
AdGuard-Assistent – Release – AdGuard-Versionen

AdGuard-Assistent 1.4.1
Veröffentlicht am: 14. März 2024
Die Umstellung unserer Browsererweiterungen auf Manifest V3 geht weiter und ein neuer Meilenstein ist erreicht! Die Zeit ist reif für Ihren treuen Begleiter in Sachen Werbeblockierung: Wir sind bereit, den AdGuard Browser-Assistenten v1.4 anzukündigen, der vollständig an MV3 angepasst ist.
Wenn Sie die Erweiterung verwenden, werden Sie vielleicht keinen Unterschied in der Benutzererfahrung oder in der Gesamtfunktionalität bemerken, aber lassen Sie sich nicht täuschen: Es hat sich viel geändert. Die Einschränkungen der neuen API machen die Anpassung von Erweiterungen an Manifest V3 mühsam, aber die Arbeit muss getan werden — langsam aber sicher springen unsere Erweiterungen auf den MV3-Zug.
Dank der harten Arbeit unserer Entwickler wird der Übergang zur neuen API für Sie reibungslos verlaufen. Verwalten Sie Ihre AdGuard Desktop-App direkt im Browser? Ein Kinderspiel, auch in der wilden MV3-Welt!
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.40
Veröffentlicht am: 14. Dezember 2023



Beim Rechtsklick auf ein Pop-up im Vivaldi-Browser ist die Trennlinie zwischen den Menüpunkten zu breit
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.36
Veröffentlicht am: 11. Mai 2023



Update korean translations #101
Some icons are cropped #100
Assistant says it is not updated when opening the browser #97
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.31
Veröffentlicht am: 30. Dezember 2022



Blank popup on pt-PT locale #89
Reload the page after clicking 'Remove all user rules for this page'
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.28
Veröffentlicht am: 21. September 2022


[Enhancement] Rework for popup icons #78
[Fixed] Browser Assistant icon is still gray after the 30 sec. of Do not filter for 30 seconds #79
[Fixed] Assistant's status is wrong when the app's trial period has expired #4267
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.13
Veröffentlicht am: 5. August 2022


[Fixed] Increase the contrast of the "X" button #349
[Fixed] No separators in the context menu on Browser Assistant when you click an images #71
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.8
Veröffentlicht am: 3. März 2022


[Fixed] Wrong Dutch Language translation in AG popup window #1974
[Fixed] There is unnecessary empty space in UI #61
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.6
Veröffentlicht am: 24. Februar 2022


[Fixed] Disabling filtering on a website also reloads "" #60
[Fixed] Browser Assistant popup is not properly updated in a specific case (on Edge at least) #59
[Fixed] Displaying the wrong domain on the popup
AdGuard-Assistent 1.3.2
Veröffentlicht am: 14. Februar 2022
[Fixed] "Post-install page" appears every time Mozilla opens #49
[Fixed] Firefox Browser Assistant broken #48
[Fixed] Assistant's icon color isn't changed when disabling/enabling protection "on this website" from another browser's assistant #46
[Fixed] Browser Assistant icon is still gray after protection re-enabled in AdGuard itself #45
[Fixed] Feature request: Disable Assistant menu from the browser context menu #20
[Enhancement] Color feature request #52
AdGuard-Assistent 1.2.2
Veröffentlicht am: 24. November 2021


