incorrectly when editing a rule #5058
Unable to start the protection after updating to AdGuard 7.17 for Windows beta 3 #5060
AdGuard za Windows 7.17 beta 3
Datum izdavanja: 19. mart 2024.
The new (third!) beta contains a lot of changes: we fixed issues with creating custom DNS servers and, as usual, updated the CoreLibs and DnsLibs. See the changelog for more details.



Added parsing for the # symbol #4666


Setting up a custom DNS server is not always possible, fallback fails #5029


Updated CoreLibs to v1.14.38 #5052


Added an option to use | as a separator in $permissions #1850


Cannot parse QUIC ClientHello split into two packets #1861
VOT (voice over translation) script does not work in Google Chrome #1665
If content type is not specified, a $permissions rule applies to all requests #1856


Updated Scriptlets to v1.10.1


Added compatibility with uBO's set-cookie scriptlet #332
Added new scriptlet — 'call-nothrow.js' #333
Added new scriptlet — 'spoof-css' #317
Added new scriptlet — 'trusted-create-element' #278
Added new scriptlet — 'trusted-set-attr' #281
Improved set-cookie by adding more supported values #379


Updated DnsLibs to v2.5.4#5047


Support for passing hostname to outbound proxy instead of bootstrapping #197
Improved handling of HTTPS rrtype #215
Using Happy Eyeballs for IPv4/IPv6 in DoH #217


Cannot use DoH DNS server that uses HTTP/1.1 after updating to version 4.3 #216
AdGuard za Windows 7.17 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 22. februar 2024.
Three bugs walk into a bar but never get to order a drink. Why? Because AdGuard was the bartender and fixed them before they could even take a seat.
Jokes aside, we've fixed many more bugs for this beta, including issues with installation path change, Protection activation failure and removing the AdGuard directory from Program Files (x86). We’ve also updated CoreLibs and made some improvements, so now you can enjoy seamless work of the app.



The original installation path is changed during installation #4975
The AdGuard directory is not removed from Program Files (x86) when updating to v7.16 x64 #4972
Searching by type does not work in the Filtering log #4980
Unable to start protection after updating to v7.17.0 Nightly 1 (4583) #5017

CoreLibs (filtering engine) updated to v1.14.16


Added an ability to indicate if outbound proxy is used in the request processed event #1385
Added support for passing host to outbound proxy #1386
Added Firefox 121.0+ to the list of user agents that support :has() natively #1840


Cookie rules with [ and ] in the name are considered invalid #1843
Cosmetic rules are not applied in some cases when AdGuard and AdGuard VPN Browser Extension work simultaneously #1791
$all modifier works incorrectly #1842
AdGuard content script is not injected on #1834
Blocking regex rule with escaped slash in a character class does not work #1831
Content script is not injected if there is a tag (with embed attribute) before doctype declaration #1825
$path modifier does not work with query params #1817
$removeparam on url with port redirects to url without port #1818
AdGuard breaks the website #1800
Cannot connect to securely #1821

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules) updated to v1.9.105

Improved google-analytics by adding ga.q property #355
Improved google-ima3 by adding OmidVerificationVendor property #353
AdGuard za Windows 7.17 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 24. januar 2024.
Meet the first beta of AdGuard v7.17 for Windows. In this version, we've been busy bug-hunting so you can enjoy a more stable experience.



AdguardSvc.exe is branching out into multiple threads #4874
Certificate Info is being displayed twice #4964
Filtered DNS requests are not displayed in the Filtering log after toggling network off/on #4941
Old directories are not deleted from the AppData directory #581
Time counter for filters updates doesn’t work #4974
Turning the DNS Protection on breaks the local Windows domain connection #4906
AdGuard za Windows 7.16 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 18. decembar 2023.
The cold winter weather motivates developers and filter maintainers to work even harder just to stay warm. The chilly temperatures also affect content writers, so let’s quickly talk about the second beta of AdGuard for Windows.
We’ve fixed a bunch of issues, including a major one related to certificate verification. The HTTPS filtering simply did not work on websites because AdGuard did not recognize the certificates of these websites as valid. Thanks to our CoreLibs masters, this problem was solved in the new version of the library.
It would be pointless to update only one library, though. This beta also comes with updated DnsLibs, Scriptlets, and UserscriptsWrapper. If you come across any issues while testing, please let us know on GitHub



Can’t add custom DNS if address contains port number #4945
Can’t transfer parameters related to DNS filters and license types during web reporting #4931
Old directories are not deleted from AppData directory #4939
Recent beta for Windows 11 left x32 in Startup that needs to be removed in registry #4940

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

CoreLibs updated to v1.13.104 #4954


Certificate verification fails on websites with recently updated certs #1833 does not load with AdGuard for Windows #1830

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

DnsLibs updated to v2.4.32 #4955


Allowed specifying TCP-only and UDP-only DNS upstreams #208
On-the-fly filtering of DoH connections #198

Important for filter maintainers


The counter may not recognize the added rule #4922
Lost selection of multiple rules when editing filters #4918

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules) updated to v1.9.101

​#### Improvements
Improved prevent-fetch — set response.status to 0 if responseType is set to opaque #364
Versions of used libs are now shown on the About page #2237


Fixed googletagservices-gptsetPrivacySettings() #344


UserscriptsWrapper updated to v1.2.21 ​


Userscript 网盘直链下载助手 is not working with AdGuard #1780
AdGuard za Windows 7.16 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 4. decembar 2023.
What number is the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything? Frankly, no clue, but this beta version of AdGuard for Windows is all about 64. We’re excited to announce that our app is now compatible with 64-bit systems.

What does it mean?

Well, most Windows computers nowadays are 64-bit, they have more resources such as processing power and memory than their 32-bit predecessors. AdGuard has been loyal to the 32-bit version, but progress marches on. It’s time to embrace 64-bit compatibility, which we hope will lead to a more efficient and responsive experience for our users.

But AdGuard still works on 32-bit computers, right?

The trusty 32-bit machines will not be forgotten. You won’t need to download a separate installer; our system will automatically detect your computer’s bitness, allowing you to install the appropriate version.

Anything new with ad blocking?

Another big change in this version is that we have improved HTML filtering. We added support for selectors in HTML filtering rules, which helps block ads more effectively.

OK, what else you’ve got?

Those who use the DNS-over-HTTPS protocol also benefit from the features of the HTTP protocol. For instance, when using DoH, you have an authorization option that standard DNS servers simply do not have. With the new DnsLibs v2.4, AdGuard now offers HTTP authorization when setting up a DNS server. Why is this important? Imagine you have a custom DNS server and you want to restrict access to it. You could restrict access by IP address, but what if you have a mobile device and frequently change networks? This is where HTTP authorization support comes in. Currently, there are not many DNS servers that offer this feature. Even AdGuard Home and AdGuard DNS do not have it yet. However, it will be available soon, and you will be the first to know!

Surely that’s it, right?

As you can see from the changelog, we haven’t been idle since the last release. What has been done:
Updated our beloved libraries: CoreLibs, DnsLibs, Scriptlets, — you name it — to ensure effective ad blocking and provide an even better user experience
Didn’t leave behind the WFP and TDI drivers: they’ve also been freshly updated However, thorough testing is crucial, and we’d appreciate it if you’d take a look at this beta version and share your feedback.



Indicate the HTTPS filtering state and the original certificate in the Filtering log #4812
Enhanced uninstallation process #4428
Improved buttons text color in installer for Active state #4887
Removed app shortcut to the folder in Start Menu #4834
Adapted the onboarding screen to the dark theme #4583
Packed backup files have .bak extension #540
Removed the second mention of the build number in the About section #4836
Updated the Finnish translations on the updater screen #4761


Enable all option in the Filter editor can crash the app #4857
AdGuard doesn’t run due to an invalid signature #4864
The app doesn't start automatically after clean installation and reboot on Windows 7 #4760
Blocklist and allowlist do not work properly in Parental control #4189
Browser Assistant keeps working in the app excluded by full path #4723
DNS exclusions are not working if Fallback servers mode isn’t system default #4822
Long start if some domains/ports are blocked #4894
Multiple separators appear after the app crash #327
Since v7.15, the service can’t start normally if it fails to connect to via UDP #4868
Chinese Traditional words in the Chinese Simplified description of Web of Trust #4739
Missing strings from the Filtering log in Crowdin #4825
Lost selection of multiple rules when editing filters #4474
A rule that has been cut cannot be inserted back into the field from which it was cut from #4859

CoreLibs (Filtering engine)

Updated CoreLibs to v1.13.88
Added support anti-DPI feature for Korea Telecom #1789
Improved usage of ECH retry_configs #1793
Removed an option to move a certificate #277


Added !#else preprocessor directive support #1806
Adopted new rule priority scheme #1768
Changed sec-ch-ua headers to match user-agent when Stealth Mode is active #1764
Improved HTML filtering performance #1772


Close active QUIC/H3 connections on protection start-up on Windows #1815
Images are not displayed in Edge Bing Chat #1744
The 网盘直链下载助手 user script is not working with AdGuard #1780
Websites using SXG have no cosmetic filtering when opened from Google search #1812
The filtering on the website doesn’t work #1810
UDP timeout is too small in TcpIpStack #1796

DnsLibs (DNS filtering engine)

Updated DnsLibs to v2.4.17 ​


Added basic auth for DoH endpoints #189
Allowed sharp comment in exact domain name rules #196


Possible DoS attack against the local DNS proxy when it's using a plain DNS upstream #202 local is incorrectly interpreted as being for all .local address, breaking mDNS #207
DoH is trying to use stale connection for too long #200
Made so that type=HTTPS requests are now filtered properly #199

Important for filter maintainers

Added User rules option to the filtering log #4560
Removed the unnecessary period in the pattern when creating a DNS rule from “Unblock” #4872
Filter editor: rule state shouldn’t change while editing/typing #4910
Incorrect behavior after exiting inline editing mode #4850
Incorrect behavior of the first rule in the User Rules filter #4885
Detect website locale based on HTML "lang" attribute and language request HTTP headers #1736
Increased limit for $replace rules #1802
Added $extension modifier disabling specific userscript #1706
Added support for cap_html_filtering condition #1758
$denyallow does not allow blocking documents #1809
$stealth exceptions do not work on the TCP stack level where we block STUN/TURN #1737
Content script is not injected into elements loaded in object tag #1769
Improved HTML filtering rules $$ and allowed CSS-like selectors #94

Scriptlets (JavaScript enhancement for filtering rules)

Updated Scriptlets to v1.9.96


Handle uBO's syntax $redirect priorities #59
Improved xml-prune — support xpath for text content matching #325
Improved json-prune — stack #348
Improved prevent-xhr — multiple requests #347
Added API method to convert redirects based on their name #346
Added new trusted scriptlet trusted-prune-inbound-object #372
Added more supported values for set-cookie #375
Improved set-local-storage-item, set-session-storage-item — added support “on” and “off” #366
Improved storage item scriptlets — added regexp support for items removing #256


set-constant scriptlet breaks #380
Fixed set-constant scriptlet when maximum call stack size is exceeded #373 ​* Fixed set-constant — no value override #330
Fixed trusted-replace-xhr-response — breakage on #359
Improved m3u-prune — content is not pruned if contains carriage return #354
Improved trusted-replace-fetch-response — do not replace content if URL is set by Object.defineProperty #367
Escaped commas in the params during conversion to uBO rules #343


Updated UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.21
The 网盘直链下载助手 userscript is not working with AdGuard #1780
AdGuard za Windows 7.15 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 2. oktobar 2023.
Let’s give a warm welcome to AdGuard v7.15 for Windows — a humble yet powerful release candidate. We’ve addressed all the minor issues and updated CoreLibs to make our app stronger than ever before.



CoreLibs updated to v1.12.78 #4843
AdGuard za Windows 7.15 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 13. septembar 2023.
The second beta is ready to hit your screens! In this version we’ve addressed a minor problem in context menus — great news for users who favor the sleek dark theme. We’ve also fixed a few bugs along the way and updated CoreLibs to ensure that AdGuard for Windows runs smoothly.



Adapted the app’s context menus to the dark theme #4587
Cannot add a new rule in a specific case in the Filter Editor #4684


Updated CoreLibs to v1.12.75 #4832
AdGuard za Windows 7.15 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 1. septembar 2023.
After putting in a lot of effort, we are thrilled to introduce the first beta version of AdGuard for Windows. Our latest CoreLibs v1.12 now supports HTTP/3 filtering, which is more efficient than before as we use the QUIC protocol instead of TCP. Currently, HTTP/3 filtering only works in Edge and Firefox browsers, as Chrome has different logic for verifying QUIC and TCP certificates and the browser doesn’t accept AdGuard certificates.However, this feature is only available in Advanced settings for testing and debugging purposes to ensure everything runs smoothly.
But that's not all we’ve got! We’ve taken your feedback into account, and now upon installation, five recommended ad-blocker filters will be at your service immediately, instead of just one. This upgrade will make life easier and protect you from annoying ads.
We have also updated WFP and TDI drivers and implemented various solutions to avoid memory shortage issues and eliminate crashes. In addition, DnsLibs and scriptlets have been updated, so the app will perform even more stably and efficiently.



Support for HTTP/3 (IETF QUIC) #487
Extended the alerting users about the need to reboot in cases when installer requires the reboot #4817
Added the ability to operate the dialog boxes using the Space bar #4677
Enhanced settings icon in the Filtering log, when filtering criteria are set #4656
Added more information on the TLS properties to the filtering log #1171
Consider using Referrer Policy #135


The app is installed with one non-recommended Annoyances filter instead of five recommended #4764
Scroll left/right doesn't work in filtering log for preview via touchpad #4638
No element is selected when double-clicking the radio buttons in the Filtering log #4672
Minor dark theme UI issue on the Remove filter dialog in Filter Editor #4664
Allowed $stealth rules with empty pattern #1762
uBO media queries are not supported #1707
A few seconds delay when visiting ipTIME home routers #1756
AdGuard slows down WebPage loading time #1522
Hide referer with “Hide your search queries” option enabled if request made by click #1766
System DNS is a loopback when running Cloudflare WARP #4692
Consider :has(), :not(), :is() as a standard pseudo-class if ExtendedCss usage is not forced by #?# rule marker #1683
Enable ECH GREASE when ECH is enabled #1781
Error when processing script text decryption key not found #1750
Sometimes DNS fallbacks helper returns instead of provider's servers #1687
TCP/IP: Added new reject mode — ICMP administratively prohibited #1774
SaveFrom gives error when loading video with Odnoklassniki #1776
Cosmetic rules don’t work at #1767

Important for filter maintainers


Added $method modifier for basic rules #1713
Added $to modifier #1714


$jsonprune, $replace, $hls do not work with non-GET-POST HTTP methods #1743
Made $app modifier case insensitive for AdGuard for Windows #1755
$path modifier does not work on the path #1726
Exception rules interfere with each other #1749
Wrong location of the text cursor in the Filter Editor #4702
Setting the focus adequately after certain actions in DNS Filter Editor, like deleting a rule (for use of the up/down arrow keys) #4362
$jsonprune modifier should be able to handle quotes for jsonp #1734


DnsLibs updated to v2.2.24 #4826
CoreLibs updated to v1.12.72 #4827


Scriptlets updated to v1.9.62


Added new scriptlet evaldata-prune #322
Improved trusted-replace-fetch-response/trusted-replace-xhr-response — added ability to replace all matched content #303
Added new scriptlet remove-node-text #318
Added new scriptlet trusted-replace-node-text #319


XMLHttpRequest.prototype.getResponseHeader() issue in scriptlet and redirect #295
cannot apply rule message removed for logging scriptlets #313
Added new way for returning supported values of set-constant scriptlet #316
The version that declares support for scriptlets or redirect is specified #273
Fixed issue with m3u-prune and xml-prune — XMLHttpRequest.prototype.send(), changes are not applied even if content is replaced #315
prevent-element-src-loadingonerror, onload, link #276
trusted-set-cookie-reload — website is not reloaded if $now$ value is used #291
Cookie setting scriptlets — name and value encoding problem #311
Instance properties of Response issue in scriptlet and redirect #297
Value encoding problem with trusted-set-cookie and trusted-set-cookie-reload scriptlets #320
log-addEventListener — a lot of errors are printed to console #335
Scriptlets prevent-fetch, prevent-xhr do not help if a request/domain is blocked by DNS filtering #334
Fixed googletagservices-gpt — updateTargetingFromMap() #293
Scriptlets don’t handle escaped quotes correctly #286
Added Accept and Reject values for set-cookie #336 Вset-cookie добавлены значения Accept и Reject
Made case-insensitive values for set-cookie #342
Improved google-ima3 to avoid conflict with the DAI SDK #331
Improved storage item scriptlets — added ability to remove item by key #338
Escaped commas in the params during conversion to uBO rules #343

Updated UserscriptsWrapper to v1.2.20


User script doesn’t work #1729
AdGuard za Windows 7.14 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 25. jul 2023.
AdGuard for Windows 7.14 release candidate is now available! It works even better now that we have made some improvements and fixed a bug. Look out for the official release version soon!
AdGuard za Windows 7.14 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 13. jul 2023.
In this beta version, we have improved the efficiency and compatibility of our app by updating the WFP and TDI drivers. We have also redesigned the tray icons to give them a fresh new look. Finally, we have fixed some bugs and updated Corelibs.



Finished translating Advanced settings to Russian #4704


The CPU usage is high when using AdGuard VPN in Selective mode with Ad Blocker and system DNS enabled #4750
Incorrect detection of filtered apps when Browser Assistant is used #4680
An incorrect rule is suggested when attempting to unblock Stealth Mode for a request #4675
Unnecessary filter localhost notification when connecting to AdGuard VPN #4687
The context menu theme for Filtering log does not change when switching the app theme #4628


Updated the uninstaller icon #4599
Improved the settings icon in the Filtering log to appear when filtering criteria are set #4656


Updated CoreLibs to v1.11.117 #4755
AdGuard za Windows 7.13 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 2. maj 2023.
Before a big release, it's a good idea to double-check everything and get rid of even the smallest problems. That's why today we're launching a release candidate of AdGuard v7.13 for Windows.
We’ve updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs, fixed a few bugs, including the compatibility issue with NordVPN, and improved the Browser Assistant.



NordVPN interferes with the work of AdGuard if AdGuard’s DNS module is enabled #4673
Upon exiting AdGuard, the Assistant indicates that AdGuard is not installed or misconfigured #4663
Incorrect translation in the updater window #4640
Disabling the Enable traffic filtering option does not stop filtering #4657
The path modifier does not work on #1738
The $jsonprune modifier can’t handle jsonp #1717
Filtering does not work on websites with dot at the end #1741
In some cases filtering doesn’t work on Google-related websites (e.g. #4480


CoreLibs updated to v1.11.86 #4678
DnsLibs updated to v2.1.37 #4686
AdGuard za Windows 7.13 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 23. mart 2023.
What time is it? It’s time for the second beta of AdGuard v7.13 for Windows! You won't see such a huge changelog here as you did in the first beta. Nevertheless, the changes made are good enough to draw your attention.
DNS protection is now enabled by default for both new and old users. Previously, this was done only for newcomers. Once you run AdGuard for Windows after a clean installation, DNS protection will be turned on with the system DNS server and AdGuard DNS filter enabled. The same occurs if you update the app with the DNS module disabled. But nothing will change if you update an installed app with the DNS module enabled and configured.
We’ve also made some bug fixes, updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs to improve the app’s performance.




Updated CoreLibs to v1.11.69 #4655
HTTPS filtration breaks the website #1724
The website does not open with the Protect from DPI option enabled #4451


Updated DnsLibs to v2.1.27 #4639


Updated Scriplets to v1.9.1
Added a new m3u-prune scriptlet #277
Added more possible values in the set-attr scriptlet #283
Fixed compatibility for the noopcss redirect #299
Improved adjust-setTimeout and adjust-setInterval scriptlets #262
Improved json-prune scriptlet #282
Fixed error in prevent-element-src-loading #270
Fixed xml-prune-related errors #289
AdGuard za Windows 7.13 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 7. mart 2023.
There are many changes and bug fixes in this update, but first we would like to draw your attention to a bunch of new features implemented in the Advanced settings.
We’ve added as many as 17 features which can be divided into 6 groups:
Anti DPI options allow low level modifications to be made to packets during filtering to avoid deep packet inspection
Keep alive settings allow to configure settings to work with keep-alive connections
Filtering exclusion settings allow excluding both Wi-Fi networks and particular subnets (specified in CIDR notation) from DNS filtering
Application management option allows to enable filtering even if the app is not launched. The point is that in v7.12 we have changed the behavior of the AdGuardSvc.exe service so that when the service starts automatically once starting OS, it does not filter traffic but stays in a "waiting" state. But we’ve left the option to let AdGuard work "as before" by enabling this option
DNS-related options allow to fine-tune the DNS settings
Certificate security options allows checking websites and web services certificates by various criteria
What else? Aside from the regular CoreLibs and DnsLibs updates, we’ve updated WFP and TDI drivers and ExtendedCSS. We’ve also allowed to disable the Filter localhost advanced feature. But be aware that disabling this feature will prevent AdGuard Ad Blocker and AdGuard VPN from working simultaneously in compatibility mode.



