
On YouTube

Unfortunately, ad blocking in the YouTube app is technically impossible, but If you watch YouTube in Safari, there is a way. To block ads on YouTube in Safari, enable our extension (available since AdGuard v4.2 for iOS):
Open in Safari.
Tap the Share button.
Tap "Block YouTube Ads (by AdGuard)".
YouTube is now ad-free! Please note that you need to run this extension again if you reload the page. Read more about blocking YouTube ads in Safari in our blog.
Downloading AdGuard To install AdGuard, click the file indicated by the arrow Select "Open" and click "OK", then wait for the file to be downloaded. In the opened window, drag the AdGuard icon to the "Applications" folder. Thank you for choosing AdGuard! Select "Open" and click "OK", then wait for the file to be downloaded. In the opened window, click "Install". Thank you for choosing AdGuard!
Install AdGuard on your mobile device