Downloading AdGuard for Windows…
Download and install
AdGuard Ad Blocker for Windows
1. Allow installation

2. Install the app

3. Launch the app

All done! Something went wrong Subscribe to our news у меня НЕ WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! незачёт
winstoon888 Работает и на Windows 11.
beartmn72 windows 11 (22000.527) не работает
alex_antonov31 На windows 7 максимальная не устанавливаеться.
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Downloading AdGuard for Mac…
Download and install
AdGuard Ad Blocker for Mac
1. Open the installer

2. Install the app

All done! Something went wrong Subscribe to our news Your steam iphone ....mac mobie 16k
Ted47 I live this App for Mac
op_yeroc Best abblocker of ios and mac
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Downloading AdGuard for Android…
Download and install
AdGuard Ad Blocker for Android
AdGuard for Android in app stores
1. Allow downloading

Installation permissions
Note for Samsung users with One UI 6 (Android 14) and newer
2. Install the app

3. Launch the app

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Draining battery on OS Android 10,
on Android 9, battery save
(Realme C3)
Chamidu kanishka English language input android device
harsha it works perfectly in android.
MaríaCarmen Date recibiré Android Google Driver
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Get AdGuard Ad Blocker for iOS
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Arthur Good on ios, but it's just for safari. Can you update it on chrome ios?
hubby the best AdBlocker for iOS
saleh Best ad blocker for IOS