Added an option to disable DNS filtering on selected Wi-Fi networks #4578
Added an option to disable the Filter localhost advanced setting if AdGuard VPN is also enabled #4586
Implemented the newest TLD-to-locale mappings from the AdGuard Browser Extension repo #4620
SafeVisit was added to the list of filtered applications #4618
When the default settings for displaying queries in the Filtering log are changed, the filter icon is highlighted #4406
Allowed the Ctrl+E combination to open the advanced filter editor of the currently selected DNS filter #4330
AdGuard now backs up UI settings 4404
Added an option to operate the dialog boxes using the Enter button#4526
jsonprune, badfilter, removeheader and hls applied rules are displayed in the Filtering log #4536


AdGuard hangs after resuming from hibernation #4565
AdGuard does not automatically import CA for Firefox #4595
AdGuard's certificate is not deleted from the system certificate store after removing the app #4610
After the system starts, the message The app can't reach AdGuard servers appears #4590
WCF communication breaks after resuming from hibernation #4551
Imperfections in the installer's dark theme #4584
The filter editor reopens instead of focusing once the filter editor button is clicked more than once #4619
A DNS server or filter cannot be added via the Add to AdGuard button if Parental Control is enabled and a password is set #4272
Not possible to exit the advanced DNS filter editor by clicking the Esc button #4329
Once the DNS Filter Editor is opened, clicking the down arrow selects not the User rules section, but the filter below it. #4333
The up/down arrow keys do not work correctly in the DNS Filter Editor after certain actions #4362
When attempting to create a custom filter with already used name, a notification Error while processing the custom filter appears #4437
If the filter rules editor is already open, clicking on the Edit button in the User rules will bring up a window for editing the previously opened filter #4438
With filtering disabled for an app, the browser assistant continues working as if filtering was not disabled #4379
Cannot add a new user rule via the plus icon or by clicking on an empty line 4519
Incorrect behavior of the Disable protection for 30 seconds feature after on/off the protection #4535
AdGuard doesn't filter the Craving Explorer browser #4544
If you exit AdGuard and open settings from Assistant while the service is running, AdGuard won't open #4556
DNS filter rules are not applied after network shutdown #4588



Updated CoreLibs to v1.11.59 4630


Updated DnsLibs to v2.1.26 4629
Added to fallback domains #183


Updated ExtendedCSS to v2.0.51
Changed IAffectedElement – make content optional #163
AdGuard za Windows 7.12 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 19. januar 2023.
This release candidate outlines important changes that will soon appear in the release. One of them is that protection gets enabled and disabled faster. Another one is that DNS protection is now enabled by default.

DNS protection is enabled by default

Now, if you have just installed AdGuard, DNS protection is automatically turned on. By default the ISP's DNS server is used, and for security, AdGuard DNS filter is enabled: ads, trackers, and requests for malicious domains will be automatically blocked. You can always select a DNS-server from the list or add a custom one via Settings > DNS-protection.
We’ve also fixed some bugs and updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs.



DNS protection is enabled by default, the DNS server of the ISP is used #4534


The option to filter traffic at system start-up without launching the app #4454
PIX-LINK router/repeater domains to fallback domains #170


AdGuard won't start with System DNS and no Internet connection 4569
If “Blocked” is selected in the filtering log, all requests are shown #4525
The app doesn't update automatically in the background in Windows 7(finalized) #4494
Unable to install userscripts that include @ in the link #4397
Metadata updating error for HaGeZi DynDNS Blocklist #4475
Filtering and userscripts do not work with Norton 360 installed #1712


CoreLibs to v1.10.189 #4563
DnsLibs to v2.0.75 #4562

Upgraded Scriptlets to v1.7.20


Compatibility issue for the google-ima3 redirect #272
Compatibility issue between prevent-addEventListener and userscripts #271
Issue with isEmptyObject() #268
AdGuard za Windows 7.12 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 12. decembar 2022.
The development of AdGuard for Windows is cyclic and today we are starting a new round with the release of v7.12 beta 1. We’ve fixed a few minor bugs that hindered the normal app operation and updated CoreLibs.



Updated CoreLibs to v1.10.154 #4513
Added support for Catsxp Browser #4326
Implemented an option to delete installation logs when reinstalling the app #4493


AdGuard doesn’t start after rebooting #4502
AdGuard freezes after filter update #4456
AdGuard doesn't update automatically in the background on Windows 7 #4494
AdGuard za Windows 7.11 RC
Datum izdavanja: 17. oktobar 2022.
Meet the release candidate: we've added an option to block Encrypted Client Hello parameters, updated DnsLibs, and made the app wording more precise for those who speak Brazilian Portuguese. And fixed minor bugs, too. You know what happens next.


[Enhancement] DnsLibs updated to v2.0.27
[Fixed] Types of request don't fit the column in the filtering log #4277
[Other] Update Brazilian Portuguese #4259
[Other] Added the “Block ECH” option to Advanced settings #161
AdGuard za Windows 7.11 beta 3
Datum izdavanja: 6. oktobar 2022.
We are constantly improving AdGuard for Windows to make the app run better, faster and more stably. Meet the third beta version of AdGuard v7.11 for Windows, which contains updated CoreLibs and DnsLibs, and several bug fixes.


[Enhancement] DnsLibs updated to v2.0.20 #4432
[Fixed] Filters are updated when the app is updated #4159
[Fixed] Filtering does not work when AdGuard and Kaspersky Internet Security are running simultaneously #4200

CoreLibs updated to v1.10.106

[Enhancement] Blocker titles are discarded from the filtering lists #1667
AdGuard za Windows 7.11 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 15. septembar 2022.
In the second beta of AdGuard v7.11 for Windows we've added Windows ARM support you've been waiting for so long. On top of that, we've fixed bugs and haven't forgotten about CoreLibs and DnsLibs — we regularly update our core filtering engine and DNS filtering library.
There is also a new tab in the app settings called AdGuard VPN.
From it you can download our VPN service and explore its website.


[Enhancement] Updated CoreLibs to v1.10.80 #4401
[Enhancement] Updated DnsLibs to v2.0.13 #4416
[Enhancement] Added Windows ARM support #3067
[Fixed] AdGuard hangs when you try to close it after restarting the computer #4339
AdGuard za Windows 7.11 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 16. avgust 2022.
Today we’re releasing a beta version of AdGuard v7.11 for Windows. In addition to updating CoreLibs and DNSLibs, there are other improvements and fixes worthy of your attention. Check them out!
[Enhancement] Implemented filtering of DoH requests
The main thing in this version is the implementation of filtering encrypted DNS requests. What does it mean? Now DoH requests can be forwarded to AdGuard for further DNS filtering in the same way as plain DNS requests.
The first beta will also please the eye with the redesigned dialog windows. Hopefully, it will make it easier for users to perceive information.


[Enhancement] Upgraded DNSLibs to 1.7.43 #4370
[Enhancement] Added a title for custom filters in the filter list #4190
[Enhancement] Improved process of adding identical rules #4210
[Enhancement] Increased visibility of typed characters in the “Manage password” window in the dark mode #4178
[Enhancement] Changed the logic of the application behavior at system startup after changing AdGuard launch settings #2489
[Enhancement] Added ability to copy filter list URL #3790
[Fixed] Ctrl-Shift-Z is not working in the Filter Editor #3756
[Fixed] Filtering does not work in the background when the application is closed #4344
[Fixed] Incorrect signature in notifications - AdGuard VPN #4323
[Fixed] Settings and filtering log windows open in the background #4230
[Fixed] The gear does not work in the AdGuard Assistant extension #4270
[Fixed] Yandex Browser freezes when viewing a certificate #3256
[Fixed] Metadata is partially deleted after reinstalling a filter #4284
[Fixed] Assistant's status is wrong when the app's trial period has expired #4267
[Other] Internet does not work after waking up from sleep mode #4293
[Other] No dark theme in notifications when removing filters and extensions #4273

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.10.58

[Enhancement] Changed the syntax for removing elements from JSON responses #1447
[Enhancement] Added a new modifier for working with HLS (M3U8) file format #1434
[Enhancement] Added support of the empty modifier $path #1591
[Enhancement] Applied $removeparam parameter to POST requests #1573
[Enhancement] Implemented DNS-over-HTTPS filtering #1563
[Fixed] Checking validity of :xpath rules #1606
[Fixed] The rule @@||^$important,document,app=firefox.exe isn’t displayed as an allowlisted one #1546
[Fixed] Rules with :where() pseudo class are rejected #1609
[Fixed] Safebrowsing/OCSP doesn't work with Parallels #1079
[Fixed] $removeparam doesn't work if a request is blocked #1580
[Fixed] The website is broken #1593
[Fixed] The problem with converting uBO scriptlets #1604
[Other] AdGuard Browser Assistant does not see a new website certificate #1619
[Other] Change the hardcoded address #1608
[Other] QR-code is not displayed on the Management Page of Xiaomi router #1538
[Other] $removeparam causes blocking of preflight request #1632
[Other] The website is broken #1630
[Other] The website is not loading with enabled HTTPS filtering #1631
AdGuard za Windows 7.10 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 6. jun 2022.
The highly awaited release of AdGuard v7.10 for Windows is only a few days away — we're working hard to remove the last obstacles from its path. We've fixed minor but unpleasant bugs and, of course, updated the CoreLibs. Test it!
AdGuard za Windows 7.10 RC
Datum izdavanja: 1. jun 2022.
We've done a lot of work, and very soon you will be able to see the result — the release version of AdGuard v7.10 for Windows is about to come out! In the meantime, take a look at our release candidate :)
In this update we paid attention to the work of the DNS, namely, we improved the reaction to the changes of the DNS in the system. Now there is much less chance of incompatibility with other network applications that use their own DNS server.
We also fixed a few bugs and, of course, updated the CoreLibs!


[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to v.1.9.69 #4256
[Fixed] The cross button in the password input window of the Parental Control does not work #4266
AdGuard za Windows 7.10 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 20. maj 2022.
Here we're again, this time with the second beta of AdGuard v7.10 for Windows. It seems like we'll be able to introduce a new release version soon.
We added a dark theme to the updater window, which is probably the most exciting change on the list. Now dark theme fans won't be annoyed by light update windows — a real joy for perfectionists!
We have thoroughly worked on Ad Blocker and DNS filters, so now you can decide for yourself where and what filters to add. Selected filters will be responsible for filtering in the respective module. As usual, we fixed some minor bugs and updated CoreLibs.​


[Enhancement] Updated CoreLibs to v.1.9.68 #4247
[Enhancement] Added dark theme to the updater window #4156
[Enhancement] Completed the description for WebRTC feature #4104
[Fixed] The Protect from DPI status is not sent to ReportsWebApp #4248
[Fixed] Cannot add the same rules to Ad Blocker and DNS filters simultaneously #4132
[Fixed] Custom filters do not work after refreshing a web page #4170
[Fixed] Browser Assistant is sensitive to the www prefix in the HTTPS Exceptions #4240
[Fixed] Filter name is not transmitted when subscribing via #4193
[Fixed] Correct the translation for the updater title #4154
[Fixed] The label "trusted" is not visible if a filter has a long name #4126
[Fixed] Overlapping text headers in the filtering log #4186
AdGuard za Windows 7.10 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 28. april 2022.
Have you already enjoyed our latest release version 7.9.1? Then we're happy to tell you that there are even more important changes ahead — today we release our first beta of AdGuard 7.10 for Windows!
We've changed, fixed and improved a lot and also didn't forget to update Corelibs and DNSlibs.
We've added a new feature to AdGuard — Protect from DPI, and we hope you'll appreciate how much your online privacy has improved.
[Enhancement] Add an DPI-bypass option to AdGuard Stealth Mode #4175
Let’s see what Deep Packet Inspection is. Well, it is a system of deep analysis and filtering of traffic by packet content, as well as the accumulation of statistical data. In this way, internet service providers have the ability to control the passing traffic and thereby limit access to the content for their clients.
Now AdGuard can modify outgoing packet data so that the client does not fall under the DPI blocking criteria. This means that users can avoid blocking and get access to the content they want. However, not in all cases DPI-systems can be bypassed. We are actively trying to fix this.
Remember we promised a lot of updates? Here's another one!
[Enhancement] WFP and TDI network drivers
We've updated and enhanced our network drivers and this is a very important change. Drivers’ update improves the app efficiency and compatibility with other software. Besides, we have also fixed some bugs in the WFP driver.
Other changes, as always, are listed below.


[Enhancement] Update CoreLibs to 1.9.67 #4237
[Enhancement] Add "Unencrypted" icon for "Regular" DNS servers description in the DNS tab #4121
[Fixed] Cosmetic rules are on filtering log when Ad Blocker is disabled #4185
[Fixed] Crash on custom DNS address in Advanced Settings #4195
[Fixed] DNS filters are not updated when ad blocker is turned off #4118
[Fixed] Filter subscription is downloaded partially within the update #4165
[Fixed] There is sound notification on Windows 10 while Enable sound notifications is disabled #4127
AdGuard za Windows 7.9 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 17. februar 2022.
At AdGuard we are guided by the rule "Measure twice, release once". So today, instead of the AdGuard v7.9 for Windows release, we present to you the second release candidate, which contains minor fixes. For example, we fixed an issue with checking for available application updates. It seems that we are now ready for the release!
AdGuard za Windows 7.9 RC
Datum izdavanja: 14. februar 2022.
It's been a little over a week since the release of the first beta, and we're ready to present the release candidate of AdGuard v7.9 for Windows.
We tried to achieve our goal as quickly as possible without leaving a single bug unfixed. While preparing this release candidate, we solved a few unpleasant issues, that interfered with the stable performance of the app, and updated the CoreLibs. We hope that the next step will be the release of AdGuard v7.9 for Windows!


[Fixed] $$ rules are not visible in the filtering log #4113
[Fixed] Blocked requests by Parental control are shown as Stealth mode's ones in Filtering log 4074
[Fixed] The rule counter on the main screen defines comments as active rules #3994
[Fixed] Impossible to scroll DNS exclusions screen #4024
[Fixed] When enabling/disabling protection "on this site" in one browser window, the Assistant's icon does not change its color in another opened browser window.
[Fixed] localization of the All rights reserved string in About tab #4065
[Other] The text of the error that occurs when a custom filter is added incorrectly is not translated #4026
[Other] Info about AdGuard is left in registry after deleting #4064
[Other] CoreLibs updated to v1.9.32 #4129
AdGuard za Windows 7.9 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 1. februar 2022.
The year 2022 has just begun and we already have something to show you. Meet the first beta version of AdGuard 7.9 for Windows! What have we managed to do since the last release? We've applied some AdGuard magic and greatly improved the performance of our app. We've enhanced the advanced DNS settings by adding a bootstrap option. Now you can specify IP addresses of the DNS servers that are used to determine the address of the encrypted DNS servers. We've also fixed an unpleasant bug with language filters auto-activation, improved the UI to make AdGuard even more user-friendly and eliminated other issues. Also, following the tradition, we've updated CoreLibs and DNSLibs.


[Enhancement] Added an advanced option to set custom DNS bootstrap address #4080
[Enhancement] Added sorting by request type Connection #3830
[Enhancement] Browser Assistant's filtering log won't open when AdGuard is closed, but continues filtering 3335
[Fixed] Language-specific filters are automatically enabled even if the Ad Blocker module is disabled. #4098
[Fixed] Pseudo-update of userscripts 4050
[Fixed] Link to the Home page in the User rules settings #4068
[Fixed] When adding a new rule via Filtering log, the default rule includes the name of the filter it belongs to #4045
[Fixed] Wrong padding under filter name in the filter editor #3553
[Fixed] A mistake in the text of the license agreement in the Installer #4060
[Other] AdGuard uses about 10% CPU on with disabled protection on this website 4003
[Other] Reworked onboarding animation on Privacy protection slide

Updated CoreLibs to v1.9.20

[Enhancement] Added an ability to apply cosmetic rules to specific URLs only #124
[Enhancement] Improved detection of content type using Sec-Fetch-Dest header #1382
[Enhancement] Changed default address Hide your IP #1516
[Enhancement] TLS fingerprint should not change when AdGuard is enabled #1503
[Enhancement] Improved the HTTPS filter certificate caching algorithm #1402
[Fixed] Authorization on doesn't work when Self-destruct third-party cookie files function is enabled #1502
[Fixed] If rule with $all modifier is applied, wrong rule appears in logs #1535
[Fixed] AdGuard breaks the encoding on #1534
[Fixed] An error net::ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on #1518
[Fixed] Rules with $third-party modifier do not work at #1523
[Other] AdGuard fails at pinning test on #1526
[Other] Validation errors on RegEx entries #1544

Updated DnsLibs to v1.7.4

[Other] Started using NativeLibsCommon in DnsLibs #128
AdGuard za Windows 7.8 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 14. decembar 2021.
Less than a week has passed since the release of the second beta, as we are ready to present the release candidate of AdGuard for Windows v7.8.
We tried to reach our goal as soon as possible, simultaneously fixing all the minor bugs that got in our way. And modern problems, as you know, require modern solutions, so we could not do without updating DnsLibs and CoreLibs.
The release is approaching faster than the New Year holidays!


[Fixed] The filter is not displayed in the filtering log when its rule is applied #3992
[Fixed] Bandizip is not filtered #3334
[Other] CoreLibs updated to v1.8.274 #4053
[Other] DnsLibs updated to v1.6.71 #4049
AdGuard za Windows 7.8 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 9. decembar 2021.
Good news: the latest beta version has been tested and shown stable work. Now it’s time to release the next one with some minor fixes. Meet AdGuard v7.8 beta 2 for Windows! We’ve updated CoreLibs and DNSLibs and smoothed out a few “bumps” here and there. Seems that the version 7.8 release is somewhere near!


[Enhancement] 360 browser has been added to the list of apps filtered by default #4018
[Fixed] AdGuard defines the Chromium browser as the Sidekick browser #4008
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes when trying to use an occupied port in proxy mode
[Fixed] Once a custom DNS server is added, in some cases it remains inactive #4042
[Other] CoreLibs updated to v1.8.264 #4044
[Other] DnsLibs updated to v1.6.70 #4038
AdGuard za Windows 7.8 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 2. decembar 2021.
And here's the beta version of AdGuard's little update for Windows.
A new version of Safebrowsing, which is responsible for blocking requests to malicious and phishing sites, has been upgraded. Now, thanks to the improved mechanism of this module, surfing the Internet has become much safer.
We also updated CoreLibs and DNSLibs, and fixed various minor bugs along the way. Let’s make AdGuard for Windows better together!


[Enhancement] Update AdGuard WFP and TDI network drivers
[Fixed] Browser assistant is still available after the license expires #4020
[Fixed] Update info is incorrect after manual update #3997
[Fixed] QUIC requests are blocked and shown as TCP when app is excluded from filtering
[Fixed] Different type of dialog window opens when adding a custom DNS server
[Fixed] Right click on the tray menu icon opens the main window #3908
[Other] Add handling of adguard:add_dns_server URLs

Updated CoreLibs to v1.8.256

[Enhancement] QUIC SNI decoder logic #1554
[Fixed] The rule @@*$network,app=chrome.exe causes AdGuard to crash #4015
[Fixed] Failed to install a custom filter list with #include directive #1553
[Other] Support Safebrowsing V2 in the new version of CoreLibs

Updated DnsLibs to v1.6.66

[Fixed] Crash when parsing an invalid SDNS stamp #127
AdGuard za Windows 7.7 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 7. oktobar 2021.
In the second release candidate we updated CoreLibs, without it the Internet would turn into a p̶u̶m̶p̶k̶i̶n̶ one big ad. Then we dived into Advanced settings and changed their names and descriptions — now not only developers can relate to what happens in the wilds of low-level settings. And well, the new version features small bug fixes. You can't just release anything without this part, right?


[Fixed] ExtendedCSS misbehaves on #135
[Enhancement] Updated translations
[Other] Updated CoreLibs to v1.8.199
AdGuard za Windows 7.7 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 5. oktobar 2021.
We are glad to announce that the first release candidate of AdGuard for Windows v7.7 is available!
In this version, we updated CoreLibs and DNSLibs and fixed all the bugs spotted. Besides, issues with displaying requests have been resolved, so the filtering log now looks way better.
AdGuard za Windows 7.7 beta
Datum izdavanja: 21. septembar 2021.
The main focus of this release was to fix bugs and improve user experience. We performed tough tests and were unable to crash the app! But you can surely fix it, right? 🙂
For starters, we implemented low-level DNS settings, added the Finnish language and updated other translations.
There are not many significant changes in this version but we’ve put our energy into something no less important. We updated CoreLibs and DNSLibs, fixed various issues along the way, and did some magic with the filtering log to make it more user-friendly.
And just between us, we’re going to develop and release a brand new AdGuard for Windows. We bet you’ll find many killer feature there! besides, we plan to bring an extensive redesign to it. So stay tuned, and you’re going to witness the arrival of v8.0!
[Enhancement] Added low-level DNS settings
There is a new section named Blocking mode for DNS in low-level settings. Now you can select the response type if you've requested a DNS domain blocked by a DNS filtering rule. There are three response types to choose from.
Besides, settings with fallback servers were modified. In the previous v7.6.1 there was a simple option Enable DNS Fallback. Now users not only can enable it, but also select whether they want to use the system or custom fallback DNS. By the way, you can add several fallback servers at once.
And finally, there are DNS exclusions — domains in this list will be resolved through the system DNS.


