Best moderators of 2019 are chosen…
What will we get if we combine very active translators-volunteers full of energy and inspiration and the grateful AdGuard team? Exactly, we’ll get the “Moderator of the Year” award! So now it’s time to announce the best moderators/proofreaders of 2019 and reward them with the most sincere words of gratitude and lovely prizes! ;)

This year you've done a lot of work – translated much AdGuard content and supported us throughout the year performing all urgent tasks on time and sharing your thoughts and ideas. But the most significant event related to translations this year was the migration to another localization platform – and this test was successfully passed by you as well. Luckily, we all managed to adapt to the new system, and your participation in translation process became even more productive!
Our warmest thanks to those who followed us to another platform. Thanks for your devotion to AdGuard! And of course, we are delighted to see those who joined us on Crowdin for the first time. We hope you’ll stay! :)
So, we no longer want to test your patience with expressions of gratitude and reflections on the benefits of volunteering – let’s get right to the point and name those who’s become the best this year.
AdGuard's best translation moderators
Now we are moving to the most pleasant part – announcing our winners :)
Who are they, actually? We surely have a pretty definite answer: these are the people who spent a huge amount of time translating from scratch, supporting us every time we needed urgent translations, solving issues and simply treating other AdGuard volunteers with respect and attention. These are the people who have always been one step ahead ...
Moderators of the Year
- Lukas Novotny
- Jadran Rudec
Congratulations to our winners! This year you’ve become the best moderators, so you are a really great example to follow. We sincerely thank you for your interest in AdGuard and for your invaluable help!
Honorable moderators
Only a few steps separate our next moderators from the winners. Their persistence and dedication to their work are admired and respected by our team. We couldn't help but acknowledge their contribution too and nominate them separately. Meet our honorable moderators!
- lancelot.moon
- Carlosgaspar
We are extremely grateful to you for your active participation in improvement of AdGuard content and happy to have people like you on our team.
Moderation Champions
But that's not all. This year we've singled out a special group of moderation champions – those people who won last year and continued to make their invaluable contribution to AdGuard, as true winners. They proved that they can always be relied on as our loyal friends. We are happy to introduce you our moderation champions:
- Alex Silva
- Sampah
We are proud to have you on our team, guys. Thank you for years of fundamental support and assistance!
As usual, our choice was not easy. Choosing the best ones meant screening out those of volunteers who also scrupulously spent their time on translations and did everything in their power to help our product grow, but were just a few steps behind the winners.
However, these are the rules, and we have to follow them to continue nominating the best moderators. We appreciate everyone's contribution and are always ready to support our volunteers in terms of ad blocking and privacy protection. Just contact us at and your efforts will be rewarded.
We will contact all the above mentioned winners in each category to discuss the details of prizes delivery.
Loyal volunteers – AdGuard’s driving force
Someone once said that the strength of the team was in each individual member. And every day we become even stronger thanks to the incredible support and enthusiastic involvement of all the AdGuard translators and moderators.

We would like to thank everyone for their contributions to AdGuard. By translating AdGuard into other languages we help other people get to know AdGuard better.
By the way, all AdGuard products are now translated on Crowdin platform. So if you are not in AdGuard team yet but want to join it right away, sign up at Crowdin and start your translation journey! Find the additional information here.
And if you have already joined us and want to become a moderator, send your requests to: Also use our Telegram chat to discuss issues connected to AdGuard translations.
Let's join forces to make AdGuard known all over the world!