[Fixed] Icon state for active tabs in different windows
[Fixed] Browser Assistant icon is still green if AdGuard was shut down in an emergency #41
[Fixed] Information window does not appear when you click on the icon (!) on http sites
[Fixed] Cannot launch Adguard from assistant in the new tab in Chrome
[Fixed] Disable protection-related menu items when isAuthorized is false
[Added] "Catalan", "Estonian", "Norwegian", "Swedish", "Finnish"
[Added] Dark mode
AdGuard-Assistent 4.1.12
Veröffentlicht am: 3. April 2018
[Changed] Assistant UI redesign #174Not a drastic design change, but you'll notice it. The new look is a bit more neutral and tidy.
[Added] Embedded Assistant build #175New embedded version of AdGuard Assistant allows it to be used in AdGuard for iOS and AdGuard Browser extension.
[Changed] Translations have been updated #169, #161
[Changed] Size of the "small" icon has been decreased further #182
[Changed] Common frames have been excluded from the Assistant script #154
[Changed ] .sg\_\* styles are added dynamically now when user starts selecting an element #167
[Fixed] Blank Assistant icon bug #186
[Fixed] Assistant hangs on #171
[Fixed] AdGuard puts userscript into textarea #165
[Fixed] Assistant icon is not visible on #152
[Fixed] Assistant menu is displayed outside of viewport #180
[Fixed] "Reputation Confidence Level" icon misbehaves in FF #147
[Fixed] Assistant frame is not rendered on with IE10 #159
[Fixed] Assistant incorrectly defines zh-CN and zh-TW languages
[Fixed] Several instances of the same variable with CSS styles defined #184
[Fixed] Assistant is not being displayed when body is a frameset node #156
[Improved] Closed shadow DOM is used now to host the Assistant button element #163
AdGuard-Assistent 4.0.16
Veröffentlicht am: 14. November 2017
A minor-ish update that focuses on various bugfixes, more significant changes will be introduced in v4.1. One thing is worth a separate mentioning though:
[Improved] Assistant's code-base for mobile devices has been unified #28
Basically, for end users it means that we were able to integrate the manual element blocking tool into AdGuard for iOS. You can now select and block any elements in Safari on iOS, just like you got used to on Windows and Mac.
[Added] New localizations #143
[Changed] Assistant translations have been updated #127
[Changed] Assistant now waits for a callback before reloading the page #130
[Changed] Common frames have been excluded from Assistant and WOT scripts #154
[Fixed] Assistant menu items selection is wrong #149
[Fixed] Assistant icon is visible while printing the page #96
[Fixed] It is possible to right-click inside of the iframe #95
[Fixed] Assistant disappears when you click on it on the website #113
[Fixed] Assistant is not shown on some websites #112
[Fixed] Assistant does not work when cookies are disabled #124
[Fixed] Some elements are clicked on instead of becoming selected with the element blocker tool #116
[Fixed] Assistant does not allow to select an element on the website #134
[Fixed] Assistant icon size setting reset bug #110
[Fixed] The Assistant iframe is rendered before styles are applied #137
[Fixed] Assistant layout when WOT reputation is loaded #141
[Fixed] Cannot select an iframe on the website #142
[Fixed] "Block ad on this website" tool does not work on Touch+Mouse devices like Surface #140
[Fixed] "Block ads on this website" tool is misbehaving in Firefox #146
AdGuard-Assistent 4.0.10
Veröffentlicht am: 22. August 2017
This is the first Assistant release in its own separate repository. Previously we used to include all the Assistant changes in the respective AdGuard for Windows releases.
A bunch of Assistant-related bugs have been fixed, and also worth mentioning the adding of a dev build that you are able to install now if you so desire.
[Added] A dev build #61
This is essentially the most recent version of Assistant you can get. It is being updated with every single commit that is made. To install the dev build, download the Assistant userscript from here:
You can find more information on the main page of the repository:
[Added] A travis-CI build to build & run unit-tests #60
[Changed] Assistant menu items now depend on the filtering state #13
[Changed] The 'cursor responsive area' of the slider on the element selection step has been increased #23
[Changed] Browser cache is new enforced to reload after switching the filtering status for a website #33
[Changed] Debug logging has been removed from the release build #35
[Changed] Assistant icon position has been made relative to the bottom-right corner of a page #47
[Changed] Custom button position is being validated now #59
[Fixed] ON/OFF switch animation on the first Assistant load #12
[Fixed] Slow Assistant icon drag #14
[Fixed] "Refused to apply inline style" error #16
[Fixed] Assistant doesn't work with touch on Edge #20
[Fixed] The labels on the 'Block ad' slider have been swapped #22
[Fixed] Assistant icon sticks to the cursor #30
[Fixed] Premature Assistant load + incorrect DOM readyState Property in IE10 #44
[Fixed] window.resize event listener handler has been throttled #67
[Fixed] Assistant icon jumps to the top left position #69
[Improved] Simplified Chinese Translation has been updated #36
[Improved] Translations updates have been automated #46
AdGuard herunterladen Klicken Sie auf die Datei hinter dem Pfeil, um AdGuard zu installieren Wählen Sie "Öffnen", klicken Sie dann auf "OK" und warten Sie, bis die Datei heruntergeladen ist. Ziehen Sie im geöffneten Fenster das AdGuard-Symbol in den Ordner "Programme". Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für AdGuard entschieden haben! Wählen Sie "Öffnen", klicken Sie dann auf "OK" und warten Sie, bis die Datei heruntergeladen ist. Klicken Sie im geöffneten Fenster auf "Installieren". Vielen Dank, dass Sie sich für AdGuard entschieden haben!
Installieren Sie AdGuard auf mobilen Geräten