[Fixed] Cannot install CA certificate when "Use Unicode UTF-8 (beta)" is enabled in Windows settings #3763
[Fixed] Parental control can be bypassed with AdGuard Browser Assistant #3815
[Fixed] Conflict with Sophos Endpoint Security and Control #3791
[Fixed] Filters don't update if the Default update interval is set #3825
[Fixed] Opening extra window with a Chinese language proposition while selecting Czech language #3877
[Fixed] Filtering completely stops working for some time #3880
[Fixed] The rule must be disabled after adding the comment symbol ! but it still exists #3766
[Fixed] Ctrl-Shift-Z is not working in Filter Editor #3756
[Fixed] DNS requests don't reach client server after update #3757
[Enhancement] Finnish translations are missing yet they've been 100% completed for a long time #3898
[Enhancement] Compatibility with the Cent Browser #3342
[Enhancement] Added Sidekick to the list of default browsers #3769
[Enhancement] Make items in the tray menu inactive when we AdGuard's license is not activated #3817
[Enhancement] Change tooltips in filters editor to multiline #3870
[Other] Unable to activate the app if the old license is outdated #3811
[Other] Browser assistant async #3824
[Other] New tray icons for AdGuard

Updated CoreLibs to v1.8.185

[Fixed] Some :xpath rules do not work #1479
[Fixed] Allow to apply $removeparam rules to all resources #1492
[Fixed] Rule with $important modifier should have higher priority than rule with $all modifier #1440
[Fixed] Browser Assistant can’t view website’s original security certificate #1422
[Enhancement] Added an option to send Global Privacy Control's Do Not Sell signal to Stealth Mode #1451
[Enhancement] Added $denyallow modifier #1304
[Enhancement] Added $redirect-rule modifier #1303
[Enhancement] Added $removeheader modifier #1427
[Enhancement] Added $specifichide modifier #1166
[Enhancement] Add full regex support for $network rules #1394
[Enhancement] Allow *## cosmetic rules #1437
[Enhancement] Rules with $ in path don't work #161
[Other] Improve invalid CA cert or key detection #1455

Updated DnsLibs to v1.6.36

[Fixed] SERVFAIL/timeout issue on iOS #108
[Fixed] Increase DNS timeout for DnsProxy.testUpstream #112
[Enhancement] Upgrade to QUIC version 1 #111
[Enhancement] Truncate reply to size expected by client #103
AdGuard za Windows 7.6 RC 3
Datum izdavanja: 15. april 2021.
This is the third RC in a row, hopefully, the last one before the release!
We couldn't but add some more fixes and improvements, most of them are left under the hood. Well, now the final release version will be even more polished. Stay tuned!


[Other] Minor fixes & improvements
AdGuard za Windows 7.6 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 12. april 2021.
That is a bit of a turn-up, but another release candidate for AdGuard v7.6 for Windows is here.
There is always room for improvement in any product, so we decided to make some more minor changes, both visible and ‘under the hood’, before the release.
The major task was to fix the system theme error, which we did. Now AdGuard for Windows seems almost ready to be released.


[Fixed] System theme error #3686
[Other] Minor fixes & improvements
AdGuard za Windows 7.6 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 8. april 2021.
It’s time to present the release candidate for AdGuard for Windows v7.6. Luckily, there weren’t many bugs in the previous beta version but we still found what to fix and improve.
Hopefully, this will be the last version before the big update. Check it out!


[Added] Block/Unblock buttons to the Filtering log for DNS queries #3721
[Enhancement] Improved validation process for the DNS filters editor #3742
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes after reboot when a network driver is changed #3743
AdGuard za Windows 7.6 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 30. mart 2021.
The biggest thing about AdGuard v7.6.1 beta for Windows is the enhancement of the DNS protection module. Users now have multiple options to add custom DNS filtering rules and entire filters. Plenty of fixes and improvements to CoreLibs will ensure an overall better filtering quality.
[Enhancement] Custom DNS subscriptions support #3641
In v7.5 we introduced DNS protection module. To refresh your memory: it offered the option to select any DNS server instead of the system default as another way to enhance your online privacy. What it didn't offer is any way to customize the DNS filtering. Once you selected the server and the preferred encryption protocol, you were set.
In this beta, we give you a range of new options to shape the DNS filtering the way you want. It includes several tools, all of which can be found inside the DNS filters editor section.
DNS user rules — the most basic way to block/allow DNS requests. Works very similarly to the regular User rules. Note that it supports DNS filtering syntax, which is much less complex than the syntax for network filtering.
Importing a DNS filter — click on the 'plus' icon in the bottom left corner, and you'll see a new window pop up. Click on the Import filter button and then either enter a filter URL or browse a suitable local filter. You can find a lot of DNS filters on this website. AdGuard DNS filter is the only one available by default.
Adding a custom DNS filter — accesible by clicking the 'plus' icon and then choosing the Add custom filter option. Choose a name and a description and then treat the new DNS filter like any other: import rules, add or remove them manually one by one, disable and enable the filter at will in one click.
[Enhancement] DNS-over-QUIC support
When you choose AdGuard DNS server in DNS protection, you now have an option to select DNS-over-QUIC as your encryption protocol of choice. It's the newest protocol, with lots of advantages, and AdGuard DNS is the first public DNS provider to offer it.
[Other] Improved compatibility with AdGuard VPN
AdGuard for Windows was already compatible with AdGuard VPN, but in this release we pushed it even further. We fixed several bugs and now the two apps will work more smoothly alongside each other.


[Fixed] DNS encryption stops working #3479
[Fixed] Incorrect hotkey behavior in Filter Editor #3652
[Fixed] IPv6 failure with DNS filtering enabled #3490
[Fixed] Filtering log work incorrectly after importing #3645
[Fixed] The AdGuard Browser Assistant extension is shown as incompatible #3606
[Fixed] HTTPS certificate failure after rebooting the system #3710
[Other] Reboot is now requested if TDI driver is active during its update #3706
[Other] System theme auto switch now happens in real-time #3464
[Other] Introduced new crash reporter

CoreLibs updated to v1.7.201

[Enhancement] CL now checks that trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Enhancement] Added $noop modifier #1387
[Enhancement] Added filter lists downloader module #1279
[Enhancement] Improved the way negation works for $redirect rules #1388
[Enhancement] $removeparam syntax updated, $queryprune added as an alias #1384
[Enhancement] $domain modifier is now used for target domains only in non-domain rules #1354
[Fixed] Filtering log records don't contain the original remote address when an outbound proxy is set up #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusions with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match URL #1311
[Fixed] Foreign requests get into Filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] URL contains extra slash while matching against filters and some rules are not applied #1338
[Fixed] Wrong filter is shown in Filtering log #1312
[Fixed] FTP pages are broken #1351
[Fixed] No action is suggested when AdGuard CA's key is damaged #1415
[Fixed] Userscript exclusions do not work as they should #1425
[Fixed] Valid rules do not pass validation checks #1419
[Fixed] min-length is not working in HTML filtering rules #13831383
[Other] HTML is not detected on some sites #1308
[Other] certificate is not re-issued when it expires #1348
[Other] ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR on some websites #1374
[Other] Rules with $extension modifier unblock blocked requests #1350

DnsLibs updated to v1.4

[Enhancement] Added missing DNSCrypt info in DNS stamps of platform adapters #90
[Enhancement] Optimistic DNS #83
[Enhancement] DoQ/DoH/DoT queries are now retried before resorting to fallback #86
[Other] Encoding errors #79
[Other] Added DoQ support in DNS stamps #84
[Other] Added an option to pass custom filtering rules without file #30
[Other] Added an option to specify IP_BOUND_IF/SO_BINDTODEVICE for outgoing connections #78
AdGuard za Windows 7.5.2 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 1. oktobar 2020.
This beta version of AdGuard for Windows mostly focuses on CoreLibs, which will improve the overall filtering quality.


[Fixed] AdGuard ignores some of the Stealth Mode user settings #3516
[Fixed] DNS filtering blocks Internet connection #3526

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.114

[Enhancement] Added $ping content type #1258
[Enhancement] #@# without any domains specified now disables the rule completely #1296
[Enhacement] Added $redirect-rule modifier #1303
[Enhancement] Trusted-types CSP does not break the content script #1320
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return the original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter domains when HTTPS filtering is disabled #1343
[Fixed] Exclusions with $elemhide,jsinject,extension disable HTML filtering rules #1337
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn't show information about cookies #3406
[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Regexp rule doesn't match URL #1311
[Fixed] Path combining helper adds an extra slash #1338
[Fixed] The filter ID of the triggered rule for a blocked request is not defined correctly #1312
[Fixed] Foreign requests get into filtering log with enabled DNS module #3411
[Fixed] Issue with #1340
[Fixed] Encoding errors #79
[Fixed] AGFDVSocket doesn't return original peer address in case of outbound proxy set #1330
[Fixed] AdGuard won't start after restart #3380
[Fixed] OCSP checks aren't passed through the selected DNS #1328
[Fixed] Redundant errors when accessed from non-HTTPS-filtered processes #1056
[Fixed] $badfilter rules are sensitive to domain lists #1331
[Other] Speed is capped at 400-500 Mbps #702
[Other] Partial HTML processing issues #1308
AdGuard za Windows 7.5 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 18. avgust 2020.
Meet the second release candidate that should soon become AdGuard v7.5 for Windows! Surprised, aren't you? So are we.
In this prerelease, we made final preparations for the release, fixed a whole lot of things under the hood, and updated CoreLibs, our filtering engine. This is the case when we should leave the changes hidden, but bear with us a little while longer, and you'll see an extensive changelog soon.
AdGuard za Windows 7.5 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 10. avgust 2020.
Meet the release candidate, AdGuard for Windows soon-to-be v7.5!
A release candidate (RC), aka ‘going silver’, is a beta version with the potential to become a stable product, which is almost ready to be released.
At this stage of development, we’ve designed all product features, written code and tested the whole thing twice. Below are the finishing touches put on this version: in short, we’ve fixed localizations and upgraded CoreLibs along with DnsLibs.


[Fixed] Connecting to a DNSCrypt-protected DNS causes AdGuard to throw a connection error #3455
[Fixed] Assistant issue: AdGuard not installed or installed incorrectly #3469
[Other] Change the priority of languages for the situation without zh-TW translations. #3442
[Other] UI crashes during localization process for ZH-cn locale #3470
[Other] Wrongly use zh-CN encoding in zh-TW interface everywhere. (v7.5 beta 1) #3443

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.37

[Fixed] Problematic userscripts #1273
[Fixed] Process name detection causes scary warnings in Windows Security #1316
[Fixed] Filtering log doesn’t show information about cookies #3406
AdGuard za Windows 7.5 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 30. jul 2020.
It seems reasonable to test the waters before releasing a new version. Usually, we make two betas - the first one is more brash and bold, and the second one is more cautious and focused on bug fixes and improvements of the previous one.
AdGuard for Windows 7.5 beta 2 features important UI-related tasks. We also fixed the localization error that occurred when using Simplified Chinese in the app and improved the efficiency of CoreLibs filtering engine.


[Enhancement] Upgrade CoreLibs to 1.7.12 #3458
[Fixed] Recently added filter won't show up in the filter editor #3340
[Fixed] List of built-in DNS servers is doubled on UI #3456
[Fixed] Selecting Simplified Chinese leads to problems with subscriptions #3457
[Other] "Not Found" icon carries over to other Settings sections #3413
AdGuard za Windows 7.5 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 23. jul 2020.
The first beta has arrived, and there is a lot to unpack. To kick things off, AdGuard for Windows can disable Windows 10 Tracking using an out-of-the-box solution: you don’t need to bother with any settings. Windows tracking heads the list, followed by the introduction of long-awaited DNS filtering and social login. And the Browser Assistant pausing protection for 30 seconds brings up the rear.

DNS filtering

This feature has been long present in other AdGuard products. Not only will the DNS module protect your DNS traffic from the ISP’s and fraudsters’ interception, it will also block ads. However, it’s important to stress that the DNS doesn’t replace normal protection, rather it works best when coupled with it.
We have a wide and regularly updated database of domain names, and now you can set it up on AdGuard for Windows.
You can choose the server type (DNS-over-HTTPS/DNS-over-TLS, etc.) that suits your needs best or add your own custom DNS server. Also, here is a link to our knowledge base, where we have collected the most popular DNS providers and added a quick setup option. One click, and your DNS is ready for use.

Disable Windows 10 Tracking

Windows Tracking has four options: you can disable Windows telemetry, turn off advertising ID, disable Windows Defender automatic samples submission and disable WAP push message routing service.
To illustrate the significance of disabling system telemetry, let’s take Cortana, a virtual assistant similar to Alisa or Siri, but developed by Microsoft. Its feature set is enabled by default and periodically sends usage and performance data to Microsoft. Those assistants help, but they also gather a lot of statistics. If you, as a user, have privacy concerns (which is completely understandable and even expected in this day and age), we’ll help to disable telemetry nice and easy.
As for removing an Advertising ID, if you checkmark this option, you will become invisible to advertising disseminators and, consequently, will stop receiving Microsoft ads.

Authorization and license activation via social networks

This function has already been available in our app for Android. We decided to add it here, too, because it’s truly a convenience feature.
Now, you have one more option of how to activate your license: not only via logging to your AdGuard personal account or manually entering your license key. If the email from your AdGuard personal account and the email you use for authorization in Google or Facebook are the same, you can simply authorize via these social networks. No more trying to remember email/password from your personal account and entering it! One click, and you are logged in and your license key is activated.

Pause protection for 30 seconds

In v7.4 we introduced the new BA – more independent, glorious and autonomous. But despite it’s good in many aspects, some users asked us to return one missing thing from the old Assistant. So we did.
The old Assistant had a menu option ‘Do not filter for 30 seconds’. For instance, this function will help when you need to visit a website that won’t work when an ad blocker is enabled. In this case it makes sense to briefly disable filtering and see its content. That’s what the returned back ‘Do not filter for 30 seconds’ is also used for. But we went further and made it more convenient by adding a new function called ‘Disable protection for 30 seconds’. It will disable filtering on all websites for the same time period. You can find it in the tray menu of the main app.
Four major tasks don’t seem like a big deal. “Wait, so that’s it?” you may ask. Actually, we performed a much more tasks, but many of them have been omitted.


[Enhancement] Allow select several content types for the shown records in the filtering log #3392
[Fixed] Filtering log shows wrong type of applied stealth-mode option #3423
[Fixed] Slow UI performance in the main window #3322
[Other] Do not block Exit in context menu when service is failed #3403
[Other] Exit from "License" tab via clicking "Esc" #3385

Upgraded CoreLibs to v1.7.2

[Fixed] Unhandled C++ Exception in finishWithResult() #939

Upgraded DnsLibs to v1.3.10

Minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 7.4 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 15. maj 2020.
Another release candidate. It's smaller than the previous one, which is a good sign! Only a few bug fixes. The release is coming!


[Bug] Installation window shows up after PC reboot #3278
[Bug] UI won't start after an update #3299
[Bug] Statistic isn't incremented #3311
[Bug] Native extension api GetOriginalCert returns wildcard cert if it is in cache #3315

Corelibs updated to v1.5.267

[Bug] Rules with :style() are converted incorrectly #1149
[Bug] Cosmetic rules can be used as CSS rules #1293
[Bug] Basic rules with a wildcard in top-level domains aren't working #1298
AdGuard za Windows 7.4 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 27. april 2020.
Meet the first (and hopefully the last) release candidate of AdGuard v7.4 for Windows!
In this update, we've made focus on fixing UI-related and other minor issues.
[Bug] Some installation-related processes are still active after an update #3126
[Bug] Connection errors #3237
[Bug] "AdGuard Browser Assistant is not installed or configured incorrectly" error #3241
[Bug] Disabled userscripts reenable automatically after an update #3258
[Bug] AdGuard starts in a windows instead of being minimized in the system tray #3276
[Bug] "AdGuard installed successfully" window pops up after a reboot #3278
[Enhancement] Browser Assistant now supports Waterfox and Cliqz browsers #3264
[Enhancement] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.249 #3277
AdGuard za Windows 7.4 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 6. april 2020.
The second beta for AdGuard for Windows is released! There are not so many changes as in the first beta but the second one is just as important. This update features changes to the user interface – hopefully, you’ll like them! A bunch of fixes, mainly concerning technical issues, is also included in the list.
[Added] Add new Edge browser support #3217
[Fixed] Using extension w/app allows user to bypass Parental Control #3219
[Fixed] Screen is twitching after disabling the extension #3229
[Fixed] Pale buttons' text while starting the AdGuard #3236
[Fixed] Some requests’ names are cut and not displayed in the filtering log #3249
[Fixed] Browser restart is required after AdGuard update #3250
[Fixed] After reinstalling the application does not work #3238
[Improved] HTTP proxy mode's description is disabled #3227
[Improved] Update CoreLibs to 1.5.238 #3246
AdGuard za Windows 7.4 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 16. mart 2020.
Here comes the first beta for AdGuard for Windows v.7.4! The bottom line is we’re replacing our current Assistant with a separate browser extension called AdGuard Browser Assistant. The new Assistant has easy-to-use functionality, plus, we’ve added new UI features that make it more pleasant in use. Spoiler: you no longer need the previous browser extension. Download this new one and, paired with the main app, it will turn into a magic Assistant.

Browser Assistant

By developing this new product, we've resolved a couple of pretty important issues:
Ensured that the bundle of the main AdGuard app and this new browser extension is fully functional
Added settings in the main AdGuard app making it super easy to download or check if the extension is enabled right from it.
The improved onboarding process for those who downloads AdGuard for the first time.
[Added] Browser Assistant #2985
Meet our new AdGuard Browser Assistant! From a mere user script in AdGuard desktop programs it has evolved to become a full-fledged browser extension!
Obviously, new Assistant has the functions of the old one included but it’s far more cool and user-friendly. And it came in extremely handy, helping us solve three major problems at once:
Former AdGuard Assistant was a dependent user script able to communicate with the program using a certain protocol. On the contrary, the new BA is independent: it’s installed in a browser, and you don’t need to wait while user script would be injected into the filtered web page. Putting it simply, it is more autonomous and it doesn’t depend on the main AdGuard app. The app is required for the full capacity but technically the new BA can be used without the app.
When desktop AdGuard program and browser extension were used in integration mode, they could hamper each other’s work. Some websites would stop being protected by the desktop program and be backed up only by the extension which has less possibilities. With the new Assistant, there is no more need to install our regular browser extension, which means there is no risk of an incompatibility.
Some people said older Assistant’s presence at any webpage disturbed them – now the green shield icon won’t be there.
[Added] Browsers tab #3118
From now on, you can open this tab and get the Assistant for a browser you use in one click. We support all popular browsers, but in case you didn’t find your one, you can use the legacy non-extension version – it works everywhere.
[Improved] Onboarding process #3119
AdGuard determines your default browser and prompts you with a download link for the new Assistant. If your browser is not compatible with AdGuard, the legacy Assistant is automatically enabled.

Ad Blocking

[Added] Experimental filter is enabled for beta and nightly testers #3027


[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Fixed] AdGuard not responding after resuming from sleep mode on laptop #2861
[Fixed] Support button returns 400 Bad Request #3155
[Improved] Enabling HTTPS filtering for a portable FF is now easier #2735


[Added] Filtering log is on pause while import #1997
[Added] Description for the "Launch AdGuard at system start-up" option #3082
[Changed] Description about opening AG main window at system start-up has been reformulated #3016
[Fixed] Advanced Editor clears user rules #2142
[Fixed] Crash on viewing request details in filtering log #3074
[Fixed] Wrong highlight for Stealth Mode exclusions in filtering log #3123
[Fixed] Some windows are not centered #3127
[Fixed] Scroll issue with touchpad in language combobox #3129
[Fixed] Can't add apps from Blitz's subdirectory #3141
[Fixed] License activation dialog design issues #3145
[Fixed] No longer able to add filters that do not have a .txt extension #3165
[Fixed] Unnecessary colon is displayed for Yandex-Turbo redirect userscript #3176
[Improved] AdGuard GUI unnecessarily raising Windows platform timer resolution #2734


[Added] An option to hide blocked QIUC records in the filtering log #2912
[Added] Wizard's provided filters to the pre-downloaded defaults #3162
[Added] "What's new" screen after the major app update #3169
[Changed] Some items have been renamed or added in the tray menu #3103
[Fixed] Cannot report a website from Assistant when UI is not running #2138
[Fixed] Wrong date on statistics #3015
[Fixed] Some processes are active after AdGuard update bug installer #3126
[Fixed] Individual userscript incompatibility #3201
[Fixed] Browsing security notifications don’t work #3203
[Improved] Using the current browser for the webpage opening #2099
[Improved] Update Advanced Uninstall Utility #2940
[Improved] Get rid of double negative in "filter EV" section #3133
[Improved] Handling the well-known errors during installation is made more user-friendly #3163
[Improved] Send Console and Host logs to the Sentry among with the Service logs #3172
AdGuard za Windows 7.3 RC 2
Datum izdavanja: 24. decembar 2019.
One more release candidate with some minor UI and other fixes + another CoreLibs update.
[Fixed] Wrong request type in the filtering log #3059
[Fixed] Buttons on the main screen are overlapping #3135
[Fixed] Date format is incorrect with specific system language settings #3136
[Fixed] AdGuard certificate gets installed before the user enables HTTPS filtering #3125
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.163 #3139
AdGuard za Windows 7.3 RC 1
Datum izdavanja: 19. decembar 2019.
This is a textbook release candidate: a heap of bugfixes thrown together to make the current beta build more suitable for regular users. We also updated localizations and the CoreLibs engine.

