How to block ads on Youtube for Android
UPD: Below is the outdated article, you can find all the recent information on YouTube adblocking here.
One of the most popular questions users ask us - is it possible to block ads in YouTube app on Android? Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to it. In this article we will try to tell everything we know by this moment.
So far we haven't found a way to completely remove ads from YouTube app. Each of ways described below asks some additional actions of you, and many will find this too troublesome. We understand that, and continue looking for a better solution.
Step 1: Enabling HTTPS filtering
First of all, you have to enable HTTPS filtering in Adguard settings. It is necessary for decrypting the data sent to YouTube by its servers. To do it, simply go to Settings -> HTTPS Filtering and install the Adguard certificate:

Our advice is to get yourself familiar with HTTPS filtering detailed description. You can access it right from the respective section of Adguard Settings.
To Android 7.0+ (Nougat) users
Sadly, HTTPS filtering capabilities in Android Nougat are limited, so in modern versions of YouTube app there will be no filtering. There are two possible solutions to this:
- You can download the older version of Youtube from For example, the 11.13.56 release of April. In this case you will need to prohibit automatic update of Youtube app in Google Play settings.
- If you have ROOT access, you can add Adguard certificate to the system via the Move Certs app.
Step 2: Clearing the app data
The next step is to clear the Youtube app data. To do so, open Android settings, go to Application Manager, then tap on Youtube and on the "Clear data” button:
This is our major problem. Adguard can remove all ads from the app, but only if Youtube is ‘cleared’. After the device reboot or Youtube restart (restart is carried out by "swipe" and followed by the launch), it switches to another algorithm, in which some video ads will still break through.
Thus, you will need to clear the Youtube app data at every reboot of your device (at least). For users with ROOT access this process can be automated. We have added a new flag to the Low Level settings just for that. To enable it, go to Settings -> Advanced -> Low Level Settings -> find the preference and check it:

If it is enabled, Adguard will clear Youtube app data at the device start.