
AdGuard Privacy Policy

AdGuard for iOS Privacy Notice

July 27, 2020
Keynote: We do not share or sell any of your personal data. We are proud to say that we are one of the fighters for users privacy and we are strongly committed to this principle and to being as transparent as possible.
This Privacy Notice lists all the information that we may collect and explains why we do it and how we use this information. The information we collect includes no more than is crucial to provide the full functionality of AdGuard products.
We believe that privacy is a fundamental human right. That's why we are transparent about what AdGuard does and explain the purpose of every little bit of information that is gathered by our apps.
Please note, that AdGuard Pro and AdGuard for iOS are almost the same in terms of functionality and in terms of how both apps process the users' data. There is a slight difference though, as AdGuard for iOS app also allows users to log in using AdGuard account, and AdGuard Pro doesn’t, which is reflected in some points of this Privacy Policy.
If you are wondering why we have two almost identical apps, check this article here.

What data can AdGuard Pro/AdGuard for iOS collect and when

AdGuard Pro/AdGuard for iOS establishes a local VPN. There is no remote connection to any server, and the app does not share any data with third parties. We only collect the data necessary for the correct operation of the app and for the troubleshooting purposes. See more details below.

Safari Content Blocker blocking filters updates check

To check for Safari Content Blocker blocking filters updates AdGuard Pro/AdGuard for iOS connects to its servers. When it happens, the following information is being sent:
Application language;
Application identifier.
Filter updates check is performed once a day. We do not store the obtained data, but we do aggregate it in order to identify the total number of active users.

Sending a bug report

AdGuard Pro/AdGuard for iOS users can report bugs by clicking “Send bug report” button in the app menu. When it happens, the following information is being sent along with the message text and the entered email:
Log file contents;
Application identifier;
.json file created by the app that contains rules for Safari;
A list of the enabled blocking filters;
Application and OS versions;
Device model;
Chosen Locale and Region;
VPN tunnel log;
Active blocking subscriptions list.
This data is used for further diagnostics and troubleshooting.

Sending a web page complaint

User can submit a report on a problem with a website right from the AdGuard Pro/AdGuard for iOS app. The app will automatically open web page and forward some information about its configuration. User can then alter or delete it.
Unless user agrees to submit this information by manually clicking the “Submit” button, none of this information will be saved or sent anywhere. In case they do, the report will become public (but anonymous) on GitHub.

Logging into personal account (only AdGuard for iOS)

AdGuard for iOS users can use this option to activate app's Premium features. When you log into AdGuard personal account via the app, the following information is being sent:
Entered login/password pair or license key;
Application identifier;
Device identifier;
Application version;
Device type (iPhone X, iPad Pro etc).

Logging out of personal account (only AdGuard for iOS)

The following information is sent to our servers when you log out of personal account via the app:
Application identifier;
Application version.

Starting the app for the first time

The following information is sent to our servers when you launch the AdGuard Pro/AdGuard for iOS app for the first time:
Application identifier;
Application version;
Device type (iPhone X, iPad Pro etc).