Ad Blocking

[Fixed] False link interception #3117
[Fixed] Disabling HTTPS filtering for an app works incorrectly #3111
[Fixed] Cookies time-to-live resets to zero #3115
[Fixed] Automatic apps filtering gets disabled after an app update #3076


[Added] Add HTTPS filtering step to the initial wizard #3125
[Changed] Checkbox for new rule is now shown as disabled in Filter editor #2893
[Fixed] Diagonal resizing by dragging the bottom corners is flawed #2943
[Fixed] Extra error entries in the log file #2875
[Fixed] Filter descriptions in Filter editor lack spaces in Traditional Chinese localization #2853
[Fixed] Main window now correctly reflects the time of the last filters update check and not the time of the last actual filters update #2982
[Fixed] Incorrect placement of proxy configuration warning #3065
[Fixed] UI performance drops when you use search on the “Add filter” screen #3090
[Fixed] Main window is shown next to the settings wizard #3100
[Fixed] Poor line break on Browsing Security screen #3101
[Fixed] Repeated clicks on “Debug mode” in tray menu bring up the slow filtering warning #2996
[Improved] Centering of icons in Settings #2727


[Fixed] Firefox Private Network issue #2981


[Changed] AdGuard now explicitly asks the user to activate trial period #2980
[Fixed] Crash after locale change #3108
[Fixed] Filters metadata is not updated for some filters #3036
[Fixed] AdGuard occasionally doesn’t delete old log files #2874
[Fixed] AdGuard.Core.Tools crashes on the app uninstall #3097
[Improved] AdGuard now adapts its time&date format according to system settings #2945
[Improved] CoreLibs has been updated to v1.5.151
AdGuard za Windows 7.3 beta 2
Datum izdavanja: 29. novembar 2019.
The second beta of AdGuard 7.3 for Windows focuses on fixing UI-related bugs and other UI changes.
[Changed] Flag icons removed from the languages selector #2905
[Changed] “Too many filters” warning now requires more enabled filters to trigger #3056
[Changed] Legacy and regular Microsoft Edge executables separated in “Filtered Apps” #3061
[Fixed] Reset statistics feature works incorrectly #2923
[Fixed] Settings reset doesn’t set window mode to its default state #2924
[Fixed] Atom text editor package installer doesn't work when protection is enabled #2988
[Fixed] Unable to remove Spotify from the list of filtered apps #3091
[Fixed] Several apps with the same name can’t be added to the list of filtered apps #3092
AdGuard za Windows 7.3 beta 1
Datum izdavanja: 20. novembar 2019.
As the tradition requires, the first beta for any AdGuard for Windows version is usually the biggest one, with the most amount of meaningful changes. For today, we have a long list of fixes and UI improvements. But for starters let’s have a look at the most interesting stuff: CoreLibs-related changes that will further enhance ad blocking quality, a new (but at the same time somewhat old) mode of filtering and a new option to activate AdGuard.
[Added] Scriptlets support
Scriptlets is a powerful ad blocking instrument. You can say that scriptlet is an internal script (a mini-program) that we install with the app, and then execute that script with the help of filtering rules. Putting it simply, scriptlets allow us to modify how the code of the web page behaves. As for the practical use, this helps to fight adblocker circumvention, for example, and is also useful in some other cases.
[Added] $redirect and $rewrite modifiers support
They are practically the same modifiers, and they allow to substitute resources. If you are not a custom filtering rules aficionado, don't bother with it. Just know that it is yet another instrument in the hands of filter developers that helps to block ads more efficiently.
We should mention that both $redirect and $rewrite modifiers are still kind of working in test mode, but they are fully operational and you should feel free to use them.
[Improved] Proxy mode can now be used alongside automatic traffic filtering #2696, #3055
Previously, you had to choose between using AdGuard to filter all traffic on the current system, or setting it up as an HTTP proxy to funnel traffic of particular apps or devices through AdGuard (but without filtering it).
Now you can have the best of both worlds, and even more: filter application and browser traffic on the current PC and at the same time use AdGuard as a filtering proxy for other devices (yes, now their traffic will be filtered too). To select the configuration you want go to Network settings.
[Added] Activating AdGuard by linking personal Account #2931
Something we’ve tested in other AdGuard products and found positive feedback is an option to activate AdGuard by linking the app with your account. In this case, instead of entering the license key, you put in your Account credentials (login/password). The app automatically looks for a valid license key in your Account and uses it to activate AdGuard.

Ad blocking

[Added] Enable the HARs writing as an advanced option #2402
[Fixed] Userscript working in pre version 7 releases not working in post version 7 releases. #2937
[Fixed]Error occurred while reloading protection, doesn't change the filtering status #2965
[Fixed] Cannot find the file specified #2969
[Fixed] Incompatibility between AdGuard and HTTP Debugger #2979
[Fixed] Cannot add executable from %Appdata% to the filtering #3023
[Fixed] Some problems with user filter #3044
[Fixed] Cannot add $network rules to the user filter #3058
[Fixed] Atom package installer doesn't work when protection enabled #2988
[Fixed] Firefox Private Network issue #2981
[Improved] Change the approach to the way how we start cert installer #2973
[Improved] Handle SHA-1 issues #3041


[Improved] We should check the internet availability before sending a support request #2925
[Improved] Restore using port 0 for auto-selecting listen ports #2989


[Added] Import-export advanced settings #2964
[Added] Trial period should be started explicitly #2980
[Fixed]Buttons Collapse, Expand, Close look bad #2722
[Fixed] Userscript is reported as updated if version contains a letter #2819
[Fixed] It seems that it lacks spaces in the front & back of from" in filters editor while UI is Traditional Chinese (zh-TW)." #2853
[Fixed] Drag&Drop issue #2961
[Fixed]Filtering log doesn't show applied rules #2998
[Fixed] Dark theme inner window issue #3033
[Fixed] Wrong request type in the filtering log #3059
[Improved] Microsoft Edge Beta cannot be added to filtered app in AFW #3060
[Improved] Remove old strings from translations #2926
[Improved] Improve the license check window #2939
[Improved] AdGuard Personal CA keeps coming back #1306
[Improved] Re-design About" screen" #2675
[Improved] There is no link to the list of changes in the latest versions #2715
[Improved] The text is not centered on the main screen #2716
[Improved] Use custom adguard: scheme for adding userscripts #2838
[Improved] Hover on maximize button looks bad #2840
[Improved] Strip identifying information from the logs when doing export #3022


[Added] New versioning system #2896
[Fixed]Logs rotation does not work occasionally #2874
[Fixed] File or folder is corrupted #2984
[Fixed] Filters metadata is not updated while filters update #3036
[Improved] AdGuard GUI unnecessarily raising Windows platform timer resolution #2734
[Improved] Transfer GM property when the user changes the userscript's name #2739
[Improved] Improve the Advanced Settings logic #2915
[Improved] Get rid of obsolete /f command from tools #2920
[Improved] Filter installer's crash report names #2971
[Improved] Pass the empty parameter's value in the query string #3038
[Improved] Test the release build of the new Microsoft Edge #3061
AdGuard za Windows 7.2.2920.0
Datum izdavanja: 12. septembar 2019.
This is almost the final preparation for the release version. Added minor improvements and fixes, updated Assistant and WOT.
Update Assistant and Wot to 4.3.18 and 1.1.16 respectively #2942
Translations update
AdGuard za Windows 7.2.2916.1
Datum izdavanja: 9. septembar 2019.
This release candidate contains small but important changes - all major fixes were in the previous Beta. This time we focused on improving the user interface and worked with compatibility with some browsers.
Fixed support menu window (UI) #2910
Check for email validation before submitting a support request #2911
Failed test: Uninstallation via uninstall shortcut #2916
AdGuard does not filter Iridium browser #2918
UI elements should be aligned #2922
Incompatibility with Epic Browser #2927
AdGuard za Windows 7.2.2903.6
Datum izdavanja: 2. septembar 2019.
Time to move our Windows app forward! In the first v7.2 beta we introduce such absolute bangers as new installer design, installer crash reporting tool and new “Filter localhost” setting. Joking aside, while those might be not the most exciting changes, they are certainly useful and overall nice to have. We also did a good amount of dirty work in terms of bug hunting, crash fixing and so on.
[Changed] Installer redesign #2574
When the visual style of your app’s installer doesn’t fit the visual style of the app itself, it’s not good. Same as wearing sandals with socks. So we fixed it!
New installer looks so good, sometimes we uninstall AdGuard just to look at it once more. Hope you like it just as much as we do! And if not, no big deal: you’re not going to come across it too often, hopefully.
[Added] Installer crash reporting tool #2566
One of the most annoying types of crashes, both for users and developers, is when the app crashes during the installation. Our usual crash reporting tool was useless in such cases. What’s the logical solution? Correct, to give the installer its own reporting tool!
As you can see, it looks almost exactly the same. Nothing will be sent without your consent, and you can also add a comment with the description of the problem to help our developers fix the crash faster.
[Added] “Filter localhost" advanced setting #2830
Some apps, for example antiviruses, may use localhost for interactions between their components. In rare cases it could lead to compatibility problems. Now it’s possible to manage filtering of localhost with the help of the new setting.
Be sure that you know what you’re doing before messing with any of the advanced settings!
You can find this setting among advanced settings. By default, it’s disabled. We advise to try to enable it only if you experience very serious issues, e.g. when web pages don’t load or there’s no internet connection.

Ad blocking

[Fixed] Stealth mode settings reset after the app update #2839
[Fixed] HTTPS filtering is disabled by default for the newly added applications #2846
[Improved] Automatic filters detection algorithm #2692
[Improved] Automatic detection of certificate issues in Firefox #2782


[Fixed] AdGuard closes connections after a reconfiguration #2841
[Fixed] Connection errors on Windows 10 #2843
[Improved] WFP/TDI drivers have been updated #2889


[Changed] Selector color in dark mode #2749
[Changed] Now separate windows are used for Support and About dialogues #2619
[Changed] Blocked stun/turn requests now have a prefix in the Filtering log #2638
[Changed] Users can now access Settings, About and Support windows even when protection failed to start #2892
[Changed] “Use localhost for injections” setting has been renamed to “Intercept TCP connection requests" #2859
[Fixed] Minor interface issues #2761
[Fixed] Issues with accessibility for visually impaired users #2682
[Fixed] Cropped text on the filters update screen #2698
[Fixed] AdGuard GUI unnecessarily raises Windows platform timer resolution #2734
[Fixed] Some text is not visible in dark theme #2767
[Fixed] Date on the filters update screen goes beyond the frame #2849


[Changed] Atom browser has been added to the list of apps filtered by default #2688
[Changed] Localizations have been updated
[Fixed] Post-installation notification sequence #2750
[Fixed] Switching between update channels is carried out improperly #2806
[Fixed] The application doesn’t start after the update #2798
[Fixed] AdGuard hangs after the update #2856
[Fixed] Information about old installers is stored in %ProgramData% #2869
[Fixed] Filter update notification does not disappear on Windows 7 #2873
[Fixed] AdGuard does not handle alphanumeric versions properly #2876
[Fixed] Compatibility issues
[Improved] Handling of filter subscription detections #2517
AdGuard za Windows 7.0.2688.6651
Datum izdavanja: 29. maj 2019.
This is more of a hotfix than a release candidate. Some Firefox users reported problems with browser freezing. We determined that this behavior was a sequence of hanged connections, which in its turn was caused by a CoreLibs bug. It’s crucial to eliminate all such bugs before we release a stable version (which will be soon), so here we are.
[Fixed] An error while update/reinstall user script from the local file #2679
[Fixed] Minor changes in UI #2678
AdGuard za Windows 7.0.2638.6551
Datum izdavanja: 23. maj 2019.
In this beta we make an emphasis on UI changes but also fix several crashes. We also took this opportunity to introduce a new userscript — AdGuard Extra.
[Added] AdGuard Extra extension #2648 In some complicated cases the usual approach with filtering rules just doesn’t work. In particular, in some cases of ad blocker circumvention/ad reinjection. So we came up with an alternative solution — a userscript. For those unfamiliar, userscripts are basically mini programs that modify web pages and augment browsing.
AdGuard Extra does it in a way that makes it harder for websites to employ the circumvention/reinjection techniques. AdGuard for Windows is the second AdGuard product to get this addition, we are thrilled to see it in action and read your feedback on it.
UI [Added] An option to add/remove filters from the General settings screen #2620 [Changed] AdGuard Assistant extension name #2643 [Changed] UI changes on Trial period & License screens #2657 [Fixed] "BlockTypeRuleDescription" wrongly used as a rule in the filtering log #2663 [Fixed] Filter name is displayed in the Rule column in the filtering log #2634 [Fixed] License activation window glitch #2628 [Fixed] Rule Editor suggests wrong exclusion for $$ rules #2630 [Fixed] UI window can only be dragged when the left mouse button is pressed #2621 [Fixed] Notification's text is out of its bounds #2662 [Improved] Filtering log search syntax has been extended #2651 Other [Changed] Translations have been updated [Fixed] AdGuard crashes [Fixed] AdGuard doesn't automatically detect system language #2622 [Fixed] AdGuard hangs after exiting the sleep mode #2649 [Fixed] Error while doing the update check #2654 [Fixed] The English language is set by default #2664 [Improved] CoreLibs has been updated #2645
AdGuard za Windows 7.0.2578.6431 Beta
Datum izdavanja: 7. maj 2019.
Rejoice! The time has come! For the first time since basically ever there's a new AdGuard for Windows beta. We know a lot of people have been expecting it and weren't exactly happy about the long wait. We can only hope that the result will be worth the wait for you, as we really tried our best. Of course, there's a new design, no way around it. You'll also find inside such cool new additions as automatic crash reports, improved CoreLibs and much more. Let's not waste any more time and dive in:

[Improved] UI and installer redesign #2574

It is somewhat of a tradition by this point to have a UI redesign with each major AdGuard for Windows version upgrade. This time will not be an exception. AdGuard 7.0 for Windows will look very different from the current familiar version: AG for Windows now has a dark theme too! Love it or hate it, it's there, it's optional and you are free to embrace it or ignore it altogether.
The installer follows the trend and gets a redesign too. It only makes sense, because the installer is the first thing new users see when they start their acquaintance with AdGuard, and it better be good! Hope you'll find it an upgrade too.

[Improved] CoreLibs

Everybody knows what CoreLibs is by this point, but we'll remind anyway: it is a filtering engine that drives the whole process of ad blocking in most AdGuard products, AdGuard for Windows included. And with every new version of CL these products become better: the quality of ad blocking increases, they work faster and become more stable. This beta of AdGuard 7.0 for Windows features the most recent of CoreLibs version, which means this is as good as it gets. Well, at least until the next CoreLibs update :)

[Added] Automatic crash reports #2298

Sometimes apps crash, and you can do nothing about it. Reasons can be very different, and so are solutions.
To be able to investigate every crash individually and find a proper fix to it, we add integration with an automatic crash report system. If AdGuard crashes, upon the next launch you'll be asked if you want to send a crash report.
Nothing will ever be sent without your consent, and if you want to know what exactly is in the report, you can check out our Privacy Policy. We'll appreciate each and every report, as it will help us greatly in making AdGuard for Windows more stable.


Ad blocking

[Changed] Сustom filters do not support powerful modifiers anymore unless allowed explicitly by user #2392
[Fixed] Custom filters are always displayed like they are up-to-date #2501
[Fixed] Issues with Firefox certificate #2390
[Fixed] Сustom apps with Cyrillic symbols in the path are not filtered #2542
[Improved] The list of URL parameters to strip in the Stealth Mode module has been made customizable #2396


[Fixed] Service connection issues after hibernate/sleep #2438


[Added] A button to open a request in the Filtering Log #2599
[Added] CoreLibs release version to the About section #2420
[Changed] Notification text for the case when protection status is changed via the Assistant #2251
[Fixed] AdGuard splash screen appears even when /nosplash is specified #2434
[Fixed] Date format for Arabic localization #2477
[Fixed] Rules from disabled filter lists are accounted for in the statistics #2497
[Fixed] Scrollbar in the settings is too sensitive #2514
[Fixed] The displayed rules in Filter editor are not refreshed after clicking on the "X" button in the search bar #2451
[Fixed] The search in the "Settings" view doesn't work properly #2417
[Fixed] Update channel resets from "Nightly" to "Release" after settings get reset to defaults #2614
[Improved] Chinese date format is now used for filters' update time in Chinese localization #2496
[Improved] Descriptions for Stealth Mode options have been updated #2491
[Improved] Filtering log now indicates what cookies were modified #2387


