
Compatibility with other VPN-based services

What is the problem?

It's important to know that Android OS doesn't allow two VPNs to run at the same time. Some VPN services can work as outbound proxies, and in such cases it is possible to run them alongside AdGuard. Check out our manual for such services.
Another way to make AdGuard compatible with a VPN-based app is to switch it to a HTTP proxy filtering mode. This method works ONLY for rooted devices! To switch between filtering modes, go to MenuSettingsNetworkFiltering method.
Downloading AdGuard To install AdGuard, click the file indicated by the arrow Select "Open" and click "OK", then wait for the file to be downloaded. In the opened window, drag the AdGuard icon to the "Applications" folder. Thank you for choosing AdGuard! Select "Open" and click "OK", then wait for the file to be downloaded. In the opened window, click "Install". Thank you for choosing AdGuard!
Install AdGuard on your mobile device