AdGuard for iOS
Block ads in SafariAdGuard has filters optimized specifically for Safari, ensuring the best filtering quality. You can choose from more than 50 filters, including AdGuard’s own filters and other popular lists
Protect your privacyAdGuard fights all trackers and analytics systems that spy on you. Our special Tracking Protection filter accumulates rules against all known online analytics that try to steal your private data
Block anythingUse the built-in extension to quickly block any item directly in Safari, allowlist a page, or report a missed ad. Choose from a wide range of filters or add custom rules to tune up your protection
Control your DNSUse trusted DNS servers that also block ads, trackers, and malicious websites. You can also add multiple custom DNS setups and switch between them
Try AdGuard — it will exceed your expectations
Latest news
AdGuard v4.5.8 for iOS: Filter updates are now up to 30x faster
Dec 26, 2024The app just got up to 30x faster: AdGuard filtering rules are converted to Safari rules in just 0.5–2 seconds instead of 10–30. You will notice the difference especially when updating, enabling, or disabling filters and turning protection on. -
AdGuard v4.5.6 for iOS: New app icon colors on iOS 18
Oct 24, 2024iOS 18 lets you customize app icons and their color, and now you can do it with the AdGuard’s app icon as well. -
AdGuard v4.5.5 for iOS: filters are back in full numbers on iOS 17
Jul 3, 2024Apple fixing its iOS 17 bug let us revoke our temporary workaround, so users can finally enable a large number of filters again. Read more in this post -
Apple integrates content-blocking feature into Safari. What we know so far
May 28, 2024Apple builds in ad blocking straight into its Safari browser. The speculation is that the feature will be AI-powered.
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Arthur Good on ios, but it's just for safari. Can you update it on chrome ios?
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To learn more about the key features of AdGuard for iOS and how to get rid of ads on iPhone or iPad, read our Knowledge base article.
There are two ways to get premium features in AdGuard for iOS:Purchase a subscription. Tap Get Premium anywhere in the app and follow the instructions. You’ll need to enter your Apple ID password and confirm the purchase. You can choose from a monthly or 1-year subscription.Use an AdGuard license. Log in to your AdGuard account from Settings → License. If you have a valid license key in your account, it will automatically unlock premium features in your AdGuard for iOS app. Alternatively, you can enter a valid license key directly in the Email field.
If you have any questions, you can contact us 24/7 at It’s a good idea to check our FAQ first: it contains answers to 90% of user questions.
Visit our Knowledge base to learn how to install AdGuard for iOS on your iPhone or iPad.
Historically, AdGuard Pro was our only app that offered premium features, while the free AdGuard for iOS was designed to block ads in Safari. Today, both apps have evolved into somewhat similar advanced ad blockers. You can choose one or the other, you don’t need both. Visit our Knowledge base to learn more about the situation with our iOS apps.
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