[Added] Chromium-based Microsoft Edge to the filtered applications list #2548
[Changed] Logging has been made less verbose where it's not necessary #2425
[Changed] Unicode marker (BOM) has been removed from the userscript content #2601
[Changed] Localizations has been updated
[Changed] The list of apps filtered by default has been updated
[Fixed] An issue with userscripts updates #2500
[Fixed] Application update resets Assistant settings #2505
[Fixed] Empty lines in custom filters are imported as rules #2473
[Fixed] Error deleting backup file #2582
[Fixed] Excluding an app from filtering also excludes all other apps with the same executable name #2453
[Fixed] Greasy Fork userscripts display an error when checking for updates #2447
[Fixed] Installer startup delay #2388
[Fixed] User filter rule editing bug #2584
[Fixed] Compatibility problems
[Improved] Additional userscript parameters are now stored when you export settings #2367
[Improved] AdGuard now checks if the userscript is already installed before downloading it #2406
[Improved] AdGuard-related system settings (e.g. UI window's size etc.) can now be imported along with the app settings #2393
[Improved] The way to get userscripts' and filter subscriptions' content #2379
AdGuard za Windows 6.4.1795.4865
Datum izdavanja: 23. oktobar 2018.
We are preparing a new release, and this RC holds quite a few impactful changes. Worth noting are the Popup Blocker update, new localizations and several important fixes.
[Changed] TLS 1.2 is used by default if Avast is detected
As we’ve said earlier, TLS 1.3 is the current standard, but some antiviruses still use v1.2, notably Avast. We would like to completely switch to v1.3 but have to take this into consideration.
[Fixed] Application update resets Assistant settings and restores deleted extensions
There won’t be enough fingers combined on hands of all people in our office to count the number of times users complained about this issue. One of our current priorities is to make the process of updating AdGuard as smooth as possible, and certainly preserving users’ settings is a big step in that direction.
[Changed] Highlighting color for the whitelisted requests in Filtering Log [Changed] AdGuard now asks for a reboot after TDI driver update on Windows 7 [Fixed] Crash upon opening the Filtering Log [Fixed] PopupBlocker is not updated alongside AG update [Improved] Popup Blocker extension has been updated to v2.5.8 [Improved] Localizations have been updated, new languages have been added (Slovenian, Czech, Belarusian)
AdGuard za Windows 6.4.1739.4753
Datum izdavanja: 9. oktobar 2018.
Delaying a release is always bad, fixing a crucial bug is always good. It hurts us to postpone the v6.4 once again, but we had to quickly run out a release candidate to test this very important fix.
[Fixed] AdGuard fails to start service [Fixed] Firefox 64-bit handshake issues with some domains [Fixed] "Service failure" tile and "Trial expired" tile appear simultaneously [Fixed] Crash on multiple tray clicks right after the installation [Improved] Suppress the Alt-Svc header [Improved] AG icon has been updated to a high resolution version [Improved] Maximize close box for AdGuard notification twice size (11x11 pxls to 22x22 pxls) on Windows 7
AdGuard za Windows 6.4.1639.4553
Datum izdavanja: 25. septembar 2018.
The emphasis in this beta has been made on various networking issues, particularly on compatibility with antiviruses.
Ad blocking
[Improved] URL exclusion blocking rules are now created with important modifier by default #2305
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver #2308 [Fixed] Avast Free prevents AdGuard from suppressing QUIC #2310
The current way of whitelisting apps from filtering for WFP driver has been extended to TDI driver. It allows to avoid compatibility issues with other software, especially with antivirus software.
[Improved] AdGuard now checks on installation if the TDI driver is not registered yet #2321 [Fixed] Check that QUIC v44 is blocked properly #2335
[Fixed] AdGuard remembers the last displayed settings tab after closing #2317 [Fixed] The Assistant icon appears in full screen mode on YouTube and Twitch #2309 [Fixed] Move the assistant icon back to the right corner #2314
[Fixed] Crash while closing from tray #2252 [Fixed] Crash after auto-update on the application startup on Windows 7 #2290 [Fixed] An error while parsing the userscript metadata #2311 [Improved] A privacy-friendly protocol is now used for the parental control web service #2316
AdGuard za Windows 6.4.1544.4363
Datum izdavanja: 27. avgust 2018.
This is rather a hotfix then beta for those users who experienced problems with filtering via TDI driver.
[Fixed] AdGuard does not filter connections with TDI driver
AdGuard za Windows 6.4.1537.4349
Datum izdavanja: 22. avgust 2018.
This is the first beta after v6.3 release, so for starters we have a rather shallow changelog. Don't worry, there will be more goodies to come once we gain steam.
[Fixed]Unrelated TCP connections get reset when starting Adguard Service
AdGuard needs to reset connections when it starts/restarts its service in order to properly filter them. What AdGuard doesn't have to do is to reset connections that it is not going to filter anyway. So from now on, it won't do it, as simple as that.
[Fixed] AdguardSvc process memory leak [Fixed] Duplicated EV certificate messages [Fixed] WebReport's checkbox "Hide your referer from third-parties" is disabled when custom referer is not specified [Fixed] Duplicated “expiring” message" [Fixed] Twitch Desktop App is not filtered [Fixed] Crash after auto-update on the application startup (Win7) [Improved] Upgrade Popup Blocker to v2.5 [Improved] Improve custom filters URLs parsing
AdGuard za Windows 6.3.1374.4023
Datum izdavanja: 3. jul 2018.
This is a very small update aimed at fixing a couple of minor issues.
[Improved] Do not allow auto-switch update channel within the process of the upgrade #2269 [Fixed] MS Edge is not filtered in the Windows Insider Preview #2270 [Fixed] User script name being corrupted while export settings #2275
AdGuard za Windows 6.3.1303.3881
Datum izdavanja: 27. jun 2018.
Few more fixes before the new release.
[Changed] Do not ignore HTTP headers with an empty value #2264 [Fixed] Incorrect exception rule is created with Assistant #2265 [Fixed] HTTPS filtering issue with Android Messages #2266 [Fixed] Windows notification center is unavailable after first install #2268
AdGuard za Windows 6.3.1276.3827
Datum izdavanja: 22. jun 2018.
Tidying up some last minute issues before the upcoming release. Among the noticeable changes is a new option to switch between preferred versions of the TLS protocol.
[Added] An advanced setting that lets switching between TLS 1.2 and 1.3
TLS v1.3 support was added in the previous beta version, but this protocol is not universally supported yet, so it makes sense to provide an option to disable its use to avoid possible incompatibilities.
[Changed] The first screen of the installer [Fixed] Parental control module doesn't save sensitivity level choice: [Improved] Better support for visually impaired users
[Changed] Restrictions on the length of non-script and non-style elements have been removed [Fixed] Crash while closing from the tray [Fixed] Suppress browser cache on a GM storage state change: [Improved] Traditional Chinese translations for filters have been updated Compatibility issues
AdGuard za Windows 6.3.1118.3511
Datum izdavanja: 5. jun 2018.
This beta version is a powerhouse in terms of additions and changes. The addition of TLS 1.3 support is the headliner, read below what’s so cool and important about it. Good news for those users who resort to screen readers — AdGuard has become more friendly towards them. Filter updates will now take much less time.
[Added] TLS1.3 Support (draft 28) #2155
TLS 1.3 is a new version of the cryptographic protocol used to encrypt messages sent via HTTP. It is faster, more secure and overall better than its predecessors. It has not been accepted by IETF as a standard yet, but it is only a matter of time. The process has already started, and we want to be at the forefront, and thus we have already added the TLS 1.3 (draft 28) support.
[Improved] Filters update procedure's performance #2211
If you had the misfortune of a habit to update your filters often, you certainly noticed that it took quite a lot of time, as well as installing new filters. We addressed this problem, the situation should change drastically for the better now.
[Improved] Better support for visually impaired users #2068
AdGuard tries to provide the best online experience for all users alike, and visually impaired users are no exception. Starting with this beta, AdGuard menus are much better suited to be read by NVDA Screen Reader and other screen reading programs.
Ad blocking
[Fixed] Manually added to “filtered apps” applications get removed after an update #2195 [Fixed] Cannot parse CSP from a meta tag #2207 [Fixed] HTML parser fails on #2221 [Fixed] Windows notification center is unavailable #2181
[Changed] Common API response format to use for XHR and WS APIs #2228 [Added] The approach we use to switch the update channel for default userscripts #2177 [Improved] Method for detecting untrusted certificates has been improved in accordance with Chrome policy #2171 [Fixed] Invalid HTTP response header prevents a website from opening #2188
[Added] A notice to inform the user about closed connections to websites with EV certificate #2015 [Changed] More details added to "AdGuard service" description #422 [Fixed] AdGuard breaks encoding of a custom filter #2232 [Fixed] Incorrect version of custom filter is displayed after an update #2206 [Fixed] Filter status change is not applied #2180 [Fixed] The disclaimer in "About" window is hidden while updating #2165 [Fixed] Incorrect “time updated” value is shown after filter remove/install #2220 [Improved] Handling of plural forms in localizations #2046
[Added] Swedish localization #2173 [Fixed] "Traditional Chinese" language file title #2190 [Fixed] Application update clears userscripts' storage even for the same update channel #2194 [Fixed] Cannot export settings in nightly builds #2204 [Fixed] The ~ symbol looks like - in Parental control settings #2219 [Fixed] Tab and arrow keys can be used while in the password protected menu #2012 [Fixed] Userscript's requir``e and resources parameters are not exported along with with its contents #2212 [Improved] can now be run as a "true" win64 process on 64-bit OS #1809
AdGuard za Windows 6.3.974.3223
Datum izdavanja: 17. april 2018.
Hello! Anybody here? There hasn’t been a new Windows beta for so long, we are not sure anymore. Hopefully, you are still aboard, and you will find the new beta worth the time spent. We believe it is — among other important stuff we greatly reduced the build size, almost twice compared to its former self. Oh, and there’s a new update channel now — Nightly. Intrigued? You should be. Read on to find the details.
[Changed] Default builder has been drastically reworked
Basically, this is the change that caused the build size reduction that was advertised in the introduction. As the app accretes new features over the years and the code mounts up, this becomes more and more relevant. Thanks to this change, now we can add even more!
[Added] Nightly update channel
This has recently been covered in the Blog article, but I’ll give the brief explanation here too.
The concept of a “Nightly” build is very simple. It literally means “a build that is released at the end of every day”, hence “nightly”. In reality, it may not happen every single day, but rather every 3 or 4 days, but the idea is there. All the latest changes made by developers will be included in the nightly build (yes, including possible bugs — be prepared!). If you feel that beta is not enough for you, and you need to be a step ahead of the rest, this is the choice for you. Just go to AdGuard settings and switch to Nightly update channel.
Ad Blocking
[Added] Support for subscribing to a filter by clicking a special link on a webpage [Fixed] "Block Flash" setting doesn't block Adobe Flash [Fixed] AdGuard cannot start protection after installing an update [Improved] ExtendedCss has been updated to version 1.10
[Changed] Update TDI, WFP drivers and libs [Changed] Symantec certificates have been deprecated [Changed] Existing connections of filtered apps are closed now on AG startup [Changed] Problem with Github discontinuing TLS 1.0/1.1 support has been addressed [Fixed] CSP issue at [Fixed] The issue with FIPS security error on license check [Fixed] and other online tests show as if AdGuard does not block WebRTC
[Added] Show in the Filtering log Stealth mode options applied to requests #247 [Added] A “Beautifier” to the Filtering log and userscripts editor [Changed] Users are now informed about closed connections to websites with EV certificates [Changed] Change 2017 to 2018 for all existing entries [Changed] Japanese, Norwegian localizations added, other updated [Changed] Filtering log — long rules now collapse while in detailed mode [Changed] Parental control password is now hidden while typing [Changed] Old links have been replaced with new ones [Fixed] Logo issue [Fixed] "Referer" field is now disabled unless "Hide Referer" is enabled [Fixed] Filter editor bug when pressing backspace [Fixed] GUI hangs when enabling/disabling filter lists [Fixed] Can’t export/import configuration in Spanish localization [Fixed] Sometimes app crashes after adding an HTTPS exclusion
[Changed] Digital signature and description [Fixed] block_third_party_auth parameter does not work [Fixed] App has crashed while being closed from tray [Fixed] Wrong folder is opened after the export operation is finished
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.436.2170
Datum izdavanja: 15. novembar 2017.
Hello! The first build (release candidate) after the major release brings some quick UI and compatibility fixes.
[Fixed] Connect to failed: ERR_CONNECTION_CLOSED [Fixed] Can't send pictures in desktop Viber app
[Fixed] Fix the translation for the 'Get Premium' tile [Fixed] Baofeng video software compatibility issue [Fixed] Several userscripts compatibility issues
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.432.2166
Datum izdavanja: 23. oktobar 2017.
This is the last release candidate to end them all, we promise. The release is right behind the corner. The only change here is about compatibility issues with different antiviruses — a routine that has to be done before any release.
[Changed] |"HasConflictWithWpf" flag values have been updated
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.431.2165
Datum izdavanja: 19. oktobar 2017.
Presumably, the last release candidate before the inevitable coming of AdGuard v6.2. The highlight of this version is integration with a reports web app. Read below to see what it is and why is it so cool. AdGuard default userscripts have been updated (Assistant, PopupBlocker), and other minor changes have been made too.
[Added] Integration with Reports Web App
When it comes to keeping our filter lists updated, we owe our users a big one. Thanks to their timely reports of missed ads, false positives etc., AdGuard filters are always up-to-date. We want make the process of reporting a website easy for users and informative for filter developers, that’s why we decided to integrate AdGuard for Windows with a special web reporting tool.
When you see any problem like missed ad or annoyance, click on the Assistant icon and choose “Report this website”. You will be taken to a new page and asked to fill in some information about your AdGuard settings and the nature of the problem. Good thing is that AdGuard pre-fills most of the fields automatically, so most of the job is already done for you :)
We hope this change will strengthen the feedback from our users and allow AdGuard filters to stay at the cutting edge of ad blocking technology.
Ad blocking
[Fixed] Chromium is not filtered by default
[Fixed] Ctrl+Z does not work in any input field [Fixed] Filter editor bug [Fixed] User filter is always empty when "Filter editor" is opened for the first time
[Changed] Localizations have been updated [Fixed] Userscript is not injected [Fixed] Problematic userscript prevents others from working
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.424.2123
Datum izdavanja: 5. oktobar 2017.
This beta version has a strong emphasis on extensions handling. Besides the re-introduction of AdGuard PopupBlocker userscript (that has been improved a good amount, by the way), we have changed the way we handle external userscripts. AdGuard Assistant and the integration mode of AdGuard Browser extension have been shown some love too.
That’s not the only news, of course. Four new localizations have been added, and then all the usual suspects: bugfixes, compatibility issues, minor UI tweaks.
[Added] AdGuard PopupBlocker extension v2.1
For quite a while now, AdGuard works as a userscript manager — you can install any script via AdGuard to use it in any browser. PopupBlocker has always been one of the 'native' userscripts that are installed by default, alongside AdGuard Assistant. Its purpose is clear — to block any unwanted pop-ups.
Previous version (v1.0) was functional but very little beyond that. We have completely redesigned the PopupBlocker. It now has advanced pop-up detection, compared to its predecessor and its alternatives, restores the initial click behavior and is invisible to other scripts. All in all, new PopupBlocker is a solid addition to your online protection suite.
By the way, it is available as a standalone script that can be used on its own with any other userscript manager. To find more information about PopupBlocker, visit its GitHub repository.
[Changed] The way AdGuard handles userscripts
A lot of effort has been put into improving (better to say, rethinking) the way AdGuard works with userscripts. This actually has two different aspects:
First, from now on, the communication between AdGuard and Assistant is based on WebSocket, which results in better performance. This is also perfectly applicable to AdGuard Browser extension, when it is working in the integration mode with AdGuard for Windows.
Second, we have taken a whole complex of measures that allow for any external userscripts that you install via AdGuard to show higher speed and execution stability.
Related issues:
[Added] @noframes attribute support [Fixed] Userscript wrapper breaks window functions [Fixed] GM_addStyle implementation is not reliable [Fixed] @grant none is not being applied [Fixed] Userscript does not run on cross-origin iframes [Fixed] cloneInto, createObjectIn, exportFunction support [Fixed] instanceof event does not work as expected [Fixed] Errors in browser console
[Added] New localizations
Thanks to volunteers who continuosly do an amazing job translating AdGuard into other languages, we were able to add even more localizations, such as:
Other languages localizations have been updated too.

Ad blocking
[Added] "Block third-party authorization header" Stealth Mode option [Added] An option to hide Java and Flash support [Changed] The $important modifier is now applied to rules created by enabling/disabling filtering via Assistant
[Fixed] DNS is unreachable when using AdGuard [Fixed] HTTPS filtering on does not work sometimes [Fixed] AdGuard breaks local HTTPS connections [Fixed] Wrong ciphers order [Fixed] AdGuard 6.2.390 on Windows 10 stops browsing until user kill the process [Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue
[Added] "Storage" and "Reinstall" buttons on “Extensions” screen [Changed] Interface has been optimized for screen readers [Changed] Update channel is now set to "Beta" if you install or update AdGuard to beta version [Fixed] Filtering log and Filter editor windows have different styles [Fixed] Cancel button is missing [Fixed] Cannot close "validation error" dialog when editing a userscript [Fixed] Log export does not work [Fixed] A “new line” symbol is added after copying a rule in Filter editor [Fixed] Changing Advanced settings does not lead to network filtering restart
[Changed] Spotify app has been added to the list of apps filtered by default [Fixed] "Add application" tool in “Filtered Apps” can't detect installed Viber [Fixed] Several third-party userscripts compatibility issues
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.390.2018
Datum izdavanja: 8. avgust 2017.
One more beta version before we are ready to present a release candidate. The biggest functionality change in this version is the new option to create custom filters which are not tied to any local file or URL - you will find more in the description.
Ad blocking
[Added] An option to create custom filters not backed with a file
In addition to the usual option of adding any list by URL or loading it from a local file, you can now create independent new filters from scratch. It is possible to create several such filters, give each of them their own name and fill with any rules. As a result, you can create a set of specified filters which can be separately enabled, disabled and edited.
[Fixed] No filtering with TCP Fast Open enabled in Firefox Nightly [Improved] "ExtendedCss" module has been upgraded to v1.0.8 [Improved] Multiple filters can be automatically enabled as language-specific at once now
[Changed] WoSign and StartCom Certificates have been completely deprecated [Fixed] Invalid gzip causes connection to hang [Fixed] AdGuard cannot handle huge chunks properly [Fixed] Impossible to set custom IP in Stealth Mode [Improved] WebRTC detection [Improved] The strong key exchange within secure connections has been enforced
[Added] "AdGuard service" description [Changed] Program logo and "About" screen have been updated [Changed] The EULA has been updated [Changed] Graying out the disabled modules has been uniformed across the app [Fixed] Search tooltip bug [Fixed] Complete exit functionality bugs [Fixed] Remote address bug in Filtering log [Improved] Support for the PT-PT localization has been added
[Changed] The list of HTTPS exclusions has been updated [Fixed] Typos [Fixed] AdGuard crashes when you block a request in the filtering log
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.379.1984
Datum izdavanja: 7. jul 2017.
New Adguard for Windows beta version is at the doorstep. Of the new additions worth highlighting is the integration with Windows 10 Notification center - find the details below. We have also paid a lot of attention to the UI - bugs fixing and general improvements.
[Added] Integration with Windows 10 notifications center
Many Windows 10 users find the Notification center to be helpful when it comes to tracking the activity of their apps. We have finally decided to take advantage of it and integrated Adguard with the center. Adguard has a surprisingly decent amount of various notifications. Just to name a few: notifications related to the license/trial period, automatic filter activations, new rules in User filter, Safebrowsing triggers, update checks results, etc. If you use Windows 10, you'll be able to find them all in one place now, thus making it much easier to keep up with what's going on with Adguard.
Ad blocking
[Added] "Pure URL" functionality has been added to the Stealth Mode [Changed] $webrtc rules are being ignored now [Changed] X-Requested-With is being used now to detect object-subrequest content type [Changed] The script is not getting removed anymore if there is an $empty modifier in a rule [Fixed] Error while parsing filtering rules of a particular type [Fixed] Duplicate filtering rules
[Fixed] A page is broken in IE [Fixed] Disabling HTTPS filtering breaks [Fixed] Incorrect encoding was being used for the preview purposes [Improved] Custom filter updates are being validated now
[Added] A tooltip has been added to the "Support" window [Added] A warning in the "Filtered apps" section when Adguard is in the proxy mode [Changed] Filtering log scrolling behavior [Changed] Prevent closing the editor after editing a userscript [Changed] License key symbols in the 'License' section are hidden now [Changed] More details have been added to the "Adguard service" description [Changed] Expiration date in the 'License' section has been made more distinguishable [Fixed] Search does not work in userscript editor [Fixed] Default filters could have been deleted in filter editor [Fixed] User Filters search doesn't work in 'advanced editor' mode [Fixed] Disabling HTTPS filtering leads to duplicate entries in the filtering log [Fixed] There was a sequence of actions that could lead to the removal of User filter [Fixed] An incorrect message is shown upon checking for the updates w/o an Internet connection [Improved] More filter editor tweaks and fixes
[Fixed] Sometimes Adguard UI is not started after an app update
[Changed] Whale browser has been added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] Swing browser has been added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] Bandizip app has been added to the list of apps filtered by default [Improved] Version check algorithm for filters added by URL
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.369.1938
Datum izdavanja: 5. jun 2017.
In this beta version, we mainly concentrated on the UI changes, as we go on with tweaking the Filtering Log interface. A couple of other notable tasks here as well, for example, the addition of a complete 'Exit Adguard' functionality.
[Improved] A complete "Exit Adguard" functionality was added
Now users have a choice between closing Adguard as they usually do, and closing it completely. That means closing the Windows service as well as UI, and when UI is getting started again, the service will start as well (you may be asked for the admin privileges, though).
Ad Blocking
[Fixed] Notification API isn't blocked properly [Fixed] $replace rules are applied to HTTPS sites even when HTTPS filtering is disabled
[Changed] Multiple Filtering Log UI changes
We continue to hone the Filtering Log UI to make it as convenient for you to use, as possible. We thank everyone from Adguard forums who contributed to the discussion for their feedback.
[Added] A "Reset to defaults" button to the Extensions settings [Added] A "Preview" feature for the blocked requests in Filtering Log [Changed] Dutch localization was updated [Changed] Hebrew localization was updated [Changed] The maximum number of records in the Filtering Log was limited [Changed] All elements in Filter Editor UI are now shown as disabled until rules are fully loaded [Changed] The Filter Editor does not allow switching to other filters now when you're in the edit mode [Fixed] "Support" contact form is missing [Fixed] Crash after exiting Adguard via the tray menu [Fixed] Filters content is being written to the application log [Fixed] UI crash when disabling the service with opened Filtering Log [Fixed] Can't use 0 as a value for self-destructing cookies setting [Fixed] Closing the right pane for a blocked request in Filtering Log does not highlight the entry [Improved] Speed of searching in Filter Editor and Filtering Log was increased
[Fixed] Adguard cannot filter Edge HTTPS traffic when TCP Fast Open is turned ON [Improved] Adguard doesn't recognize userscript updates when the version string is too long
[Fixed] Assistant settings are reset with the 3.0 -> 4.0 update [Improved] Data is now being preprocessed before the import/export [Improved] The log file is now being validated before importing [Improved] Log columns were reordered
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.357.1887
Datum izdavanja: 28. april 2017.
UPD: hotfix update. Version 6.2.356.1877 brings a fix for issue #1718, sometimes it was not possible to save new Assistant's size and location settings.
After the last beta version, we have received a ton of remarks from our users, mostly about the new filtering log. It was somewhat expected, as the changes were many and it's hard to hit the nail on the head on the first try. So in this update, we address a lot of these problems (not all of them - it's a work in progress) and introduce the first iteration of the new Adguard Assistant.
Adguard Assistant
The first step towards the new Assistant has been made. In fact, we plan to do a lot of new stuff with Assistant, so we decided to allocate it a separate GitHub repository: The Assistant-related tasks are going to be moved there and by the release of Assistant v4.0, it will become a fully operational repository.
By the way, you may notice that the 'Report website' button currently leads to GitHub. This is a temporary measure; it is not convenient for a casual user, and we will implement a special report collector for this purpose.
What's done already? The biggest change is the ability to drag the Assistant icon across the page and place it wherever you see fit. Moreover, Adguard will remember the position of the Assistant icon for each website separately, so you can really customize it according to your taste and preferences.
The Assistant interface overall has become smaller but retained full functionality compared to earlier versions. There is even one new feature: a switch for toggling the filtering on the website on and off. Previously, the Assistant wasn't shown on websites with disabled filtering, and you had to go to User filter to enable it back.
Oh, and you can help us translate the Assistant! Anyone can volunteer, just visit
Ad Blocking
[Added] $extension modifier [Changed] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest got rid of [Fixed] Adguard can not recognize :empty+div selector
[Changed] XMLHttpRequest in the API is now protected [Fixed] Dropbox CSP messes with Adguard scripts [Fixed] Warnings about synchronous requests [Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue [Fixed] Stealth mode settings may break filtering completely
[Added] Filtering log export feature [Added] Search function was added to the preview text area [Added] A loader is shown while Filter Editor is being prepared to be opened [Added] "Start time" and "Time" fields in the log records [Added] Filtering log records context menu [Changed] "Applied rules" appearance [Changed] Values in the details panel are now selectable [Changed] Resizing the details pane was made more convenient [Changed] UDP/TCP and HTTPS tunnel connections moved to the "Other" section of the filtering log [Fixed] "Connection" type records issues [Fixed] GUI can't start after changing language [Fixed] New filtering log does not display removed elements [Fixed] Filtering log search does not show UDP requests [Fixed] User installed disabled filters are enabled after checking for updates [Fixed] Facebook response preview is broken as preview tool does not support Brotli
[Fixed] Stealth mode blocks Bitrix24 calls [Fixed] A generic hiding rule in third-party filter is not being applied
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.356.1877
Datum izdavanja: 27. april 2017.
After the last beta version, we have received a ton of remarks from our users, mostly about the new filtering log. It was somewhat expected, as the changes were many and it's hard to hit the nail on the head on the first try. So in this update, we address a lot of these problems (not all of them - it's a work in progress) and introduce the first iteration of the new Adguard Assistant.
Adguard Assistant
The first step towards the new Assistant has been made. In fact, we plan to do a lot of new stuff with Assistant, so we decided to allocate it a separate GitHub repository: The Assistant-related tasks are going to be moved there and by the release of Assistant v4.0, it will become a fully operational repository.
By the way, you may notice that the 'Report website' button currently leads to GitHub. This is a temporary measure; it is not convenient for a casual user, and we will implement a special report collector for this purpose.
What's done already? The biggest change is the ability to drag the Assistant icon across the page and place it wherever you see fit. Moreover, Adguard will remember the position of the Assistant icon for each website separately, so you can really customize it according to your taste and preferences.
The Assistant interface overall has become smaller but retained full functionality compared to earlier versions. There is even one new feature: a switch for toggling the filtering on the website on and off. Previously, the Assistant wasn't shown on websites with disabled filtering, and you had to go to User filter to enable it back.
Oh, and you can help us translate the Assistant! Anyone can volunteer, just visit
Ad Blocking
[Added] $extension modifier [Changed] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest got rid of [Fixed] Adguard can not recognize :empty+div selector
[Changed] XMLHttpRequest in the API is now protected [Fixed] Dropbox CSP messes with Adguard scripts [Fixed] Warnings about synchronous requests [Fixed] SHA-1 intermediate issue [Fixed] Stealth mode settings may break filtering completely
[Added] Filtering log export feature [Added] Search function was added to the preview text area [Added] A loader is shown while Filter Editor is being prepared to be opened [Added] "Start time" and "Time" fields in the log records [Added] Filtering log records context menu [Changed] "Applied rules" appearance [Changed] Values in the details panel are now selectable [Changed] Resizing the details pane was made more convenient [Changed] UDP/TCP and HTTPS tunnel connections moved to the "Other" section of the filtering log [Fixed] "Connection" type records issues [Fixed] GUI can't start after changing language [Fixed] New filtering log does not display removed elements [Fixed] Filtering log search does not show UDP requests [Fixed] User installed disabled filters are enabled after checking for updates [Fixed] Facebook response preview is broken as preview tool does not support Brotli
[Fixed] Stealth mode blocks Bitrix24 calls [Fixed] A generic hiding rule in third-party filter is not being applied
AdGuard za Windows 6.2.346.1819
Datum izdavanja: 6. april 2017.
This is a first beta showcasing some of the most important changes to be added in Adguard 6.2: new Filtering log and Filter editor, an option to export/import settings and more.


[Changed] Filtering log rework
We know for certain that quite a few of our users are actively using filtering log - both for creating new custom rules and generally knowing what's going on. So why not help them a bit? It has undergone a major renovation. New filtering log overlaps with Filter editor a great bit, for example, you can create new rules and unblock blocked requests right from the filtering log.
There are more details to see about each request, too. The request details dialog window is very reminiscent of the Developer tools in Chrome browser. All in all, the new filtering log is much more than a simple list of which requests are blocked and which are not.
[Improved] Search criteria in the filtering log were extended
[Changed] Filter editor rework
Filter editor has also changed for the best. The addition of an 'Edit mode' allows replacing the data grid with a text area. This lets you copy/paste/delete many rules at once without having to bother with export/import.
Basic hotkeys are now available, which will speed up the process of working with the filter editor. There are many other quality of life changes, especially to the UI, which will draw your attention as soon as you launch the new version.
[Added] An option to disable pop-up text in the Filter editor [Added] A switch to change the filter list display mode [Changed] The link to custom rules creation manual is added to the Filter editor
[Added] Settings export/import
A lot of users were asking for this, and we deliver. Now you can save your settings configuration into a file and then use it to set up Adguard on another machine exactly how you prefer. Another implication of this is quickly switching between different settings profiles without having to feverishly click through a dozen of tabs and checkboxes.
[Changed] Network settings moved to a separate settings tab
This one is rather straightforward. Previously, all network settings were crowding inside the 'General settings' tab making it harder to scroll up in down, searching for the one setting you need. Adding a separate first-level tab for made it easier to navigate through the app.
[Added] An option to disable all Adguard popup notifications [Fixed] Stealth Mode tooltip bugs

Ad Blocking

[Added] $app modifier support [Changed] The range of $$ rules was increased [Changed] The behavior of the ~third-party modifier [Fixed] Automatic update for disabled filters [Fixed] Content filtering exception rules behavior [Fixed] Cosmetic filters are not applied to the pages whitelisted by a $document exception anymore [Improved] The way $network modifier works


[Added] Brotli support [Changed] SHA1 deprecation process is finished [Fixed] Several userscripts do not work when installed via Adguard [Fixed] Requests blocked when HTTPS filtering is disabled aren't present in the filtering log


[Added] Adguard French filter [Changed] Several browsers and apps were added to the list of apps filtered by default, [Changed] 'Adblock Protector' added to the list of filters available by default
AdGuard za Windows 6.1.309.1615
Datum izdavanja: 1. februar 2017.
[Added] $network basic rules modifier to solve the issue with loading ads through WebRTC
This modifier serves to block initial level requests to selected IPs. It can be used by custom rules creators in cases when STUN servers are used for loading ads.
[Fixed] Routers pages access issue
Some routers' interfaces were not accessible with enabled Adguard after the latest beta update. New version fixes this problem.
[Improved] The way we respond to HTTP protocol violation
It would take too long to explain technical nuances, but effectively this fixes the problem some users might have come across before: when you try to open a page and it is downloaded as a file instead.
[Changed] HTTPS exceptions list is updated
AdGuard za Windows 6.1.306.1604
Datum izdavanja: 30. januar 2017.
This is a hotfix for the recent beta update, containing only one, but major fix:
[Fixed] DNS requests are blocked when KIS 2017 is installed
One of the changes made in the latest beta ended up blocking DNS requests when KIS 2017 is installed, which effectively means no Internet access. New build fixes this problem.
AdGuard za Windows 6.1.303.1594
Datum izdavanja: 27. januar 2017.
The first beta of the new year features one much-awaited change and a lot of other, less impactful ones. This change is, of course, the new WFP driver. Read on to find out what consequences it will have. Other changes are either technical or minor. Several bugs were fixed, which will improve overall filtering quality.


[Improved] WFP driver was updated to fix compatibility issues with KIS and ESET
Previously, it was not unusual at all that Adguard would have compatibility issues with some antiviruses, and KIS and ESET being the most common ones. The workarounds existed but were far from ideal - you had had to sacrifice some parts of functionality on either Adguard or antivirus side. With updated WFP driver these conflicts will be no more, allowing users to run Adguard alongside with KIS and ESET.
[Fixed] $popup rule bug [Fixed] QUIC protocol issue when KIS is installed [Fixed] Ads are loaded through WebRTC with STUN protocol [Fixed] 'Disable Fast Open' setting doesn't work in latest Insider Preview builds [Fixed] Several issues in Firefox with the default value of 'Hide you user-agent' setting [Improved] Userscripts are used dynamically now

Ad Blocking

[Changed] Extra Steam executables removed from the list of filtered apps [Fixed] Invalid executable for CentBrower [Fixed] $replace rules aren't applied to .m3u8 files content [Fixed] Regular expressions with $ aren't processed properly


[Added] A new advanced settings property to change the injection method - local or remote [Changed] Version history link in about section [Changed] Parental Control password protection is made separate for different Windows user accounts


[Changed] Opera Neon browser added to the list of filtered apps [Changed] Orbitum browser added to the list of filtered apps [Changed] The displayed year is updated to 2017 everywhere
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 28. novembar 2016.
This version should be considered as a revision of the AdGuard for Windows 6.1 release. This is why you will not spot many 'major' changes - mostly bugfixes, small changes, improvements etc. More drastic changes will come eventually with 6.2 version.

Ad Blocking

[Added] $important modifier #1312
This new addition is an important one (no pun intended), but mostly relevant for creators of custom filter rules. With it's help you can give certain rules higher priority.
[Changed] Several apps and browsers added to the list of apps filtered by default #1230, #1236, #1274, #1280, #1344, #1347
[Fixed] Inconsistent $replace result #1358
[Fixed] AdGuard now filters pages with Content-Type:application/xhtml #571
[Fixed] HTTPS exceptions do not cover subdomains #1317
[Fixed] $replace rule can now be applied along with the other rules #640
[Improved] Filters update check period is now customizable #941
[Improved] AdGuard now can partially block encrypted ads without decrypting SSL protocol (if HTTPs filtering is disabled) #1233


[Changed] Switched to the DigiCert certificate #1268
[Changed] WoSign and StartCom certificates became unstrusted #1359
[Changed] Proxy mode will use IPv4 address when it is available from now on #1323
[Fixed] CSP is now handled in meta tags #797
[Fixed] Issue with invalid HTML #1222
[Fixed] "iframe" elements are not removed from the page code #1245
[Fixed] AdGuard.Tools.exe heavy CPU load issue #1229
[Fixed] Opera dev ad blocker compatibility issue with AdGuard Assistant #1173
[Fixed] Opera built-in VPN compatibility issue #1116
[Fixed] Certificate validity check order #1277
[Fixed] SSL exceptions aren't deleted on network API reinit #1304
[Fixed] AdGuard code is injected into a non-HTML document #1316
[Fixed] WFP driver impacting DPC latency #1156
[Fixed] $empty modifier behaviour #1360
[Fixed] Stealth mode ignores $stealth exception #1362
[Fixed] Inability to apply inline style #1331
[Fixed] An empty 'style' tag is added even if there's no element hiding #1336
[Fixed] $replace modifier breaks content charset #1378
[Fixed] Adsbypasser and some other userscripts do not work properly #1363
[Fixed] "Enable safe search" function in Parental Control breaks Google #1383
[Fixed] AdGuard doesn't filter HTTPs when Fiddler is switched on and in "decode https" mode #1372
[Fixed] Adding a URL to temporary HTTPs exceptions is suppressed now when connection is closed from the server side #1341
[Fixed] 'access-control-allow-origin' header console error #1381
[Improved] HTTPS is now used for safebrowsing service requests #1386
[Improved] Encrypted connection is used now with #1369
[Improved] AdGuard styles are now protected from removing #1272
[Improved] Content type detection #1264
[Improved] Content injection algorithm was reworked #1099, #1305


[Changed] WOT extension is now disabled by default #1364
Recently, an article was posted in one of the popular technology blogs, claiming that Web of Trust is selling its users' browser history to third-parties. WoT extension is preinstalled in AdGuard for Windows, and although it was developed by us and is not sending any of your data to WoT, we can not leave this without a reponse. For this reason we make WoT extension disabled by default in AdGuard for Windows. You can read our official stance regarding these news in our blog.
[Changed] You can now completely remove WoT extension #1364
[Changed] Unnecessary text in 'Import rules' dialog window is removed #1349
[Fixed] Filter's name isn't copied with the rest of request details #1318
[Fixed] Button size issue on the last step of AdGuard wizard #1352
[Fixed] AdGuard crashes if you try to close UI while editing a filter rule #1258
[Fixed] $replace rule is shown as applied to images #1392


[Fixed] Deleted records from HTTPs exclusions are not restored on app update anymore #904
Many other minor fixes and changes. The full list can be found in descriptions to prior beta versions in our repository on GitHub.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 25. novembar 2016.
In this release candidate there are only minimal (yet necessary) changes that mostly concern userscripts handling.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 22. novembar 2016.
An urgent fix for a major IPv6 filtering bug. A couple of other fixes thrown in as well.
[Fixed] Bug preventing Adguard from filtering IPv6
Not much to add here. Accidentally, we have disabled filtering for all IPv6 addresses in the last release candidate. This version fixes this major bug.
[Changed] ALYac app added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] Salam Browser added to the list of apps filtered by default [Fixed] $replace rule is shown as applied to images [Fixed] 'access-control-allow-origin' header console error [Fixed] Adsbypasser and some other userscripts do not work properly [Improved] HTTPS is now used for safebrowsing service requests
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 17. novembar 2016.
This is a release candidate, so, as it is often true for RCs, pretty much only technical fixes here. Worth noting that we went further with Web of Trust extension and added the option to remove it altogether, and not only disable.


[Changed] Loopback IPv6 connections are not filtered now (Visual Studio remote debugging bug) [Fixed] $replace modifier breaks content charset [Fixed] "Enable safe search" function in Parental Control breaks Google [Fixed] Adguard doesn't filter HTTPs when Fiddler is switched on and in "decode https" mode [Fixed] Adding a URL to temporary HTTPs exceptions is suppressed now when connection is closed from the server side [Improved] Encrypted connection is used now with


[Added] An option to remove WoT extension [Fixed] Adguard crashes if you try to close UI while editing a filter rule
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 9. novembar 2016.
New beta fixes several bugs and makes some changes to UI. Also, recent WoT controversy is addressed by making WoT extension disabled by default.
[Changed] WOT extension is now disabled by default
Recently, an article was posted in one of the popular technology blogs, claiming that Web of Trust is selling its users' browser history to third-parties. WoT extension is preinstalled in Adguard for Windows, and although it was developed by us and is not sending any of your data to WoT, we can not leave this without a reponse. For this reason we make WoT extension disabled by default in Adguard for Windows. You can read our official stance regarding these news in our blog

Ad Blocking

[Fixed] Inconsistent $replace result


[Changed] WoSign and StartCom certificates are now distrusted [Fixed] $empty modifier behaviour [Fixed] Stealth mode ignores $stealth exception [Fixed] Inability to apply inline style [Fixed] Filters update check period issue [Fixed] An empty 'style' tag is added even if there's no element hiding [Improved] Adguard styles are now protected from removing


[Changed] Unnecessary text in 'Import rules' dialog window is removed [Fixed] Filter's name isn't copied with the rest of request details [Fixed] Button size issue on the last step of Adguard wizard
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 21. oktobar 2016.
A small beta to add a new modifier and fix some known bugs.
[Added] $important modifier
This new addition is an important one (no pun intended), but mostly relevant for creators of custom filter rules. With it's help you can give certain rules higher priority.

Ad blocking

[Fixed] HTTPS exceptions do not cover subdomains [Fixed] $replace rule can now be applied along with the other rules


[Changed] Proxy mode will use IPv4 address when it is available from now on [Fixed] Adguard code is injected into a non-HTML document [Fixed] SSL exceptions aren't deleted on network API reinit [Fixed] Inline style can't be applied because it violates the Content Security Policy directive [Fixed] WFP driver impacting DPC latency


[Fixed] Filter's name is now copied with the rest of request details
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 12. oktobar 2016.
A hotfix for the yesterday's beta release. A couple of urgent issues were addressed.
[Fixed] "SEC_ERROR_BAD_SIGNATURE" problem in Firefox [Fixed] Issue with Proxy mode and IPv6 addresses
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 11. oktobar 2016.
We haven't released any beta versions in a while, as it does often happen after a new release. We were monitoring it for any bugs, and quite a few are fixed in this beta. Other changes and improvements are also present, but none of them are really huge enough to deserve a special mention.

Ad Blocking

[Changed] KMPlayer added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] steamwebhelper.exe added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] PotPlayer added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] AceStream Engine added to the list of apps filtered by default [Fixed] Adguard now filters pages with Content-Type:application/xhtml [Improved] Adguard now can partially filter HTTPs ads without decrypting SSL protocol (if HTTPs filtering is disabled) [Improved] Filters update check period is now customizable


[Changed] Switched to the DigiCert certificate [Fixed] CSP is now handled in meta tags [Fixed] Issue with invalid HTML [Fixed] "iframe" elements are not removed from the page code [Fixed] Adguard.Tools.exe heavy CPU load issue [Fixed] Opera dev ad blocker compatibility issue with Adguard Assistant [Fixed] Opera built-in VPN compatibility issue [Fixed] Certificate validity check order [Improved] Content type detection [Improved] Content injection algorithm [Improved] ContentScript approach is now used for injected content


[Fixed] Deleted records from HTTPs exclusions are not restored on app update anymore


[Added] $websocket content type modifier [Changed] Removed Firefox & Opera SSL filtering workaround [Changed] "Stealth mode" scripts are moved to a file [Changed] HTTPs exclusions updated [Changed] 'Search filter' textbox width made fixed [Fixed] UI issue with right-click paste [Fixed] Incorrect information about User filter updates [Fixed] Adguard crashes if you try to close UI while editing a filter rule [Fixed] HTTPs requests are displayed as HTTP in filtering log [Fixed] Can not transform CSP [Fixed] Request URL contains wrong protocol prefix [Fixed] Incorrect Adguard injection [Fixed] userscript does not work in Adguard [Fixed] Userscript '@match' rule does not support '' pattern [Fixed] Issues with several userscripts [Fixed] Adsbypasser bug on [Fixed] Some rules were not converted properly [Improved] Selection style in settings was made more readable
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 25. avgust 2016.
In this release candidate we offer only one change, but quite important and useful change it is.
[Added] :matches-css-* pseudo-class support
This pseudo-class allows to select any element by its style. Why do we need it? Some websites use a very complicated layout to circumvent ad blocking (one of the best examples is Ad layout is completely similar to the valid elements aside of the Ad label which is added with a ::before pseudo-element. With this new pseudo-class such ad element can be selected and, therefore, blocked.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 23. avgust 2016.
The last release candidate showed the need for some honing, so here's another one. The most important problem we address here is the incorrect handling of some userscripts.
[Changed] Adguard won't see modern apps [Fixed] Assistant is not working on [Fixed] Extended css rules change requires protection restart to be applied [Fixed] Bug preventing some userscripts from working properly
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 19. avgust 2016.
We made you wait for a while before releasing another release candidate. It is mostly because we were working on a very important addition: extended selectors support. You can read below what is so crucial about it, along with the rest of the changelod.
[Added] Support for extended selectors
This is a technical term, but what hides behind it? With extended selectors support, we can much more easily create some rules that were very, very hard to create earlier. Notably, this concerns rules required to block such things as 'Sponsored posts' on Facebook.
[Fixed] Hebrew localization mistakes [Fixed] Unicode symbols are broken in javascript rules [Fixed] Multiple Adguard.Tools.exe issue [Fixed] Grammarly plugin compatibility issue [Fixed] HTTPS requests are displayed as HTTP in Filtering log [Fixed] Incorrect userscript auto-detection
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 3. avgust 2016.
Only two days passed since the last beta update, and everything seems to be fine with it. It means that today we are ready to publish a release candidate. Release candidates don't often come with a big changelog, and this RC is not an exception.
[Changed] Default Assistant icon placement adjustment on [Fixed] Adguard Assistant compatibility issue with Opera dev [Fixed] License screen issue in Russian localization
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 1. avgust 2016.
This beta doesn't feature any new additions or standout changes. Rather just a bunch of various fixes and improvements. Overall, though, they present a basis for a release candidate, which will come soon if nothing goes wrong with this beta.

Ad blocking

[Changed] List of stealth mode settings enabled by default [Improved] Changed $empty modifier behavior [Improved] Added support for the :style pseudo class syntax


[Added] Hebrew localization [Added] "Versions history" link on the "About" screen [Fixed] Extra dialog window pops up when you select 'Debug' logging level


[Changed] SHA-1 deprecation rules are not being used on Windows XP anymore [Changed] Browser cache suppressing algorithm on filters change [Fixed] Router page loading indefinitely [Fixed] Adguard misinterprets greasemonkey/tampermonkey update checks [Improved] "Do not filter websites with EV certificates" feature


[Changed] Facebook and Facebook Messenger UWP apps excluded from filtering [Changed] HAL app added to the list of filtered by default [Fixed] An empty 'C:\Performix LLC' folder is created [Fixed] Adguard update error
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 27. jul 2016.
During last beta update, one big mistake slipped in. Upon the update, 'Advnaced settings' had a chance to completely disappear. This hotfix negates this problem.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 27. jul 2016.
This beta features one addition to settings screen (userscript handling), along with a bunch of networking fixes and minor issues.
[Added] Userscripts handling
We adopted a new way of handling user.js (userscript) files. Now Adguard will automatically detect when user.js file was processed. If it is a valid userscript, Adguard will open a dialog window, offering user to install it. Of course, this setting will be optional and possible to turn off through settings.


[Fixed] Push API feature messes with Facebook comments and chat [Fixed] Enabling 'Block WebRTC' in Stealth Mode breaks Web Audio API [Fixed] An issue with hanged connections [Fixed] Adguard assistant doesn't work in 'Avast safezone' browser [Improved] Network SDK was updated


[Changed] added to https exclusions [Fixed] Crash on tray icon click [Fixed] Adguard is not injected on [Fixed] Assistant is not working on [Fixed] issue
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 18. jul 2016.
This beta introduces 'Advanced settings' section along with other, more minor changes.
[Added] 'Advanced' settings window
Our Adguard for Android users are already familiar with the concept of Advanced settings. We include there settings which, in our opinion, should not be changed by regular users, but only by experienced users, or after a conversation with our support team. This beta introduces Advanced setting for Adguard for Windows. It doesn't offer a plethora of different settings yet, but will be supplemented with more in future releases.


[Fixed] Adguard cannot detect HTML if there are symbols at the document start [Fixed] Adguard Assistant doesn't work in Opera 12.18 [Fixed] StealthMode doesn't allow to use custom IP [Fixed] Adguard Assistant doesn't work in Avast Safezone browser [Improved] Optimized basic filtering rules processing speed


[Added] "More extensions..." button to the Extensions settings view [Added] Drag&Drop support for filter and userscript files [Added] Warning notification if user unchecks the "Filter https protocol" box [Changed] Stealth Mode settings UI layout [Fixed] Changed the language name for Dutch localization in Adguard settings


[Changed] added to exclusions [Changed] added to https exclusions [Changed] Facebook app for windows added to the list of apps filtered by default [Fixed] Various userscripts compatibility issues [Fixed] issue [Improved] Added additional options for @run-at key
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 1. jul 2016.
Previous beta version contained several bugs, most severe of which were fixed in the following hotfix. The rest are addressed in this beta. Also Dutch localization was added.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 30. jun 2016.
[Fixed] Hotfix for Adguard Assistant
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 30. jun 2016.
Last beta version had a bit more bugs than we expected :) So here is a new one, with hotfixes for most spotted bugs, both major and minor.
Ad Blocker
[Fixed] Removed ads in GMail on Windows apps
[Fixed] Unfinished downloads issue [Fixed] Adguard creates temporary HTTPS exceptions randomly
[Changed] Stealth mode settings UI changes [Fixed] Click on any taskbar item results in main window appear [Fixed] Main window is opened when user opens Filter Editor or Log [Fixed] UI button placement bug [Fixed] 'Block first party cookies' checkbox doesn't work
[Fixed] Userscript execution issue [Fixed] Some userscripts don't work after the 6.1.232 beta update
[Fixed] Ads leftovers removed on [Fixed] AdsBypsser setting/configuration doesn't work in Firefox [Fixed] Popup blocker breaks menu navigation [Fixed] is broken by Extensions module
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 24. jun 2016.
Hello everyone!
This is the first beta version after the release of v.6.0.226. It covers all its shortcomings and adds several new features, that mostly concern Stealth Mode. We will describe them below.

Stealth Mode

[Added] "Self destructing cookies" option in Stealth Mode
Previously Stealth Mode module provided only the option to completely block third-party cookies. Now you will not only have an ability to differ first- and third-party cookies, but also the ability to set the exact time which cookies will be kept alive for. Important note: you can still block cookies alltogether, just set the keep-alive time to '0'.
[Added] Added an option to block "Browser location API" [Added] Added an option to block "Browser notifications API"
Normally browsers may detect your location and use this information to prioritize specific search results or make other various suggestions based on it. With browser location API blocked this will be impossible. Blocking browser notifications API feature works somewhat similar, but rather prevents browser from showing things like news or social media frames that pop-up in the corner of your browser.
[Added] A possibility to set IP used to mask your real IP by "Hide IP" feature [Changed] Default user agent to use when User Agent string field is empty


[Improved] Content injection algorithm
We completely redesigned content injection algorithm. First and foremost, this should solve issues with document-start scripts, resolve some of the known conflicts (AdsBypasser, YouTube+), and also optimize usage of scripts and ad blocker styles. Overall, a technical, but very important change.

Ad blocking

[Improved] Increase content filtering rules maximum length limit [Fixed] Issue with adding localhost to parental control whitelist [Fixed] Gmail issue when selecting element to block


[Fixed] Adguard fails to detect HTML on some websites [Fixed] Adguard 'Page is unavailable' error screen bug


[Added] Drag&Drop support for Filtered Apps
[Added] "Whitelisted" filter to the filtering log [Changed] "Browse for executable" button moved to the filtered apps section [Changed] Links to EULA and privacy policy added to "About" view [Changed] Localizations were updated [Fixed] Tooltip positioning problem [Fixed] Adguard shows all filtered apps after adding a new one to the list [Fixed] Adguard GUI starts with a system despite this option is disabled [Fixed] "Clear" button is absent while there are only spaces entered in search string
[Fixed] User filter takes too much time to delete rules from it [Fixed] Adguard recognizes UC browser only if it's launched [Fixed] Adguard crashes when you search for something in 'Settings' and switch tabs [Fixed] Chrome x64 installation is not detected [Fixed] Firefox Nightly installation is not detected


[Improved] Installation is not allowed to start when another installation is in progress [Changed] Filters update check scheduled right after adding a new filter


[Changed] Add to HTTPS exclusions [Changed] Added GOM Player to the list of of apps filtered by default [Changed] Added Telecom 7 browser to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] Added "BitComet" to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] WWAHost.exe added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] Added line break after filter name in Rule section of blocked request [Changed] Spotify app added to the list of apps filtered by default [Changed] Add more modern UI apps to be filtered by default [Fixed] Uploading video to is broken by HTTPS filtering [Fixed] Incorrect blocking rule in Filtering Log [Fixed] FileWatcher does not work properly when filter file is replaced, not just modified [Fixed] 'Proceed anyway' button doesn't work [Fixed] Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation [Fixed] Uninstall utility does not remove UI settings folder [Fixed] Problem with uninstalling Adguard [Fixed] Random language change after updating from 5.10 to 6.0 [Fixed] Custom filter contains "enabled" empty rules
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 12. april 2016.
This version is a release candidate. It is a small update where we basically clean up some leftover bugs and defects from the last beta. Nothing too serious, just some things that need to be done before releasing a stable version.
UI changes
[Changed] Adguard window is now opened with a single click on tray menu #1030
Ad Blocker
[Changed] $replace rules should now have higher priority than other basic rules #1023 [Fixed] $domain modifier now works for WebSocket connections #998
[Added] Support for HTTP method REPORT #1020 [Fixed] Issue with unexpected connection reset with TDI driver #1025
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 6. april 2016.
This beta release serves mostly as a bug-fixer, with a couple of exceptions. We know that our users want to see more new cool features and less small technical changes, but they are necessary, especially since this version is a release candidate for R2. We promise, if this time there are no new bugs, we will get to 'real' stuff after the release :) The most notable changes in this beta are slightly new WFP network driver, which will hopefully fix some compatibility and stability issues, and adding of a $stealth modifier, which is explained in detail below.
UI changes [Changed] Adguard uses native-style tray menu now
Ad Blocker [Improved] Added $stealth modifier that disables Stealth Mode for the specified website
As we already mentioned in our blog (, separate whitelist for Stealth Mode is on our roadmap. It is a much needed feature for anyone who actively uses Stealth Mode. We are not quite there yet, but we made a big step in the right direction by implementing $stealth modifier. It works similar to all other modifiers, just add it to any exception rule and it will disable Stealth Mode for that website specifically, even if the module itself is enabled. For example: @@||^$stealth You can find more information about rules formatting on our website:
[Fixed] Adguard does not try to filter data: URLs any more [Fixed] $domain modifier now does work for blocking WebSocket connections [Fixed] Adguard now doesn't ignore tag href attribute while constructing absolute URL
Languages and Translations [Added] Croatian language
Install/Update [Fixed] An issue when update errors were shown as valid updates in tray notification [Fixed] Adguard now detects Chrome in 'Filtered apps' on Windows 10 insider build

[Fixed] Adguard can now detect HTML if there is an xml declaration at the document start

[Fixed] ESET compatibility issue when Chrome browser would randomly hang
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 30. mart 2016.
This beta release is mostly about network-level changes and overall stability. We hope some of the old bugs will be fixed with it, such as ones caused by lack of content detection and flaws in our WFP network driver. Also we would like to draw your attention to some big changes concerning localisation. Below you can find more details.
[Fixed] 'About' window content is not flickering anymore #954 [Fixed] Empty strings are now removed when importing user filter #973 [Fixed] Error previously encountered while installing a userstyle #934 [Improved] Proxy name validator now recognizes domain names and not only IP addresses #931
[Improved] HTML content detection #855 Content type detection was significantly improved. This effectively means that Adguard will not interfere with those types of traffic which do not require filtering, decreasing the number of potential conflicts.
[Fixed] Web interface of TP-Link router is broken #844 Some of our users encountered problems with accessing TP-Link routers' interface with enabled Adguard. Upon investigating this issue we discovered a serious issue with WFP driver which resulted in problems with displaying some websites. As a result, we have improved communication with some specific web-servers.
[Fixed] Data is now read to end after blocking a POST request #916
Ad Blocking
[Changed] Facebook windows app added to default filtered apps list #974 [Fixed] Error previously encountered while parsing a style tag with embedded svg #977 [Fixed] Language-specific filters are now detected properly from users keyboard layouts #401 [Improved] Adguard now can process websites names in punycode when adding them to HTTPS exclusions #962
Languages & Translations
[Added] Support for complex language codes #808 We have completely reworked applications localization system. This allowed us to significantly increase number of languages we can potentially support (this mostly concerns various dialects, alternative alphabets etc.).
[Fixed] Blank dialog while updating from 5.10 to 6.0 #924 [Fixed] CMD window is no more shown on Adguard update #935
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 1. mart 2016.
[Fixed] Issues in Windows 10 Insider Preview build caused by SHA-1 certificate used for network drivers.
Let us stop at this one, since this change stands out as a most important one in this update. Recently we have noticed, with the invaluable help of our beta testers, that SHA-1 certificate previously used to sign our network drivers, was in a process of being deprecated. Effectively this means that users of Windows 10 Insider Preview were not able to enable protection. Our developers had to spend quite a lot of their free time on this weekend signing the drivers with new certificates, we hope their sacrifice wasn't in vain and now the problem is gone :)
[Fixed] 'Filtered apps' list now shows all apps correctly [Improved] Default HTTPs exclusions list was significantly updated [Fixed] AG code is no more injected into
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 20. februar 2016.
[Changed] Email message validation in support section
[Fixed] Latest update check time is not being updated
[Fixed] MSI shows "remove settings" dialog on uninstall.
[Fixed] Installation error during automatic update
[Fixed] "User filter" is not translated to Polish
[Fixed] AdGuard beta won't update after clicking on 'Install' button in 'About' section
Besides all of the above, we have developed a new tool - AdGuard uninstaller. It is meant to help users avoid many inconveniences in some special cases where regular uninstall doesn't work for some reason. We'd like to put an emphasis on it being only in test mode so far, this is why all your feedback regarding it is super important.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 3. februar 2016.
If this RC is ok, then it will be the last RC before the actual release.
UI changes
[Changed] Tooltip text for "Enable Stealth Mode" in "Get Started" dialog #810 [Fixed] Removed license key length constraint #809 [Fixed] Adguard no more shows wrong time of the filters update check time #796 [Changed] TextBox with password type is now used in "Enter Password" dialog #783 [Fixed] App now doesn't get stuck in "Downloading update..." state and shows download progress #686
Ad Blocker
[Fixed] Rules can't be imported into filters other than User filter any more #811 [Fixed] User filter rules are used even when user filter is disabled #802 [Fixed] Requests blocked by "EasyPrivacy" are now considered as "blocked trackers" in statistics #773 [Fixed] English filter doesn't reenable itself anymore #775
[Fixed] Crash after install on Windows 7 x86 #787 [Fixed] An issue with initial wizard and settings #782 [Fixed] An initial wizard bug with beta channel enabled #781 [Fixed] App crash on update #778 [Fixed] Uninstall now removes Adguard's certificate from Windows cert storage #771 [Fixed] Desktop icon isn't automatically created when applying manual update any more #769 [Fixed] Uninstall now correctly removes Adguard UI settings folder #377
Languages and translations
[Fixed] Name for Armenian language in drop-down menu changed to correct one #786 [Fixed] Spanish translation visual bugs #770
[Changed] On Windows 7 TDI driver is now a default one #788
[Fixed] UI model no more gets out of sync with Service causing a weird behavior #803 [Fixed] A conflict with WOT extension #795
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 27. januar 2016.
This is second release candidate for Adguard 6.0
Minor bugs were fixed and some improvements were made. If everything goes OK, this version will become a release one. For beta testers below is the changelog since the last RC:
UI changes [Fixed] Crash when trying to save invalid https exclusion [Fixed] Filter Editor crash [Fixed] Maximized window (log, filter editor) is not resizable anymore [Changed] Monospaced font in the Filter Editor [Changed] New Adguard icon, [Changed] New Adguard tray icon when update is available [Fixed] Parental Control now refreshes users list correctly [Fixed] Spyware and Social filters are not enabled now if user skips "Getting Started" wizard [Fixed] Update check from tray menu no more leads to UI freeze [Improved] User-agent input field
Ad Blocker [Fixed] Adguard breaks Client Certificate Authentication no more [Fixed] Error in handling Wildcard "*" modifier in a multiline text [Fixed] Error while updating "English filter" [Fixed] Error with incorrect displaying of filters last update time [Fixed] Filtering now starts corectly even if GUI is not running [Improved] Handling of the custom filters installed from local files [Fixed] Incorrect regex rule now doesn't lead to high load CPU [Changed] Modified Content Security Policy header filtering approach [Fixed] $popup rules are now applied to "redirect" responses [Added] Some pre-installed Win10 metro apps added to the list of filtered by default [Fixed] User filter is now always loaded after all other filters [Fixed] While doing HTML content filtering, Adguard doesn't lose the very last byte any more
Install/Update [Fixed] Filter for useful ads is not automatically enabled after upgrade from 5.10 to 6.0 any more
Languages and translations [Added] Indonesian language [Added] New translations for AG Assistant [Changed] Update installer and program translations
Networking [Added] AOL Shield Browser added to the default filtered apps list [Changed] Browser cache is now suppressed for a short period time after filtering starts [Changed] Increased default buffer size used by Adguard for data transfer
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 24. decembar 2015.
This version is a first release candidate for Adguard 6.0.
There were mostly minor fixes since the latest beta. For those who didn't participate in our beta test, detailed description about release candidate can be found in our blog.
For beta testers below is the changelog since the last beta: [Fixed] Now you can't modify custom subscriptions. [Fixed] Browser security module and Adguard extensions now migrate correctly with update from 5.10 to 6 version. [Fixed] Main window now doesn't pop up automatically when Adguard is locked by Parental Control password. [Fixed] 'Update Success' notification is now shown after app update. [Fixed] Default browser is now recognized correctly and clicking on 'What's new?' button opens the correct page. [Changed] Languages are now sorted by native names, not by English names. [Changed] 'Português do Brasil' language renamed to 'Português'.
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 22. decembar 2015.
Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
Waiting for your feedback!
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 22. decembar 2015.
Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
Waiting for your feedback!
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 18. decembar 2015.
Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
Waiting for your feedback!
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 16. decembar 2015.
Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
Waiting for your feedback!
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 27. novembar 2015.
Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
Waiting for your feedback!
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 20. novembar 2015.
Lots of improvements and bugfixes.
Waiting for your feedback!
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 28. oktobar 2015.
Fixed a few issues
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 26. oktobar 2015.

Important changes:

Speed up Adguard initialization #341
Localize html pages from Adguard.Filter #282
Add '360 Chrome' browser to default browsers #302
Add Sputnik browser support #328
Add "Enable Extensions" setting #334
Add setting to customize Referrer header (when Hide referrer is enabled) #347
Check updates for both enabled and disabled userscripts #373
Adguard shows update available popup after update #260
Random error on Adguard userscript update check #264
Filtering Log does not work #305
Uninstall does not remove Adguard UI settings folder #377
AG closes all active network connections on shutdown #256

Fixed or changed: won't load (fixed with new driver) #255
AG filter hinders placing of individual photos to albums on Google Photos #258
Removing c-box with "Hide your Rererrer from third parties" enabled on #259
Language confirmation window shows up in background #262
Memory leak when Parental Control with password protection is enabled #266
When program is password-protection "Support" item in tray menu seems to be available (while it's not)#268
Extension record doubles in update result windows #269
Crash on program startup #270
Problem with update to first beta #273
Error on userscript reinstall is not localized #274
Adguard installs userscript even if the file is empty #275
Refresh disabled rules on secondary button "Show" click #276
Filter editor and Filtering log is out of sync #279
[Filter Editor] Always refresh selected filter when open #280
Extensions names aren't translated in update result window #287
[WoT Extension] Some functionality is broken on #288
When entering an invalid subscription url, the error message is in English #295
Wrong behavior when internet is not available #299 - broken by Adguard without filters and extensions #304
Do something with "Filters were updated X minutes ago" string #309
Broken authorization in AdWords. Adguard injects to even if the domain is excluded #313
Touch scrolling does not works in "Add filtered app" dialog's list #315 is not filtered #317
Filter Editor is not updated until program restart #318
English time and date format is used in Ad blocker tab #320
Double right-click on the tray icon opens program window (it should not) #324
Filter Editor: clicking "Add rule" adds empty row #325
RU: Not enough space for title #326 - broken authorization by Universal Electronic Card (УЭК). Need HTTPS exclusion #331
No separator in filtering log table #332
Adguard won't install userstyles as userscripts #340
Dialog window is not closed when I navigate to Settings #345
Something wrong has happened with settings migration #362
Parental control bug. Possible to navigate through interface without entering password #364
Do not open the same Dialog window twice #370
Validate proxy port properly #379
Do not allow to create multiple empty rows in Filter Editor #306
Filtering Log and Filter Editor: Maximize/minimize with double-click on window header #346
Allow empty host address in proxy settings if ProxyType is not manual #335
Add a link to near the "User Agent" field #351
Check that checkboxes are "checkable" with a space key #297
Pasting multiline text with removing newline symbol when string is opened for editing #300
Open purchase page on "Purchase" click #369
Disable driver settings when Adguard is in proxy mode #380
No reaction on clicking AG icon in taskbar #367
Improve visibility check on program startup #285
Do not set X-Adguard-Filtered header if protection is disabled #381
After AG shut down, Viber for PC peaks CPU #256
When UI settings is damaged Adguard.exe cannot start #385

Minor issues:

Typo on license dialog #254
Typo in polish filters names #281
RU: change text on success screens #368
Rename the string "Remove confirmation" to "Remove subscription" or else a user could think if he/she clicks on Yes/OK the confirmation is never shown again #336
Delete useless close button #366
Parental Control access denied HTML page: limit the max number of characters you can enter in the password field #365
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 16. septembar 2015.
Totally new program design.
The full-fledged Privacy protecton mode (Stealth mode).
Added ability to install filters through the link.
New Filter editor - much more convenient and clear than the old one.
New Filtering Log. Much easier than the old one.
New version of network drivers.
Many changes 'under the bonnet', new filtering engine.
Improved SSL filtering - added OCSP Stapling.
Ability to reinstall certificate from the program settings window.
Reworked the list of filtered applications, it is now much easier to add new applications. *Added "Do not filter sites with SSL EV certificates" option.
Added update channels, now it is not necessary to have a beta key for the installation of beta versions.
Changed a list of supported languages, now available:
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2047.6364
Datum izdavanja: 29. jun 2015.
Fixed SSL-filtering in old browsers (IE6, IE7)
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2046.6362
Datum izdavanja: 25. jun 2015.
Fixed issues with SSL interceptor (connections reset for servers working with TLS 1.0 only)
Fixed logjam (Adguard now does not filter connections with weak DH primes)
Fixed a bug with update cleaning Adguard's start menu folder
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2043.6357
Datum izdavanja: 24. jun 2015.
Fixed a bug with saving Adguard Assistant settings in the wrong place
Extensions API usage is now restricted by @grant metatag
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2041.6356
Datum izdavanja: 22. jun 2015.
Fixed AG Assistant work in Opera 12
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2039.6354
Datum izdavanja: 18. jun 2015.
Fixed some issues with CSS/JS injection in the pages with invalid HTML
Improved userscripts API speed
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2033.6348
Datum izdavanja: 8. jun 2015.
Fixed compatibility issue with BitDefender
Fixed safe search for Yandex
Minor UI fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2032.6346
Datum izdavanja: 4. jun 2015.
Fixed revocation check (OCSP requests)
Fixed incompatibility of WFP driver and BitDefender
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2029.6341
Datum izdavanja: 26. maj 2015.
Added revocation check for server certificates
Experimental feature: no SSL filtering of the websites with Extended Validation certificates
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2020.6300
Datum izdavanja: 16. april 2015.
Significantly improved filtering speed of some heavy HTML pages
Fixed some minor SSL filtering bugs
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2019.6293
Datum izdavanja: 9. april 2015.
Filtering speed has been slightly improved
Fixed possible app crash (in case of logging error)
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2016.6286
Datum izdavanja: 6. april 2015.
Fixed compatibility issue with latest Bitdefender version and Adguard WFP driver
Fixed a bug with checking existence of AG certificate in Firefox-based browsers. Now if AG does not detect our cert it disables SSL filtering for Firefox
Improved SSL filter, fixed FREAK vulnerability
Changed AG certificate generation algorithm (you may need to reinstall it to Firefox after update or to simply reboot the computer)
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2011.6265
Datum izdavanja: 1. april 2015.
Added Spartan browser support
Fixed Lunascape browser support
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2008.6254
Datum izdavanja: 11. mart 2015.
Fixed compatibility issue with Windows XP x86
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2006.6251
Datum izdavanja: 7. mart 2015.
Fixed Windows 10 incompatibility
You may need to reboot after update.
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2005.6248
Datum izdavanja: 6. mart 2015.
Fixed compatibility issue with MySQL client
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2003.6240
Datum izdavanja: 3. mart 2015.
Fixed Adguard's network driver vulnerability
Fixed an issue with SSL exceptions creation
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.2002.6237
Datum izdavanja: 28. februar 2015.
Fixed dependence on domain availability
One more try to fix tooltip position
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1199.6229
Datum izdavanja: 26. februar 2015.
Added TLS v1.2 support
Fixed incompatibility with ZenMate
Fixed a bug with short-living keep-alive connections in proxy mode
One more attempt to fix wrong tooltip position
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1198.6223
Datum izdavanja: 19. februar 2015.
Fixed compatibility issue with Home Media Server, Geforce Experience, Asus Control Center
Probably fixed an issue with tooltip location
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1196.6219
Datum izdavanja: 13. februar 2015.
Fixed work of Adsbypasser in Firefox
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1195.6216
Datum izdavanja: 11. februar 2015.
Added support of userscripts custom menu items (GM_registerMenuCommand function). Press Shift+Alt+M to bring up list of registered menu items (if any). Examples of userscripts with their custom menu items: Youtube Center, AdsBypasser, Anti-Adblock Killer
Added Vivaldi browser support
Fixed compatibility with several userscripts: Mouseover Popup Image Viewer, Context Menu Example (only Firefox), File Hosting Download Manager Disabler
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1194.6206
Datum izdavanja: 11. februar 2015.
Fixed work of AdsBypasser in Firefox
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1193.6200
Datum izdavanja: 10. februar 2015.
Improved userscripts API
Fixed work of popular userscript AdsBypasser with Adguard
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1189.6184
Datum izdavanja: 13. januar 2015.
Fixed a bug with Adguard browser extension integration (in case if filtering is temporary disabled by Adguard Assistant)
Fixed a bug with some URL filtering rules
Added 3 domains to default SSL exclusions:, and
Fixed minor localization bugs
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1188.6174
Datum izdavanja: 8. januar 2015.
Fixed bug with random SSL exclusions
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1187.6170
Datum izdavanja: 5. januar 2015.
New version of the network driver (fixed minor bugs in WFP driver)
Minor bugfixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1183.6160
Datum izdavanja: 18. decembar 2014.
Maxthon Nitro added to the list of filtered browsers
Cosmetic changes
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1180.6137
Datum izdavanja: 11. decembar 2014.
Parental Control blocks access to unsafe websites (phishing, malware)
Added support for regexp rules
Updated network drivers
Modified filtering mechanism
Minor localization fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1178.6114
Datum izdavanja: 1. decembar 2014.
Updated network drivers
Fixed a problem with the inaccessibility of websites
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1175.6083
Datum izdavanja: 28. novembar 2014.
Teredo is no more disabled while using TDI.
Fixed error messages in IE8.
Added new GreaseMonkey emulation functions.
Fixed Adguard pop-up messages localization
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1173.6059
Datum izdavanja: 24. novembar 2014.
Updated Adguard network driver
Fixed an issue with possible delayed activation of the rule added via Assistant
Now, if you disable the Parental Control filtering level, black and white lists will still be functioning
Fixed crash when working with taskbar icon
Improvements and fixes to extension support
Minor localization fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1163.5982
Datum izdavanja: 9. septembar 2014.
Fixed filters update period
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1161.5973
Datum izdavanja: 8. septembar 2014.
Fix @include problem
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1159.5967
Datum izdavanja: 4. septembar 2014.
Improved HTTP and HTML filtering
Fixed issue with keep-alive connections ( issue)
Some minor userscripts improvement
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1156.5925
Datum izdavanja: 21. avgust 2014.
Short list of important changes: greatly reduced memory usage, we introduced convenient addition of new ad filters, integration with WoT is now a separate extension, added support for new browsers, fixed conflicts with popular programs and defects in the processing of requests and more.
Memory usage reduction
We have significantly optimized memory usage in 5.10. Now, even if you use an old computer or a weak netbook, AdGuard will work silently in a background without slowing down your device. We compared memory footprint with the one of the preceding version. And we must say 5.10 showed a result several times lower.
More ad filters
In addition, AdGuard has became an even more comprehensive program. Now users can install any ad filters. What does it mean? In addition to the filters that are already installed in AdGuard by default, you can add third-party ones, such as a list of filters that allow AdGuard to block ads in different segments of the Internet - websites in different languages, in particular. All of this can be done directly in the program, simply by selecting a filter you want and clicking on the "Add selected" button.
Displaying the possible danger
Integration with Web of Trust is now brought out in the separate extension, which can be disabled. Also a warning when visiting a suspicious website has changed. With the help of WoT, our AdGuard is able to notify you instantly about the reputation of websites and show the reasons for which the site is considered to be suspicious. "Categories of suspicion" can be, in particular: scam, potentially illegal, misleading claims or unethical, poor customer experience, privacy risks and others.
Other changes in version 5.10:
Added support for CSS injection rules. It gives us more flexible options for high-quality elements blocking.
Ability to edit the source code of userscripts. Now you can customize any script you like, you can find more about what it is and how to install it here.
Updates are checked only for the enabled userscripts.Thus we update only those scripts that you actually use. Why spend the extra traffic?
Extensions that do not use external resources are returned to the "default." Now you have the opportunity to reset the extensions and return websites to their original state.
Added a configuration of exceptions for secure (HTTPS) sites filtering. Adding https websites to exceptions in order for AdGuard to not filter it, used to be impossible.
Increased time of filter updates up to 12 hours. Yeah, longer but of better quality.
Speeded up the work of extensions (including Youtube Center). Userscripts do not slow down websites now.
Fixed in new version:
Fixed conflicts with Visual Studio, Tor Browser, Keepass.
Fixed slow loading of large js files.
Assistant no longer interferes in work of RequireJs websites.
Updated network drivers, fixed some small remarks.
Fixed a defect with the processing of HTTP DELETE requests.
Fixed work of Twitch Chat Filter userscript.
Fixed a bug when using proxy authorization.
Fixed compatibility error of and Parental Control.
Fixed a defect with disabling AdGuard assistant via the context menu.
Fixed some minor defects of AdGuard assistant.
Speeded up filtering of some pages (fixed problem with
Fixed API for usercripts (thanks to YoutubeCenter developer, Jeppe Rune Mortensen).
Fixed rules with the "~third-party" modifier.
New versions of TDI and WFP drivers. Fixed some compatibility issues.
Minor changes to the texts in the user interface.
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1155.5922
Datum izdavanja: 14. avgust 2014.
Fixed blocked by Adguard page
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1154.5920
Datum izdavanja: 13. avgust 2014.
Fixed bugs with extensions migration from 5.9 to 5.10
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1153.5910
Datum izdavanja: 12. avgust 2014.
Fixed "Blocked by Adguard" issues
Minor localization fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1152.5901
Datum izdavanja: 7. avgust 2014.
What's new:
Fixed some minor defects of Web of Trust extension
Fixed Assistant's bug with selecting complex elements (like those on
While updating from Adguard 5.9 Adguard migrates some of userscripts (for instance, Youtube Center should be migrated to 5.10 successfully)
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1148.5881
Datum izdavanja: 1. avgust 2014.
What's new:
Updated Web of Trust extension. New warning popup UI. Also Adguard now detects if WOT browser extension is installed and does not show it's warning in that case.
New TDI and WPF driver. Fixed some minor compatiblity issues.
Extension "Reload" does not block UI anymore
Fixed issue with skipping Application configuration on the first run
Fixed compatibility issue with Adguard Assistant and requirejs
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1144.5852
Datum izdavanja: 23. jul 2014.
What's new:
Now you can edit userscripts source code
Fixed work of URL-rules with "~third-party" modifier
Fixed UI crashes on user filter edit (this time it is really fixed:))
Speed up filtering of the web pages using large javascript files (originally it is issue)
Fixed Tor Browser issue
Fixed "Filters databases have not been loaded" message on UI startup
Fixed several minor bugs
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1136.5808
Datum izdavanja: 15. jul 2014.
The situation when UI hangs in "Preparing to launch" screen
Random crashes on user filters edit
Added SSL exceptions setting
Added userscripts validation on install
Added "Reload" option to every userscript
Fixed HTTP DELETE requests
Google SafeBrowisng removed from application
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1128.5771
Datum izdavanja: 11. jul 2014.
Fixed "databases have not been loaded" issue
Fixed user filter rules edit
Fixed userscripts API thanks yo YePpHa from YTC
Fixed userscripts update check
Fixed tray menu
Fixed bug with "Show useful ads" checkbox
Fixed filters update check
Fixed misspelling in UI
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1124.5747
Datum izdavanja: 9. jul 2014.
What’s new?
Added capability to add known ABP filter subscriptions. In addition to our own filters, you can now add known ABP subscriptions, such as EasyList and its “subsidiary” filters and others.
Massively redesigned work with extensions. Changed approach to storage of extensions. This will give us the opportunity to add a userscripts edit function in the next beta. Note: Due to this change, the list of extensions will be reset to the state by default after the update.
Integration with Web of Trust is separated out to the stand-alone extension that can be disabled.
Added support for installing extensions from all known public repositories. This means that there is no need in giving a link to a userscript itself, a link to its page on the corresponding repository will be enough. Page with description of repositories:
Added support for Superbird Browser.
Added support for 360 Browser.
Fixed and changed:
Conflict with Keepass.
Conflict with Visual Studio (Adguard hindered the debugging).
Fixed work of Twitch Chat Filter userscript.
Partially fixed conflict with the Tor Browser. HTTP-sites are filtered, HTTPS – are not.
Fixed update mechanism of userscripts.
Updates are checked only for enabled userscripts.
Fixed a bug with the proxy authorization.
Fixed compatibility of and our Parental control.
Fixed defect on disconnecting Adguard Assistant via the context menu.
Increased the filter update period up to 12 hours.
Updated network drivers, some small issues resolved.
Fixed some minor defects of Adguard Assistant.
Minor fixes to the texts in the user interface.
Accelerated the work of extensions (including Youtube Center).
AdGuard za Windows 5.10.1084.5545
Datum izdavanja: 1. maj 2014.
Added Superbird Browser support
Fixed some memory fragmentation issues that could cause high memory usage
Fixed compatibility issue with ZenMate
Fixed issue with injecting Adguard's code while using TDI driver
Fixed issue with proxy with authorization
Minor HTML filtering issues
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1072.5488
Datum izdavanja: 11. mart 2014.
Fixed issue with high disk load on system startup
Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 8.1 x64 + KIS2014
Fixed assistant in Firefox
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1069.5465
Datum izdavanja: 6. mart 2014.
Fixed issue with high disk load on system startup
Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 8.1 x64 + KIS2014
Fixed assistant in Firefox
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1064.5446
Datum izdavanja: 2. mart 2014.
Fixed issue with high disk load on system startup
Fixed compatibility issue with Windows 8.1 x64 + KIS2014
Fixed assistant in Firefox
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1063.5441
Datum izdavanja: 27. februar 2014.
Fixed issues with high memory and CPU usage on large file upload
Fixed random firefox HTTPS filtration absense
Improved userscripts support -- added @document-start and some greasemonkey API functions support
Fixed issue with broken images blocked by parental control
Some bugfixes for parental control
Added localization
Added rocket-script blocking support
Improved Adguard Assistant performance
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1057.5398
Datum izdavanja: 14. februar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1057.5390
Datum izdavanja: 14. februar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1053.5373
Datum izdavanja: 12. februar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1049.5355
Datum izdavanja: 7. februar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1048.5334
Datum izdavanja: 2. februar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1047.5330
Datum izdavanja: 27. januar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.9.1045.5330
Datum izdavanja: 23. januar 2014.
Adguard 5.9 provides the following new features:
Parental control
Password protection
Video Ads blocking
AdGuard za Windows 5.8.1007.5197
Datum izdavanja: 30. oktobar 2013.
Adguard 5.8 provides the following new features:
Improved initial setup wizard
Added "useful ads" filter
What has been improved or fixed in version 5.8:
Protection level setting is removed
Fixed some minor compatibility issues
Improved filtered pages source code readability
AdGuard za Windows 5.8.1006.5189
Datum izdavanja: 25. oktobar 2013.
Adguard 5.8 provides the following new features:
Improved initial setup wizard
Added "useful ads" filter
What has been improved or fixed in version 5.8:
Protection level setting is removed
Fixed some minor compatibility issues
Improved filtered pages source code readability
AdGuard za Windows 5.8.1001.5167
Datum izdavanja: 23. oktobar 2013.
Adguard 5.8 provides the following new features:
Improved initial setup wizard
Added "useful ads" filter
What has been improved or fixed in version 5.8:
Protection level setting is removed
Fixed some minor compatibility issues
Improved filtered pages source code readability
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.994.5104
Datum izdavanja: 16. septembar 2013.
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.993.5088
Datum izdavanja: 12. septembar 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.978.5041
Datum izdavanja: 4. septembar 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.966.4992
Datum izdavanja: 3. septembar 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.961.4978
Datum izdavanja: 1. septembar 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.956.4973
Datum izdavanja: 30. avgust 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.953.4961
Datum izdavanja: 29. avgust 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.950.4951
Datum izdavanja: 28. avgust 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.942.4914
Datum izdavanja: 26. avgust 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides the following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7: Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues) DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order) Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections) Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings. What has been improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occurred if the Adguard windows service started too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.939.4869
Datum izdavanja: 23. avgust 2013.
Adguard 5.7 provides following new features:
A more perfect way for filtration with a new network driver
Adguard now uses a network driver instead of an old filtering module. This helped us greatly with fixing all existing compatibility issues with other software products. In addition, it accelerates filtration and allows Adguard to filter secure connections.
The following compatibility issues have been fixed in Adguard 5.7:
Internet Download Manager (video downloading issues)
DrWeb (proper filtration was dependent on the installation order)
Panda Antivirus (filtration was not possible)
Added support for secure connections filtration (https connections)
Now Adguard can filter secured connections if you enable it in the network settings.
What's improved or fixed in version 5.7:
Fixed "Connection error" that occured if the Adguard windows service starts too slow
Fixed Google Chrome filtration issues
Fixed some Adguard Assistant issues
GUI performance and responsiveness to user actions have been improved
Fixed wrong icon for Pale Moon in the browsers settings
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.929.4847
Datum izdavanja: 21. avgust 2013.
Release notes
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.928.4845
Datum izdavanja: 20. avgust 2013.
Release notes
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.924.4831
Datum izdavanja: 20. avgust 2013.
Release notes
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.922.4825
Datum izdavanja: 19. avgust 2013.
Release notes
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.920.4794
Datum izdavanja: 16. avgust 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.916.4775
Datum izdavanja: 13. avgust 2013.
Beta-version release
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.915.4771
Datum izdavanja: 9. avgust 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.7.912.4751
Datum izdavanja: 6. avgust 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.864.4572
Datum izdavanja: 12. jul 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.847.4482
Datum izdavanja: 26. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.845.4471
Datum izdavanja: 25. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.842.4458
Datum izdavanja: 20. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.839.4440
Datum izdavanja: 19. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.837.4437
Datum izdavanja: 19. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.837.4434
Datum izdavanja: 19. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.835.4424
Datum izdavanja: 19. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.821.4338
Datum izdavanja: 16. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.819.4335
Datum izdavanja: 14. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.819.4330
Datum izdavanja: 14. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.809.4283
Datum izdavanja: 11. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.809.4280
Datum izdavanja: 11. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.807.4278
Datum izdavanja: 11. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.807.4275
Datum izdavanja: 10. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.807.4272
Datum izdavanja: 10. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.806.4267
Datum izdavanja: 8. jun 2013.
Доработан механизм общение программы с сервером
Проблемы при фильтрации В Safari
Много исправлений и доработок стиля помощника
Проблемы с отображением MSN в IE10 на Windows 8
Ошибка при удалении браузеров из списка
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.795.4193
Datum izdavanja: 4. jun 2013.
Completely new Adguard Assistant module
Automatic program updates
Adguard is divided into windows-service and GUI-client
Web Of Trust integration – know which websites to trust
Improved browsing security module
New filtration module for Windows 8 Modern UI applications Fixed:
Some websites rendering problems
Slow browsing security module updates
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.791.4182
Datum izdavanja: 31. maj 2013.
Replaced the terrible sound of the blocking phishing site more euphonious
Notifications from the assistant of a bad rating sites
A dark background while expanding buttons Assistant (decision problem when the text button is not visible on a dark background)
Notification of a successful installation Adguard when first installed and your language Fixed:
Display error message in the request processing
Minor improvements appearance of the interface
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.786.4128
Datum izdavanja: 24. maj 2013.
A test version of the filter module for modern applications
The design of the page warning about the transition to a phishing site
Random 404 error in IE
Damage to the resources of the site using Adguard as a proxy-server
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.777.4083
Datum izdavanja: 17. maj 2013.
Now, by clicking on the "Details" button in popup notice of blocking malicious websites, you can really view detailed information about the site and the reasons for blocking
Changed the display logic notification of blocking malicious websites, it is now possible to navigate between messages
Minor Assistant display problems
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.766.4026
Datum izdavanja: 8. maj 2013.
Sound when blocking malicious sites
Improved mechanism communication between the agent and the service
Small improvements algorithm of the program, in the proxy server mode
Minor bugs appearance of the interface and texts
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.760.4010
Datum izdavanja: 30. april 2013.
Increased stability programs at system startup
Improved mechanism for selecting an item to lock in Assistant
Fixed bug when checking for updates
Finally solved the problem with IE 8
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.754.3991
Datum izdavanja: 27. april 2013.
The problem with filtering
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.754.3990
Datum izdavanja: 26. april 2013.
Added:    + Changed the look of some of the windows       Fixed:
Several important issues
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.751.3968
Datum izdavanja: 24. april 2013.
Small changes filtering mechanism
Fixed appearance of the anti-phishing settings
Other fixes and improvements
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.746.3948
Datum izdavanja: 23. april 2013.
Small changes filtering mechanism
Fixed appearance of the anti-phishing settings
Other fixes and improvements
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.740.3926
Datum izdavanja: 22. april 2013.
Added a notification of the blocking malicious websites
Improved mechanism updating the program
The disappearance Assistant while dragging (Opera)
Other fixes and improvements
AdGuard za Windows 5.6.723.3833
Datum izdavanja: 22. april 2013.
Separation Adguard on Service and UI parts
Introduced program autoupdate
Completely redesigned Assistant
Added the ability to view and generate Sites Rating
Many small fixes and improvements
AdGuard za Windows 5.5.489.2890
Datum izdavanja: 20. novembar 2012.
Attention, Adguard 4 is going out of support.
QT Web browser support
Sleipnir browser support
Extended logging
Filtration is enabled on big range of ports (not only 80)
In proxy mode Adguard automatically set system settings
Problem with no filtration of some ports
Conflict with ESET ssl filtration
Errors with HTTPS websites in Opera browser
Problem with Opera's periodical slowdown
Some problems with flash games
Maxthon favourites synchronization problem
Opera Link problem
Some minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.5.483.2837
Datum izdavanja: 14. novembar 2012.
Attention, Adguard 4 is going out of support.
QT Web browser support
Sleipnir browser support
Extended logging
Filtration is enabled on big range of ports (not only 80)
In proxy mode Adguard automatically set system settings
Conflict with ESET ssl filtration
Errors with HTTPS websites in Opera browser
Problem with Opera's periodical slowdown
Some problems with flash games
Maxthon favourites synchronization problem
Opera Link problem
Some minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.4.482.2836
Datum izdavanja: 5. novembar 2012.
QT Web browser support
Sleipnir browser support
Extended logging
Filtration is enabled on big range of ports (not only 80)
In proxy mode Adguard automatically set system settings
Conflict with ESET ssl filtration
Errors with HTTPS websites in Opera browser
Problem with Opera's periodical slowdown
Some problems with flash games
Maxthon favourites synchronization problem
Opera Link problem
Some minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.4.482.2835
Datum izdavanja: 1. novembar 2012.
QT Web browser support
Sleipnir browser support
Extended logging
Filtration is enabled on big range of ports (not only 80)
In proxy mode Adguard automatically set system settings
Conflict with ESET ssl filtration
Errors with HTTPS websites in Opera browser
Problem with Opera's periodical slowdown
Some problems with flash games
Maxthon favourites synchronization problem
Opera Link problem
Some minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.4.445.2632
Datum izdavanja: 12. oktobar 2012.
QT Web browser support
Sleipnir browser support
Extended logging
Filtration is enabled on big range of ports (not only 80)
Errors with HTTPS websites in Opera browser
Problem with Opera's periodical slowdown
Some problems with flash games
Maxthon favourites synchronization problem
Opera Link problem
Some minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.4.444.2623
Datum izdavanja: 2. oktobar 2012.
QT Web browser support
Sleipnir browser support
Extended logging
Errors with HTTPS websites in Opera browser
Some problems with flash games
Maxthon favourites synchronization problem
Opera Link problem
Some minor fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.4.423.2525
Datum izdavanja: 29. avgust 2012.
Simple SSL-traffic filtering
New network filtering algorythm
Extended filter rules
Waterfox browser support
Fixed the problem with the synchronization of bookmarks in Maxthon with an active protection
Fixed displaying issues with some of the web-sites:,, & etc
Small bugfixes and optimizations
AdGuard za Windows 5.4.422.2525
Datum izdavanja: 29. avgust 2012.
Simple SSL-traffic filtering
New network filtering algorythm
Extended filter rules
Waterfox browser support
Fixed the problem with the synchronization of bookmarks in Maxthon with an active protection
Fixed displaying issues with some of the web-sites:,, & etc
Small bugfixes and optimizations
AdGuard za Windows 5.3.339.2081
Datum izdavanja: 17. april 2012.
Automatic detection of the suitable filters
Japanese language and filter
German language and filter
Spanish language and filter
Portuguese language and filter
Dutch filter
Problem with very slow first request (just after Adguard has been started)
Increased filtration speed
Minor bug fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.3.326.2023
Datum izdavanja: 13. april 2012.
Automatic detection of the suitable filters
Japanese language and filter
German language and filter
Spanish language and filter
Portuguese language and filter
Dutch filter
Problem with very slow first request (just after Adguard has been started)
Increased filtration speed
Minor bug fixes
AdGuard za Windows 5.3.325.2023
Datum izdavanja: 13. april 2012.
Automatic detection of the suitable filters
Japanese language and filter
German language and filter
Spanish language and filter
Portuguese language and filter
Dutch filter
Problem with very slow first request (just after Adguard has been started)
Increased filtration speed
Minor bug fixes
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 2. april 2012.
Automatic detection of the suitable filters
Japanese language and filter
German language and filter
Spanish language and filter
Portuguese language and filter
Dutch filter
Problem with very slow first request (just after Adguard has been started)
Increased filtration speed
Minor bug fixes
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 21. mart 2012.
Automatic detection of the suitable filters
Japanese language
Minor bug fixes
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 20. februar 2012.
A completely reworked user interface with multilingual support
Added an experimental filter based on Collective Intelligence, a system that continuously collects and analyzes submissions from the community of Adguard users around the world
Now supports even more browsers: Palemoon, Nichrome, Yandex.Internet
Added ability to save user settings on uninstall
Added German filter
Added Windows 8 support
Ad Blocker and Browsing Security modules now keep their states between restarts
Users are now able to report false positive alarms in support section
The official site has moved to
Improved the filtration speed
Fixed critical flaws of the previous version
Fixed compatibility problems with third parties software
Fixed behavior of the “Skip” button in the messages about the new versions
Fixed encoding errors on some websites
Fixed positioning problems for the cases when system’s font is increased
Minor bug fixes
AdGuard za Windows
Datum izdavanja: 15. februar 2012.
Adguard 5.2 beta version